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October 27, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-27

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TUESDAY, OCT. 27,19,36

Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce. Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller,
Richard G. Hershey.
1!!ditorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovel, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Herndon*. . .
munist, free on bail for the second
time since his conviction in 1932 for alleged vio-
lation, through Communist activity, of Georgia's
Civil War prohibition against stirring slaves to
insurrection, is once more appealing his case to
the Supreme Court.
Many persons have become familiar with
Herndon's case during the last four years, and,,
recognizing that his conviction is a crude, dicta-
torial attempt to terrorize legal minority groups
into inactivity, have rallied to save him from 18
years on a chain gang.
Not so the Supreme Court. Passing over Hern-
don't plea that his conviction was a violation of
the Federal Constitution, the Court took refuge
in the claim that Herndon's counsel had not
raised the question of constitutionality soon
enough. Not having the legal, political, and eco-
nomic backgrounds of the Supreme Court jus-
tices, we are probably wrong in saying that a
violation of civil rights should always command
the attention of the Court. Certainly a repeti-
tion 'in the Herndon case of its role in the Tom
Mooney case will lose for the Court the respect
of most of those who think the justices shouO
have the courage to place the Bill of Rights above
race prejudice and wealth.

hour sleep than to study until eleven and retire
still perplexed, for a quick, sound and comfort-
able sleep, in a quiet bedroom of the right tem-
perature, is worth double the time spent under
unfavorable conditions with unsettled problems
hovering over the bedposts.
There is an ingenious chap who has recordings
of his unfavorite professors as a sleep-inducer.
They seem to work quite well.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Editor's Note
Attention is called to the rule that corre-
spondents must sign their true name and
address if their letters are to be prited in
this column.
Communist Foreign Policy
To the Editor:
A cursory glance at your characteristically fine
editorial of October 21 (Wednesday) on foreign
affairs planks fails to reveal comment on the
Communist Party's plank on this subject:
"We declare that peace must be maintained
and defended at all costs. We declare in favor
of strengthening all measures for collective se-
curity. We favor effective financial and eco-
nomic measures to this end by the League of
Nations, against Hitler Germany, Italian fascism
and Japanese imperialism. These measures
should be supported by the United States gov-
ernment. .
"We consider the expenditure of billions for
armaments and war preparations unnecessary
and provocative, contributing to the danger of a
new world war.
"Instead of even greater armaments, we be-
lieve that the United States should develop an
American peace policy in close collaboration
with the Soviet Union, based on complete pro-
hibition of the sale or delivery of goods, or the
granting of loans to nations engaged in a foreign
war contrary to the provisions of the Kellogg
Peace Pact. The huge funds now spent forI
armaments should be turned to the support of
the suffering people.
"We demand the nationalization of the entire
munitions industry.
"We demand an end to American intervention
in the internal affairs of the Latin-American
countries and the Philippines.
"We demand the strict non-recognition of the
Japanese conquests in Manchuria and China, and
the Italian conquest of Ethiopia.
"We support the Puerto Rican demand for in-
"We support the complete independence and
self-determination of all oppressed nations."
As I see it, this is a compound of Wilsonian
internationalism, including a sponsorship of col-
lective security through the League of Nations
and the self-determination of nations; of the
principles of the Briand-Kellogg peace; of the
implications of the Hoover-Stimson doctrine, so
called; and of sound Socialist pronouncements
on munitions control and reduction in arma-
ments. It strikes me that this plank is at once
the soundest and most American of All American
foreign policy planks.
--R. Webb Noyes.
A Nation Of Back-Fences
To the Editor:
The blame for the front page story in the
Detroit News should rest not so much on The
News as on the gossiping tendencies of the
American people. Last week I talked with a
newcomer from Rumania.
"Everyone asks me here about Madame Lu-
pescu," she said. "I know nothing of Madame
Lupescu. It was only when I came to America
that I learned that her hair is red!"
I am no psychologist, but I'd like to play withj
the iea that the reason Americans love salacious

news stories is the same reason the old-fashioned,
long-forgotten (?) Ladies' Aids used to pass
gossip around the sewing circle: people with
Puritanical backgrounds take a vicarious en-
joyment in the sins of others.
When the American public gets beyond the
stage of taking down the rural telephone receiverj
every time the phone rings, perhaps the Amer-
ican press may find sales for stories on science
and philosophy and the lost religion. When sex
finally, if ever, takes its place as a normal bi-
ological function instead of a nasty perversion to
be practiced behind the barn, the Puritanical
mind may rise above the belt.
-Sad American.
Sophomore Independents
To the Editor:
The editorial in Sunday's Daily ridiculing class
elections was fully justified, we think, but we
should like to make clear the views of the Inde-
pendent Sophomore Party in order that any
misunderstanding as to its ultimate purpose may
be set right. We are interested in the victory of
the Sophomore Independent party only as a
means to a better end.
Class elections are a farce, yet they are a part
of Dame College Tradition-on old venerable
lady who is dying. To deliberately murder her
would perhaps be shocking to those who by their
very skepticism and indifference are causing her
a painless but gradual death. Because it would
be shocking to kill the kind old lady, the Inde-
pendent Sophomore Party does as the rest do, lets

001 ~By Bonth Williams -
STUDENT JOE MATTES who inhabits lux-
urious quarters in a rooming house back of
the League was made happy this fall when his
landlady brightened up the room with an elegant
new rug. Both she and Joe were very proud.
Joe was so proud he had a few of his friends in
E to celebrate the acquisition, but during the course
of the celebration a great seared hole was inad-
vertently burnt into the cherished drape.
Under cover of early morn, Joe sneaked the
rug down the stairs and out to a weaver who
promised to put it in first class shape in a couple
of days.
The landlady, horror stricken at the sight of
the bare floor where the night before the rug had
lain, accosted Mattes with unkind words and
demanded an explanation.
Joseph is not without an imagination. He
explained with soothing, honey dripped phrases
that he had lent the rug (it was such an ex-
quisite rug) to the campus dramatic society to
use in a play they were putting on.
Having apparently appeased the good woman,
Joe took his departure smiling. Unfortunately,
however, the lady had an intense curiosity about
the fate of her rug, and longing perhaps to see
her household goods upon an actual stage, spent
the remainder of the morning phoning every
theatre in town to find out just where her carpet
was being shown. She met Mr. Mattes upon his
return that evening
FAT FREDDY GEORGE, the satellite about
whom most of the law school must neces-
sarily revolve, was hitting it up with his cronies
Saturday night when one of the funsters decided
to fill up Graf Sharpe's (Fat Fred's apartment
mate) bed with all the movable property in the
Law Club. The list included bottles, shoes, book-
ends, several damp rags, and rumor has it, a
spittoon. Oh it was a great joke on Sharpy.
Having concluded their deviltry, the cronies
went elsewhere in search of rollicking sport. Fat
Freddy met a pal from Port Huron during the
course of the revelry and invited him over to
the club to spend the night. It then being al-
most eleven o'clock, Mr. George went home to
The wind rises, the night becomes cold. Enter
the guest. He hears Mr. George snoring in his
room and assumes that it is the dormitory be-
cause only six men could make such a noise.
Thereupon the guest enters the wrong room and
climbing into bed, is heard to audibly curse
college fools and college hospitality.
Mr. Sharpe wanders calmly in some time
later, notes the peculiarly shaped stranger in
his bed, and goes peacefully to sleep on the
hearth, using a collie dog which he had enticed
away from Chuck Kennedy as a pillow.
THE SPHINX rally held in Herman's cellar
the night before the Columbia game (Score
Michigan 13, Columbia 0) was definitely not sat-
isfactory. In the first place the arrangements
were somewhat confused by Herman himself. As
a result the Beta's and the Chi Psi's arrived a
little before the clan Sphinx was scheduled to
be on the scene and drank up the greater por-
tion of the foaming brew.
In the second place some of the rallyers did
manage to get a few beers with the result that
several of the hardier rallyers adjourned to the
Arboretum where the rally was entered into with
more zest than had been possible in Herman's
limited quarters.
The upshot of the rally extension saw three of
the faithful plodding bewilderedly over the wood-'
ed slopes, even as the shepherds of old, as the
campus clock chimed 4 in the misty distance.
Fred Warner Neal didn't really get out until late
Sunday afternoon.
would, we hope, foster the more active partici-
pation of independents in extra-curricular func-
tions. As it is now, most independents feel
that the very fact they had no upperclassmen

to help them along in the various activities is an
obstacle to their success and consequently they
prefer to remain out of things rather than work
without hope of high material achievement. No
one can say that having a fraternity brother in a
high position is a detriment to his chances of ad-
We would try to put our program into effect
by forming a Social Committee which would ar-
range for dances and affairs of a purely social
nature such as teas, parties, etc.
We should like to form an investigating com-
mittee into the possibilities of cooperative room-
ing and eating houses.
We should like to establish a Dating Bureau for
the benefit of independent men and women not
living in dormitories.
But, unless we get the support of a great
number of independents, our p.,ogram will,
through lack of interest, fall through. We prob-
ably won't get the support of a majority of inde-
pendents unless we show that we are organized
and that we are strong. The only way to do this
is to win the election or pile up a large number
of votes. It is for this reason we are trying
whole-heartedly to win.
We are handicapped in many ways. Our party
did not organize itself till just a few days ago:
Consequently it has not received much publicity.
We have neither time or money to squander in
expensive rallies, or demonstrations. Certain it
is that we can not afford taxicabs to transport
voters to the polls. We have no means of obtain-
ing a list of Sophomore independents that we

Spanish, Gypsy, Mexican

THE THREE DANCERS who are to TUESDAY, OCT. 27, 1936
give a program at the Mendels- VOL. XLVH No. 26
sohn Friday and Saturday of this
week (matinee Saturday) will each NOtices
specialize in a single type or style Senate Reception: The annual re-
of anc. Crlo d Vea, ho ead !ception to new members of the fac-
the group, does the more familiar but ultis givneb meesd and
lrapidly vanishing types of Spanish snteofgte Universi wltake
dances that La Argentina used to do. senate of the Unversity, will take
These are the traditional forms such place this evening at the Michigan

as the farruca, the tango, the gar-
rotin of different provinces of Spain
composed, of course, by the dancer
into an individual style and form. Of"
his dances, Mary Watkins, dance
critic of the New York Herald-
Tribune says" Unless one has seen
de Vega work, it is impossible toj
realize how many dramas, comedies, J
and romances lie in his authentically
simple folk dances. In his work may,
be studied the dances of Andalusia as
they really are, unembellished and
not tricked out for the foreign trade."
De Vega will also have on his pro-
gram his own choreographic work,
4.1- Ti 4...1 74.... :. . ....-F-- A - Tir 11>>'

Union, from 8:30until12 p.m. The
reception will take place between the
hours of 8:30 and 10 p.m., after
which there will be an opportunity
for dancing. All members of the
faculties and their wives are cordially
invited to be present; no individual
invitations have been issued.
Notice to the faculty of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The five-week freshman reports will
be due Oct. 31, Room 4, University
Hall. E. A. Walter,
Chairman, Academic Counselors

Symphony for Organ, No. 6, in G
........................... W idor
Allegro, Adagio, Intermezzo,, Can-
tabile, Finale.
Choral Union Concerts: The Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick
Stock, conductor, will give the second
program in this season's Choral Union
concert series, Monday night, Nov. 2,
at 8:15 p.m., as follows:
Prelude and Fugue ("St. Anne's)"
in E flat major...........Bach
(Transcribed for Modern Orches-
tral by Frederick Stock).
Variations on a Theme by Joseph
Haydn, Op. 56a .......... Brahms
Symphony No. 3 in C minor ("The
Divine Poem") Op. 43. . .. Scriabin
Luttes (Strife).
Voluptes (Sensuous Pleasures).
Jeu Divin (Divine Activity).
Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1, Op.
11 ........................Enesco
Moto Perpetuo, Op. 11 .....Paganini

the Ritual Fire Dance from de Fallas College of Litreature, Science and (Orchestrated by Frederick Stock)
ballet, El Amor Brujo. Besides the the Arts, School of Music, and School (Played by all the violins).
original staccato heel taps and of Education: All students, now in Finale of Act III, "Siegfried".
snapping fingers, he has made the in- residence, who received marks of in- . ........... Wagner
novation of introducing the castanets residee oreceived mars of i
which were not in de Falla's scheme complete or X at the close of their
but the addition was praised by the ls emo attendance, must com-
composer after he hadrseenede Vega's plete work in such courses by the Academic Notices
interpretation at the Coliseum in end of the first month of the present Economics 51: Rooms for the hour
London. For this performance Max semester, Oct. 28. Where illness or examination on Thursday at 2 are
Reinhart worked out a special light- other unavoidable circumstances as follows:
ing scheme which de Vega now uses tension of time may be granted x- Aldrich and Simmons' sections,
whenever he does the dance. tesinisftie ma be te by 101 Ec.
New to the American stage are the teAdministe admofit e Danhof and C. J. Anderson's see-
dances of Mariluz, taken from the erary College, the Administrative tions, N.S. Aud.
dance lore of the Aztec and Mat-! Committee of the School of Educa- G. R. Anderson's sections, 1025 A.11.
lachin Indians. Theseeare done totion, or the Director of the School of Du 'ssectiosse231 A. AH
Music, provided a written request, Dutnsscin,21A!
the accompaniment of traditional jwith proval a itreuof Luchek's sections, 205 M.H.
music arranged for Mariluz' dances with the approval and signature of
by the Mexican composer, Pepe Gui- the instructor concerned is presented Psychology 31. Lecture Section I:
zar. Headdresses of enormous feath- athe Registrar's office, Room 4, Uni- For the examination Wednesday, stu-
ers, startling masks used in religious versity Hall. dents with initials A through Q go to
ceremonies add to the dramatic effect In cases where no supplementary Natural Science Auditorium, and
of swift movement and tom-tom grade is received and no request for those with initials R through Z go to
beats. The third member of the additional time has been filed, these 1025 Angell Hall. Bring 6x9 got
company, Yneshdances the Algrias marks shall lapse into E grades. books.
Flamenco and other traditional gypsy --
forms. Pre-Legal Students: It is believedrExhibition
While these three types are dis- that students preparing for the study Exhibi-
tinct, they are inter-related with in- of law will be interested in attending Annual Ann Arbor Artists Exhibi-
fluences from one to the other. No a number of practice trials to be ion: Open to public until Wednes-
one knows what effect the present held at the Law School, in order to day, Oct. 28. Alumni Memorial Hall,
revolution in Spain will have on the acquaint themselves with court pro-!2-5 daily.
native dance forms, characteristic of cqu-an thesev-icrp -di

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

the different provinces. This uncer-
tainty, together with the coinciden-
tal death of the great La Argentina,
makes it imperative to see dances of
this tradition while it is still possible.
Cass, all week, matinees Wednes-
day and Saturday: Lady Precious
Stcram, Dr. Hsiung's translation of
an ancient Chinese comedy.
Lafayette, opening tonight, 8:30,
no matinees: Sinclair Lewis' It Can't!
Happen Here. Detroit Project of the{
WPA Federal Theatre. "World pre-
mier in 15 cities. First time in his-{
Detroit Institute of Arts: Last
chance to see the important Van
Gogh exhibition are today 1 to 5 and,
7 to 10 p.m., Wednesday 1 to 5.
Mendelssohn, Wednesday 8:15:1
Paul Engle, American poet, will lec-
ture and read from his poems.
Hill Auditorium, Thursday, 8:15:
Cornelia Otis Skinner in a program
of her Modern Monologues. Orator-
ical Series.
Mendelssohn, Friday and Saturday,
matinee, Saturday: Carlos de Vega,
Mariluz and Ynes, dancers.
Mendelssohn, Nov. 1: Film Survey,
Part II. Art Cinema League.
Not Previously Announced Here
Cass, Monday November 9, Mat-
inees Wednesday and Saturday: Jane
Cowl in First Lady by Katherine
Dayton and George S. Kaufman.
Wilson, week of Nov. 22: San Carlo
Opera Company in repertory of pop-
ular Italian and French operas.
Cass, Dec. 7: Ina Clair and Osgood
Perkins in End of Summer by S. N.
Roosevelt Says
'Forgotten Men'
Must Not Exist
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-(IP)-Ad-
dressing a Negro audience, President
Roosevelt pledged his administration
today to a policy that "among Amer-
ican citizens there should be no for-
gotten men and no forgotten races."
He made that promise on the cam-
pus of Howard University for Negroes,

Freshman and junior law students,
members of the four case clubs at
Law School, will present appellate
arguments before faculty and stu-
dent judges, Tuesday through Fri-
day each week, beginning today, Oct.
27. The cases will be argued in
Rooms 116, 138, 218 and 220, Hutchins
Hall, Law School. All trials begin
at 4 p.m.
1937 Mechanical Engineers: Will
you kindly report to Room 221 at
your very earliest convenience to fill
out a personnal record card.
' H. C. Anderson.
University of Michigan Band: All1
students interested in enrolling in the
first regimental band please report
to Morris Hall Tuesday, Nov. 3, at
5 p.m. Members of this band will be
given opportunity to participate in
several engagementstduring thecur-
rent year. For further information,
report to Morris Hall any afteroon
from 4 to 5 p.m.


Tour for Foreign



Events Of Today
All Students initerested in partici-
pating in a Finnish club on the cam-
pus are urged to meet at 8 p.m. to-
day in the League. The room will
be posted on the bulletin board in
the League.
The Adc1oi House of Representa-
tives w~ill met tonight at '7:30 p.m.
in the Adelphi Room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall. Professor Hene-
man of the Political Science Depart-
ment will speak on "French Fascist
Leagues." The meeting, which will
be in the form of a "Smoker," is open
to all freshmen and other interested
Michigan men. All members are urged
to be present. There will be a short
business meeting after the open
Stanley Chorus tryouts this after-
noon, from 3 to5' in the Glee Club
room of the Woman'stLeague. All
those unable to come last Friday,
come today. The following women
have been accepted thru Friday's
tryouts: Catherine Jansen, Pauline
Slavin, Dorothy Novy, Olive Groth,
Florence Rogers, Mildred Hays, Eli-
zabeth Bilby, Gratia Harrington,
Mary MacDougall, Mildred MacAr-
thur.:Remember to report promptly
at 7:15 p.m. in the Glee Club: room
Wednesday night.
Interfraternity Council: Meeting
this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Coun-
cil's offices, Room 306, in the Union.
Quarterdeck Society: There will be
an important meeting today at 7:30
p.m., in the Union. Professor Baier
will speak informally,
Freshman Forum: The second
freshman forum will be in the North
Lounge of the Union today at 4:15
p.m. All freshmen are urged to at-
Transportation Club: There will be
a meeting today at 8 p.m., in Room
1213 East Engineering Bldg.
All students interested in trans-
portation problems are invited.

Greenfield Village: The tour for for-
eign students this week is to Green-
field Village at Dearborn, Henry
Ford's out-of-door museum of Ameri-
can history, and to his indoor mu-
seum, in which he has assembled his
magnifiicent collection of American
antiques. The tour is set for 1 p.m.,
Friday afternoon, Oct. 30. Reserva-
tions must be made before Thursday
noon in Room 9, University Hall.
Expense is limited to $1 for bus fare.
Cornelia Otis Skinner Program:
Miss Skinner will open the Oratorical
Association Lecture series on Thurs-
day evening at 8:15 p.m. in Hill au-
ditorium. Her program will include
numbers selected from the following
"Nurse's Day Out"
"Sunday Driving"
"An American -Girl on the French
"Monte Carlo"
"Paris after the Armistice"
"The Vanishing Redman"
"Being Presented

Sleep. .
have anything in common, it must
be a universal lack of sleep, for youth is such a
busy time of life that twenty-four hours are too
few, and studies and work fill the day so that
play must be "onleye that tyme, which we steale
from slepe."
But if this has been worrying you, and day
after day of late studying or recreation (eu-
phemism) has left you thinking of all the little
pieces of protoplasm disintegrating from lack of
sweet nature's second course, you'll be cheered by
the words of Dr. Karl Camp, head of the neu-
rology department of the University Hospital,
who debunked some misconceptions about this
universal occupation in a recent radio address.
Said Dr. Camp: "Some people complain that
they feel sleepy too much of the time, that they
cannot feel fully awake. In most of these cases
careful investigation shows that the actual con-
dition is not sleepiness but a torpor and is caused
by some poisoning of the system either from di-
gestive derangements, bad air, faulty metabolism.
or faulty elimination."
Again, "Much has been said in praise of the,


"A Lady Explorer" Kappa Phi: There will be a rushing
"The Calais-Paris Express" dinner today at 5:45 at Stalker Hall.
"Sailing Time"
Tickets are on sale at Wahr's State Christian Science Orga n

in dedicating a $626,000 PWA-fi- Street Book Store. Please make your meets tonight at the chapel of the
nanced chemistry building. reservations as soon as possible. Michigan League at 8 p.m. Students
The President said the government and faculty members are invited to
had provided the institution with Volleyball, Women Students: All attend.
three new structures as part of a na- girls living in League houses or pri-
tionwide program to reduce unem- vate homes who are interested in Michigan Dames: The Homemak-
ployment and also as a part of anoth- playing volleyball are invited to play ing Group will meet in the Russian
er program "to insure the normal on the Independent Team. The first Tea Room at the League this evening
maintenance and necessary expan- game will be played on Wednesday, at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Joseph Allshouse of
sion of educational facilities for October 28, at 4:30 on Palmer Field. Goodyears will speak about interior
youth even in a time of depression." decorating.
He added that the purpose was to
provide jobs in all sections of theI ConCes ,'t

country and for all parts of the pop- f Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
ulation as well as to enable the people University organist, will play the fol-
to share in the benefits from public lowing program in the Twilight Or-
Works Projects "so long as bricks and'i . on Reitalseries, of 4 15%nr nr

The Art Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will have a tea at the
home of the chairman of the division,
Mrs. Ralph Hammett, at 1425 Pontiac

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