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October 20, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-20

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The Weather
Generally fair today, possibly
rain tonight or tomorrow and


Awli t tg an
1 4


Minimum Wage
Legislation ...



Socialist Head1
Misses Train,
Fails To Make
Thomas In Interview Onr
Train, Calls SocialismI
Hope Against Fascism°
Dictatorship Neart
For U.S., He Saysd
Neither Landon, Roosevelt
Able To Solve Problems,a
Candidate Chargesv
THOMAS, Oct. 19.-Norman Thomas,
his scheduled speech in Ann Arbor
called off when he missed his traine
in Chicago this morning, sat in av
day coach speeding for Detroit to-
night and proclaimed socialism to bev
the White Hope of a fascist-headedr
Nearly 200 persons waited in vain
an hour in the Masonic temple thisr
afternoon for the man who is run-t
ning for the third consecutive time
as Socialist candidate for President.
The train he was supposed to take dida
not stop in Hammond, Ind., where he
spoke last night ,and a telegram,r
bringing his audience "warm greet-s
ings" and declaring that "the issue is
socialism versus capitalism," told of
his inability to be present.I
Rides In Day Coacha
Money was refunded for tickets
already sold, according to Lawrencer
Van Camp, state chairman of thed
Socialist Party, who had made ar-i
rangements for the speech.1
In contrast to the luxurious pri-
vate cars of Landon and Roosevelt,
the Socialist candidate rode in a
crowded day coach and was eating
his meals in the dining car with a
score of. other persons when The
Daily's representative boarded the
train in Ann Arbor.
The danger of fascism in Amer-
ica "is more imminent" than ever
before, Mr. Thomas asserted, between
mouthfuls of spinach. "This is but
the Indian Summer of capitalism,"
he said. "It is bound to crack up.
And socialism is the one thing that
can save it."
'Fascism Either Way'
From the Socialist point of view,
according to its number one Amer-
ican exponent, "it makes no differ-
ence whatever whether Landon or
Roosevelt is elected. Neither will be
able to stave off fascism."
Mr. Thomas is so certain of Pres-
ident Roosevelt's reelection, however,
that he "is willing to bet any amount
of money on it. If Landon wins," he
said, "I will be the most surprised
man in the world. I expect Roosevelt
to win by so large a majority that
it isn't even funny."
Landon, according to Thomas, "is
well-meaning but stupid. The trouble
with Landon," the Socialist leader
said, "is that he reads books once in
a while and does not understand
them." The Kansas governor, he
laughed, "does not know whether he
is riding the elephant or the elephant
is riding him."
He emphasized that he has "not
given one iota of aid" to the Repub-
lican candidate, and that "it wouldn't
make any difference from the stand-
point of the election if I did."
Roosevelt More Able
Although Mr. Thomas sees Presi-
dent Roosevelt as a "far abler man
than Iandon, more brilliant and

more in tune with the times," he
nevertheless thinks that under Roose-
velt "a fascist dictatorship might be
established more easily. Roosevelt's
love of power, and his ability to crack
down and his intelligence would eas-
ily be the making of fascism,"he
warned. He hit at Roosevelt "for re-
fusing to tell the people his plans for
the future."
Discussing the statement of Os-'
wald Garrison Villard, editor of The
Nation, who recently announced he
would vote for Thomas, and that if
he were told with a pistol at his head
to choose between Roosevelt and
Landon he would take Roosevelt, Tho-
mas said if he were in the same sit-
uation, he would say: "Shoot."
Third Party Prospects
He scoffed at those who see as
the ultimate goal of liberalism the
creation of a Farmer-Labor party in
1940. "Such a party, the right kind
of a Farmer-Labor party, may be all
right," he said. "But if so, it will
be only as the means to an end-to-
ward bringing about the needed New
Soiciety, the Socialist Society. Any
such party for any such purpose
would accomplish no good that I can

Major, His Amateurs, The Gong
Are All Set For A Busy Evening

Interruption Is
To Be Probed)

Audience Will .Be Judge
Of 31 Acts On Band's
Amateurs' Program
The amateurs are ready, Major
John L. Brumm is ready, the gong is
ready and the University of Michigan
Band Benefit Amateur show will go
on at 8 p.m. today.
In an exclusive interview granted
yesterday, Major Brumm declared
that while he had been drafted for
the job, his public spiritedness had
decided him to enter his new profes-
sion and he has been practicing "all
rights" all week. His pride and joy
tonight will be the elaborate Chinese
gong, pilfered from an unidentified
oriental temple for thenoccasion,
which will "out-bong" the 12-ton
Bourdon carillon bell.
Audience Picks Winners
As for each amateur's chances, Ma-
jor Brumm announced that he is a
very nervous man and that the farth-
er he stands from the gong, the great-
er will be the candidates chances. He
will make all the prelimniary
choices, the final decision resting
with the audience's applause for their
respective favorites. The Major's
final fling was the statement that he
has had so many offers to go on the
radio that he has had not one but
two microphones rigged up on the
stage. He concluded with his prefer-
ence that the audience bestow all its
attention on the amateurs in questionI
and not on him or he will become very
nervous and may play a number him-
self on the gong.
Begins Promptly
The program itself will start at 8,
instead of at 8:15 p.m. as previously
announced, to allow more time, and
will include 31 acts which are beingt
prepared by Prof. William D. Revelli,v
director of the Varsity Band, Ernestd
A. Jones, business director; and Stan-
ley A. Joffee, publicity manager.r
The artists will appear in the fol-
(Continued on Page 6)e
Student Labors
Group Electss
Officers Today
Prof. Maurer To Addresst
Federation At Its Firsti
Meeting Of The Year t
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour-t
nalism department will address thef
Student Workers Federation at itsp
first meeting of this school year at 8t
p.m. today in the Unitarian Church.
Officers will be elected tonight, ac-
cording to Tom Downs, '38, tempor-
ary chairman of the group organizedt
last semester.f
At the close of the year last June,1
more than 200 student workers hadt
become members of the organization
which has as its aim "to better the
working conditions of students forcedf
to work their way through college."
It was the contention of the leadersI
of the organziation that because 3,OOQ
students on the Michigan campus
wanted jobs, employers sometimest
took advantage of the situation to1
pay sweatshop wages and require long
The instantaneous approval of the1
Federation as evidenced by the fact(
that 200 joined within a month, led(
the officials to believe that there was
opportunity for such a group to ef-
fect general amelioration of the work ]
situation. Many faculty members
voiced their support of the Federa-
tion, and numerous employers, an-
xious to avoid unfair competition,
backed the movement.
A constitution and by-laws were
drawn up this summer by a member

in the law school, and mimeographed
copies will be studied for ultimate
ratification by the group as a whole.
The membership fee is 25 cents,
according to Downs, who looks for-
(Continued on Page 6)
Brucker, Brown, Murphy
To Speak In Ann Arbor
Former-Gov. Wilber M. Brucker,
Republican candidate for United
States Senator from Michigan, will
speak here Friday night, the first of
three prominent political speakers
who will appear in Ann Arbor within
the next two weeks.
He will be followed by Prentis M.
Brown, Democratic candidate for
United States senator from Michigan,
and Frank Murphy, Democratic gu-
bernatorial candidate. The Young
Democrats are planning a torchlight
parade Oct. 30 when Murphy makes
his visit to Ann Arbor.

-Ann Arbor Daily News Photo.a
Weaver Opens
Forum Series f
For Freshmen
First Discussion Is Today;
Large Group Is Expectedf
For Event At Union
The first of this year's Freshman
Forum series, sponsored annually byI
the Union for the benefit of Uni-c
verstiy freshmen, will be conducted by
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English
department at 4:15 p.m. today in thef
north lounge of the Union.
Professor Weaver, who will conduct k
each of this year's forums, praised ther
forum yesterday. "The freshman, in
coming to the University, is like allr
of us in that he has many problems to t
settle. There is, however, this pos-1
sible difference between the fresh-
man and the upperclassman: the
upperclassman has gone on to newr
questions of his own. He is, then,a
sympathetic with the freshman andt
he is often able to answer the ques-
tions of the younger man.k
"The Michigan Union is perform-
ing a genuine service to entering stu-
dents in making it possible for themt
to ,meet with older men who are in-1
terested in their problems.
"The 'thorough friendliness and
frankness of the Freshman Forums
have made them a valuable part of
the educational life of the Uni-
According to H. Murray Campbell,
'38, chairman of the Union orienta-
tion committee which is arranging the
forums, freshman present will be al-
lowed to anonymously submit ques-
tions to Professor Weaver, who will
answer them to the best of his ability.
Campbell expects more than 150
freshmen to attend today's forum.
"'Life Begins With '40'," he said "is
not a catchy phrase only. It symbo-
lizes the spirit of the Class of 1940,1
and we're expecting them to attend1
the forums in even greater numbers;
than the Class of 1939 did."
Topics which predominated in last
year's forum, according to Campbell,+
follow: "How Important Are Extra-
Curricular Activities?" "How Can I+
Get the Most out of College?"; "How
Can I Develop My Personality?" and
"What Part Does Religion Play in a
Liberal Education?"
Roosevelt Maps
is Final Drive
At Washingtoni
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-()-In
the quiet of his White House study,
:President Roosevelt toiled tonight
over verbal ammunition for the final
fortnight of his re-election cam-
During the day he talked with
S'ecretaijy Morgenthau and Harry
Colmery, new national commander of
the American Legion, refused all
other requests for appointments, and
kept away from the executive offices.
That gave him time to look over a
big stack of correspondence, accumu-
lated during his just-ended western
trip, and to start work on forthcom-
ing political speeches.
Tomorrow night he will hit the
campaign trail again, this time for
New England, where he has scheduled
half-a-dozen speeches Wednesday
and Thursday.

Federal Communications T
Group Will 'Look Into'
G.O.P. Complaints
Columbia OfficialI
Defends Company
Incident Closed,' senator Z
Says,- But May Comment
Tomorrow Night
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-(P) -
Commissioner Eugene O. Sykes said S
oday the federal communications S
ommission would "look into" com- 1
plaints against the interruption of a t
radio "debate" Saturday night be-
tween Sen. Arthur A. Vandenberg S
and the recorded voice of President o
Roosevelt. v
The incident was described as c
'closed so far as I am concerned" r
n a telegram from Vandenberg to r
Commissioner George Henry Payne. o'
Commission officials said " a num-
ber of complaints" had been received E
from individuals, protesting the in- r
"erruption of Vandenberg's speech r
over some of the Columbia Broad- t
casting System's stations. t
Harry C. Butcher, in charge of the t
Columbia System's Washington of-Y
fice, said Chairman Anning S. Prall
of the communications commission s
recently was ruled off the air by the w
same regulation invoked against Van-'
denberg. Noting that Prall is a r
Democrat, Butcher said application l
of the rule against broadcasting re-
corded material in his case "wouldp
hardly seem to support published in- T
ferences that our action in the caseP
of Senator Vandenberg was dictatedd
by fear of either the Democratic ad- 1
ministration" or the commission. C
Sykes said the commission couldg
not comment on the incident, butc
that "if we have any complaints we
look into them."
A Republican announcement saidw
Vandenberg was expected to com-
ment on the interruption in a radio°
address from Wilmington, Del., over
the CBS network tomorrow night.
In his telegram to Payne, Vanden--C
berg said he regarded the incident ase
closed, but that "I do not propose to'
be unethically attacked for submit-J
ting a legitimate challenge to the
Democratic nominee for the President°
of the United States."
State Slashes
Detroit Edisonn
Electric Rates1
Reduction Is EstimatedV
At 5% For Consumersf
In Most Counties
LANSING, Oct. 19.-IP)-An order
reducing the rates and charges of]
the Detroit Edison Co. by $1,711,000
yearly went out today from the state
Public Utilities Commission.
In conjunction with the order,
Chairman William M. Smith, Repub-
lican, St. Johns, issued a statement
declaring increased taxes against the
company prevented a further reduc-
tion in rates of , $1,500,000.
Smith said the order would affectt
all of the company's 603,145 custom-~
ers who pay electric bills of 45 cents
or more each month. He estimated
the cut at 5 per cent of all electric1
revenues and added that it would
amount to 25 per cent in Huron, Tus-
cola, Lapeer 'and Sanilac counties.
A copy of the order was sent to
the Detroit Edison Co. late today.
Smith said he did not expect the
company to fight enforcement of the
commission's rate edict which be-
comes effective as of Oct. 1 on all bills

rendered after Nov. 1.
The commission estimated the
blanket reduction on residential rates
would amount annually to $937,000,
on commercial rates $628,000, and on
street lighting rates $140,000. Miscel-
laneous reductions would total $6,000.
"A reduction of $1,500,000 more
could have been made but for the
fact that the federal administration
has increased the annual federal
taxes the Detroit Edison Co. will have
to pay during the next two or three
years by about $1,500,000," a formal
statement from the commission read
in part.
Missing Student Back
After Week At Home
PRobe~rt THarrvisorn-'df'4.missing ,l

igh Tribunal4
lvoids Ruling
On Loan Actsw
Declines To Pass On Cases a
. ii
About Constitutionality b
Of Three New Deal Laws t
Refuses To Rule a
On Security Act I
Test Suit Evades Actualt
Jurisdiction On Act's p
Constitutional Validity
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-(P)- W
Sustaining government requests, the P
Supreme Court refused today to passw
n disputes challenging the consti-h
utionality of three New Deal laws.
Legislation involved was the 1933w
Securities Act requiring registration a
f stcoks before public sale, and pro-H
isions of the National Industrial Re-
overy Act and the 1935 Emergencyd
elief measure authorizing govern- g
nent loans and grants for publicly- t
)wned electric plants.
The tribunal denied a request bym
Edward F. McLennen, Boston attor-
ney representing Vermont, for per-
nission to file a brief asking the jus-
ices to rule on constitutionality of
he ' deral Social Security Act when
hey decide the vaiiaity of the New
York Unemployment Insurance Law.
Action on the New Deal controver-
ies was based solely on whether there
were grounds for Supreme Court re- '
views at this time. The rulings did
not directly affect the merits of the
Government loans and grants for
power plants were challenged by the
Texas Utilities Co. and the Alabama R
Power Co. ,who lost in the federal _
district court for the District of Co- p
umbia. They asked the Supreme c
Court to take the unusual action of a
granting a review before the circuit t
court had rendered a decision. i
An immediate review was asked so;
the case might be argued during the p
week of Nov. 9 along with a similar
one appealed by the Duke Power Co. a
The Duke company is protesting a
$2,842,000 PWA loan and grant to 9
Greenwood County, S.C., for a pow-c
er plant at Buzzard Roost.
Constitutionality of the Securities
Act was questioned by J. Edwardo
Jones, New York securities dealer who
once before tried to obtain a ruling
against the legislation. The courtt
merely held then that the Securitiesw
Commission could not compel JonesP
to testify concerning a proposed issuef
of securities which had been with-f
drawn before the registration state-
ment became effective. It did not
decide on' constitutionality of the
In the new case, the government
contended the only thing involved
was a temporary injunction granted
by New York courts to restrain Jones
from violating the act. Jones in-
sted constitutionality of the legis-
lation was at stake.
Probe Started s
In Foundering
Of Lake Boat
CLEVELAND, Oct. 19.-UP)-Cana-
dian officials and representatives of 1
the National Sand and Materials
Ltd. began today a preliminary in-1
vestigation of the tragic founderingt
on Lake Erie of the Sandsckuer SandF

Merchant with the loss of 19 lives.
The Sand Merchant rolled over in
a gale west of Cleveland Saturday
night and sank. At dawn Sunday
only seven members of the crew, in-
cluding Capt. Graham MacLelland,
remained clinging to the two up-
turned lifeboats from which they
were rescued by other ships.
Eighteen members of the crew and
Mrs. Bernard Drinkwater, wife of
the first mate, were lost. First Mate
Drinkwater was among the dead.
The Canadian Deputy Minister of
Marine R. K. Smith said at Ottawa
today that he had asked Capt. Henry
W. King of Toronto, examiner of
masters and mates ,to make a pre-
liminary inquiry into the shipwreck.
Smith said the inquiry would be
held at a point convenient for the
summoning of the seven survivors as
Attorney Lee C. Hinslea, represent-
ing National Sand and Materials Ltd.,
conducted a preliminary investiga-
tion today nad said "we came to the
conclusion that she sank due to
heavy seas and shifting of the sand

Courageous Coed
Is Needed T~inight
For Amateur Hour
If there is a woman on campus
ho yearns for an opportunity to go
n the stage, a golden chance is pre-
enting itself today. No work, no
cting ability, no magnetic personal-
ty is required. In fact, all she must
e able to do is stand still and be at
he League desk at 10 a.m. today.
Walt Schaeffer, '37, is searching for
uch a girl to stooge in his amateur
ct on the University Band's Ama-
eur Hour tonight. The act? Well,
i's very simple. Walt has a whip
ith which he is very dexterous, and
is number consists of snapping
hings out of the hand of a woman
iartner with it.
Walt insists heis perfectly com-
etent to handle his part of the job
ithout dangerDtote stooge, and
rof. William D. Revelli, who has
atched him work, agrees. But some-
ow the job of a partner and target-
older, even for a guaranteed expert
whipper-snapper, doesn't seem to
ppeal to most women.
Walt's regular partner is in the
Health Service (not injured in line of
uty) and the job is still open to any
irl between five feet four and five1
eet nine with enough serenity of soul
o stand perfectly still for just a few
Landon Claims
He Will Revive
Foreign Trade
Economic Nationalism' Is
Threat To World Peace,
Nominee Declares
-()--Gov. Alf M. Landon led his
residential campaign down the Pa-
ific slope tonight, promising "to do
ll in our power" to revive foreign
rade and contending New Deal pol-
cies of "economic nationalism" are
'dangerous to America and to world
"We Republicans," he said in an
address at Albuquerque, N. M., "will
o conduct the reciprocal trade lie-
gotiations as to reopen foreign trade
channels in such a way as not to
penalize the American farmer or the
industrial producer and workman.
This can be done, and it will be done
once I am elected."
The Kansan coupled his attack on
he New Deal farm and tariff policies,
with a pledge that "once I am elected
President, the American idea of a
constitutional government of personal
freedom will be preserved, come what
October Issue
Of Engineers'
Publication Out
The October issue of the Michigan
Technic, published monthly by the
students of the engineering college,
goes on sale today, Goff Smith, '38E,
announced last night.
The current issue features an ar-
ticle called "Ford Fights the Fume
of Fifty Tons of Acid," which de-
scribes the "elabroate defense for
workers and equipment against de-
structive pickling and plating va-
pors" at the Ford River Rouge plant.
The cover plate contains a photo-
graph of a portion of the plant, while
the frontispiece is a photograph of
the 103 foot wire cleaning unit, which'

has a capacity of 10,000 pounds of
wire an hour.
A biographical tale of Gabrie
KIron, Michigan graduate, who
"chased tensors from Michigan to
Mandalay" was contributed to this
months issue by Harry R. Meahlthi
General Electric Company, Smith
Other articles include: "Where Do
Engineers Go From College?" a re
port on the United States Bureau o
Labor Statistics survey of the engin
eering profession; "Engineering Ec
onomics," a study of the economi
feasibility of certain engineering
projects; "Reason," by Col. Henry W
Miller, head of the Department o
Engineering Drawing; and an ar-
ticle of advice to seniors by Prof. A
D. Moore, who is in charge of place
ments for the electrical engineering
'Ensian Begins Sale
Of Picture ReceiptQ
Seniors will have an opportunity t
buy purchase receipts for their pic
ture v in tihe M'.i nh i cm vn Cin v, l-rr.-,

Azana, Aides
Flee Madrid;
Rebels Draw
Loyalists May Establish
Government In Catalonia
If CapitalIs Taken
Insurgents Advance
Along Two Routes
Mola Predicts City's Fall
In 'Few Days' As Motor
Column Presses On
BARCELONA, Spain, Oct. 19-()--
President Manuel Azana of Spain ar-
rived in Barcelona tonight from Ma-
Reports that Azana and other gov-
ernment leaders had made prepara-
tions to flee Madrid have been in-
creasingly recurrent of late as the
insurgent armies pressed closer to
the capital.
There was no official explanation
of Azana's arrival in the coastal city.
Azana was accompanied by three
cabinet ministers. They were Mari-
ano Ruiz Furns, minister of justice;
Jose Giral Pereira, minister without
portfolio; and Manuel Irujo, also
1 minister without portfolio.
Giral Pereira has been called the
"strong man" o Azana's regime.
The president's visit, it was an-
nounced, would be for an "indefinite
Authorities at Barcelona would not
confirm a report that Azana's ar-
rival was the first step in the trans-
fer of his government from Fascist-
encircled Madrid to Barcelona.
A small crowd of citizens iecog-
nized the president when he alighted
from a car in front of Companys Pal-
ace where he will stay.
"Long live Azana!" they cried.
MADRID, Oct. 19.-(A)-The sore-
ly-pressed government defenders of
Madrid tonight mobilized a "taxicab
army" similar to that employed by
the French in the first battle of the
Every available man or boy who
could aim a rifle was pressed into
service as the government utilized
every resource at its command in a
last effort to stem the Fascist ad-
Three thousand taxis were lined
up with drivers assigned to each in
the event it is necessary to augment
the lorries and double-decked busses
now being used for troop transport.
TALAVERA, Spain, Oct. 19.-()-
Fascist insurgents tonight hammered
along two highroads leading into Ma-
One motorized column rolled north-
east from Illescas, forcing the re-
treating government militia back on
Torrejon De La Calzada, only 16
miles from the capital.
Another fork of the Fascist ad-
cance marched speedily up the con-
verging road from Maqueda. To-
night the advance units of this col-
umn were in El Alamo, only four
miles from the immediate objective,
Coroner Plans

Drasin Inquest
At 5 P.M. Toda
An inquest into the death of George
Drasin, Grad., of Grand Rapids, who
was instantly killed in a laboratory
explosion Friday in the East En-
gineering building, will be held at
0 5 p.m. today in the Washtenaw Coun-
f ty Court House by Coroner Edwin C.
G Qanzhorn.
- The six members of the coroner's
jury which was sworn in at the scene
c of the accident will testify at the in-
9 quest. Others who have been sum-
m moned are the two witnesses, Arthur
Lennie, '38E, and John J. Kary, Grad.,
- both of Detroit, Lyle M. Reading,
Grad., and Prof. Alfred A. White,
- chairman of the chemical and me-
g tallurgical engineering department.
Funeral services for Drasin were
held at 10' a.m. Sunday in the Sul-
livan Funeral Home in Grand Rapids.
Engineering Society
o Pledges Fifteen Men

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