THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCT. IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS SKINNER, Manners And Customs Of Day Described In A Gay Mood EXCUSE IT PLEASE, a collection of sketches by Cornelia Otis Skinner, illustrated by O. Soglow. Dodd,I Mead & Co., New York, $2.00.1 Coming To Ann Arbor I1 If you're planning on hearing Cor- nelia Otis Skinner next Wednesday evening, and of course you are, here's an item you won't want to miss. Offhand, you might assume that Miss Skinner's Well-known wit would have some difficulty on the printed page, without the assistance of her sparkling personality. But Cornelia's careless artistry seems almost as adaptable to the typewriter as to the. stage, and between the covers of Excuse It Please is contained as ca-1 priciously hilarious a commentary on the manners, customs and accessor- ies of our day as ever will grace the annals of our American literature. The author starts off with a study of the peculiar idiosyncracies of onei of the most familiar and oft-ribbed, of our institutions, the telephone op- erator, with her maddening mis- connections and delays, and her even more maddening manner of passing! it all off with a- slightly bored "Ex-E cuse it please." After the phone episode, we watch Miss Skinner wend her troubled and frustrated way through a series oft adventures with horse shows, footballe games, municipal officials with cigarsI in one corner of their mouths ands voices in the other, old school chums,i skating rinks and encyclopedias. t At the horse show she asks a sport-3 ing gentleman if he has seen "Idiot'st Delight," and the sporting gentleman,t who has a one-horse mind, inquiries1 who the owner is. Cornelia replies she c doesn't know, but he's by Bob Sher-r wood out of Lunt and Fontanne. I At the city hall, whither the au-t thor goes in order to register for theI vote on prohibition' repeal, she findsi herself forced to take a literacy test,r consisting of reading and answering such questions as "Francis Scott Keyc wrote the Star-Spangled Banner.t Who wrote the Star-Spangled Ban-t ner?" The young man next to hert glowers and covers his paper with af blotter to prevent her from cheating.i Her certificate of literacy she hasX framed. From here on Miss Skinner por- trays herself groping and stumbling blindly and helplessly through ar world peopled with individuals of- every classification who have one, thing in common, an overwhelming desire to pain and humiliate the au--t thor. Artists ask her to pose be- cause they "can't bear to paint pret- ty women." Little girls at the ridingk Inconveniences Of Vacations Described By Clarence Day "When I went away for a vacation,c which I don't any more, I was ap- palled at the ridiculous inconveni- ences of it. I have sometimes gone to the Great Mother, Nature;ssome- times to hotels. Well, the Great1 Mother is kind, it is said, to thec birds and the beasts, the small furry creatures, and even, of old, to thet Indian. But I am no Indian; I amt not even a small furry creature. I disliked the Great Mother. She wast damp; and far too fully of insects. "And as for hotels,nthe man in the next room always snored. And by the time that I got used to this, and got in with some gang, my vacation was over and I had to turn around and go home. "I can get more for my money by far from a book. For example, the Oppenheim novels: there are a great many of them, and, to read them is almost like going on a series of tours. A man and his whole family could take six for the price of one pair of boots. Instead of trying to find some miserable mosquitoey hotel at the seashore or an old farmer's farm- house where the old farmer will hate me on sight, and instead of packing a trunk and running errands and catching a train I go to a book-shop and buy an Oppenheim novel. When I go on a tour with him, I start off so quickly and easily. I sit in my armchair, I turn to the first page, and it's like having a taxi at the door-Here's your car, sir, all ready!' The minute I read that first page I Miss Cornelia Otis Skinner, daugh- ter of the famous actor, Otis Skin- ner, will be in Ann Arbor Thursday evening as an Oratorical Association speaker. school point to her as she endeavours to mount her horse and shout to the world, "Oh look at the funny lady!" Her old school-mate recalls the time she received a mark of 3 on an alge- bra exam (the 3 was for being pres- ent) and the terrible looking lad she brought to the May Prom. The people she meets at "wrong" parties, the only kind she ever goes to, where everybody talks about eith- er classical music, classical literature, big business or art, address her with such friendly and condescending re- marks as "You act, don't you? I think you're so clever to remember all your lines." Greek hotel waiters drop her dinner tray on the corridor floor, the women at Wednesday matinees always interrupt her speeches with coughs and whisperings, hairdressers remark casually what a lot of dand- ruff she has and her escort at foot- ball games slaps her on the back. Each individual and convention comes in for its proper share of the Skin- ner sarcasm in retaliation. No review of this volume would be complete without a special notice to that swell artist, O. Soglow, whose bland ink-line sketches of goggle-eyed horses and enthusiastic artists pre- face each chapter. The author point- ing a large revolver into the tele- phone is the best of a classic group. am off like a shot into a world where things never stop happening. Mag- nificent things! It's about as swift a change as I could ask from jog-trot daily life. "On page two, I suddenly discover that beautiful women surround me.! Are they adventuresses? I cannot tell. I must beware every minute. Every- body is wary and suave, and they are. all princes and diplomats. The at- mosphere is heavy with the clashing of powerful wills. Paid murderers and spies are about. Hah! am I being watched? The excitement soon gets to a point where it goes to my head. I find myself muttering thickly or biting my lips-two things I never do ordinarily and should not think of doing. I may even give a hoarse cry of rage as I sit in my armchair. But I'm, not in my armchair. I am on a terrace, alone, in the moon- light. A beautiful woman (a reliable one) comes swiftly toward me. Either she is enormously rich or else I am, but we don't think of that. We em- brace each other. Hark! There is the duke, busily muttering thickly. How am I to reply to him? I decide to give him a hoarse cry of rage. He bites his lips at me. Someone else shoots us both. All is over." -From "After All" by Clarence Day. Latest Books From two to three dollars a book you will pay, You can read many more if you do it this way - To read it just once and lay it away - Read any of mine for five cents a day - PAUL ENGLE The coming of Paul Engle to Ann Arbor next Wednesday brings to the campus one of the best of the younger poets of our language. Wt" 'merican Song was published two years ago, the critics immediately recognized in it a poetic gift of unusual proportions, a theme of importance to the contemporary world, and especially a re-forming of modern techniques in a way to bring the poetic realities of present day life within the compre- hension of the average educated man. Poetry in late years has tended to become unintelligible to the average reader. This has been taken as a sign by the commentators that the art is becoming increasingly decadent, and that it has lost all meaning for the modern world. The cry has been that only professional poets can understand modern poetry. Against such contenation3 the poetry of Paul Engle gives welcome reassurances, for, although his techniques are but one step removed from the techniques of those poets whose meanings are undecipherable at large, we are able to see at least faintly in that step the whole evolving process from the traditional intelligibility of older poetry to a new intelligibility more in conformity with the shadings of thought demanded by our generation. Perhaps Mr. Engle has somehow debased the ideas handed to him by older writers. In American Song he definitely joined the ranks of the Neo-Whitmanites, following the path already laid down before him by Hart Crane and Archibald MacLeish. But whereas Whitman himself was intent singing of an America full of such mystical nebulae as camaraderie, democracy, and the elan vital, Mr. Engle tries to make clear in his poetry the peculiar relationships between man and environment on this continent in an attempt to formulate the American as a distinct individual. To achieve his end he hurls at the reader an unlimited number of geographical place-names and repeated historical references. In his latest book, Break the Heart's Anger, Paul Engle compares with his mythical creature - this historical-environmentally-made creature representing American life - similarly compounded crea- tures representing the cultures of the old world. He attempts to analyze the character of each country as if it were an individual. He thus tried to make poetry from comparative ethnology and to some extent he has succeeded. He might not have succeeded had not intense nationalism been so much a reality today. Paul Engle is still a very young man, and his poetry is often irritating by reason of the seeming artificialities that come from its many crudities and over-simplifications. Although he appears to have communistic leanings, he is by no means a communistic poet. He is not directly concerned with social or economic doctrines at all. When the individual and his country become merged a state-individual comes into being. Perhaps Mr. Engle can tell us better than the politicians or the economists the meanings of fascisms or communisms. Hindus' 'Moscow Truthful Description Of Russia Russia. waa .a aia as vaaa ua uv ..vx rl+v vaa ....r MOSCOW SKIES by Maurice Hindus. Random House: $2.75. By JOSEPH S. MATTES As a novelist Maurice Hindus de- serves few accolades. His first at- tempt at fiction, Moscow Skies falls considerably short of being a first- class novel; its story is too extensive, has too many tangents to be suffi- ciently developed in the space he has allotted to it; its plot is too obviously in an antiquated form. But for at least one of its short- comings as a novel I am thankful; in having too much story to tell Hindus has brought in a mass of representa- tive Russians. We see them all at their work and play, at their formid- able and sometimes hopeless task of fitting into the Russian scheme. For this truthful and rather complete portrayal of Russia, Moscow Skies will be more popular with the polit- ically-conscious reader. In it he will find something of that elusive truth about Russia. Bernard Blackman, an American journalist whose intellectual inter- est in Russia brings him to the Soviet, is the principal character.gHe arrives in Moscow in 1929, during .the first Five Year Plan, and finds quarters in The House, an appartment housing almost every type of Russian, former nepmen, dyed-in-the-wool Commu- nists, Soviet executives, laborers and students, intellectuals and bourge- oisie. Bernard falls in love with Anna, wife of Andrey Belov, vice- president of the Textile Trust. As a sub-plot Petya, ardent young Com- somol, marries bourgeois-born YelenaI and nearly loses his membership in 1 the Young Communist League. Hindus treats the Communists ade- quately when he deals with them in numbers. At mass meetings and as chance acquaintances along the streets the Bolsheviks are flesh and blood; but the Bolsheviks that are vital to the plot are not as well por- trayed. They are stood up with their ideology and left with their charac- ter only partially explored. Where Hindus excells is in his de- velopment of skeptical Bolsheviks and anti-Communists. The former Red Army commander with whom Ber- nard lives is an extraordinarily real character; Misha and Volodya, for- mer bourgeoisie who owned The House previous to the Revolution, are good; and so are the former nep- men. It is on their suffering, suffer- ing brought by the Revolution, that Hindus dwells so much. The justice of the Communist cause is somewhat neglected and the reader is apt to think Moscow Skies a little one-sided.. Probably the most intriguing de- scription in Moscow Skies is when Andrey goes to inspect the great Rus- sian textile f actory which, despite its finest and most-up-to-date equip- ment, has an ever-growing rate of re- jections. He ousts all executives but one, whom he keeps only for his ex- perience, holds mass meetings and tolerates all the criticism that is of- fered. Then by masterful speaking and the aide of some ardent Bolshe- viks in the audience, he wins the ap- proval of the town-and with every- one working their best for the good $10 for theffostBearadfi Compactin the A,&l I Skies' Gives of the mass, and consequently of himself, the cotton factory begins to pick up. All in all, Moscow Skies is a good book if you take it for what it is: a good and truthful description of IKADETT E MODEL "40" The ideal radio for home office or travel. Most beautiful radio today-half size of ordinary compacts. Tunes entire broadcast band 511" high. 7Wi wide. 3%' deep Weight 31+ lbs. The greatest value ever offered See it. hear- it today -it will amaze you t The College Bookshop STATE STREET At North University p-i BOOKS Of Reference . 1 > f ::t :- ' k {r {$: :$;j Y; ?S; :Qi r~l. ' :: 4iii: a;::: :v:*: : .:.} ::: . :mot co /0, Encyclopedia Brittanica, 24 volumes ................................. The Columbia Encyclopedia (in one volume) ......................... 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