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October 23, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-23

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FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1936



Bro wder Loses TIerre Ha~ute Suit

Return Of Private Enterprise
nui n"...r oe tR Weu-s

Alumni Of Hospital
To Convene Oct. 30

L l t .u u u CL l r c ..

G/ G.1

It is a very rare occasion when
an outsider-an uninitiate-comes to l
Soviet Trying To Regain the decision that he ought to visitl
a broadcast studio to watch a re-
Prestige It Once Held On hearsal. If, however, he not only
Two Codecides, but carries out his plan, then
wo ontinents it is more than a rare occasion-it isI
Cofromrage1)obviously a mistake. At least that
(Contnued ris the opinion one innocent reporter
has after having wandered into the
ot, i experiecing canges i t University radio studio in Morris
control of her government. Whereas Hal
before the country was ruled by three, Behind a thick plate glass parti-
factions with none of them assuming tion stood five students, four men
sole leadership, now only two remain and, one woman. Ostensibly they
as potent forces in the government, were there to practice a skit that is
Formerly the government was.under scheduled to go on the air tomorrow
the control of theSoviet bureaucracy at 10:00 a.m. However, besides the
-in old Russia the bureaucrat was words written on the script, here are
distinguishable by the portfolio he some of the embellishments that
carried, but now the same distinc- came through the public address sys-
tion is a mark of caste: he is both ( tem:
a bureaucrat and a member of the "Mother keeps asking what a cam-
Communist party; the Communist pus is . . . Folks, we're looking for
party of Lenin and Trotsky; and the page three . . . What is a campus?
army. However, after the intra- . . . Brief pause, dear radio aujunce,
party dissension in Russia, the "old- while we find the answer . .. (under-
sters" in the party lost out; Stalin tone) get rid of it with Astringosol,
abolished the OGPU, the chief prop I did." And so it went.
of the "oldsters"; dissidents were After several minutes of fairly un-
shot, exiled or fled, if they could, but broken conversation, the script, as
the party yet remained intact. This it brushed against the 'mike,' sounded
leaves in Russia today only two con- like a couple of knocks, whereupon
trolling factors of government, the . . . "Who's there?" The rest can be
bureaucracy and the army, dominated imagined.
by the party which in turn is dom- A few minutes later: "The cost of
inated by Dictator Josef Stalin. the building amounts to the tidy sum
Weakening Of Left I of-will you please get your hands

Ex pect New Deal To Cute --
Down On Interference a steady
If Returned To Office aid is ex
which pa
Architecture and the construction instration
industry, although seriously interest- reappear
ed in the coming election, will not be as rents
vitally affected by its outcome, Prof. people a
Wells Bennett of the College of ownershi
Architecture said yesterday, as he cases by
pointed out a trend away from gov- quently,
ernment initiative in building work rather s
an(' a return to normal in all lines in the ci
of building wnich will secure it from mercialk
future depencience on government of remo
help. than the
Questions Government since ini
"There has been an increasing an overs
growth of private enterprise in build- ture. La
ing work, especially in home con- home c
struction," Professor Bennett stated.
"The field of public works will prob- Archit
ably continue to be greatly affected Bennett
by government policy in the future, ment sh
but this, too, will taper off as econ-' tion wor
omic conditions improve. Even if the value of
New Deal is continued, it may cut 1933, ma
down on its extensive program, in normals
seeking economy. One direct way investor
in which the election is likely to af- cupancy
feet architecture, however, is in the more sa
distribution of Federal work at pres- aid and
ent.. Jobs are promised only until men fee
Dec. 31, possibly the last day in of- of activi
fice of the present administration." tural. TI
Individualism ably fee]
Government interference in con- tunity or
struction work was an emergency the othe
measure, Professor Bennett contin- eral grot
ued, and came during the critical trol is n
part of the depression when the dustry i
building industry was paralyzed. sion and
Three lines of aid were extended: onomic
public works and housing programs, need of
modernized, and government aid to ects oft
new privatehconstruction. Eachdof with long
these three has had a different de- which tl
velopment. Public works had the worth w
most evident and immediate effect. "Despi
It gave employment and interest to! Professor
thousands of architects and con- is no di
struction engineers, many of whom again on
are now planning future work in of return
that field. As for housing, it has been is shown
mainly experimental up to now. A this yea
long-time policy has not yet been lege."
developed, and the immediate future
of housing is somewhat uncertain. Fed
Private construction, however," n
Professor Bennett added, "has shown

A convention of former internes
- and staff members of University Hos-
edidi pital will be held on the week-end of
end back t o ind. FederalOct. 30-31, according to Dr. Albert
and etoerre. Federal C.Kerlikowske, chief resident pliysi-
pected to decrease no matter ca n sitn ietr
arty takes over the admin- cian and assistant director.
n. Investment interest has More than 200 men are expected to
ed in apartment buildings, return to the hospital from all parts
have begun to rise, and of the country for the event which
re still distrustful of home Dr. Kerlikowske said will be the first
p, so severly hit in many of its kind held here. 400 invitations
y the depression. Conse- have been sent out.
apartments of the small,
imple type have increased
ties. Work on private com-
buildings took on the form
deling old buildings rather
e construction of new ones,
many cities there is already,
supply of this type of struct-
,tely has come a period of
onstruction again.''
Architects Differ

out of the way! Mary, join me in
the Society for the prevention of Mr.
Sheill! I can't, this is Fannie Brice
speaking, tra la la la!"
When it was all over, the corre-
spondent was assured that 'mere in-
terpolations' in practice are an aid
for acquiring ease before the micro-
These skits are written by the
playersthemselves and are given in
an effort to portray college life as it
exists at Michigan, or any other cam-
pus. Outside interest has been
aroused not only by the humor of
the program, but also by the great
amount of technical information
about the University.

-Associated Press Photo.
Earl Browdir, Cnmmunist candidate for President, whose two at-
teiptL to Epuak in :rcrre Haute, Ind., met with arrest and a barrage of
rctten eggs and ripe tomatoes, lost his plea for legal protection against
hostile city officials. Tep, shows crowded courtroom scene during hear-
ir.g of suit. Seated, left to right, John Kingsbury, Indianapolis, and
David J. Bentall, Chicago, attorneys; Browder, Seymour Waldman, Corn,-
munist scretary. Below, Mayor Sam Beecher (center) and Police Chief
James Yates (ight), with their attorney at hearing, Charles Whitlock.
Landon Nurses 'Alumnus' Now Has
'Tired' Throat Bright Blue Cover,
11red hroat

ects are divided, Professor
said, on the role the govern-
ould play in future construc-
rk. While recognizing the
the government action of
any architects feel that a
state of affairs, where the
can build and own for oc-
or rent at a profit, will be
tisfactory than government
3 control. Some of these
I that government inflation
ty in architecture is not na-
he average practioner prob-
Ls that there is little oppor-
r security in this work. On
r hand, there is a more lib-
up that says government con-
ecessary, because private in-
s responsible for the depres-
other ills of the present ec-
system. These stress the
government control over proj-
the nature of public works,
g-time planning programs to
the architect may make' a
hile contribution.
te these conflicting views,"
r Bennett concluded, "there
sputing that architecture is
z the upgrade. One evidence
ning interest and confidence
by the marked increase in
r's enrollment in the col-
eral Grant
or Hospital
Is $409,000

In Southwest
Governor Unable To Make
Platform Speeches En
Route To Oklahoma City
22.-( P)-Gov. Alf M. Landon, nurs-
ing a sore throat, cut across the
Texas Panhandle tonight in a per-
sonal bid for Oklahoma's eleven pres-
idential electoral votes and a confer-
ence with William H. (Alfalfa Bill)
Murray, former Democratic gover-
Murray, an anti-New Dealer, was
scheduled to introduce the Republi-
can nominee to an audience at Okla-

The third issue of the current vol-
ume of The Alumnus, out yesterday,)
continued its program of innovation
and attempted improvement by
changing the entire format of the
Instead of the customary cover
page carrying one of a series of scenesf
of campus life, the cover has nowl
been redesigned in a more modern
style that includes a bright blue de-
sign and a small insert view of the
tower of the Law Quadrangle.
For the benefit of those who have
not been able to follow the develop-
ment of athletics and the athletic
plant at Michigan, an article has
been written by Albert L. Arey, '35E,
in which he tells of campus athletics
of nearly 70 years ago and adds the
story of their development.

Al Smith Again
Urges Election


DETROIT, Oct. 22.- ()-An as-
sertion by Dayton Dean that the Blick'
Legion planned to "run our 'govern-
ment with bullets once we got in"
marked the common pleas court ex-
amination today of 20 alleged mem-
bers of the hooded society charged
with criminal syndicalism.
At the same time Emerson Becker,
a witness against eleven night riders
convicted of murder in the Black Le-
gion "execution" of Charles Poole,
reported to the prosecutor's office
he had received a bullet, which he in-
terpreted as notification he had been
marked for death.
Dean, confessed "trigger-man" in
the Poole killing and a state witness
against fellow members of the Black
Legion in several other cases, related
the beating of a Highland Park lab-
orer and a death plot against a coun-
cilman in suburban Highland Park
had been ordered by one of the de-
fendants, whom he identified as
"Colonel' Roy Hepner.
The chunky Dean said he had at-
tended about 500 meeting of the Black
Legion and had heard Arthur L. Lupp,
Sr., one of the defendants, and Virgil
Effinger of Lima, Ohio, fugitive from
a similar charge, advocate changes in
the government.
"We didn't favor Republicans or
Democrats, Dean testified. "We fa-
vored our own form of government.
The plan was to put our men in, and
if anyone got in the way, we were to
hang or shoot them. Once we got in,
we would run our government with
Q.: "Who gave such instructions?"
A.: "Art Lupp. He said we were to
tear down, lay waste, despoil and kill
our enemies.
Q. "Who were the enemies re-
ferred to?"
A.: "Catholics, Negroes and Jews."
Becker's report to John A. Ricca,
assistant prosecutor, on the bullet in-
cident, related that his 4-year-old
nephew answered their door bell at
noon today and that a man handed
him a cartridge, saying "give it to
your uncle."
Becker said he ran to the door in
time to see the man drive away with a
companion in an automobile

homa City tomorrow after boarding
the campaign Special at El Reno, Germ ans

Announcement of $409,500 grant to
help finance a proposed $1,500,000
0f Gov. Landon addition to the Ypsilanti state 'hos-
pital came yesterday from the Public
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.-(A)-Alfred E. Works Administration in Washing-
. ton, .
Smith, former Democratic candidate The grant, based on plans to build
for President, tonight continued his a $1,000,000 addition has been pend-
attack on the New Deal, urging the ing nearly a year. Since the applica-
voters on Nov. 3 to cast their vote "in tion was made, the state has allocated
a manner that will give a sane, orderly an additional $500,000 to the hos-
government under Governor Landon iipital, which will make possible an
government under"Gvernor;Landon-.f..

Jtall Showing
Hand Knit
Fashion .
This Afternoon
2:30 p.m.
If you've a nose for fashion -
and what woman hasn't - be
sure to come to the style event
of the season. Living manne-
quins will wear the very new-
est in *Bear Brand hand knit
ensembles . .. coats . . . dresses
. . . suits . . . blouses . . . etc.
Each is easy to make - down-
right thrifty, too, and the last
word in chic.
New *Bear Brand Yarns are
featured too in our Yarn
Department - ask to see them
after the showing. Our skilled
teacher will be glad to help
you get started.
Downtown Store
124 S. Main Street Tel. 4171


Landon in turn was said by aidesj
to be preparing an address which
would urge Democrats to cross partyl
lines and support him.
Traveling eastward on his final
drive for the presidency, Landon was
directed by doctors to rest his throat
for strenuous campoaig-ning ahead

Red Scare' ToI
Justify Armies
(Continued from Page 1)


which includes major addresses at supporting the Populra Front Gov-
Indianapolis Saturday night and in ernment have been telling an almost
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York entiiely different account of the
and St. Louis next week. Spanish revolt, Professor Heneman
The sore throat from which the said, and have charged that Germany
candidate suffered yesterday hung on and Italy have been the ones who
today and a doctor boarded the train have interfered in Spaindespite their
during an El Paso stop. After spray- agreement to remain neutral.
ing Landon's throat the specialist But the one fact that still im-
advised a 24-hour rest, so the Kan- presses me most regarding the press
san refrained from making rear plat- of these two nations," Professor
form talks and spent a good part of Heneman added, "was the way in
the day resting in his bedroom while which the German newspapers print-
traveling through light rains in the ed all kinds of abusive and insulting
New Mexico mesquite country. stories regarding Russia. It is almost
The throat condition did not pre- unbelievable that stories with so
vent Landon from continuing work on much hatred and enmity in them
speeches, and he conferred with would be printed with the interna-
William R. Castle, under secretary tional situation as precarious as it is."
of state during Herbert Hoover's ad- If Russia should bolt the neutrality
ministration; J. Reuben Clark, form- agreement and give open aid to the
er Ambassador to Mexico, and Henry Loyalsits in Spain, as is rumored by
J. Haskell, editor of the Kansas City many sources in Europe, it would only
Star. be doing what Germany has been
Aides said the nominee's first for- charging all along and would be com-
eign affairs speech may be delivered miting a violation that Germany and
in Indianapolis although there was a Italy have apparently been guilty of
possibility that it might be saved for since the early stage of the revolu-
an Eastern point. tion. Professor Heneman said.


of Kansas."
Smith's statement, made at the
close of his speech at the Civic Opera
House before a capacity crowd of
4,000, was his second open declara-
tion for the Republican Presidentiall
candidate. He previously had an-:
nounced in his Carnegie Hall speech
in New York he would support Lan-
His attack on the Roosevelt ad-
ministration tonight was directed
chiefly at the President's fiscal pol-
fHe also struck at the centralization
Sof powersunders the Federal gov-
I erpment since 1933 and the "growth
of bureaucracy."
Smith's speech, the third he has
made during the campaign, was,
broadcast over a nation-wide hook-
up. He will go from here to Pitts-
burgh, where he speaks Saturday

increase in the facilities to accommo-
date 1,056 patients.
At present, the institution is car-
ing for 1,580, although the capacity
is only 1,370 persons.
Plans for the new accommodations
have been drawn up, but not the
specifications, ,Dr. George F. Inch,
superintendent at the hospital, said.
He expects that bids would be asked
for within a month.



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- - ,Ed




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