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October 24, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-24

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County Board
Rejects Relief
Jobless To Be Handled
By Township And City;
Wagg Suggests Change
Unanimously the county board of
supervisors rejected a proposal for
county participation in relief financ-
ing, following recommendation of its
welfare committee.
The supervisors chose to continue
on the present basis which has been
in effect since last December, with
each township and city paying 45 per
cent of the cost of the relief to un-
employed. In the event of an emer-
gency the board may convene at any
time, or may take up the subject
at its January meeting.
The change had been urged upon
the board by Charles F. Wagg, county
relief administrator, supported by a
resolution of the Ann Arbor city
council. Although there was no dis-
cussion at the time the resolution was
passed, board members expressed
their disapproval of what are con-
sidered the extravagances of the state
emergency relief organization of
which the county office here is a unit.
There is a possibility also that the
state will return direct relief admin-
istration to regular county author-
ities early next year, as is being
sought by supervisors throughout the
Consider Six
Per Cent Raise
In County Tax
A possible tax increase of six per
cent faces Washtenaw County tax-
payers today as the board of super-
visors considers a tax rise calling for
a change in thetrate from last year's
rate of 4 mills to 4.239 mills for the
coming year.
An $18,000 increase in the current
budget accepted Thursday makes the
tax rise unavoidable as the commit-
tee in charge of apportionment called
for the placing of the exact amount
on the tax rolls. Approval of the
committee's report failed when it was
found that the apportionment of
county taxes to the township and city
units had been incorrectly computed.
The meeting ended without definite
action by the board on this question.
Nov. 1 Set As
Deadline For
Opera Plans
All manuscripts for the proposed
Union opera must be planned by
Nov. 1 and either the book committee
of Mimes, dramatic honor society, or
Herbert A. Wolf, '37, president of
the Unin, must be notified of the
author's intentions, Wolf announced
yesterday. The book committee will
set a final date for submittance of
manuscripts sometime after Nov. 1.
Whether the Union opera will be
given is entirely dependent on the
quality of the manuscripts sub-
mitted, Wolf said. "The probability
of the opera is promising, however,"
he said.
Four students had submitted man-
uscripts before yesterday. They are
Max Hodge, '39, Bob Lodge, '39, Bill
Rothe, '39, and John Caldwell, '37.
Members of the book committee are

Robert Daily, '37E, Edward Adams,
Grad., Truman Smith, Grad., and Ed-
mund Borgioli, '37.
Last year the Union opera was not
given. After a lapse of several years,
the opera was revived in 1933 for
two years.
Wolf said that the date or place
of the opera, should it be given, have
not yet been decided.
The Health Service will administer
a vaccine for the prevention of colds
to all students desiring it until Nov.
15, it was aninounced yesterday.



Triumphant Goodbye R are Collections In Library lection. The Haass collection con- WPA WORKERS' HOLIDAY day so that WPA workers could join
r tains 26 medical incunabula selected I MT. PLEASANT, Oct. 23.-(JP)- the sugar beet harvest. Upwards of
by Dr. Warthin, once a member of Federal drain projects in Clare and 250 men, formerly on federal projects,
hFurnish B oks For medical faculty. Isabella counties were suspended to-!were reported already working
a Ik r x oo %; or Exhibit _______________________ ___
Aim To Show Newcomers The imaginary voyages collection,
Extent And given to the Library by Dr. L. L. Hub-
Importancebard contains about 2,500 books, in-
Of Rare Book Room eluding Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's
ITravels and the Swiss Family Rob-
Books selected from special collec- inson in twenty European, Asiatic
tions in the rare book room make and African languages.
up the newest exhibit on the first Mr. J. C. Spaulding, '97, contribut
ed largely to the history of inathe-
floor of the General Library. Miss matics collection, some of the books
Ella M. Hymans, curator of rare of which were fundamental in the
books, stated she made up the dis-I introduction of modern symbols and
I play to acquaint newcomers to the formulae.
campus with the various well-known The history of medicine coalection'
collections of the library, contains donations by Dr. Lewis S.
Collections Listed Pilcher, '62, the Haass collection and
The eleven different collections Dr. Warthin's "Dance of Death" col-
represented in the exhibit, are; the
papyri, manuscripts, Milton, Carlyle,
Drama, Hubbard collection of imag-
inary voyages, history of mathema-
tics, history of medicine, and the in- ___ _"Every day is a little life, and our whole life is but a day repeated"- BISHOP HALE
cunabula collections. Any one of
these collections is sufficiently large
. to make an exhibit in itself, accord-
s< : 3 ing to the explanatory notes in each
number of books in each collection. FRoT PRESBYvEsiANaCHOalCn
The manuscript collection contains Masonic Temple, at 327 Fourth Avenue Cor. East University and Oakland
-Aso about 900 works, mostly in the Greek @0Rev. W. P. Lemon, Minister 2:30 r 3:30 Hympho, hor
Visibly impressed by the crowd, guages, Arabic and Persian. 2:30 - 3:30 -Symphony hour
estimated at 175,000, that jammed Among the incunabulae is an edi-' FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST
historic Boston Common to hear tion of the Nuremberg Chronicle4 South Division BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH
and see him, President Roosevelt is printed in 1493 by Anton Koberger, 40 Src uhdas, E0H EA G CA CC
shown waving a hearty godobye at who led all printers of his day be- Seadics n da, 0:ast aLiberty South Fourth Avenue, near Packard
the conclusion of his address. cause of his employment of Michael Rev. T. R. Schmale, Pastor
Wolgemuth as illustrator. In this! fIoIZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Services at 10:30
book 1809 woodcuts are shown, taken
Band Thanks Students from 605 blocks. Forty-four blocks (American Lutheran Church) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH
serve for portraits for 270 kings and Cor. Washington and Fifth Avenue
pp 22 blocks illustrate 69 different cities, AIIDD ET Rev. Ernest C. Stelhorn, Pastor (Missouri Synod)
II\ Service at 10:30 Cr hr n iet tet
The University Band Department with only a change of label. A work Cor. Third and Liberty Streets
of Sessa of Milan, also in this col- MODEL "40" Carl A. Brauer, Minister
yesterday disclosed that the band will lection, shows the authors character- Hundreds of thousands of this famous radio sold F I RST BAPTIST C H U RC H 9:30 a.m.-Church School
probably go to Philadelphia on Nov. istic device, a cat holding a mouse in at a much higher price. Now greatly improved. 10:45 - Morning Worship
7 with the football team. its mouth, on its title page. Ideal for home, office or travel. Most beautiful East Huron between State and Division 5:30 - Supper and fellowship hour
radio today-half size of ordinary compacts. 2 Rev. Edward Sayles, Minister 6:30 --Program. Prof. John L. Muyskens
It is too early yet for the trip to Papyri Included full-tuned circuits. Tunes entire broadcast band.1045-"Salt and Light"-Mr. Sayles' topic. speaker.
IThe papyri collection of the Library Sn igh, 7W 'wide, 3W' deep. Weighs only3 s' 1:00 - "Satd lassht Gui.ld H ouse pakr
be certain since the exact returnsy nLlbs. The greatest value ever offered. at only 12:00 - Student Class at Guild House
contains over 6000 papyri dating from $1000. Other Jewels at $1so and $12.S. 6:00 - Students and Church - Church TRNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH
from Tuesday's amateur show are the third century B.C. to the sixth Parlors
not yet known although the crowd century A.D. Examples shown are (United Lutheran Church of America)
numbered approximately six thou- mostly papers of a business nature, FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. Fifth Ave. and William Streets
such as tax receipts, money loans and, T e C o l g Rev. Henry 0. Yoder Pastor.
sand.sCor. State and Washington Streets Morning Service at 10:30
The band though Director William leahseTs nyson cslhcoion umbvrsCBakslep Brashares Minister Lute shnSuent Cub in Zion Lutheran.
Th adtog ietrWlim The Tennyson collection numbers, B o ' o Services 10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. Parish Hall at 530.
D. Revelli expressed "deepest appre- 300 books, the Carlyle collection, 600
ciation for the huge turnout at the books, and the Milton collection, 200 STATE STREET
show." Dr. Revelli declared that it books. A first restoration Quarto of
showed that the student body is be- Shakespeare's Hamlet with the 5 line At North University
hind the band. imprint is one of six known copies.
a I



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