RAGEFOURTHE MICHIGAN DAILY ~~EDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1934 * we w ~W4S- - ~ *-C Distributors of Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use not orwisei tcredited in tis newspaper Allrights o republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Ee nredaatrn th Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mail, $4.50. Rpresentatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 NMadison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Board of Editors MANAGING' EDITOR...............ELSIE A. PIERCE SSOCIATF EDITOR..........FREDL WARNER NEAL George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Pub~eatiDepartmental Boards James BoozerArnol~dSanes Joeph Mattes, Tuure ReptoralDepartment: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackieton, William Spaller. Bio rt Dearment Mrshall D. Shulan, Chairan; F. Martinson, Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll, Maryd Sge Montague. WireoEditors:intn B.e mConger, Richard G. Hershey, Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Feds B ueer, associates, Raymond God M~arca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Andcrson, Elizabeth Binghamn, Helen Douglas, rgar ete y trmlo Barb ara .Lvell Katherine iusiness Department INEISS MANAGER................JOHN R. PARK s$USflEgSS MANG ER . ELA BANDT Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- WiishlerA Contracs Manger Ernest A Jones, Local Advertising M'anager; ~Norman Steinberg, Service Maaer ;erbert Falender, Publications and Class- NyIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER Foreign Po lic In The Nationa Camag. REPjRESENTATIVES of President RRoosevelt, Governor Landon and Norman Thomas excplained this week in New York to members of the Foreign Policy Associa- tion what the attitudes of their respective can- didates were toward international affairs. Be- < cause .it offers a good basis of comparisoit be- tween the three parties on one of the vital issues of the campaign, we present here seled'tions of the report of the addresses as carried by the New York Times. Speakez for President Roosevelt was Sumner Welles, Assistant Secretary of State. He agreed with the other two speakers that the American people were determined to keep out of war. He declared that economic warfare was one of the chief causes of armed conflict and that the progressive removal of trade barriers and the recent agreement with Great Britain and France for the stabilization of currencies had materially cleared the air. Otherwise, in disarm- amnent and arms traffic, he described the results as meager and added that neutrality legislation "can do little more than lessen the dangers." "In the light of present trends in other parts of the world, if our export trade is to be restored to the healthy condition which a prosperous United States demands, the vast territories offer a logical and a profitable field for the American ereidited the present administration with a great betterment of the relations of the United states and these other American republics. o oe sheartening statement, inso faru ais are concerned," he said, "has ever been made by a President of the United States than that made by President Roosevelt on 'Dec. 28, 1933, when he announced that 'the definite policy of the United States from now on is one op- posed to armed intervention.". "I can hardly omit here to emphasize that the realization on the part of our neighbors that this government is no longer determined to sur- round itself with an insuperable tariff wall, but is anxious to promote reciprocal inter-Amer- ican trade, to the mutual benefit of us all, has been enormously conducive to that improvement in inter-American feeling." Speak~er for Governor Landon was Charles P. Taft, who spoke in Ann Arbor last week. Mr. Taft declared that the "good neighbor" policy was a characteristic of Republicans and Demo- cratts alike. He defended the Republican tariff policy as one under which American foreign trade has seen its greatest increase, and under which established American industries have been protected in domestic markets from the compe- tition of cheap foreign labor. He said even the Roosevelt administration "has not dared to tinker directly with the Hawley-Smoot tariff." Of the reciprocal-trade agreemhents with twenty-one nations, Mr. Taft said: resurrected and tied into the process, and the whole can be supplemented by the flexible tariff process to meet emergencies. You won't get free trade that way, but I believe you will see protec- tion without privilege." Mr. Taft said he "suspects the New Dealers are isolationists, because planned economy and crop control mean economic nationalism." He found emphatic fault under the "good neighbor" policy common to all candidates. The administration purchase of silver, he said, ruined the national economy of China, with a silver currency, and did almost as much damage for the same reason in Mexico. In Cuba, moreover, despite non-in- tervention protestations, he declared, "tis ad- mnistration intervened in such a way as to eliminate Machado and to reject his successor Grau San Martin, who appeared to have the sup- port of most elements in Cuba-certainly Latin Americans did not consider this as neighborly." Of Landon he said: "He is a man of common sense, hard-headed, shrewd and practical. He is likely to take to foreign affairs as Norman Davis has done. The very fact that he comes from te Middle West is, in a way, insurance against war. A cautious Dutch Yankee transferred to the prairie is no splendid Napoleon, but our national interests will not suffer under Alf M. Landon." For the Socialists, Margaret I. Lamont, daugh- ter-in-law of Thomas W. Lamont of J. P. Morgan & Co., spoke, and attacked the administration for the same inconsistencies as did the Repub- lican speaker. In addition to referring to the Cuban imbroglio, she said international good- neighborhood was not promoted by letting the exclusion laws stand against Chinese and Jap- anese who wish to enter this country. "And in spite of the desire for peace expressed by the Roosevelt Administration, we have seen it adopt the largest peace time military budget in our history. The Socialists call for a declara- tion that our armed forces will not be used to protect our trade or investments abroad. "As a gesture toward international under- standing they proposed the cancellation of war debts and inderpnities, as well as the abolition of military training in the schools and colleges of the United States. "To avoid foreign trade wars and the possi- bility of armed war, Socialists would make for- eign trade a public monopol tbe crfly studied and controlled by a board of experts who would avoid financial and economic gestures of a provocative or retaliatory sort." Vandenberg's Freedom To the Editor: An exact copy of a letter which was despatched to Senator Vandenberg by this staunch citizen who believes in writing his congressman: Senator Vandenberg: What ho, with all these issues now at stake, I see that a new and most serious one has aripn upon the political horizon. "There is now a new issue in this campaign. The freedom of the speech, a sacred constitutional guaranty, is noW threatened by the party in power." Shall the American people, mind you, the American people, than whom there is non wvhomer, except Herr Hitler's Nordics, shall the American People have thrust upon them an abridgement of their freedom of speech? More aptly, dear Senator, the freedom of a Republican candidate, who is prostituting his public trust for party principles which aren't worth a damn,'not nearly as much as the people whom he might be betraying, to villify a political opponent. Assuredly, you can indignantly pro- test that you were not contemplating the use of any utterance which was not the truth. But the truth can easily be clouded in the clever camou- flage of purposeful deletion and maneuvering to serve either end of political chicanery. Perhaps a man might have said something four years ago which might seem after care- ful straining and clever debating, as is possible when one fires questions at a phonograph ma- chine whose content is precisely edited and whose answer can be shut off instantly, to be inconsistent with what he has done or is say- ing today. Perhaps you, Senator Vandenberg, might have supported a cause within the past four years which might make you seem incon- sistent with your current actions. I wonder if you heard Congressman Brown inform the people of that great state of Michigan anent your sudden change of heart concerning social se- curity. It must hurt a man to support a measure publicly, vote for it in the Senate and pose as a public benefactor, only to turn around in polit-. ical expediency to renounce that which he had formerly enunciated with vehemence. Undoubtedly -you did not know before your broadcast that the Columbia Broadcast System has a policy which forbids the use of phono- graphic material during a political fanfare over lthe ether. Well, a rat will fight when cornered, and a politician will stoop lower than the nadir when his cause is waning. The status of a political campaign can best be judged by the methods of the campaigners. Here's hoping the disastrous results of the im- pending election together with your conscience will not turn your hair a deeper shade of grey. P.S.: Well, you succeeded in your purpose, no doubt, judging from the editorials which are 'patriotically" being inspired in such publications as the Detroit "Free" Press. You are giving your starving cohorts something to shout about. How- ever your food is as odoriferous as the foul- smelling garbage cans wherein the bums of 1929- 33 found theirs. -Art Settle. Siving Ecyclopedias BENEATH * ** * e---By Bonh Wlim NOW that the band's amateur show has gone over with such a bang, I'd like to start a campaign to send Michigan's cheerleaders to the out of town football games, or at least Head_- Cheerleader Tom Sullivan. Particularly is this appropriate for the forthcoming Penn game in1 Philadelphia. Michigan alumni and friends throughout the entire east are planning on stag- ing a mammoth reunion in Philadelphia when the Wolverines journey there to play Paddy Har- mon's club. -' There will be a huge delegation of ardent Wol- verine rooters in the stand at Franklin Field that Saturday afternoon, and what they will want most of all will be somebody to lead them in a lot of Michigan yells. The rooters at Minneapolis had to be content to listen to the announcer hum "The Yellow and the Blue" through the P.A. system at Minne- apolis. Had there been a cheerleadei' there, the loyal Michigans in the stands would have been able to lend at least moral support to the team. Furthermore it makes the old grads happy to be able to yell. Also, and to wit, the cheerleaders are probably the least rewarded of all extra-curricular activ- ities men in school. All they get for their pains and lengthy practice drills is a white sweater and a pair of pants. The head cheer leader doesn't even belong to the manager's club and certainly he deserves breaks along with the alumni who want to yell. It would be great stuff for the old grads, for the school, and for the team and for the cheer- leaders if the Athletic association could find a way to send Sullivan or someone else to Phila.- delphia and Columbus. It would be appreciated by everybody, besides which it is good adver- tising for the University. * * * * Professor Stanton's history 126 course is likely to draw an even larger number of students, next semester if people keep repeating the stories he tells of the Chinese and their customs. The way to get rid of a Chinaman, according to the Professor, is to mention his family, and he'll neerbother you again. hnat's true for arlot it is an opportunity for study and research. few seek merely social prestige and security. A However, be that as it may, even though they are not great teachers they do serve a useful purpose. They suffice to fulfill a nmass desire for college educations, and in most instances greatly excell the material with which they have to work. If you, P.C.M., are of this material you have nothing of which to complain. But if you are a student and a scholar remember this: while these men may not inspire and lead you to great things, they are vast storehouses of information, always available to you. Repeat your lessons to them parrot-fashion if they demand it, but do something more. Use them for the living encyclopedias that they are, and don't complain of the lack of pictures. -T.U., '35. The Army And Fascism To the Editor: In your Sunday editorial you pointed out your "apparent inconsistency in editorial policy with regad to th i,,gre question of miliarization," and wondered why no one had protested. I do not doubt that many people noticed it, but like my- self, they believed, or rather, hoped, that your Oct. 16 editorial was written while you were still under the influence of Mr. Mowrer's eloquence. When I read this article, I chastened you under my breath and then forgave you, believing you were suffering only a temporary lapse of judg- ment.' To quote your statement, "If we can destroy the threat of fascism only by meeting force with force, if only thus can we preserve the funda- mentals of democracy, our faith in the demo- cratic ideal leads us to believe that powerful armies . . . represent the strongest force for peace in the world today." Yes indeed, but where in the dickens can you get intelligent, liberal-mind- ed soldiers; every general an anti-fascist; an R.O.T.C. unit which does not fight liberalism, but opposes reaction and imperialism? Where? The very thing we have to fear today from our pres- ent "inadequate" military force is that it will be used to fight organized -labor and help set up a military dictatorship. I need only use that already bromidic phrase "look at Spain" to show how national armies can be--and are very likely to be-used. Military men are "patriotic" in the strict Hearstian sense. Witness the perform- ances of the "patriotic" National Guard in their strike-breaking activities. You state that you once "cherished the hope that diplomatically or otherwise, we could some- how return Germany to the list of sane nations without war." Shades of Peace Council and Ox- ford Oath! Have you given up that hope? Are you going to shoulder a rifle to liberate the German people? "Mr. Mowrer believes, and many members of the faculty have long believed, titat nothing less than force, or a show of force, will be sufficient. If that be so, the time for the display of force is riow, before fascist countries have strength- ened." Is this our editor speaking, or, (substi- tuting the word communism for fascism) is it not Bern arr MacFadden? Apart from the view's incompatability with my peaceable temperament, I should like to point out that the immediate danger is fascism from Chinese Theatre By JAMES DOLL One of the first important plays to come to Detroit during the early part of the season is Lady Precious I Stream. It is an ancient Chinese dra_- ma translated into English by Dr. S. I I. Hsiung who has also directed the English and American productions. Dr. Hsiung has found Westerners I belligerently ignorant of Oriental drama. They know that it is "styl- ized" and that is about all. But he should not blame us too much because only a few small parts of the vast I literature of Chinese drama have managed to trinkle through to the. West. Three or four years ago when Mr. Thomas Wood Stevens was guest di- rector for the Michigan Repertory Players, he presented a production of the ancient Chinese play, The Chalk Crcle. Adiences cam rathe yrtluct- the first sesof the ly How ever, so willingsare audiences to use their imagination in the theatre if they are really required to do so, that they found the play interesting, ex- citing, and that parts of it could even be harrowing., Dr. Hsiung had great difficulty at first getting a hearing for Lady Precious Stream. He managed to get and finally arranged for a production. I To the surprise of everyone it was a success. It is still running, having had more than 800 performances so far. So the advertising of the com- pany coTming toaDetroit next wee year in New York, 2,000 years in Elmer Rice, the playwright who has just returned from the Orient, says in an article on the Chinese theatre in last Sunday's New York Times: "Everything, of course, in the Chinese theatre, is stylized and sym- bolical. Each type of character has a different traditional type of make-up. A stray look of hair means that the character is distrait, a red spot on his make-up means that he is destined to an unhappy end and so on. The conven tions. Therest are conventions of mounting and dismounting a horse, for riding, for entering and leaving a room, for eating and drinking, and, in fact, for every kind of action." Dr. Hsiung's production makes these con- ventions clear to an audience that does not understand them. Of the production of Lady Precious Stream, Brooks Atkinson said: "This make-believe story-telling Dr. Hsiung has related with simplicity and grace, and also with disarming recognition of the humors that lie in it."' Here is a list of current and fu- tur events in the theatre and related troit. Cass--All this week, matinees Wed. and Sat.: James Kirkwood in "Mu- latto" by Langston Hughes and Mar- tin Jones. Mendelssohn-Friday and Satur- day, Oct. 23 and 24: Joris Ivens, distinguished Dutch director, will show three of his pictures-Rain, "Borinage"h"e w Earth"-and com- Masonic Temple, Dertoit-Friday, Oct. 23: Blanche Yurka will lecture on The Art of the Theatre. Detroit Institute of Arts Auditor- ium-Saturday, Oct. 24: "The Dance." Speaker: John Martin, Dance critic of The New York Times. Dancers: Doris Humphrey and Charles Weid- man. ' s Cass-Sun., Oct. 25 to Sat., Oct. 31; matinees Wed. and Sat.: Morris Gest presents ''Lady Precious Stream." Lafayette-Opening Tuesday, Oct. 27 for three weeks: Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here." Detroit Federal Theatre Hill Auditorium-Thursday, Oct. 29: Cornelia Otis Skinner in a pro- gram of her "Modern Monologues." Oratorical Association Series. - dMendessohn-FridayanddeSatur- day, Oc. 30and 3:C os deVega, Ynes, and Mariluz; Spanish dancers. of the Amnerican Film," Part I inR th 'series, "A Short Survey of the Film in America." Art Cinema League. Cass-Monday Nov. 2 to Saturday, Nov. 7; Matinees Wednesday and Sat~- urday; Gladys Cooper and Philip Merivale in "Call It A Day," by Dodie Smith. Theatre Guild Production. Masonic Auditorium, Detroit- Monday, Nov. 2; Jooss European Bal- let. Masonic Auditorium, Detroit, Tues- day, Nov. 3 to Sat., Nov. 7; Matinee Saturday only: "The Great Waltz." Hill Auditorium, Nov. 29: Lecture by Alexander Woolcott. Oratorical Series. Not only is the important Van Gogh exhibition current in Detroit, troit InstituteoferArt s also spon- soring a series of lectures this week, mostly on practical arts. They are listed below. EXHIBITIONS Institute of Arts, Main Building: Oct. 6-26-Paitings'and draw- ings by Vincent van Gogh. Oct. 21-25--Machine age art. Oct. 21-25--Exhibition of fmtn.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 21 Notices Graduate Students: There will be a reception for graduate students to- night in the ballroom of the Michigan League building from 8 until 9 p.m. President and Mrs. Ruthven and members of the Graduate Board and thei wives will receive. Dancing from 9 until 11. The husbands and wives of graduate students are cordially in- vited to attend. Aeronautical Engineers: All those intending to join the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences please see Mr. Springer, B-304, East Engineering Friday, Oct 23,so that0 ther c m lt membership roll can be turned in. Trip to Ford Plant for Foreign Stu- dents: The second of the University Tours for Foreign Students is an- nounced for next Friday afternoon, Oct. 23, at 10 o'clock. The group will visit the Ford Plant at Dearborn, one of the largest industrial plants in the world. The expense is limited to $ that rallpwho wish to join this tour make reservations in Room 9, Uni- versity Hall before Thursday, Oct. 22, at 4:30 p.m. Concerts Twilight Organ Recital: E. William Doty, Assistant Professor of Organ, will play the following program this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Audi- torium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children, is invited without admission charge. Prelude in C minor . ..... . .. .Bach Praised be Thou, Q Jesus Christ .Bach Prelude and Fugue in D major .Bach Cantabile. .. ... . .. . .. .. ... .Franck Sonata in G. . ... . . .. ... .. .Bennett Ai,,tumnal.. .. . .. .. . ... . ... .James Fantasia and Fugue on B-A-C-H.. .. ......2.......Liszt Academic Notices Botany 1 Make-up Examination: All students who missed the exami.n- ation in Botany 1 last semester must take the regular departmental make- up examination to be given in Room 2003 N.S. on Tuesday, Oct. 27, from I 2-5 p.m. Physics 36: The make-up final ex- amination, for absentees of last June, will be held in the West Lecture Room of the Weste Physics building, Thurs- day afternoon, Oct. 22, beginning at Sociology 51: The make-up exam- ination in Sociology 51 will be given Thursday, October 22, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Room D, Haven Hall. Botanical Seminar meets today at 4:30, Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by Edna M. Lind "A problem in the ecology of fresh water algae. ~ Lecture University Lecture: Mr. H. H. Nn- inger, Curator of Meteorites in the Colorado Museum of Natural His- tory, Denver, will lecture on the sub- ject "Meteorites" at 4:15 p.m., Oct. 23, in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated with slides and specimens. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition Annual Ann Arbor Artists Exhibi- tion: Open to public Thursday, Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 28. Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5 daily. . Events Of Today SSphinx: There will be a luncheon meeting at 12:15 p.m. today in the Union. Earle Luby will speak on "The Major Issues of the 1q36 Cam- paign As I See Them." ResearchCu wil meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building tonight at 8 p.m. Election of' officers. Prof,. Heber D. Curtis will show motion pictures of solar prominences, and Prof. Charles C. Fries and Prof. Thomas A. Knott will read a joint Gallery Talks For Van Gogh Exhibition 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. 8r p.m.-Tuesdays, Thursdays and 5p.m.--Sundays. LECTURES AT THE DETROIT INSTITUTE Wednesday, Oct. 21, 8:30 p.m.- "The Soia Spirit Behind the Arts Benson, of the Museum of Modern Art. Thursday, Oct. 22, 2 p.m --"What Is Modern Art? "-by Daniel Catton Rich, of the Art Institute of Chi-. cago. 8:30 p.m.-"Early Movie"--from the Museum of Modern Art. Friday, Oct. 23, 11 a.m.-"Interior paper, "The Michigan-Oxford Dic- tionaries." The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. nteers: Dr. JaH. Rtush g wi be th speaker at thQ Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Engineering Bldg. His subject will be "Liquid-Liquid Ex- traction in a Packed Tower." Mechanical Engineers: The Stu- dents Branch of The American Soci- Sty of Mechanical Engineers will hold its second meeting of the year this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Dean Alfred L'ovell will speak on important features of the recent Washington World Power Conference. Athena: There will be a meeting tonight at 8:30 p.m. All members must be present. The Adelphi House of Representa- tives will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the0 Adephi Room on the fourh will be in the form of a "smoker" at which Professor' Bloomer of the Speech Department will talk. All freshmen and other Michigan men interested are cordially invited to at- tend. Stanley Chors:First meetin wil be held tonight at 7:15, in the gam e room on the second floor of the Wom- an's League. Everyone be sure to come, to meet our new director, Mr.' Pratt, carilloneur for the Bourdon bells. If you have not left your name and phone No. at 21865, come tonight and give it. Phi Sigma meeting today at 8 p.m. in Room 2116 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. A. 0. Lee will speak on "Frontiers of the History of Science and Medicine." men interested in joning tongh atl 7:30 in its meeting on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Speeches should be from 3 to 5 minutes in length on any subject. The A.S.C.E. will hold a rushing smoker at the Michigan Union to- night at 7:30 p.m. Professors Gram, Cissel and Maugh will speak. All civil and transportation engineers and geodesy and surveying students are cordially invited. Refreshments will be served. is T Pi dSigma: Rushing Smoker the Michigan Union. New York Students: A meeting of all students interested in the recently proposed New York State club will be held at the Michigan League Bldg., Wednesday evening, Oct. 21 at 7:30 p m. Room l tnbe announce on the women students are invited to attend. Rhodes Scholarships: Prof. John Dawson will give a lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in Room G, Haven Hall, on "Oxford in Recent Times." Candi- dates for Rhodes Scholarships and others interested are invited to at- tend. A.I.Ch.E. The first meeting of the year will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg. Mr. Allan Smith will speak on "The Production and Utilization of Heli- um." Anyone interested in Chemical Engineering is invited. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Scabbard and Blade: Regular meeting tonight, 7:30 p.m., R.O.T.C. headquarters. Uniform required. University Debating Team: There will be a prelimnary tryout today at 4p.m. in Room 403 A.H. Mimes: There will be a meeting for all Mimes members and all students interested in writing a book or music for a Union Opera, at the Union, this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. The room board atwthe Union. nteblei Kappa Phi: The first meeting of the year will be held today at 5:15 p.m. at Stalker Hall. It is import- ant that all members attend. Hillel Players will hold an open meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation. Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English department will speak on the topic "Shakespeare in the Modern Theatre." All students interested in .the vari- os fields of the organization are in- Members are urged to attend. Coming Events Freshmen Meeting: The freshmen meeting announced for Thursday, Oct. 22 , has been postponed to Thursday, Oct. 29. Watch D.O.B. for further notice. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.