The Weather Rain turning to snow, much colder today; tomorrow fair, not, so cold in west. PP, Ak iau ttt Editorials Natural Selection- - VOL. XLVII No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV 3, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Coastal Strike Ties Up 145 Vessels; Ports Of Gulf Closed Union. Leaders Walk Out Of Commission Hearing After Vigorous Protest New York Shippers Calling Conference McGrady Expresses Hopes Of Conciliating Coast And Seagoing Operators SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2.-(P)- The paralyzing grip of a general maritime strike closed tighter around coast shipping tonight, sympathy walkouts spread in Atlantic and Gulf ports, and the iharitime commission indefinitely postponed an investiga- tion here after union representatives walked out. Thednumber of strike-bound ships along the coast had reached at least 145 tonight and others were due for tie-up as they reached ports from San Diego to Seattle. Sailings of two large iners, one a trans-Atlantic de luxe cabin vessel, the other one of America's largest merchantmen, were cancelled in New York after "sit down" strikes by sea- men. Postpone Inquiry New York shippers called a con- ference to discuss the crisis, which saw spread of sympathetic strikes in Gulf ports. Up and down the coast, 37,000 union maritime workers were on strike, and the jobs of 20,000 lum- bering employes were theratened by the tie-up in the Pacific Northwest. Rear Admiral Harry G. Hamlet, U: S. Maritime commission represen- tative, postponed a fact finding in- quiry when no union delegates showed up for an afternoon session, and employer representatives present said they'had no statements to make. Marine union representatives walked out of the session this morn- ing and protested Admiral Hamlet had allowed employers to enter "con-, troversial issues," which, they de-I clared, he previously had stated were "not within the purview of the in- vestigation." Unions Walkout "The Unions cannot recognize the authority of th'e maritime cmmis- sion to determine any of the issues in dispute, or to deprive the mem- bership of the unions of their legal rights for collective bargaining in order to determine wages, hours and other conditions of labor," said a union statement. The walkout was started this morn- isg by counsel for the sailors' union of the Pacific, who protested an opening statement by Employer-Counsel Gregory Harrison in which he charged unions had many times violated terms of agreements made after the 1934 coastwide strike. Make Progress Assistant-Labor Secretary Edward F. McGrady said he had hopes of effecting a negotiating conference be- tween seagoing unions and the coast- wise freight operators. These groups were making progress+ toward new agreements when the general maritime strike was called' Thursday midnight by the joint ne- gotiating committee representing all the "solid front" marine unions. The coastwise freight shippers are one of three. employer groups; the others are the offshore operators, and the foreign and eastern lines. Quiet ruled coast waterfrons, where riots saw more than a dozen men killed in the 1934 dispute. "Sitdown" strikes by one seamen's faction in New York forced cancella- tion of sailings of the International Mercantile Marine's tranatlantic lin- er, Manhattan, and the Panama Pa- cific liner Virginia. The Virginia, one of America's largest passenger ships, was due to sail for the West coast tomorrow. Fraternity Council To Act On Dorms The Interfraternity Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. today to vote on whether it will withhold or offer its help in the men's dormitory project. Before the council is the following motion tabled last Tuesday night1 until today's meeting in order that their representatives could ascertain the sentiment of their houses: "We Defends Communists Fearless Vote Is Demanded By Roosevelt Secret Ballot Citizen From President' Says Protects Coercion, JUNIUS E. BEAL Faculty 'Reds' Are Defended By Regent Beal No Cause For Alarm, He Finds, In 10 Communist Votes Out Of 800 Regents Junius E. Beal, dean of the University's governing board, came to the defense last night of the 10 faculty members who voted for Earl Browder, Communist presiden- tial candidate, in The Daily's recent poll. "These professors have a perfect right to vote in any manner they choose," asserted the Regent, who had previously expressed surprise that there were not more than 10 Com- munist votes in the poll. "I am sat- isfied," he said, "that there is abso- lutely no propagandizing in classes at the University." Regent Beal declared that '"there is less radicalism at the University of Michigan than at any other educa- tional institution in the country. Per- sons even come here from other col- leges to get away from it," he stated, assuring that "there is no need for alarm in the fact that 10 out of some 800 faculty members decided to vote for Browder. "Indeed," Mr. Beal maintained, "It is a good thing that we do have some Communists here. It is up to our youth and our intelligent men associated with youth to keep our thinking progressive." He ventured that the faculty men who did vote for Browder were "in no danger and that the matter will probably be forgotten." It was Friday when Regent James O. Murfin, Detroit attorney, told a reporter of the Detroit Times that he (Continued on Page 6) A nti-War Play First Offering Of Group Here In response to a great campus de- mand Play Production will offer as its first presentation of the year Ir- win Shaw's "Bury the Dead," an ex- perimental one-act anti-war drama, it was announced yesterday by Val- entine B. Windt, director of Play Pro- duction. The play will be given during the week of Thanksgiving, Nov. 25-28, with a shorter production which has not yet been announced. "Bury the Dead," Irwin Shaw's first work for the stage, won the New Theatre League's prize in 1935 for its great social significance. The theme of the play was described as supernatural but the lines intensely realistic. Speech From Home Is Campaign Finale Scores Dictator Danger, Says America Is Ruled By MajorityOf People HYDE PARK, N. Y., Nov. 2.-(A)- In his final speech before the elec- tion, President Roosevelt tonight asked the voters not to be "afraid to vote as you think best for the kind of a world you want to have." "There need be no strings on any of us in the polling place," he said. "A man or woman in the polling place is his or her own boss. There was once a time when the ballot was not secret. That is not so today. How a citizen votes is the citizen's own bus- iness. "No one will fire you because you vote contrary to his wishes or in- structions. No one will know how you vote. And don't let anyone intimi- date you or coerce you by telling you otherwise. In the polling place we are all equals." Rule Of Majority The President spoke from his Hyde Park home in a nationwide broadcast with Democratic Chairman James A. Farley, Sen. Robert F. Wagner of New York and Edward A. Filene, Boston merchant. He told the voters there was no danger that democracy would ever be lost to the American people or that "demagogues" or "dictators" would ever "thrive among people who have learned to think for themselves and who have the courage to act as they think." "Americans have put up with a good many things in the course of our history," he said, "but the only rule we have ever put up with is the rule of majority. That is the only rule we ever will put up with. Spelled with a small 'D' we are all democrats. "Here in the United States we have been a long time at the business of self-government. The longer we are at it the more certain we become that we can continue to govern ourselves -that progress is on the side of ma- jority rule-that if mistakes are to be made we prefer to make them our- selves and to do our own correcting. Making History "When you and I stand in line to- morrow for our turn at the polls we will stand in a line which reaches back across the entire history of our nation. "Washington stood in that line and Jefferson and Jackson and Lincoln. And i later days Cleveland stood theredand Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. All these-in their day-waited their turn to vote. And rubbing elbows with them-their vot- ing equals-is a long succession of American citizens whose names are not known to history but who, by their vote, helped to make history." Student Wins G.O.P. Letter Contest Prize Donald Courtney Wingo, 1309 S. State St. Negro graduate student in the School of Education has been notified by the Colored Division of the Republican National Committee that he has won first prize of $150 in cash for having submitted the best letter on the subject: "Why the Negro Should Support the Republican Party." The $1,500 prize contest was con- ducted by the Colored Division of the Republican National Committee Landon Says World Needs Free America Popular Government I At Stake, Kansan Tells Radio Audience Joins Supporters In Closing Effort' Candidate Delivers Final Plea On Eve Of Election From Topeka Home CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-()-Gov. Alf M. Landon tonight urged the na- tion's citizens to go to the polls to- morrow "resolved that the American way of life shall not fail." The Republican presidential nom- inee, in a final appeal to the elec- torate, expressed confidence they would be united in one aim-"to vote, as Americans for the future of Amer- ica." Secluded in his study in the gov- ernor's mansion at Topkea, Ilan., the1 candidate concluded his long cam- paign by joining a dozen other sup- porters of the Republican cause in a nationwide election eve broadcast. 'We Dare Not Fail' "It is the basic principle of the American form of government that so. long as our citizens understand the issues that are before them, their decision will be the right decision,"' he said. "I am confident that the people understand the issues. "We face tomorrow a grave re- sponsibility. This responsibility is not only to our own well-being in the years just ahead. It is a responsi- bility to the ideals of free and pop- ular government upon which our na- tion was founded. It is a responsibil- ity to a world which stands at a1 parting of the ways. The world needs' a free America. We must hold the line of Democracy. We dare not fail. "We still have before us a great task and a great destiny. We must1 prove to the world by our calmness, understanding and unity, that de- mocracy still lives.] 'Keep U. S. Free' "We go to the polls tomorrow not as farmers, not as workers in in-s dustry, not as workers on relief. We3 go as Americans. And when we stand before the ballot box we lay aside the prejudices of section or of group. We vote secure in the knowledge that we are responsible to no authority except the authority of our own conscience. "And after we have cast our vote let us be resolved to take up the task that lies before us, not as farmers, not as workers in industry, not as work- ers on relief, but as Americans, de- termined to hold this nation united in the future as in the past-deter- mined to keep it moving forward along thekpath of greatness-deter- mined to keep it free." Relief Electors Back Roosevelt, Haber Believes Most of the people on relief in Michigan will vote for the Democratic party, Prof. William Haber of the economics department and former Michigan administrator of the FERA, nronhesied yesterday, although it is difficult to predict how many in view of the surprising Republican vote inj the Upper Peninsula. Although from 30 to 50 per cent of the citizens in the Upper Peninsula are on relief there was a large Re- publican vote, Professor Haber ex- plained. However, he added, "Many will vote Democratic out of gratitude to the Democratic Party rather than out of fear," but whether re- lief workers would have voted Demo- cratic normally, Professor Haber add- ed, was hard to predict. Regardless of the Republican statements to the contrary, he stated that the opinion is widespread that relief will be reduced by the Republicans. In the poll of the Institute of Public Opinion taken several months ago among relief workers, Professor Haber pointed out that 88 per cent of relief workers were for Rooseveltbut whether that same percentage has continued has not been determined. The amount of intimidation of re- lief workers has been grossly exag- gerated, declared Professor Haber, for when the voters go to the polls they vote as they please. Similarly, the amount of intimidation by propa- ganda about the Social Security Act Close Gubernatorial Race Is Expected; Fitzgerald Strong Outstate Murphy Is Favored In Wayne County Decision Awaits Brown On Amendments State; Brucker, In Senate Fight New Deal Fate In Balance As Nation Goes To Polls; Record State Vote Is Seen By FRED WARNER NEAL Approximately 2,000,000 Michigan citizens, more than 30,000 of them in Washtenaw County ,a record vote in each case, will go to the polls today to cast their ballots for President, United States Senator, Governor, rep- resentatives in Congress and a score of additional state and county of- ficials. The gubernatorial race, which promises to be one of the closest in several years, centers around Frank D. Fitzgerald, Republican in- cumbent, and Frank Murphy, Dem- ocrat. Fitzgerald is expected to run ahead of his ticket, and while even Republicans concede that the state is on the fence so far as the national race is concerned, Fitzgerald is given slight odds. The battle is really one between Wayne County and the rest of Michigan, for while Murphy is practically conceded the large De- troit vote, Fitzgerald is expected to carry most of. the rest of Michigan. New Deal Is Issue The Democrats in traditionally- Republican Washtenaw County have put up the stiffest battle in years, and while local readers express confidence regarding the state as a whole, they have anxious eyes on Ann Arbor's sixth and seventh (the faculty) wards, which may swing the entire county. These wards have always gone Republican. The New Deal is as much the issue in Michigan's gubernatorial and United States Senate race as it is be- DETROIT, Nov. 2.-(IP)-Fore- casts indicated tonight that elec- tion day in Michigan would be rainy, the weather "much colder" and that snow would fall in west and north sectors. The weather bureau said a cold area would cover the state tomor- row and that "rain turning to snow" would fall in northwestern portions of the Lower Peninsula. tween Landon and Roosevelt. For Murpy is running under the New Deal banner, as is the Democratic candi- date for Senator, Prentiss Brown, of St. Ignace. And Fitzgerald is almost as much of an anti-New Dealer as is Republican Senatorial Candiate Wil- ber M. Brucker, former-governor. Republicans who predict a Brucker victory are hoping that Louis Ward, third party senatorial candidate, will cut into Brown's margin. Treasurer Race Close The closest race on the state ticket will be between Howard M. Warner, Republican candidate for state treas- urer, and the Democratic incumbent, Theodore Fry. G.O.P. 'leaders are counting on Wagner to bring votes from those who remember his father, Fred M. Warner, Michigans first three-term governor. Republican incumbents for the posts of secretary of state, auditor- general, attorney-general and su- preme court justice are given odds. Washtenaw County voters will chose between Congressman Earl C. Michener of Adrian, Republican, and Charles Downing, Democrat, for their second district representative. George McCallum, Ann Arbor Republican, has put up a stiff fight against Dem- ocrat John McGillis for the twelfth district state senatorship, while Jo- seph E. Warner, Republican, and George L. Ennen, Democrat, are bat- tling it out for the county's legisla- tive seat. County Candidates County candidates of the major parties are: probate judge: Jay G. Pray, Republican incumbent, and Harold D. Golds, Democrat; prose- (Continued on Page 6) 1 LANTTINT niAWR IRiRP nT nnn Penalized Lateral Pass Legal Score, Film Demonstrates Football fans who have maintained "we wuz robbed" when Stark Ritchie's touchdown in the third period of Saturday's game against the Illini was disallowed have more than just their belief to go by, the Michigan coaching staff is agreed. Moving pictures taken of the game were run off yesterday afternoon, and it is the concensus opinion of the coaches who viewed the films that Barclay's lateral was entirely legal. The play in question came after Johnny Smithers broke through guard at Illinois' 48 yard line and ran to the 35 before he was downed. Using the next two plays to get back to scratch after theVarsity was penal- ized for offside play, Smithers com- pleted a forward to Bill Barclay, on the 25, and the Wolverine signal call- er tossed the ball to Ritchie, who crossed the line standing up. Referee Lyle Clarno maintained that Barclay's pass to Ritchie was a forward rather than a lateral and ruled the whole play incomplete. Council Grants Prof. Karpinski Rates Hearing Promise Action On Riksen Appeal For Amending Peddler Ordinance The Ann Arbor City Council last night granted a hearing to Prof. Louis Karpinski of the mathematics de- partment in his contention for lower rates for residence consumers of the Detroit Edison Co. Professor Karpinski answering the questions of members of the council maintained that reasonable maturing rates which he proposed would "abso- lutely not be confiscatory" to the company involved. He f u r t h e r brought out that it would cost the plants little more to produce 100, or 200 or 300 thousand more kilowatt hours. Professor Karpinski asked the council to accept his proposal for the city attorney to contend in chan- cery court the "laughable reduction" of rates that the company made. He then advocated adoption by the com- pany of the rates used by the City of Kalamazoo in their municipally oper- ated plant, which would give reduc- tions to all using 25 kilowatts or 99 per cent of the consumers. The pres- ent rate schedule saved a maximum of 77 cents a month and for 83 per cent only 16 cents a month, accord- ing to the figures given by Professor Karpinski furnished by the controller of the *Detroit Edison Co. The council referred the matter to committee to be reported on and acted upon Nov. 16. The council last night also prom- ised action in the appeal of B. Ray Riksen, owner of a local fraternity sandwich service, to amend the local peddler's license ordinance, after hearing his plea at their meeting Freshmen Hold Forum Meeting This Afternoon The third of the Union's Freshman Forum series will be held at 4:15 p.m. 1 today in the north lounge of the Union, it was announced yesterday by H. Murray Campbell, student di- rector of the forum series. A freshman committee appointed last week by Campbell will report a question of freshman interest for discussion. Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English department will direct the discussion on the question, which has not yet been announced . Following discussion of the ques- tion suhmittPHb y +tha mm-ca Prn, Pivotal States May Show Way To Eventual Result; Weather To Be Factor Campaign Chairmen Both Claim Victory Weeks Of Campaigning End; Congress Control Also To Be Decided (By The Associated Press) The sovereign voter will decide to- day whether the New Deal should have another four years at Washing- ton. After months of thunderous and bitter dispute over whether President Roosevelt has been savior or de- stroyer, and whether election of Gov- ernor Landon would mean progress or a step backward, the judgment will The Michigan Union will con- duct a radio tabulation of the presidential voting tonight in the North Lounge. All results will be listed on a blackboard as soon as they come in. be handed down by the people. In over 122,000 polling places they will register their preference from before dawn in the East until after sundown on the Pacific Coast. On the collective will in this 38th national election depends not only who will be inaugurated President on Jan. 20, but who will govern in 33 states, who will occupy 35 seats in the Senate, which party will control the House of Representatives, and innu- merable lesser questions of office and social policy in the state govern- ments. RainIn East All sides have portayed the de- cision as momentous for the country's destiny. Candidates have advocated consideration of the issues and "the record" on a plan above partisan linesh. The major parties are di- vided. Despite forecasts of snow and cold in much of the Mid-West and North- west and rainstorms in the East, preparations for a tremendous turn- out have been made. Registrations increased some 16 per cent on the average, leading to an extension of voting time in New York, for example, from 6 to 9 p.m. to accommodate the crowds expected. This may delay conclusive returns. Indications of a record vote pos- sibly approaching 45,000,000, or 5,- 000,000 more than in 1932, have caused speculation whether formid- able emotions are at work in the elec- torate. Farley Has 'All But Two' Should this turn out to be the case, the eventual national result may be foreshadowed in returns from a few usually pivotal states such as New York or Ohio. The party organiza- tions have concentrated the cam- paigning in several such states. To the end, Democratic and Re- publican leaders have insisted the day wouldhbe theirs. Nevertheless, they brought pressure to bear on the or- ganizations in teeming cities and farfung agriculture areas alike to be sure to get their followers to vote. Extra police precautions were ordered in New York and other metropolitan centers. James A. Farley and John D. M. Hamilton. the Democratic and Re- tpublican chairmen, respectively, clung to their clashing predictions of deci- sive victory into the late hours last night. Farley's was the more sweep- ing, this time leaving only Maine and Vermont out of the states claimed as "sure" for the New Deal. Hamilton, on the other hand, in- sisted 320 votes-or 54 more than the 266 required for a majority - were an 'absolute minimum' that could be counted for the Landon-Knox ticket. And between the two was represen- tative William Lemke, the Union Party candidate, contending neither major party would get a majority and the election would be thrown into the House, resulting in his election there. Prof. Karpinski Attacks Wisler Report On Edison Co. Activities, The article by Prof. C. O. Wisler of the engineering school supporting the activities of the Detroit Edison Com- pany, which was printed in the Ann Arbor Daily News Friday, is "incor- rect and meaningless," Professor Louis Karpinski of the mathematics I department charged yesterday. "The Wisler attack, (or is it a de- fense?)" he said, "is full of loose and almost meaningless phraseology, re- realing so limited a knowledge of the subject under dispute that one hesi- tates even to point out these ele- mentary matters. Obviously, once pointed out, there will be a correc- few days numerous wild, and wholly unwarranted, statements have ap- peared in certain local and metro- politan papres of the Detroit district viciously attacking the new rate Schedule for electric current in this area as approved by the state public .tility commission." He then went on to state that the rates of the Detroit Edison Co. or any other company have no relationship with the capitalization of the com- pany, and that the Detroit Edison Co. holds no excessive rights to the Huron River, as Professor Karpinski had stated. Tn this reard. Prnffen or rnin- ft i 11 Wait for The Daily's 7 a.m. Election Final T A k 1'