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November 05, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-05

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Cloudy, continued cold today;
moderate to fresh north winds.


liitr t an


A Realignment
Of Major Parties ...



Rebel Armies
Win Suburbs
Near Madrid
Frenzied Socialist Gunners
Pour Shells Into Rightists
Who Advance On Capital
Insurgents Moving
To South Of Madrid
Armored Cars And Tanks
Are Kept In Mostoles
By Fascist Forces
MADRID, Nov. 5.-(P)-Frenzied
socialist gunners poured shells early
this morning into Fascist forces who
advanced within seven miles of the
The insurgents held Leganes, 7
miles south of Madrid, and Getafe, 8
miles south, as the newly re-organized
socialist government was still in ses-
sion at 2:35 a.m. today to bolster the
defense against the enemy.
The roar of government batteries
kept. Madrid's population awake and
in a state of nervous tension as the
guns rained shells onto Getafe and
Leganes from vantage points in Cara-
Fascists Advancing
Spanish Fascist troops yesterday
(Wednesday) stormed their way to
within 10 miles of Madrid as the so-
cialist government was shakenup to
include four syndicalist ministers.
Insurgent airplanes droning high
over the capital and the booming of
artillery on the nearing battle lines
sounded the proximity of the invaders
to Madrid's population.
South of the capital, the insurgents
drove their advance units to a point
only two miles from Getafe, south-
ern suburb of Madrid.
One more attack, Fascist military
leaders said, and their troops would
be charging toward the very gates of
the capital.
In the southwest, insurgents
brought up armored cars and baby
tanks to Mostoles, 10 miles from the
capital, which was occupied by Fas-
cist infantry forces Tuesday.
Government Shake-up
Francisco Largo Caballero, premier-
in the popular front government, re-
tained leadership iin the cabinet
shake-up in which six new minist-
ers were named.
Their names were not immediately
announced but four syndicalists were
taken into the cabinet along with a
provincial autonomist and a left Re-
GETAFE, Spain, Nov. 4.-R)-Two
Fascist columns entered Getafe, eight
miles from Madrid, at 2:15 p.m. this
afternoon after a violent artillery
duel and in the face of intense fusil-
lades from a socialist rearguard of a
few hundred men.
The socialist militiamen took cov-
er behind houses in the village to
protect the retreat of the main body
of the defending forces but, still fir-
ing, withdrew at 3 p.m.
S.W.F. To Meet
For First Time
Today To Elect
The Student Workers Federation
will convene for its first general
meeting of the year at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in the Unitarian Church to elect
officers, ratify the constitution, and

to discuss housing.
The organization with its purpose
to better student working conditions
was started the latter part of last
semester, gaining more than 200
members within three weeks.
This year members have shown an
active response toward making plans
to perpetuate the organization. Al-
ready student employees of local eat-
ing establishments are organizing
themselves into units of the Federa-
tion. In the meeting today, to which
all students who are working part or
all, of their way through college, are
urged to attend, grievance and in-
vestigation committees will be named.
Last year faculty members and pro-
prietors joined students in backing
the organization.
In a mimeographed bulletin issued
yesterday, the Federation gave these
three -reasons for student workers co-
operating: 1. Opportunity to improve
working conditions. 2. Ability to
bargain on equal terms with em-
ployer, 3. Collective bargaining.
Deutscher Verein and Deutscher
Zirkel, former campus German clubs,

Dorr Says Roosevelt's Victory
Is Not A Blanket Endorsement

S:ys Surveys Show That
People ,Are Not Behind
All Of New Deal
The overwhelming victory of Presi-
dent Roosevelt over Gov. Alf M. Lan-
don of Kansas in Tuesday's election
should not be taken as a mandate for
the President to go ahead with all
the policies of the New Deal Admin-
istration, Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the
political science - department said in
an interview yesterday.
The support given to the Demo-
cratic incumbent was not, in the
opinion of Professor Dorr, a blanket
endorsement of everything that the
present Administration has attempt-
ed. The survey conducted by the
American Institutecof PublicOpin-
ion, Professor Dorr continued, showed
that feeling was fairly evenly divided
on the questions of government
spending, judicial review and admin-
istration of relief.
"Not since 1820 has a presidential
candidate received such support at
the polls," Professor Dorr said. "In
'Men's Council
Acts To Settle
Election Fight
Two Places On Soph Prom
Committee To Be Given
To Washtenaw Men
Wally Hook, '39, president of the
sophomore class, will be "advised"
by the Men's Council to appoint two
Washtenaw Party men to the Sopho-
more Prom committee, it was decided
in a meeting of the council last night.
Action was taken on the basis of an
election protest filed with Miller G.
Sherwood, '37, president of the coun-
cil, by Robert Vander Pyl, '39, caucus
chairman of the Washtenaw Party.
Both Vander Pyl and Vincent Butter-
ly, '39, caucus chairman of the State
Street Party, testified before the
The Washtenaw Party's complaint
was of the alleged employment of a
"sandwich man" to traverse the Di-
agonal on the day of the election with
State Street advertising, an act illegal
under University rules.
Butterly admitted duplicity in the
illegal act. No representative of the
Sophomore Independent Party, which1
Vander Pyl also charged with illegal
campaigning, was present.
The possibility of Washtenaw
Party sponsoring any illegal acts was
held by the council, but an investi-
gation failed to reveal guilt. The ad-
visability of reholding the election]
was discussed by the council and, al-
though failure of Hook to comply
with the cduncil's "advice" may lead
to another election, it was felt that
the violation was not serious enough
to warrant a reelection.
Sherwood will inform caucus
chairman of all campus parties this
week of rules to govern future elec-
tions, which are as follows:
1. No posters, handbills or signs
of any nature will be allowed on Uni-
versity property, which includes dor-
mitories, the League, the Union and
similar living and recreational cen-
ters sponsored by the University.
2. An exception to the previous
rule is that handbills will be allowed
in the room of the election on the day
of the election.
3. Anyone whose name is not in-
cluded in the student directory will
under no circumstances be allowed
to vote.
4. Identification cards will be re-
quired from all voters.
5. All protests must be submitted
to the president of the Men's Coun-
cil with 24 hours after the election.

the election held in that year, James
Monroe received all but one electoral
vote, that going to his opponent, John
Quincy Adams."
"The type, of mass movement that
was evidenced in Tuesday's election
is somewhat similar to the movement
during the Jacksonian period," Pro-
fessor Dorr said, "but there is no
evidence; upon the basis of incom-
plete returns, to feel that a new kind,
of party alignment upon class lines is
imminent in the near future."
No Rural Urban Division
Professor Dorr did not feel. that the
results of the present election repre-
sent any division between the rural
and urban elements. He stated that
it was a different type of division,
with millions of workers staunchly
backing Roosevelt.
As the first reason forbthe amazing
total of votes garnered by the Presi-
dent Professor Dorr mentioned the
personal magnetism of the successful
candidate. Also, he continued, the
great number of votes cast for the
President were in direct answer to
Mr. Roosevelt's radio query-"Are youa
better off now than you were before?"
The banking and credit policies of
the President were also responsible for
a great number of the ballots which
served " to swell the tide of victory,
Professor Dorr remarked. Likewise
the fear of many people on relief as to1
what would happen to them if thej
administration of relief were put in
other hands. The people on relief
were not necessarily opposed to Lan-
don, Professor Dorr said, but they
probably figured it would be best tor
leave well enough alone.
Relief Important Issue1
The small merchants and shop-
owners, a group that has been noneI
too friendly toward many of ther
New Deal's policies, especially the3
NRA, in the past, also helped toc
build up the margin of the Demo-t
cratic victory, Professor Dorr said. He
explained that the small business men
were afraid that if Landon were to
win, the burden of relief would be
thrust back upon the community's
shoulders again.
The Republicans made very many1
serious tactical errors during the"
campaign, Professor Dorr said, and
these mistakes were partly respon-
sible for the crushing defeat received
at the hands of the New Dealers.
"Too little attention was given toI
the building up of efficient local or-
ranizations in the cmmulnitiP" Prn-<

Dorm D
Several Campt
Will Assist
Tickets To S
Bands Ar

ance Conciliation
Sales With Seamen
Today iAppears Dim,
as Societies Prospective Food Tie-Ups
In Selling Faced By Northwest And
tudents Pacific Coast Regions


e To Play

Ask F

oreign Crews
To Cooperate

Dance Is To Raise Funds
For Men's Dormitory;
Is First Project
Tickets for the all-campus dance
to be held in the Intramural build-
ing Friday, Nov. 13, will igo on sale
today, Hubert Bristol, '37, chairman
of the committee in charge of the
dance, announced yesterday.
Proceeds of the dance will go to
the Committee on Men's Dormitoriesl
for its fund to advance the project
of constructing freshmen dormitories
on the campus.
Two orchestras, Bob Steinle's'
Union band and Charlie Zwick's Sil-
ver Grill orchestra, have been engaged
to play for the event, which will last
from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m. The dance
will be informal and the tickets are
priced at $1 per couple.
Ballrooms To Be Closed
The Union and the League have
agreed to cooperate with the student
project on Men's Dormitories by clos-
ing their ballrooms for the evening
in order that the dance at the Intra-
mural building will have an open date.
This will be the first time in many
years that any student dance outside
of the J-Hop will have been held in
the Intramural building.
The list of patrons and patronesses
was announced by Bristol yesterday
and includes President and Mrs.j
Ruthven; Dean and Mrs. Joseph A.1
Bursley; Dean and Mrs. Walter B.
Rea; Prof. and Mrs. Henry C. Ander-1
son; Prof. and Mrs. Paul Leidy; Dean-
emeritus and Mrs. Allen S. Whitney;
Prof. and Mrs. Elmer D. Mitchell;
Secretary, and Mrs. Shirley W.
Smith; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawley Tap-
ping; Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost;
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waltz; Mr. Carl
G. Brandt and Mr. Ralph T. Byers.

East Coast Also Reports
Shipping Difficulties As
Maritime Strike Spreads
Hopes for peace in the still spreading
maritime strike reached a new low
level here today and particularly vul-
nerable areas manifested increasing
concern over prospectvie food short-
Striking seamen claimed more ship
tieups on the Atlantic and Gulf
coasts. Export traffic out of Boston
was paralyzed. Mayor S. Davis Wil-
son rescinded his ban against pick-
eting in Philadelphia.
Ships Tied Up
Mayor Herbert Brown of Anchor-
age, Alaska, informed territorial gov-
ernor John W. Troy that there was
only food enougl;h in the city to last
30 days. All Pacific Coast American
ships were tied up and the railroad
from Seward to Anchorage shut
down.- u
International Seamen's Union offi-
cers in New York challenged insur-
gent strikers by establishing a un-
ion-controlled hiring hall to provide
men to replace strikers.
San Francisco municipal authori-
ties still were seeking a conference
with opposing sides in a warehouse-
man's strike that threatened to cur-
tail food supplies in the metropolitan
area of 2,000,000 population.
All peace negotiations were at a
standstill and prospects for more vio-
lence lurked behind the stalemate.
Committe Asks Support
The central committee here rep-
resenting 37,000 west coast maritime
strikers cabled the Waterside Work-
ers Union at Auckland, N. Z., asking
"cooperation and support." It was
reported the strikers here wanted
New Zealand unions to refuse to work
"hot cargo" handled by any non-
union longshoremen in the United
The chief stumbling block in the
peace negotiations was whether the
unions would furnish "safety crews"
for strikebound coast ships.
Union men still provided skeleton
crews cn most ships but employers
said they were leaving others. Union
observers reported this was because
employers were planning to "black-
list" some union ship's officers.
Fire In High School
Does Little Damage
Fire broke out at 8:15 p.m. yester-
day in the third floor boy's lavatory
of the Ann Arbor High School, State
and Main Streets, calling virtually
all of the fire department's apparat-
us to the scene.
The origin of the fire yas charged
by Fire Chief C. J. Andrews to a
match or cigarette butt cast into a
wire waste basket containing paper'
towels. From there it spread to the
wooden partition separating the lav-
atory from the janitor's service
clost, where many supplies were de-
stroyed. %
No definite estimate of the dam-
age has been made,

Library On Block
As 13 Go Through
ROTC Initiation
Detail Halt! Forward March! De-
tail Halt!
Thirteen budding officers clad in
blue denim, the army fatigue uni-
form were marched, re-marched and
then marched back again in front of
the Library last night as Cadet Cap-
tain J. C. Brenner took charge of
their opening night of initiation in-
to the Scabbard and Blade, R.O.T.C.
honorary society.
Brenner stated that. the public is
invited to the open initiation which
will continue tomorrow and Friday
night at the same plot.
I Last night Buck Private Ed Snyd-
er loudly and forcefully auctioned off
the Library itself, laughed too loud-
ly, was forced to wipe his smile off
on the sidewalk and was marched
Saturday night the company will
hike over 10 miles to Patterson Lake,
University Fresh Air Camp, and Sun-
day night the private ceremony of
formal initiation will take place at the
R.O.T.C. headquarters.
G.O.P. Stages
Easy Victory
In Washtenaw
Every County Office Taken
By Republicans As Heavy
Vote Is Cast Here
Washtenaw County went over-
whelmingly Republican Tuesday as
complete returns from the 36 pre-
cincts in the county gave a plurality
to every Republican candidate.
All of the 11 Republican incum-
bents in county offices were reelected
by comfortable margins in the record
vote of about 30,000 in the county.
13,139 of the votes were cast in the
seven wards in Ann Arbor.
Sheriff Jacob B. Andres, running
for his fourth term, led the Repub-
lican victory in the county with a
total of 18,806 votes to 9,614 for Ezra
Tisch, Democrat.
Probate Judge Jay G. Pray was re-
turned to office with 16,083 votes to
12,367 for Harold Golds, Democrat.
Judge Pray carried both the sixth and
seventh "faculty" wards by substan-
tial majorities with the exception of
the first precinct of the seventh ward
where he held a slight advantage,
652 to 522.
County Clerk Emmett M. Gibb was
reelected over his Democratic oppo-
nent, Wirt Masten, 16,268 to 11,694,
and County Treasurer C. E. Critten-
den defeated Mrs. Jane Forshee, Dem-
ocratic candidate, 15,450 to 12,568.
Two circuit court commissioners,
(Continued on Page 2)
Coughlin Calls
FDR History's
DETROIT, Nov. 4.-(P)-The Rev.
Charles E. Coughlin said today the
46-state Democratic landslide indi-
cates that "President Roosevelt can
be dictator if he wants to."
The radio priest, who criticized
Roosevelt during the election cam-
paign and threw the support of his
National Union for Social Justice be-
hind Willam Lemke, Union Party
presidential candidate, told newsmen:
"The minority is now purely theor-
etical. We have a one-party system.
President Roosevelt has more power
than any man ever had in the world.

In the future, historians will devote
less time to Caesar and Napoleon and
more to Franklin Roosevelt.
"I hope that God will bless him and
the Holy Ghost inspire him not to
misuse his power.'
Commenting there "still was a pos-
sibility" that his NUSJ would make
a "comeback," Father Coughlin said
its future was "the same as the Re-
publican party with one difference-
that the Republican party is bank-
rupt in intelligence and can never
make a comeback under its present
organization and line of action."
Parliament Debates
'Mercy Death' Bill
LONDON, Nov. 4.-(P)-A "mercy
death" bill to permit medical men to
kill incurable patients was introduced
n parliament today.'
It was presented by Lord PonsonJ
by, climaxing a year's campaign by
many medical and church leaders for
euthanasia - their term for "easy
It would enable physicians and sur-
geons legally to put to death patients

State Ballot
Detroit Vote Responsible
For Victory Of Murphy
Who Lost Outstate
President Is Victor
In G.O.P. Sections
Roosevelt State Landslide
Greater This Year Than
In 1932 Election
- DETROIT, Nov. 4.-(A)- The most
impressive victory in Michigan his-
tory was recorded to the credit of the
Democratic Party today.
Under the banner of the New Deal,
President Roosevelt surpassed his
landslide run of four years ago in
Tuesday's g e n e r a 1 election. He
smashed through supposed outstate
Republican strongholds with ifnpres-
sive strength. Behind the national
ticket spearhead the whole Demo-
cratic state ticket trailed to victory.
Preference for Roosevelt extended
from the Upper Peninsula to the in-
dpstrial counties of the south. Set-
ting almost as fast a pace, Prentiss
VI. Brown, Democratic candidate for
United States Senator, led Wilber M.
Brucker, his Republican opponent
>utstate as well as in Wayne County.
The President's Michigan lead over
Gov. Alf M. Landon hovered around
the 300,000 mark. Four years ago he
beat Herbert Hoover by only 131,806
votes. With less than 250 of the
state's 3,470 precincts missing. Brown
was more than 175,000 ahead of
Frank Murphy, New Deal candi-
date for governor, rode the Demo-
3ratic wave to success. He lost to
Governor Fitzgerald outstate but an
avalanche of Wayne county ballots
pushed him into a comfortable lead
of around 50,000.
The Democratic state ticket, dis-
playing amazing strength in territory
which had been conceded prior to the
election to the Republicans, romped
into office. They ran much closer
to their opponents than had been
expected in the rural areas and drew
three to two and two to one majorities
tn Detroit and Wayne county.
massive Democratic majority re-
ceived marching orders today to as-
semble in the new Congress two
months from tomorrow to pass on
Roosevelt legislative proposals.
Late compilations of election re-
turns showed that when President
Roosevelt next addresses a joint ses-
sion of the Senate and House, probab-
ly in January, he will look into the
eyes of perhaps the largest number
of Democrats ever to sit on Capitol
Hill at one time.
Such a topheavy majority was in-
ethat a new assignment of
seats was inevitable. Even before the
election the Democrats occupied a
large share of the normally Republi-
can space in both chambers.
America Has
Sound Ideals,
losson Says

g-ul~tlV1 11e10U~i uliCs, r --i
(continued on Page 2) Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the dance have been

Region Group
Of Professors
ToMeet Here.
President Ruthven To Give
Address To Conference
Members Tomorrow
President Ruthven will greet the
members of the Regional Conference
of the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors tomorrow noon at
their luncheon in the Union.
He will be followed by Prof. Anton1
J. Carlson of the University of Chi-I
cago, national president of the Amer-
ican Association of University Pro-)
fessors, who will give an address on
"Our Principles of Academic Free-
dom and Tenure and the American
White To Preside
The conference will formally open
at 10 a.m. with Prof. Alfred H. White,
head of the department of chemical
and metallurgical engineering and
president ofuthe local chapter of the
AAUP, presiding, according to present
The first address will be delivered
by Prof. John F. Shephard of the
department of psychology, who will,
speak on "The Psychology of Indoc-I
The last feature of the morning
session will be a report of the local
committee on professional ethics, de-
livered by Prof. Christian N. Wen-
ger, of the Engineering English de-
partment, school of engineering and
chairman of the committee, entitled
"A Suggested Code of Ethics for Col-
lege Professors." Discussion of the
report will be opened by Prof. Harold
M. Davidson of the department of ro-
mance languages of Hillsdale College
and Prof. F. E. Lord of the depart-
ment of education of the Michigan
State Normal College.
Slesson To Talk
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will open the af-
ternoon session with an address on
"Classroom Treatment of Controver-
sial Subject Matter," and the confer-
ence will close with a talk by Prof.
Clyde L. Grose, member of the de-
nartment of historv of Northwetern

placed on sale at the Union desk, the
League, VanBoven's, Wahr's book-
store and Ulrich's. They can also be'
obtained, Bristol said, from members
of Michiganaua, Sphinx, Student
Christian Association, The Daily,
Varsity Band, executive council of the
Union, Vulcans, Triangles, Tau Beta
Pi, Scabbard and Blade, the League
council and the Interfraternity Coun-
Heads of all the organizations sell-
ing tickets are reminded, Bristol said,
that they must collect funds from the
members of their organizations for
tickets already sold in order that
those funds may be entered by the
organization heads at the meeting to
be held at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9, in
Room 316 of the Union.
James E. McVey, former relief ad-
ministrator of Lenawee County, will
begin his duties today as acting relief
administrator of Washtenaw Coun-
ty, replacing Charles F. Wagg who
has been granted a six months leave
of absence to do special research work
for the state.


Band Invades East Tonight
To Take Part In Penn Game



To Be Wednesday
Senior elections will be held next
Wednesday, according to Miller Sher-
wood, '37, president of the Men's
Candidates names along with eli-
gibility lists must be turned in to the
Dean of Students office before 4:30
p.m. Tuesday if they are to run in the
election, Sherwood declared.
Campaign rules brought out at last
night's meeting of the Council con-
cerning the recent sophomore elec-
tions will also apply to the senior
election, according to Sherwood. He
also asked that all caucus chairmen
communicate with him at once.
Elections for the following schools
will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. in these
rooms: literary, Room 231 Angell

Michigan's crack 110-piece band
under the direction of William D.
Revelli will entertain at 6:15 p.m. to-
morrow for their trip to Philadelphia
and the University of Pennsylvania.
An "invasion parade" will be staged
from the Philadelphia train depot to
the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel where
the band will stay over Saturday
On the shoulders of Ernest Jones,
'38,- business manager, and Herbert
G. Watkins, faculty advisor, will fall
most of the duties of seeing that all
the innumerable horns and trumpets,
and suitcases and blankets, and, in-
cidentally, that all the bandmembers
get aboard. The band boys will each
take a blanket with them on the train
if they wish to sleep; pillows will
be furnished to everyone free. The
train trip wil ltake about 14 hours.
There will be no stop overs on the
way over, but there will he a slight

the band pocketbook, since most of
the dinners will be furnished by cele-
brating alumni converging on Phila-
delphia for the eastern Homecoming,
desiring to show off the band. It is
not yet known if the band will have
to play for their suppers.
Saturday morning after an early,
'breakfast, the band will meet at the
Pennsylvania Union and then march
fto Franklyn Field for a practice drill.
Numerous functions will then take
their attention until 2 p.m .when it is
hoped that the band will watch Mich-
igan win.
A ten minute program before the
game and a six minute show between
halves will be given by the band
which last week played against the
University of Illinois organization in
a battle of bands. They plan to make
up their schedule from the following
numbers; a champaign bottle formed
while the members sing Fill Your
Tankards Deep With Wine; revolving


Opening his speech in the Union
last night by terming the Nov. 3 elec-
tion "not an election, but a census, in
as much as an election calls for some
sort of a contest," Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
gave an interpretation of the voting
to a standing room audience.
"The American system of govern-
ment is a two-party system, which is
the best of the party systems even
though it has many faults," Professor
Slosson told the audience. "A one-
party system, like those in Germany
and Italy and Russia is practically
tyranny. A multi-party system as in
France means instability. The two-
party system has among its defects
hypocrisy. Too often party loyalty
becomes an end in itself.
"In this campaign the issue of the
Republican Party was state's rights
-the Jeffersonian principles on
which the opposite party is founded.
The Democratic Party supported cen-
tralization. Thus the Republicans
ran on a Democratic platform and the
Democrats ran on a Republican plat-
form. And the people voted straight
party tickets without regard for the
principles involved."
He said that the campaign was one
of "middle of the roaders." Landon
was described as a right center can-

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