__THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 193E THE MICHIGAN DAILY M . 3t ' ' _ q 1936 Member 1937 kssociated Coeiate Press Distributors of Coe6iate Diest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGOD- BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ..............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........... FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; JamesBoozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WEEKS A Realignment Of The Majors Parties.. .. THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY of the government-President Roose- velt-during the coming four years will deter- mine, we believe, the direction of realignment of our major political parties. That this realignment is inevitable has been pointed out by many astute observers. Dorothy Thompson has reiterated often her belief that both major parties are moribund, and during the summer we commented on John T. Flynn's prediction in the New Republic that this would be the last campaign in which the present Democratic party would be a significant factor. This might seem, on the surface of it, absurd, in view of the overwhelming popular support of the Democrats in Tuesday's election, but we wish to present some observations now on this realignment, which we believe to be the most fundamental development to be watched for during President Roosevelt's second administra- tion. The past election has witnessed a more clear- cut expression of the class struggle than ever before has been seen in our national history. Before this, labor itself has stood aside as a (theoretically, at least) non-partisan pressure group, in the belief that it could accomplish more through its political support of the major parties than by entering a labor party in the field. Under Gompers, this worked with particular ef- fectiveness, because he cleverly prevented labor from revealing exactly how much political unity it had. Since labor as a pressure group was operating within the framework of these cap- italistic parties, there were few real issues to support a choice between the two parties, and it is to be suspected that the support of labor had dubious value. This campaign, however, produced at least one real issue. On no other issue were the two parties so clearly divided as on the question of the attitude of the government toward labor. This gave labor a political unity it had not pos- sessed, and it awakened in labor a dissatisfac- tion with the necessity of granting, for the sake of political expediency, the essential assump- tions of the two major parties in order to gaift a few comparatively trivial concessions. The little nuclear groups of labor, such as the Labor Non-Partisan League formed by Major Berry in Washington this summer, supported Roosevelt with the clear idea of forming a po- tentially powerful third party in 1940. Together with the farm element, this leftist-inclined labor group has it in the makings of a strong farmer- labor party, and it seems closer to fruition now than at any time in its history. Walter Lippmann holds that the concept of a class struggle has no basis in reality; Dorothy Thompson believes that the appeal of national- ism is still stronger than any class appeal. It would take considerable courage to dispute either of th p crv h,, Nit- flipfamret rpmnin that its essential nature during these coming four years so that it will represent one side of a con- servative-liberal alignment. The question is one of method only, we be- lieve. Ultimately, the result will be the same: if a third party does enter the field, the two major parties will have to realign themselves, with the Democratic party losing half its sup- porters-those who, though in favor of "liberal" social legislation, are opposed to any funda- mental modifications of the capitalistic system- to the Republican party, which has always repre- sented the propertied class; and losing the other half-those who supported Roosevelt because he represented the nearest approach to fundamental modifications of the capitalistic system available -to the new party. How the specific issues before the second Roosevelt administration will decide which of these methods is most likely to be followed and what some of its effects will be, we will discuss in tomorrow's editorial. THlE FORUMj Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing theseditorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Daily Pane gyric To the Editor: With the position of The Daily finally being declared you will probably experience the same amount of voluminosity of "Letters to the Editor" as the other newspaper editors have when their papers came forth and made a stand either for or against the present Administration: letters decrying your beliefs in true Mencenian emo- tionalized hate; letters praising your position in the staunchest manner of a paid politician. And neither of these extreme types of exhortations will mean much to you, I should think, for you well know that there are those who have a peculiar propensity toward publicizing their mi- nutest feelings upon any subject, under any offering circumstances. But there are also those of us who believe the newspaper business is mainly for the newspaper people, and we always read whatever you fellows choose to print with a measure of reserve End a grain of the proverbial salt. I think you will agree that we should do this, for just as you write an opinion only after thorough investiga- tion of the facts, so we should accept that which you print for us only after you have personally looked into the situation. It is a truism that the newspapers help in the formation of an en- lightened public opinion. But like all generaliza- tions, truisms do not hold water in each specific instance. However, after having followed your line of reasoning and procedure in the political editorials printed in The Daily during this fall, I sincerely wish to say that here is an instance when the truism has applied. That is why I am writing a "letter to the editor," since I want you to know of my appreciation for your very apparent honesty of intention and, thoroughness in manner when dealing with such equivocal and conscientious matters as contemporary politics and economics. I am especially happy that you have at this late, but not too late, date firmly declared your belief. If knowledge and wisdom are to mean anything, they must be married to some kind of .action. And after much cogitation, you have acted. Now you stand in broad daylight and your declarations have put you in a position that all may see and understand what you believe in; by so doing the formation of an intelligent public opinion is more efficiently consummated. After much deliberation and thought as evidenced by preceding editorials, you have spoken for one cause. Now that we have something to know you by we may better direct our line of political in- quiry, be it in the direction of praise or crit- icism. Too, the lateness of your declaration is a timely one. It demonstrates, along with the preceding political editorials, that today's editorial is no result of a haphazard, coerced view. Clearly there have been no conclusions jumped at. The whole thing represents to me, the method which colleges set as their ideal: the creation of fur- ther sponsoring in each individual of a deter- mination that decision on the important daily matters of life must come only after some good hard thinking has been put to the questions, unaffected by what others may tell us to be the best, or by half-cracked emotion stirrers. It is a very pleasant relief to know that you have declared yourself after having come to the de- cision in a mature, rational manner. At least terest or that moneyed interest does not dictate the policies, where this gang or that gang does not tell the editors what they shall Print, where this party orN that party does not make of the paper the organ of their propaganda. I do not care to comment on your stand, but rather to commend you on the method by which you went about in coming to your con- clusion. Method, as we all have been told and are beginning to realize, is the only question and only important thing in our life since it is granted that we want the good life, the greatest good to the greatest number. How we are to get to the goal is what is troubling us. And I think that your method in arriving at today's declaration is the only sound one which we can afford to fol- low in the other affairs which confront us. I hope that as other questions arise during your editorship here at Michigan that you will con- tinue to use this objective, rational way. -T. K. Fisher. Better To Think To the Editor: Tf novii t mp +tat it. s Mr ,,irfi xma BENEATH **** # IT ALL t By Bonth Williams e ONCE AGAIN a Thursday rolls around when the correspondent, intent upon following the destinies of the Michigan gridders, climb aboard the swaying, jerking Wolverine football special bound for some distant corner of the land. To- day it is Philadelphia. After the team has wreaked mild havoc within the dining car, the press and those coaches who weren't lucky enough to squeeze in on the first call, get their dinner. Presently the team goes to bed. The press retires to the club car or some- body's compartment. Indications are that a sizeable delegation of rooters will accompany the team, planning to join forces with the great mass of Michigan alumni who will converge in Philadelphia to see and to celebrate what they hope will be a Wol- verine triumph. An old grad banquet and smoker is scheduled for the William Penn Hotel the night before the game. Reservations have been pouring into the committee from every state in the East, indicating perhaps that the staid old Quaker city may see just a mite of merriment before the week-end is over. k * * h FRED DE LANO and I will be sitting in the bat- tered press box atop old Franklin Field with two hopes when the opening kick-off goes spin- ning through the air. Number one: that Mich- igan conks the Quakers; number two: that Matt Patanelli has another of his great days. If the East sees him in action, he'll be a swell bet for All-American honors. AN OLD GRAD returned to a State Street fra- ternity house early Friday and put the ki- bosh on the brothers' homecoming decorations. The week before the hatchet men had hit upon the idea of dragging forth from the innermost recesses of the chapter room a wooden Indian which had lain there for no one knew how long. It was covered with dust and very venerable, but the plan was to use it as the central theme in representing Illinois. All went well. They hauled it out to the front hall and polished it up. It looked pretty darn good when it was all fixed. The tong's hopes rose. Then Alumni Brother Drinkerdown arrived on the scene. The fratters proudly explained the theme and suddenly looked surprised as the old grad let out a moan and stepped bact aghast. "For lord's sake fellows, put it back, hide it, bury it, but don't put it out on the lawn. I stole that Indian from a cigar store in 1918 and it's worth $200. The proprietor is still looking for me." YESTERDAY AFTERNOON Barbara Lovell re- ceived a corsage of artificial violets, done up very artistically and delivered by special uni- formed messenger. The enclosed card was of the folder type. One the outside: To Comfort You. On the inside: There's A Land Where Those Who Loved Shall Meet To Love Again. Orvil. * * * * The only occurrence of the day to match it was the large and roly-poly fellow who minced up to say good-bye to Doctor Ruthven as the Pres- ident's tea came to a close. "Oh Doctor'Ruth- ven, you don't know what a thrill this is to fresh- men," the fat boy trilled as he courtsied out. it is time for a showdown. In the first place, since when has Mr. Murfin the right, appropriated or otherwise, to dictate how an American citizen shall cast his vote! That right has up until now been reserved for certain dictators of Europe. This is one country, thank God, that has never denied the right of an individual to "think" the way he wants to think. And as far as political attitudes are concerned, it is better to have thought wrong than to have voted Republican year after year and never thought at all! ---R. James. Boake Carter To the Editor: We must all admit that the Presidential cam- paign just ended has not been very enlighten- ing for the average citizen. However, I do think that it was not on the low plane that radio-com- mentator Boae Carter places it. The comments of Mr. Carter on the eve of elec- tion were an insult to the American people, Democrats and Republicans aike. The Amer- ican people have -come to a lamentable state when it is necessary for them to be told how to change their traditional customs and take up the political system employed in Great Bri- tain. It is even more sad that the gentleman who is to right the American system can hardly be considered a real American having just be- come a citizen a short time ago and seemingly continued to cling to the ideals of government of the nation to which he formerly pledged alleg- lance. My criticism of Mr. Carter is not motivated by super-patriotism, but more by a feeling that we have in America, Americans that can better crit- icize and suggest changes in our government, I find it regrettable that we must turn to a son of England to put American politics on a higher plane. I am not attempting to preserve Amer- ican politics as they are because there is much room for improvement, but it does gripe me to listen to the smooth Mr. Carter night after night telling us what we should do. I believe in America for Americans and I be- lieve that America can go forward improving her yox7A nmpntwit mii t+ I a i ri o fM+ vv T a T.m MUSIC stokowski, The Cinema By WILLIAM J. LICHENWANGER NASMUCH as "The Big. Broadcast of 1937," containing, among a num- ber of other things, Leopold Sto- kowsk's much-discussed film debut, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidena until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 34 Notices S' 0 d d I has recently been showing in Ann Ar- To the Members of the University8 bor, it was interesting to read an ar- Council: There will not be a meeting tile by Mr. Stokowski entitled of the University Council this month. "Symphony for the Cinema" which Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.A appeared in the New York Times ofF Oct. 18. Speaking concerning his Freshman Engineers: The Mentor appearance in "The Big Broadcast," Reports will be ready early nextI Mr. Stokowski states that he is not to week. Mentor's interview periods will explain why he is appearing on the be posted Monday next to the en- i screen, but why he has not done so trance to Dean Sadler's office. l before this time. He points to his earlier experiments with the phono- Students, College of Engineering: graph and radio as vehicles "for that Saturday, Nov. 7, will be the final richest and most subtle of all musical day for dropping a course without mediums-the full symphony orches- record. Courses may be dropped tra," and says that he feels the time with the permission of the classifier is now ripe for the development of after conference with the instructorr the sound screen as a third vehicle in the course. for that medium. Determined notp to attempt such a precarious ex- periment until all the conditions-- Regional Conference, The Ameri- "choice of music, recording, camera can Association of University Profes-a work, and general setting"-should sors, Saturday, Nov. 7, at the Michi-n be exactly as he desired, he found gan Union:r that the directors of "The Big Broad- Morning conference at 10 a.m. cast" were willing to fulfil all his de- Luncheon meeting, 12:15 p.m. mands, and therefore felt no further Afternoon Conference, 2 p.m. t hesistancy about carrying out the ex- The Executive Committee of thee periment. local chapter of the A.A.U.P. invitest By this time most readers will have all members of the University ofB seen the picture, and will be capable Michigan faculty and of other collegeb of forming individual opinions con- faculties of the region to attend bothc cerning the episode in question. Per- conferences and the luncheon meet- sonally, the writer feels that the ex- ing. Tickets for the luncheon may be . periment can be called successful, secured at the A.A.U.P. registrationZ inasmuch as it brings symphonic table in the lobby of the Michigane music to the attention of a new, large Union, Saturday morning,. and impressionable public, and as itL may well lead to more exensive, Women Students attending theg better executed experiments in the Pennsylvania-Michigan football gamee future. Judging from a purely artistic -Women students wishing to attend 1 standpoint, the verdict is more doubt- the Pennsylvania-Michigan footballV ful. Certainly the first of Mr. Sto- game are required to register in theA kowski's prerequisites, concerning the office of the dean of women. music to be played, was satisfied most A letter of permission from parents perfectly. No beginning could be more must be received in this office not auspicious than that which incorpo- later than today. If a stu-t rates the exalted majesty of Bach, as dent wishes to go otherwise than by- expressed in the Lutheran chor'le, "A train, special permission for suchu Mighty Fortress is Our God," and the mode of travel must be included inF mighty "little" Fugue in G Minor. the parent's letter.h The recording, too, was at least ade- Graduate women are invited to reg-u quately executed, although the subtle ister in the office.k tonal shadings which attend a flesh- and-blood performance were lacking. Tour for Foreign Students to Cra- It is with the accompanying photo- brook Schools: Foreign students de-v graphy and the "general setting" that siring to make the trip to Cranbrook we have to find fault. Mr. Thalman, Schools in Bloomfield Hills on Fri-f with the rest of whose Sunday Daily day, Nov. 6 should mke reservationsS cinematic review we thoroughly in Room 9 of University Hall. The agree, termed this photography "un- group will leave Angell Hall prompt- usual and arty." To our mind it is ly at 1 p.m.n the opposite, being both over-com- The Cranbrook Schools are regard-g mon and bad art. The device of giv- ed as one of the most interesting ing close-ups of the conductor and groups of secondary schools in this the different instrumentalists as they country. Architecturally they form "take the lead" is one which is used one of the most beautiful and strik-n with every popular band shown on the ing groups of school buildings. screen; it was used with Benny Good-___e_ man immediately preceding the Sto- kowski appearance. If at all suitable Bowling for Graduate Women: Anyc it was so in the case of the Fugue, student wishing to join a graduate in which each entrance of the subject bowling club is asked to sign at the was traced photographically to its desk of the Women's Athletic Bldg.,C players or players. As for the views of or call Miss Burr at the Michigan Mr. Stokowski, they produced an ef- League. Address and telephoneF feet to us terribly strained, distorted, number should be left also.o and self-conscious. It was one thing Try Outs for "Hans Brinker" will to sit on the stage last May Festival TyOt o Hn rne"wl and be held fascinated by the expres- to be held today from 4 to 6 siveness of the great conductor's and Friday, Nov. 6, from 3 to 5 ati hands, facial expression, and entire the Michigan League. The room willZ figure, but it was something else to be posted on the bulletin board. All be forced to stare from weird angles, students interested in dramatics ared with grotesque lighting effects, at the urged to -try out. same conductor, cut off visually froms his inseparable instrument. Academic Notices Had the producers seriously desired history 11, Lecture Section II, Mid- to surround this occasion with all the semester examination today, 10 a.m.1 aesthetic dignity and significance for Mr. Slosson's and Mr. Ewing's see- which it cried, they might have takenP a hint from the film version of "A tions will meet in 101 Economics. r Midsummer Night's Dream" concern- Mr. Long's and Mr. Stanton's sec- ing the proper photographic treat- tions in Natural Science Auditorium. ment of absolute music. One of the e few really excellent scenes in that co-Lectures lossal flop was the ballet which ac- Illustrated Lecture by Mr. James companied the playing of the Men- M. Plumer on "Buddhist Sculpture delssohn Nocturne. There, photo- from India to Japan" in connection 'graphy proved itself a new and ar- with the Exhibit of Buddhist Art in tistic aid in furthering the expres- the South Gallery, Alumni Memorial siveness of. the music. Not that we Hall. Room D, Alumni Memorialc would have suggested a fairy ballet Hall, Friday, Nov. 6, 3:15 p.m. Open j for the accompaniment of Mr. Sto- to the public. kowski's Bach-perhaps use might have been made of colors, lines, or Father Hubbard Lecture: The some of the plastic arts, although it "Glacier Priest" will appear in Hill is natural to think of the Dance as auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 12, at the visual complement of Music. 8:15 p.m. presenting a new motion Something along the latter line was picture lecture under the auspices of seen here last spring, in the Dance the Oratorical Association. Tickets' Recital, when a Bach fugue was used are now available at Wahr's State as the basis for a dance which was Street Book Store. evolved in a manner in keeping with- the contrapuntal structure of the * - music. However, any such treatment Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe- would of course have been too elabor- cial emphasis on Japanese Wood ate for inclusion in "The Big Broad- Sculpture, under the auspices of the cast," and would have made the Sto- Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery, kowski episode seem even more out of Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9 place than it did. That the episode p.h. Gallery talk Monday, Nov. 9, at did seem out of place is to the detri- 4 p.m. I ment of none of the parties con- cerned. It is simply a fact that there Exhibition of Oil and Water Color is a proper place for all things, espe- Paintings Made in Spain During the cially in art, and the place for Bach Past 10syears by Wells M. Sawyer, and Stokowski is not, to this writer shown under the auspices of the in- at least, in the midst of Benny, Allen, Goodman, and Company. We prefer ing, and even genuinely artistic in not to have Mr. Stokowski's orchestra some respects. It is only to be hoped (even if it is not the Philadelphia) that the next experiment will be ap- introduced by Gracie Allen with some proached with equal enthusiasm, but crack about the "hottest swing band with a wider aim and a deeper ap- in the world." And, likewsie, we pre-. preciation of the possibilities of the stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem- orial Hall, West Gallery. Opens Sun- day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov. 8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m. Exhibit of Color Reproductions of American Paintings comprising the First Series of the American Art Portfolios, recently acquired for the Institute of Fine Arts Study Room. On view daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall, North Gal- ery. Events Of Today Weekly Reading Hour: The pro- gram for this afternoon in Room 205 Mason Hall, at 4 p.m., will consist of eadings from the newer poetry to be given by Professor Hollister. The public is cordially invited. Engineering Council: There will be an Engineering Council meeting to- night at 7:15 p.m. in the computing room. Graduate Women: The office of the Dean of Women invites all wom- en registered in the graduate school to a tea at the Michigan League Building today at 4 p.m. There will be informal discussion of possible so- cial activities for the coming year. Institute of Aeronautical Sciences: There will be a meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 of the West Engineering Bldg. Mr. C. L. Johnson, a member of the 1932 graduating class and at the present engaged in development engineering for the Lockheed Aircraft Corpora- tion, will speak on "Flight Testing." All aeronautical engineers are urged to attend. Zoology Club: The first meeting of the Zoology Club will be held to- night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 4046 N.S. with the zoologists of the School of Forestry and Conservation acting as hosts. Professors Graham and O'Roke will discuss and demonstrate the zoo- logical work in that school. The International Relations Club will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2037 Angell Hall. The topic for discussion will be "The United States Reciprocal Trade Agreements." Phi Epilon Kappa: There will be a meeting in Room 302 of the Michi- gan Union tonight at 7:30 p.m. Phi Tau Alpha, Latin and Greek Hionorary Society, will hold its an- nual reception at the Michigan League tonight at 8 p.m. The society extends a cordial invitation to the faculty and to those interested in the classics to attend. Michigan League Merit System Committee: There will be an import- ant meeting today at 4 p.m. in the Board Room of the Undergraduate office. Student Christian Association: There will be an Association meet- ing this evening, at 8 p.m. in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. Professor Weaver will meet with the group to discuss "Personality Development." The meeting is open to all interested, students. The Art Group of the Michigan Dames will hold its first meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Prof. R. W. Ham- mett of the University School of Architecture will give an illustrated . talk on Planning the Home. All Michigan Dames are cordially invited. ' Coming Events A.S.C.E. The initiation banquet will be held in conjunction with the Detroit section of the A.S.C.E., Fri- day, Nov. 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mich- igan Union. Dr. Daniel W. Mead, national president will be the guest speaker. Sign up for the banquet Thursday night. A.A.U.W.: Prof Arthur S. Aiton of the history department of the Uni- versity will give a talk on "The Pres- ent Crisis in Spain," at an Interna- tional Relations Supper sponsored by the A.A.U.W. in the ballroom of the Michigan League ,on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited. Reservations must be made at the League before 9 a.m. Satur- day. Telephone, 23251. Phi Eta Sigma Elections will be held Sunday, Nov. 8 at a regular dinner meeting in the Union. The dinner will start at 6:15p.m. There will be a short informal talk by a member of the faculty. Last years initiates are urged to attend to elect your officers. The Outdoor Club is having a sup- per hike next Saturday afternoon. The group will leave Lane Hall at 3 p.m. and return before 8 p.m. All students welcome. Delta Epsilon Pi: There will be a