THE MI1CHIGAN iiAit1 'UESDAY, OCT. 20, 1939 ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ __~ i + NEWS DA) (By the Associated Pr Hamilton Swears; Nobody Cares e L EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS CLASS I Ff E 0 ADVE RTI'S f :NG ;,: I } C I I t _ ress) Chairman John Hamilton of the Republican National Committee top- ped today's political accusations r when he made a sworn statement in Chicago that the Corrupt Practices Act has been violated by the Demo- cratic party. He demanded that the Senate committee on investigations into campaign fund violations should set a date for an "immediate public hearing." Meanwhile, Works Progress Ad- ministrator Harry L. Hopkins told a New York City audience that the Re- publicans had not properly appraised the relief problem in the United States. "Candidate Landon," he said, "has charged that our federal relief ap- propriations were railroaded through a puppet Congress. I want to deny this emphatically. Congress knew the problem and was in direct touch with the suffering of the people." In Washington Secretary Morgen- than replied to Herbert Hoover's charges that the administration had juggled fiscal reports. Thomas Misses A Socalist Meeting 6 :00-WJR Stevenson News. WWJ Ty Tyson: Dinner Hours (6:10). WXYZ March of Melody. CKLW Dinner Music. 6 :1&-W.JR Hot Dates in Music. WXYZ Fact Finder. CKLW News and Sports. 6:30-WJR Jimmy Allen. WWJ Bulletins: Odd Facts. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Val Ernie's Music. 6:45--W.JR Renfrew of the Mounted. WWJ Ye Merrie Men of Olde. WXYZ Lowell Thomas. CKLW Rhythm Orchestra. 7:00-WJR William Hard. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Little Jack Little. 7 :15-WJR Diamond 'City N~iws. WWJ Drama: Evening Melodies. WXYZ Norman Thomas. 7:30-WJR Jack Randolph. WWJ Soloist. WXYZ Manhatters. CKLW Variety Revue. 7:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ-Etdward H. Williams. WXYZ Rubinoff-Peerce. CKLW Money' and Music. 8:00-WJR Senator Vanden burg. WWJ Leo Reisman's Music. WXYZ Dude Ranch. CKLW Andrew F. Kelly. 8:15-CKLW Louis Prima's Music. 8:30--WJR Laugh with Ken Murray. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome Valley. CKLW Music for Today. 9:00-WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvarnians. WWJ Sidewalk Interviews. WXYZ Ben Bernie and All the Lads. CKLW Gabriel Heatter. 9:15-CKLW Vagabonds. 9 :30-WJR Caravan. WWJ Fred Astaire: Johnny Green's Music. WXYZHusbands and Wives. CKLW Larry Bradford's Music. 10:00-WXYZ Col. L. Johnson, speaker. CKLW Bernarr McFadden. 10:15-CKLW Pop Concert. 10 :30-WJR Democratic National Committee. WWJ National Jeffersonian Demo- crats. WXYZ Portraits of Harmony. 10 :45-WJR Happy Days. CKLW Freddy Martin's Music. 11:00-WJR Gov. Alf M. Landon. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ George Kavanagh's Music. CKLW Melody Interl'ude. 11:15-CKLW Mystery Lady. 11 :30-WJR Smoke Rings. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Riley and Farley Music. CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music. 12:00-WJR Lions' Tales; Tommy Dorsey's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Shandor: Morrie Brennan',, Music. CKLW Nat Brandywine's Music. 12:30--WJR Maurice Spitalny's Music. WXYZ Jiminy Dorsey's Music. CKLW Clyde McCoy's Music. 1 :00-CKLW Ted Flo Rito's Music. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Between 826 Tappan and cam- pus or in classroom, black bill fold containing $10 and $5 bill. Re- ward. Phone 8517. Fred Shroyer. READ THE WANIT ADS DANCING CGass & individual In- struction in all type: of dancing. Teacher. course. Open daily 110 A.M. to 10 P.M. Phone 9695 Terrace Garden Studin Wuerth Theatre Bldg. BROWN LEATHER, zipper notebook. Lcf in 25 Angel Iall, last Friday. 'i'rYIRT SEIS Contains valuable notes. Reward. Typcwritet s Phone 6723. 608 Monroe. James Rental . Sales and Service Scott. 108 Serrial Rie to Students REMINGTON, RAND, Inc. LAUNDRY 406 Wolverine Bldg. L _AN__ Ann Arbor Phone 58881 Y2-1044. Sox darned. 87x Careful work at a low price. 6x EMPLOYMENT WANTED NOTI ES PRACTICAL nurse wishes ward em-A GUARANTEE SER VICE. Demoth- ployment. A-1 city references. iiMothprobfing, Disinfecting, TJr.ooori i r. igain-iini v-iug 'd1ii hous CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any OLD and new shits, overcoats at $3 and $25. TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, saxophones, and other mu- sical instruments. Don't sell before you see SAM. Phone for appoint- menits. 6304. 78x ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT: Front double room with adjoining lavatory and single room, or suite for three. Shower bath, steam heat. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington. 106 DESIRABLE 3 or 4 room furnished apartment. Upstairs. Reasonable Call evenings. 928 Oakland. Phone 5740. 107 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 30, 31 Matinee Fri., Oct. 30 LA txA1 CAti OS DE VGA DANCE SENSATION OF TWO CONTINENTS WITH YNEZ ANtD MAJI LUZ IN PROCrAM OF AND GYDS DANCES EMILIO O>TA410IST Mail Orders Now or Phone 300 Evenings: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c Matinee: $1.00, 75c, 50c 104 PRACTICAL NURSE wishes employ- ment. Will consider going out of town- A-1 city references. 102 Dcodioizing. annithilaing _,all house- ;-- hold vermin, Fumating. Offered ROOM for graduate women. New by the Kurtis Exterminating Co. Simmons beds. Across from En- 309 Maynard St. Phone 3113 for gineering Arch. 609 E. University. free inspection. lx Phone 2-1854. 105 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS 0 FOR BIG MOMENTS -ALight Smoke- Wedding bells - eciting times, with lots of smoking. Consider your throat and reach for . --g . .reach for a lucky. It's LiqgFt Smoke! - (Continued frgm Page 1) meaning but comical political oppoi tunist." r- Hopes For Congressmen Thomas hit at the New Deal's So- cial Security Act, and said that "al- though it is a beginning in the right direction, it is such a bad beginning that it is apt to turn peoples' minds against social security. But Gover- nor Landon's criticisms of the act," he added, "are those of Abraham Epstein's. Only Epstein is for a bet- ter act and Landon is for none at u', all." Thomas said he hoped the Socialist party would gain "two or three" rep- ° resentatives in Congress through the alignment of liberal forces .in Wis- consin. He declared that "in some respects Socialism is making head- way, but in others it has retro- gressed." Informed of Edgar Ansel Mowrer's theory that democracies must arm, Thomas, great pacifist that he is, laughed shortly and replied: "There is no good war. A democracy that arms will turn into a fascist dictator- ship. A war between a capitalist democracy and a fascist country will end with both fascists, and the Com- munists, who advocate otherwise, are in effect cutting their own throats by doing so." LAST DAY LORETTA YOUNG "RAMONA" ALL IN COLOR Starting Wednesday EDMUND LOWE "'EVE'N S1N'NERS" > 1 I i i - Now Playing - S- MATINEE 25c EVENING 35c SHIRLEY TEMPLE in with FRANK MORGAN HELEN WESTLEY ROBERT -KENT ASTRID ALL N DEL MA BYRON The HALL JOHNSON CHOIR STEPIN FETCHIT Dances Staged by BllI Robiitson -t tra MICKEY MOUSE "huickey's Circus" Musical in Color Paramount News When Thrilling Events Lead To Constant Smoking! When you're excited...nervous... happy and thrilled, you smoke many cigarettes without thinking about it. Make your choice a light smoke. Smoke Luckies - for Luckies are a light smoke of rich, ripe-bodied tobacco. They are made of the center leaves of the finest tobaccos that money can buy. And they are the only cigarette in which you'll find the all- important throat protection of the "Toasting" process. Yes, the only cigarette. Lucky Strike ... the fine-tasting cigarette ... the cigarette that "lives happily ever-after" with your throat. * * SWEEPSTAKES" FLASH! * * ' .<17 Winners in Alaska and Hbnoldtu! Eleven men and women in far off Honolulu and six way up north in Alaska know their popular music so well that they have been able to name the top ranking songs in Your Lucky Strike "Sweepstakes" 1-2-3 -just like that. Congratulations... and good luck to the many other far-away "Sweepstakes" fans. Have you entered yet? Have you won your delicious Lucky Strikes? There's music on the air. Tune in "Your Hit Parade"-Wednesday and Saturday evenings.Listen,judge and compare the tunes-then try Your Lucky Strike "Sweepstakes." And if you're not already smok- ing Luckies, buy a pack today and try them. Maybe you've been miss- ing something. OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO - "IT'S TOASTED" and RALPH BELLAMY "Straight From the Shoulder" L. Copyright 1936, The American Tobacco Company 4n r Tel. 4213 Ii~~tAR1 U EXCLUSIVE Users Of RE-TEXTURING Included In Our Servie * 'a' MUM