PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1939 PA~*E FOUR FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1936 U THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. F . "..w-- - i , .s s muwnsm,,N 936 Member 1937 issoc ied Colie ica Press Distributors of Cofe6iate Diest Published every morning except Monday during the University yearrand Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Assoaated Press The Associated'Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO -. BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR..............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATErEDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander; Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man. William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M.,Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple. Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES A. BOOZER AS- THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributorsare asked to be brief, the editors reserving the righttto condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Daily Wrong? - To the Editor : In spite of the assertion that it is no "personal opinion" but "just mathematical truth," The Daily's "mathematical analysis" of the Literary Digest poll is wrong. The arithmetic has been used incorrectly.b We all agree that the Digest poll is inaccurate because it does not represent a true cross- section of the voters. If we look in the present poll at "how they voted in 1932" we discover that Hoover is now President! For every 100 who state that they voted in 1932 for Hoover, merely 93 claim to have voted for Roosevelt; the actual election results are 100 Hoover against 145 Roose- velt. Thus the Literary Digest is way off in the "prediction" of a fact in the past! Is it possible to make an objective correction for this serious discrepancy? The right answer is no. The method of correction will depend upon the opinion as to what causes the discrepancy. Who are these 1932 Democrats which were missed by the Digest poll? Will they divide their votes between Landon and Roosevelt in the same ratio as those who answered the poll? Or do they perhaps belong to classes of which it can be assumed that they will all vote for Roosevelt? There are many more possibilities. The first assumption would change the Landon-Roosevelt prediction to 100:95, the second to 100:120. The Daily makes the logical error of first applying a correction and afterwards attempting to explain the failure of the Digest poll. It is often believed that the use of arithmetic can con- vert any reasoning into a "mathematical truth" (which probably means an objective conclusion). Perhaps this is because so many cannot see through it at once and have an abnormal admira- tion for what appears difficult. Aside from the above mentioned general objec- tion, The Daily's arithmetic is incorrect in itself.1 It takes too long to explain this and few are interested anyway besides its author. The fol- lowing remark may be sufficient. If we disre- gard the Digest columns "did not vote' 'and "vote not indicated" the total vote before and after correction should of course be the same. This is not so for the method applied by The Daily. -S. A. Goudsmit. More On Sex Lectures To the Editor: My dear cultured friend of yesterday, 'tis in- deed piteous that your singularly blithesome soul should have been so beset by the "great shock" of "good humor" and "smutty jokes" which stunk the sex lectures the other night. Many of us are in consonance with you in feeling that nothing practical resulted from that good hour of wasted time. But, my friend, whereas we may agree as to the immediate worthlessness of the talk, we disagree decidedly as to the causes and the ulti- mate purpose thereof. Let us for the moment drop our indictment against the Doctor, who, may he rest in peace, was serious enough, so serious that he naively delighted in fumigating the room with the commonplace of that which I knew at the age of six, and pity we ought to have for him, for, certainly, he must have felt like a heel; and let us turn to our endeared fresh- man listeners who sounded like a pack of sex- starved wolves. (And mind you, my friend, you were one of these freshmen. Perhaps, that is the reason for the whiteness of your skin.) Come. come, try to remember how this fine group of backwoodsmen of a specially cultured civility continually howled over the least of trifles and the gravest of comments, how it jested even the most serious into the most sensuous, how it besmirked itself with its unbecoming conduct and unpleasant ignorance. Your "aeroplanes" and "wise cracks" (and of what an ingenious character they were) must, of course, have been intended to humor the Doctor a bit. I am told1 that is no less than woodcutters' ceremonial of condescension. We are verily pleased to have such a morally bred group of inmates come into our Institution. Our only hope is that, before you leave us, you will be able to see in a woman an essence more beautiful than anything you find in your whole litter of pornographic photog- raphy and erotic imagination. Yes, I agree with you that Doctor Bonny- clabber especially shined of much to do about nothing. It is just too bad that, in the face of a problem as definite as sex and under such a favorable condition as having a student body which has reached a level where the question is no longer to be thought of as unclean, our-would- be advisers hedge in circumlocution which half the time doesn't even bear upon the point in is- sue. We are not particularly concerned about the sex of mythology; we are concerned, serious- ly concerned, about the natural expression of the sex impulses, right here, on the campus. It was this problem that one expected to hear dis-, cussed, yet which was not in the least hinted. And unless my judgment deceives me, the only solution pertaining thereto, in so far as I could gather, is masturbation, be that sound or not. It does not seem very unreasonable if one of the profession were to speak on this matter in shining language. free of all technical jar- gon, and even assuming alley-talk if necessary, and bring to bear at least some stimulating thought or frankly admit that little can be done about it, which most likely is the case. -J.G., '38L. BENEATH **** ****#* IT ALL "s-By Bonth Williams;-- - & PROBABLY you've never seen a pigeon race. Maybe you've never even heard of one. In either case you have been missing a sport that has as it's only rival for corruption and fa- nangling, the pounding of hoofs on packed dirt tracks. Pigeon racing is the sport of the masses. It attracts people from all walks of life, but it is most popular by far with factory workers who raise their pure bred strains in dingy apart- ments and small homes. I got interested in the thing one day this summer while working in a Detroit factory, and was invited over for a big handicap race the following Sunday. The birds are all finely bred homing pigeons, mated for speed and endurance. All poor birds are immediately killed off and generally eaten so that the strain is con- tinually becoming faster and faster. Each loft or stable is registered with a local club, and these clubs stage handicap races at stated intervals during the summer. An owner may nominate as many birds as he wants from his loft so long as he pays the entry fee and has each bird officially tagged. The entry fee in most clubs is 25c per bird. The odds for all entries are the same and are made by the clubs. Thus in small, non-handi- cap races, odds are generally 8-1. In the handi- caps, purses as high as several thousand dollars are offered and the odds range somewhat higher. CAME SUNDAY and Norm and I climbed up to the loft of his house. Armed with a pair of binoculars and two arm chairs we swept the skies as he told me some of the inside stuff in the racket. For a handicap the course is generally 500 miles. It takes two days to ship the birds and one day for them to fly home. A good bird will average about 60 miles per hour. The birds are all sealed in boxes by the club officials and then accompanied by them to see that the seals are not tampered with before the start of the race. Widowhood is the common practice used by owners to give their birds added speed and incentive. Just before a big race, the owner selects a bird which has laid a nest of unhatched eggs. Then, making a pin hole in one of the eggs, he inserts a live fly which buzzes around and raises the maternal hopes of the mother to a high pitch. Immediately the bird is removed and shipped off to the races. The result is that the mother in her frantie desire to get back to her supposed brood, pours every ounce of her energy into flying and will often arrive home practically dead, but far in advance of the rest of the flock. The same general scheme is followed with cocks, but the incentive is of a different nature. In addition, doping, starving, and 'speed feeding' are made use of to increase bird flying ability. The birds are trained in the homing instinct from earliest age, and the length of trial flights is gradually increased until the bird's range is 500 to 1,000 miles. SUDDENLY Norm stood up. "Here they come," he muttered, as a few specks of black ap- peared on the horizon. As the birds came nearer, it was apparent that there were about 20 in the flock. Winging their way up Warren Avenue they came, bucking a heavy head wind, when suddenly one bird detached itself from the flock and headed straight for us. "Get the clock, get the clock," Norm shout- ed as the bird sprinted towards us. I handed the timer to him and as the exhausted pigeon fluttered down on the roof, Norm expertly removed the tag and stamped it in the clock. "Boy, and to think I was going to eat that bird last week, Norm laughed as he shouted down- stairs,,"he's come in ma, bring us two more beers." Later that afternoon we went down to the club where the owners were assembled. Each man submitted his tags and his clock and the official, after computing the difference in city distances, awarded first place and 500 dollars to Norm. WE SAT around the club rooms for an hour or so afterwards and listened to the old timers swap stories. They got to discussing the start of distance races, when the birds rise and wheel. If they hesitate, or wheel twice, they are generally out of it, for the other birds will have a half-mile lead. It was generally agreed that a bird that once stopped for food or water was .lost, and would probably never be recovered. In- stances of birds missing by as much as two hun- dred miles and being found in Northern Canada are numerous. These misses are most often made by 'hopped' birds, birds straining under one of the widowhood practices or doped. I also learned to what extent the officials go to prevent fraud in the timing. Because it is possible to slow down a watch by freez- ing it and to speed it up by heating it, a thin film of sensitive wax is painted over the inside of the clock. If heated, the wax runs and gums up the clock. If frozen, the wax cr.ystallizes and is readily discernible. Racing pigeons are used to a large extent in modern newspaper work. Pictures are sent fron) ship to shore via racing pigeons, and pigeon post TH EATRE One-Woman Theatre By JAMES DOLL! MISS SKINNER has hit upon the name Modern Monologue for the type of sketch she uses in her un- usual program. Eight of these made up her program last night at Hill au- ditorium. Sometimes as in Hotel Porch she impersonates a single character, managing, however, to make us see vividly the other charac- ters and the setting. Although the stage time is only a few minutes we see the drama in a situation covering years in the lives of two people. Oth- er sketches are simply comedy epi- sodes, like her well-known Homework, which shows a mother trying to do a difficult problem for her son, not dar- ing to admit she can't solve it, finally calling her husband away from a bridge game to work it out for her.{ Her best number, it seems to me, is Being Presented. The scene is a bed- room in a London hotel where a wom- an from Nebraska is getting ready to go through the ordeal of bowing be- fore the king at Buckingham Pal- ace. The situation is amusing and she seems to have developed all its comedy possibilities both in the writ- ing and in the acting, getting a laugh on almost every line. Times Square and A Morning in a Dressmaking Establishment represent a different type. In each of these she does a number of characters changing from one to another with- out leaving the stage. This line from a Czarist exile turned model got one of the biggest laughs of the evening: "She (the boss) almost makes me understand Lenin." Her more dra- matic sketches, On the Beach at Bar- bados for example, are better in their acting than in the writing which does not escape triteness. Hill Auditorium was nearly filled for the program and the audience was unusually enthusiastic. Lady Precious Stream AMORE charming and delicate play than Lady Precious Stream can rarely be seen. Its story covers a long period of years, moving from eastern China to beyond its western borders and back again, with a hero and heroine who get no older or worn in spite of 18 years of poverty, hard- ship, and dangerous adventures. It, is less positive, less melodramatic than The Chalk Circle which Thom- as Wood Stevens did here in the summer of 1932, and consequently less interesting and more difficult to present to a Western audience. It is for the most part quiet, with scenes, of pathos touched by a sense of hu- mor. But there are occasionally; deeply moving scenes and one episode of battles and marching armies. Lady Precious Stream-its original title was The Eight Acts Concerning the Wang Family-has greater pos-7 sibilities for entertainment in our theatre than were given it in the present production. It is not my aim to tear it down, to emphasize its faults since it did make an interest- ing evening in the theatre. But it would have been so much better if it had at least unity in its acting. A i few of the actors had charm and sincerety; others lacked feeling and subtlety. Some of them reminded me of nothing less than the late De Wolf Hopper's performance in The Mikado. When the style of a play is other than realistic, it seems even more necessary for the motion back of it to be strongly felt in order than the human element may get through the surface. No matter how stylized the movements, for example, in the parting scene between the mother and daughter, the audience must feel the deep grief back of strange and un- real movements and lines While the unfamiliar traditions of the Chinese are difficult for us to understand, many of their stylized actions are quickly accepted by the audience-so willing are people to use their imagination once the theatre asks them to. Our realistic theatre rarely gives them an opportunity. These fundamental traditions should, of course, be kept. But there are many incidentals in the present-day theatre of China which-as ElmerE Rice points out in a recent article in the New York Times-are decadent. They are often amusing but they de- tract for an audience that is not used to them. The bored property-men smoking cigarettes, reading the news- paper are possibly less distracting to a Chinese audience than the cracks in the scenery of a box-set are to us. It seems to me these should be min- imized in favor of the play itself and the stylized mannerisms that arel closely connected with the script it- self. The externals can be diverting for only a short time anyway. The play will stand or fall on its ownf merits. The accidents of develop- ment, the retrogressions of the tradi- tion should be dropped. Of course, it would be as impossible to do an au- thentic production in the manner of a past period as it would be to try to do Shakespeare's plays exactly as they were done at the Globe. But we could get a closer interpretation of the play itself. The costumes, for example, can be used to point out the decad- once f1thepresent-dav 1I th.c i'of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th. University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. FRIDAY, OCT 30, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 29 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to faculty members, towns- people, and their friends on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 1, from 4 to 6 p.m. President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on Wednesday afternoon. Nov. 4, from 4 to 6 p.m. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The second regular meet- ing of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts for the academic session of 1936-37 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Nov. 2, at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the I meeting of Oct. 5, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 287-295). 2. Reports. a. From the Executive Committee by Prof. H. D. Curtis. c. Deans Conference by Dean E. H. Kraus. d. Reports of progress from sev- eral committees. Committee on Courses by Prof. F. E. Bartell. Committee on Examination Schedules by Prof. H. C. Carver. 3. Announcements and new busi- ness. E. H. Kraus. Notice to the faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due Oct. 31, Room 4, University Hall. E. A. Walter, Chairman, Academic Counselors Graduate School Students: The. approved schedules of study should be filed in the office of the Grad- uate School this week. Transcripts that have been loaned must be re- turned. Teacher's Certificate Candidates: A special meeting of all students in the School of Education, College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts and Graduate School who expect to be candidates for theteacher's certifi- cate within the next two years is called for Monday afternoon, Nov. 2, at 4:10 p.m. in the University High' School Auditorium. Important prob- lems relating to the certificate will be discussed, application blanks will be distributed, and opportunities for' students to ask questions will be- given. Physical Education for Women: Tests in archery, tennis, golf and badminton will be given this afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. Anyone desiring to take these tests to sign! up at the Women's athletic building.1 Swimming test will be given at the1 Union on Saturday morning from 9 to 11 a.m. Those wishing to take this test, are asked to report to the poola at that time. Meteorites: Application blanks for membership in the Society for Re- search on Meteorites may be se- cured in Room 2051 Natural Science Building. Carlos De Vega Dance Ensemble: Carlos de Vega and his two dance partners, Ynez and Mariluz, will ap- pear for three performances this af- ternoon, tonight and tomorrow eve- ning at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will present a rhythmical picture of life in Spain The Great.. Unconscious. and Mexico. Tickets are still avail- able at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office. Please make reservations as soon as possible. Father Hubbard Lecture: Single admission tickets are now on sale at Wahr's State Street book store. Concerts Faculty Concert: The first program in this season's series of concerts by members ofthe faculty of the Uni- versity School of Music will take place in Hill auditorium, Sunday af- ternoon, Nov. 1, at 4:15 p.m. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited. Academic Notices Professor Marc Denkinger will not meet his 2 o'clock class (French 115) today. Exhibition Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe- cial emphasis on Japanese Wood Sculpture, under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 8, 3-5 p.m. Gallery talks to be announced Events Of Today The University of Michigan Public Health Club cordially invites all stu- dents who are interested in public health to a Hallowe'en Party to- night at 8 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Building (corner N. Uni- versity and Forest). Games, bowling, dancing and over 30 prizes to com- pete for. Come and meet others pur- suing public health. Come and be merry with the ghosts and witches -it's a Hallowe'en party. Esperanto: The Esperanto class will meet today in Room 1035, Angell Hall, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. All in- terested are cordially invited. Stalker Hall: There will be a hike to the Island and a hot dog roast there. We will leave Stalker Hall-at 8:30. After the roast, all who wish, may return to the Hall for radio- dancing. Congregational Students: There will be an informal Hallowe'en Party and Dance at 8:30 p.m. this eve- ning at the Congregational Church for Congregational students and friends. All are requested to bring aprons. The Disciples Guild will have a Hallowe'en party at the Chruch of Christ, Hill and Tappan Streets to- night at 8 p.m. In addition to the usual games of the recreational pro- grams there will be folk games, con- tests, stunts, ghost stories and for- tune telling. Baptist Guild: A Hallowe'en ghost party will be held for members of the Roger Williams Guild and their friends immediately following the pep meeting tonight. Those planning to attend are asked to wear fairly old clothes that will not soil easily. All students are invited. The Lutheran Student Club will have a Hallowe'en party tonight at Zion Parish Hall. The early part of the evening wil lfeature a Scavenger Hunt and the latter part will feature Hallowe'en games and refreshments. Come at 8 p.m. Coming Events Graduate Outing Club: Hallowe' en party at Psio cabin Saturday eve- ning. Trip leaves Lane Hall at 6:30 p.m. All graduate students are cor- dially invited. Fraternity-Independent Party, '40 Engineers: Will meet in Room 304 in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 2. The party personnel will -be chosen. All '40 Independents and Fraternity men are urged to attend because of importance of meeting. Hallowe'en Dance at Lane Hall, Saturday evening from 9 to 12, for S.C.A. and Rendezvous members and all others interested. Arab Students Union: A meeting of the Arab Students Union will be held at the Michigan Union, Sun- day, Nov. 1, at 3:30 p.m., in Room 302. A special invitation is xtend- ed to all students of Arabic or Sy- rian descent who have not yet be- come members. The Lutheran Student Club will meet Sunday night at Zion Parish Hall. Fellowship and supper hour at 5:30. Forum hour at 6 p.m. The discussion will be led by a graduate student on "A Christian's Relation- ship to his State." The Eastern Religions Group will hold its second meeting Sunday, Nov. 1 in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. Mr. Hisung Pak A NATION FULL of college presi- dents must have muttered things under their breath yesterday morning as they read of William Allen White's Boston interview,, in which he declared that he would "like to see more riots on college campuses." "I am a little appalled sometimes," said Mr. White, "when I see students in college more conservative than their fathers. It's rather sad when you see a freshman who is a Hoover Demo- crat. I like the English way, where people are radical when young and conservative when old." It would be difficult to judge whether this campus is guilty of too much conservative think- ing or too much radical thinking. In fact, it is difficult to discover whether there is any think- ing at all on the campus. With one of the most decisive elections in many years coming next week, the campus yawns and goes to the movies. Spokesmen for the two major parties visited the campus last month, brought by the Union. At both of these ad- dresses, students were conspicuously absent, and the shiny heads of townspeople and faculty com- posed a meagre audience. Only about one-third of the student body cared enough about the coming election to vote in the campus poll. A reporter sent out to secure representative views of students on the major issues of the campaign as they were voting brought back scores of rea- sons which would reflect no credit to a retarded class in kindergarten (Landon's O.K., but Roose- velt's a better guy.) There might conceivably be an excuse for being bored by political affairs at this stage of the campaign, if this were anything but a symptom of a chronic apathy, a gorgeous indifference that extends to anything requiring cerebral activity, We don't want riots on the campus. We wouldn't like to see the Universities in this country occupy the position in political affairs which they do in many foreign countries, where their extremism involves them in constant vio- lence. Still, if people who represent our educated ten per cent are not sufficiently interested in public affairs to participate actively and at the very least to keep themselves informed, democ- racy must inevitably become the tool of the dem- agogues. If we cannot expect a keen and lively interest in current issues among college stu- dents, where on earth would be hope to find it? In specific terms, we mean that plans for forums, discussion groups, lucheor. clubs, polit- ical clubs or any organization, formal or in- formal, which pretends to a serious interest, can- not survive on this campus, cannot overcome that huge wall of inert apathy. The only clubs that have any healthy life are those of the radicals, and it is the fact that they alone are actively interested that the campus may give the TH E SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN 'LADY BE CAREFUL' HERE is a picture that comes as a surprise. It is by no means a great production; it is intended to be no more than a class B program, fea- tuLre. But the sincerity and direct- ness of Lady Be Careful raises it far above its technical rank. The story is mediocre enough. A sailor, Lew Ayres, is rescued by a group of society girls whose sail boat has run into his rowboat. When they return him to the battleship, every- one gets the erroneous impression that he is a bear with the women. Down at Panama, the next stop, is a chorus lassie known as Stonewall Jackson-a girl who won't give the boys a break, Miss Mary Carlisle. A bet goes up that Ayres, now known as Dynamite, can break through the wall of stone. The rest of the picture concerns the inexperienced sailor and the chorus girl, with "a little home and rose bushes" ideals. All of this sounds ordinary enough, and it is, but it is the direction of the picture rather than the story which gives this film a boost. Here is a good example of what can be done with a little sincerity. The characters are down to earth people, and they talk like them. The :i