FOUR TE MICHIGAND AILY FRIDAY, NOV. 6. 1936 FOtR FRIIIAV', NOV. 0, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - 4 1936 Membr 1937 Isocicded Cbo 6iato Press Distributors of Colle6iate Di6est Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. , Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use l'r republication of all news dispatches credited to it or niot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $450. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANfGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ................LSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Nea, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E, Shakleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaler, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M: Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...............JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wlsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertisig Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SHACKELTON A Realignment Of The Major Parties, Cont'd. . YESTERDAY we spoke of the ip- choate third party tendencies ac- tive in the election, and today we wish to review some of the major issues before the second Roosevelt administration to demonstrate that Roosevelt's political philosophy, in its applica- tion to these problems, will determine by its nature the direction of a realignment of the major parties, Raymond Moley, writing in the magazine To- Day for October 31, gives eight unsolved problems of major proportions confronting the President, the Congress and, in some measure, the Supreme Court. Mr. Moley's eight issues are: (1) Unemployment: "We shall still have ap- proximately ten million unemployed. One school of Roosevelt's inner council says that these men and women will never be reemployed by private industry; another says they will . . Largely because the encouragement of private reemploy- ment involves a modification or clarification of some of his reforms and also a much more conciliatory attitude toward business, there is reason to believe that Mr. Roosevelt will incline more and more toward the Coyle school of public spending..." (2.) Labor: "What should be the relationship between government and organized labor? Should labor seek, as Major Berry and Mr. Lewis seem to seek, a close tie-in with the Federal government, a tie-in so intimate that active labor officials also serve in public office? Should gov- ernment extend its interest in labor problems beyond the passive relationship that government has always assumed heretofore? Should gov- ernment attempt to fix hours and wages by law? Clearly, organized labor will feel that it has the right to demand affirmative answers to these three questions . . , Farmers generally, the con- servative agricultural group in the Senate and a large section of the consuming public will com- bat these demands ... " (3.) Tariff: "Will the President support Vice- President Garner or Secretary Hull, Senator La- Follette or Secretary Roper? Those who favor lower tariffs will argue that new world condi- tions compel a frontal attack upon the Hawley- Smoot schedules. To attempt this, however, would be to precipitate a battle royal within the Democratic majority in Congress (4). Finance: "How long can government se- curities maintain their present position in a com- petitive market as the returns on gilt-edged pri- vate securities rise? What will be the market for government securities unless the budget is balanced? Obviously Mr. Roosevelt will be forced to balance the budget by the end of the fiscal year 1939-perhaps even by the end of the fiscal year 1938. But how will he do it? . .." (5.) Social Security: " . . . A major overhaul- ino- f the scheme is due whether o rnot the Professor Aiton's Views On Spain T] EATR I -He Sees Either Right Or Left Dictatorship And Chooses The Former- Play, Ballet, Cinema CALL IT A DAY by Dodie Sm Gladys Cooper and Philip M The following view of the Spanish revolution stitution in Spain, and though the courts ceased Presented by the Theatre Gid was extracted from Professor Aiton's recent radio nciation with Lee Ephraim.r torexist. To make matters worse, rain and floods rs address on dSpanish Travel and the Current eti rgmt Tyrone Guthrie. Settings Crisis." destroyed crops and greatly diminished the de- trait. tshis week; tnesatur E DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th. University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. ith with Ierivale. td in as- Direectedc by Lee tre, De- rdav. (Continued from Page 2) CQcly. I roan fc . rf (lnn r fin hl i Fny+ttaafin By PROF. ARTHUR S. AITON (Of the History Department) T HE PROGRAM of the new government of Azana was thorough-going and liberal; and might have succeeded and the present conflict might have been avoided if its friends and allies in the popular front had not betrayed the pact and pushed their own causes sub-rosa to the detriment of the Republic. The new government could not get started. Strikes, riots, disorder, and a gradual breakdown of public order, amid the constant incitement of manifestations and the contending efforts of Trotskyite, and Stalin- ite, communist agitators, harried the land. At the same time, red-shirts and blue-shirts, drilled, marched and sang. Business almost came to a standstill and the effort to end employment by the enforced hiring of labor drove many into bankruptcy. The little owner of a home or bus- iness became alarmed and bitterly regretted vot- ing for the popular front. The syndicalists, with anarchistic ideas, came to blows with the social- ists and communists and the government that was the hope of moderation and justice began to totter, more by reason of the activities of its supposed friends than by reason of the hunted and suspected fascist government under the con- of opinion within his own group of advisers, with the Tugwell planners on the one side and the Brandeis little-business advocates on the other. Is compromise possible? If not, which way will he go? Prediction would be pure guesswork." (7.) Neutrality: "What concept of neutrality should dominate our foreign policy? A wide- spread opinion prevails that we cannot depend upon the old 'freedom-of-the-sea' rules to keep us out of war. If we depart from them, two courses present themselves. The Administra- tion has already asked the Senate to approve one of these-the adoption of qualified and prefer- ential neutrality-but the Senate has turned thumbs down. The other course, the adoption of utter and absolute neutrality along the lines of the Nye-Clark plan, is anathema to the Admin- istration because it would go far toward ration- alizing our foreign trade. Such is the temper of the Senate that a long fight is likely before a compromise with the Administration is reached." (8.) Constitutional amendment: "Despite Governor Landon's insistence that the Demo- crats be specific on this subject, no definite an- swer has been made for the simple reason that the Administration has not formulated any an- swer. A devastating battle would begin within the Democratic Party the moment such a formu- lation was attempted. But it is impossible to see how the promises of the Democratic plat- form can be carried out unless the Constitution is amended ... " * * * * It is clear from the fundamental nature of these questions that they cannot long be post- poned, and cannot ever be reconciled. How long it will be before these issues force themselves depends upon two factors: First, how long it will be before the next economic crisis; sec- ond, and this is a corrollary of 'the first, whether the elements within the farmer-labor movement are aggressive in insisting upon increasing im- provement in social conditions, or are negative, as is the popular front in France, hoping rather to consolidate their present position. Continued recovery may prevent many of these issues from becoming acute. The key issues, it seems to us, are those cen- tering around labor and the relations of govern- ment to business. How, for example, will Roose- velt decide on the minimum wage and hour legis- lation? It is obvious that there is a difference in the fundamental concept of government be- tween the support of such legislation as part of the duties of the social state, and on the other hand the "due process" idea of a government as a referee in the free-for-all. How Roosevelt de- cides in this and other related questions will determine whether he will alienate the farmer- labor and progressive contingent of his present Democratic party, or alienate the conservative- at-heart Democrats-such as those of the South. It will be interesting to observe government ac- tion in the maritime strike for possible indica- tions of future policy. If Roosevelt does reveal himself a genuine progressive in the sense that he supports basic labor legislation, we may then expect to see a change in the essential nature of the Democratic party. If the opposite be true, a strong third party may be expected to enter the field, thus marking the ultimate split of the Democratic party, just as, and for the same reason, the Whig party passed out of existence. In either case, the Republican party, despite its stinging defeat, seems destined to continue as the representative of the propertied class and the defenders of the status quo. This last phrase, "defenders of the status quo," has an unpleasant sound. It reminds us that we may expect a reaction equal in strength and de- termination to the action. The action in this case means that a labor party will be fighting for power. It would be expecting too much to look for idealistic political concepts from a group so long the victim of the rougher edges of an ad- mittedly imperfect economic system; rather they are bent on but one thing-increased power for the working class. First come the rights to col- lective bargaining, then the protection of union activities, and it is likely that the ultimate aim of a large part of the labor group is the establish- ment of a socialist state after the lahor groun has mand for agricultural laborers. An impatient people were being pushed to the point where the dangerous expedient of proletarian dictator- ship might be attempted. At this point, July 18th, the army, with constitutional guarantees suspended, and the government a mere puppet in the hands of left extremists, with Azana openly labeled as "a Kerensky" raised the standard of revolt in North Africa and in the north of the Peninsula. Its cry, and that of the numerous element in Spain, including a majority of the Re- publicans, that joined the movement was, Spain? Yes! Russia? No! It was a revolt against an at- tempted establishment of a Red Dictatorship from within the framework of the government. In the meantime, liberalism had been betrayed and a victory for either side would bring dic- tatorship. The popular front government armed the mob and as the tide of battle turned against it placed an avowed advocate of red dictatorship, Francisco Largo Caballero, in office, as premier. On the national side the military promised a fascist dictatorship. It is too much to hope for that either side in victory would be moderate. The friends of Spain and of the Spanish people pray for early peace and an amicable solution of difficulties with justice to the worker and the conservation of as much as possible of the ad- mirable qualities of Old Spain. The class hatreds stirred to the boiling point by foreign agitators is not typical of the underlying good sense that is so characteristic of Spain should in the end as- sert itself to find a Spanish road to the future, rather than one imported from abroad that, in the end, will not fit the national individualistic character or needs, and will be violently rejected. The present speaker feels that the cause of European peace and the best interests of all Spaniards will be best served by a Nationalist victory, and that the leftist group in Spain that betrayed liberalism and tried to use Spain as a pawn in their game of international class war do not merit support. A nationalist victory is lesser evil and will lead more quickly to peace with a better chance for a subsequent move back toward democracy ai liberalism. The majority of the Spanish peole are on this side, from the disgruntled left republicans over to the extreme right. The real interests of the Span- ish workers will be better served. The army will not stay in a position of responsibility, if only for reasons of its own interests, and the Portu- guese model of the corporate state rather than either 'the German or Italian will be followed, Those who knew Portugal before Oliveira Salazar cannot quarrel with the solution viewed realis- tically despite their theoretical objections to the form of government. Can Spain find an Oliveira Salazar? That remains to be seen and makes us suspend final judgment. Will it be'dangerous internationally I think not, since the internal problems will be so absorbing as to prevent any costly ventures into the international area. In conclusion, your speaker, if he does accept as most patriotic Spaniards must, a nationalist vic- tory as best in the disagreeable circumstances, he is most influenced to the position by the fact that he witnessed the deliberate betrayal of the liberal government of Azana in Spain by its sworn supporters the doctrinaire extremists in the left socialist, communist, and anarcho-syn- dicalist parties, in the period from February 16 to July 18th of this year. He feels equally bound to exonerate the right socialists from any share of guilt in the happenings that provoked coun- ter-revolution from the center and right. That the Syndicalists cooperated at all is a miracle and that they are bitterly opposed to commu- nism is amply attested in the public utterances of Angel Pestana. In the communist ranks the weaker Stalinite minority was, it must also be granted, pushed from the more moderate course it tried to pursue, by the powerful pressure ex- erted by the growing irresponsible group of Trot- skyite international revolutionaries. But, what- ever we think, rightly or wrongly, the stream of historical events flows on into the future-a happier one we hope for the human cargo of the Iberian Peninsula. It might be a good thing if the world would let the Spaniards settle their own domestic difficulties and not read motives into them that are not there. One can only say Arriba Espana! Viva Espana! AT THE MICHIGAN "THE GAY DESPERADO" [HE THEME of this little piece is the honor and dignity of the Mexican banditing pro- fession. Nino Martini's voice and a bit of love interest carry the picture along at a well-paced gait. A big boss of a Mexican gang is influenced by an American motion picture-he sees the value of organization in his profession, and sets about modernizing his methods. But having an artistic soul, he appropriates a talented singer to add to the pleasantness of his existence. The son of an American millionaire, and the beautiful girl he unsuccessfully has tried to marry across the Mexican border, are taken by the gang. The big boss feels the American institution of kid- naping might prove profitable. But the singer, Martini, falls in love with the girl, and the son of the millionaire proves himself to be only that and nothing more. There is kan escape and a recapture and several scenes showing the audience a comparison of American bandits and Mexico's far more gentlemanly type. The pic- ture ends happily with Martini singing, the American gunmen locked up, and the Mexican bandits riding gaily away through the cactus. Nino Martini is given plenty of opportunities to menasand occupationali .noa aton J y JAMES DOLL * has received announcement of United H YC iStates Civil Service examinations for 'jHE PLAY at the Cass this week Associate and Training Supervisor, is a pleasant and easy-going com- Forest Service, Department of Agri- dy. It starts with the early morning culture, salary, $3,200 to $3,800. For in an upper middle-class household further information concerning these in London and carries its members examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall, through a day of-for them-unusual office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. events. The husband, Roger Hilton, almost has an affair with an actress who comes to his office to consult him Tour for Foreign Students to Cran- about her income-tax; a friend's brook Schools: Foreign students de- brother makes love-mildly-to the siring to make the trip to Cranbrook wife, having mistaken her for some- Schools in Bloomfield Hills on Fri- one else; the elder daughter falls in love with an artist but he doesn't love her; the son becomes interested in the girl next door; the sixteen-year- cld daughter has a crush on the con- veniently dead Dante Gabriel Ros- setti. The activities of this younger daughter even though they are lack- ing in plot are the most delightful part of the play chiefly because of the excellent acting of Jeanne Dante. She not only looks the age but under- stands its problems and holds us by the complete conviction of reality. Mr. Merivale and Miss Cooper extend their personalities into their parts in the best drawing-room-comedy manner, make them believable by nany charming bits of detail. Flor- ence Edney gave an outstanding bit of characterization in the small part of the cook. Glenn Anders blubbered through the part of the artist in such a way that we could neither believe the young girl could be so mad about him or still less how his wife could be so understanding and faith- ful. But fortunately in this play with many equally important threads of plot and most of the parts blended into a uniform effect and that ef- fect was one of excellence. Like the author's earlier Autumn Crocus, this play has "matinee" ap- peal but is fortunately less constant- Ly sentimental. A lot of it belongs, however, to the "little-did-they-think school" and that's apt to be just a bit trying. It gets along as nicely as a ;lay pan without any special ideas or point of view; is realistic in a sense but not really true. The rose-colored spectacles are always well adjusted. The characters go to the brink of the precipice but the guardian angel al- ways pulls them back in time. The play is interesting because it has many plots well blended not because any of them are especially interest- ing or unusually treated. But pleasant comedies like Call It A Day are rare and it is not easy for a playwright to make good theatre out of a day'stevents in an ordinary family. And Miss Smith has suc- ceeded. Her ability to write bright lines helps her considerably. JOOSS EUROPEAN BALLET. Chore- ography and production of all ballets by Kurt Jooss in collaboration with Mine. Aino Silmola. Musical direction of F. A. Cohen. At the Masonic Au- ditorium, Detroit. [ IKE MANY other dance groups the Jooss Ballet is experimenting with new forms and subject matter. How- ever, they seem less successful than Martha Graham, Doris Humphreys, and Charles Weidman, for example, because they have stuck too' closely to the old classical ballet tradition and its later romantic development. Their ballets follow the story form with pro- gram notes-a form those dancers trying to find new forms and tech- niques have abandoned. They have, it is true, thrown away the old mean- ingless pretty-pretty story but their new techniques are not able to cope with the sturdier ideas they have sub- stituted. The formal ballet tech- niques have been given up but their developments are reminiscent of the old. This side of their problem needs to be rethought as the whole effect is anachronistic. The synopsis of the ballet which made up the second part of the Detroit program began as follows: "The Mirror reflects the confusion and worries, the despair and hopes of post-war mankind, struggling to escape the moral, social, and poli- ical consequences of its own folly" That's a pretty large subject whici seems to need a technique as strong as Martha Graham's instead of this romantic approach so often like the old ballet in effect though never in actual movement. Even so the mod- ern dance is not sufficiently advanced to cope with so large a problem. A few bits of it can be effective here and there but the proper develop- inent of the idea would iecuire a lance form as large as War and Peace in the novel or four hours of music- drama. The Masonic Auditorium is mnuchi too large for this group-they seem lost on that huge stage and can lird- ly project their meaning over that acre of auditorium. The two pianos are hardly sufficient to fill sne place. excellent asetheir accompaniment is. The effectively costumed num- bers need a background more suitable than monotonous black drapes. Other numbers on this Auditorium Series which the Jooss Ballet opened are: Don Cossack Chorus, November 24; Boston Symphony, December 9; Gladys Swartout, January 11; Vlad- imir Horowitz, February 1; Nelson day, Nov. 6 should make reservations in Room 9 of University Hall. The group will leave Angell Hall prompt- ly at 1 p.m. The Cranbrook Schools are regard- ed as one of the most interesting groups of secondary schools in this country. Architecturally they form one of the most beautiful and strik- ing groups of school buildings. Bowling for Graduate Women: Any student wishing to join a graduate bowling club is asked to sign at the desk of the Women's Athletic Bldg., or call Miss Burr at the Michigan League. Address and telephone number should be left also. Academic Notices Students Concentrating in Math- ematics: The comprehensive exam- ination in mathematics for students entering, this semester upon concen- tration in this field will be held in Room 3011 A.H. on Thursday, Nov. 12, from 4 to 6. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, Associate of Carnegie In- stitution of Washington, will lecture on the subject "Archeological Re- search in Yucatan" at ,4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium on Nov., 12. The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides. The public is cordially invited. Illustrated Lecture by 'Mr. James M. Plumer on "Buddhist Sculpture from India to Japan" in connection with the Exhibit of Buddhist Art in the South Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall today at 3:15 p.m. Open to the public. Exhibitions Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe- cial emphasis on Japanese Wood Sculpture, under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9 p.m. Gallery talk Monday, Nov. 9, at 4 p.m. Exhibit of Color Reproductions of American Paintings comprising the First Series of the American Art Portfolios, recently acquired for the Institute of Fine Arts Study Room. On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal- lery. Exhibition of Oil and Water Color Paintings Made in Spain During the Past 10 years by Wells M. Sawyer, shown under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem- orial Hall, West Gallery. Opens Sun- day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov. 8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. Mr. Wells M. Sawyer will give an informal gal- lery talk, Sunday, Nov. 8 4 p.m. in connection with the exhibition. Events Of Today A.S.C.E. The initiation banquet will be held in conjunction with the Detroit section of the A.S.C.E. to- night at 6:30 p.m. in the Mich- igan Union. Dr. Daniel W. Mead, national president will be the guest speaker. Volleyball: All girls living in League houses or in private homes 'Who are interested in playing volleyball are invited to play with the Independent Team today at 4:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. Try Outs for "Hans Brinker" will be held today from 3 to 5 at the Michigan Loague. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. All students interested in dramatics are 'urged to try out. Recreation Night: The Disciples' Guild will sponsor the usual weekly recreation program today, 8 to 11 p.m. at the Recreational Hall, Church of Ch'vist, Hill and Tappan Sts. I There will * be a wide variety of j Father Hubbard Lecture: "Glacier Priest" will appear in The Hill auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 12, at 8:15 p.m. presenting a new motion picture lecture under the auspices of the Oratorical Association. Tickets are now available at Wahr's State Street Book Store. the most interesting on this second program of the five in this first series shown last night at the Men- delssohn. The picture not only showed great advance in technique but, more games includingt important, shows how Griffith was board, darts, folk approaching a scandal method fog and a period of films dissociated with literature or students are invii the theatre and that Miss Pickford was finding an appropriate acting Hillel Foundat technique. In the Queen Elizabeth ices will be held of the first program one feels the p.m. A studen lack of the spoken word; it seems like cantor. Therem a talking picture with the sound Following the se turned off. But Miss Pickford reli'es Floigtes on pantomime that has the advan- lead an informa tage of sincerity and understate- group on probler ment. More than that she has the interest. Refresh ability here to capture a mood of The Foundation mixed comedy and pathos, corner of Oakla The Theda Bara picture A Fool versity. There Was seems impossibly dated League Social not only in manners and costumes members are a but in plot and idea. However, it memersradae ai is hardly necessary to assume that Undergraduate ti people at the time thought it any or call Harriet H better than we do. And even though come. technique has been so much improved, has Hollywood improved so much in Comin the actual treatment of an average Candidates for or below average "program" picture? Sociology: Ther The Museum of Modern Art which Monday evening, is responsible for collecting and re- Room D, Haven issuing these pictures has three other ant that prior t series of five programs each. They candidates shoul should be shown in Ann Arbor soon candidates theul not only for historical interest but be-the s ause they are entertaining, too. schedule of stu out. table tennis, shuffle games, quiet games, group singing. All ted. No charge. ion: Sabbath serv- o this evening at 8 t will officiate as will be no sermon. vices Dr. Heller will l fireside discussion ms of contemporary nents will be served. is located on the %nd and East Uni- Committee: All sked to be at the rea at 4 p.m. today leath if they cannot Zg Events the M. A. Degree in will be a meeting Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m., Hall. It is import- to this meeting, all d hand in to the sec- ociology office their dy completely filled THEATRE CALENDAR Lafayette, now playing every night, matinee Saturday: Sinclair Lewis' It Can't Happen Here. WPA Federal Theatre Project. One of the twenty- odd productions in 15 cities. Cinema Theatre, Detroit, now play- ing: The Youth of Maxim. Soviet prize play, once banned by the De- troit police as too radical. Masonic Auditorium, Detroit, this week, matinee Saturday: The Great Waltz. Hazzard Short's musical spec- tacle with music by the Johann Strauss', father and son. Unitarian Church, Sunday, Novem- ber 8: Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on Bury the Dead at thehregular 5 p.m. service of the Fellowship of Lib- eral Religion. Cass, Monday, November 9 for a week, matinees Wednesday and Sat- urday: Jane Cowl in First Lady by Katherine Dayton and George S. Kauffman. Not Previously Announced Here: Cass, November 20 at 11 a.m.: John Mason Brown, drama critic of the New York Post, one of the soundest commentators on the contemporary theatre, will speak on Broadway On Review. Wilson, Novembern0 to 90* n The Outdoor Club is having a sup- per hike next Saturday afternoon. The group will leave Lane Hall at 3 p.m. and return before 8 p.m. All students welcome. Phi Eta Sigma Elections will be held Sunday, Nov. 8 at a regular dinner meeting in the Union. The dinner will start at 6:15 p.m. There will be a short informal talk by a member of the faculty. Last year's initiates are urged to attend to elect your officers. The Lutheran Student Club: "Bible Study Class" will meet at the Michi- gan League on Tuesday evening, 7:15 p.m. All students interested are urged to attend the class. The class is held for one hour every week. The Lutheran Student Club: Mr. Fred Benz of Ann Arbor will show some moving pictures taken on his last trip around the world. The pic- tures will include secenes from New Zealand and Fiji Islands. The meet- ing will be held at Zion Parish Hall on Sunday, Nov. 8. Friendship and supper hour at 5:30. Forum hour