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November 01, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-11-01

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SUNDAY, NOV. 1, 1936

Summary Of The National Polls
-Student Writer Predicts R oosevelt Will Carry 32 To 37 States-


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidet
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


1936 Member 1937
IsoCided Cobae ie PrGss
Distributors of
CoIe6iite Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
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College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
I'ublication Department: Elsie A. Pierce. Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
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Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
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DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
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ified Advertising Manager.

, Alleged

EDI*OR'S NOTE: The following article was
written at the request of The Daily but does not.
necessarily represent our editorial opinion.
IN TjhE EXUITEMENT of the presidential cam-
paign this year the art of political prognosti-
cation and straw-voting has been carried to new
heights. Heretofore politically-minded Amer-
icans had only the Literary Digest and the straw
vote taken at the county fair on which to rely
in their own predictions of the winner of the
Presidential race. This year, however, the bus-
iness of telling the citizen how he is going to vote
before election day rolls around, has seen the
development of a new technique. Under the old
system, large numbers of ballots were sent out
to what the poll-taker fondly considered a "se-
lected" group of voters on the theory that the
ballots received would represent a cross section
of the general public. The new technique in.!
volves the use of a small number of ballots and
a large staff of investigators who make personal
contacts with the voters to get the opinions of
those who may not reply to a mailed question-
naire or who are not reached if the ballots are
sent out on mailing lists made up from direc-
tories of telephone subscribers or automobile-
The new personal contact method was intro-
duced by Dr. George Gallup in the samplings of .
American thought conducted by his American
Institute of Public Opinion, and has been used
by him for some time. In the present campaign
his method has been utilized by Archibald M.
Crossley in conducting a poll for the various
Hearst papers. The tabulations for both the
Gallup poll (published locally by the Detroit
News) and for the Crossley figure (printed in
the Detroit Times) are given in percentages of
the total major party vote rather than in actual
figures, the method used in all the older polls.
No one could suspect the Hearst-sponsored poll
of any love for President Roosevelt and the
American Institute samplings have been so com-
pletely free from partisan feeling that there is
no ground for urging political considerations as a
possible corrupting influence in either of these
polls, and no such charge has been made.
Briefly summarized, the Gallup poll gives the
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Peril Of Anti-Semitism
To the Editor:
Following are excerpts from an address by
Dr. Will Durant, prominent philosopher, author
and lecturer, on the subject of Americanism Im-
perilled by Anti-Semitism:
"The history of the Jew in the last one hundred
and fifty years is one with the history of democ-
racy. Seeking refuge from oppression, he found
a new freedom and justice in young America, and
contributed lavishly to finance our War fo
Independence. In Europe itself he was liberated
from religious intolerance and political disabil-
ities by that same movement of Enlightenment
which emancipated the Western mind, and by
that same French Revolution which overthrew
the Bourbons and declared the Rights of Man.
Throughout the last century the Jew played a
creative and stimulating role in almost every field
of European culture except those arts which had
been closed to him by Biblical injunction against
graven images. In astronomy, Herschel; in
mathematics, Gauss,. Riemann and Einstein; in
medicine, Ehrlich, Wassermann and Steinach;
in poetry, Heine and Bialik; in criticism, Georg
Brandes; in music, Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer;
in statesmanship, Disraeli and Gambetta; in
a thousand ways the genius of a brilliant people
mingled with the mind and blood of Europe, and
helped to produce the exuberant culture and
humanitarian democracy of the 19th century.
I know of no other case in history, with the
exception of the ancient Athenians, in which a
people so trifling in number has been so fertile
in genius, or has contributed so abundantly to
science and civilization.

And now in that country to which they gave
most, in that Germany whose science, histor-
iography, literature and music have been so en-
riched by the Hebrew mind, the Jews are today
struck down by one of the most cruel blows in
the black record of human hate."
-A Humanitarian.
Farley's Stooge?
To the Editor:
When are you going to realize the position
you hold. The editors are elected to fill the va-
cancies made by graduates from the preceding
school year. The Daily is or should be controlled
by the University. It is not a private concern.
The editors are not the owners and publishers
of the paper.
In your editorial on Thursday of this week
you came out with merely your own personal
opinion. If I remember correctly you printed
early in the semester that you were going to
stand as the campus stood concerning the coming
presidential election. You always have shown
favoritism towards the New Deal, and after you
participate in conducting a poll on the campus
and find that the campus is contrary to your
opinion, still you are bull-headed enough to stick
to your old principle of Rooseveltism.

huge total of 477 electoral votes for President
Roosevelt, calling 12 votes (Connecticut, eight
and Rhode Island, four) unpredictable and giv-
ing 42 to Landon. On this prediction, President
Roosevelt would receive five more electoral votes
than the 472 he obtained in 1932. Dr. Gallup
puts down 31 states, with 315 electoral votes,
"sure for Roosevelt," including the Southern
and nearly all the Western states. His poll lists
only three states as "sure for Landon"-Maine,
Vermont and New Hampshire, with a total of
12 electoral votes. Of the remaining states-14
in number-three are considered "leaning Re-
publican," two are absolutely even, and nine are
termed "leaning Democratic." In this last group
are such important states as Illinois, Michigan,
New Jersey, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
As for Mr. Crossley's Hearst-paper poll it,
too, reveals a very strong Roosevelt trend, with
406 electoral votes indicated for the President
and 122 for his Republican opponent, one state
-Wyoming, with three electoral votes-being
classed as a fifty-fifty. The fact that Mr. Hearst
realizes the implications of his own poll are
shown by the fact that in today's Times the
poll is on an inside page of the second section
instead of its usual place on the front page.
News-Week magazine has just published a
survey of the major polls-Gallup, Crossley and
Literary Digest-together with a summary of the
opinions of leading political commentators and
of certain confidential services. Its "poll of polls"
gives 123 votes to Landon, 345 to Roosevelt, with
four states-Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, and
West Virginia-totaling 63 electoral votes termed
Perhaps the most reliable of all polls are the
betting odds, which last week ranged around five
to two on Roosevelt, with little Landon money in
sight, as many wager-hungry Democrats will
Taking these various polls together and en-
deavoring to evaluate each and reach a definite
conclusion, it would seem that the following
are tenable views:
First, Franklin D. Roosevelt will be re-elected
Tuesday by a landslide vote, as far as electoral
votes are concerned-a landslide vote which
may or may not exceed the vote he polled in 1932.
This is the real question of the campaign now.
The possibility of a Landon victory seems ex-
tremely remote, despite Mr. Ford and Chairman
Hamilton. Mr. Roosevelt should carry 32 to 37
states, Mr Landon obtaining the remainder, and
Mr. Lemke, despite his proud boasts of mid-
summer, bringing up the rear with exactly none.
Mro. Roosevelt should poll in the neighborhood
of 410 electoral votes with the prospect of his
getting more than the 472 h polled in 1932 de-
pendent on the last minute activities of the Far-
ley machine. The predictions of early summer
that November would see the closest race since
1916 when Woodrow Wilson barely nosed out
Charles Evans Hughes seems to have fallen by
the wayside. The only persons who speak of a
close race now are the Republican campaign
leaders whose statements are very reminiscent
of their predictions just before the crushing
Hoover defeat of 1932.
Second, Mr. Roosevelt will poll about 22 million
votes in a total popular poll of around 42 or 4
million, with Mr. Landon getting 19 million and
Mr. Lemke "pulling the sled" with about 1,000,-
000. Of the other four candidates, Mr. Thomas
should lose over half of his 1932 banner-year
total of 900,000 and end up with about 350,000
or 400,000-just under one per cent of the total.
Despite Hearstian allegations that the tiny
American Communist party is voting for Roose-
velt, Earl Browder, this year's Communist can-
didate, will poll something more than the 100,000
which William Z. Foster received in 1932. Mr.
Browder should add around 50,000 or 75,000 to
Foster's total four years ago. Not enough in-
formation is available. relative to the other two
minor party candidates. Dr. Leigh Colvin, pro-
hibitionist, and John W. Aiken, Socialist-Laborite
-to make an accurate prediction, but on past
performance Colvin should get some 75,000 and
Aiken 25,000.
Third, in all probability Mr. Roosevelt will
carry Alabama (11 electoral votes), Arizona (3),
Arkansas (9), California (22) Colorado (6), Flor-
ida (7), Georgia (12), Idaho (4), Indiana (14),
Kentucky (11), Louisiana (10), Maryland (8),
Minnesota (11), Mississippi (9), Missouri (15),

Montana (4), Nebraska (7), Nevada (3), New
Mexico (3), New York (47), North Carolina (13),
North Dakota (4), Oklahoma (11), Oregon (5),
South Carolina (8), Tennessee (11), Texas (23),
Utah (4), Virginia (11), Washington (8), and
Wisconsin (12). Total 31 states with 326 elec-
toral votes.
Mr. Roosevelt should carry Delaware (3), Ohio
(26), Illinois (29), Iowa (11), and West Virginia
(8). Total, 5 states and 77 votes.
Too close for adequate prediction are Penn-
sylvania (36),- Michigan (19), New Jersey (16),
Wyoming (3). Total 4 states and 74 votes.
Mr. Landon should carry Massachusetts (17),
South Dakota (4), Rhode Island (4), Connecti-
cut (8), and Kansas (9). Total 5 states and 42
Mr. Landon will carry Maine (5), New Hamp-
shire (4), and Vermont (3). Total 3 states and
12 votes.
Lafayette, now playing nightly at 8:30, mat-
inee Saturday 2:30: Sinclair Lewis' It Can't
Happen Here. WPA Federal Theatre production.
Seats are 10 to 50 cents. Top price for the mat-

(Monday, November 2, 8:15 p.m.)
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fred-
erick Stock, Conductor
43-Alexander Scriabin (b Moscow.

l' -XI; lLG 3 1 V1 lV. 1i' Y
1872; d. Moscow, 1915). "Art as re-'
ligion and religion as something in-
volving the conception of art"-suchl
was the creed of Alexander Scriabin.
A pianistic prodigy at the age ofI
five, he began to compose three years'
later. In many ways, the story of his'
career and artistic adventures is re-'
mindful of that of Wagner. Like the
latter, Scriabin was emotionally hy-
per-sensitive; as a boy, he wrote dark,
sanguinary tragedies, and sought to
translate reality in terms of artistic
impressions. Also like Wagner, .his
early compositions were of a style
definitely opposed to that of his latter
works, consisting entirely of piano
pieces strongly indicative of a Chop-
inesque influence.
Beginning, however, with Opus 24,
a Reverie for orchestra, Scriabin's {
work began to take on a broader and
maturer character, and gradually to!
assume that aspect of intense ex-
pressionism and symbolism which
marks his last three symphonic scores,
The Divine Poem, The Poem of Ec-
stacy, and Prometheus. In this latter
work the "light-keyboard" is used,
to throw on a screen a kaleidoscopic
succession of colors intended to en-
hance the sensuous-and, for Scria-
bin, the symbolic-impressiveness of
the music. A fourth and yet more
mystical work, to have been called
Mystery, in which not only sounds
and colors, but scents and motions
as well, were to be utilized to the end
of artistic expression and symbolism,
Scriabin did not live to complete.
The Divine Poem is the first and4
least radlcally elaborate of this group.
In it, Scriabin ceases to view music
as purely an aesthetic or emotional
delight, and endows it with the pur-
pose of a mystical rite. For us to
accept the premises of the composer
is probably impossible, but unless wej
meet him halfway and try to under-
stand his point of view, the work will
contain little of beauty or signifi-
cance for us.
I The Symphony is constructed in

(Continued from Page 3)
lery. First showing on Sunday, Nov
1 from 8 to 10 p.m.
Exhibition of Oil and Water Color
Paintings Made in Spain During the
Past 10 Years by Wells M. Sawyer,
shown under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall ,West Gallery. Opens Sun-
day, Nov. 1, 8 to 10 p.m.; thereafter
daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays, Nov.
8 and 15 from 3 to 5 p.m.
Events Of Today
Varsity Glee Club and Reserves:
Very important full rehearsal in prep-
aration for Ypsilanti concert, to-
day, 4:30 p.m. All unexcused ab-
sences must be attended to at this

Chinese Students' Christian Asso-
ciation: The first meeting will be L
held in Lane Hall at 3:30 p.m. to- {
day. All the Chinese students are
invited and Dr. W. Carl Rufus, secre-
tary of the Barbour Scholarship
Committee, who *recently returneda
from a trip in the Orient, will speak.v
New Jersey Students: There will be
a hike this afternoon. All those New
Jersey students who would like to at-l
tend will meet in front of the Library
at 2:30 p.m.
Hillel Tea: There will be a tea to-1
day from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the
Foundation. All students are invited.
Harris Hall:
The Rev. Rollin J. Fairbanks, rec-,
tor of Saint John's Episcopal Church,
St. Johns, Mich., will address the
regular student meeting to be held
at 7 p.m. All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
service of worship:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.1
11 a.m., Holy Communion andi
Isermon by The Rev. Rollin J. Fair-!

F IT WEREN'T for the fact that
there are probably some people
who take the Detroit Times seriously, its latest
excursion into red-baiting would be moderately
amusing. Hearing that some ten members of the
faculty had voted for Browder in The Daily poll
this week, it rushed out Vera Brown, a very
skilled writer in the type of journalism employed
by the Times, to dig up the names of those men
who voted for Browder.
Unfortunately, Miss Brown was unable to dis-
cover them, and so the Times was limited to the
noncommital banner: SIFT RED VOTES AT
U.M. Had Miss Brown been successful, it might
have run a big front page box with the names
and a caption (printed h red) exclaiming: THIS
was too bad. It would have been quite a coup.
But Miss Brown did the next best thing. She
called on all the Regents of the University and
tried to get them to make supporting statements,
and in one case succeeded.
The Times certainly is wide awake.
To the editor of the Times, we extend an invi-
tation to come out to Ann Arbor and attend va-
rious political science and economics classes to
determine for himself whether there is any of
this dreadful indoctrination in the University.
Then, if _he finds it, he's got something. But
until then, we believe that members of the fac-
ulty are not like prisoners deprived of their cit-
izenship, and still have the right. to vote just as
any other citizen has.
The Use Of A
Split Ballot.. .
WE WISH to emphasize again, as we
did at the tinie of our declaration
in favor of President Roosevelt's reelection, that
The Daily is in no sense a Democratic paper.
And because it is not, we are urging that our
readers who vote consider the influences of a
split ballot on Nov. 3.
No party, especially in this election, has a mo-
nopoly on character and ability. State and
local offices are so utterly divorced from national
offices that there is no connection between one's
choice for President and one's choice for gov-
ernor, legislator or county drain commissioner.
Even in the case of Congressmen, we are urging
that the men be considered as individuals, for
their attitudes, programs and philosophies, rather
than as partisans.
As we have pointed out, both of our guber-
natorial . candidates, Mr. Fitzgerald, the Re-
publican, and Mr. Murphy, the Democrat, have
failed to discuss really pertinent issues. That is

three movements, after the old classic banks.
plan, and satisfies most of the struc-
tural requirements of a well-made First Baptist Chruch:
symphony, even though it is the sym- 10:45 a.m., morning worship and
bolic aspect of the music, and not the 104am.mongwrsiad
tchnical wsp chfoms, echief sermon by the minister, Rev. R. Ed-
technical, which forms the warhiaees T ''c "he Higher
interest. The following guide to the ward Sayles. Topic, The Hier
- Righteousness" in the series on the
significance of the music was com-
piled by the composer's wife, with >ermon on the Mount.
amplifications by Modeste Altschuler, 12 noon. Student class of the Rog-
conductor of the famous Russian 'r Williams Guild meets at the Stu-
Symphony and friend of the coin-dent House for 40 minutes. Mr.
poser:n Chapman, leader. Topic, "Signifi-
"The composition has an introduc- cance of Phrase, 'Kingdom of God,'
tion of thirteen measures proclaim- ,n the Teachings of Jesus."
ing the opening theme, which to the 6 p.m., members and friends of the
composer means theaffirmation of Rogers Williams guild are invited
conscious existence, of the coexist- o a joint meeting of church and
ence of matter and spirit in the Ego. ;tudents in the church parlors. They
Then begins the main section, which ,ill be guests of the Church Women's
bears the title "Struggles." This por- Society. Ardee Causey, Grad., of
trays the conflict between man en- Baton Rouge, La., and Mahlon H.
slaved by a personal God, and the Buell, member of the Ann Arbor
free Man, Godwithin him. The lat- church will be speakers.
ter is victorious, but when it comes
to proclaiming his divinity he finds St. Paul's Lutheran Church: The
that his will is took weak for such a attention of Lutheran students and
feat. others interested is called to Prof.
"So he plunges into the delights of Albert Hyma's address to be given
the sensual world. This is the sec- before the Student-Walther League
ond section of the work, "Sensuous! meeting at St. Paul's Lutheran
Pleasures," built upon two contrast- church today, 6:30 p.m. He will
ing themes. The first denotes to give "An Interpretation of the Refor-
the composer the soul's affirmation of mation." Preceding the address there
the sublime; the second, the desire will be the usual hour of fellowship
of the soul for the ecstatic joy of and supper, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
self-annihilation, of the merging of Mr. C. A. Brauer, pastor of the
the spirit into nature. church, will address the congrega-
"Then, from the bottom of his be- tion during the special Reformation
ing, there rises in man a sublime Day service at 10:45 a.m. on "The
power that helps him to overcome his Authority of The Word." You are
weakness, and in the last movement, cordially invited to attend the serv-
entitled "Divine Activity," the lib- ice and the lecture.
erated spirit gives itself up to the
joy of a free, untrammelled exist- The Lutheran Student Club will
ence. This movement brings up in meet tonight at Zion Parish
enlarged and triumphant form the Hall. Fellowship and supper hour at
theme of affirmation of the Introduc- 5:30. Forum hour at 6 p.m. The
tion." discussion will be led byardut

pastor will preach on the topic "The
Marks of a True Church."
The young People's League and
Student Club meet at 7 p.m. Mrs.
C. V. Wurster will speak on "Citi-
zenship and the Ballot."
Stalker Hall: Student class under
the leadership of Professor Carroth-
ers at 9:45 p.m. Topic: "Qualifying
for Leadership."
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Coach F. H. Yost will speak on
"Learning the Rules of the Game."
Fellowship hour and supper f ollow-
ing the meeting.
First Methodist Church: Morn-
ing worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. C.
W. Brashares will preach on "The
Kind of a Man You'd Like to Be."
Church of Christ (Disciples):

10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Tea and social hour.
6:30 p.m., The discussion program
will complete a series of studies on
the general theme of "Campus Life
and Religion." Mr. and Mrs. Pickerill
will lead the discussion on "What Are
Life's Highest Values?"
Unitarian Church: 5 p.m., Twi-
light service, "Little Journeys with-
in the Self" by Rev. H. P. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union.
"Political Wrangle," a student forum.
Everyone welcome.
First Congregational Church, Alli-
son Ray Heaps, minister.
10:45 a.m., Servicerof worship, ser-
mon by the minister.
6 p.m., Student fellowship hour.
7 p.m., Student fellowship pro-
gram, Dr. W. D. Henderson of the
Extension Division of the University,
will speak on "The Power of Person-
Coming Events
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room of the
Michigan League building. Cafeteria
service. Bring tray across the hall.
Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross, Richard
Hudson professor of English History,
who spent the summer in England,
will speak informally on "England
Junior Research Club: The Novem-
ber meeting will be held Tuesday,
Nov. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083
N.S. Program: Dr. Werner Bach-
man, "Cancer Producing Compounds"
and Dr. Richard Freyberg, "The Na-
ture and Management of Edema in
Nephritis Patients."
The Women's Research Club will
meet Tuesday evening, Nov. 3, 7:30
p.m. in Room 3024, Museums Bldg.
Dr. Elzada Clover will speak on
"That American Family, Cactaceae."
Note the change of date from the
usual first Monday of the month.
Interfraternity Council: Special
closed meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tues-
day evening, Nov. 3, inthe Council's
offices, Room 306, of the Union. Only
house presidents will be admitted to
the meeting.
The University of Michigan Public
Health Club: will hold its first meet-
ing Wednesday, Nov. 4, in the Russian
Tea Room of the Michigan League at
6:15 p.m. Get your food in the grill
and bring your tray across the hall.
This is an important meeting. Elec-
tion of officers will be held, and a
program committee appointed. All
students pursuing courses in public
health are urged to attend.
Deutscher Verein: The German
Club of the University of Michigan
1will hold its first meeting on Tues-
day, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Officers for the year will be
elected at this meeting. Everybody
interestediand especially old mem-
bers are invited 'to attend
The Philippine Michigan Club will
have a meeting on Sunday, Nov. 1,
at 3 p.m. in the afternoon, at Lane
Hall. Very important problems and
questions are to be discussed. Please
be prompt and it is very necessary
that you should be there.
Fraternity-Independent Party, '40
Engineers: Will meet in Room 304 in
the Union at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Nov.
The party personnel will be chosen.
All '40 Independents and Fraternity
men are urged to attend because of
importance of meeting.
Tau Beta Pi: The annual fall in-
itiation will be held in the Union at

5:45 p.m., Monday, Nov. 2. All stu-
dent members are cordially invited.
Those wishing to attend the banquet
at 6:30 p.m. should leave a note in the
Technic office some time Monday.
Finnish Students: A meeting of the
Finnish students on the campus will
be held Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m., in
the upper room in Lane Hall.


* * *

student on "A Christian's Relation-

FINALE OF ACT III OF SIEG- ship to his State."
FRIED-Richard Wagner (b. Leip-
zig, 1915; d. Venice, 1883). Siegfried, First Presbyterian Church, MasonicI
like all of Wagner's music dramas, Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave., Dr. W.
has no Finale in the true operatic P. Lemon, minister.
sense of the word-one in which At 10:45 a.m. "Life by The Day"
everyone from the prima donna down is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon
to the stage hands is crowded onto will preach at the Morning Worship
the stage and sings his highest and Service. Music by the student choir.
loudest. The music to be played At 6:30 p.m. Dr. W. P. Lemon will
comprises merely the final section of give a reading from the well known
the work, in which the scene is the and loved play, "The Green Pastures"
flame-surrounded rocky couch of by Marc Connelly, at the regular
Brunhilde, the vanquished Valkyr. meeting of the Westminster Guild.
Having destroyed the dragon, fol- The regular supper and social hour
lowed the bird to Brunhilde's sleep- will be held at 5:30 p.m.
ing-place, and shattered Wotan's
spear (the symbol of the god's power) Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
with a stroke of his sword, Sieg- South Fourth Ave. Theodore Schmale,
fried passes unharmed through the !pastor.
encircling wall of flame and smoke:TasrfrR m
which for twenty years has shielded. The anniversary of the Reforma-
the sleeping ex-goddess from mortal tion will be observed in the regular
disturbance. Brunhilde, awakened mornng worship at 10:30 a.m. The
by a long and rapturous kiss, recog-
nizes her long-awaited hero and wel- merous of the leit-motives which
comes him joyfully as her well-be- have gone before, as well as some
loved. Then, saddening at the heard for the first time, the music
thought of her lost god-hood, she to this scene is full of lyrical pas-
momentarily repulses the passionate sion and emotional exuberance. For
advances of the arden mortal; but a time the lovers alternate in sing-
soon earthly love wells up within ing of their newly-awakened emo-

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