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November 04, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-04

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Election Day
Comes To End
In Ann Arbor
Rambling Daily Reporter
Writes A Kaleidoscopic


Of Voting Scene

(Continued from Page 1)
gathered, in it a woman knitting a
pink sweater, and who later engages
herself in explaining to three other
ladies her recipe for a three-egg
chocolate cake. Republican head-
quarters deny that Landon has sent
a telegram of congratulation to
12:30 a.m.
The same 30 people at Democratic
headquarters smile contentedly as
the radio brings a speech by Farley.
County Clerk Emmett M. Gibb tells
too-anxious candidates to "go home
and go to bed." They are cluttering
up the Circuit Court where returns
are being officially reported. Gibb
breaks pencil a few moments later
taking his own vote count from
Northfield township.
12:45 a.m.
A score of Negroes, around a radio
in "Your Restaurant" listen with
lowered heads, intent, giving out
muttered exclamations as the an-
nouncer names Roosevelt leads.
"Shut up, y'all," one of them yells
back to an argument around a card
table in the rear. "Yes, we used to
vote Republican," explains another,
but now we vote for the man instead
of the party." As the radio turns
to a musical interlude, there is the
declaration: "Murphy's in, all right.
Boy, he's running like hell."
1 a.m.
Four students passing in front of a
downtown restaurant are singing
"Happy Days Are Here Again."
2 a.m.
Two people at Republican head-
quarters, one of them apparently in-
toxicated: "I know when I'm beat.1
I'm goin' home. Zazu zazu zazu zaz-"
Thirty people at Democratic head-
quarters in high spirits, the borrowed
radio is going full blast. Police re-
port a quiet election day-no inci-
dental arrests.
4 a.m.
Both party headquarters are prac-
tically deserted. At the Democratic
office, the poster and cigarette-strewn
floor is almost empty: At the Re-
publican place, high stacks of un-
used posters bear the ironical phrases
"From a Typical Prairie State-Gov..
Alf M. Landon." and "Vote Republi-
can." The stiff mechanical move-
ments of a reporter's calculating ma-
chine echo in an empty, high-ceil-
inged lobby, while a large Knox por-
trait looks on sorrowfully. Six stu-
dents, assigned to all-night assign-
ments on the Daily, are asleep in the
outer offices of the Publication Build-

Roosevelt, Landon
Send Greetings
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Nov. 4-(Wed-
nesday) - 0) - President Roosevelt
telegraphed Governor Alf M. Landon
today an expression of confidence
that "all of us Americans will now
pull together for the common good."
TOPEKA, Kas., Nov. 4.-(Wednes-
day)-(p)-Gov. Alf M. Landon con-
ceded the re-election of President
Roosevelt early today.
In a message, given to the press
in a hotel after the Republican nom-
inee ha dretired for the night Landon
congratulated Roosevelt as follows:
"The Presidest, Hyde Park, New
York. The nation has spoken. Every
American will accept the verdict, and
work for the common cause of the
good of our country. That is the spirit
of democracy. You have my sincere
ongratulations. Alf M. Landon."
Mighty Decamation
Of William J Bryan
Echoes Once Again
Only a powerful personality could
have brought a hush over the gath-
ering down at the Democratic head-
quarters this morning, and only a
mighty magnetism could have main-
tained it. Yet such was the actual
Amidst the noise, laughter, smoke
and confusion there entered upon1
the scene a tall,-loose-limbed young
man who seemed intent upon doing
something to express his ultra-dem-
ocratic-ness-and after all who could
have blamed Richard L. Shook for be-
ing gay?
Mr. Shook, '38L, and head of the
Young Democrats here, boomed out
a clear, resonant "Silence." "I pro-
pose," he said, "in view of the happy
occasion, to deliver the famous 'Cross
of Gold' speech by Wililam Jennings
Bryan. As you recall, the speech oc-
cured at the Democratic National
Convention at Chicago in 1896. But
listen-I shall give you the first, sec-
ond, and concluding paragraphs .. "
Commencing slowly, phraseing his
words carefully, and quietly intro-
ducing his subject, much as William
Jennings Bryan probably did, Shook
immediately grasped the complete at-
tention of the audience. Gaining
momentum, he began to pound home
point after point; began to make
his voice reverberate throughout the
establishment; and then whipped
himself into a grand finale with the
booming crescendo declaiming the
rights due, to the laboring 'business
A full 40 seconds elapsed before a
sound was heard, and then a roar of
applause greeted the reincarnation of
the spirit of Bryan.
New Four-Year
Recovery Push
Seen By Farleyt
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-(Wednes-
day)-(')-Declaring that President
Roosevelt had won "probably the
greatest majority ever given to an
American President," Democratic
National Chairman James A. Farley
said early today:
"We now look forward to four
years of uninterrupted effort to ac-
complish the completion of economic
recovery, of industrial welfare and
of the permanent establishment of
real liberty in the United States."
"Nobody on our side of the fence
has any thought of reprisal or repres-
sion," Farley said in an address over
a national radio network.
"Tonight's victory," he declared, "is

not a partisan triumph. Though the
election was won under the Demo-
cratic banner, the size of the ma-
jorities, both the popular and the
electoral college majority, makes it
very plain that it was principle and
not party that was sustained in to-
day's voting.
"After today, I do not think that
anybody will doubt the spirit of lib-
eralism that actuated our citizens.
" ... I have an idea that the people
who so viciously assailed the Presi-
dent during the campaign, who called
him a Communist, a would-be dicta-
tor, and an enemy of business, are
now rather ashamed of the bitterness
they brought into the campaign.
Landslide Election
Astonishes Editor
Of Literary Digest
NEW YORK, Nov. 3.-(A)-With a
chuckle in his voice, Wilfred J. Funk,
editor-in-chief of the Literary Digest,
which forecast Governor Landon's
election, said tonight "I'm simply
astounded at what is apparently a
landslide for Mr. Roosevelt."
The laugh, he said, was to show
he could "take it."
"It's beyond comprehension to ex-
plain away the Digest poll," he said.
"I couldn't possibly do that now.,
That will take time-and a lot of
pencils and paper and figuring."
The Literary Digest, weekly news

Map Tells Story Of Overwhelming Victory For Roosevelt


Is Reelected

'Residents See
Madrid Battle
For Existence

Kansas Governor Swamped By Roosevelt Victory

Fascist Warplanes Roam
I Skies But Add None To
Toll Of 216 Lives
(By The Associated Press)
Watchers atop Madrid's houses and
buildings could see the fighting for
possession of their city's suburbs on
Fascist warplanes roamed the sky
over Madrid, far out of range of the
anti-aircraft batteries, but made no
attempt to continue bombardments
which have taken 216 lives since last
Leaflets were showered down call-
ing upon the populace to surrender.
The main Fascist advance Tues-
day night was only three miles from
Getafe, suburb eight miles from
Madrid proper.
The government forces continued
upon heavy reinforcements of tank
and artillery units to aid them in

John Hamiltonj
Admits Defeat
At 1:45 A.M.

Curtis Leaves

Study Lecture
When Heckled
Professor Quits Freshmen
After Repeated Warnings
By Hatfield Fail
Prof. Francis B. Curtis of the
School of Education, tired of the un-
attentive attitude of his audience,
walked out last night on more than
400 freshmen who had been com-
pelled to attend his third "How to
Study" lecture in Natural Science
The freshmen, present because they
did poorly on the Orientation Week
psychological tests, insisted on heck-
ling Professor Curtis throughout his
talk on "The Art of Taking Notes" by
whispering, despite two warnings
from Jean Hatfield, '37, chairman of
the League orientation committee,
who is in charge of the lectures.
"Never before has it been neces-
sary to ask the freshman class to be
courteous," Miss Hatfield said. "I
am sure it; will not be again."
When Professor Curtis, after an-
other interuption, announced that he
would have to bring his lecture to a
close the freshmen cheered.
Professor Curtis turned,dtook his
coat and started to leave the audi-
torium. Apologetic freshmen corn-
ered him, expressed their regret at
the incident and secured from him
the promise to lecture again next
Attendance at the next lecture,
however, according to Miss Hatfield,
will be voluntary.
These lectures were initiated this
year at the suggestion of last year's
freshman class, many members of
which expressed the belief that they
could be helped by such a program.

CHICAGO, Nov. 4.--(9)-John D. halting the attackers outside Madrid's
M. Hamilton, chairman of the Re-a
publican National Committee, at 1:45 gates.
a~m. today issued the following state- Shelling of opposing lines continued
m. dand unabated, with Fascists announcing
"Gov. Landon has sent his message their guns blew up two railroads near
to the President, who's reelection is Getafe-one from Madrid to Toledo
assured. None of those woo have and the other from Madrid to stra-
stood shoulder to shoulder in this tegic Aranjuez.
fight need have regrets or fears for At dusk, Fascist planes dropped in-
in making this fight, they have freely cendiary bombs on Getafe, in which
and courageously followed the dic- is located one of Madrid's two air-
tates of their conscience. ports.
"Under our form of government, - -_____
a militant and vigilant minority has
a vital service to render to the nation. Borah Sweeps'
The Republican party, with the co-
operation of those Democrats and in- Idaho To Gai
dependents who find common cause wiTo ,iatno
tion.w t fid th Another Term
When Hamilton approached the
radio men to make his statement he
said: mt BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 3.-( P)-Idaho
"Gentlemen: we who are about to voters. though piling up a thumping
die salute you."cut

-- Associated Press Photo

Landon Takes
Only 3 States,
Loses Kansas
(Continued from Page 1)-

posed for news photographers with
Mrs. Landon.
"We'll get our pictures taken while
we still have a chance," he told her.
Landon's campaign manager, John
D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the Re-
publican National Committee, was
reluctant to concede Roosevelt's re-
election and clung to his hopes of
ultimate victory long after import-
tnf L~~rn d a ~nrs had cnclud


NLIUU V csui tvcvi,1U, anL an on nlewspapr p a U1 u
tabulators of thousands of election a" J4LI JW
across all party lines tonight to give u sse ed that the New Deal had been re-
M urIrownt WEclerks. turned for four more years.
I*iurphy, Bi'own Senator William E. Borah an even; Mr. Roosevelt happily inspected the Just before midnight he said by
heavier earlier vote in the 71-year incoming reports and once broke off radio that Republicans could go to
State W inners old independent Republican's fight to greet a crowd of neighborhood bed, confident that the morning
for a sixth termwell-wishers gathered on his lawn. would show an entirely different pic-
IcBorah, who in his own words "stuck From the porch, he told them: ture. But after Landon's message
to issues" during the campaign, "It looks as if we were going to vd ge aoacd thrdio men
eschewedPpersonalities and seldom velt, he approached the radio men
(Continued from _age_)__ mentioned the national political have the greatest sweep in the his- and said:
scene unless pressed by questioners, tory of the country." "We who are about to die salute
Shafer, R., seeking seat of Vernor amassed 16,757 votes in 141 of the Governor Landon sipped coffee and you. Announce this as my closing
Main., R., 6,511; Sowers, Townsend I state's 793 precincts to 10,277 for his ate doughnuts with a group of guests, speech of the 1936 campaign."
Democrat, 5stric, Democratic opponent, hard-hitting joshed newspapermen about getting Then to the listeners-in, he said:
Fourth District, 39- of 183 pcts. Governor C. Ben Ross. fat on Kansas "rations," and then "Governor Landon has sent his



Hoffman, R., Incumbent9,846; y-
ler, D., 8,154.
Fifth District, 108 of 173 pots., Mc-l
Allister 31,148; Mapes, 27,608.
Sixth District, -61 of 179 pets., Tran-
sue, D., 26,231; Blackney, R., Incum-
bent, 18,181.
Seventh District, 48 of 196 pots.,
Wolcott, R., Incumbent, 11,563; Wag-
ner, D., 7,646.
Eighth District, 59 of 190 pets.,.
Crawford, R., Incumbent, 15,840;
Hart, D., 15,403.
Ninth District, 65 of 234 pots., Elia-
sohn, D., 14,826; Engel, R., Incum-
bent, 13,014."
Tenth District, 87 of 257 pots.,!
Woodruff, R., Incumbent, 8,020; Kel-
ly, D., 4,850.
Eleventh District, 115 of 296 pets.,
Luecke 13,018; Rushton, 12,828..
Twelfth District, 82 of 205 pots.,
Hook, D., Incumbent, 16,845; James,
R., 11,923.
Thirteenth District, 7 of 215 pets.,
O'Brien, D., 1,194; McLeod, R., In-
cumbent, 564.

In the same precincts, President
Roosevelt received 16,725; Governor
Alf M. Landon 9,471 and William
Lemke 393.
Borah, while withholding comment
on his commanding lead over Gov-
ernor Ross, turned to discussion of
President Roosevelt's mounting plur-
ality late tonight, predicting "the
western states all will be in line for
Roosevelt when the final returns are
"I had no doubt as to Roosevelt's
reelection, but I didn't expect the
majority to be so large.

i i

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Associated press returns on the
36 seats in the United States Sen-







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