The Weather Ll r e Aip 41 1 Itr 4t 9 aiA vIaitt Editorials Social Security And Pay Envelope Slips .. . Cloudy and warmer today- with south to southwest winds. VOL. XLVII No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS DRIVE FOR MEN'S DORMS OPENED 4 Landon Says Merit System Was Violated By President 'Housecleaning' Is Pledged By Republican Nominee In PittsburghTalk New Civil Service Program Outlined The Need Of The University An Editorial The need for dormitories for n' ing steadily more acute. Increas became critical this year following in toe course of University expan enrollment. As a consequence, ma the University and a large num housed. This has been pointed the Dean of Students but nothing until now the problem has becon today. Something now seems about to well organized lines, a student coi the honor societies, the Univers major student organizations incl has presented a plan for the firs nrnolem, With the si onrt of A pro AeLn. w un onerspprt t al Kansan Says Government istration and alumni, these studen Employes Were Forced ganization which will continue to Into Political Machine offer truly satisfactory housing co Some students who are also m PITTSBURGH, Oct. 27.-(AP)-Gov. ing what effect the erection ofc Alf M. Landon pledged tonight, if fraternities. It is their feeling that elected, a "housecleaning" of the "po- to take care of the vital immedi litical debauch" through which he may later be enlarged to care for a] said New Deal spoilsmen created "a that if this were so, new fraterni vast army" or mercenaries to en- get. But this is to argue that f trench President Roosevelt in power. members than adequate housin Coupling promises to expand the certain unique social and intellec civil service and consolidate govern- would continue to obtanwhether ment agencies, the Republican nom- quately housed or not. Moreov inee closed his campaign for Penn- improved housing facilities will at sylvania's 36 electoral votes just a (and more students in the highe week before election day with an to draw from, just as the Law Clu address which he began: of the Law School because it sy "I am going to talk about the comfortable student unit thans most open, the most crude and the houses are able to give. most brutal use of the spoils system this country has ever seen." The primary interest of all of Speech Second In Trio always, must be the good of the U His speech was the second in an sity is greater than the whole; no Atlantic Coast trio of three national-' University can flourish at the exp ly-broadcast campaign appeals which as an educational center, any mor began in Philadelphia last night and body of which it is a part dwind closes in New York's Madison Square increased expenditure for faculty Garden Thursday night. that reputation than dormitories f For three and a half years, Lan don _________________ said, "both the letter and the spirit of the merit system have been cyn- ically disregarded." Cooperation "Government employes," the Kan- san continued, "have been forced Essental To into the ranks of a national political machine headed by the President and his Postmaster-General-a machine Policy organized by the President's cam- Mg s paign committee, supported off the May Be Used As English public payrolls and controlled by the President's power of appointment Answer To Fascism and removal. "And this is not good government By IRVING S. SILVERMAN . . we are feeling the yoke of a The safety, and security of the government of spoilsmen, by spoils- world depend upon the cooperation of men and for spoilsmen." the United States and England, even New Deal 'Hog-Wild' 1 in war, stated Prof. Arthur L. Cross Landon soke in Duquesne Garden! LrAdon spoe ih Duquenew Garden of the history department yesterday where Alfred E. Smith, anti-New Deal I. Democrat, recently talked in his be- in an interview. "Together they must half. In rapid fire order, the can- maintain peace; combined they would didate said: have the strongest fleet in the world.' The New Deal went "hog-wild in Professor Cross offered this opin- adding new agencies and accumu- ioiasr os qesti rlin- lating new powers" by 'creating "75 ion in answer to a question relating new alphabetical whatnots" and 42 to Edgar Ansel Mowrer's analysis o '. corporations. the reasons why America might ente In "direct violation of the Presi- a war, if one broke out in Europe. Mr In "iret volaion f te Pesi Morer believes that w would ente] dent's promises," it tripled patronage a wrtewivovedate dent to make 325,000 jobs available instead a war if the war mvolved the defea of 100,000 and supply "more than of Great Britain, if the war were o twice the patronage that any Pres- long duration, and if the war becam ident has ever had in this country." general. As President, Landon said he As for Great Britain, itself, Profes- would : sor Cross emphasized that the fear Merit System To Be Used of dictatorships might drive Eng Make "a good old-fashioned spring land to war, or at least to adopt a house-cleaning" of what he termed more aggressive policy in Europe. H waste and extravagance outside the described the Laborites as composing classified Civil Service, one of the most belligerent partie Ask legislative authority to ex- in England because of their drea tend the merit system by executive of the spread of dictatorships, whic order so that every position below conflict so greatly with all they ar the rang of assistant secretary should striving for. The party, Professo be filled "either by promotion for Cross added, has looked askance a merit or by competitive examinations. the slow envelopment of Europe i Seek authority nto insure real re- organization and consolidation of Landon Leads government bureaus and agencies." Request adequate appropriations B for the Civil Service Commission. Appoint to his cabinet and other executive positions only those fully I Fll supporting the merit system, forbid- ding Republican National Commit- teemen from being connected "in any capacity with the executive branch of Governor Landon received a tw the government." to one margin over President Roose ..1- i r r i f Tl i .v . men on the campus has been grow- ingly crowded housing conditions the destruction of many dwellings "sion and a substantial increase in any potential students were lost to ber of students are inadequately out repeatedly in the reports of g was done to relieve the situation me the most important facing us be done. Moving along clear-cut, mmittee with the active support of ity, the Alumni Association and uding the Union and The Daily, t real step in the solution of our ill of us, students, faculty, admin- its will form the nucleus of an or- operate until the University can nditions. embers of fraternities are wonder- dormitories will have upon their although the dormitory is planned ate need of freshman housing, it ll undergraduates, and they believe ty members would be difficult to raternities offer no more to their g; surely fraternities must offer tual values to their members that the rest of the campus were ade- er, it is reasonable to believe that tract to the campus more students r income brackets) for fraternities b has contributed to the reputation mbolizes a more closely-knit and scattered rooming and boarding us in this instance, as it should be rniversity. No part of the Univer- group of students attached to the ense of the University's reputation e than a limb may grow while the dles, and nothing, unless it be an salaries, could help more to sustain or men. Planes Again Rake Madrid With Bullets No Casualties Are Reported While Aviators Attempt To Terrify City Americans Warned To Shun Dangers $ 1,000 Donated By Union; Fraternities On Support Of Movement U So, Britain Peace, Cross Says the shroud of fascism and thus dur- ing the Ethiopian War was the most' belligerent among the British parties. The British, Professor Cross con- tinued, are now arming to protect themselves and preserve their tradi- tional dual foreign policy "which at times seems to be inconsistent." To maintain the balance of power in Eu- rope as well as to protect the British colonial empire upon which the island is so dependent have been the tra- ditional policies of the British and . are still guiding their destinies, Pro-I , fessor Cross explained. Thus Eng-' _land, he said, will reserve the right jto take sides in Europe until the last minute-when a war breaks out. England already has a naval agree- ment with Germany, Professor Cross pointed out, but she is still appre- hensive of Germany's attitude in spite of the repeated German ad- f vances' for British good-will. Also, he added, Germany has not yet ade- quately answered the questions which Eden put to Hitler a few months ago. r Attacks On Soci s Are Misleadin Prof. William Haber of the econom- r ics department, former deputy admin- istrator of the FERA in Michigan, in an interview yesterday declared that "the jibes in the press against the Observers State Capital Could Be Taken In Two Days If Attacked ON MADRID BATTLEFRONTS, Oct. 27.-(P)-Huge Fascist warplanes splattered Madrid gun emplacements with machine gun bullets today in their daily sortie to terrify the pop- ulace into a bloodless surrender. Dippingand diving over the city, five insurgent planes spat fire at every anti-aircraft battery their' pilots could pick out. The city's defenders blazed away at the planes without effect, although government planes did not take the air to fight off the invaders. Some of the planes' fire ricocheted through the city's streets, but no cas- ualties were reported. Finally the aviators, their daily tour of terror finished, wheeled their heavy ships and soared away back of their own lines. Battles Expected Leaders of the capital's defenders. claiming they had 250,000 soldiers and civilians in the field, said they expected a decisive battle within a "few days." American newspapermen, captured by Fascists on the battlefront,dtold their compatriots in Talavera de la Reina today that : "It is quite possible the militia will run from Madrid when it is attacked' Madrid can be taken in two days. There are many trenches around Ma- drid, but they are nothing more than shallow ditches such as the militia deserted at Navalcarnero as soon as the Moors got within rifle range." The American embassy in Madrid issued a note advising Americans still in the capital that the building would be reopened if the situation should become more serious. Troops Retreat The note advised Americans not to expose themselves to danger, and cautioned them against any expres- sions as showing partiality in the tense political situation. An abortive government attempt to bomb out Fascists in Navalcarnero was halted by Fascist warplanes which blasted out the government gun crews and emplacements. EL CERRO DE LOS ANGELES, Spain, Oct. 27.-(A)-Spanish govern- ment troops retreated to within 10 miles of Madrid today before a Fas- cist attack. The Madrid defenders took up po- sitions on a knoll behind the govern- ment's last defense line just south of .this well-known landmark. al Security Act g, Haber Asserts tice issued by Ford's is clearly not in violation of the Michigan statue for it does not contain literature threat- ening the security of the workers to e which the act pertains. However.' Council Splits On Issue; Will Consult Members Of Individual Houses Will Vote Tonight At Bursiey's Home Effects Of Dormitories Upon Fraternities Here Discussed By Council By ROBERT WEEKS Presidents of 37 fraternities dis- cussed pro and con the question of supporting the dormitory system for freshmen last night in the Interfra- tenity Council meeting and will re- convene tonightmto vote on the stand that their houses will take on the question. Fraternities withheld their official position until tonight because of the vast property problem they h'ave on their hands, however, officials said. The presidents unofficially took sides on the question of whether the proposed dormitory would injure the fraternities. After George Cosper, '37, president, had put the issue before the Council, Gilbert Tilles, '37, chairman of the Committee on Men'sDormitories, outlined the project and an open discussion followed. No Dissenting Voices Poor rooming conditions for fresh- men in Ann Arbor were pointed out as something that would be mitigated by a dormitory and no dissenting voices were heard on this contention. It was also pointed out that many desirable students do not attend the University because of the poor hous- ing facilities in Ann Arbor and that a lack of dormitories for this reason had a harmful effect on the student body, the fraternities and on the University as an institution. This point was not contested. Since the discussion was in a for- mative state, Cosper said, no action could be taken on it. The statements made, he said, cannot be taken as representative of the general frater- nity opinion. Final action, he prom- ised, will be taken tonight. A speech was given by one of the house presidents at this time express- ing the admonition that to support this movement would be "weaving the rope that will hang the frater- nities." "The University will do it eventually, so why help them?" was another expression of the same posi- tion and still another was that this situation would excuse a selfish atti- tude on the part of the fraternities. Fear For Meal Profits It was pointed out that dormitories would deprive the houses of revenue by reducing the size of the pledging classes and by taking from them the profit from freshman meals. Frank E. Dannemiller, '37, declared, "If the fraternities in Ann Arbor were able to offer no more than board and room as a dormitory would, the thing tc 1 do would be give up now. But since they do have much more to offer, I think the two can exist together." The discussion was closed soon after William Fleming, '37, suggestec s that fraternity support of the dormi- tory would be expedient if a frater- e nity alumnus were guaranteed a posi- - tion on the board of governors con- l trolling the proposed dormitory, i: n such a board were to be created l Tilles was unable to answer this pro- posal because, he said, the systen o of control was undecided. y A motion to support the propose r dormitory was laid on the table unti - tonight's meeting, because the Coun 1 cil agreed that the consequence o d the decision made it necessary fo - house presidents to consult the mem bers of their houses. l Seven Are Tapped ~VT - rl Xf.. n l n a n Leftists To Speak In Forum Tonight The position of three minor parties n the 1936 election campaign will be >resented at 7:45 p.m. tonight at the nion in a forum sponsored by the ltudent Alliance. Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the ollege of Engineering will speak for he Socialists, William Weinstone, istrict organizer of the Communist 'arty, will support the stand of his arty, and Byron Heiss, instructor at Michigan State Normal College, will utline the aims of the Farmer-La-! orites. There will be questions and discus- ion after the formal talks have been iven. , All students are invited to ttend and participate, according to fficials of the Student Alliance. Work On Union' Annex Project To Be Resumed K. B. Culbertson Awarded Contract; Will Complete Structure By Spring E The building committee of the :nion yesterday awarded the con- ract for finishing its annex, on which onstruction has been idle for more han a month, to H. B. Culbertson, Detroit, secretary to the Class of 1911. Stanley A. Waltz, manager of the Jnion, estimated that the remainder >f the construction will cost approx- mately $325,000. Work will be begun mmediately and will probably be fin- fshed by early spring, Waltz said. Culbertson was also awarded the con- tract for the footings and founda- ;ion work, which were completed in late summer. On Sept. 29, Union officials an- ounced that a PWA loan, which had been expected by the building com- mittee, could probably not be ob- tained. Although hope for a PWA loan was not entirely discarded, the building committee on the following day announced that bids on the re- mainder of the construction would be accepted until Oct. 20. Since the PWA ruleyl that contracts for construction work could not be awarded until after the PWA loan had been granted, the Union was obliged to fulfill the contract inas- much as Detroit PWA officials also did not think there were enough un- employed in Ann Arbor to warrant a loan. The annex will contain 159 rooms, in addition to University club rooms and bowling alleys, Waltz said. Soph Officers To Be Chosen By Poll Today Sophomore elections will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the literary and engineering colleges climaxing a vigorous period of campaigning. Literary college elections will b held in Room 231 Angell Hall and engineering college elections in Room 348 in West Engineering Building, ac cording to Miller G. Sherwood, '37 president of the Men's Council. The two traditional slates offer the following candidates: State Stree Party: president, Wallace Hook; vice president, Betty Lyon; secretary Rebecca Bursley; treasurer, Stuar Low. Washtenaw Party: president Frank Huseman; vice-president, Har re Pomeroy; secretary, Jenny Peter sen; treasurer, John Jordan. Four candidates were put into th field last night by the Sophomore In Defer Action $70,000 Set As Goal For First Year Of Project; QuadrangleFinal Aim Ruthven, Bursley Offer Cooperation Appeals Will Be Made To Alumni Organizations Throughout Country By TUURE TENANDER For the first time in the history of the University a concerted drive to raise funds for the construction of men's dormitories got under way yesterday and received impetus by an initial gift to the fund of $1000 from the Union. The goal of the drive for this year is $70,000, enough to build one unit of a dormitory quadrangle, and ac- cording to Gilbert Tilles, '37, chair- man of the executive committee on Men's Dormitory project, $10,000 is the amount hoped to be raised from campus sources. The University has definitely lent its support to this move. President Ruthven said yesterday that he was in full sympathy with the effort on the part of students to construct dor- mitories. Ruthven Lends Support "It is apparent to every member of the University family that dormi- tories are one of the University's greatest needs," President Ruthven said. "The recent growth of the Uni- versity both in number of students and in the size of the plan has madeI the shortage of rooms, which was already apparent during the depres- sion, much more acute in the last two years." "When students have adopted sim- ilar projects in the past they have been conspicuously successful," Pres- ident Ruthven declared, "and I be- lieve that the interest of students in dormitories will make a strong ap- peal to everyone interested in the University." Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu- dents, also stated yesterday that he was strongly in favor of the construc- tion of new housing facilities for stu- dents on the University campus. Long Need Reported "Men's dormitories have long been one of the most vital needs of the University and I have been advocat- ing them for the past 15 years," Dean Bursley said. "The need is growing more imperative every year. t I am delighted to see such a move- ment arise from the student body itself and the project can count on my support to the fullest extent." According to Tilles, the board of directors of the Union, as a result of student agitation, felt that there was a definite need for men's dormitories and appointed an executive commit- tee to take definite steps in the direc- tion of establishing the needed struc- tures. Inasmuch as the dormitory project will be a many-year one, a permanent organization scheme was necessary to carry on the work from year to year. Therefore, Tilles said, it was decided that two juniors are always to be included on the execu- tive committee and that the Presi- dent of the Union and the managing editor of The Daily are also to be 3included on the executive committee - with ex-officio standing. , Committee Set Up The present executive committee and the organizations represented in- e lude: Tillis, editor of the Gargoyle, chairman; Alvin Saunders, '37, Mich- - igamua; Hubert Bristol, '37, Board ' of Directors of Athletics; Herbert B Wolf, '37, Union; Elsie Pierce, '37, tThe Daily; Bruce Telfer and Tuure Tenander, the two junior members. iThe support of every important or- ganization os the campus will be e sought, Tilles said, and their repre- - sentatives are inclurled on the grn- L 1 '4 o - Social Security Act in relation to he added, "political consideration workers are , deliberately misrepre- have no doubt dictated that such no- senting the effect of the act or are tices appear now immediately befor misunderstanding, and certainly the the election. But certainly employ- employers have not the worker's con- ers between now and January will cern in mind when they constantly have to inform employes of the cut in remind him of the tax on his wages. their pay which goes into the Socia "Nothing is said about the fact that Security fund." the employer also pays a tax of one The Michigan statute referred t per cent on his payroll," Professor reads: "It shall be unlawful for an Haber said. "Nor is any mention employer . . . in paying the salary or made of the fact that the deduction I wages of any of his employes, to erg from the worker's wage plus that of close their pay in pay envelopes, up the employer will be returned to the on which there is written or printed worker, with interest, in benefits any political notice, device or argu which he receives as a matter of right ment, containing any threat, ex and not charity. He will actually get pressed or implied, intended or cal back more than he himself has con- culated to influence the politica tributed, since the employer's con- opinion, views or actions of such em tribution also belongs to him." ployes so paid." Recently the Ford Motor Company The notice which the Ford Com veib in eariy returns in The DiAy 's presidential poll of faculty membersI O.SU. Publication after the first day of voting yesterday,i leading the President 39 votes to 21. Scored As 'Vulgar' The returns received from the va- rious schools and colleges were so COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 27.-(P)- slight as to discount any indication Members of an Ohio State University of the final results. Voting today is faculty-student committee frowned expected to be much heavier with the today on alleged "profanity, vulgarity remaining ballots coming in tomor- 5!