The Weather Fair today; tomorrow becom- ing unsettled. Possibly light rain, slightly warmer. LY , tr [t g an Ar Editorials James Couzens.. . Special Delivery ... VOL. XLVII -No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS i Senator Couzens' Career Of Service ~Ended By Death He Succumbs To A Kidney Ailment After Illness Of Seven Days Final Desperate Operation Failure Family Of Colorful Figure At His Bedside During Closing Hours By FRED WARNER NEAL The long, colorful career of James Couzens, senior United States Sen- ator from Michigan, one of the orig-, inal partners of Henry Ford, a phil- anthropist who gave millions, to char- ity, came to a close yesterday. The Senator, 64 years old, died at Harper Hospital in Detroit at 4:25 p.m., with his family at his bedside. Seriously ill for a week, his death occurred approximately 25 minutes after a last minute operation removed an obstruction from his kidney. Sen- ator Couzens had suffered from kid- ney trouble for more than a year, and "uremia and cholemia," was the cause of death, according to Dr. Hugo A. Freund, his personal physi- cian. Senator Passes SEN. JAMES COUZENS Game Warden Slayer Makes His Confession Condolences Poor In t Tells Of DynamitingB©d Condolences from officials of the y nation with whom he had been asso- To Destroy Evidence' ciated since 1922 when he went to I the Senate poured in to Mrs. Colazens, n in his brother, Homer; his son, Frank Couzens, mayor of Detroit; and his NEGAUNEE, Mich., Oct. 22.-(AP)- three daughters, Betty, Mrs. William Raymond Kivela, 27 years of age, R. Yaw and Mrs. W. Jeffries Chewn- and, a resident of Negaunee Town- ing. President Roosevelt, for whom ship, confessed tonight to slaying Couzens left his sick bed last Thurs- Andrew Schmeltz, Ishpeming con- day and for whom he in effect.sac- servation officer, and dynamiting his rificed his political career, paused in body in a gruesome effort to destroy the midst of a heated campaign to evidence of the killing. The confes- say that in Couzens' death, America sion was announced by Prosecutor has lost a leader "whose courage John D. Voelker, wiao had directed was a match for his idealism." Re- the question of Kivela. publicans and Democrats alike, many Explaining in detail every step of with whom Couzens had had bitter the crime, Kivela told the Prosecutor controversies, told of their sorrow. and State Police that he killed Plans for the funeral have not yet Schmeltz about 11 o'clock Tuesday been made. morning as the conservation officer Senator Couzens was born of was walking along a ridge west of humble parents in Chatham, Ont., Pickett's Lake on his return from a Aug. 26, 1872. Coming to the United patrol near the Carp. River aboutt States in 1887, his rise to wealth, three miles north of Negaunee. fame and power reads like a Horatio T Alger story, with hard work, thrift Two shots near the heart from a and idealism the motivating factors. .22 caliber high-powered rifle killed He began as a night telegraph oper- Schmeltz at the point where his gun ator on the Erie & Huron Railroad. and holster were found Wednesdayl By 1889 he was a clerk in the Mich- afternoon by police. Kivela, accord- igan Central freight office, earning ing to the Prosecutor, said he was $60 per month. stnading on a slight elevation about Joined Henry Ford 200 feet north when he fired. In 1895 he became a clerk in the Kivela then dragged the body of the Alex Y. Malcomnson coal yards, and slain man into the swamp, returned by 1898 he was manager - of the home and in the afternoon purchased Toledo branch of the coal yard. When a 50-pound box of 40 per cent dyna- in 1903 a man named Henry Ford or- mite, 100 sticks in all, in Ishpeming, ganized an automobile company, in this for the express purpose of doing which Malcomnson was interested, away with the evidence. James Couzens was made secretary At night, returning to the swamp and business manager.dWith his say- from his home about a half a mile ings, a $500 bonus and $100 of bor- distant, by means of the north trail, rowed money, he bought 25 shares Kivela first shot off a decoy blast of Ford stock. By 1906, after having about a quarter of a mile north of the gradually acquired more stock, he body, waited about an hour, then1 bcame a director and treasurer of went up to the body, placed 70 sticks the Ford company, and by 1907 he of dynamite on it and set them off, was earning $25,000 a year. hoping to drive the remains into the As a, Ford partner, workmen who mud of the swamp, where they would started with the automobile firm r never be found. late, he was industr'ious but a hardnerbefud taskmaster. Being such gained vic- tory for Couzens. Resigning his p- 'Red Scare' Is Fs Bank of Detroit and the Bank of! Highland Park Already president of To Back M ilitar the Detroit Chamber of Commerce. n11 ewsapone oiecm in 1916 he was appointed police com~ -______ missioner in that city. By TUURE TENANDER Started CharityThidataGemn mutb In 1918- he was elected mayor of The idea that Germany must be Detroit, and in 1919 he sold his 2,180 heavily armed and ready for the shares of Ford stock to the Ford struggle against "bolshevism" is being family for nearly $30,000,000. The drummed into the heads of German same year, he donated $2,000,000 to youths with apparent success by the the Michigan Hospital School for propaganda department and by the Crippled Children.poaad eatmn n yte That was but a start of the char- press of that nation, Prof. Harlow J. itable gifts of the founder of Couz- Heneman of the political science de- itae HiftsoUnthersitydeofChigz-partment said in an interview yester- ens Hall, University of Michigan dy nurses home. In 1927 he spent $75,- day.e 000 to rebuild the bomb-wrecked Professor Heneman stated that the school at Bath, Mich. In 1929 he German press is constantly raising established the famous Children's the scare that Russia thinks of noth- Fund of Michigan with a donation ing but of achieving a communistic of $10,000,000. He added to this in front of Spain and France on the 1934 with $2,156,675, and in 1935 he one hand and Russia on the other,, supplemented a government appro- thereby leaving Germany in the mid- priation with $500,000 for purchase dle to be gobbled up. (Continued on Page 2) I The argument that is advanced by Rebels Force Loyal Troops Into Retreat Fascists Drive Government Forces Into Environs Of Capital Mechanized Units CaptureVillages Report Insurgent Order To Sink Russian Ships CarryingMunitions Hard-driving Fascist armies laid siege to Madrid last night and forced Government forces back into the environs of the capital. Retreating from one town after another before the precise advance of the mechanized columns, the Gov- ernment defenders dug in at Mos- toles, 10 miles from the heart of the capital, and in Torrejon De La Cal- zada, 13 miles from the city. Mostoles is on a highway running southwest from Madrid to Naval- Carnero, captured by the insurgents. Torrejon is on a divergent high- way out of Madrid between the cap- ital city and Illescas, also held by the Fascists.l Fascist bands patrolled the slice of countryside between the two units, thus driving the ever-narrowing base of a triangle closer to Madrid. Order Sinking Of Russian Ships With Madrid besieged, the Fascist high command was reported to have ordered its warships to sink Russian vessels believed transporting arms to the Fascist enemies. ' Other European nations were noti- fled of this order, the unconfirmed reports said. The harrassed government lead- ers, it was reported, had decided to move the seat of their capital to Bar- celona where President Manuel Azana and three high cabinet officials have already set up offices. With this development, Govern- ment leaders said, the Madrid forces would be able to make the Civil War drag on indefinitely, no matter what the fate of Madrid, in the hope that sympathetic nations such a Russia might eventually offer concrete mili- tary aid before the Socialists' cause was irretrieviably lost. Rush Men To Front Within Madrid, leaders installed a new supreme military chief and rushed a civilian reserve army of 100,000 men to the front. Gen. Jose Asensio was relieved of command of Government forces in the Madrid area, and the 60-year-old Gen. Sebastian Pozas was put in his place. The workers reserve corps was to be used as a second line to bolster the retreating militia. Insurgent engineers threw pon- toons across streams where bridges were blown up by the Government in retreat. Truckloads of pontoons were brought up to permit Fascists to ford the Guadarrama River. Its main bridges were dynamited by Madrid defenders. The base of the insurgent General Varela was less than 20 miles from Madrid. From the heights near it, the twinkling lights of the besieged city could be seen in the night. Europe-a result of her "about-face"f from Asiatic interests to western Eur- ope affairs. Russia once before was prominent in the western European situation, from 1796 to 1856, but after the No- vember revolution she turned her Lumber Group In Conference At Union Today To Plant Memorial Tree Dedicated To Former President Little More than 100 persons are expect- ed to attend the Land Utilization Conference of the timberland owners and others interested in wild land problems which will hold its first meeting at 9:30 a.m. today in the Union. An important feature of this year's conference is the planting of a mem- orial tree dedicated to former Presi- dent C. C. Little. The ceremony will take place at 11:30 a.m. on the Wash- tenaw side of the new medical build- ing. The tree will be presented to the University on behalf of the tim- berland owners by George W. Mc- Callum, chariman of the group. It will be accepted by President Ruth- ven. A Red Oak, the personal pref- erence of Dr. Little will be planted this year. This is in continuance of a custom begun last year by the Con- ference when it dedicated a Black Walnut to the present president of the University. A discussion , of the proposed amendments to the Michigan consti- tution will be the subject of the first session at 9:30 a.m. , today. Main speaker on this topic will be George W. McCallum, president of the De- troit, Mackinac, and Marquette Land Co. At 11:30 the members will ad- journ to attend the presentation of the Memorial tree to the University. Durward Robson, of the State De- partment of Conservation at Lansing and P. S. Hamilton of the Newberry Chemical Co. of Newberry, Mich., will lead a discussion on "Forest Fires as a factor in Sustained Yield Produc- tion in Michigan" at the afternoon session beginning at 1:30 p.m. The second discussion of the af- ternoon will be on "Costs and Re- (Continued on Page 6) have indicated the growing interest of Russia in western Europe, Dr. Stan- ton outlined, are her entrance into the League of Nations, her series of de- fensive alliances-the Five Year Plan! being described essentially as a mili- tary rather than a social plan-and her championship of weaker coun- tries in+ Europe, particularly those most menaced by fascist nations. As to the feasibility of a-war break- ing out in Europe with Spain as the curtain-raiser, Dr. Stanton is skepti- cal. There is not a country in Eur- ope which can afford a war today, he said, much less Russia. Then, too, the Soviets will not get French aid in a war unless Russia is first at- tacked, or, on the other hand, France. can not count on Russian help if France is not attacked. Futhermore, with Poland acting as an unwilling shock-absorber between Russia and Germany, the two greater powers may safely threaten each other with war remaining improbable for there can be no "border incidents" as may oc- cur on Russia's Far Eastern fron- tier. Russia, herself, Dr .Stanton point- (Continued on Page 6) vens To Talk At .Art Cinema MeetingToday Joris Ivens, distinguished Dutch di- rector of the films to be shown under Art Cinema League auspices tonight and tomorrow night will deliver a short lecture before his films are shown and give running commentary during their showing, it was an- nounced yesterday by- Mitchell Ras- kin, '37, manager of the league. The programs will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The four films to be shown to- night, Industrial Symphony, Rain, New Earth and Borinage, are char- acteristic of Ivens' ability to "go straight to actuality," according to the National Board of Review Mag- azine. Unlike fiction films,' Ivens films are documentary pictures of ac- tual life. "The beauty in them that is per- ceived under the surfaces of life by sensitiveness and sympathy and is recreated with such restraint that it pervades the man's whole work without ever obtruding or calling at- tention to itself" is the description of Ivens' films by the National Board of Review Magazine. Russian Policy Manifestation Of Interest In Western Europe Russia Trying To Regain j back to western Europe, finding her Prestige It Once Held Oi interests lying in the internal condi- tions of the country and in Asiatic Two Continents affairs. This was the course she pur- sued for a decade and a half. Russia, By IRVING S. SILVERMAN it was shown, is in the awkward po- The aggressiveness of Soviet Rus- sition of a "straddler of two contin sia's demands in the Spanish strug- ents" who has found it more exped- 'gle "may mean nothing more than a lent to take care of one continent at warning to other nations that Russia a time. is not to be trifled with, that she is But in the last five years, with the determined to play a very important rise of fascism in western Europe and part in European affairs," in the opin- Russia's apparent failure in Asia- ion of Dr. John W. Stanton of the ill-success in her policy in China-the history department. Her action is her Soviets have again turned to western latest step to assume leadership in Europe. Specifically the events which Washtenaw Tries To Swing Election By 'Big Old' RallyR The Washtenaw Coalition Party is prepared today to hurl all its force into what it terms "a clean sweep victory over State Street." Last night fifty representatives of morei than 40 sororities, fraternities, and independent groups, unanimously ac- claimed John Jordan as their choice for treasurer, thus swinging Theta Delta Chi, State Street fortress to Washtenaw. Jordan, prominent member of the Michigan football team, was selected when Tom Haynie, independent, was found to be ineligible. Washtenaw's acquisition of Theta Delta Chi was reported to have caused pandemo- nium in State Street circles. Washtenaw lost one house with three sophomore votes yesterday to the rival group while they gained. Delta Upsilon, Psi Upsilon, Theta Delta Chi, Pi Beta Phi, and several others. State Street politics was re- ported thrown into confusion by the upset. The Washtenaw campaign will be climaxed Tuesday night at 8 p.m. by an old-fashioned political rally at the Sigma Nu house. Featured will be Major Brumm's Bottle Blowers, a Ziegfield Follies star, and speeches by Frederick Janke, Phi Kappa Sig- ma, on "Who has ridiculed the foot- ball team-Washtenaw or State Street?" and by Marcia Connell, Delta Gamma on "What Washtenaw has done for women." Cigars, cider, songs, speeches-the whole-thing will be the order of the rally. Flaunting their slogan "Win with Washtenaw," the coalition group last night announced, that if they are chosen in the voting, they will let the students pick from a list of five dance orchestras the band to play for the Sophomore Prom. Sandwich Vendors AgainArraigned C Ray Riksen, and J. E. Taylor, 602 Monroe St., have been once again called before Justice Jay H. Payne's court on the charge of selling sand- wiches without a city license, pleaded -not guilty to the charge after they declared that City Council said they were within the law peddling their sandwiches to campus fraternity houses without a license. Riksen and Taylor previously had been convicted of peddling without a license and had appealed to the cir- cuit court, meanwhile continuing to sell sandwiches. Warren Wood, 4111/2 Thompson St., pleaded guilty to the same charge and was fined $10 and asked to pay costs of $5 by Justice Payne. Riksen and Taylor furnished $100 bonds and are to appear for examination Oct. 27. Germany Demands Pact With France; Italy Promises Aid Diplomats Agree Treaty Is Necessary To Maintain Peace In Europe British Guarantee For Plan Is Asked Russia Would Be Banned From' Future Meetings Of Lacarno Powers PARIS, Oct. 22.-P)-High diplo- matic sources tonight said Italy had promised to back up Germany in a demand for a Franco-German pact. These sources reported that Italian Foreign Minister Count Galezzo Ci- ano, now in Berlin, and German For- eign Minister Konstantin Von Neu- rath, had agreed such a pact was necessary to keep the peace of Europe. The two foreign ministers were asserted to have further agreed that this bilateral pact should be guaran- teed by Italy and Great Britain. Three Points Diplomatic sources also stated that three points: 1. Germany and Italy would recognize the Insurgent government in Spain. 2. That they would adopt a com- mon policy toward the League of Na- tions. 3. That they would resolutely ban Russia from any future meetings of the Locarno powers. Diplomatic sources said the ques- tion of a military or other alliance between Germany and Italy, as well as German recognition of Italian sovereignty ovr eEthopia, had been left untouched in the Berlin conver- sations. The proposed action by Germany and Italy had anything but a quieting effect on European fears after Rus- sian intervention. This union of the fascist nations is certain to antagon- ize the Soviet state, continental for- eign offices are afraid, and they be- lieve that steps by Russia, and pos- sibly France, will be taken to coun- teract the aid given to rebels by Italy and Germany. War Threat Looms Although no word was tonight forthcoming from Russia, sources close to the foreign office here hinted that the Italo-German agreement might bring a similar step from the Communist nation, and hasten inter- vention. The threat of a general Eur- opean war, as a result of this reas- oning, loomed darker than ever to- night. F.DR.To End NRe w England Drive Tonight tered By Nazis I rization Program German young mene must now spend two years in compulsory mil- itary service as well as six months in the labor service, where National So- cialist idealogy is taught to the fu- ture soldiers. While in Germany, Professor Heneman talked with young German soldiers and asked them what they thought of the vast mili- tary program of that nation. "We must be ready to fight Russia," was the ready answer. An interesting comparison between the press of Germany and of France in their treatment of the Spanish situation was drawn by Professor Heneman. "In Germany the papers invariably recounted terrible atroci- ties that had been allegedly commit- ted by the government forces, atroci- ties that were committed at the ex- pense of the church. This was all amusing because of the treatment accorded to the Catholics in Ger- many by the National Socialists on their advent to nnwer. Absentee Voter's Deadline At 5 P.M. The deadline for securing absent voter's ballots through the Union bureau falls at 5 p.m. today, Union officials announced yesterday. Ballots are still available for stu- dents whose homes are in Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Minnesota, Wis- consin and Illinois. Only students who are already registered will be accommodated through the Union bu- reau. More than 2absent voter ballots have already been secured for stu- dents, it was announced. The service is provided free of charge to al lelig- ible students. Any student desiring an absent voter's ballot should apply today at the Student offices in the Union. The Union will write to the city or county election officer of the state and secure a ballot. When the ballot is delivered and voted, it should be returned to the Union where it will be notarized free of charge and re- turned to the respective voting place. Naval Air Corps Cadet Is Killed In Collision PENSACOLA, Fla., Oct. 22.-OP)- Two naval training planes collided at 1,000 feet today, killing Cadet E. T. Hoganauer of New York City and1 seriously injuring Cadet M. L. Gour- ley. Two other naval aviation cadets, G. C. Gibbs and J. L. Mueller, saved themselves by leaping in parachutes. Naval air station officials said then Rain is the abstract and imper- sonal depiction of mere rain. Indus- trial Symphony depicts the workers of a radio corporation and Borinage is the picture of miners in the coal re- gion of Belgium, where Van Gogh spent some of his youth. Ivens' latest film, New Earth, is reputedly his best. It is a record of the making of new farm land for Holland by dyking off some of the Zuyder Zee, and, after long years of labor, the growing of the first wheat crop. FOREIGN RELATIONS CLUB ThEpItNRE GAT.BritCLWITH ROOSEVELT MOTORCADE The position of Great Britain in IN CONNECTICUT, Oct. 22.-(/)- the presentinternational situation President Roosevelt swung southeast- the meeting of the International Re- tw d u o fh iCoNew Englada - lations Group held last night. Prof. the windup of his New England cam- Howard Calderwood of the politicale paign in Stamford, saying along the science department acted as chair- than in 1932 and that the adminis- man. The next meeting of the club tration was seeking a "permanent will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, I prosperity." "-n R prspe I NOV. 5. Stason Reviews Four Proposed State Constitution Amendments, Addressing the annual meeting of the Parent-Teacher's Association of Ann Arbor Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law School presented the pros and cons of four amendments to the state constitution of Michigan last night. The first two are not exceedingly vital, but the latter two are far1 reaching, he told his audience in the Pattingill Auditorium of Ann Arbor High School. The first amendment may be called the "search and seiz- ure" amendment, the second the "county home rule amendment," the third, which is a vital one, is en- titled the "sales tax amendment," and the fourth is known as the "prop- erty tax abolition amendment." The "sales tax amendment" would remove the levy on bread, milk, spices, other necessary foods and pre- pared meals, Professor Stason ex- ment facing the voters of Michigan." "We cannot cut off the depart- ments in any material amount. We cannot cut off welfare, for we might then have to face the problem of calling troops to quell riots," Pro- fessor Stason said. "The remaining alternative would be a new source of income. Levying an income tax would be dangerous for it would involve the possibility of unconstitutionality. Amendment four would abolish the tax on real property." Owners of mortgage bonds w ou1d benefit through improved values. "On the other hand," Professor Stason point- ed out, "the amendment would cut off approximately $120,000,000 from the revenues of the state. Of this amount 85 per cent is devoted to the support of local government," Pro- fessor Stason explained. "Loss of He rode in an open car through one industrial city after another, wav- ing his hat to huge and sometimes unruly crowds, pausing at several points for informal talks. His objective was to win Connecti- cut's eight electoral votes for the New Deal a week from Tuesday. And as he started out in Hartford in mid- morning, he told tens of thousands of shouting people spread for hun- dreds of yards through Bushell Park: "I am glad that prosperity is back with us again and believe me, it's go- ing to stay. And I believe that on the third of November sometime in the evening I'm going to get a telegram telling me that the State of Connec- ticut ig in the Democratic column." As he toured the state, his special campaign train was moved from Hartford to Stamford, to take him back tonight to Washington where he expected to remain at .least over the week-end taking care of official business. Repeatedly along the way he spoke of "prosperity." At 'Waterbury, in l a park thickly packed with people, he said also that for three and a half years the Administration had been seeking greater "security" for Brueker To Speak Tonight At Meeting the National Socialists, according to Professor Heneman, who spent the summer studying the situation in Germany, France and Great Britain, contends that all nationalist nations