The Weather Mostly cloudy, probably show- ers in north, and possibly in south portion today; warmer in southwest portion. i 10 r A6V A6F iIai1t Editorials Note To Motorists . Russia's Change I)i Diplomacy ... VOL. XLVII No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 24, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Expeet ItalyTo Bolt Portugal Cuts Schacht To Retain Real Power XP ect It'y -. National TI- Despite Goering'sAppointme ..TT.ationa__._ies__ - Wolverines Sight ant INon- ntervention Committee Today With Madrid Fascists Broadcast Their Capture Of Mostoles; Take Important Points, Rebel Planes Rake Streets Of Capital Russia Is Still Technically A Member As Delegates Deny Armed Activity 13 Nations Meet In Peace Session Italians Awaiting Orders; British Brand Russiani statement_'Hedging' LONDON, Oct. 23.-()-The Span- ish Non-Intervention Committee ad- journed a stormy session tonight with Russia still technically a member de- spite a Moscow declaration to pursue and course it saw fit in the Spanish civil war. , (An exchange telegraph dispatchT from Rome said well-informed circles declared "Dino Grandi" (the Italian ambassador to London) will undoubt- edly receive instructions Saturday to hand in Italy's resignation from the Non-Intervention Committee.") Russian delegates, non-committal on their country's future neutrality policy, said however, that Italian, German and Portuguese counter- charges of neutrality violations had not been discussed at today's meet- ing. A sub-committee of 13 nations, in- cluding Russia, was called to meet Saturday, with a full committee ses- sion summoned, for next Wednesday.o The two Soviet delegates, Ambas- sador Ivan Maisky and M. Kagan, ap-1 peared unperturbed as they emerged from the crucial meeting. When asked when Russia would send arms to the Spanish Madrid gov- ernment, Maisky replied: "We are not doing anything pend- ing the outcome of neutrality nego- tiations." British informed sources expressed belief that the Soviet communication was "plain hedging." Informed observers felt the most hopeful sign for the neutrality pact was the fact that Russia had not ac- tually walked out of the committee session. 'The Monopolies Hate New Deal,' Says Roosevelt Claims Administration Has Loosened Its Grip Of Monopoly On Business WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-(AP)-Ar guing that the administration had "loosened the grip of monopoly" and "dragged private enterprise back out of the pit into which it had fallen in 1933," President Roosevelt assert- ed tonight that the New Deal was resolved to "keep politics out of busi- ness." At the same time, he said in a campaign address, "we ask that busi- ness refrain from coercion in poli- tics." No administration in history, the HSC Wins Livestock Show; This Is No Bull Michigan State College has done it again! A news dispatch from Kansas City gives the following in- formation: - "A Michigan State College live- stock judging team placed eighth in competition at the American Royal Livestock and Horse Show here Sun- day. Iowa State won with a score of' 4,811 out of a possible 5,000. The l individual standing showed Francisl W. Brokaw of Michigan State tied1 for ninth-place." With the tension of this livestock competition over for another year,I general campus interest probably will soon be centered on the annual se-, lection of the queen of campus milk-, maid. Ho hum. Technic Wins E.C.M.A. Prize As Best Journal Beckman Replaces Church As National Chairman Of Association The Michigan Technic, publication of the students of the engineering school, was presented the award for the best engineering college journal by the Engineering College Maga- zine Association at a dinner in the Union last night. The award was made for the year 1935-1936 on the basis of increased circulation and maintenance of a high standard of publication. During the period for which the prize -was given, Robert L. Taylor, '36E, was managing editor. The circulation jumped from 500 to 1,000 copies per month over a period of two years, it was revealed. The annual convention of the En- gineering College Magazines Associ- ation has' been held at the Union for two days. It wasaclimaxed by the dinner last night when" the award was announced. A new Iational chairman of the association was elcted for two years. Prof. Richard Beckman of Iowa replaces Leonard Church of McGraw-Hill, technical Sbookpublishers. The association was organized with the purpose of maintaining a stand- ard style and publictaion policy for the engineering college magazines of the country. The first convention was held in the Union 14 years ago and since then the Technic has led the field of 24 member publications maytimes. I The Michigan Technic, edited this year by Robert B. Baldwin, '37E, is ( the oldest engineering college journal in the cuontry. It has been in exist- ence 84 years since 1852. Attempt To Stop Advance; People Seek Shelter As Aviators Urge Surrender Prof. Ellis Sees Possible tween the Nazi radicals and Schacht Reic Dealuaion Andis the matter of devaluation of the Reich Devaluation And mark and the subsequent betterment Vigorous Trade Policy of German foreign trade, Professor ________Ellis explained. By SAUL ROBERT KLEIMAN E1The extremists, obsessed with the Characterizing the recent subordi-.desire for economic self-sufficiency oppose devaluation, whereas Schacht, nation of Dr. Hjalmar Schacht to who is an "astute economist, abvious- Colonel-General Goering as a super- ly realizes that devaluation is the ficial one, Prof. Howard Ellis of the only avenue of escape from the di- lemma in which Germany finds it- economics departraient yesterday ex- self in regard to foreign trade," he pressed the conviction that the odds said. in favor of Germany's devaluing the Popular sentiment in Germany op- mark and encouraging a vigorous pol- poses devaluation because of the ter- icy of foreign trade had increased rific inflation that took place in rather than lessened with this latest Germany from 1918 to 1923, accord- move.rtnetsone wh ting to Professor Ellis. "To the man 3 move. in the street, all talk of devaluation Protection ForSchacht is tantamount to inflation." According to Professor Ellis, the However, Professor Ellis pointed appointment of Goering as minister out that "the two policies are sharp- president with virtual dictatorial ly distinguishable: that whereas in- powers in economic affairs was prob- flation is the actual excessive issue ably designed to "protect Schacht of money and credit which inevitably from the Nazi extremists and give results in rising prices, devaluation, him a free hand to carry out his or the reduction of the gold content own policies." of money, gives only the possibility oh'ht wh' d-till hldc the ns i- (Continued on Page 2) Ivens Shows LISBON, Portugal, Oct. 24.-(Sat-! urday) -AP)-Severance of diplomatic relations with the Madrid govern- ment was announced early today by the Portuguese government. A note to the Spanish ambassador here contained reasons for the ac- tion, it was announced officially. (The government of Portugal, a dictatorship under Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, has been accused by the Russian government of aiding the Spanish Fascist insurgents. Por- tugal has flatly denied the charge). The Portuguese charge d'a'ffaires at Alicante, Spain, was instructed to return here on a Portuguese naval vessel anchored at that port on the southeastern Spanish coast. TENERIFFE, Canary Islands, Oct. 24.-(Saturday)-(P)-The Spanish Fascist radio station here reported early today insurgent troops had cap- tured Mostoles, ten miles southwest" of Madrid. The Fascists drove out government forces after an advance from Naval- carnero, a key point in the capital's defenses which they captured Wed- nesday, the broadcaster said. ON MADRID BATTLEFRONTS, Oct. 23.-(A)-Fascist insurgent war- planes-"blackbirds of death" - strafed terrified Madrid today. Three times within 12 hours a half dozen planes,inneat formation, dived on the city and splattered buildings and streets with their machine gun bullets. The populace, mainly women and children, dashed wildly through the streets seeking shelter in basements while ricocheting bullets whined past their heads. All able bodied men were at the front, trying to keep the swiftly mov- ing insurgent advance from driving closer to their homes and families. At Mostoles, west of Madrid, the trained insurgents steadily were pressing the government lines within 10 miles of the capital. When the panic-stricken populace emerged warily from their under- ground retreats, they found the cityl littered with pamphlets dropped by the aviators calling upon them to surrender their city. 'Michig Inn' Now Open With Remodeled Cellar The Michig Inn" opened last night under new management. It was an- nounced that the cellar will be con- ducted under separate management and offers dancing with two bands and a number of singers and en- tertainers available. e About the walls of the cellar are murals painted by students depicting wedding scenes, also several cari- catures of faculty members are in- cluded. It was further explained that the cellar will be run by a student with student help. Food and drinks will be available both in the restaurant and the cellar. Victory In Battle New With Lions Today acnacnL,w WOo SIHUS Me PU tion of reichsbank president, "will be the real power behind the German economic throne," while Goering, who represents the prestige of the Nazi regime, will hold off the radical ele- ments in the party, Professor Ellis said. Goering himself is a member of the over - enthusiastic militaristic clique, which would risk inflation and the entire credit structure of Germany in order to secure with ut- most rapidity the goals of the second' Nazi four-year plan-economic self- sufficiency and military equality with European powers, he said. Represents Conservative Element Schacht represents the more con- servative financial element in the party, which favors the four-year plan but does not want to overdo it, Professor Ellis said. This means, in the opinion of Professor Ellis, that if Goering insists on carrying out his own policy in spite of Schacht, the latter will probably resign. The main point of difficulty be- Lumber Group Debates Value Of Woodlands Land Utilization Meeting Foresees Socialization Of Timber Land The Land Utilization Conference opened yesterday at the Union with discussions on land values and gov- ernmental purchasing of timber areas. During the day a red oak was planted and dedicated to the mem- ory of former President Clarence C. Little, and at 12:30 a luncheon was held in the Union. Daily Faculty Poll Will Start iMonday, Oct.26 Ballots For Straw To Be Given To Of Departments Vote Heads Cinema Technique A t League Theatre "An independent cinema movement is important to the development of the motion picture as an art, accord- ing to Joris Ivens, distinguished Dutch director, who delivered a short lecture and gave a running com- mentary during the showing of four of his films, last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Mr. Ivens, who has been directing the production of this new type of cinema work for the past seven years, presented "Rain," "Industrial Sym- phony," "Borinage," and "New Earth"-pictures which show the de- velopment of his photographic tech- nique from its early phase as abstract art to its present form as a problem -presenting "social document." In his next endeavor Mr. Ivens is collaborating with Paul de Kruif in producing a screen version of de Kruif's book, "Why Keep Them Alive?" "Borinage," Mr. Ivens said, was produced upon the suggestion of a Belgian labor group, for the purpose of arousing public interest in the squalid conditions of the Borinage coal mining area. When the picture was shown in Brussels-a two hour trip from the mines-the conditions described seemed so unbelievable that Mr. Iv-[ ens was forced to get Andre Gide, noted French writer, to verify them before the film was accepted as a, realistic portrait and not a figment of the imagination, he said. NamingJordan May Be Costly To Washtenaw "When the Washtenaw party re- placed Tom Haynie, independent candidate for treasurer, on their slate with John Jordan, they threw away 150 independent votes to gain 15 at the Theta Delta Chi house. The State Street party is now the only, party with an independent candidate MICHIGAN Patanelli (C) Siegel Garber Rinaldi Marzonie Luby Smick Barclay Smithers Cooper or Ritchie Stanton or Sweet LE LT LG C RG RT RE QB LH RH FB COLUMBIA Schulze Wright (C) Coviello Hersey Pistolas Bateman Siegal (C) Furey Luckman Michigan's 10-Year Of Intersectional Is Threatened S ring Wins Hudasky Invaders To Depend Upon Passing Attack To Win; Sid Luckman Is Ace Lineup Indefinite Until Game Time Probable Lineups Bonom Masker (North- Referee: James J. A presidential poll of the 750 fac- ulty members in all the colleges and schools of the University will be con- ducted by The Daily beginning Mon- day. The poll will be spread over a three day period, ending Wednesday. Bal- lots are being distributed to the heads of the schools and colleges who will give them to the faculty members on their staffs. Results will be pub- lished in The Daily each. morning with the total vote released Thurs- day. Five names will appear on the bal- lot: President Roosevelt, Governor Landon, Norman Thomas, Earl Brow- der and William Lemke, Unionist can- didate. A separate count of all fac- ulty members in "Who's Who" .will also be conducted. The poll will be similar to the straw vote conducted by The Daily, before the 1932 presidential election j when 471 faculty votes were cast. Former President Hoover led the vote by a comfortable margin, polling 236 votes to 132 for Presient Roose- velt, 96 for Thomas, and 7 for William Z. Foster, the Communist candidate. Hoover's margin in the 1932 faculty poll wasconsiderably less than the lead he received in the student poll of that year which he won by a mar- gin of more than two to one. Pres- ident Roosevelt was defeated in the student poll conducted last week by! The Daily by 26 votes. If the pres- ent faculty poll goes the same way . TO DISCUSS SECURITY ACT Prof. William Haber, of the De- partment of Economics, will discuss the Social Security Act at 1:45 p.m. Sunday over WWJ. This is a sched- uled talk in "Our Government" series The discussion at this time, it was explained, is particularly pertinent in view of the many criticisms which have been discussed. At the morning session George W. the 1932 straw 'vo McCallum, president of the Detroit, son to the student Mackinac and Marquette Land Co., be expected to b discussed the proposed amendments The poll has be to the Michigan constitution an d ulty members. All their bearing on forestry. structors are aske The general opinion was that tim- The Daily by cast ber lands would eventually be so- cialized. Sophomores At the afternoon session, after the presentation of methods of determin- . Party For ring timber values, the decision was reached that the government and pri- An independent vate owners probably would come to zation to oppose agreements. State Street gree agreemnts. . be formed today One member claimed that it is dif- mediately after t ficult to evaluate land with residualm All independent lumber, that is lumber that cannot vited to take p be sold at a profit now, and that m this is causing friction in negotia-- officers in the e tions with the forestry department. be held Wednesd A Washington representative point- will not be a ca ed out that the difficulty lay not in weino, tbeasca determining the value, but in the fact meeting, it was that lump prices are asked of the government, including a "reward of L uL t merit." He stated the government Lou Litt was not philanthropic in purchasing te did in compari- t poll, the vote can e very close. !n endorsed by fac- 1 professors and in- d to cooperate with ting a ballot. President contended, has done more for the system of private business, property and profit. He added that "an overwhelming majority" of in- dependent individual business men approve "what we did to save Ameri- can business." "I am equally sure," he asserted, "that a handful of monopolistic busi- ness men hate what we did for Amer- ican business." He said that as profits return and the values of securities and invest- ments come back, "we must hold con- stantly to the resolve never again to. become committed to the philosophy of the boom era, to let individualism, run wild." Thatdphilosophy, he contended, holds that "government should be ever ready to purr against the legs of high finance," and "above all," that government had no right to "inter- fere with those who were using the' system of private profit to the damage of the rest of American citizens." Communist Candidate Will Not Speak Here Rumors that Earl Browder. candi- Ion its slate." This statement was made last night by Vincent Butterly, State Street cau- cus chairman who felt more confi- dent than ever that his party would make a clean sweep in next Wednes- day's sophomore class elections. Also, John Thompson, Delta Upsi- lon sophomore, denied that his house had switched to the Washtenaw party, saying that he regretted the error and wanted it known that the news' came from a junior who was not con- cerned with the matter. "Our sophomores are more strong- western); Umpire: John J. Schrom- mer (Chicago); Field Judge; Frank C. Lane, (Detroit); Head Linesman: J. J. Lipp, (Chicago). By FRED H. DE LANO It will be a snarling Michigan Wol- verine, intent upon clawing its way to its first gridiron victory of 1936, that faces the Columbia Lion this af- ternoon in the Stadium before a crowd that is not expected to exceed 25,000. To all indications the warfare will largely be carried on through the air, with Sid Luckman's expert passes carrying most of Lou Little's hopes while Johnny Smithers and Alex L0p iko attempt to crack the Columbia defensive with sharp tosses mixed in with what is hoped to be an improved Michigan running attack. The Lions' pass defense is known to be weak and Coach Harry Kipke has drilled his squad hard this week on aerial plays. Little After Revenge Today's skirmish will be the first intersectional tilt of the season for Michigan, an eleven that despite des- perately poor records in the last two years has not been beaten in inter- sectional play since the Navy turned the trick in 1926. The Columbia in- vasion marks the first appearance of this blew York team in Ann Arbor and Coach Little is intent upon re- venging the 19-7 defeat the Wolver- ines handed his charges in 1935. Both squads were sent through easy tapering-off drills yesterday, Columbia in the Stadium and Michi- gan on Ferry Field. The Lions, looked impressive as they went through sig- nals, radiating a confidence similar to that displayed by Michigan as it prepared last Friday for a beating at the hands of Minnesota. Tentative Lineup Kipke announced a tentative lineup last night, but is still not decided on his starting backfield. Capt. Matt Patanelli and Danny Smick will be at the ends, Don Siegel and Earl Luby at tackles, Jesse Garber and George Marzonie guards and Joe Rinaldi center. Bill Barclay will get the call at (Continued on Page 3) Sen. Couzens Gave $700,000 To University DETROIT, Oct. 23.-()-James Couzens will return in death tomor- row to the Detroit mayor's office which he left in 1922 to enter the United States Senate. The body of the wealthy industrial- ist and philanthropist who died Thursday will lie in state in Detroit's black-draped city hall for four hours s while the public files through a double line of policemen and Ameri- can Legion members. The mayor's office now is occupied - by Couzens' son, Frank. Condolences poured in to the Cou- - zens home in suburban Bloomfield e Hills, where public funeral services e will be held at 2 p.m. Monday. "I ToFr y for -State btreet tnan before ne To Form asserted. Independents At a recent caucus the party adopt- sophmor orgni-ed a platform advocating immediate she Wasten orand organization of the class to beat the the Ws wifreshmen in the Fall Games. Another tin Lane Hall rties will plank urges that independent stu- in LnHalim- he football game. dents be given a chance "to provel sophomores are in- their worth, to take part and to as- xt in the organiza- sume responsibility in class activi- d to help nominate ties." lection which is to The party will hold its final cau- day, Oct. 28. This cus at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the Un- aucus, but an open ion. All independent students are explained. urged to attend. le Not A 'Gloomy Gus' .WTE T I "'1 l "0 A .Eb XVWT 1 Mid West Backs Landon; East Is For Roosevelt In The Daily's Poll i+ By WILLIAM SHACKLETON A substantial lead gained among students from within the state and from the middle west in general pro- vided the margin by which Governor Landon led in The Daily's presiden- tial poll, final compilation of the ballots revealed last night. Of the 1,849 votes which the Re- publican candidate for the presi- dency received, 894 were cast by na- tives of the state, while President; Roosevelt obtained only 801 votes from the same source. The grand totals for these two showed Landon leading by 26 over the President. Among students who listed Illinois as their residence the Kansan re- in Pennsylvania the figures were re- spectively 69 and 60, in New Jersey 63 and 42 and in Massachusetts 37 and 17.' Norman Thomas, Socialist candi- date who received 178 votes in the poll, obtained a somewhat larger pro- portion of his support from the east- ern students than did either the Pres- ident or Governor Landon, the figures showed. New Yorkers' votes account- ed for 30 of his total, New Jersey for 14 and Massachusetts for 7, but Penn- sylvanians gave him only 2 votes. In Michigan Thomas obtained 93 votes, while the rest of the middle west, far and south added but 18 to his total. The Communists' candidate, Earl Browder, gained 38 votes from Mich- L c tC l Z timber land.Bi Today the conference will be re- But He Is Sti1 A it Worried sumed at 9:30 a.m. in the Union with a speech by Mr. Kneipp on "The By ROY HEATH them that start the game, of course. Effect of Federal Land Acquisition Not overly optimistic and yet not in I will not worry about the substitutes Upon Local Taxing Units." the "Gloomy Gus" category, Colum- until they come into the game." Lit- bia Lou Little, head man of the in- tle said that while he was anxious to Athletic Managers vading Columbia University Lions beat Michigan he was not "pointing' yesterday predicted a close battle in for the game above all others, and To Meet At Union1which both teams would score. pointed out that because of his team's Little, playing the part of the dap- tough eastern schedule he was forced The annual meeting of the Mich- per, genial host, told reporters that to take them as they came instead igan Athletic Managers Club will be he very definitely considered Michi- of concentrating on any one team. held today at a luncheon in the gan a tough opponent. "I'll tell you "Do I think that Michigafi's of- Union, T. Hawley Tapping, General boys," said Columbia Lou as he fensive system is "creaky, and broken Secretary of the Alumni Association polished off his plate of scrambled ddwn?" he replied to one of our ques- anounced yesterday.m Aeggs, "Michigan is just like a fight- tions, "No! Weren't they one of the The club is composed of all those er who has been knocked down, he is greatest teams in the country three Inhe clubisacno modofallthse 1the more dangerous because he is years ago with the same system?'