,-,irH MI TMA1 DAILY THURSDAY, OCT. 4 I Ten seniors and one junior have been permitted to elect the course in English honors this semester, Prof. Warren G. Rice, secretary of the com- mittee on honors work;in the English department announced yesterday. They are: Ralph W. Hurd '37, Phyl- lis L. Huston '37, Harold Iverson '37, Jean E. MacGregor 37, Marjorie M. Mackintosh '37,, betty J. Meyer Lit., Leon Ovsiew '37, Herbert L. Seegal '37, Orton Stewart '37, Robert S. , Warshaw '37, Mildred Weinstein '38. The course, carrying five hours credit for two semesters, is open to seniors who have maintained high grades in English and have met with the approval of the committee. "In the honors course, seniors are trained in ability to handle English literature from the Renaissance to the present with a view to passing a comprehensive examination at the end of the year," Professor Rice ex- plained. Carillon To Chime Christmas Carols; All Bells In Place The last of the 53 bells have been hoisted to the top of the Burton Memorial Tower, and three weeks of tedious work has been completed with no mishaps. Frank Godfrey, English engineer . here to install the bells and the me- chanism for playing them, announced yesterday that the clavier through which the bells will be controlled is in completion, and all is in readiness for the first recital, which will not be given until the tower's limestone covering is in place. How long it will take to complete the slow work of laying the stone blocks to the top, of the tower is con- jectural, Mr. Godfrey said. Music school officials believe they will be able to play the Christmas Carol on the bells. Mr. Godfrey will not leave the scene until the first recital is over, he said. Then it's back to England for him, leaving behind the third largest caril- lon in the world that will attract vis- itors from the country round and which will become with the years an important part in the building of a greater Michigan tradition. Foreign Relations GroupWill Meetl The Michigan Chapter of the Car- negie-endowed International Rela- tions Club will hold the second meet- ing of the semester at 7:30 p.m. to- day in Room 2037, Angell Hall, Prof. Howard B. Calderwood announced yesterday. Members of the Peace Council and students interested in a non-partisan discussion of current topics are in- vited to attend. Last year the International Rela- tions Clubs of the State of Michigan sent delegates to a model League of Nations Assembly. Classified Diretory ployment. A-1 city references. Call 2-1865. 104 ROOMS FOR RENT DESIRABLE 3 or 4 room furnished apartment. Upstairs. Reasonable Call evenings. 928 Oakland. Phone 5740. 107 adjoining lavatory and single room, or suite for steam heat. Washington. three. Shower bath, Phone 8544. 422 E. 106 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department.. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clockprevious to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Y cash in advance le per reading line (on basis of five- average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line, for three or more insertions. Minimum three linesrper insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. 2 lines daily, college year...........7c By Contract, per line- 2 lines daily. one month .......................8c 4 lines E.O.D. 2 months............8c 100 lines used as desired ............9c 300 lines used as desired ............c 1,000 lines used as desired...........7c 2,000 lines used as desired . .......-...6c The above rates are for 7%j2 point type, The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for held face, upper and lower case. Acd 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low price. 6x THE DAILY SLIPPED Not wishing to belittle the reputa- tion of so distinguished a scholar as Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, we would like to point out that he was not wrong in stating that the rates of the TVA are one sixth those of the 'Detroit Edison Company. We failed to mention the fact that the TVA charges only .4 cents for the 1,000 kilowatt hours after the first 400. TYPEWRITERS Typewriters Rentals, Sales and Service Special Rates to Students REMINGTON, RAND, Inc 406 Wolverine Bldg. Ann Arbor Phone 3 FOR RENT: Pleasant single room in new house for man student. Call 5888 5159. 111 87x__ PRACTICAL nurse wishes ward em-IFOR RENT: Front double room with CssDANCING Class & individual I. struction in all types of dancing. Teacher course. Open daily "10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Phone 9695 Terrace Garden Studia wierth Theatre Bldg. --1 NOTICES CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any OLD and new suits, overcoats at $3 and $25. TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and musical instruments. Phone for appointment, 6304. 78x CONSIDER YOUR TREES Call Mr. Rees at 2-3121, Postal Telegraph office for free inspection i and estimate. Silva-Pfiefer Co., Tree Surgeons-Foresters., 109 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladies Benrus wrist watch near Angell Hall. Finder please re-, turn to Marguerite Ganzhorn. Phone 5201. Reward. 110 LOST: Woman's wrist watch. Fri- day night at Beta formal. Vicinity of Union. Phone 5938. Phyllis Ludtke. 112 EMPLOYMENT WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE wishes employ- ment. Will consider going out of town. A-1 city references. Call 2-1865. 102 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS _fleuo JAaiv_ -TH E M IC HIGA N Leaves Ann Arbor (E.S.T.) . 2:08 P.M. f0 r Detroit .... Coach Fare........75c Ypsilanti . ........ . ." Lcaves ANN ARBOR (East. FOR Jackson .............. .. Albion................ s Marshall.............. Battle Creek......... Kalamazoo ..........." Dowagiac ............ " N iles..... . ...... ." Michigan City......." Gary................. Hammond ........... " Chicago ............ .. .$ .20 Time) ............945 A.M. A