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November 06, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-06

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The Weather
Somewhat warmer today;
cloudy, with southerly winds.


Lw ian


A Realignment Of The






Madrid Gates
Are Besieged
By Insurgents
Inhabitants Of Capital City
Assist Militia In Holding
Government Lines
Rebel Army Shells
Scream Over CityI
Two Attacking Airplanes
Are Brought Down; One
Pilot Thought Italian
MADRID, Nov. 5.-()-Spanish
Fascist insurgents stormed to the
gates of Madrid tonight.
The besieged inhabitants rushed
to the lines of the government militia
fighting to keep the attacking Moors
and Fascist troops from breaking
through into the very streets of the
The roar and clatter of cannon and
machine guns shook the city whileI
overhead government planes fought
off Fascist bombers.
Insurgent shells screamed over Ma-
drid's suburbs with government bat-
teries replying with a heavy barrage.
Two of the insurgent attacking
warplanes were blasted from the
sky by government ships.
One of the Fascist pilots, declared
an Italian by government Socialists,
rode his ship to earth and saved his
life by crashing the plane in a tree
top. His leg broken, he was taken
to a hospital.
The other Fascist ship crashed in
flames with its crew trapped in the
wreckage. Socialists said Germans
manned the ship and that both planes
were of German manufacture.
Some of the city's terrified resi-
dents, their ears ringing with the
sounds of nearby battle, sought re-
fuge in subway kiosks and basements,
while others ran through the streets
beside their men marching to the
The insurgent attack, for weeks an
ever-narrowing semi-circle south of
Madrid, was converging into a solid
front driving toward the heart of
Madrid through Getafe, eight miles
south of the capital where one of
Madrid's two major airdromes was
Insurgent gunners bombed shell
after shell into government field
headquarters south of Cerro de Los
Angeles, less than 10 miles south of
Getafe, its 4,500 population evacu-
ated several days ago, was in smoul-
dering ruins. Its streets and homes
were the targets for gunners of both
(An unconfirmed report in Lisbon
today said 2,000 persons were killed
in the bombardment of the Madrid
War Predicted,
U.S. Of Europe
Seen By Miller
Phi Beta Delta Fraternity
Given Scholarship Cup;
Dean Bursley Talks
A plea for individual specialization
to assure ournation of preservation
following the European war "that is
coming" was made to 700 fraternity
members, more than 600 of them
pledges, by Col. Henry W. Miller, head
of the drawing department, last night

in the Union ballroom.
"A United States of Europe is on
its way as the result of the nastiest
dog fight we have ever known,"
Colonel Miller predicted to those who
had gathered for the second annual
pledge banquet, sponsored by the In-
terfraternity Council.
Preceding Colonel Miller's address,
Dean Joseph A. Bursley presented the
council scholarship cup to Phi Beta
Delta fraternity, which Dean Bursley
praised for having risen from 44th

Isolation Of Active Cancer Agent
called Disease Control Advance
Bachmann Finds Likeness terials were tested for cancer activ-
Between Active Material ty on mice both by external ap-
plication and injection under the
And Hormones skin, it was discovered, Professor
_______Bachmann continued, that cancer
New-found understanding of the was easily induced. Malignant tu-
active cancer-causing substances to- mors were produced in mice by injec-
gether with the ability to produce tion of an averagerdose of one one-
'cancer at will was yesterday termed thousandth of a gram per mouse, al-
by Prof. Werner Bachmann of the though the relative activities of va-
chemistry department to be a large rious of the derivatives varied widely.
forward step in the fight to control However, Professor Bachmann qual-
that disease. ified, it appeared that only certain
Summarizing the results of work general structures could be possessed
carried on at the Research Institute by molecules of the active compounds.
of the Royal Cancer Hospital in Lon- Despite the ease with which these
don, Professor Bachmann reported substances produced cancer, their ac-
donProessr Bchmnn epotedtivity was not as great as that of
the isolation, an operation never be- coal taPofessreac hawn
fore accomplished, and study of sev- on. thereProfessorcss of sparent
eral organic substances which pos- ing out the active element directly
sess the power to induce cancer to from coal tar was begun; the active
a marked extent. Professor Bach- fronlwas beduby meacsivf
mann himself spent a part of last portion was followed by means of
year at the Institute and is now ex-i
perimenting with variations on the New Substance Found
active compounds discovered there. As the final product of a series
Coal Tar Is Agent of operation which started with two'
Although, he pointed out, it has tons of tar there were obtained a1
been known for the past 21 years that few grams of an entirely new com-
coal tar, and for the past eight years, pound named 1,2-benzpyrene. This
that seine products of coal tar are was found to be very active, and even
especially activein producingcan- though its concentration in the tar
cers of the skin when brought into was only about three one-thou-
contact with humans or mice, the in- sandths of one per cent. The prev-
gredient or ingredients responsible alence of cancer among coal tar
had not been separated from this very workers is largely attributed to its
complex mixture. Synthetic tars presence.
made from acetylene likewise were Further study of the active ma-
found to cause skin cancer, he added, (Continued on Page 2)
and this led to the belief that ma-
terials containing only carbon and .
riydrogen, the constituents of acety- Mead Will Give
lene, could be active in producing
I Small Doses Fatal
A property of the apparently ac-
tive tars which furnished the first Before A.SA .E.
clue mentioned by Professor Bach-
mann as to the identity of the cancer-
causing portion is a fluorescence Soci
characterized by three bands of defi- ety President To Talk
nite position. With this character- On Civil Engineering; 43
istic as a guide the workers hit upon Will Be Initiated
anthracene and several of its deriva-
tives as substances which approxi-
mated the active tars in fluorescent Dr. Daniel W. Mead, national pres-
properties. I ident of the American Society of Civil
When these anthracene-type ma- Engineers, will be the principal


Murphy HasI
No Comment
On Program,

Says He


'Able Men'

Coast Strike
May Involve
White House
Intervention By President
Asked As Both Factions
Remain Adamant
Sympathy Strikes
Cause Union Rift
Prices Go Up In Honolulu
As U.S. Ships No Longer
Arrive From Mainland

At Capital
Third Party Vote
Not. Yet Tabulated
State Gives Roosevelt More
Votes Than Murphy; '32
Total Is Eclipsed

DETROIT, Nov. 5. - (P) - Mich-l SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5.-(k)-
igan's Democratic Governor-elect, 1 The strike blockade of American ship-
Frank Murphy, withheld any an- ping became acute in many ports to-
nouncement concerning plans of his night and leaders on both sides in-
administration today as he prepared dicated they expected Presidential in-
to wind up his affairs as High Com- ? tervention in the situation.
missioner of the Philippines before One New York ship operator ac-
assuming his new office January 1. cused strikers of instituting a "reign
In an interview today, he said only of terror" to spread their walkout
that he would surround himself with there. A strike leader retorted that
"able men" at the state capital, ship owners had hired "mobsters" to
In Lansing, he will have the bene- attack pickets.
fit of Democratic colleagues in all Seamen's union "insurgents" at-
state offices, and of Democratic ma- tempted anew to tie up the port of
jorities in both houses of the Legis- Boston. Many strikers were held by
lature. The division will be 60-40 in plc nGletnadNwOlas
theHoue, nd 7-1 intheSentepolice in Galveston and New Orleans.
the House, and 17-15 in the Senate, $0 ie xce
over which Democratic Lieutenant- $200 Fines Exacted
Governor Leo J. Nowicki will preside Food prices soared in strike-bound'
Rejection by the voters of propose. Honolulu. Travelers competed with
constitutional amendments to exempt each other for passage between Ha-
foodstu prom taxasionsforxlocd waii and the mainland. Five of them
foodstuffs from the sales tax adecddt a 20fnsec n
abolish property taxation for local decided to pay $200 fines each and
purposes made his task as Governor sail on foreign ships. This fine is
less complicated. Either amend- imposed on foreign lines if they carry
ment would have necessitated drastic passengdrs between American ports.



Parent Groupst
Convene Herer
For Education
Yoder Tells Adults That
Moderation Is Necessary
For Happinesss
The importance of cooperation be-
tween parents and teachers in order'
that the problems of childhood mayt
be understood was stressed last night
by Dr. O. R. Yoder of the Ypsilanti
State Hospital in closing the first
day's session here of the seventh an-
nual Parent Education Institute.
Dr. Yoder urged moderation in life
a principle to guide parents whowantJ
their children to develop into happy,
adults. In his speech before an au-
dience of 200 parents and teachers in+
the Congregational Church Dr. Yoder
also advised parents to allow teachers
in their communities freedom. "Your
interests in them (teachers) should
be concerned with their ability to
teach, and not with their personal
lives, whether they smoke cigarettes'
or bob their hair."
Dr. Maud Watson Gives Talk
Earlier in the day the Institute was
addressed by Dr. Maud E. Watson of*
the Children's Center of the Chil-
dren's Fund of Michigan, on the topic
of "How Shall We Proceed in Parent
Before a large audience in the Uni-
versity High School Dr. Watson told
parents that they must consider their'
own "inner frustrations and exper-
iences" as important factors which
influence the proper development of
school children.
Program Continues Today
A panelhdiscussion was conducted
later in the day in the University
High School auditorium on the sub-
ject of the division of responsibility
for character education between the
home and the school.
A report of the yesterday after-
noon proceedings of the Institute
will be found on page 6.
Burglars Get $137
From Three Houses
Three fraternity houses were re-
ported entered early yesterday morn-
ing and a total of $137.50 in cash
The Phi Kappa Tau house at 1023

speaker at 6:30 p.m. tonight when
the Michigan student chapter and
the Detroit section of the A.S.C.E.
hold their annual meeting and ban-
quet together in the Union.
Included on the program, in addi-
tion to Dr. Mead's talk, will be the
initiation of 43 new student members
into the local group, the largest in-
flux in the organization's history.
Stanley Crook, '37E, will welcome the
initiates in a short speech, which
will be followed by a reply from the
new members to be given by War-
ren Underwood, '37E.
Prof. L. M. Gram, toastmaster for
the occasion, will present Prof. Henry
E. Riggs who will introduce Dr. Mead.
His general subject will be "Civil En-
Dr. Mead was elected president of
the national organization in January,
1936, and was among the group that
formed the Illinois Society of Engi-
neers. He is a graduate of Cornell
University and holds an honorary
degree of doctor of laws from the
University of Wisconsin.
Immediately following the banquet
a short business section for the De-
troit members will be conducted. The
Michigan School of Mining and Tech-
nology has announced that it will
also send a representative.
S CA Hears Talk
On Develonment

revision df the state's fiscal set-up.
Federal Cooperation Assured '
The new governor will enjoy the
friendliest cooperation with the na-'
tional administration.
Not only is Murphy personally fa-
vored by the Roosevelt administra-
tion, but he will be governor of a
state which gave the President a'
300,000 majority in the general elec-
tion. That is more than twice the
131,000 plurality that Michigan gave
to Roosevelt in 1932.
The President's majority far ex-
ceeded that of Murphy, who defeatedl
Governor Frank D. Fitzgerald by a
comparatively narrow margin of 46,-
Nearly complete returns indicated
that the total vote cast in Michigan
would exceed 1,750,000, breaking by
a wide margin the record of 1,664,-
765 set in 1932. Not until the official
canvass is made at Lansing will the
total be known, because of the fail-
ure in hundreds of precincts to tally
the votes cast for minor party can-
Ward's Vote Slight
The official canvass also must be
awaited to ascertain the number of
votes received by the third party can-
didates, who had the endorsement of
Father Charles E. Coughlin.
The incomplete tabulation gave,
Lemke 58,214 and Ward 59,140. It
was estimated that the official can-
vass would give each close to 100,000.
Despite Ward's spectacular race
against Rep. Prentiss M. Brown in
the Democratic Senatorial primary,
neither he nor Lemke figured ser-
iously in the voting Tuesday.
Brown's lead over Wilber M.
Brucker was close to 185,000, second
only to the majority piled .up for
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-- (;) -
American Federation of Labor lead-
ers disclosed today that they expect
to ask the next Congress to shift the
"ntire social security payroll tax to

Investigators here said shipmasters
and residents of Alaska had sent;
flurries of telegrams to the White
House in Washington seeking help
from the government.
It was said the Alaska messages
urged something be done to break
the stoppage of shipping between Pa-'
cific Coast ports and the territory.l
They also protested the shutdown of
the government owned Alaska Rail-
road running from Seward to the in-
Sympathy Strikes Developed
San Francisco warehouse men,
striking independently for wage in-
creases and better working conditions,
continued peace conversations with
employers and started moving per-
ishables out of storerooms.
Far apart on the main strike issues,
unions and shipowners considered
separately the immediate problem of
furnishing "safety crews" and re-
frigeration personnel to strike-bound
coast ships.
In virtually all eastern and Gulf
ports, sympathy strikes developed is-
sues between "regular" union ele-
ments and the "insurgent" groups
which walked out in support of the
West Coast strikers.
Smith ey, Graduate
Student, Is Missing
Woodrow Wilson Smithey, Grad.,
Negro, 23 years old, has been missing
from the University for two days, it
was announced yesterday by the of-
fice of the Dean of Students.
Smithey, who has been working as
an NYA helper in the building and
grounds department, was last seen by
friends at noon Wednesday.
His landlady, Mrs. Henrietta Ellis,
could give no reason for his dis-
appearance. He was apparently in
good spirits and good health, she said.
All his books and clothes were ap-
parently intact in his room, 217
Glenn Ave.

H~ichigan And Penn
Alumni Will Gather
In Several Cities
Alumni groups in several cities are
gathering tonight for their annual
pre-game parties, which in some
cases will be held in conjunction with
the alumni groups of the University
f Pennsylvania.
In Philadelphia tonight, the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of that city
is holding its annual pre-game ban-
quet to honor the team, the band,
and the students who will have made
the long trip to the East to see the
game tomorrow. The coaches have
been invited to speak, and plans for
the band to render some of Michi-
gan's stirring songs have been made.
In Newark, N.J., the University of
Michigan Club of Northern New Jer-
sey met last night in conjunction
with the Penn alumni for their cele-
bration. In Baltimore the same pro-
cedure was followed as the alumni
of both universities gathered for a
Dorm Project
Plans Provide
$3-$5 Rooms
Student Alliance Supports
Fund Drive; Movement
Defined All-Campus One
The executive committee of the
Committee on Men's Dormitories yes-
terday denied that the prices for the
rooms in the planned freshmen dorm-
itories would be so high that students
could not afford to live in them.
"We have heard rumors on /the
campus that the present project calls
for rooms that would cost as much
as $35 per month," Gilbert Tilles, '37,
chairman of the committee stated.
"This is definitely not true," he add-
ed. "The plans call for rooms that
will be priced from $3 up, with a
maximum of $5 for single rooms.
There will be many rooms available
below the maximum level."
Tilles also declared that the Men's
Dormitories project was not in any
sense a Union project. "A feeling
seems to be prevalent among some
groups on the campus that this drive
for dormitories is a Union project.
was not in any sense a Union project.
The Union is supporting the effort
\ith full force but the project is an
all-student one, not one instigated
by any single organization on the
campus," Tilles said.
The Student Alliance yesterday
added its name to the ever-growing
list of organizations, backing the
Herbert Weisinger, Grad., president
pro-tem of the Student Alliance told
the Committee on Men's Dormitories
to "feel free to call on the Student
Alliance for whatever help we can
give you. You can be sure that we
will do everything in our power to
help secure proper housing for stu-
dents on our campus."
The organization also asked for a
block of tickets for the all-campus
dance to be held in the Intramural
building Friday, Nov. 13.
Student Labor
Society Meets;
Elects Officers
Moving to perpetuate the Student
'Workers Federation this semester, the
rganization at a first general meet-
ng last night in the Unitarian
Church elected officers, ratified a
previously-constructed constitutio

and laid plans for immediate action
to ameliorate working conditions a
several establishments employing
student labor.
According to the constitution, the
organization shall continue to con
sist of the Assembly, executive board,
officers and chapters in each work
ing place. Standing committees in
cluding grievance and investigation
groups are to be an important par
f the organization.
Tom Downs, '38, was named pres
ident last night, Ezra Rosenbaum,
'37, vice-president, Eldon Hamm ,'38
treasurer, and Arthur Roth, '37, sec
retary. A membership campaign wil
begin immediately to acquaint th
campus with 'the objectives of th
Federation. There are 3,000 student
here who work all or part time
officials said.
r .-
East Side House Is
DestroyedBy Fire
Fire starting in the basement de
stroyed a residence at 511 Lawrenc

NR A Renewal
Is Predicted As
New Dealers'
Majority Rises
Inquirers Are Referred To
Speeches And Platform
For Presidential Policy
75 Seats In Senate
Go To Democrats
Leaders Of Labor League
Call Election Landslide
A 'Workers' Victory'
WASHINTON, Nov. 5.-(P)-Late
returns emphasizing the epochal en-
dorsement of Roosevelt policies at the
j polls reenforced the opinion of many
here today that another attack on the
unemployment problem along NRA
lines is in prospect.
How soon the move may come,
what form it may take and the pos-
sible effects on party alignments were
foremost topics in ranks both for
and against the administration as the
President's reelection plurality ap-
proached 10,000,000.
Total Vote At 42 Million
With final tabulations being slowly
accumulated, the total popular vote
reached 41,872,227 tonight. Returns
still were missing from 15,000 of the'
nation's 122,000 precincts, but Presi-
dent Roosevelt had a lead of 25,247,-
591 to 15,795,236.
Awaiting his triumphal return to
the capital tomorrow, officials were
Here is the party lineup for the
next House:
Democrats 334, Republicans 89,
Progressives 7, Farmer-Iborites
5, total 435.
The party alignment of the old
House follows: Democrats 321, Re-
publicans 104, Progressives 7,
Farmer-Laborites 3, total 435.
This will be the party lineup
for the next Senate:
Democrats 75, Republicans 17,
Progressive 1, Independent 1,
Farmer-Labor 2, total 96.
The party alignment in the old
Senate was:
Democrats 70, Republicans, 23,
Farmer-Labor 2, Progressive 1.
reluctant to discuss the probable pro-
gram for publication, but data was
being accumulated for President
Roosevelt's consideration in drafting
his message to the opening of Con-
gress two months from today and his
inaugural address on Jan. 20.
Unemployment Still Problem
Inquirers were referred to his
campaign speeches and the Demo-
cratic platform for light on what he
might say. It was recalled by some
that he praised NRA as an instru-
ment of progress. While calling the
emergency over, he was clearly mind-
ful of the heavy relief burden and
the necessity for reducing the ranks
of an estimated 11,000,000 unem-
ployed if the budget-balancing he
promised was to be realized.
In the lack of specific information
on White House pldns, speculation
about an equivalent to NRA ranged
t from an early attempt to obtain such
an amendment to a recommenda-
tion for interstate compact legisla-
tion regulating business. Some felt
a a new attempt might be made to get

Supreme Court approval of Federal
action without an amendment. If
t and when such a move is made, a
g party-wracking debate in Congress
is looked for despite the topheavy
e majorities in both branches.
-rLabor Groups For NRA
Organized labor leaders who sup-
- ported Roosevelt emphasized these
- figures today in reminding that they
n tied in their support with a deter-
t mination to press aggressively for
Federal wage and hour legislation.
- Organizers of Labor's Non-Parti-
, san League, through which 35 state
, federations of labor endorsed Roose-
- velt, have notified the state chair-
11 men to keep their organizations in-
e tact for contests to come. In the
e campaign they forecast another
s NRA. Plans now shaping up indi-
e, cate pressure will be brought to bear
in the Congressional districts, once
the President's recommendations are
As seen by some quarters a clear
issue was drawn on Tuesday between
the New Deal and the Supreme Court.
One labor leader phrased it: "The
e Supreme Court is on the spot. The

Of Personalities
Issuing a challenge to the Student
Christian Association for a revitaliza-
tion of its work, Prof. Bennett Weaver
of the English department addressed
that group on "Personality De-
velopment" last night in Lane Hall.
"The University of Michigan," Pro-
fessor Weaver said, "has the most ex-
cellent set-up for students to take
leadership in developing an objective
philosophy and high standard of
ideals of any campus in the country.
It has fine courses in religion, a coun-
selor to guide student religious proj-
ects, and it has given the student
leadership in this direction. Yet the
work of the latter consists mainly of
appointing committees and dicker-
Personalities, Professor Weaver
stated, are made, not born, but they
are not made through mechanical as-
pirations and actions. Quoting Mar-
cus Aurelius that the "soul is dyed
by the thoughts," he said, "Thinlk
beautiful thoughts-sincerely-even

place to first in fraternity scholarship'
ranking with in the past few years.
George Cosper, '37, president of the
council, introduced Dean Bursley and
Colonel Miller.
Fraternity men present were as-,
sured by Dean Bursley that the Uni-
versity administration was anxious to
"help you help yourselves." He re-
vealed that Michigan fraternities had
proportionately raised their scholas-
tic average in the past 10 years more
than fraternities of any other college
or university.
Previous to his plea for specializa-


Present day alignments on the con-
tinent of Europe are far less definite
than they were in 1914 when the
Triple Entente and the Triple Al-
liance opposed each other, Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment emphasized in an interview yes-
Alignment of powers have already
greatly changed from those of 10
years ago, he said, and the next 10
years will probably bring changes as
"Ten years ago, for example," Pro-
fessor Slosson pointed out, "Russia
was hostile to the League of Nations,
to France and mildly sympathetic
with Germany. Today Russia is a
pillar of the League, and in virtual

Theoretically the Four Power Pact
and the Locarno Pact bind England,
France, Italy and Germany, he de-
clared, at least to the point of mutual
consultation. However, Germany's
recent reoccupation of the Rhineland
has probably invalidated the Locarno
The Paris (Kellogg-Briand) Peace
Pact, ratified by nearly all the coun-
tries of the world including the United
States, binds all its signatories to re-
nounce aggressive war, but, Professor
Slosson declared, since Japan's action
in Manchuria and Italy's in Ethiopia,
this pact, too, may be considered as
not practical in effect, though it still
retains legal existence.
"Germany and Italy are consulting
together for a common line of policy

European Powers Drifting Away
From 1914 Set-Up, Slosson Says

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