THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY tti - wi ....r- * 1936 Member 1937 Rssocicted Colleiae Press Distributors of CoNe6i te Diest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4 G0 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors M~ANAGING EDITOR ..... ...........ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A.rPierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ifiled Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: TUURE TENANDER The Position Of The Daily In The National Election ... T HE DAILY has endeavored to achieve a purely non-partisan at- titude in its day-to-day discussion of the issues - of the presidential campaign, in the belief that an opinion should follow rather than precede an examination of the issues. On the basis of what we hope has been an impartial examination of the issues we are led to the following conclu- sion: We believe that the reelection of President Roosevelt is necessary to the best interests of the nation. This not intended to be a blanket endorsement of the New Deal, President Roosevelt nor the Democratic party platform in all its provisions, nor a rejection of the republican platform and candidate in toto, but a weighing of the good and evil to be found in both parties. There are many aspects of the Roosevelt pro- gram and performance which we cannot sanc- tion. The Farley influence and its effect on the Civil Service, the use of relief funds for political purposes, the growing debt, the uneco- nomical execution of public projects are vulner- able points of the New Deal. We oppose the great concentration of power in the executive as an undesirable tendency. We believe that tariffs, stabilization funds and various expenditures should be determined by the Congress or by commissions set up by the Congress and the President. We resent the interference of the Preident in the politics of the State of Michigan and in other states. We object to the silver policy of the Administration, aiding the silver interests at the cost of millions of dollars to the American people and disastrous in its effect on the monetary systems of China and India. We regard as unwise the President's advocacy of legislation without consideration of its consti- tutionality, and the organization of expensive bureaus only to have them rendered useless by Supreme Court decisions.V We are opposed to the armament policy of the Roosevelt administration, which sanctioned the expenditure of one billion and a half dollars for army and navy budgets at a time when there is no need for an increase in our armed forces. These are the objections we have to the Dem- ocratic Administration. * *' * * On the other hand, the Republican campaign has been negative in character. Neither its plat- form nor its candidate have offered any clue to the policies we might expect of a Republican ad- ministration, except for extensive dismantling. Governor Landon has made some valid criticisms of the New Deal, but it is more than just diffi- cult to extract from the generalities of his speeches what in specific terms he would do to replace that of which he is critical. The chief campaign issue from the Republican point of view has been the loss of personal freedom and this need, the Republican speakers have defendedl the status quo, favoring giving business a fre hand, allowing, as one Republican put"it,'"nature to take its inevitable course." Let us consider certain specific issues. Yester- day, we spoke of the Social Security Act. The New Deal has enacted a rather imperfect form of old age and unemployment insurance. It should be credited with making a start in the right direction, and it can be counted on, we feel, in view of its progressive attitude,. to rec- tify its errors. Governor Landon's stand on so- cial security is not quite clear. He favors it in theory, but opposes the present act. "It as- sumes," he said at Milwaukee, "that Americans are irresponsible. It assumes that old age pen- sions are necessary because Americans lack the foresight to provide for their old age. I refuse to accept any such judgment of my fellow citi- zens." On the other hand, the Governor says that old age pensions "are necessary" and "I believe in them as a matter of social justice." What Landon advocates as social security is really a plan of benefits to the aged and unem- ployed who are in need, really a form of wel- fare, under which the needy aged and unem- ployed must ask for relief. This does not con- stitute social security. Consider the Landon position on unemploy- ment relief. His criticisms of "unnecessary spending and waste" may be well taken, but what substantial plan has he offered for the admin- istration of relief? Will he continue work proj- ects, discontinue them or modify them? Consider labor legislation. President Roose- velt's stand is apparent from the record. He has supported legislation to guarantee to labor the rights of collective bargaining and the right to representation through organizations genuine- ly representing labor, among others in the Wag- ner Labor Dispute Act. It will be necessary to revamp his labor legislation and perhaps to pass a Constitutional amendment, but there is no lack of good faith on the part of the Administration. Only after a specific request by Norman Thomas did Governor Landon declare himself in favor of unions, and his emphasis was on company unions. He has not mentioned minimum wages and hours since his telegram to the convention. Consider the tariff and foreign policy. The Republican nominee is opposed to reciprocal tariff agreements and yet favors the encourage- ment of foreign trade. Competent students of foreign affairs are agreed that the establishment of reciprocal trade agreements is a very prac- tical scheme for the restoration of our foreign trade. How does Governor Landon propose to avoid the policy of isolationisms which the Haw- ley-Smoot tariff bill, to which he has committed himself, imposes? His Indianapolis speech on foreign policies advocated world cooperation in its generalizations but isolationism in the few particulars mentioned. Governor Landon is committed to a return to the gold standard at a time when the stabiliza- tion of the currencies of the world is the greatest need. Concerning agriculture, Governor Landon has justly criticized, although somewhat harshly, the AAA, but this is no longer a part of the Admin- istration program. Of the Soil Conservation Program he has lent his tacit approval by advo- cating a similar project and of the Rural Reset- tlement program he has said nothing. Governor Landon declares that he will balance the budget in four years. He will reduce taxa- tion, and still keep spending for relief, social security and agriculture. He believes that he can do this by cutting out waste in work-relief proj- ects. This is a tremendous promise, and if it can be demonstrated with figures that the waste is equal to thediscrepancy between the govern- ment's income and its normal expenditures plus these special recovery and relief projects, it is a serious charge against the Administration. Gov- ernor Landon has in effect admitted that he does not have figures and that he cannot say truth- fully how he will balance the budget. There is the question of government regula- tion of business. Republicans have, as we said, declared that our individual liberties are at stake. and perhaps if they mean the liberty of certain industrial groups, their charge is justified. Pres- ident Roosevelt is acting on the assumption that there can be no true individual liberty until there is relative economic security, and we are in agreement with this assumption. In specific terms, this means that government regulation of monopolies is necessary for the preservation of free private enterprise. We do not favor the NRA as a permanent part of our economic system; the tendency of the Administration has been in the direction of preservation of the conditions of competition through the regulation of monopolies rather than toward a policy of general govern- ment control of business through an extension of the philosophy of the NRA. The Roosevelt Ad- ministration has made very definite steps in the direction of business reforms, notably in secur- ities and bank deposit insurance. These reforms, together with the regulation of monopolies and the Social Security Act, constitute a positive pro- gram in the direction of the preservation of the capitalistic system. The most efficient pro- gram for the destruction of that system would be to insist against any change. * * Compare the men. Governor Landon's cam- paign has not been impressive. Despite the fact that the Republican National Committee has spent more than six million dollars to the Demo- crats' figure of more than two million dollars (ac- cording to Congressional figures) neither the candidate nor the platform has offered a sub- stantial program for social action. Governor Landon's sole experience in government consists of two average administrations in the agricul- tural state of Kansas. Walter Lippmann is of the opinion that this negative quality would re- sult in a coalition government, with a Democratic Congress, a Republican President and progressive advisers, but Governor Landon's present ad- visers do not offer material for a progressive BENEATH **** ~ IT ALL LAST NIGHT was a gala evening for dinner parties. Dean Bursley gave one for the fra- ternity presidents and Coach Harry Kipke played host to the press. I don't know how the Dean's dinner came out, but I do know that the news- paper men had one mighty swell time. Kip showed us around his new house out Geddes road, and it's really nice. Black and red tiled bathrooms and everything. Thanks for a swell dinner and a swell time, Kip . . . Did Ted Peck and Bill Reed finally go home? * * * * WASHTENAW party men were wringing their hands last night after defeat at the polls had emphasized the blunder of their board of strategy. The strategists had planned a mammoth rally at the Sigma Nu House Tuesday night to pep the voters up before the elections. A cool thou- sand invitations were sent out asking possible party men to wander over and partake of free cider, doughnuts, cigars, and political speeches. One of the party wheel horses thought it would be a great idea if the invitations were mailed from Detroit, and so they were. Supposed to have been posted sometime Sat- urday in the auto metropolis, the invitations had not yet arrived in Ann Arbor Tuesday afternoon and as a result just 40 partisan supporters ap- peared on the scene to do away with the Wash- tenaw supplies. The only people who apparently profited by the 'free entertainment' program were Sigma Nu's Bill Bates, Fred DeLano, and Jim Stuart who between them managed to carry off to their rooms three dozen fried cakes, two gallons of cider and a box of perfectos. Ah politics! * * * * THE SOPHOMORE elections themselves were not carried on without considerable dis- order due to mismanagement on somebody's part. About a hundred ardent supporters of all three parties were forced to stand impatiently in the basement of Angell Hall for a full hour while the officials in charge scurried about and tried to find out how to run the voting machines. In the end, ballots were used. Later the machines were cut in so that the vote had to be tabulated in both forms and the final reckoning figured and recalculated instead of having it automatically totaled in the back of the machines. If the elections proved nothing else, it did show to advantage that there are an awful lot of good looking sophomore girls. POETRY By CARL NELSON PAUL ENGLE in public became the direct opposite of the person he appears to be in private. Privately he is the person who wrote Break The Heart's Anger. Publicly, last night, he was a romantic solitary soul search-I ing through life for ideas and sensa- tions indiscriminately (providingI only that they be exciting to him-i self) raw material with which to manufacture his product, poems. The person who wrote Break The! Heart's Anger says "Lenin, we cry to you beyond the world," perhaps, last night, thought only of the next line, "But there are heavy hands up- on our mouths." He chose to talk to Wordsworth and his flowers in- stead of calling "O Lenin . . . cry! over oceans# That through the Western world another dream Runs on the nimble feet of light and laughter With flaming hands and eyes of morning water Reddened with the glare of a new day, That the old dream was written in the blood Of Christ, but the new in the blood of men, who will not now give over their life "to any other's greed or watch it break Forever in the mighty hands of money." Only in his study could he shout to intellectuals and artists to act in terms of "madness" and "fury," to destroy some of this world that it may be givent"a new life," or, "communal" life, rather than to pull the shades and let it be clubbed by the cops and knifed by the fascists and of itself to decay to death. At the Lydia Mendelssohn he felt him- self one with those he had scolded and threatened. "Yet who am I, A lone man bitter that his head is tired, His heart's old anger broken by its grief Until the unrelenting out- Mind, beat not the blood, Pale will, find another death, Who am I to speak; wind, tongue cry undersiring peace than against the TIlE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense. all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. In Support Of Mowrer To the Editor: The Daily must be gratified by the intei'est readers have shown in the problem of whether Democratic nations should arm to oppose fas- cism. In the discussion, however, some of the cor- respondents have, probably unwittingly, done Mr. Edgar Ancel Mowrer-whose recent lecture started the controversy-an injustice. One would gain from certain letters that he is an ardent militarist. Certainly anyone who heard him speak must know this is not so. He gave a pene- trating and liberal analysis of the present sit- uation in Spain and Europe, made statements very few speakers would have dared make before a general audience, and gave honest, direct an- swers to questions. The statement that has pro- voked the discussion was no militaristic rant but rather a tentative suggestion that if a threat of arms is the only way to check fascist nations' aggression, then that threat is justifiable. Fur- thermore, he obviously had the nations of Europe rather than our own primarily in mind. Apparently, Mr. Mowrer, like many another of us today, is bewildered by the fact that in international dealings the soft answer no longer turneth away wrath. When Britain and France refused even to take as firm steps in defense of Abyssinian independence as were possible within the League machinery, the sole result was to make easier Italy's march to Addis Ababa. Their solicitude not to offend the Italian and Ger- man governments has only enhanced the pres- tige of the fascist system throughout the world. One correspondent's suggestion that the peace of Europe may be promoted by revision of the Versailles treaty is now too late. Such action several years ago, especially if it had included abrogation of the war-guilt clause, might have kept Germany from going Nazi, but it would now only put another feather in Hitler's cap. As for Italy, she got more swag out of the last war than she was entitled to, and a just revision would give part of her present territory to Aus- tria, Yugoslavia, Greece and possibly Turkey. The other nations, we must remember, would be dealing not with the German, Italian, Aus- trian, and Hungarian people, who, if left to themselves, might be reasonable in their de- mands, but with dictators who to maintain their standing must continue to make extravagant claims. Personally I agree with the critics that there are grave dangers in the principle of arming against fascist aggression, but if there is a better Driving my lost words down it like wild ducks?" Playing the part of poet in tran- quillity he reminded us only once, rather pokingly, of the : "Red" who wrote the book. He intimated that the Nazis attach importance to some things which are really quite trivial. In Vienna he was able to drink beer with them because he was blond, and, the beer itself was excessively blond. He had come to Vienna he said be- cause the radio report of Dollfuss' murder had excited him. He had been staying at the time with a peasant family on the Aus- trian border. They were so poor, they couldn't even afford a horse. He had been there for some time trying to write a poem about a racehorse. Then came the news of the murder. Tremendously excited he rushed at once for Vienna. There he was also able to drink beer with the workers. This led to still further excitement. So he wrote a poem. Elaborating on the poetic process he could say only that it is as hatural as breathing. He said this in various ways. For ex'ample, "Ia simply give of myself." There are no struggles of thought for form and rhythm. A poem occurs with its own form and movement; it is born. His own simple explanation he soon forgot however. He told of puzzling for days over problems of form. His first poem long delayed its comingl because of this difficulty. For a long time he didn't know whether it would be a sonnet or etc. Sometimes, he confessed, he must scratch his head' for three or four hours over a single word. A poem doesn't happen; it is really "thinking something out." The task of resolving these con- tradictions is more than I am equipped to do. Perhaps you can understand my confusion, and his, if I describe the production of a poem as he exper- ienced it. He was once riding on a local train somewhere in central Europe. He enjoyed conversation' with some of the peasant passengers, also a political argument. It wasj never dull because the train, being a local, stopped often and long while he, the engineer, and the firemen got out to down a beer or two. All of this mounted to a climax, that is, he got excited. For the last time he returned to the train. He was nervous, kept moving his fingers, walking up and down. Then he talked with some very quiet peasants and DAILY OFFICI Publication in the Bulletin is const. University. Copy received at the offic until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 28 NoticesC To the Members of the Faculty of1 the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The- second regular meet- ing of the faculty of thehCollege ofr Literature, Science and the Arts forl the academic session of 1936-37 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Nov. 2, at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of Oct. 5, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 287-295).1 2. Reports.t a From the Executive Committee by Prof. H. D. Curtis. c. Deans Conference by Dean E. H. Kraus. d. Reports of progress from sev-1 eral committees. Committee on Courses by Prof. F. E. Bartell. Committee on Examination Schedules by Prof. H. C. Carver. 3. Announcements and new busi- ness. E. H. Kraus. Notice to the faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due Oct. 31, Room 4, University Hall. E. A. Walter, Chairman, Academic Counselors Graduate School Students: The approved schedules of study should be filed in the office of the Grad- uate School this week. Transcripts that have been loaned must be re- turned. 1937 Mechanical Engineers: Will you kindly report to Rom 221 at your very earliest convenience to fill out a personnel record card. H. C. Anderson. 1 Tour for Students to Greenfield Village: Foreign students desiring to take the trip to Henry Ford's Green- field Village at Dearborn on Friday afternoon, Oct. 30, are reminded that they must make their reservations in Room 9, University Hall, by Thurs- day noon. The group will leave Angell Hall promptlyat 1 p.m. There will be reservations avail- able for a limited number of Ameri- can students also. Physical Education for Women: Tests in archery, tennis, golf and badminton will be given on Friday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. Anyone 'desiring to take these tests to sign up at the Women's athletic building. Swimming test will be given at the Union on Saturday morning from 9 to 11 a.m. Those wishing to take this test, are asked to report to the pool at that time. University of Michigan Band: All students interested in enrolling in the first regimental band please report to Morris Hall Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 5 p.m. Members of this band will be given opportunity to participate in several engagements during the cur- rent year. For fut'ther information, report to Morris Hall any afternoon from 4 to 5 p.m. Carlos De Vega Dance Ensemble: Carlos de Vega and his two dance partners, Ynez and Mariluz, will ap- pear for three performances, Friday matinee and Friday and Saturday evenings, Oct. 30 and 31, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will present a rhythmical picture of life in Spain and Mexico. Tickets are still available at the Lydia Men- delssohn box office. Please make reservations as soon as possible. the racketeers, each of whom is play- ing ball with Williams, and each of whom is trying to get the horn. In the meantime there are several very casual murders, a great deal of rip- ping up of upholstered fu niture (looking for the horn), and quite a bit of general confusion. It is a long time before fhe audience knows what is being looked for, and it is an equally longer time before it be- lieves that the horn of Roland is the real object. In the meantime Arthur Treacher is suspected of being an escaped lunatic, Miss Davis an all- American Moll or G-Woman; Miss Skipworth alone is convincing as a cultured crook throughout the pic- ture. The main .objection to the the pic- ture is that the audience gets lost in a maze trying to follow the story. And while all of the curves and angles 'of the plot are ironed out by some fast dialogue at the end of the pie- ture, one is too confused by that time to follow the dialogue. But there are some very good laughs in this one, due to the capa- bilities of the players. It is too bad that this cast should be mixed into this incoherent story. You may enjoy Satan Met a Lady, but you will have a hard time follow- ing it. -C.M.T. KNOX RAPS NEW DEAL LA CROSSE, Wis., Oct. 28.-(P)- AL BULLETIN ructive notice to all members of the e of the Assistant to the President Meteorites: Application blanks for membership in the Society for Re- search on Meteorites may be ' se- cured in Room 2051 Natural Science Building Cornelia Otis Skinner Program: The Oratorical Association will open its 1936-37 lecture course tonight with Miss Skinner's program of Mod- ern Monologues The program will begin at 8:15 p.m. No one will be seated while a number is being pre- sented There are still good seats available Tickets may be secured at Wahr's State Street Book Store until 5 p.m. The Hill auditorium box-office will be open from 5 p.m. until the time of the performance. Patrons are urged to secure their tickets as early in the day as possible and avoid a last minute rush at the box-office. Concerts Choral Union Concerts: The Chi- cago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, conductor, will give the second program in this season's Choral Union concert series, Monday night, Nov. 2, at 8:15 p.m. Exhibition Exhibit of Buddhist Art, with spe- cial emphasis on Japanese Wood Sculpture, under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. South Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov. 2-14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 8, 3-5 p.m. Gallery talks to be announced Events Of Today The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. this afternoon, in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. A. D. Maxwell will review the paper "The Determination of Orbits" by Paul Herget. Tea will be served at 4 p.m. Weekly Reading Hour: Scenes from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar will be read by Professor Hollister this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall. The program will last about an hour and a quarter, and is open without charge to the public. The Michigan Dames cordially in- vite all wives of students and internes to bring their husbands and children to a pot-luck supper tonight, 5:30 p.m. at Stalker Hall. Games and a social evening will follow. Bring table service. Coffee will be furnished. If further information is desired call Mrs. Irving Palmquist at 7882. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal 7 p.m. instead of 7:30 pm., to accom- modate those who wish to attend Cornelia Otis Skinner lecture. A.I.E.E. meets tonight at 7:45 p.m. in Room 247 W. English Building. Professor Goudsmit of the Physics Department will speak on "Modern Physics." There will be refreshments The Peace Council will meet to- day, 8:15 p.m. at the Union, Room 302, to complete plans for Armistice Day. Attendance is urged. Freshman Forum Committee meets in Room 302 of the Michigan Union at 5 p.m. today. S.C.A.: There will be a meeting of the Student Christian Association to- night at 8 pm. in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. All interested stu- dents are invited. Iota Alpha: All Graduate Engineer- ing Students are invited to attend the first meeting of Iota Alpha, hon- orary society, at 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., tonight. Dr. W. W. Gilbert will give a short address and Dr. Erwin E. Nelson, Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacology, will speak on the Food and Drug Act. A very interesting evening is promised and you are urged to be present. New Jersey Students: There will be a meeting of all New Jersey men and women in the League tonight at 8 p.m. The purpose of this meet- ing is to form a New Jersey Club. All New Jersey students please at- tend. The University of Michigan Public Health Club cordially invites all stu- dents who are interested in public health to a Hallowe'en Party, Friday, Oct. 30, at 8 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Building (corner - N. Uni- versity and Forest). Games, bowing, dancing and over 30 prizes to com- pete for. Come and meet others pur- suing public health. Come and be mrywith the ghosts and witches -it's a Hallowe'en party. Esperanto: The Esperanto class will meet Friday, Oct. 30, in Room 1035, Angell Hall, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. All interested are cordially invited. Hallowe'en Dance at Lane Hall, Saturday evening from 9 to 12, for S.C.A. and Rendezvous members and all others interested. withthe rhythm of the train quility came over him. Now he write a poem. And he did. A about Chicago. tran- could poem TH E SCREEN I- AT THE MAJESTIC SATAN MET A LADY I