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October 20, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-20

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TUESDAY, OCT. 20 1936



23 Men Report
For Season's
First Cage Drill
Team Faces Tough Big Ten
Schedule; Fundamentals
Feature Long Practice
Twenty-three men reported to
Coach Franklin C. Cappon for the
first cage practice of the year last
night at the Intramural Sports Build-
ing basketball courts and began a
long conditioning process in prepara-
tion for one of the toughest Big Ten
campaigns that a Michigan quintet
has undertaken in many years.
Coach Cappon put the squad
through a long practice on funda-
mentals emphasizing set-up shots,
slow approach dribbles and driving
shots, side shots, and pivot passes.
Fundamentals will continue to hold
the squad's attention for the re-
mainder of the week.
Four Lettermen Return
Included in the 23 men who report-
ed were four-letter men; Capt. John-
ny Gee, John Townsend, Herm Fish-
man, and Dick Joslin, who was a
regular in 1934 and 1935 but dropped
out of competition last season in
order to concentrate on his studies
and Manny Slavin and Bill Lane, re-
serves from last year's team.
, Also on the floor were five con-
tenders from last season's freshman
team who are trying out for the Var-
sity for the first time. They are Dick
Long, Ben Weaver, Leo Beebe, Frank-
lin Shull, Jr. and Sam Henderson.
Matt Patanelli, Bill Barclay, and
Danny Smick, who are at the present
time devoting their time to the foot-
ball team, will report after the close
of the grid season. Don Brwer, a
reserve on the 1935-36 squad, did not
report. He intends to drop out of
athletic competition until the base-
ball season.
First Five Undetermined
Coach Cappon has no definite ideas
on any first five. With the exception
of Gee and Townsend no man on the
squad is sure of a position.nThe out-
look for the coming season is good
but there are three positions open
and the men who fill them will have
to work hard in the next month and a
half to start against Michigan Nor-
mal on Dec. 7 in the opener.
Other men who reported for the
first practice are : Eddie Payne, Bob
DeWhit, Vic ,Canever, Bill Whitehead,
Jim Clark, Harold Reiter, Paul Sobor-
off, Fred Kiseveck, John Sullivan,
and Jules Johnson.
Varsity Shows
Pep In Drills
Despite Defeat
Working under an obvious handi-
cap of tired muscles and a let down
condition after Saturday's hard bat-
tle with the Gophers, the Wolverine
football team nevertheless went
through a peppy workout yesterday
afternoon, winding up its work
with a scrimmage against the fresh-
men for those who didn't see action
against Minnesota.
Coach Harry Kipke is intending to
spend the week working on the of-
fense, and yesterday's session was
only a beginning of what the Mich-
igan mentor has planned for his
changes. -The Varsity and second
string members of the squad spent
their time on pass plays against the
second and third stringers, with Alex
Loiko on the tossing end of the plays.
A definite change back to the wing

back for Alex is not planned as yet,
Coach Kipke said. New combinations
are being tried in order to find one
that will click with the new offense
being planned for Columbia.
Bill Barclay, who played a great
game on the defense for Michigan
against ,Minnesota, was kept from a
heavy workout in order to rest him-
self after bruising work Saturday.
Injured in Saturday's tilt, Fred
Janke, left tackle, will probably be
out for the rest of the season.

If The Michigan System Is Punk, What
Of Bierman 's Club H.ere's The Truth

By BONTH WILLIAMS fect sucker out of him, knocked him
SO THE MICHIGAN SYSTEM is all completely out of the play and drove
washed up, worthless, helpless through for a big gain. Now that
against modern football with its happened because Butch forgot what
Kip had told him, "When your man
newe haver iopmentro thTes at pulls out, go in one yard and drop to
Bud Shaver in, the"^Detroit Times1'and


Mill Marsh in the Ann Arbor Daily
News said in their rehashes of Sat-
urday's Wolverine-Gopher clash. I
know why they both arrived at the
same opinion but that's beside the1
point. The fact of the matter is that
both of them are wrong, dead wrong,
... and they're not wrong very often.1
The only difference in the Mich-}
igan and Minnesota systems is that_
the Gophers have more and better
ball players, or rather perhaps more
experienced ball players than Mich-
Michigan had seven out of
every eight plays which Minne-
sota used. Michigan had the
identical spinners, latefals, cross
bucks, passes. In other words, the
systems were practically iden-
The whole thing simmers down to
perfection of execution. Here's the
why and wherefore.
Two years ago Michigan had the
poorest material in the Conference.
Now they've got better material, but
it still isn't as good as most of the
material in the Conference or at
Michigan State.
Teams Are All Better
YOU BET football has changed in
the last three years, but it isn't
the type of football half so much as
it is the calibre of the ball players.
Take a look around the Conference,
at State-Indiana miles above their
rating of three years ago, Minnesota
and Ohio State consistently good in-
stead of just spasmodic, Northwest-
ern back on the crest, Purdue right
up there, Illinois strong, State beat-
ing the country's best ...
Why? Why are they all better than
a few years ago, why is it that there
is no longer a soft spot in the Con-
ference. Because by now every school
with the exception of Chicago, which
is heavily endowed, knows that unless
they have a winning ball club they
can't get crowds; no crowds, no
dough; no dough, no other athletics,
no intramural program, no interest
on Stadium bonds.
So instead of increasing en-
trance requirements as they did
either relaxed them or left them
alone. Despite that Kipke has
managed to get a good bunch of
ball players together at last. But
they're still young and inexperi-
enced. They're a great bunch
and they'll be one of the best
teams in the country just as soon
as they start to click. Just how
green they were was demonstrat-
ed in Memorial Stadium Satur-
day on the first play of the game.
Butch Jordan, crazy to play his
head off for Michigan, lined up at
tackle on the first play from scrim-
mage. (Two sophomore Wolverine
tackles by the way.) The ball was
snapped, the guard opposite him
stepped back. Jordan, intent upon
driving in, came crashing into the
Minnesota backfield, and - wham,
smack flat on his face he went as
the Gophers, having made the per-

your knees, then you cantta e taken
out of the play."
Barclay Looks Great
When Jordan gets a little more ex-'
perience, he'll know better, and that's
characteristic of a lot of the Mich-
igan team. Bill Barclay was prob-
ably the outstanding Wolverine on
the field. Patt, Janke, and Siegel
were the outstanding linemen. John
Out For The Season

coach that everybody wants to work
Where do these good football
players go who want to come
here despite the adverse condi
tions and yet who can't meet the
requirements. They go to State,
to O.S.U., to Minnesota. Do you
know that Andy Uram a'nd Rudy
Gmitro had a grand total of 13
high school credits between them
when they entered Minnesota?
Do you know that there are
times when Michigan football
players aren't getting enough to
eat. Boys who are out there
giving everything they've got to
win, and then finding that it's
not enough. It's heart breaking,
but they don't quit.
How would you feel if you were
in Kip's shoes. He know's what's the
matter, and he'd give anything he's
got, try anything in the world, if
he thought it would do any good. The
team went out on the field up there
in Minneapolis determined to win, to
upset the experts and they came home
trounced again, but still with the un-
quenchable Michigan spirit of fight.
AS KIP sat in the coach on the
way home Sunday, he looked old
and worried, but he still kept up his
courageous air.
The last three years have been hell
for Kip, but he never complains
about his own plight.
"Whatever you say, it isn't the
team's fault, the boys are the
greatest bunch in the world, and
they're giving everything they've
got. That's what makes it so
tough." - that's what Harry
Kipke has to say about the situa-
tion, and that shows just how
great a guy he is.
Three Saturdays in a row, Mich-
igan has been primed to win. Each
week they have gotten a little better
and run into a correspondingly better
ball club.
This Saturday, Little, Sid Luckman
and the rest of the Lions will find a
team that has definitely arrived-
a ball club that will rise and vindi-
cate itself, the Michigan system, and
-Kip. And that's straight stuff.

National League Award
Given To Carl Hubbell
CLEVELAND, Oct. 19.-0P-Carl,
Hubbell, sensational left-handed
pitcher whose baffling "screw ball"'
won 26 campaign victories and the
'36 pennant for thehNew York Giants,
was unanimously chosen today as the
year's most valuable National League
player by a committee representing
the Baseball Writers Association of
The sinewy hurler won the same
recognition in 1933.
Hubbell received 60 votes, with sixj
of the eight committeemen naming
the lanky southpaw as their first
Jerome (Dizzy) Dean, ace of the St.
Louis Cardinals' pitching staff, was
given second place with 53 votes.
Billy Herman placed third.
Trigon, 2
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1
Phi Kappa Psi, 2
Phi Psi, 2
Trigon, 1
Phi Delta Theta, 1
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1
Phi Delta Theta, 2.

Play in the Intramural Depart-
ment's fraternity league speedball
program continued undiminished yes-
terday with Sigma Chi edging out Al-
pha Kappa Lambda 9-8; Phi Beta
Delta trouncing Phi Sigma Delta 18-
4; and Psi Upsilon beating Theta Xi
Approximately six games a day will
be played every afternoon
Main Street


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Jordan looked good, so did Joe Ri-
naldi. Marzonie was Kip's best guard.
Doug Farmer turned in a fine job
in the backfield and will be used a
good deal. The whole team played
their heads off, but they just weren't
good enough.
'kWHAT KIND of a break do you
" think a football player gets 'at
Michigan? A board job, if he's lucky.
And on the Michigan squad of 50
men there are exactly 12 who don't
need board jobs.
The result is that in these days of
cutthroat competition for high school
football players, Kip has first to
make sure that the prospect can
meet the entrance requirements, and
then try to compete with schools who
make their gridders honorary page
boys, etc., at so much per.
Losing Good Men
Out of the 13 best ball players in
Detroit last year, Michigan got two
-the two poorest. From the list of
Flint prep stars they got no one. The
only reason that anyone comes to
Mihigan at all is because Kip is the
kind of a guy that attracts. He's the


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