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October 19, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-19

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TwiceWildcats Come From Behind To Down Buckeyes

,UNAY, T. 18 193


Geyer ScoresIMichigan
Winning Point
In Last Period
Northwestern Leads Big :he
Ten, Pushing Ohio State
Into Last Place s~R S
Is Second Ohio Loss A NG L E
iDefeat Eliminates Losers ..By GEORGE J. ANDBEQ..... -
From Any Consideration Daa sports Udtor)
In National Ranking THE Michigan football team was
-Sbeaten. Yes, it was beaten badly,
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 17.- (P)- but there is nothing so disgraceful
Northwestern came from behind about defeat. Often it is the losing
twice today to conquer Ohio State, team that deserves the real credit.
14 to 13, in a ,thrilling gridiron bat- Yesterday this was the case. It was
Ale, dealing -the Buckeyes' Big Ten nothing out of the ordinary for the
tc BMinnesota eleven-just another vic-
championship hopes a :terrific blow, tory, even though it was the 20th
A crowd of 40,000 saw the Wildcats straight,
:achieve their triumph. For Michigan, however, that
First Quarter . defeat was an ordeal. It was salt
Northwestern, receiving the kick- rubbed into a'n already sore
orthweten, reyiving the kik- wound. It may sound sentimental
off, made no headway with the line and silly hbut "the 'boys" did
plays and punted.adslybu "he os'id.
fight. They learned 1what it
Neither t e a m .'really means "to be-ground in the
could get an at- dust" or mud or whatever it was.
tack going. Hin- The least that the students, you
ton intercepted and I, can do is to meet them at
Wasylik's pass to the station this afternoon in recog-
stop an Ohio of- : nition of their efforts. All this was
fensive on North- ~.brought on by the telegram which we
western's 45. Af- received from Manager Bill Bates
ter an exchange last night. Read it and you will cer-
of punts gave tainly understand:
Northwestern the "Team gave everything they
ball on its 24, had. Were champions even in
H e a p fumbled defeat. Get band and headline
and Smith re- article to save spirits. Show Kip
covered for Ohio JAMES McDONALD and the boys we're all behind
on the 18. them. Arrive 2 p.m."
Wasylik faded back and rifled a Bill Bates.
pass ito Kabealo, who took two strides
for a touchdown. Wendt's attempt to F YOU THINK the Wolves are out
convert was wide. The period ended for Harry Kipke's scalp this sea-
as Hinton returned Wendt's kickoff son, just try and picture the situation
back 26 yards to Northwestern's 28. clown in Columbus where Francis
Score: Ohio 6, Northwestern 0. Schmidt holds the reigns of Ohio
Second Quarter State's Buckeyes. Things haven't
With the ball on the Ohio 10, Booth started popping yet-the Northwest--
fumbled and Kovatch snatched it for ern game was completed only three
'Northwestern on Ohio's five. Geyer hours ago-but if we can take the
iwent over his right guard for a case of Sam Willamen, Ohio coach
touchdown on the first play and then who was ousted at the end of the
placdkicked the extra point. 1933 season, as a basis of typical Ohio
Score: Ohio 6, Northwestern 7. thought, it won't be long now!
They exchanged punts, giving In 1933 Ohio State lost one game.
Northwestern the ball on its 24. The That was to Michigan and as a result
pass attack faltered and Geyer tried of that single defeat Coach Willa-
a place kick from Ohio's 38. It was men found himself on the outside
blocked but Heap recovered just as looking in when another Buckeye grid
the half ended. season came around. Football is a
business in Columbus and they gov-
Score: Ohio 6; Northwestern7 ern it accordingly. Here in Ann Ar-
Third Quarter s bor fans took four consecutive Big
Ohio State reached Northwestern's Ten championships from 1 9 3 0
30, largely as a result of a pass from through 1933 mildly; and three fol-
Dye to Bettridge lowing years of disaster have not
for 16, bu.t Voigts caused as much commotion as they
intercepted Dey's would elsewhere.
next heave, giving Francis Schmidt was Willa-
' h e W i d c tth 2 e n sa
the Wldcat the mans successor and for two years
ball on their 23. he was the king pin in Ohio. His
Wolf intercepted charges started putting their
Heap's pass and pants on the same way they do
. flipped a lateral to in Michigan and his first two
Bettridge, who was teams had highly successful sea-
downed on North- sons. Then came 1936 and with
S. f western's 38. it hopes for a national champion-
After failing ship for Ohio State. Pittsburgh
e r \sN.;".with one pass, Dye rumined those hopes a week ago.
'.Ms, Yesterday Northwester'n followed
WILLIAM DYE ,dropped back and .
shot the ball over iPitts steps and handed the
the heads of the Northwestern sec- quckly fading Scarlet Scourge
ondary to Cumisky deep in the end another loss.
zone for a touchdown. Wendy con- Ohio doesn't like to lose; it isn't
verted. profitable.. Willaman found that out
Score: Ohio State 13, Northwest- soon enough and Schmidt will prob-
ern 7 ably learn the same.. Maybe his boys
Another -Ohio offensive ended with have gone back to putting the left
Vanzo recovering on the Wildcat 39 leg into the pants first.
when an Ohio lateral play misfired.
The Wildcats pushed to the 23 just as ANN ARBOR football fans who had
the period ended. to keep track of the progress of

Score: Ohio 13, Northwestern 7 the Wolverine-Gopher tilt through
Fourth Quarter the means of a radio yesterday were
Ohio took the ball on downs on somewhat disappointed in the way
its 15 and punted to Northwestern's Ty Tyson handled the affair. Just
45. Northwestern uncorcked a daz- down the dial was Ted Husing giving
zling lateral, Geyer to Heap to Ko- a great description of the Northwest-
vatch, that carried to Ohio's 13. Jef- ern-Ohio State warfare and the dif-
vferson shot a pass to Heap, who ference between the two narrators
fsoghte bal pass t eap, wrtho was not merely apparent-it was stu-
cght the a suhdn heyfel over te pendous. Maybe Ty should stick to
goal for a touchdown. Geyer convert- the somewhat slower game of base-
ed. ball.
Score: Ohio 13, Northwestern 14. ___.
After receiving the kickoff, Ohio THIS WRITER yesterday morning
State opened up with a brilliant pass- used this column for a sudden
ing attack, with Dye doing the throw- burst of alleged experting on the
ing and Williams and McDonald on day's grid card. If you remember,
receiving end, that carried from included were predictions that Penn
Ohio's 22 to Northwestern's 22. Heap would knock off Princeton and that
ended the Buckeye scoring threat by Northwestern would take the meas-
intercepting a pass from Dye. Toth, ure of Ohio State. Our average for
kicking from behind his goal line, the day was .826 with 19 winners,
booted to Ohio's 29. four losers and two ties. Not too bad
The Buckeye passed frantically but anyway. -F.H.D.
to no avail and were forced to punt.
The game ended just after Adelman
cut through the whole Ohio team and WAYNE DEFEATS YPSI
Meeled off a 51-yard run to Ohio's 24. YPSILANTI, Oct. 17.-(k)-Michi-
Final scare: Ohio 13; Northwestern gan Normal lost its game, -8 to 0, to
14. Wayne University today.
You Can Do BETTER at

State Defeats Missouri, 13-0, Tp Keep Slate Clean

Hit By Powerhouse
? ':i .C{~r,, .$: ;". : . y .:. .v. .. a my

Sophomore John Brennan was
face to face with the full fury of
the Minnesota attack yesterday,
substituting for Jesse Garber at
left guard. Thge Gopher running
attack was largely centered upon
the middle of the Wolverine line
and Michigan guards took a heavy'
battering as a result.'
-Indiana Holds
Cor nhuskers
To 13-9 Score'
A Powerful Hoosier Team
Falls Before Concerted1
Nebraska Drive
LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 17.-(IP)-An
inspired Nebraska football team, nine
points behind at the half, wrested
a 13 to 9 triumph from the Indiana
Hoosiers before a Dad's Day crowd
of 31,000 fans in Memorial Stadium
today. .
The Hoosiers played the Cornhus-
kers to a standstill in the first two
periods, but Nebraska came back
after the intermission and marched
to two touchdowns.
The Indiana team drew first blood.
With Vernon Huffman and fullback
G. L. Fowler alternating, the Indiana
team made five consecutive first
downs only to be halted on the Corn-
husker eight yard line. From there.
Center George Miller placekicked a
perfect three-pointer.
The Cornhuskers had only a slight
edge in first downs, 15 to 14, but at
the half the Hoosiers had 11 to the
Huskers' two. So powerful was the
Indiana team in the first half that
it did not punt a single time and
Captain Chris Dal Sasso and Ted
Livingston, Hoosier tackles, had Card-
well thoroughly bottled up. The Hus-
kers completed only two passes but
both were good for touchdowns.
After the game Bible told Bo Mc-
Millin, Hoosier mentor, "it was half
and half. Indiana won the first half
and we took the second one."
Sub Back Scores On
Long Run To Beat Pitt
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 17.-(,P)-A
little band of black jerseyed war-
riars from Duquesne University up-
set the mighty Pittsburgh Panthers, 7
to 0, today with one sudden scoring
thrust by a substitute halfback, who
streaked 72 yards for a touchdown
in the second period.

And Sebo Star
In Spartan Win
Visitors' Chances Spoiled
By Numerous Fumbles In
Critical Moments
EAST LANSING, Oct. 17.-(A)-
Michigan State's football opportun-
ists maintained their undefeated rec-
ord with a 13-0 victory over a sturdy
but loose-fingered University of Mis-
souri eleven before a homecoming
crowd of 15,000 spectators. It was
Missouri's first defeat of the sea-
The Missouri Tigers, playing their
first game in biting cold weather,
fumbled nine times, twice within
their own 20-yard line to lead to
the Spartan touchdowns.
Mondala, 200-pound Missouri full-
back, fumbled on his 15-yard line in
the second period and Tom Gortat
of Muskegon, State guard, recovered.
Art Brandstatter cracked the tackle
for six yards, and on a second drive
at the same spot, fumbled, but the
ball rolled out of bounds. Al Agett
and Brandstatter made first down
on the 5, and then Agett failed to
gain on a backward pass, Steve Sebo,
hero of State's victory over Carnegie
Tech, tossed a short forward pass
that Milt Lehnhardt of Detroit caught
on his fingertips at the goal line for
a touchdown.
Other Spartan attempts to take ad-
vantage of Missouri's bobbles failed
before an unyielding Tiger line until
the final quarter, when Murray, Mis-
souri safety, fumbled John Pingel's
punt and Howard Zindel, Grand Rap-
ids tackle, recovered for State on the
Agett passed to Lehnhardt for
three yards, and to Sebo for eight
more, then Brandstatter, behind per-
fect blocking of his mates, shot
through the Missouri defense for the
second touchdown. Sebo kicked a
placement for the thirteenth pbint.
Michigan State, its attack not so
fast as it was against Michigan two
weeks ago, was outgained by the Mis-
sourians, 166 yards to 144, and made
but five first downs to the Tigers'
seven. The Spartans played an
alert game, however, recovering five
Titan Fumble Gives
Plainsmen Victory
DETROIT, Oct. 17.-(-P)-Auburn's
Plainsmen seized a last-period break
to defeat the University of Detroit Ti-
tans 6 to 0 in an intersectional battle
here this afternoon. Ten thousand
fans braved wintry winds and over-
cast skies to watch the game.
The break came with eight min-
utes to play when Andy Farkas, De-
troit halfback, was smeared in an at-
tempt to pass and Russell, tackle for
the Southerners, recovered his
fumble on the Detroit 36-yard line.
On the next play, Billy Hitchcock,
Auburn halfback, surprised the Ti-
tans with a pass to Fenton, who was
run out of bounds on the Detroit 14.
Auburn had tried only three passes
Again resorting to old-fashioned
line-bucking, Auburn failed to gain
in three attempts. On the fourth
down, Hitchcock passed into the end
zone, where Smith, substituting for
Scaraborough, hauled down the ball
unmolested. Fenton attempted to
place-kick the extra point but the
effort was blocked.
LEXINGTON, Va., Oct. 17.-()-
University of Kentucky outplayed a
hard-fighting Washington and Lee
football team to defeat the Generals

39 to 7.



Illini And Iowa Battle To Tie;
Purdue SwampsChicago, 35-7

IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 17.-( P)-
Illinois' Fighting Illini, heavily out-
weighed but far from outgamed, bat-
tled Iowa's sturdy Hawkeyes to aj
scoreless tie today in a homecoming
football game before 39,000 persons.j
Coach Bob Zuppke's crafty boys
could not produce the final scoring
punch, but several times they surged
deep into Hawkeye territory.
The best Illinois threat came short-
ly after the start of the third quarter
when the Illini recovered the ball on
the Iowa 32 yard line. Bob Lannon,
Hawkeye end, juggled the kickoff
and an alert Illini pounced on it.
Iowa's only real scoring threat
came in the second quarter, although
Oze Simmons, the Hawkeye Negro
ace, raced across the Illinois goal for
what Iowa fans thought was a touch-
down in the third period.
Illinois gained 209 yards by passing
and running compared to Iowa's
127. In the air Illinois collected 96
yards, completing nine passes. Iowa
made good two of five for 17 yards.
Zuppke's team made 10 first downs
to 6 for the Hawkeyes.
CHICAGO, Oct. 17.- (AP)-In a
game that erminated 44 years of
gridiron rivalry, Purdue walloped
Chicago, 35 to 7, before 15,000 chilled
spectators at Stagg Field today to re-
main undefeated in the Western Con-
ference championship race.
It was the ninth consecutive vic-
Strong Cadet Team
Swamps Harvard
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 17.-(.P)
-Grounded by a driving, blinding
rain, the Army's air-minded Cadets
sliced and ploughed through the Sta-
dium mud for a one-sided 32-0 vic-
;ory over Harvard today before 25,-
000 fans.
"Monk" Meyer, who remained out
of the action until the second period,
started the Army's mighty surge by
slicing over from the two-yard line.
Shortly afterwards Meyer regis-
tered his second touchdown, again
from the two-yard line.
Bob Kasper also provided the Army
with a pair of touchdowns, both from
.nside the five yard line, but Meyer,
put him into those choice spots with
runs of 18 and 46 yards.

tory for the Boilermakers over the
Maroons, and their . fourth straight
of the season.
The Purdue powerhouse, led by Ce-
cil Isbell, of Houston, Texas, and
John Drake, a pair of sparkling backs,
started a slashing offensive that re-
sulted in the Boilermakers scoring
almost as they pleased in the middle
two periods. The Boilermakers reg-
istered five touchdowns, with Isbell
scoring one and throwing passes, for-
ward and lateral, that resulted in
three others.
The Maroons, offering a stubborn
defense in spots, but outclassed and
otuplayed most of the time, averted
being whitewashed when Hamity,
backfield reserve, tossed a 28 yard
pass to Goodstein at the start of the
fourth period for a touchdown.
Goodstein caught the ball on the
Purdue 2 yard line and stepped over,
for the marker, place kicking for the
extra point.

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