logo THE MICHIGAN DAILY ter.. I I The PRESS ANGLE By GEOR1GE J. ANDROS That Man Again FROM A FLINT READER (and he gives his name and address) comes clipping from The Flint News-Advertiser. No comment is necessary, think; the trend of thought is quite obvious. a I Tod Rockwell, Detroit Free Press sports writer and former quarterback at Michigan, says the blame for the University of Michigan's dismal football failure during the last three years belongs to Fielding H. Yost, athletic direc- tor. He said so here Thursday in a red-hot address before the Kiwanis Club. R-ckwdcl blamed the "selfish desire of an arrogant, conceited, bigoted, old fool for a permanent memorial to his name" for an in- debtednes of $1,300,000 outstanding on Michigan's football stadium. I He declared'"that mass of concrete" was to blame for the condition which "has been existing and will exist as long as Yost is around ..elfishly whining, snarling, crying and bitter because he is going to die before the debt is paid." The speaker vehemently declared it was Yost's attitude of "you've got to win" which causes Harry Kipke, head coach, to pass the responsibility down to its eventual resting place-heads of the team. He said, "the team has two strikes on it before the start of any of its games because of the burden of that concrete mess and the mental state in which the men are placed." Rockwell added that the burden of that indebtedness is placed squarely upon the brow of Flint's Biel Barclay, the present quarterback, before each game. In comparing the fortunes of Minnesota with those of Michigan, Rockwell stressed the fact that "Minnesota his one coach and an athletic director who is content to sit in his office." Michigan, on he other hand, he declared, "has a selfish, publicity grabbing old fool who is' continually trying to crowd everybody out of the picture." Since Kipke is under fire, however, because of defeats, Rockwell said, Yost and his pets have been andBare trying to impress people with how little they have to do with the football direction of the university's team. "I can't tell you whether Kipke is a good football coach or not," Rockwell told the Ki- wanians, "because he has never been on his own." Rockwell scorned stories that Kipke had received offers from eastern' colleges and that he had been given a raise in pay to keep him from joining another institution. He called the entire matter a -"cooked up scheme to give his boys a raise." *" * * * The Michigan Alumnus TWO FORMER Michigan Stars have been very much present in the sport pages these days as they seek new worlds to conquer. Dick Degener, Olympic diving champions and at present an Ann Arbor clothing merchant, will soon start on a nation-wide tour as a professional, while Johnny Sherf, former Wolverine hockey captain, is battling for a berth on the Detroit Red 'Wings, world's professional champions. On tour with Degener will be such well-known stars as Jack Medica, Marshall Wayne, next to Degener the world's greatest diver; and Dor- othy Poynton Hill, the fornier Georgia Coleman and Lenore Knight Win gard among the feminine stars. Sherf apparently is on his way toward becoming a major league hockey star, although hampered considerably by the recurrence of a shoulder injury suffered last year when he was playing with the Detroit Olympics. He is a left wing who can skate with the best of them even in major competition, and Manager Jack Adams of the Wings is not so sure that the husky Calu- inet product is not ready to step up this year-provided that shoulder remains itact for a while. Vic ("They Shall Not Pass") Heyliger, present Varsity captain, is another on whom Adams has had his eye for quite some time. While not the flashy skater Sherf is, Heyliger possesses a poke check that is nothing short of phe- homenal-as the Minnesota forwards who struggle to pass center ice when Michigan is on the defensive can well testify. Interfraternity Bowling Starts After Vacation 130 Contestants Entered In Union Pin Tourneys; Form Three Leagues Officials in charge of the Union bowling alleys announced yesterday afternoon that the Interfraternity bowling league will be put into oper- ation soon after the beginning of the new year. At the present time, there are three different leagues under way, with} about a hundred and thirty people taking part in the contests. The Uni- versity group is made up of teamsF entered by the various divisions of the University staff, while a second, the Service Clubs league, consists of six teams entered by the local Rotary and Kiwanis organizations. The third league is open to all students on the campus, and at present, boasts about fifty participants. The members of the University and the Service Clubs leagues contributeI each week towards a common fund in their respective groups, to be di- videdrbetween teams pronounced winners when the season closes in the spring. The Union Trophy will go to the winning fraternity team in their own contests mentioned above.: Former All-American And Pro Grid Star Is Faculty Member Improved Michigan Team Lig Ten. In 1921 he was selected Causes Illinois Mentor To s tackle on the coveted All-American eleven, undoubtedly the greatest Rate Squads Even honor a football player can reveive. His gridiron career did not end here By BUD BENJAMIN however. An All-American and professional He combined teaching in the soci- football star in the sociology de- ology departnment with line coaching partment should rank as high in news at his alma-mater in 1924, the same value as the famous man who bit year that Harry G. Kipke coached the equally fam.ous dog. Yet in the person of Prof. Herbert Blumer this situation becomes a real- ity. Professor Blumer, a graduate of the University of Missouri, played! three years of football in his college days. To say that his record was impressive along this line would scarcely do him justice. In 1919 and 1920 he was all-Missis- sippi Valley tackle, which corresponds to an all-Conference rating in the State Set For I Boston College Tilt Saturday the backfield at the sames Played With Nevers school. Bachman Winds Up Drills; Light W Top Off Practice Heavy orkouts f i All candidates for the freshmen basketball squad are to report at EAST LANSING, Oct. 28.-(R)- 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Waterman The Michigan State College football gym. squad wound up today the heavy part of its work of preparing for Sat- Extensive plans are being made to urday's game at Boston College. open three different billiard tourna- Coach Charley Bachman ran the ments in the immediate future, with boys through another heavy scrim- the deadline for entries in these mage, with attention centering on the events established at the end of this so-called "Junior Varsity" or second' week. Competition in two classes of string players wvhom he has prom- pocket billiards, cushion biliiard ised to promoteto first string duty. tournaments, and one in the straight- The unusual training he has given rail variety will be offered. These his big sophomore right end, Olenel- tourneys will be open to any and all son, indicated Bachman planned to students on campus, and inasmuch use him a great deal against the pow- as the entry list is not quite complete erful Boston squad. The six-foot- at the present time, all billiard en- four end specializes in receiving for- thusiasts are urged to sign up at ward passes. With one huge hand once. Prizes will be offered for the wrapped around the ball, he is a fast, winners in these competitions. hard man to stop. No one recalls Pingpong too will be featured in the last time he fumbled, despite his the Unionbilliard room during 'the one-hand carry. winter months, with Interfraternity Bachman said today, however, he ping pong scheduled to start in about expects Ernest Bremer, outstanding two weeks time, providing sufficient sophomore right end, to be recovered interest is manifest in this branch from his injuries in time to start at of the activities, that position. In 1925 he went to the University of Chicago to work for his doctor's degree in sociology. While studying at the University he found time to continue his football activities, this time as a player on the Chicago Car- dinals in the professional loop. Prof. Blumer played on this famous team from 1925 to 1931, during which time he played with some of the greatest players the game has ever known, in- cluding Ernie Nevers, the famous Stanford All-American, who was cap- tain of the Cardinals. Prof. Blumer was named as All- Professional guard in 1929, 1930, and 1931, after switching to this position with the advent of the Stanford sys- tem in the Cardinal offensive. He occasionally played at end, but guard and tackle were his most frequent l positions. He visited Europe in 1932 but came back to Chicago in 1933 to play an- other year with the Cardinals and to date his last. At present he is a reg- ular professor at the University of Chicago and is on semester leave while teaching here. Pro Game Skillful Commenting on the difference be- tween college and professional foot- ball, Prof. Blumer said: "Pro football is much more skillful and advanced than college ball. It is much harder physically asall the participants are big, strong, and fast. The players' skill offsets this, however, as the men learn how to avoid useless contact and how to protect themselves." He discounted any ideas that the Michigan system or any other system is outmoded. "Any system is satis- factory," he explained, "if the ma- terial is there and the individuals are trained in the system. Material and trained execution-not systems --make football teams." In conclusion, Prof. Brumer stated that he has practically given up foot- ball activities for the future and is content to concentrate his time in his chosen field which he said, "takes precedence over anything else." , GOLF COURSE TO CLOSE The University golf course will close for the year on Oct. 31. All individuals having equipment at the club house are asked to re- * move it before the above date. In addition to the InterfraternityI ping pong, tournaments are being planned for non- affiliated Union members, with entries closing at the end of this week. Prizes will be of- fered for the winning contestants. Fighting Illini' Band Will Add Lustre To Homecoming Game Here Saturday By RICHARD LA MARVA Because of the keen traditional rivalry between Illinois and Michi-I gan, Coach Zuppke's cagey Illini have featured two of the Wolverines' homecoming games since 1930 and according to their outcome this Sat- urday's homecoming tilt should be a thriller. In addition to the ordinary close battles usually resulting from Illini opposition, the homecoming crowd will have the opportunity of watch- ing two of the best collegiate bands 1h the country, since Illinois' 175- piece band will join Michigan's band ih entertaining the crowd. It is the irst time in 14 years that Illinois has sent its band to Ann Arbor. Defeated, 7-6, after completely out- playing Michigan's national cham- idionship team of '33, the Illini ruined a hopeful homecoming for Wolverine fans the following year by reversing the score on Coach Kipke's proteges. It was Les Lindberg, former Indian star, who came through with the cru- cial point. Approximately 86,000 fans wit- nessed Illinois' debut on Michigan's homecoming schedule in 1930 and no doubt followed with a grand celebra- tion after the Wolverines chalked up a 15-7 triumph. It was Harry New- man, former All-American, who, on a small scale, duplicated "Red" Grange's immortal performance against the Wolverines in 1924, when he threw touchdown passes to Jack Wheeler and Roy Hudson and then booted a 17-yard field goal for all of Michigan's points. The following year the Wolverines swamped Illinois 35-0 and thus postponed the Illini's plans for a homecoming uprising for another year. Michigan's 13-0 victory over Co- lumbia no doubt resulted in the possibility of a Wolverine comeback which will really be tested by Illinois in view of the fact that Coach Zup- pke usually delights in beating Mich- BETTER BUYS AT Del Prete's Nationally Known Makes MICHAELS STERN SUITS $25. up O'COATS $22.50 up Topcoats $22.50 up Coopers Sweaters $1.95 Revere Sweaters 3.50 Viking Gloves 1.95 Suede Coats 5.95 Arrow Shirts 2.00 Arrow Shorts .65 Arrow Shirts ....50 Cooper Hose, all wool .50 igan. Past homecoming games have contributed their share of outstanding, games to Michigan gridiron history. Last year the Wolverines really clicked to beat a strong Pennsylvania! team, 16-6, in one of the highlights' of the season's play. The 1933 home- coming tilt was termed the "perfect- ly played" game, referring of course to Michigan's 13-0 win over Ohio, IClothes of Qualit- The squad showed more of the fire it has displayed all week in hard driv- ing -scrimmages against the freshmen, and Bachman said "we're going to play some football now."~ The Spartans tore through a fresh- man team using Boston defense for- mations, and Boston plays used by the fresh made little headway against the fighting varsity line. All that remained for the Spartans was a light signal drill tomorrow morning before they board a train at noon to leave for Boston in quest of revenge for the upset defeat of last fall. Bachman planned to take three full teams with him. H. E. PH I LP Tailor Relining, Repairing & Altering Ladies' and Gents' Suits and Coats $25 up Main St.. over Cahow's Drug Store -y (1d( Dstiction 3 t f t ,. 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Copper Shirts & Shorts 3 for Raincoats....... Ta nC1i ts 3 - I $35 Also Corduroy Reefers with bLanket linings . . . $7.95 OUR COLLARS are styled and designed with that individual touch that distinguishes a really fine shirt from the run-of-the-mill variety. 1.00 2.95 IR I II I