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October 25, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-25

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The Weather

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Warmer, with rain today:
modera'te west to south winds.

A Matter
Of Local Concern .. .



Gov. Landon
Explains Dual
Program For
World Peace
Kansan Asserts Roosevelt
Overrode Legislation On
Neutrality Act
Limitation Of Navy
Qual ifiedly Backed
Taking Profits Out Of War
Is Advocated By G.O.P.
Presidential Nominee
dual program for promoting world
peace and protection against war was
proposed by Gov. Alf M. Landon to-
night in an address contending Pres-
ident Roosevelt's policies a year ago
made "probable" United States en-
tanglement in a foreign conflict.
"Only last year he overrode the
neutrality legislation he himself had
sponsored," the Republican nominee
said of his Democratic opponent's
steps during the Italo-Ethiopian con-
flict. "He attempted to put the Unit-
ed States in the forefront of the
sanctionist powers against Italy. His
action made it probable that if war
had come we would have been in-
Landon Casts Aside League
Before a Hoosier audience in the
Coliseum and the country over the
radio, Landon cast aside the League
of Nations collective security system
because "we cannot use war to end
war," and the World Court because it
was "a political court."
The Kansan's program "to avert
war throughout the world."
Promote mediation first, and then
Restoration of "international con-
ference in the good faith of the Amer-
ican government" which he said had
been "shattered by the contradictions
of the present administration."
Cooperation "in the reduction of
Assist in lowering world-wide trade
barriers and reestablishing healthy
economic conditions."
Should war come in the world, Lan-
don proposed to help keep America
out by:
Neutrality Policy Called 'Hope'
Developing a neutrality policy
which, while not "an absolute guar-
antee of peace" is "one of the great]
hopes" since isolation "is unfair to
our own people and impossible."
Enacting legislation for "taking
the profits out of war."
"In these high resolves, God help-
ing us," the Republican candidate
said, "We shall protect America
against war. And we shall do our full
part to maintain the healing of peace
throughout the world."
In discussing armament reductions
as a means of working toward world
peace, Landon said "we have already
reduced our land forces to the abso-
lute minimum."
"We have always been ready to lim-
it and reduce our naval forces," he
continued, "and shall continue to be
ready, but only in proportion as oth-
ers limit and reduce theirs. In such
ways as these we can help to lessen
the danger of a general war."
Sanctions Declared Unnecessary
In behalf of arbitration for settling
international disputes where media-1
tion fails, Landon said "we should
make this machinery more nearly

perfect and seek to bring other na-
tions to the same view."
"This is the direction in which
measures for the peaceful settlement
of international disputes may wisely
and effectively be pushed forward.
Much has been said of the need for
a sanction to compel nations to ob-
serve awards made against them. Ex-
perience has demonstrated that no
penalty is necessary.
"The great obstacle to be overcome
is not the carrying out of the awards.
It is to persuade the nations of the
world to bring their disputes to ar-
"The greatest service which our
country can render for the doing
away with war is to encourage by
every honorable means within our,
power, except the use of armed forces,
the arbitration of international dis-
putes. To this end we must devote
our utmost efforts."
Independent Sophs
Hold Political Meeting
A preliminary meeting of the pro-
posed Sophomore Independent party

German War Maneuvers Stress
Secrecy,_Speed, Heneman Finds

Expert Use Of Camouflage
And Modern Equipment
Made In Secret Games
Secrecy and speed are the factors
upon which the German army places
the greatest emphasis, in the opin-
ion of Prof. Harlow J. Heneman of
the political science department, who
was an unofficial spectator at the se-
cret maneuvers held early in Septem-
ber near the village of Gustrow, Ger-
"Everything is cleverly camouflag-
ed, including all the motorized equip-
ment which enables the troops to be
transported from one sector to an-
other with alarming rapidity," Pro-
fessor Heneman said.
No Visitors Allowed
These maneuvers near Gustrow
were held several weeks before the
public games at Frankfort-am-Main.
No visitors were to be allowed at the
Gustrow games and not a word about
them appeared in the German press.
But Ralph W. Barnes, Berlin corre-
spondent of the New York Herald
Tribune and a close friend of Pro-
fessor Heneman, heard a rumour
Church Topics
Today Feature
Political Theme
Muyskens, Sadler, Brumm
Are Included Among List
Of Speakers
Politics enters the churches with
several making that subject the
theme for today's sermons.
Preaching this morning in Saint
Andrew's Church at 11 a.m. is the
Right Reverend Hayward S. Abel-
white, Bishop of the Episcopal Dio-
cese of Marquette, Mich. Bishop
Abelwhite is one of the youngest
Bishops of the Episcopal Church. He
is a graduate of Kenyon College, .
Gambier, O. He will address the Epis-
copal Student group in Harris Hall
this evening at 7 p.m.
At the Methodist Church Dr. C.
W. Brashares will preach on "Christ
and Politics Today" at 10:45 p.m.
The Unitarian Church will hold I
its last Sunday morning service of I
the year today at 11 a.m. when Rev.
Marley will speak on "Will the Best
Man Win."1
Prof. John L. Muyskens will talk;
on "The More Abundant Life" at
5:30 p.m. in the Student-Walther
League at St. Paul's Lutheran Church.,
The second of the series on "Why
Are We Learning?" will be presented
at 6 p.m. at Stalker Hall. The talk
will be given by Prof. H. C. Sadler,
of the engineering college. His sub-
ject will be "Building a New World."+
"Luther as a Student at the Univer-
sity" will be the subject of Rev. Har-
old Yochum, of Detroit, and will be'
given at 6:30 p.m. at the Lutheran
Student Club in Zion Lutheran Par-
ish Hall.+
Labor Alliance1
Demands Rise
In PA Wages
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-(Y)-
Demands for increased WPA pay were
presented to the White House and
the Relief Administration today by
the Workers Alliance of America after7

that the games were coming off and
so he and Professor Heneman set
out to "crash the gates."
"We received a blank pass from the
ministry of propaganda, the officials
having no idea where we were going.
And soon we had passed the guards
and found ourselves the onlyhcivilians
on the front, which was approximate-
ly 20 miles long and seven miles
wide," Professor Heneman said.
The entire maneuvers lasted for
four days and four nights, accord-
ing to Professor Heneman, starting
on a Sunday night and lasting till
Thursday afternoon. There were
no letups for the night, the soldiers
getting snatches of sleep at odd mo-
ments during the day.
New Type of Warfare Seen
From his conversations with the
German soldiers and officers, Profes-
sor Heneman learned that the Ger-
mans are evidently preparing for an
entirely different type of warfare
than that utilized during the World
War. "Not one trench had been dug,
everything being centered on rapidity
of transport and stealthiness o ma-
"The soldiers were clothed in
green-gray uniforms over which they
wore large waterproof capes that had
irregular designs of yellow, green,
brown and rust red on them. These
capes blended with the autumn scen-
ery excellently and made it impos-
sible to discern the troops from even
a short distance."
"At one point," Professor Heneman'
continued, "Barnes and I were stand-
ing on the crest of a small hill over-
looking a wide field. No one was in
sight but after we had circled the1
field we looked back and saw to our
surprise that there had been about
2,000 soldiers hiding in it."
The equipment of the National So-
(Continued on Page 3)
Press Society
Will Hold 18th
Meeting Here
Paul Scott Mowrer Will
Speak; Banquets, Shows
Are Planned;
Plans were released yesterday forj
the eighteenth annual meeting of the
University Press Club of Michigan toI
be held in Ann Arbor Nov. 12, 13 and
14. Each year the University is host
to editors and publishers ofuMichigan
affiliated with the Press Club.
The meeting will be featured by
speeches, banquets, a theatre party
and attendance at the Michigan-
Northwestern football game. The
guests who will be brought to speak
in addition to the University speakers
are Paul Scott Mowrer, managing
editor of the Chicago Daily News;
Dr. Lowell S. Selling, head of Rec-
order's Court Psychopathic Clinic in
Detroit and Chet Shafer, feature cor-
respondent of the Detroit News.
At the opening session on Thurs-
Sday, Nov. 12, the topic discussed will
be "Rediscovering Your Community"
with factual information to be offered
by Prof. Roy H. Holmes of the so-
ciology dpartment. At the banquet
following the discussion Dean E. H.
Kraus of the literary college and Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher of Detroit willt
speak. After dinner Dr. Heber D.
Curtis, director of University obser-
vatories will show his film on "What
is Happening on the Sun."
All reservations for the meeting
must be submitted at once to Prof.1
John L. Brumm of the journalism de-1

Wolverines Hit Comeback Trail
By 13-0 Victory Over Columbi
As New Running Attack Cu


ehioan State
Subjugated By
Marquette, 13-7
Touchdown Passes Tossed
By Captain Of Hilltoppers
Provide Winning Margin
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 24.-(P)-Two
touchdown passes by Capt. Ray
(Buzz) Buivid gave Marquette Uni-
versity a 13-7 victory over Michigan
State today and strengthened the
Hilltoppers' bid for national football
Before a homecoming crowd of 20,-
000, Buivid hurled a 25-yard forward
pass into the arms of Herb Ander-
son, substitute end, midway in the
last quarter, for the winning score
after the visiting Spartans had taken
a 7 to 6 lead.
A 35-yard toss from Buivid to Art
Guepe, who raced six yards to the
goal, put Marquette out in front in
the second.
Michigan State's "junior" eleven,
entering at the start of the second
half, scored from the seven-yard line
on a pass from John Pingel to Ernie
Bremer. Usif Haney booted the
extra point from placement that
loomed large in the scoring column
until Marquette's final rally.
The Spartans exhibited a superior
running attack, gaining 189 yards
from scrimmage to 124 for Marquette,
but the Hilltop line hurled back three
scoring threats and Buivid's passes
proved the deciding margin.
The Marquette captain threw 21
tosses completing eight for 112 yards,
compared with State's five out of 11
for a gain of 78 yards.
After a kicking duel that extended
into the second quarter, the Spar-
tans gotdinto trouble when a penalty
for holding set them back to the
one-yard line. Al Guepe, twin bro-
ther of Art, took Al Agett's punt on
the State 46 and ran to the 30-yard
stripe. Then Buivid faded back and
(Continued on Page 6)
Wayne Jail Break
Blocked By Sheriff
DETROIT, Oct. 24.--UP)-An at-
tempt by 12 prisoners to saw their
way to freedom from the Wayne
County Jail was thwarted tonight by
deputy sheriffs.
Sheriff Henry Behrendt said the
plot wasaled by Ted Bisaga and
George Hall. Bisaga is under sen-
tence of 25 to 40 years in the branch
state prison at Marquette as a sec-
ond offender. Hall is under a life
sentence in the same prison for ab-
ducting and attempting to kill Er-
nest S. Gallagher, Detroit contrac-
Behrendt said they will be taken
to Marquette Monday night.
The deputies discovered the escape
attempt as they were making a rou-
tine inspection. The prisoners using
hack saws and improvised imple-
ments, liberated themselves from
their fifth floor ward, ripped out
plumbing and tunneled through the
concrete to the corridor.
e In Negotiations
)eclares Wheeler
ally itself with Russia or to imitate
the Russian system, he explained.
Germany's insistence on rearming
on its western frontier might seem to
imply that the Nazis had hostile in-
tentions toward the French Republic,
but, Professor Wheeler stated, this
action seemed to him to be more a
gratification of national pride than a
definite gesture, of aggression-if by

aggression was meant the desire toI
march over into France.
Germans Fear For Institutions
The German government does not
look to war from any other nation but
Russia, he said, as it believes that the
noblest social and economic institu-
tions of Europe are endangered by a
hostile soviet state. This is its phil-
cE ophy, he pointed out-a philosophy
which has been directed to divert the
attention of the people to a different
enemy than France, inspiring in them

Beginning Of Run Typical In Michigan Offense Swe'
\ ~St'

et And Ritchie t
s Kipke Reveals
ar In Wally Hook


Halfback Johnny Smithers is shown off on a long run in the opening
minutes of the second period. Bill Barclay and Ed Vandewater are
taking out the defensive half as Smithers cuts back and weaves his way
to midfield where he was finally brought down by Taylor.
* *1 '* *
Michigan System Rejuvenated
By Tonic Of Win Over Columbia

'Whew,' Coach Kipke Says
As Wolverines' Success
Confounds Critics
Thus Coach Harry G. Kipke wiped
his dripping brow yesterday as his
victorious football team ran off the
field after the game.
And Kipke did well to express such
relief, for he, the team and the Mich-
igan system had a narrow escape yes-
There was no question about it.
Everything about Michigan football,
coach, team and system, as Kipke
pointed out Friday, was on the spot. It
was do or die, and Michigan did. The
Wolverines were as an ambushed
army, but the outcome was more like
Hannibal in the Po Valley than Cus-
ter at the Little Big Horn.
If Columbia had won yesterday
afternoon, Michigan, in Kipke's own
words, "would have been sunk." And
he meant himself and his team's
chances for the rest of the year. As
for the famed Michigan System, it
Loyalists Fail
To Defend City
From Bombers
Oct. 24.-(P)-A score of Fascist war-
planes tonight bombed the suburbs of
The exuberant pilots upon landing
at their bases said the Getafe and
Cuatro Vientos airports near .Madrid
apparently had been abandoned.
No government planes took the air
against them, the insurgent airmen
said, and from this they deduced that
the government aviators had revolt-
ed, or that all government planes
were being used to convoy fleeing of-
ficials out of Madrid.
Anti-aircraft guns were manned in
24-hour shifts and cellars in Madrid
were cleared as an anxious populace
scanned the skies.
The Madrid newspapers issued
warnings, and the Claridad, in bold
type asserted "an onslaught on Ma-
drid is imminent."
Fascist warplanes - the dread
"blackbirds of death"-might soon
attempt to bomb Madrid into submis-
sion if surrender offers continued to
be spurned by the city's defenders, it
was feared.
The insurgents captured Zarzalejo,
just three miles from their objective,
El Escorial, 30 miles west of Madrid.
A dispatch from Lisbon today re-
ported that an insurgent aviator,
speaking for his comrades, had said:
"I hope that we shall not be forced
to hom M farid.i ut if surrender i

would have had to have looked far
and wide to find a supporter, outside
of Mr. Yost.
But the old Michigan System, to,
the extreme pleasure of Mr. Yost and
the surprise of Tod Rockwell and
others, clicked. And Mr. Yost beamed
all through the game, as if he knew
it would all the time.
And so we will have Mr. Kipke with
us longer, and if you do not think the
team is as pleased at that as it is by
the victory itself, you should have
taken .a peep into the locker room
after the game, where coach and'
players were putting on as happy a
love scene as was ever enacted.
So we will have the Michigan sys-
tem, knowing, as Michigan coachs
said after yesterday's game, that the
punts and passes work and that the
Diety is after all on the right (Mich-
igan) side; all this not even mention-
ing how the Michigan line, for nine
downs, a yard from the goal line, held
faster than the Germans on the Wes-.
tern front. Columbia Coach Little
himself said that "it took more than
prayer to do that."
And in all probability Michigan is
going to win some more football
games. Kipke and his coaching staff
and the team members do not come
right out and say that. But when
you hint that the reason they won
Saturday was because Mr. Little's boys
were not playing such a hot game,
they bristle and growl and say it
isn't so, and intimate that they will
be very surprised if they lose to Il-
linois next Saturday.
But just think what might have
happened if your Young Men had lost
Absent Voters
May Still Use
Union Facilities
Absentee voters' ballots may be
applied for between 3 and 5 p.m. any
day this week in the student offices
of the Union, it was announced yes-
terday by Frederick V. Geib, '38, who
is in charge of the Absentee Voters
The deadline for the receipt of ap-
plications in the majority of states is
Thursday, Geib said in stressing the
urgency of applying as soon as pos-
Applications are now available only
for the following states: Colorado,
Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire,
Ohio, Washington, Wisconsin and
West Virginia.
Early in the week Geib expects ap-
plications from Delaware, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Maine and Pennsyl-
vania. In Washington, only Seattle
and in Wisconsin only Milwaukee will

Michigan's System
Vindicated By Win
Wolverine Line Holds Lion
In 10-Yard Zone For 9
Downs As Passes Fail
The Michigan football team rose
up in its wrath yesterday to hit the
experts over the head, and prove to
the world that there is nothing wrong
with the Michigan system, as an un-
haltable band of Wolverines diove
through the Columbia Lions for an
impressive 13-0 victory.
Playing typical Michigan football,
the Wolverines got only spirit-smash-
ing breaks throughout the first quar-
ter and most of the second, but they
dug in their cleats and kept tryin
It was the same rugged determin-
tion which featured Michigan's stand
at Minneapolis last week, but yester-
day it was a different story. Yes-
terday the Michigan team clicked
just as Coach Harry G. Kipke had
predicted they would with suffcient
seasoning. Yesterday Michigan's of-
fense was a powerful, driving ground
gaining attack which netted 284 yards
from scrimmage.
Lions At Striking Distance
The Wolverine offense was over-
shadowed only by their gallant de-
fensive stands whenever the versa-
tile Lion eleven got within striking
distance of the goal line, and it was
within their own nine-yard line that
the valiant Wolverine warriors wrote
yet another chapter in the annals of
great Michigan performances.
Nine times those fighting Lions
hurled themselves at the Michigan
line or attempted short bullet passes,
and each time the staunchness of the
Michigan team was demonstrated as
they piled up the attack and batted
down dangerous aerial bombs.
Nor was the game without its in-
dividual stars. Captain Matt Pat-
anelli at end, Bill Barclay, clever
signal caller, Don Siegel at tackle,
Wally Hook at half and Ced Sweet
at full stood out perhaps above the
Columbia Passes Ineffective
Michigan's victory was clean cut
and decisive as the team effectually
bottled up the vaunted Columbia
passing attack, and as a result the
Lions, who had scored 84 points, 16
of them against Army, were shut out
of the scoring column yesterday for
the first time this season. Sid Luck-
man revealed himself as a great
passer and ball carrier, but the Mich-
igan forward wall crashing through
the lighter Columbia line forced
Luckman to hurry several of his
heaves and gave Hubert Schulze, ace
Lion punter who until today had a
kicking average of 51 yards, the most
frenzied afternoon of his career as he
was forced to hurry his booting all
during the game.
Except for Michigan's sensational
goal line stands, the game was a
battle of offenses with both teams
able to gain ground readily between
the two 20-yard lines.
Michigan missed a great chance
midway in the initial stanza when
Patanelli made a circus catch of
Johnny Smithers pass, andlateraled
to Danny Smick who was downed on
the Lions' 10-yard line. A fumble by
Cooper was recovered by Johnny Hu-
dasky and the threat was ended.
Fortunes Shift Rapidly
Wally Hook went in for Cooper
near the end of the quarter and
promptly put Michigan in a .bad
spot when he bobbled a punt en his
own 43 yard line.
Columbia marched to the Michigan
4-yard line where they lost the ball
(Continued on Page 7)
Band Again Gives
Novel Formations
Led by their new drum major,
Fred F. Weist, '38SM the University

Band again showed Michigan foot-
ball enthusiasts that the University
boasts a band which will "do itself
proud" if and when it goes to the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania game on
Nov. 7.
The outstanding novel arrange-
ments nresented by the bnond vPgt.

three of its leaders had been arrested j
in demonstrations near the Executive
The arrests were made as 400 mem-- ermany Sincer
bers of the Alliance demonstrated in -
front of WPA headquarters after pa- W ith France I
rading back and forth outside the
White House in a vain attempt to pre--
sent their proposals to President Hiter's plan for a Franco-German
Roosevelt. pact is sincere and consistent with the
Released on bond, the demonstra- policies of the Nazi government, in
tion leaders later succeeded in 're- the opinion of Prof. Benjamin Wheel-
senting their demands to Marvin Mc- er of the history department, because
Intyre, secretary to President Roose- Germany has changed its traditional
velt, and Aubrey Williams, Deputy attitude of opposition to France, and
Works Progress Administrator. through publicity and propaganda has
McIntyre received their proposals turned the attention of its people to
for a 20 per cent increase in WPA the "menace" of Soviet Russia.
wages and a minimum of $40 a The German government, he ex-
month, but refused to let the dem- plaind, has concentrated all of its ef-
onstrators see President Roosevelt. forts in a movement to quiet all talk
Those arrested were David Lasser, against France and play upon the in-
president of the Alliance, Herbert herent danger to the German people
Benjamin, organization secretary, and of a communist Russia. "Whether or
John Kelly, organizer for Lackawanna not this fear of Russia is justified, I
county, Pa. Lasser and Benjamin do not know," Professor Wheeler de-
were charged with parading without clared, "but I see no reason to believe
a permit, Kelly, with resisting arrest .that Germany is not entirely sincere
Police, mindful of the bonus riots in its announced desire to join with
four years ago, kept close watch as - France."
the delegates lined up two-by-two for War Possible On Two Fronts



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