")." I
- ==,
1936 Member 1937
Associated Colle6die Press
Distributors of"
Cole6iate Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
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Ch1icago, Ill.
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, . Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard
F. Martinson, Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll,
. Mary Sage Montague.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Elza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovel, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. -
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wiisher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
A Question
Of National Policy .. .
T WAS WITH some surprise that
we noted no letters in the morn-
ing mail protesting against an apparent incon-
sistency in editorial policy with regard to the
question of militarization.
On October 11, we condemned Mr. Alex Dow
for saying that a large and powerful army and
navy and a thorough organization for supplying
munitions is the soundest way to keep this coun-
try out of war.
On October 15, in an editorial encouraging
support of the local peace council, we. asked
what constituted adequate national defense,
implicitly condemning militarization in this
country, and appealed for a public opinion which
could withstand the propaganda for war which
"whipped even college professors in 1918 to the
defense of democracy."
Then, on October 16, after the lecture of Mr.
Edgar Ansel Mowrer, we concluded an editorial
entitled "Democracy and Militarism" with these
"If we can destroy the threat of fascism only
by meeting force with force, if only thus we
can preserve the fundamentals of democracy, our
faith in the democratic ideal leads us to believe
that powerful armies, enjoying the confidence
of peace-loving peoples, represent the strongest
force for peace in the world today. War is
horror and destruction. Militarism is often
merely the prelude to war. But, if war can be
avoided only by a show of military strength
in the face of fascist aggression as Mr. Mowrer
believes, then let the strong battalions be on the
side of the democratic ideal."
Is there not an inconsistency here? Do we not
on the one hand condemn militarism and on
the other praise it?
It is true that we suffered something of a
change after hearing Mr. Mowrer. It had been
clear to us that fascist countries were forcing
us to become militaristic ourselves or perish, since
it is in the inherent nature of fascism to faster
an aggressive imperialism, but we still cherished
the hope that diplomatically or otherwise, we
could somehow return Germany and Italy to
the list of sane nations without war. Mr. Mow-
rer believes, and many members of the Univer-
sity faculty have long believed, that nothing less
than force, or at least a show of force, will be
sufficient. If that be so, the time for the display
of that force is now, before fascist countries
have strengthened themselves. European demo-
cratic nations, England, France and Russia
(which is in this struggle on the side of democ-
racy) must stop the weak conciliatory attitudes
which kept the League impotent. This means
that these countries must stop fascism wherever
its manifestations extend or threaten to ex-
tend beyond its own boundaries. This means
that these countries must come to the aid of the
Spanish government, not because the fascists
within Spain may win, but because of the con-
sequences should they win with the aid of
ance of the armies of the other democratic
nations against a fascist imperialism? Frankly,
we cannot answer the question. To declare that
the struggle between inherently militaristic coun-
tries expanding at the expense of non-militaristic
countries is localized to the continent of Europe,
nd that we ought to maintain a splendid iso-
lation is to ignore the fact that Japan is no less
fascistic, that our own internal well-being de-
pends upon the international equanimity which
fascism would destroy. Yet, the thought of
sending troops to Spain or to Europe again is
repugnant to us. There can be no collective
security without the United States, and yet, the
price of collective security is the abandonment
of our real or artificial isolation.
The situation differs from that prior to the
World War. At that time, the struggle was be-
tween two groups whose field of economic ex-
pansion conflicted. Now it is between one group
trying to expand and another bound on the
preservation of the status quo. Then it was
highly nationalistic; now the nationalism is con-
fined to two countries.
If the situation now were highly nationalistic,
we would be justified perhaps in following Mr.
Dow's advice. The purpose of maintaining an
army, from his point of view, was, if we inter-
pret rightly, to preserve our isolationism, to de-
fend our national integrity, and fight if need
be to protect our financial interests. But we
insist that it is not: there are people who would
destroy the peace and ourselves, and we may
be in the apparently paradoxical position of
having to be ready to fight now to prevent a
more unequal struggle later. We identify our-
selves with those who want to preserve the peace,
and to the extent that we do not depart into
nationalism, arnied force is not inconsistent with
the preservation of peace and democracy.
GLADYS SWARTHOUT will be the featured
soloist on the Sunday Evening Hour at 9
p.m. over CBS. Fritz Reiner will conduct the
orchestra. An hour later the General Motors
Concert orchestra with Erno Rapee will broad-
cast over NBC-WEAF, Lotte Lehman, Metropol-
itan soprano, appearing as guest soloist.
* * * *
At 9 p.m. tomorrow the play that has been
given by the senior classes of probably three-
fifths of the nation's high schools will go on
the air when Frank Morgan and Maureen O'Sul-
livan of Hollywood fame present on the stage
of Columbia's Radio Theatre ""Captain Apple-
jack." . Now to hear if Frank Morgan can do
the job that Leo Simpson of the Dulcie, Indiana
High School did in 1933.
* * * *
Followers of Glen Gray and the Casa Loma
orchestra should be glad that they now have an
opportunity to hear this crew that opened the
new Casino of the Congress Hotel in Chicago
last Friday night. The Casa Loma boys can
be tuned in on WENR every night of the week
at 11:30 except Sunday. The NBC-WEAF net-
work, including Detroit's WWJ, will also carry
these broadcasts on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. The personnel of the band is the same
as it has been for the last year and a half,
with one exception. Bobby Jones, former first
trumpet with the organization has left to enter
business in his home town, and has been replaced
by Frankie Zullo, formerly with George Olsen.
* * * *
THE PACKARD SHOW, with Fred Astaire and
that peer of dead pan comics, Charles But-
terworth, seems to be going along at top speed.
This week in addition to the old standbys on
the program, the Volga Balalaika orchestra,
under the direction of Adia Kousnetzoff, will be
* * * *
We chanced to hear the music of Sammy Kaye
the other night and were again impressed by
the fact that certain bands can get so far
with practically nothing, at least nothing of
their own. Basically, Sammy Kaye built his
band on the Lombardo-Garber theory of weep-,;
ing-willow saxes and muted trumpet. Next he
perceived that Kay Kyser's novel idea of singing
the titles of the tunes during the introduction
went over pretty well with the public and adopted
it. And last Friday night, while giving a puerile
rendition of "Stardust," we were stunned to hear
"Ork Pilot'' Kaye's boys shove in a few measures
cif Benny Goodman's arrangement of that tune.
Zounds. * , , ,
If you happen to be a real night owl, or if
you chance to be studying very late, tune in on
WBBM betwegh the hours of 1 and 2:30 a.m.
almost any night of the week and listen to the
new jam band of Roy Eldredge, for a long period
the hot trumpet with Fletcher Henderson's or-
chestra. Eldredge's group, featured at the Three
Deuces, includes "Zutty" Singleton, ace drummer
and Gladys Palmer, pianist.
Program Notes
(Monday, Oct. 19, 8:30 p.m.)
Four Songs (in German)......Strauss
Three Songs (in Norwegian) ....Grieg
Two Songsn(in Norwegian and
German) .............Jordan
Two Songs (in German)... ....Marx
Three English songs by Michael Head,
Ernest Charles and Frank Bridge.
"Elsa's Dream" from Lohengrin, and
"Thou art the Spring" from Die
(Continued from Page 3)1
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will bedisregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Flower In A Crannied Wall
To the Editor:
On October 13, we, the Rooseveltians of this
University, stated that it was our opinion that
the "re-election of President Roosevelt was the
earnest desire of all thoughtful and rational
people." We further declared ourselves "nescient
of reasons why any sentiment exists in support
of Governor Landon." We felt certain that our
conclusions were correct, but like any open-
minded body, we were anxious to hear the othe
side. To accomplish this purpose, we challenged
the supporters of Governor Landon to a debate
in which it would be possible for them to declare
their reasons. We naturally assumed that this
challenge would be promptly accepted and we
made arrangements for the debate with the
Michigan Union. Yet a debate requires three
intelligent believers in a cause. Apparently, wed
were too optimistic for Governor Landon; no one
answered our challenge. Can it be that from
over- 10,000 intelligent students there are not
3 believers in Republicanism? Can it be that
the efforts of William R. Hearst have reaped
such infinitesimal gains among the youner gen-
eration? Can it be that those little yellow spots
occasionally seen on men's coats are withered,
out-of-date, yellow pansies rather than sunflow-
ers? Or is it that there are no real intelligent rea-
sons why Governor Landon should be elected
and that to ask someone to give any is just a
darn dirty trick and the University Young Re-
publicans club refuses to bite? The future will
tell. The challenge is still open.
'Rabble Rouser' Challenged
To the Editor:
I read the Forum everyday, but I have never
until today written anything to its editor. In
this morning's column some "rabble rouser"
popped off about the Supreme Court and also
panned the Republican candidate for President.
He says, "No one can tell how the court will act
before it does act. It is made of human beings."
I must remind him that we are living in a world
of human beings, almost everything about us
smacks of human beings and their nature. Even
the Presidents of the United States are human
I should like to challenge Mr. William A.
Centner, the author of the letter in question, to
state and explain the eight laws which Governor
Landon proclaimed null and void: You will
find them petty old 'blue' laws and not of the
importance that the federal major issues were.
Then, too I don't think Mr. Centner should be so
hasty about saying how those Kansas laws were
discarded. Kansas governors do not have dic-
tatorial powers. A native Kansan,
-John I. Carr.
The Grand. Mistake
To the Editor:
I came to the University of Michigan loving
the study of history. Our history teachers
have succeeded in making me hate it.
Like many others, I ran fitfully around the
registration room at Barbour Gymnasium try-
ing to secure one of Mr. Slosson's history sec-
tions. Fifty people can't be wrong! They all
recommended him; and advised me not to take
history unless I could. I hated to believe that
Mr. Slosson was the "only" history teacher.
I made the grand mistake of taking history
under some other teacher, and I'm not the only
one saying that.
History is as interesting as it is important. I'm
not asking to be coddled into learning; but when
history sounds like a chemistry problem. I'm
Six feet, two inches, 195 pounds,
49.5 seconds-description of Upson
440 yards in
Scholar, po-
tential poison for
three years.
Rutgers' rivals during the next
COMPARED with a typical program
of the average prima donna, ther
above program (announced elsewherec
in to to) proves interesting in severalL
respects. Perhaps the thing mostn
noticeable is that, instead of repre-C
senting composers of a wide varietya
of periods and nationalities, this pro-B
gram is comparatively homogeneous,b
in form as well as spirit. Strictly.
speaking, of course, Wagner ande
Marx are separated in time by morev
than a generation, and three different
nationalities are represented by the
composers named. But these points
lose strength when it is consideredj
that the average singer ordinarily be-c
gins a program with a group of, per-v
haps, early classical songs, works ona
down through the various periods andr
national schools, and concludes witht
a contemporary American song.-
Thrown in somewhere, probably near
the beginning or the middle, is usual-
ly an operatic aria or two. Conspi-y
cuiously absent from Mme. Flagstad'sI
program are both Italianesque ariast
and English or American folksongs.
Now, lest we be misunderstood, let1
us hasten to reassure that we haver
nothing against classical songs, Ital-
ian arias, or folksongs of any kind.
They each hold a place worthy of at-
tention in musical literature, al-
though the exact magnitude of that
place is more or less a matter of per-
sonal taste. What we do wish to sug-
gest is that Mme. Flagstad has de-
finite inclinations toward a certain
type of music-a type to which her
voice and temperament are particu-
larly well suited, and also to which
she has been inclined by her natural,
musical environment. In the Scan-<
dinavian countries where she received
her training and early experience, the
operatic menu is more concentrated
and less varied than it is in central
Europe and America; too, more at-
tention is paid there to German mu-
sic than to Italian, French, or other
national types. Therefore it is to be
expected that Kirsten Flagstad would
be a dramatic soprano of the Wag-
nerian style rather than a coloratura
emphasizing sheer vocal ability.
More positively commendable than
enature of the program itself is the
order in which the numbers are ar-
ranged. A more conventional ar-
rangement, one calculated to appeal
more to the reputed tastes of the au-
dience, would have consisted in plac-
ing the Wagnerian excerpts at the
beginning or at the middle of the
program, thus concluding with the
thre English songs. Such a procedure
is usually followed by Tibbet, Pon-
selle, and other popular singers. But
evidently Flagstad prefers to appeal
to the musical rather than to the
theatrical sense of her audience.
Hence we have the Wagnerian ex-
cerpts accorded their proper place as
the climax of the program, instead of
being rushed through with as some-
thing in the nature of a concession
to the "highbrow" members of the
* * * .
Program notes concerning the
songs themselves are difficult to
evolve and seem hardly necessary.
Where a symphony is concerned, the
annotator may discuss its form, or-
chestration, a possible program, its
relationship to the composer's life
and to his other works, and a member
of other phases of its construction.
The same is true of a piano sonata, a
string quartet, or almost any of the
instrumental or larger vocal forms.
But an individual song is so minute,
and the enjoyment of it a thing so
fragile, so elusive, so intimately per-
sonal, that to dig at it as one would
at other types of works yields noth-
ing but brass; to get at the gold in
it, one must sing a song or hear it
Itgmight not be out of place, how-
ever, to recall a few facts concerning
the Wagnerian excerpts to be sung,
the first of which is "Elsa's Dream,"
from Lohengrin. This aria, so-called,
which Mme. Flagstad sang most beau-
tifully with the Ford Symphony last
Sunday evening, occurs in Act I,
Scene II, of the opera. Elsa, her
father but lately buried and her
brother havingdisappeared, is ac-
cused of the murder of the latter by
Frederick Telramund, the crafty us-
urper to the Dukedom of Elsa's late
father. King Henry the Fowler, act-
ing as judge, decrees that Elsa's trial
shall take the form of a cotnat be-
tween the accuser and any champion
whom Elsa may choose to defend her.
When questioned as to the identity
of the latter, Elsa recounts a dream
she has had, in which God an-
swered her prayers for aid by send-
ing to her a glorious knight in shin-
ing armor, who would defend her
against the unjust charges of Telra-
a.m. Prof. George Carrothers, leader. e
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Pres. A. G. Ruthven will speak on t
"Education for Citizenship." Fellow- g
ship Hour and supper following the, C
meeting. s
First Methodist Church: Morning t
Worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "The Bells L
of Ann Arbor." t
"The Awakening in India" and the a
religious issues involved will be dis- t
cussed by Mr. T. P. Sinha of the
University of Chicago at the first
meeting of the Eastern Religions
Group. The Group will meet at 9:00n
a.m. in the Russian Tea Room of thes
Michigan League for a cafeterias
breakfast. (If you wish come after
the breakfast at 9:30 a.m.) Both Ori-
ental and American students are in-c
First Presbyterian Church:
"The Coming Religion" is the sub -
ject upon which Dr. William P. Lem-
on will preach at the morning
worship service today at 10:45 1
a.m. The vested student choir aug-
mented by a double quartette, under
the direction of Mr. Martin Thomp-
son, will sing.
Dr. Benjamin J. Bush, Minister of
the Westminster Church of Detroit,1
will speak at the meeting of the,
Westminster Guild at 5:30 p.m. His
topic will be "Education in Account
with Religion." A supper and social
hour will precede the meeting. At,
7:30 the Guild will leave for the
Island, where they will sing songs
and roast marshmallows around a
First Baptist Church, 10:45:
Morning worship and service. Dr.
E. W. Blakeman in charge. Subject:
"Religious Education in Progress."
12 noon. Student class omitted,
absence of Dr. Chapman.
6 p.m. Student meeting at Guild
House. Prof. T. P. Sinha, of Uni-
versity of Chicago will speak on
"Social Problems of the East."
Harris Hall:
There will be the regular student
meeting in Harris Hall at 7 p.m.
Dean Joseph A. Bursley will be the
speaker. All students and their
friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Serivces of worship today:
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m. Church school.
11 a.m., Kindergarten.
11a.m.,hMorning prayer and Ser-
mon by The Rev. Henry Lewis.
Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
7 p.m., because the church base-
ment is being used by guests the Stu-
dents' Guild will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., to discuss
the subject "Campus Life and Re-
ligion." A social hour will follow
the program.
Unitarian Church:
11 a.m.-"Vincent van Gogh -
Gourmand for Life," by Rev. H. P.
7:30 p.m. - "The Spanish Rebel-
lion," talk by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton
before the Liberal Students' Union.
40% Subscribed
Toward Quota
Of Local Fund
The Ann Arbor Community Fund
has already succeeded in pledging
more than 40 per cent of its total
goal for 1936, it was announced yes-
terday by Everett K. Hames, execu-
tive secretary of the Fund.
The amount subscribed up to Sat-
urday morning totaled $22,873.68
from all departments which have re-
ported. The goal for the campaign is
$56,500. The amount subscribed
exceeds the figures of the first re-
port meeting of 1935 by 20 per cent,
according to Hames.
Leading the drive was the special
gifts division, headed by Dr. Harley
Haynes, director of University Hos-
pital, with $20,240 subscribed. The
national corporations division, under
the leadership of George Kyer, has
already surpassed its quota of $1,509,
having subscribed $1,735.
C. W. Lighthall, chairman of the
industrial division, announced com-
pletion of a plan for employe work-
contributions at the Hoover Ball
Bearing Company, by which each
workman contributes three hours of
work for the Fund. Almost every
employe participated,
ing having been drugged for the
night, Siegmund and Sieglinde
discourse together with ever-increas-
inL7 wondAr and mniin 5ipn ly
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
iam at S. Fifth Ave., Henry O. Yod-
r, pastor.
Dr. Carolus P. Harry of Washing-
on, D. C., Secretary of the Board, of
Education of the United Lutheran
Church in America will deliver the
ermon in Trinity Lutheran Church
oday at 10:30 a.m.
his Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Dr. Harry will also speak at the
Lutheran Student Club in Zion Lu-
heran Parish Hall at 6:30. A social
and supper hour will precede his
address. Allstudents are welcome
o both services.
First Congregational Church:
10:45 a.m., Service of worship, ser-
mon by Mr. Heaps, the fourth in the
series "Building a Christian Per-
6 p.m., Student Fellowship, Supper
at 6 o'clock followed by a discussion
on World Peace.
Coming Events
Phi Eta Sigma members notice
change in date of dinner. Sunday,
Oct. 25, is the new date. There will
be a six o'clock dinner, for which
you must sign before the 25th.
Research Club will meet in Room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-
nesday, October 21 at 8:00 p.m. Elec-
tion of officers. Prof.-Heber D. Curtis
will show motion pictures of solar
prominences, and Professor Charles
C. Fries and Professor Thomas A.
Knott will read a joint paper, "The
Michigan-Oxford Dictionaries."
The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives will not meet on Tuesday eve-
ning as is customary, but will hold
its weekly meeting on Wednesday,
October 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Adel-
phi Room in Angell Hall. The meet-
ing which w*11 be in the form of a
"Smoker" wii Prof. Bloomer of the-
speech department as speaker, is open
to all freshmen and other men stu-
dents interested in becoming ac-
quainted with the workings of this
forensic society.
Mechanical Engineers: The Stu-
dent Branch of The American Soci-
ety of Mechanical Engineers will hold
its second meeting of the year Wed-
nesday evening, Oct. 21, at 7:30 in
the Michigan Union. Dean Alfred
Lovell will speak on important fea-
tures of the recent Washington World
Power Conference.
Members of the Mathematics Club:
The fall dinner of the Mathematics
Club will be held Friday evening,
October 23,eath6:30, at theHuron
Hills Golf Club. Cards on which
reservations may be made are in the
Rhodes Scholarships: Prof. John
Dawson will give a lecture at 4:15
p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 21, in Room
G. Haven Hall, on "Oxford in Re-
cent Times." Candidates for Rhodes
Scholarships and others interested,
are invited to attend.
Dr. Preston W. Slosson - Lecture
on Current Events - Sponsored by
A.A.U.W., Monday October 19, at
4:15, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Sigma Rho Tau meeting Tuesday,
Oct. 20, will begin at 7 p.m. and will
be over with before 8 so that mem-
bers will be able to attend the ama-
teur hour sponsored by the band.
Zeta Phi Eta There will be a short
meeting on Tuesday evening, Oct. 20,
at 7:15. Room will be posted on
League bulletin board. All members
are expected to be present if possible.
A.I.Ch.E. The first meeting of the
year will be held Wednesday, Oct. 21,
at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Building. Mr. Allan Smith
will speak on "The Production and
Utilization of Helium." Anyone in-
terested in Chemical Engineering is
invited. Refreshments will be served
after the meeting.
Theatre Arts Committee: .There
will be a meeting of all who are in-
terested in working in the box office
at 5 o'clock Monday, October 19, at
the League. The room will be posted
on the bulletin board.
Hiawatha Club, Monday, Oct. 19, 8
p.m., at the Union. All Upper Penn-
insula men invited to attend.
Mimes: There will be a meeting for
all Mimes members and all students
interested in writing a book or music
for a Union Opera, at the Union,
Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 21 at 4:30
p.m. The room number will be post-
ed on the bulletin board at the Union.
Hillel ping-pong tournament be-
gins Wednesday. All wishing to join
call Brut Levin at 8741. Tournament
prize given.
Hillel Student Council meeting
Monday at 5. Committee chairmen
please have definite reports.
Hillel Plave rm willhnl Fn nnn
H ERE is the new talking, technicolor version
of Helen Hunt Jackson's old reliable Ra-
mona. Except for the technical developments
in production this picture varies little from
Dolores Del Rio's sensational non-talking version
of several years ago. Ramona is still good motion
picture material.
The scene is in California in the 1870's. Ra-
mona is the half Indian ward of Senora Moreno,
the owner of a vast estate. Her son, Phillipe, has
loved Ramona since childhood. But Ramona
falls in love with Alessandro, the Christian son
of an Indian chief, and when she discovers she
has Indian blood, she marries him. They have
a child, and things go very well until the gov-
ernment of the United States takes their land.
From here on Ramona's life is beset with trag-
edy, until Phillipe reappears and gives the pic-
ture a satisfactory ending. This story has al-
ways been a first rate tear jerker, and the
audience at the Majestic did not disprove this
Twentieth Century-Fox held up production
on Ramona until Miss Loretta Young was able
to play the title role, and though she does not
have the Mexican beauty of Miss Del Rio, she
handles her character exceedingly well. The
supporting cast is very good, from Don Ameche
as Alessandro to the character actress who plays
Aunt Rye. The characterization of Aunt Rye
is one of the bright spots in the picture.
The photography in the production is ex-
cellent. At times the color seems too bright;
it attracts attention from the action. Though
technicolor is far from perfection, it has been
improved a great deal. But the scenes, as such,
are beautifully and vividly photographed.
Ramona is slowly paced, but if you like senti-
mental entertainment, you should like this pic-
ture. --C.M.T.
dry classes, with still more boring reading in
minute print.
I say let history be taught for what it is, not
for what it's made to be by the University of
Michigan's History Department.
This letter was written only after a long de-
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