Ioom THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCT. 20, 1936- FOUR TUE SD'AY, OUT. 241, 1936 TYIE MICHIGAN DAILY ---I'- M "o 1936 Member 1937 ssociaded Cole6iate Press Distributors of Ciedate Dieest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of .republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 44.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. ReportorialrDepartment: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spalier. 0ditorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard F. Martinson, Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, associates; I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. -Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilshcr, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager;- Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH S. MATTES Minimum Wage Legislation. .. THE FORUM Democracy, Not Guns To the Editor: Having for many months rejoiced in the sane liberalism of the present Daily editorial policy, it is with regret that I feel bound to take issue with the editorials of last Friday and Sunday, "Democracy and Militarism," and "A Question of National Policy." Granting the most that Mr. Mowrer implied, that fascism will in the near future sweep the world or be wiped out, which I question, I can- not believe that as the political organizations of so-called democracy now appears either the threat, preparation, or use of a vast opposing military machine will cripple or destroy fascism. Granting further, that true democracy ought to assume responsibility for defending itself with military force, which I question, it is neverthe- less fairly obvious that no such democracy, or near approach to it, now lives. If America,' or Great Britain, were now true democracies, con- trolled by the people for the people-that is to say, socialistic democracies, and were headed by experts responsible, to the people as a whole, rather than to special and secret interests, then, and only then, might those nations safely arm in defense of what reason had won since the dark ages-to which fascism would return us. But the fact is that America is not a true democ- racy, even with its comparative advantages of civil liberties. It seems to me therefore seriously to be doubted that such democracy as we have, in the emergency of genral war, could long keep any vestige of even its present nature, and if it did not in that emergency fall completely into the hands of its present economic matters, and so into fascism, it may be likewise doubted that it could emerge from that war without important losses in principle. Mr. John Dewey and Mr. Norman Thomas have both pointed out that American democracy in the Great War lost, and has not regained, a good share of the ideals it had previously won. Were war declared tomorrow, I should wonder what future I should be drafted to preserve What reason has any of my generation to trust that he could, by resolutely following the dictum of the President and Congress assembled, further the cause of liberty and justice? Munitions men and industrial and diplomatists (such as our recent visitor, Mr. Zeder) are still pretty vivid in my memory. What reason have we, the young, to believe that the, annihilation of Germany, Italy, Japan, etc., would insure the life of an eagle of liberty which has not yet "been really fledged? Or would we assassinate possible for- eign masters only in order to subject ourselves to masters now itching at home? However one minimizes the danger of fascism in America, it does exist. What the true solution is, I am not competent to suggest. But I submit that it might be wiser to concentrate our efforts toward democracy on the growth of its real and broad meaning in these United States. The contest being fought all over the world today is one between ignor- ance and enlightenment, these symbolized in systems, not always clearly defined, but identifi- able. It is not time, even for those who believe there will be such a time, to take arms to dem- onstrate an unconquerable faith in justice. In the race between darkness and light, liberalism must become intellectually militant, leaving the question of force to be settled when an absolute blind-alley is reached. That time has not come. -Robert C. B. Campbell. Time And The Lirary To the Editor: Regularly every day, at the mystic hours of noon and six o'clock, numbers of unwilling stu- dents are swept out of the various campus study halls and reading rooms, which then remain closed for an unproductive hour. Ready or not, out you go at the appointed time! Insult, moreover, is added to injury. Full fifteen minutes before the time of closing there arises a great noise of shutting windows and straightening chairs. Then, a good five minutes before the zero hour, Wham! out go the lights, and the psychological propulsion towards the exit becomes so great as to be irresistible-a val- uable quarter of an hour ruined. What can the students do who have been so rudely interrupted but gather up their unfin- ished notes and flee into the great outdoors? There is nowhere another reading room to go to where their reference books are not securely locked away. Only baffled rage, and the Long League Line, remain. Surely in an institution designed to promote study such a situation is intolerable. It should be quite possible to stagger the hours of the Reading Room custodians in such a way that no closing of the rooms was necessary between 7:45 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. By what inevitable necessity is the entire University compelled to eat at the same time? Believe it or not, there are hundreds of students here who are able to stave off the pangs of hunger well beyondbthecurfewhours. We' who are about to be swept out of the Study Halls again tomorrow, protest! It is im- possible always to finish one's work by the clock. It is altogether maddening to be arbitrarily stopped when one is on the verge of solving the riddle of the Universe, or of running to cover the Lost Atlantis. -Rudely Interrupted, Serious Error To the Editor: We were certainly pained to read this in your BENEATH **** ****** IT ALL ._ lBy Bonth Williams s W HEN HARRY KIPKE walked into the main dining room of the Curtiss Hotel in Minne- apolis Friday morning he was met at the door by a Negro waiter who said, "Good morning, Mista Kipke. I sho am glad to see you again." That same waiter has been at the hotel for 25 years and first met Michigan's grid mentor when he was an All-American punter at Michigan. As a matter of fact the five waiters who took care of the team during their stay, have been bringing in more ice cream to Wolverine football teams for the past decade. They are Michigan's most ardent rooters and always sit just behind the Michigan bench as Kip's guests. THE BRIGHT SPOTS in Minneapolis remind me very much of Columbus on the night before a Michigan game-Columbus with the dampers on, as it were. Night clubs are packed to overflowing and people stand three deep at all the respectable bars. Bob Crosby is at the Nic- olet, the spot in Minneapolis, and they put on one of the funniest fan dances anybody ever saw, and by the way the Blackhawk is just the same as always. Louis Prima is holding sway with a hot trumpet and scotch is still half a buck a crack . . . the waiters are just as indifferent, the service just as punk, and approximately the same number of suckers. FREDD]M COLOMBO acted as spotter for Bry- an Salm, Columbia broadcasting's 21-year- old sports announcer, during Saturday's game and turned in a darn good job, but when Will Moore grabbed Ritchie's pass and streaked to- wards the Wolverine goal late in the game, the ardent Fred couldn't restrain himself. "Son of a Dog" he roared into the mike as Bryan nudged him frantically, and listeners were treated to one of the infrequent slips of the radio world. *. * * * Very few people know that Ty Tyson, veteran Detroit announcer has a. partner who is as es- sential to him as a match to a Camel. Doc Holland is the guy, and a darn sw'ell one. He does a little broadcasting himself, but mostly he's just Ty's silent partner. He acts as Ty's eyes, spots numbers, calls the plays, and then Herr Tyson translates them into his own radio line. / Ty and Doc have been together for 26 years now, and they've missed mighty few ball games, either grid or diamond. "How much longer do you expect to last," I asked Doc. "About three years," I hope. That's all I want. Ty's voice will probably be shot by then, and me, I've got an athletic heart. Five to seven years is all anyone can expect to be at the top in this racket, and we know it." Doc, who put himself through school on his athletic ability in three sports, went on, "Ty and I come out here a couple of times a week to teach broadcasting, and the guys we teach are the ones who will very probably take our place, but it's all in the game." "This is what I like doing best in the world, and I get paid for it, and as my dal always said, 'When you live, live in clover, for when you're dead, you're dead all over.'"~ THEATRE Stevedore: A Review CONTEMPORARY THEATRE (for- 1merly New Theatre Union) presents STEVEDORE, by Paul Peters and George Sklar. Scenery by Edgar Cartright. Auiditorium of the Detroit Institute Costumes by Carmen Murphy. At the of Arts. October 15 to 17. By JAMES DOLL THE LITTLE THEATRE movement in Detroit has always had a hard struggle and very little success. A real community theatre-like Cleve- land's for example-has never been established in site of many false starts and a few sustained efforts. And Detroit has not been very friendly recently to any sort of the-' atrical enterprise-except Katherine Cornell. That is one reason why the. production of Stevedore was so en- couraging. Saturday night it played to an audience that filled the 1,200 seats of the Institute of Arts Audi- torium; an audience made up of people who have probably rarely gone to the theatre at any time. Fortu- nately they saw a show that will lead them to go to the theatre again- not only to plays with ideas in which they are especially interested, but to other good plays, too. They were un- questionably moved by the emotion that good theatre can arouse so well. Stcvedore was one of the first plays of the New York Theatre Union to attract the attention of Broadway. It is propaganda: less blatantly treat- ed than in 'Till the Day I Die, but less subtlely so than in Dead End or Awake and Sing in which aspects of the social system are . criticized through presentation of a well-de-' veloped specific situation without presentation of a definite solution. Stevedore begins with the revolt of a single Negro against unfair dis- crimination by the police and by em- ployers; then, successively, coopera- tion from a group of Negroes, from white sympathizers, their determina- tion to take a stand against their enemies rather than shrinking away or accepting further abuses. The earlyincidents are treated with un- certainty and hesitation by the au- thors, but the theme is gripped more strongly about half-way through the play in a number of fine scenes and a succession of climaxes. The di- rector and actors, too, seemed uncer- tain in these early scenes but came through when the authors gave them something better to work with. There was excellent group acting in the later scenes at the docks, in Binnie's lunchroom, in the funeral scene (sim- I ilar to the one in Porgy), and in the street-fighting scene which ends the play. The individuals in these scenes seemed to know where they were and what they were doing and the direc- tor had trained them to work for a. unified effect. Most of the more im- portant parts were well acted. Espe- cially good were Leon Smith as Lonny Thompson, leader of the Negroes- played in London by Paul Robeson; Sue Powers as Binnie Taylor, owner of the lunchroom; Lester McFall as Blacksnake, an important , Negro worker; Hal Phillips as Lem Morris, white leader of the union. But the production was notable for excellence of ensemble rather than for indivi- dual performances. And that was as it should have been. The production looked well on the physical side-was dressed with im- agination, the important settings were sturdy and designed for effec- tive use iof crowds. It cannot be denied that many of the most interesting productions of the profession theatre in the last few seasons have been plays with social content. This production by the Con- temporary Theatre of Detroit seems to make this true of the amateur theatre as well. r THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN "DIMPLES" Dimples is another Shirley Temple production; as such it is a good pic- ture, but you will have to be a staunch Shirley Temple admirer to enjoy it -Shirley is the picture. This time Shirley is the grand- daughter of "the professor," a down- at-the-heel actor who has a tendency toward being light-handed. Shirley is the star of a neighborhood gang of street entertainers. A wealthy lady sees her, is captivated bythe child and wants her to live with her. In the meantime, the lady's nephew is staging the original production of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Shirley is to be Eva. But the professor loses the company's money and the show has to be given up before opening. Things eventually work around and Miss Temple is seen as little Eva in the death bed scene. Of course, there is an all around happy ending. Whether you care about watching a child through an entire feature or. not, Shirley is a clever entertainer and and excellent child actress. She has several opportunites to tap dance and sing in Dimples. There is an awfully big dose of Shirley Temple in this picture, but the children in the audience were enjoying it tremen- dously. Frank Morgan as the professor gave TUESDAY, Oct. 20, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 20 Notices Senate Reception: The members of the faculties and their wives are cor- dially invited to "be present at a re- ception by the president and the senate of the University in honor of the nem members of the faculties to be held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, from 8:30 o'clock until 12 o'clock in the ballrooms of the Michigan Union. The reception will take place between 8:30 and 10:00, after which there will be an opportunity for dancing. No individual invitations will be sent out. Notice: Attention of all concerned, and particularly of those having of- fices in Haven Hall, or the Western portion of the Natural Science Build- ing, to the fact that parking of cars in the driveway between these two buildings is at all times inconvenient to other users of the drive and some times results in positive danger to other drivers and to pedestrians on the diagnoals and other walks. You are respectfully asked not to park there and if members of your family call for you, especially at noon when tarffic both on wheels and on foot is heavy, it is especially urged that the car wait for you in the parking space adjacent to the north door of Uni- versity Hall. Waiting in the drive- way blocks traffic and involves con- fusion, inconvenience and danger, just as much when a person is sitting in a car as when the car is parked empty. University Senate Committee on Parking. Extra Curricular Activities: Man- agers and chairmen of extra cur- ricular activities are reminded that they should submit to the chair- man of the committee on Student- Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, a complete list of all students who wish to participate in their respec- tive enterprises, in order tht their eligibility for such activities may be checked. The names should be pre- sented on blank forms to be obtained in Room 2. Oratorical Association Lecture Course: Alexander Woollcopt, noted American wit and raconteur, will speak in Hill Auditorium on Sunday evening, Nov. 29. as the third num- ber on the Lecture Course series. He will replace Bertrand Russell who has found it necessary to cancel his lecture tour because of illness. Sea- son ticket coupons for the Russell lecture will be used for the Alexander Woolcott program. Single -admis- sions for this number will be $1.00 for the main floor and 75c for the bal- cony. Season tickets are still avail- able at Wahr's State Street Book Store. Exhibition Annual Ann Arbor Artists Exhibi- tion: Open to public Thursday, Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 28. Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5 daily. Events Of Today Zeta Phi Eta, There will be a short meeting this evening at 7:15 p.m. Room will be posted on League bul- letin board. All members are expected to be present if possible. Sigma Rho Tau meeting tonight will begin at 7 p.m. and will be over with before 8 so that members will be able to attend the amateur hour sponsored by the band. Varsity Reserve Glee Club: Re- hearsal this afternoon, 4:30 p.m. in Glee Club Rooms, Michigan Union. Michigan Dames: The wives of all students and internes are cordially invited to attend the first general meeting of the Michigan Dames to- night at 8:15 p.m. at the Michigan League. This will be a social meet- ing to welcome the new wives on the campus who wish to become Dames, to introduce the faculty advisers and the officers, and to organize the Bridge, Art, Drama, Book, Athletic, Child Study, Home Making, and Study groups. For any information, call Mrs. Haines at 9592. S tudont Christian Association: Notice Concerning Dramatic Per-! There will be a general meeting of the formances: All organizations plan- I S.C.A. tonight at 8 p.m. in the Upper ning to use the Lydia Mendelssohn Room of Lane Hall. The program .,.. ~,Iwill consist of a renort of the ac- BOTH PRESIDENTIAL candidates are committed to support of min- imum wage legislation. In his telegram to the Republican convention, Governor Landon said that he would stand firmly behind a constitu- tional amendment, if it cannot be otherwise ac- complished, to see that women and children receive reasonable wages. The Democrats at Philadelphia agreed that the problem must be treated federally, and also by amendment if necessary. However, neither candidate, unless we are mistaken, has touched the subject since his namination. The Supreme Court has declared both federal and state minimum wage laws unconstitutional. Said Chief Justice Hughes: "If the people desire to give Congress the powers to regulate industries within the state and the relations of employer and employes with- in these industries, they are at liberty to declare their will in the approved manner, but it is not for the court to amend the Constitution by judi- cial decision." Soon the Supreme Court is expected to pass on the constitutionality of the minimum wage law of the state of Washington, of which the Washington Supreme Court said: "It is true that the employer and the employe are deprived to a certain extent of their liberty to contract by the minimum wage law. How- ever, if the deprivation is with due process, if it corrects known and stated public evil, if it promotes the public welfare-that is, if it is a reasonable exercise of the police power-it is a proper exercise of legislative power." The United States Supreme Court however, thought differently in the case of the New York minimum wage laws,dand it is not likely that it will agree with the decision of the Washington Court. The result, as President Roosevelt called it in the unfortunate interview following the NRA de- cision, is a "no-man's land," where neither state nor 'federal government may correct patent evils. The inescapable necessity is constitutional amendment. The subject has not been treated in the course of the campaign, but pressure on both parties, great enough to enforce its inclu- sion in the party platforms, is even greater now, accentuated by the adverse New York State rul- ing (and the Washington ruling, if it should be adverse) and will surely be strong enough to enact an amendment in the next Congressional session however the national election may go. There will be this difference, however, pre- dicts Lewis Wood in the New York Times: "The fight then would involve a far greater issue than the mere protection of minimum wage MUSIC DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. A Review KIRSTEN FLAGSTAD CONCERT By WLLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER HUMBLY and simply we try to express some- thing of the feelings aroused in us by the concert last evening, but we can only remember a statement made some two years ago by Dr. Earl V. Moore, the morning following a-THE- recital by Artur Schnabel.. In speaking to one of his classes, Dr. Moore said: "If there is still anyone so Victorian as to keep a diary, the most fitting tribute he could pay to the memory of last night's memorable performance would be simply to place upon the blank page of yester- day's date the one word, 'Schnabel.'" A similar act would, we feel, in this instance be far more expressive than anything we might say. Wit and a critical eye (or ear), the two chief ingredients of a popular review, we have not; after the first number,.we forgot the task which lay ahead, and surrendered ourselves entirely to the magic of Mme. Flagstad's voice and personality. If you must know whether she flatted the high B (her highest note of the evening), or if her low C (likewise her lowest) surpasses that of ,_,_read the metropolitan critics. They may know; we don't. But, for those who are interested, we can tell of the glory of the artist's voice. It is not a "golden" or a "silver" voice, and probably there are greater voices than Flagstad's in respect to sheer "quality" alone. But few indeed are the singers who have. a voice so powerful and thrill- ing that Richard Wagner must even now be smiling contentedly in Valhalla, so warm and appealing that Grieg is endeared as he never was before, so profoundly gay that Frank Bridge glows with new life, AND s5 marvelously con- trolled that there is no technique, but only the songs themselves. And fewer -still are the artists with such a personality-noble, charming, com- manding, enticing, as the composer desires. And may we say that we can see Kirsten Flagstad as a charming and sympathetic Sieglinde, or as a profoundly moving Isolde, but it must be as Brun- hilde-the Brunhilde of Goetterdaemmerung- that she is greatest. Never was there a voice, Theatre or other University build-I ings, and all dramatic performances sponsored by students must, by the' rules of the University, obtain the official approval of the Chairman of the Committee on Theatre Policy and Practice. Joseph A. Bursley, Chairman. Concerts Twilight Organ Recital: E. William Doty, Assistant Professor of Organ, will play the following program Wed- nesday afternoon, Oct. 21, at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children, is invited without admission charge. Prelude in C minor .......... Bach Praised be Thou, O Jesus Christ. Bach Prelude and Fugue in D major.Bach Cantabile ......... .........Franck Sonata in G ............... Bennett Autumnal ................... James Fantasia and Fugue on B-A-C-H.. .. . ... ..... . ..........Liszt Make-up Examinations for German 1, 2, 31 and 32: All students who missed the examinations in German 1, 2, 31 or 32 last semester or in the Summer Session must take the regu- lar departmental make-up examin- ation to be given in Room 303 U.H. on Friday, Oct. 23, from 2-5 p.m. Botany 1 Make-up Examination: All students who missed the examin- ation in Botany 1 last semester must take the regular departmental make- up examination to be given in Room' 2003 N.S. on Tuesday, Oct. 27, from 2-5 p.m. Make-up examination in Zoology 1 for all those students who were ab- sent from the final examination in that course last semester or last summer session will be given Satur- day, Oct. 24, from 9 to 12 a.m. in Room 3092, N.S. This will be the only opportunity to take the make-up examination in that course. Physics 36: The make-up final ex- amination, for absentees of last June, will be held in the West Lecture Room of the West Physics building, Thurs- day afternoon, Oct. 22, beginning at 2 p.m. Mathematics: The Topology semin- ar will meet today at 3 p.m. in Room 13001 A.H. Psychology 33, 34 make-up final examination today at 3 p.m. in Room 1121, N.S. Sociology 51: The make-up exam- ination in Sociology 51 will be given Thursday, October 22, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Room D, Haven Hall. tivity and decisions made at the S.C.A. retreat this past week-end. A general discussion and analysis of this year's program will follow. All interested students are invited. Christian Science Organization meets tonight at the chapel of the Michigan League at 8p.m. Students and faculty members are invited to attend. Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building on Wed- nesday, October 21 at 8 p.m. Elec- tion of officers. Prof. Heber D. Curtis will show motion pictures of solar prominences, and Professor Charles C. Fries and Professor Thomas A. Knott will read a joint paper, "The Michigan-Oxford Dictionaries." The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Faculty Women's Club: The open- ing reception of the Faculty Wom- en's Club will be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m., Oct. 22, in the ballroom of the Michigan League. Graduate Students: There will be a reception for graduate students on Wednesday evening, Oct.,21 in the ballroom of the Michigan League building from 8 until 9 o'clock. Presi- dent and Mrs. Ruthven and members of the Graduate Board and their wives will receive. Dancing from 9 until 11. The husbands and wives of graduate students are cordially in- vited to attend. The Adelphi House of Representa- tives will not meet on Tuesday eve- ning as is customary, but will hold its weekly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi Room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. The meeting, which will be in the form of a "Smoker" with Professor Bloomer of the Speech Department as speaker, is open to all freshmen and other Michigan men interested in becoming acquainted with the work- ings of this forensic society. Phi Sigma meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. in Room 2116 Na- tural Science Bldg. Dr. A. 0. Lee will speak on "Frontiers of the History of Science and Medicine." The A.S.CE. will hold a rushing smoker at the Michigan Union, Wed- nesday, Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m. Re- freshments will be served. All Civil and Transportation Engineers and Geodesy and Surveying students are cordially invited. University Debating Team: There will be a preliminary tryouts Wed- nesday at 4 p.m. in Room 4203 A.H.