THE MICHIGAN DAILY TURsDAY, OCT 9 13 H h Schools County Relief Head Osta To Play For Is Granted Leave Spanish Daneers Forn . Leagues Charles F. Wagg, county relief ad- ministrator for the past eight months Emilio Osta, famous European con- For D ebatinr has been granted six months leave ert pianist, has been engaged by of absence to do work for the state re- lief administration, it was announced In preparation for the twentieth yesterday by Everett DeRyke, chair- Spanish dance ensemble in their re- annual state championship debate to man of the Washtenaw county com- citals at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- be conducted in Ann Arbor in 1937 mission. atre tomorrow and Saturday, October many high schools are organizing An acting administrator will prob- 30 and 31. Mr. Osta is taking the al leagues, Dr. William P. Hal- y be named sometime next week place of Victor Rodriquez, formerly stead, manager of the Michigan High before'Wagg leaves announced as piano accompanist. School Forensic Association, an- Born in San Francisco, Spain of nounced yesterday. League will include the high schools pure castillian descent, Mr. Osta re- Under the joint sponsorship of the of suburban Detroit. Other local ceived his first acclaim after his in- Extension Division of the University leagues throughout the state are the itial piano recital at the age of six. and the Detroit Free Press, high Border Cities League, The Grand He played under the tutelage of Josef schools throughout the state will de- Rapids League, Tri-County League, L'Hevinne and later won the mas- bate the general topic of government and Upper Peninsula League. ter's scholarship prize. He also won ownership and operation of electrical Detroit high schools will debate on the sclholarship prizes offered by utilities, Dr. Halstead announced. Nov. 13, 20, Dec. 11 and 18. Suburban Leopold Godowsky and Artur Rodzin- Detroit high schools will organize Detroit high schools will debate in ski. a league for the seventeenth consecu- elimination contests on Nov. 6, 20, He gave a recital at Town Hall in tive year. An Outer Metropolitan Dec. 4 and 18 New York city last season, and also appeared with Escudero. He was to free from contracts. Mr. Osta will have been La Argentina's accompa- be heard as soloist on the de Vega nist this year but her death set him program. New L. C. Smith and Cor- ona, Royal, Underwood, Remington portables. USED Office and Portable Typewriters in all makes and models bought, sold rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. A lamre and complete stocks. Convenient terms may be arranged. Special rental rates to students. Rent may be applied in the event of purchase. Because of the great amount of mail that is lost or has to be returned to its owners, Mrs. Horatio Abbott, postmistress of Ann Arbor, urged in a recent interview that students in- struct their correspondents of their correct addresses. Mrs. Abbott pointed out that many students when they change their ad- dresses from year to year fail to tell their correspondents their new address, and consequently much mail has to be returned to its senders or sent to the dead letter office. Much Work Arises She went on to say that letters and parcels sent to students in care of the University result in much work and difficulty in finding the recip- ient's correct address: Mrs. Abbott urged that students be particularly careful in guarding against this. She told how the An Arbor post- office sends out more than 35,000 let- ters every day during the school year, as well as 200 sacks of parcel post and about 10,000 flat circulars. This is an unusually large amount of out- going mail for a city of this size, the postmistress said. Incoming mail during the school year amounts to more than 75,000 let- ters; 4,000 pieces of parcel post and a very large amount of flat circulars, Mrs. Abbott pointed out. There are also about 250 specialdelivery letters received each day, she said. Amount Drops At the time the University is not in regular session the amount of mail drops considerably, Mrs. Abbott pointed out. However, she stated, the incoming postage increases great- ly at the opening of the Summer Session. The local post office employs about 100 clerks, carriers and truck drivers at the present time. Two Highway Bosses Charged With Violations HARRISON, Oct. 28.-(P)-Two Mtate highway dpartment bosses, accused of discharging three work- men for refusal to -support Demo- cratic candidates, stood mute at their arraignment today on charges ofI violating the Michigan election laws. The warrants, which name Fred Bingham, superintendent of the Clare district, and Victor Finch, his fore- man, charge them with intimidating voters.I Although Prosecutor Theodore G. Bowler requested that the examina- tion be set for tomorrow, Justice A. S. Young, whio issued the warrants,I scheduled it for Nov. 4, the day after the general election. In so doing, he acceded to the plea of James M. Kane, attorney for the state high- way department, who appeared for the defendants. Pleas of not guilty were entered for Bingham and Finch, and they were released upon their own recog- nizance. Bingham in a statement, denied the charge. Finch made no state- ment. The warrants were drawn under a section of the statutes which says that "any person who, shall directly or indirectly discharge or threaten to discharge any person in his employ for the purpose of influencing his! vote at any election or primary elec- tion in this state shall, on conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor."! The maximum penalty is a $500 fine, 90 days in jail, or both. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State Street If You Write, We Have It Since 1908 Phone 6615 7' L f e Dodge Presents Depopulation Theory Friday Meeting Is At Princeton, N. J., To Hear Professor Explain Developments Prof. Stanley Dodge, of the geo- graphy department, will present his theory that depopulation areas - places where the population has de- i clined 50 per cent-and uplands or the boundaries of trade areas coin- cide geographically, at a meeting Fri- day of the Population Association of America at Princeton, N.J. Professor Dodge, who has been de- veloping this theory ever since writ- ing his Ph.D. thesis on the subject, will probably spend next summer in New England trying to find the so-! ciological reasons for depopulation in certain areas, he said. Certain parts of New England he said, have never had any population; others have had their population rise to a maximum from about 1830 to 1840 and then decline until now they are more than 50 per cent below that level. Recently Professor Dodge discov- ered that these areas followed closely the divisions on the trade area map, he said. Upon completing a map with both kinds of areas plotted, he found this theory to be generally true. But he still has no idea as to why this should be so, he said. Professor Dodge first became in- terested in depopulation phenomena when several years back he noticed a peculiar fact about thedriveways of houses on the main roads leadingj from a town, he said. It seems, according to Professor! Dodge, that for a certain distance along t he road, all the driveways turned to face the town. However after a certain distance, he found that they all began to face in the other direction-toward the next town. The peculiar fact was that many of the houses in between these two oppositely faced driveways were abandoned, he said. After a great deal of investigation he found this to be true on most roads, he said. "To a service my roommate suggested. I's quick and it's neat and It just cawn't be beat - and the VA LUE just cawn't be bested." , .. -w 4 . f Student "ROUGH DRY" Bundle SHIRTS, Handkerchiefs and socks are completely finished to please the most critical . . . Underwear and pajamas are washed and folded ready for wear, all at a very moderate charge. Only ten cents per pound with charges for extra finished laundry marked accordingly. i' H Y PAY FOR DELIVERY CHARGES alone to express your laundry home wnen It costs only a few cents more on our NEW ROUGH DRY Students' Bundle, called for and deliv- ered free in Ann Arbor. Someone in your family is paying 76c (the minimum charge for five pounds via Express) for the ship- pig of your laundry to and from Ann Arbor and then goes thirough the trouble of sending it to a laundry at home or has that extra amount of wash herself. Why not spare yourself this add- ed trouble and expense by mak .ig arrangements with one of te fourt laundries listed below: Professor Dodge's Princeton will follow John D. Wright of Geographic Society address at a talk by Dr. the American Bowler and Justice Young also arc At Lansing both the highway de- Republicans. Bowler was defeated partment and the attorney general's for renomination in the September ,department announced that investi- primary. gations will be made. The road workers who were dis- State Highway Superintendent missed- are Alvin Wells, 39-year-old Murray D. Van Wagoner is a Dem- World War veteran; Glen Amy, 41, ocrat. Attorney. General David H. also a war veteran, and Tom Shilling, Crowley is a Republican. Prosecutor 32. Because S A M P L E BUNDLE 2 Suits of Underwear 3 Shirts 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels COST 99c cper Pound .@0 (Minimum Bundle-50c) Skirts, Extra . . . Full Dress Shirts not included in this Service. Sox, Extra, pair0... . 12c loc You Were Disappointed Once .. . is no reason to fight shy of the for all time. Get the idea out of your head not get a good photograph of course you can! We've made photographer that you can- yourself. Of hundreds of Handkerchiefs, Extra . 3c . Ic photographs of people who said they just couldn't get a satisfactory portrait. TROJAN LAUNDRY P... ,AOd VARSITY LAUNDRY I I I