T. 31, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ____________________________________________ U Noma" THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'f we may suspect the individuals behind it of cut- ting their' own throats. But there is no such danger, we believe, for theseupersons are farstoo astute for this; it is much simpler to make Social Security a campaign issue, woo the worker with implied improvements, and then, the victory won, reject him. But let us be realists, let us not suspect the Republican Committee with the aides of air and press of any radical alternatives until they state them. Let us believe rather in the absence of any stated contrary that they would have the mass of American people revert to the decades in which Social Security was a European myth and insecurity a real bitter fact. BENEATH **** ****** IT ALL " - -By Bonth W illiams a music Program Notes: Part 1 CHORAL UNION CONCERT (Monday, November 2, 8:15 p.m.) CHICAO SYMPHONY ORCHESTA i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. i t!"!nnt.iniiarl frnxn Pnoa 4l CLAYTON HEPLER into factions by trouble stunt of dating Link, roommates. split the Kappa House attempting the double- Nancy Seibert and Marge i I '" '- rua _. °a""' 71i i 1936 Member 1937 fAssocied Cole6iate Press Distributors of Cole6iae Di6est Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON * SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR............... ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce. Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shacketon, Irving S. Silver- man William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: lYarshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...............JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wllsei, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Stenbeg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER An Investigation Of Social Security Criticism ... RECENTLY THE DAILY comment- ed in an editorial on the practice instigated by the Republican National Com- mittee of including propaganda slips in the pay envelopes of workers. The practice was wide- spread. It was a deliberate attempt to marshal prejudice against the Social Security Act and could not be defended on ethical and hardly on legal grounds. This practice by employers and the Committee was an attempt to rescue the Social Security Issue from the non-political ground in which Landon's unfortunate Milwau- kee address had bogged it, and to haul it into the welter of the campaign arena. Their design was crowned with success; the Social Security Act is in politics. Rather one should say that a distorted, twisted Security Act is in politics, in to its neck, a Se- curity Act which the Republican pres sand radio says the worker pays, pays through his teeth, in which the state's rights are cast aside as scraps, everyone is coerced, and the administra- tion walks upon its purple carpets. The list of dangerous half-truths which pour with increasing volume from the press and radio is too great to be recorded. No effort is made to tell what benefits will obtain for the u- employed worker, for the aged, for children, for the blind, or what benefits will be extended in public health services or vocational habilitation, except in a negative way. Only when an un- prejudiced account of what the worker will re- ceive in the way of benefits is balanced against what he must pay is announced will the justice of the Act be revealed. In judging the Act one must take into account the dark decades in which it was the custom of the American business man to sneer at Euro- pean social security. In the light of those years when insecurity was adjudged in some obscure way to be necessary to maintain the morale of the working class the Social Security Act is a great advance, a bulwark of a great deal against nothing. It is easy to shout against an imperfect con- structive advance. But this is hardly the time to fight legislative imperfections; it is rather the time to defend the principle of social security. What may we ask, are the motives of those who impugn the Act? Is it through an insight into what they call its faults that they have an alternative program based upon such scientific principles as the present Act is based. If so .these alternatives are strangely not in evidence. What do criticisms of the Act, for example, that the worker pays for his old age pension in the first incidence and then again in shifted taxes, imply in the way of alternatives? Simply that the old age pension should be paid from taxes which cannot be shifted, namely a tax on high incomes and similar "radical" taxes. It may be suspected that this is the last thing on THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right toscondense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Straw Votes To the Editor: Just to have the pleasure of saying, "I told you so," after Landon wins the election, I sub- mit this constructive criticism of recent state- ments appearing in The Daily. It is indeed amazing to find, day after day, the same partisan editorializing of front-page news. In reporting a speech by our President, you give the whole story. Do you do that with Landon's speeches? You do not. You cite only trivialities, ignoring the vital points. You have distorted and at times, even reversed the meaning of his words, as you did in his speech on the budget. I do not, of course, take exceptions to your edi- torial page, for there is the place where partisan statements belong. You cite, for instance, a "moral" victory for the democrats in the recent student poll. No- where, however, do I find in The Daily's poll any mention of the fact that 1,000 Michigan stu- dents are on the federal payroll (from the Daily, October 14). Did they vote to stay in the gravy? You can bet your shirt they did! Subtract these votes from the totals and we find that Roose- velt has 823 votes to Landon's 1,849-about th, same proportion as in the 1932 poll. As for your treatment of the Literary Digest's figures this morning, may I say that if Roose- velt's vote (based on latest report) is increased 30 per cent, he would still lose. In 1932, the Digest was within 1-4 per cent of the exact figures. If it is 120 times as wrong now as it was then, Lan- don still wins-and it won't be that far wrong. As Chairman Hamilton said recently in regard to a similar analysis of Digest figures: "That's what we proved in 1932, and look how wrong we were then!" And, by the way, what ever did become of the results of the nationwide student opinion poll which were to have been published on October 20? Can it be that they were withheld because they exploded the myth that thehyouth of the country favor the Great White Father in the White House? P.S.: Let's see you print this-if you dare! Print the name too, I'm not afraid. -John K. Mills. Dirty Campus Politics To the Editor: Last night I returned from a freshman caucus of one of the prominent political parties on cam- pus with my blood boiling. Before my bewildered eyes had unfolded the outlines of the dirtiest political set-up I ever want to see, a system in which votes are openly bartered for and machine politics prevail. Twenty-five freshmen were gathered in a beautiful drawing room, and only about five knew what it was all about. How had we been chosen and what for? Who was behind it? This is what we found out: a handful of freshmen in each party known as the nominating committee (just who selects them no freshman knows) prepares a slate of candidates for the class offices. Then each of the fraternities and sororities and one or two of the dormitories agrees to influence all the votes they can toward the party they decide to support in return for what that party offers them in the way of positions to be appointed from their group. It is a spoils system and everyone knows it. But more than that, when a freshman at a caucus finds himself taken off in a corner and persuaded to vote for such and such a candi- date for a party office before the candidates for that position have been nominated even the naive freshman knows that the system's so crooked that even the dirty work isn't on the up-and-up. But knowing that, why don't we do something about it? Here under our very noses we allow a system like that to go unmolested, training future American citizens on a brand of politics so corrupt that we should feel disgraced to be remotely connected with it. How can we hope to make alert and decent citizens out of college students who as a class are looked up to as being of a higher level intellectually and cul- turally, when bitter experience teaches them to shrug their shoulders over such gross dishonesty? What can we do about it? Only one thing Split our tickets. Vote for individuals, not parties nor honors. If power is divided among the par- ties their neat little spoils system will fall through and they will have to make appoint- ments on another basis. If we stand together on the policy of splitting our ticket we will have taken one step toward better politics on campus and ultimately in the nation, which, after all, is the only thing worth fighting for. -Ann Vicary. Sympathy And Thanks To the Editor: Recently both girls buried the hatchet and made a pilgrimage to Ann Arbor's fair-haired son's home. Not only did they commit sacrilege by sneaking in and short-sheeting his bed, but they added insult to injury by carrying off the numerous photographs of the handsome Hepler's physiognomy, even to the point of snatching Mrs. Hepler's favorite pose of little Clayton in rompers did the audacious Kappas go, and now one side of their room is covered with those same views of little Hep, while from the other side comes the benign smile of a dozen pictures of Governor Alf Landon-their two heroes. ,,*1 . * * VERA BROWN, special feature writer for the Detroit Times, spent the afternoon around the Publications Building and Ann Arbor at large yesterday trying to ferret out the ten professors in the University who voted for the Communist Party. One of Mr. Hearst's most able writers, Vera herself is for Franklin D., but she does an admir- able job, to William Randolph Hearst's way of thinking of stamping out the insidious red in- fluence which is eating away our very entrails. The Daily staff remained staunchly loyal to their confidantes and refused to divulge the names of the monsters who are undermining the Univer- sit* * * BOB ZUPPKE was watching his charges in their drill in the Stadium yesterday and an- swering the eternal question of the scribes at the same time. He calls his little five foot guard Arch Ward. "Weighs 170 pounds, but he's all wrinkles," Zup laughed. Turning to his old friend, Fielding H. Yost, Zup remarked, "You know, Yost, I can re- member when they used to blame it on a team mistake when We lost a ball game. Things cer- tainly have changed." (Michigan 13, Illinois 0). to be cider, too? We forget) We're sorry as can be to have missed them. And if they were f6 gentlemen only, we're sorry about that, too, be- cause we really could show them a thing or two about eating doughnuts and sipping cider. We Betsy Barbourites do want to know, by the way, who assured the honorable Washtenaw Cau- cus of that dormitory's support in the election. Were you surprised when the Independents or- ganized, and slated a Betsyite for vice-president. In closing, let us wish you better success in the future selection of typists. We noticed that one of our envelopes read "Elixabeth," who was sup- posed to reside in the state of "Mich.%/2" How very intriguing. And here we thought St. Louis was the forty-ninth state! With heartfelt sympathy, -F.J.U. -E.L.W. -D.A.O. The Horatio Alger Myth To the Editor: I believe that the time is right for someone to be honest. One cannot read the history of our country during the last fifty years with an unstifled regard for truth and not feel that the American people are being deliberately deceived and deluded. If the mass of citizens were cor- rectly informed on corruption in high places, on the misuse of great wealth to gain political and social control so that selfish ends might better be served, on the ever-increasing concen- tration of purchasing power in the hands of the few, and the ever-widening breach between labor and capital they would not long remain submissive to their deceivers. Why shouldn't Americans recognize class dis- tinctions? Why shouldn't the laborers realize that if they aren't interested in their own secur- ity no one else will be? The Horatio Alger de- lusion of "office boy to president" didn't happen often in the past, and there is every reason to believe that, with the growing wealth-power concentration, it will happen less often in the future. It is just a vicious type of propaganda designed to keep the laborer looking toward a hazy future rather than at the shocking actual- ities of the present. The following excerpt from the Detroit Free Press (Bingay, of course) is an example of this insidious propaganda: "The average American workman knows that there is no such thing as a class war in the American tradition. He knows that if he has the ability and gets the breaks, he will be up there himself." Sure, Mr. Bingay, keep the poor sucker hoping! Don't let him ask for a more equitable share in the goods he produced! Let the foodstuffs rot in the warehouses so that capital won't have to set the dangerous precedent of lowering prices while some poor devil has a little savings fund that he can still use to feed his family. When that's gone he can feed them on a nice slice of hope! Let the little fellow sit at the foot of the table and gnaw on his bone, while the rich man eats his steak and glories in the freedom of a classless America. But don't let the little fellow r4ecognize that there is any difference between them, oh, no, that would be a "class war," and that is European! They are both equal, only the little fellow does as he is told and always votes for things the capitalist say are for "the general good and the freedom and ecurity of American industry." Sure, Mr. Bingay, keep right on tell- ing the underdog to say in line and be a good dog and he'll have his chance, and make him like it in the name of the American traditions. But someone ought to be honest and show the worker that he can expect a better deal only when he recognizes his position and joins hands FREDERICK STOCK. Conductor. (For (continued horn'Page 3)j convenience in spacing, the worksrare uate and inactive members are cor-; not treated here in their proper order d ially invited. according to the program.) yid . By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER New Jersey Students: There will be PRELUDE AND FUGUE IN E a hike on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 1. FLAT (ST. ANNE'S")- J. S. Bach All those New Jersey students who (b. Eisenach 1685; d. Leipzig, 1750). would like to attend will meet in Musicians, as well as sports writers front of the Library at 2:30 p.m.' and small boys, have a fondness for attaching nicknames wherever pos- Harris Hall: Sunday Nov. 1: sible. It would be easy to name in- The Rev. Rollin J. Fairbanks, rec- numerable compositions which are tor of Saint John's Episcopal Church, commonly known today by titles of S.Jhs ihwlldrs h which the composerneverdreamed- St. Johns, Mich., wil laddress the the "Unfinished" Symphony, "Moon- regular student meeting to be held light" Sonata, and "Jupiter" Sym- at 7 p.m. All students and their phony, for example. The "St. Anne's" friends are cordially invited. Fugue belongs to this group, having - derived the name by which it is Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, known. in English-speaking countries service of worship Sunday: from a resemblance between its open- 8 a.m., Holy Communion. ing subject and the hymn tune known 9:30 a.m., Church School. as "St. Anne's" supposed to have been 11 a.m., Kindergarten. written by a London organist, Wil- 11 a.m., Holy Communion and liam Croft, about 1700. Since the sermon by The Rev. Rollin J. Fair- Fugue was written only 30 years or sp banks. later, and in a then musically distant, country, it seems hardly likely that First Baptist Church, Sunday: Bach could have known Croft's music, 10:45 a.m., morning worship and and some enterprising scholars have sermon by the minister, Rev. R. Ed- traced the fugue subject back to a 1 ward Sayles. Topic, "The Higher motet of Palestrina's (b. 1525), and I Righteousness" in the series on the still others to a French chanson of Sermon on the Mount. the sixteenth century. 12 noon. Student class of the Rog- Regardless of the exact source of er Williams Guild meets at the Stu- the subject, however, it is definite dent House for 40 minutes. Mr. that it had its origin in church music of some sort. In 1739 Bach pub- Chapman, leader. Topic "Signfi-, lished the third part of his Clavier- cance of Phrase, Kigdom of God,' uebung, an extensive work exploiting in the Teachings of Jesus." some of the hitherto unexplored pos- 6 p.m., members and friends of the sibilities of both the Clavier and or- Rogers Williams guild are invited gan, somewhat after the manner of to a joint meeting of church and the Well-Tempered Clavichord. This students in the church parlors. They third part, which opened with the E i be guests of the Church Women's Flat Prelude to be played and closed Society. Ardee Causey, Grad., of with the "St. Anne's" Fugue, Bach Baton Rouge, La., and Mahlon H. prefaced thusly: "The Third Part of Buell, member of the Ann Arbor the Clavier exercise, containing va- church will be speakers, rious Preludes on the Catechism and other hymns, for the organ. Coin- St. Paul's Lutheran Church: The posed for amateurs and lovers of such attention of Lutheran students and works, and for their recreation, by t others ,interested is called to Prof. Johann Sebastian Bach, Composer toll Albert Hyma's address to be given the Royal and Electoral Court of Po- before the Student-Walther League land-Saxony, Kapellpeister and Di- meeting at St. Paul's Lutheran rector of the Music, Leipzig." church Sunday, 6:30 p.m. He will It is doubtful whether Bach him- give "An Interpretation of the Refor- self intended the Prelude and the mation." Preceding the address there Fugue to be linked together in per- will be the usual hour of fellowship formance, but the two movements and supper, beginning at 5:30 p.m. are admirably suited for such a link- Mr. C. A. Brauer, pastor of the ing because of their community of church, will address the congrega- key, number of contrapuntal parts tion during the special Reformation (five), and essential character. The Day service at 10:45 a.m. on "The Fugue is unique among the works of Authority of The Word." You are Bach in that it is constructed in cordially invited to attend the serv- three separate sections, each intro-lice and the lecture. ducing and treating the original sub- e hesea cobined work are known The Lutheran Student Club will! T h symp o bn di wors hreughntwo meet Sunday night at Zion Parish ' to symphonic audiences through twAr Hall. Fellowship and supper hour at orchestral transcriptions, one by Ar- r 2 Wl +0-.,,ru C. V. Wurster will speak on "Citi- zenship and the Ballot." Stalker Hall: Student class under the leadership of Professor Carroth- ers at 9:45 p.m. Topic: "Qualifying for Leadership." Wesleyan Guild meeting 'at 6 p.m. Coach F. H. Yost will speak on "Learning the Rules of the Game." Fellowship lour and supper follow- ing the meeting. First Methodist Church: Mo- ing worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "The Kind of a Man You'd Like to Be." Church of Christ (Disciples: 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5:30 p.m., Tea and social hour. 6:30 p.m., The discussion program will complete a series of studies on the general theme of "Campus Life and Religion." Mr. and Mrs. Pickerill will lead the discussion on 'What Are Life's Highest Values?" Unitarian Church: 5 p.m., Twi- light service, "Little Journeys with- in the Self" by Rev. H. P. Marley. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. "Political Wrangle," a student forum. Everyone welcome. First Congregational Church, Alli- son Ray Heaps, minister. 10:45 a.m., Service of worship, ser- mon by the minister. 6 p.m., Student fellowship hour. 7 p.m., Student fellowship pro- gram, Dr. W.D. Henderson of the Extension Division of the University, will speak on "The Power of Person- ality," TI-IEATRE Spanish Dancers Laurence Clarke presents CARLOS De VEGA and'YNEZ and MARILUZ in Dance and Ballet Divertissements of Spain and Mexico. Emilio Osta, pianist. At the Mendelssohn Theatre, October 30 and 31. By JAMES DOLL FOR a pleasant evening, gay in a quiet way, this program made up chiefly of folk dances is to be recom- mended. The dancers have charm and personality, are always skillful and often thrilling. Bright costumes, the insistant rhythms of the music- piano accompaniment and solo, aid this group of intrinsically interesting types of national dance. Those most closely related to traditional forms are peihaps the most satisfying, especially because it is in these that de Vegas plays the castanets-the most thrilling single aspect of the program. Mariluz' Aztec Rain Dance was rather different from other numbers, coming as it does from a native tra- dition, and not related to the main part of the program as her Mexican dances are. I am inclined to disagree with last night's audience in accept- ing this dancer's more pantomimic Tamales Caliente and Tequila as the most entertaining numbers. All three dancers seem better in dances less closely connected with story or act- ing-such dances as Fado Portugues, swift in movement, swirling in line; the sedate Andalucia which opened the program, Ynez' -vigorous Alegrias Flamehcas. However, the program moved so swiftly--one number fol- lowing another without pause-that the general effect of good entertain- ment was maintained even during the less interesting moments as the au- dience showed by its consistant en- thusiasm during the entire evening. I THEATRE GUILD'S FIRST T HE play opening Monday at the Cass will be Call It A Day, a com- edy by Dodie Smith, who wrote Au- tumn Crocus under'her now aban- doned pseudonum C. L. Anthony. Philip Merivale and Gladys Cooper head the Theatre Guild's cast which in this case really is the original one. The play has been described by re- viewers as a "pleasant comedy" show- ing what might happen in one event- ful day to almost any normal English family. It is leisurely and bright. * * * JOOSS EUROPEAN BALLET This organization-one of the few in the world devoted to the Russian ballet tradition-will give four bal- lets from its repertory next Monday nght at the Masonic Auditorium in Detroit. The company has a school and makes its home between engage- ments at Dartington Hall, South De- von, England, where it maintains the discipline necessary for this rigorous dance form. They have also exper- imented with newer forms which are represented on the Detroit program. Lorado Taft, Famed Sculptor, Succumbs nold Schoenberg, and this one by Dr. Frederick Stock. The Stock tran- scription calls for a very large modern orchestra with a full percussion group, including sleigh-bells. It is dedicated ;o Eric DeLamarter, former Associate Conductor of the Chicago Symphony. VARIATIONS ON A THEME BY1 JOSEPH HAYDN-Johannes Brahms (b. Hamburg, 1833; d. Vienna, 1897.) Some of the richest examples of Brahms' musical scholarship as well as of his creative ability are to be found in the numerous sets of varia-1 tions which he composed, some upon )riginal themes, some upon themes of! other composers. This set, "Upon a! theme of Haydn's," bears the inter- esting distinction of being the com- poser's first extensive work for or- chestra alone, even though it is1 marked "Opus 56a." Brahms ma- tured slowly, much more so than even Beethoven, his direct musical ances- tor; his earlier works, except for two Serenades and the early Piano Con- certo, were invariably written for piano, voice, or small ensembles, and the first of the four symphonies did not appear ntil 1877, four years after Haydn variations.0 The theme on which this set of eight variations is based forms the second movement of a Divertimento which Haydn wrote for two oboes, two horns, three bassoons, and serpent (the latter an obsolete bass instru- ment constructed of a curled wooden tube). Haydn entitled the movement "Chorale St. Antoni," but it has never been decided whether the theme was original with him or was borrowed from another source. As given out by the winds and plucked basses at the beginning of the Brahms Vari- ations, it is a quaint, curious little tune, perhaps because it consists of two five-measure phrases, intead of the ordinary pair of four measuresy each.I Space does not permit any descrip- tion of the eight variations, which Imply manifest the musicianship, or- iginality, and sympathetic tastes-the latter a quality not always found int connection with borrowed themes- of the composer, and which are cli- maxed with a convincing Finale. While, like most of Brahms' works, not spectacular and likely to capture instantly, the work possesses a mod- est, scholarly beauty which grows upon one with repeated hearings. * * * ROUMANIAN RHAPSODY IN Af MAJOR, OPUS 11, NO. 1--Georges Enesco (b. Cordaremi, Roumania, 181). -n aditionnt ohis enutnion 5:30. Forum hour at 6 p.m. The discussion will be led by a graduate student on "A Christian's Relation- ship to his State." First Presbyterian Church, Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave., Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister. At 10:45 a.m. "Life by The Day" is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will preach at the Morning Worship Service. Music by the student choir. At 6:30 p.m. Dr. W. P. Lemon will give a reading from the well known and loved play, "The Green Pastures" by Marc Connelly, at the regular meeting of the Westminster Guild. The regular supper and social hour will be held at 5:30 p.m. Bethlehem Evangelical Church, South Fourth Ave. Theodore Schmale, pastor. The anniversary of the Reforma- tion will be observed in the regular morning worship at 10:30 a.m. The pastor will preach on the topic "The Marks of a True Church." The young People's League and Student Club meet at 7 p.m. Mrs. of three such works which gained a wide and lasting reputation for their Roumanian composer. Departing somewhat from his accustomed air of scrupulous dignity, Mr. Lawrence Gil- man informs that "The A Major Rhapsody is based upon several of the jolliest of the folk-songs and dances . . . especially upon that tune which serves the Roumanian peasant, unblessed by the educational influ- ences exerted by Mr. Volstead, as a drinking song. The song is sung to these words : Am un leu si vrau sa-1 beau Tra-la-la-la-la, etc. "This, being interpreted, means that the improvident singer has a leu (a coin worth about half a cent) and that he wishes to spend it for the ( eplorable purpose of alcoholic stim- ulation. If as much stimulation as is here represented can be bought, in Roumania, for half a cent, the his- torians should have little difficulty in "explaining the present unrest in the Balkans." PERPETUAL MOTION, OPUS 11 -Nicollo Paganini (b. Genoa, 1784; d. Nice, 1840). This vivid, torrential piece once formed the final move- ment of a sonata for violin and or- chestra by the most renowned of all virtuosi. The remainder of that composition has long since been for- gotten, but the final movement sur-