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October 22, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-22

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Panhellenic Ball
Heads Chosen
By Betty King
First Meeting Of Group
Chairmen Will Be Held
Tomorrow At League
Tickets To Sell Soon
Is Planned For Last Week
In November; Popular
Orchestra ToPlay
Chairmen of the central committee
for the annual Panhellenic Ball to be
held Nov. 27 in the League ballroom
were announced yesterday by Betty
King, '37, general chairman.
The heads of the various commit-
tees of the ball will hold their first
meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
League. The principal problem for
discussion will be the choice of an
orchestra for the affair, Miss King
The chairmen are Katherine Loom-
is, '38, Alpha Phi, music committee;
Betty Ronal, '38, Kappa Alpha Theta,
ticket committee and Betty Whitney,
S'38, Collegiate Sorosis, publicity com-
Also Dorothy Shutt, '37, Alpha Chi
Omega, chaperone committee and
Priscilla Smith, '38, Pi Beta Phi, floor
committee, Ruth Friedman, '38, Al-
pha Epsilon Phi, will be head of the
committee on decorations and favors.
Tickets for the ball will go on sale
about Nov. 10, according to Miss King.
The traditional dance given by
sorority women, the ball usually takes
place sometime in the last week in
November, Miss King explained. It
marks the one time in the year when
the women can, with propriety, invite
the men and treat them to an eve-
ning's entertainment, she said.
Last year the ball, under the gen-
eral chairmanship of Mrs. George
Lawton (Sue Thomas), was termed an
"outstanding success" by all who at-
tended. Similar affairs in the past
have attracted about 400 couples to
the League ballroom, Miss King said.
Emerson Gill and his radio band,
with Marion Mann, novelty singer,
furnished the music for the ball last
year. It has been planned to procure
some equally well known orchestra,
Miss King said. No plans have yet
been made for decorations, according
to Mrs. Freidman.
Senator's Wife
Is Honor Guest
Of' Alumnae
The opening meeting of the season
of the Michigan Alumnae Club will
be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
League. Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg,
who is an alumna of the University,
and the wife of Senator Vandenberg,
is returning to Ann Arbor, and will be
speaker at the meeting.
She will be honored at a luncheon
given by the executive board of the
club before the meeting, and also at
a tea following the meeting. Mrs.
Vandenberg, member of the board of
the council of the club, will tell
something of the life in Washington
as she has come to know it as a Sen-
ator's wife.
Women who are eligible to join the
club may attend the meeting Friday,
as Mrs. Harold Trosper, chairman of
the membership committee, plans to
enroll new members at that time.
Those who have attended the Uni-
versity for any length of time are

eligible for active membership, and
any woman interested in the scholar-
ship work which the organization
sponsors may become associate mem-

Interprets New Styles


Dean Lloyd And
Prof. McClusky
Cite Study Aids
They Give Final Lecture In
Orientation Series To
200 Freshman Women
More than 200 freshmen women
and their advisers filled the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre at 5 p.m. yes-
terday to hear Prof. H. Y. McClusky
of the educational psychology de-
partment, and Dean Alice C. Lloyd
give the concluding talks of the or-
ientation lecture series.
The subject of Professor Mc-
Clusky's speech was "Compromising
Intellectual and Social Values." He
emphasized the fact that this is the
first chance that the freshman wom-
en have had to learn real independ-

Alphabet Jewelry
Featured In Sport,
Af ternoon Clothes
The alphabet today should be even
more important to you than it was
when you were of kindergarten age.
Not because of any academic signifi-
cance, however, but because A-B-C's
are the coming thing in costume
jewelry motifs. Monograms are now
appearing everywhere to point up
both sport and afternoon ensembles.
For tweed suits, one manufacturer
has put out a simple, classic mono-
gram with a satin finish, enclosed in
an enamel or tortoise shell frame.
But why stop with a tortoise shell
frame? Letters themselves come in'
this distinctive new material, and
translucent amber initials would
create unique contrast on a black
cashmere sweater.
Still more informal are the dangle
pin and "barrel" initials. Consist-

Courtis Opens 1Women Will Swim
'How To Study' AIn Demonstration
A swimming demonstration will be
Lecture Series given at 8 p.m. tonight at the Union
pool by a selected group of women
Strict Analysis Of Lecturesuents as part of the Union open
Strit A alyis O Letur sthudent
Important To Intelligent Helen Harp, '39, women's swim-
Nming manager, and Miss Taurie
Campbell, women's swimming in-
structor, will be in charge of the af-
What kind of notes one takes is de- fair. Miss Harp will also function as
termined solely by one's attitude in the off icital starter. Katherine
class, according to Prof. S. A. Courtis Woidka, '38, Doris Staebler, '37 and
of the education school in a speech on Jean Groh; '37, will be the timers
"Taking Lecture Notes," the first of and the diving judge, Miss Florence
the series of "How To Study" lectures Approximately 23 women will par-
for freshmen which was held at 7 ticipate and show the different
p.m. yesterday in the Natural Sci- I strokes, speed and form swimming.
ence Auditorium.
Professor Courtis told the students
that they should have a definite goal
mpo tanc of eac student's devel
ing a systematic scheme and tech-
nique for taking notes. The actual R
taking of notes is divided into two
parts, the listening and the mechan-'
ical aspects, Professor Courtis added.
One must analyze and appraise each
lecture and retain any ideas that are
particularly creative. Ren
Professor Courtis emphasized brev- aloi
ity as an important feature of one's fine
notetaking. He also explained how
one should use one's notes inorder in
to receive the greatest possible ad- som
vantage from them. oth
The speaker was introduced by An Official
Jean Hatfield, '37, chairman, of the Ensian Photographer L
League Orientation Committee. Pro-1 side
fessor Courtis spoke in place of Prof AP.wATO
F. D. Curtis. (1 APPLICATION wil


ence. Also he stated that the envir- ing of a cross bar with letters swing-
onment here at the University is ing from it, this dangle pin is to
probably the richest which will ever wear on the lapel of your campus
be offered to them, and he urged coat to lighten the effect of its dead-
them to take advantage of it. ly practicality. The barrel letters
"You are a very, very highly select-,are fat and squatty-looking, and will
1 ed niiual~ity to either alate

Soft fur with four of the latest
trends in winter fashion, large
sleeves, high collar, wide belt, and
an Oriental flair to the skirt is the
ideal thing for those zero days on
the campus and in the stadium.
Ruthven Greets
Graduate Body
At Reception
Graduate School Students
Assist In League Ballroom
Receiving the, graduate students
last night at the reception and dance
held in their honor from 8 to 11 in
the ballroom of the League were
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven and Dean Clarence S. Yoak-
um of the Graduate School and Mrs.
Yoakum. Mrs. Ruthven wore a gold
lame tunic dress with a black skirt
and Mrs. Yoakum wore black velvet.
Others in the receiving line were
Dr. Pete Okkelberg, assistant dean of
the Graduate School and Mrs. Okkel-
berg, and the following members of
the Graduate Board: Dr. H. C. An-
derson, Aead of the department of
mechanical engineering, Dr. Floyd E.
Bartell of the chemistry department
and Mrs. Bartell and Dr. Arthur E. R.
Boak, head of the history department
and Mrs. Boak, who wore black chif-
fon with a silver belt.
Also receiving guests were Dr. Louis
I. Brevold of the English department
and Mrs. Bredvold, Dr. Peter Field of
the mathematics department and Mrs.
Field, who wore a brown lace gown
with brown accessories. Others re-
ceiving the guests included Dr. Carl
Guthe, director of the Museum of
Anthropology, and Mrs. Guthe, Dr.
Neil H. Williams, professor of physics,
and Mrs. Williams and Dr. Clifford
Woody of the education school and
Mrs. Woody.
The second round of the regular
women's tennis tournament must be
played off by October 28, it was re-
cently announced by Hope Hartwig,
'38, women's tennis manager. 'I he
draws are posted on the bulletin
board at the W.A.A. Building. A cop-
solation tournament is being heldfor
those who were unable to enter the
regular tournament, and the first
round of this must be played off
by 6 p.m. today.

ed group," Professor McClusky said.
He pointed out that only 133 out of
every 1,000 who attend fifth grade
ever get to college, and he further
stated that of that 133, only 52 grad-
uate from college. "You are a se-
lected group but the process of selec-
tion is going on," he said.
As valuable aids in helping the
freshmen in their educational en-
vironment, he cited the scientific at-
titudes and methods, progressive
reading habits, a sense of intellectual
adventure, the ability to express one-
selg, both orally and in more formal
writing, and the ability to get along
well with other people.
Miss Lloyd opened her talk with
the statement, "Your college years
are your years of leisure. Even your
studying represents your freedom
from the task of earning your living.,
What you do with, your free' time
shows what kind of a person you are."
She emphasized recreational read-
ing, good music and the various cul-
tural opportunities which are offered
in Ann Arbor as being the greatest
help toward getting the most out of
a college career.
Crop and Saddle will hold a supper,
ride at 5 p.m. tomorrow according
to Eleanor French, '39, president.
Members are reminded that they
must have the medical heart and
lung recheck before going and are
urged to contact Miss French at 7117
before the time of the ride.

jacket or a bag.
In daintier fashion, there is now a
group of slender graceful monograms
for afternoon dresses and purses.
They would also be effective on a
tiny suede purse of the pouch type.
Faculty Women
Hold Reception
For New Group
The annual recepition given by the
Faculty Woman's Club for its new
members will be held from 3 to 5:30
p.m. this afternoon in the ballroom
of the League. The tea marks the
beginning of the season's activities
for the club.
Mrs. Carl Weller, vice president
of the club, who is in charge of pub-
licity, has announced that there will
be informal groups representing the
different departments of the Univer-
sity, and newcomers may join any
one of these with which they are
most nearly associated.
Those in the receiving line will be
Regent Esther G. Cram, Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, Mrs. Junius Beal,
Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. C. S. Yoa-
kum, Mrs. J. D. Bruce and Mrs. Ed-
ward L. Adams, who is president of
the club.
Wives of deans and former presi-
dents of the Faculty Woman's Club
will pour.

Alumnae House Honors
Six Initiates At Dinner
The residents of Alumnae House
held a formal initiation dinner' re-
cently in honor of their new mem-
bers. The recently initiated members
are: Beatrice Hopkins, '38; Marian
Getoor, '38, Elizabeth Baxter, '38,
Margaret Pearl, '38, Mureil Bremer,
'38, and Zenovia Skoratko, '40.
The residents were formally initi-
ated Sunday. Dean Alice Lloyd and
Miss Jeanette Perry were present at
the ceremony.

from your
Ensian negative
6 for $1.00
Studio: 319 E. Huron

IT' So, "

Fall swings into its
stride . . . and the mo-
tion is passed and sec-
onded by the new free-
dom of these three glo-
rious Swing Fashions,
created of PETIREP, a
faille alpaca weave of
the NEW Rayons of
Fashion, and it's Crown
Tested for long wear!

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A diffusing bowl under the shade throws part
of the light upward to the ceiling. It is then
reflected back and spread over, a large are, -
providing roomwide light that is soft and pleaa m ada m J. &
sant, without glare, harsh shadows are elira- 04
inated. n a A , A i


r y
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H ERE is sanitary protec-
tion that does away with napkins
and belts ... that is completely in-
visible, and so comfortable that
there is no consciousness of wear-
ing sanitary protection at all.
B-ettes are approved by physicians
. acclaimed by women every-
i ~~~.1 _ - -1.

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SIG H T METER you should discard them. But why not
E T ES R supplement them with a modern new 3-
'; f ! light lamp ... one with all the proven
WA L P advantages shown above? A free Sight-
Cat your nearest Detroit Edison Offie. Meter test of your lighting will show you
NO CHARGE F OR TIS SEvitE some amazina truths nhnt vnur lslmnS

n qj

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