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October 22, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-22

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TIhe Weather,

Colder, with rain today; fresh
to strong northerly winds.




Rumcrs Interestingly Told .. .
Groesbeck For Landon ...



In Taxation
Is Boasted
By Roosevelt
Says Voters Must Choose
Own Interests Or Those
Of SpecialGroups
Crowd Of 175,000
Hears F.D.R. Talk

Football Players Unaffected
By Cheers, Yells During Game


Republicans Kept
Taxes To Make
For Party Men

WORCESTER, Mass., Oct. 21.-(P)
-President Roosevelt tonight coupled
an answer to what he called "talk
about high taxes under this admin-
istration" with an assertion that the
nation, as in 1776, must choose this
year "between democracy in taxation
and special privilege in taxation."
Speaking to a crowd packed into
the auditorium here in the major
speech of his swing through New
England, the President asked:
"Are you willing to turn the con-
trol of the nation's taxes back to
special privilege? I know the Amer-
ican answer to that question. Your
pay envelope may be loaded with
suggestions of fear and your dividend
letter may be filled with propaganda.
"But the American people will
neither be bluffed nor bludgeoned.
The seeds of fear cannot bear fruit
in the polling booth."
Taxes Improved
The President argued that the New
Deal had "improved and American-
ized taxes," operating on the prin-
ciple of taxation according to ability
to pay.
Under the administration, he said,
the individual income tax of the av-
erage American has been reduced.
He added:
"Any family head who earns an
income of less than $26,000 a year
pays a smaller income tax in 1936
than he paid for 1932. That means
that less than one per cent of the
heads of American families pay more
than they did; and more than ninety
nine per cent earn less than $26,000
per year.
"If you want the answer to this
talk about high taxes under this
administration-there it is. Taxes
are higher for those who can af-
ford to pay high taxes. They are
lower for those who can afford to
pay less."
Profits Tax Described
A few minutes before, he assert-
ed: "Here is my principle: taxes shall
be levied according to ability to pay.
That is the only American principle."
He described the principle of the
undistributed profits tax of 1936
as "sound" but said that "if in its
application, imperfections are discov-
ered, they must be corrected for the
good of American business."
Arriving in Boston late in the day,
he faced perhaps the biggest audi-
ence of his entire campaign, solidly
massed on the famed common in the
heart of the city. There he asserted
that New England's "debt" to the
"Republican leadership" was an extra
five years of depression. Under the
New Deal, he claimed, New England
is "coming out of its troubles."
Police Captain Ben Wall said 175,-
000 were grouped on the common and
around it.
New Taxes Not Necessary
At Worcester the President talked
almost entirely of taxation and re-
peated that new or increased taxes
are not necessary to balance the bud-
get and to begin soon a "rapid" re-
duction in the national debt.
"Recovery is with us," he asserted.
Mr. Roosevelt said that at the
time of the World War another Dem-
ocratic administration had provided
enough taxes to pay the entire war
debt in ten or fifteen years.
"Those taxes had been levied ac-
cording to ability to pay," he said.
"But the succeeding Republican ad-
ministrations did not believe in that
principle. There was a reason.
"They had political debts to those
who sat at their elbows. To pay those
political debts, they reduced the taxes
of their friends in the higher brack-
ets and left the national debt to be
paid by later generations.
Moral Is Clear
"Because they evaded their obliga-
tion, because they regarded the po-
litical debt as more important than
the national debt, the depression in
1929 started with a sixteen billion
dollar handicap on us and our chil-
Today in "this little drama," he
aid, the ators a the sam hut

Athletes Unaware Of Noise
Or Crowd While Events
Are TakingPlace
When the spectators in the sta-
dium strain their voices under the
direction of the cheer leaders at foot-
ball games, are the players spurred
on by this show of spirit?
Asked this question yesterday dur-
ing practice, Captain Mat Patanelli,
'37, answered that with the exception
of a few moments during time out
he was completely unaware of the
crowd in the course of the game. He
did not deny the effectiveness of
cheering in bolstering up the team
during time out, but he said that its
benefits were limited to the shout-
ing fans themselves at any other time
during the game.
Bill Barclay, '38, quarterback, ex-
pressed the same feeling and John
Jordan, '39, center, also agreed that
cheers while the game was in prog-
Men's Council
Changes Date
Of Fall Games
Class Election Schedule Isj
Announced; Sophomores
To Vote Oct. 281
The date of the annual fall games
between-the freshmen and the soph-
omores, determining whether the
frosh will discard their pots or wear
them until next spring, was post-
poned last night by the Men's Council
from Nov. 13 to Dec. 5.
The Council also announced the
dates of the four class elections, the
first of which will be held next week.
Though Nov. 13 was a felicitoust
day on which to conduct Black Fri-
day and cap night, the Council felt
that an insufficient number of fresh-
men were wearing their pots to jus-
tify holding the games so soon. It
is hoped that by Nov. 13 the fra-
ternities will have definitely taken a
stand on the wearing of pots through
Campaigning for the ap-t
proaching elections will be con-I
ducted without the distribution
of handbills on the campus
grounds or halls by order of the
the Interfraternity Council, accord-
ing to Miller G. Sherwood, '37, pres-
ident of the Council.I
Class elections scheduled by the
Council are: Sophomore, Oct. 28;
senior, Nov. 11; junior, Nov. 18; fresh-
man, Nov. 24. Voting machines will
be used in all of these elections ex-
cept the sophomore election in the'
engineering school.
No proxy voting will be permitted
and all voters will be required to pre-j
sent their identification cards in'
order to vote, Sherwood said.
Parties in the sophomore election
in the literary school will be requiredi
to present a list of their candidates
with eligibility cards from the Dean,
of Students office at Room 2 Univer-,
sity Hall before 4:30 p.m., Oct. 27,
according to Sherwood. No candi-
dates may be on probation or warnedl
and a 'C' average is required, Sher-
wood said.
Offices to be filled in this election
are president, vice-president, secre-
tary and treasurer in addition to one
position on the Honor Council and
one on the Engineering Council with,
the same positions to be filled in the
engineering school. The architecture
school election plans have not been1
decided yet, Sherwood said, and the
School of Music election is to be di-
rected by Charles Sink, president of'
the school.

Yost To Head
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics, accepted an appointment yes-
terday as the Michigan State chair-
man of the Landon-Knox Sports
Yost explained yesterday that the
committee is composed of men pro-
minent in sports who will aid Gov.
Alf M. Landon of Kansas in his
presidential campaign but that he
himself would not enter actively into
the campaign. In explaining his
choice of candidates, Yost asked, "Is
it good sportsmanship to create and,
pass on this unbearable debt to our{
ehildrn" I

ress were useless from the standpoint
of the team.
Upon investigation it was found
that football players are not unique
in their inattention to the crowd
while "playing the game." Jack Kas-
ley, '37, National Intercollegiate
breaststroke champion and a member
of the 1936 Olympic team, said that
in splashing up to the finish of a
close race, the time during which the
spectators do their yelling, he is never
conscious of their efforts to spur him
Ken Dougherty, former AAU Na-
tional Decathlon champion and now
a track coach here, declared that the
preoccupation that characterized ath-
letes like Patanelli and Kasley was
also true of track men. "They are
in the same state of mind while they
are vaulting or sprinting or other-
wise devoting all their attention to
the performance of their event as a
I football player is," he declared.
Dougherty added that though the
efficacy of organized cheering could
not be denied, it was almost more
desirable to abstain from cheering'
than to have cheering that sounded
half hearted and was participated in
by only a few.,
Cheering at the Columbia game
Saturday will be conducted with these
findings in mind, Thomas Sullivan,
'37, head cheerleader said last night.
Cheers will be led only during time
out, Sullivan said ,and to increase
the volume of the cheers the several
sections on the Michigan side of
the Stadium will all be led in the
same cheer simultaneously.
State Street Says
Washtenaw Mocks
Campus Tradition
Flinging a stinging reprimand at
the Washtenaw political party for its
lack of loyalty in ridiculing the Var-
sity football team in The Daily yes-
terday, Vincent E. Butterly, '39, cam-
paign manager of the State Street
opposition group, said last night that
if necessary the forthcoming sopho-
more election would hinge on the
question of support or non-support
of Michigan tradition and Michigan
"When politics get to the point
where they mock a beaten Michigan
team, then it is time to throw class
elections out the window," Butterly
.State Street's first step in support-
ing the team was the naming of
Wally Hook, sophomore half back
and a member of Alpha Delta Phi
as their candidate for class presi-
Fifty representatives of 25 frater-
nities and sororities roared their ap-
proval as Hook was nominated at a
general caucus in the Union last
Betty Lyon, Alpha Phi, was named
as the vice-presidential candidate.
Rebecca Bursley, Collegiate Sorosis
and Stuart Low, independent, were
nominated for the offices of secre-
tary and treasurer, respectively.
The State Street party pledged
themselves to do their part toward
"conducting a clean election," and
at the same time emphasized the
fact that "anyone who refuses to
vote for Wally Hook is willing to
see the Michigan ball team made the
laughing stock of the college world."
Washtenaw Battle
To Be Hard, Clean
Sticking to its announcement made
Tuesday night, the Washtenaw Coali-
tion Party is determined that its
methods in the sophomore class cam-
paign will not include the use of
"back-biting, or mud slinging." It
declined last night to comment upon

statements by the State Street group
regarding its loyalty to the Michigan
Throwing all the energy of the
combined 31 sororities and fraterni-
ties and independents into what
promises to be one of the liveliest
campus political battles in years, the
Washtenaw faction claimed that it
would "not only win the majority of
the Greek houses votes but would
also received the support of the
greater number of independents.
"The Washtenaw Coalition Party
is composed of both fraternity and
sorority groups and strong indepen-
dent groups. It is all that its name
implies- coalition party.'
Frank Huseman, Phi Kappa Sigma
is the party nominee for sophomore
class president, with Harriet Pom-
eroy, Kappa Alpha Theta, as vice
president; Jenny Petersen, Pi 'Beta
Phi, as secretary; and Tom G. Haynie
independent as treasurer.

Union Holds
Annual Open
House Today
Two Orchestras To Play
For Free Dancing; Glee
Club Will Sing
Amateur Winners
To Give Program,
Movies Are To Be Shown';
Swimming Meet Will
Take Place In Pool
The Union Open House, annually
attended by more than 3,500 Univer-
sity men and women, when Univer-
sity women are allowed to enter the
front door of the Michigan Union and
when cut-rate prices prevail in the
Tap Room, will be held from 7:30
to 10:30 p.m. today.
The orchestras of Bob Steinle and
Al Cowan will play on the second
and third floors of the Union, respec-
tively, their rhythm interspersed with
selections by the Varsity Glee Club
and a performance of the first and
second place entrants in MajK
Brumm's amateur hour, The Five
Foolish Freshmen and Jack Bulkely,
'39, tap dancer and Bill Anderson, '37,
accordion player. There will be no
charge for dancing.
Pictures To Be Shown
Motion pictures of campus activ-
ities, owned by T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-'
sociation, and motion pictures of
Michigan football games, owned by
Coach Harry G. Kipke, will be shown'
at 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. in the north
The Women's Athletic Association
will give an exhibition swimming
meeting meet from 8 to 8:30 p.m. in
the Union pool.
The narcotics division of the De-
troit Police department will sponsor
an exhibition of all types of nar-
cotics and explanation of their use
and substance. The Michigan State
Police will maintain a booth explain-
ing the process of finger printing and
without charge give anyone present
a copy of their finger prints.
Free Tickets Given
The Main Library will exhibit pic-
tures depicting , the history of the
University, and the pharmacy de-
partment will sponsor an exhibition,
the subject of which is still unknown
to Union officials. All exhibitions will
be in the south lounge.
Ten free tickets to weekly Union
dances will be given to holders of
programs bearing the lucky num-
bers, which will be announced in one
of the ballrooms.
Milk shakes will be sold for 10 cents
and hamburgers for five cents in the
Union Tap Room.
High school students will not be
allowed to attend the Open House.
Language Faculty
To Hold Reception
The Department of Romance Lan-
guages will hold its annual reception
in honor of the graduate students
and their wives tonight at 8:30 in
the Alumnae Room of the Women's
League Building. As usual the open-
ing meeting of the Romance Lan-
guages Journal Club will be included
in the agendum.

Securities Act
Brown States
Dem. Candidate For United
states Senator Accuses
Republican Committee
Propaganda Sent
To AllEmployers
G.O.P. Will Hold Meeting
Tomorrow; Candidates
To SpeakHere
Prentiss Brown, Democratic can-
didate for the United States Senate,
declared here yesterday that the Re-
publican State committee has thrust
a misconstrued view of the Social Se-
curities Act upon the factory workers
of Michigan.
He spoke before a Democratic rally
held at 2:30 p.m. in the Chamber of
Commerce rooms.
Brown pointed out that the Re-
publicans had sent propaganda
to all employers in the state asking
them in turn to pass the literature
on to the employees. This propa-
ganda was in the form of a small
slip put in each employee's pay en-
velope, Brown stated. Each slip'had
printed upon it a statement that said
after Feb. 1, one per cent of the
employee's wage. will be taken by
the government to be used for the
Social Securities Act.
Act Is Misconstrued
The message on the paper went on
to ask if the employees were going
to put back into power the admin-
istration that had brought this about,
or whether they were going to put it
out of office.
Brown pointed out that this was a
very misconstrued conception of the
Social Securities Act, and that he
resented the attempt on the part of
the Republicans to coerce the em-
ployers into getting their employees
to vote for the Republican ticket.
Other speakers at the rally were
Charles Downing, Democratic can-
didate for Congressman; John D. Mc-
Gillis, Democratic candidate for state
senator; Theodore Fry, Democratic
candidate for state treasurer; Mrs.
June Fickle, vice president of the
Democratic National Committee of
Iowa; and George T. Gundry, Dem-
ocratic candidate for Attorney-Gen-
Maurer Speaks
At a meeting of the Young Wash-
tenaw Voters' League at 8 p.m. yes-
terday in the Chamber of Commerce
Room, Prof. W. H. Maurer of the
journalism department spoke on the
past administration and urged the
reelection of President Roosevelt.
Former Governor Wilber M. Bruck-
er, Republican candidate for United
States Senator, will deliver a cam-
paign speech at a Republican rally at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the Masonic
Temple. A dinner at 6:30 p.m. will
precede the meeting. Also on the
program at this meeting will be Con-
gressman Earl C. Michener, candi-
date for reelection.
Friday, Oct. 23, is the deadline for
absentee voting in the Union bureau
in the Union lobby, officials an-
nounced yesterday. Absentee ballots
are still available for Michigan, Ohio,
West Virginia, Minnesota, Wisconsin
and Illinois.

Russians Prepare
To Uphold Leftist
'Regime In Spain

'Coyote Pete' Puzzles
State's Geographers
The state zoogeographers can't
understand Pete: he doesn't conform{
to the rules.
According to all the charts and all
the text-books, coyotes do not roam
in Michigan except in the far north-
ern areas. Yet, the fact remains that
Pete was found two miles north of
Ypsilanti. Furthermore, all authori-
ties, including Miss Crystal Thomp-
son, director of the University zoo,
emphasize that prairie wolves have
great fear for civilization, yet Pete<
defied all tradition andtnonchalant-
ly strolled right into the heart of
Michigan's most populated area.J
Finally, although having practical-
ly nothing to support their theory,1
the Michigan Department of Conser-
vation conjectured that Pete was
born in the neighborhood of Ypsi-
lanti, his parents being forerunners
of a "slow, general migration of coy-
Meanwhile, Pete enjoys his parad-
ing in front of civilization in the an-1
imal-house in the University's zoo.
Browder Flays
Of Terre Haute
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 21.-R(P')
-Expressing disgust at his treatment
after being thwarted for the second
time in three weeks in his effort
to deliver a campaign address here,
Earl Browder, Communist candidate
for President, today left for New Yorkt
with the parting verbal shot that he
hoped "the Constitution may even-
tually be enforced in Terre Haute"
Browder's clothing was wrinkled1
and there were spots on it from over-
ripe tomatoes and ill-smelling eggs,F
thrown by members of a crowd of
several hundred persons who blocked i
his entrance last night to radio sta-
tion WBOW, over which he was toj
have delivered a campaign speech.
Although he had been warned by
Chief of Police James C. Yates that
a mob might try to "ride him out of1
town," Browder did not wait for a
promised state police escort, but rode
to the train in a taxicab, unmolested
and hardly noticed.
It was an unpleasant 25 hours for
Browder, almost as disturbing to him
as him visit three weeks ago when
he was thrown in jail as a "vagrant"
and held for 26 hours while a friend
delivered his prepared speech over
the radio.
]Helium History
Told Engineers
By Allan Smith
The story of helium production, an
industry unique to the United States,
was told last night by Allan Smith
before the first meeting for the se-
mester of the student branch of the
American Institute of Chemical En-
Smith, who worked for five
years in the governmentally operated
helium plant near Amarillo, Texas,
traced the history of the gas from
the time of its discovery in the spec-
trum of the sun (from which it ob-
tained its name) through the days
of frenzied search after deposits of
it during the war down to the present
lcll in its production due to the mis-
forunte which has dogged American
Shortly previous to America's en-

trance into the war, he remarked,
the cost of helium was about $2,500 a
cubic foot, but today the method of
obtaining the gas has so improved
that it may be produced for as little
as one-half centper cubic foot.
Helium, he explained, occurs large-
ly in natural gases from Texas, Kan-
sas, and Colorado fields; and even in
these gases it usually constitutes only
about one per cent of the total. How-
ever, a considerable proportion of the.
Texas and Kansas natural gases con-
taining helium also are useful for
heating purposes, and the cost of ex-
tracting the helium is partially de-
fravedbys aeof hntip n.PC Pf


Is Given Assurance
Franco -Belgium
Will Hold

European Peace Strained
As Insurgents Appear
To Be Victorious
Germany Charges
Broken Agreement

The peace structure of Europe was
gravely strained last night because the
Spanish Fascist insurgents appeared
to be winning the three-month-old
civil war.
Russia, derisive over the neutrality
pact, stood ready to denounce the
agreement and send warplanes to the
Madrid government, informed suorces
Germany, the "traditional" enemy
of Russia, charged in a note that Rus-
sia already had broken the neutrality
pact "by aiding the Spanish govern-
As for herself, Germany denied in
the note that she had been guilty of
violations, as Russia charged earlier.
The armed camps of Europe
bristled with Russia's assertions that
she would remain loyal to the Spanish
government to the end.
,Germany and Italy, it was reliably
reported in Rome, were agreed to
recognize immediately any govern-
ment the Fascist insurgents might set
up in Spain if and when they con-
quered in the war.
Ray Of Hope For France
A faint ray of hope for France,
geographically and colloquially "in
the middle" shone with the assertion
of her foreign minister, Yvonne Del-
bos that he had been assured Bel-
gium would adhere to her Franco-
Belgium Mutual Military Pact.
The tension was sharpened hourly
as the Spanish Insurgents tightened
their steel band within 20 miles from
Russian officials said the Kremlin
felt the present developments made
the European situation "the gravest"
in two decades.
Dictator Josef Stalin was reported
to have decided upon an immediate
and strong stand to prevent a Right-
ist dictatorship in Spain similar to
those in Germany and Italy.
MADRID, Oct. 21.-(A)-Fascist air-
men today shot down two govern-
ment war planes over Getafe Airport
just outside Madrid as government
militia retreated from Navalcarnero
to this town only 13 miles from the
The opposing air armadas fought a
dramatic battle over the airport most
important of Madrid's defenses and
home field for its aerial army.
Swooping low, a Fascist gunner
caught the two government machines
with a lucky machine gun fusillade.
Two other government bombers head-
ed to the north for safety.
The government commander or-
dered retreat of his columns from the
last major city barring the Fascist
path to Madrid to consolidate de-
The government troops entrenched
in the hills outside Mostoles and took
up positions on both sides of the high-
way just beyond an important bridge.
Madrid Awaits Fascists
The Madrid defenders awaited the
Fascist army behind barbed wire en-
tanglements, hastily thrown up, and
in deep trenches.
The aerial bombardment of Na-
valcarnero began at dawn backed by
heavy artillery.
The Fascist air squadron circled
over and about 'Navalcarnero, drop-
ping a steady rain of bombs. Having
dropped their deadly cargo, the
planes disappeared to be replaced im-
mediately by a new squadron of tri-
motored ships.
Informed by the planes, the Fascist
artillery quickly directed its guns
against government trucks loaded
with ammunition and forced the Ma-
drid troops to retreat.
The fleeing army, protected by its
machine gunners ,hastily dragged
field guns back toward Mostoles for
a new line of defense at the strategic
Snow Tfav E PP Pmamn .

PWA Dam Projects In West
Are Attacked B Prof. Rioogs
By EUGENE K. SNYDER the main element of power cost is
Most of the Federal Power Projects the fixed cost which, in this case,
in the West have been started with- will approximate 11 million dollars
out ample consideration, without fully per year. The least possible charge
developed plans, and with very im- must be something like two cents per
perfect estimates, according to Pro- kilowatt hour, Professor Riggs said.
fessor-emeritus Henry E. Riggs, who Two hundred and fifty miles from
made an inspection of the area in the Grand Coulee the government is
question last summer, building the Bonneville Dam, near
The result of this haste is that all Portland on the Columbia River.
the projects are seriously overrunning Since the dam will be able to find
the costs or estimate that have been a market for most of the power it
given out. On six or seven of the will produce, when finished next year,
larger projects this original cost will and it will extend the deep-water
probably exceed 600 or 700 million navigation of the Columbia 50 miles,
dollars, Professor Riggs said. there is just ground for building it,
"The projects will be great engi- according to Professor Riggs.
neering feats and the final plans On the other hand there is no
are not open to criticism The work justification for the Fort Peck Dam
is being magnificently done, the most on the Missouri River in Montana.
modern machinery and construction It will furnish no power and no ir-
methods are being used, andrasfa rigation, being purely for navigation
as the projects themselves are con- purposes. The dam will cost 110 mil-
derned heynsed."ingtoblion dollars and is not necessary, he
done when finished." added.
"There is no possible economic jus- However, the Port Peck Dam will
f ifiHowever, the Port PnckAD0-1-i"-

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