FOUR THE MICH IGAN DAILY wr THE MICHIGAN DAILY Another Opinion On Fraternities -Answer To The Previous Argument For Ending National Affiliation- r" y _. w- "' 1936 Member 1937 Associated G le6|iae Press Distributors of CAoe6die Digest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, +$400; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., -Chicago, Ill. Board of Editors MANAGIN'G EDITOR ...............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR ........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S.sDaniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial.Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackieton, William Spaller. Edtorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard F. Martinson, Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton.B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, associates; I. S.'Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER.................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ifled Advertising Manager. NIGHT. EDITOR: JAMES A. BOOZER After 300 U Years.e . e S AID Dr. Albert Einstein at the convocation of the University of the State of New York in Albany in celebration of the tercentenary of higher education in the United States: "Desire for approval and recog- nition is a healthy motive but the desire to be acknowledged as better, stronger or more intel- ligent than a fellow-being or a fellow-scholar easily leads to an excessively egoistic psycholog- ical adjustment which may become injurious for the individual and for the community. "Therefore the school and the teacher must guard against employing the easy method of creating individual ambition in order to induce the pupils to do diligent work. "The most important motive for work in school and in life is the pleasure in work, pleasure in its result and theknowledge of the value of the result of the community." The picture we see at almost any University, including the University of Michigan, is quite at variance with the ideals which Dr. Einstein ad- vances. The unhealthy position to which the spirit of competition has attained, together with the near-absence of "pleasure in work, pleasure in its result and the knowledge of the value of the result to the community," is characteristic not only of the students at our mass-production universities, but of the spirit of the university as a whole. This is not strange. In our society today the laurels go to the man with the unbridled per- sonal ambition. If he makes a lot of money he is a bigger man in political and cultural fields, as well as in economic. If he writes a great many books, however absurdly lacking in "value to the community," he will become a professor sooner. Sitting in the Parrot every morning at 10 a.m. will gain one a much greater measure of social recognition than will studying. No matter how much pleasure the coach is getting in his work he will be canned if he doesn't win. And these standards will continue to prevail, in the university as well as outside it, as long as the rewards are distributed on the present basis. It is too much to ask that "the school and teacher guard against employing . the easy method of creating individual ambition" when the society to which the 1936 university is indissolubly bound is based on individual ambition of a ruthless sort. The parents of Joe College aren't going to pay to see Joe made into an impractical dreamer, with lots of half-baked ideas about new art forms, internationalism, and e:onomic democracy. But, after all, it's only the tercentenary of higher education in the United States. Resign yourself to famous names in sports. A few weeks ago it was James Fennimore Cooper at Marquette. Now Benjamin Franklin, at the U. This was written by J. Frank Drake and J. M. Mathes ad is a summary of the mi- nority report by the Committee for Survey of Social Life in Dartmouth College-on the subject of fraternities.. The majority report summary was reprinted in The Daily of Oct. 2. Majority Committee Conclusion The substance of the Committee's resolution is a recommendation that the national affiliation /of all fraternities in Dartmouth be dissolved. The full implication of the severing of bonds with the national organizations is apparently not recognized by the Committee. It is intended that all the present national fraternities should become local clubs or societies, at the outset without names, badges or rituals, but it is ap- parently not realized that they would also be without houses and without alumni members. Nor is it apparently considered that several thousand alumni of the College would be deprived of a living home on the campus, and that their corporate organizations would find themselves the owners of costly but empty houses, mostly built at the personal sacrifice of alumni, which they must perforce sell to the College or to the new local clubs that would succeed the abolished fraternities, and in which they could have no membership and less interest. That such a proposal is drastic goes without saying, and it can be justified only on the most considered and clearly stated grounds. The resolution itself sets forth two grounds, the one punitive and the other allegedly constructive. The Committee states (1) that the system of national affiliation of fraternities at Dartmouth has failed "to a very considerable degree" in accomplishing the ends stated in the fraternity charters, and (2) that it does not provide the best possible social units at Dartmouth. That the punitive element plays a considerable part in the Committee's recommendation is suggested by the frequent use of the word "in- dictment" in the report. To indict is to charge with an offense, and the offense in this case is "having failed in major degree to accomplish its principal purposes." The very language of the indictment is an admission that the "principal purposes," or the "ends stated in fraternity char- ters," are in themselves highly desirable. The essence of the charge is that the national fra- ternities, having voluntarily set out to accomplish certain highly desirable purposes for the benefit of their members, have failed "to a very con- siderable degree" to accomplish those ends and hence should be indicted and officially punished by extinction. There is no allegation that the national fraternities are bad or have a bad influ- ence, the accusation being merely incomplete achievement of a highly desirable purpose. Majority Committee Resolution The Committee enumerates the benefits that the undergraduates receive-"First of all, they inherit the privilege of membership in the or- ganization which has a nationally known name; they are entitled to wear its badge which they receive as a return from the initiation fee; they receive an embossed certificate of membership; they receive the fraternity magazine; they are usually entitled to send one delegate to the national convention without expense to him or to the chapter; they have the possibility of con- tacts with other chapters; they are given a cer- tain amount of supervision by their contact with national headqaurters; they are furnished with a ritual and ideals for initiation and meet- ing formalities; their chapter may receive finan- cial aid; they may receive help in times of 'emer- gency; they may profit through their member- ship in a business or social way after college." All of this the Committee proposes to termi- nate without a. suggestion that the local club has a single compensatory feature other than the possible saving in three years of $45.18, less the cost of the club pin. If the 31 per cent of fraternity men who do not regard the value received as worth the cost are consolidated in any one or several fraternities, it might be worth the consideration of those particular chapters to give up their respective affiliations and look for something more satisfactory. As a basist however, for the Committee's recommendation that all affiliations be compulsorily ended, the vote of 31 per cent is not impressive. The Committee, in the resolution accompany- ing its report, recommends that an administra- tive officer of the College be appointed to work with fraternity social groups. The undersigned minority of the Committee are in hearty accord with the suggestion, but we see in it nothing that would call for the abandonment of the na- tional affiliation. Rather do we think that the work of such an administrative officer would be made easier and more productive of good results if the national affiliation were retained. It is apparent that the national fraternities are ready to cooperate with such a program. Advantage Of National Affiliation The Committee says, "the Committee under- stands and fully sympathizes with the point of view of some alumni members of Greek letter fra- ternities who have found very material benefits accruing to them in respectto business and so- cial success as a result of national fraternity con- nections. It is a fact that there are instances among alumni of Dartmouth, as well as other colleges, where membership in a national fra- ternity has provided contacts that have de- veloped naturally into acquaintanceships and friendships that have resulted in furthering the careers of the men concerned and the same in- fluences are sometimes operative in the degree to which a man finds social satisfactions in a Another Opinion On Fraternities We take exception to that portion of the above quotation which states that although the na- tional affiliation has been of direct and material benefit to graduates, it is not of sufficient im- portance to justify the national fraternity sys- tem. The fact that it is admitted that in a certain number of cases the national affiliation has proved of benefit to a man after he leaves' college, seems to indicate that it rests entirely with the man himself whether or not he will avail himself of this opportunity. There is no justification in the argument that the many who would take advantage of this opportunity should be denied it simply because others, for reasons of their own, do not see fit to avail them- selves of it.1 Minority Committee Resolution At the outset the Committee seems to feel that since "moral fiber, resourcefulpess, and courtesy are too personal and elusive to be achieved by any direct program of activity," any system which seeks to develop these qualities is to be condemned. Since the "ideals and high spiritual aspirations which the ritual embodies" have for some Dartmouth men "very little vitality," and are "not fully respected," or "would not be missed by the majority if it were entirely omitted from the life of the chapter," it is proposed, in the in- terest of "honesty and individuality" on the cam- pus to require all Dartmouth men to cease their allegiance to these ideals and aspirations. It seems that since "with small men no great thing can be accomplished," the actual achievements of the national fraternities at Dartmouth are, in the opinion of the Committee, out of line with their objecives, and hence it is recommended that the objectives be abandoned. The dissent- ing members feel that the Committee has under- appreciated the Dartmouth undergraduates. It is significant to note that, in spite of the Committee's distrust of the ritual here expressed, it later on suggests "new and satisfactory rit- uals . . . devised and gradually improved over a period of time." The Committee does not ex- plain the basis of its belief that the next hundred years can do a better job than the last hundred have done in this respect. Alumni Aspects We believe that the Committee has erred ser- iously in assuming that the abolition of national fraternities at Dartmouth will be a matter of little consequence to the alumni of those fra- ternities. The Committee recommends that all chapters of national fraternities be forced to sever their. national connection even though some of those chapters feel that their national affiliation is a distinct benefit and do not desire to give it up. We see no reason for the College authorities' objecting to a chapter severing its national connection, if it does not consider that connection of sufficient value. By the same token we can see no reason why they should object if a chapter values highly its national affiliation and wishes to continue it. Majority Committee Resolution We submit that the evidence brought out through the answers to the various question- naires in no sense warrants action of the drastic nature proposed by the Committee. We believe the very nature of the fraternity problem is so complicated and delicate and involves so many personal and intangible features-that any ac- tion proposed which would radically affect an institution that has been a vital part of the life at Dartmouth College for more than half a cen- tury should be temperate and not at all of the drastic nature recommended under the resolu- tion adopted by the Committee. We believe that, if the recommendations of their resolution were followed, there would not only be no guarantee of an improvement in the social situation, but it might-and in our opinion would-result in do- ing more harm than good. Recommendations, such as those contained in the resolution here- with presented by the undersigned committee minority, would, we feel, be entirely constructive in nature and could, under no circumstances, do harm. It certainly seems reasonable to expect that the appointment of a faculty fraternity adviser would be more likely to be productive of good results with the national fraternity affiliation retained, because he would have the hearty co- operation of the national fraternity organiza- tions which are well entrenched and anxious do everything in their power to assist,'and fur- thermore he would have the valuable assistance of many of the several thousand existing frater- nity alumni which would be eliminated if the national fraternities, to which they belong, were abolished. The undersigned, therefore, offer for your con- sideration the following recommendations: 1. That the President of the College appoint a "Fraternity Supervisor" who will be an officer of the College. 2. That his duties shall be to make constant and personal contact with the various frater- nities, with the officers of their alumni corpora- tions and with the officers of their national or- ganizations. 3. That, as a result of such contacts, he make from time to time suggestions and recommenda- tions for the improvement of the fraternities, to the end that their ideals may be more clearly realized and their presence in the College be an ever increasing benefit to it. 4. That he attend meetings of the Interfra- ternity Council as the official representative of the President of the College. 5. That when and if he shall find in any SCREEN AT TH E MICHIGAN "CRAIG'S WIFE" CEORGE KELLEY'S Pulitzer Prize b winning play "Craig's Wife" has en taken by Columbia and turned into a motion picture of AA rating. It is the kind of production which makes motion pictures something more than entertainment. Harriet Craig is the type of woman in whose home one does not smoke. She has but one love in her entirely unemotional life-that is the love for her home, in a materialistic con- ception of the word home. Her hus- band is merely a means to that home. She has no friends of her own, and her husband's friends merely stand in the way of the perfection of her house. She is thoroughly frigid1 throughouththe entire story until the final scene. All of thIs may make the story sound uninteresting-the samenesst of the character's emotional pitch. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You will follow the story tensely throughout. This is drama, not light entertainment. Rosalind Russell is the surprise of this picture. Her portrayal of Har- riet Craig is thoroughly believable. Miss Russell even makes her char- acter understandable, which is a dif- ficult accomplishment. John Boles as Craig gives an even performance -you feel like applauding him when he smashes one of his wife's vases.- The sets are excellent; Mrs. Craig's drawing room is a reflection of Mrs. Craig's frozen perfection. Credit should go to Miss Dorothy Arzner Hollywood's only prominent woman director, for her understanding di-1 rection of what must have been a dif-t ficult script to put across in motion pictures. Whether you will enjoy seeing Craig's Wife is unpredictable. The audience when I saw it seemed to be held by the story from beginning to end. But I think you will agree that Columbia has turned out a first rate production with George Kelley's "Craig's Wife." -C.M.T. TIH EATRE Movie History The following article is reprintedE from THE FILM LIBRARY: BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF MODERNART. The irst series of films mentioned will be shown here this winter by tet Art Cinema League. For information regarding dates and membership tick- ets, inquire at the desk of te Mich- igan League.-J.D. IT IS COMMONLY GRANTED thatI the motion picture is important not only for its persuasive social ef- fect but because it is one of the two f most lively contemporary arts andr the only new art-form of modern times. Unfortunately films them-i selves are singularly evanescent. s Some films have been lost and others are completely destroyed. The majority of films are still preserved in various vaults, though the chem-I ical composition of celluloid is such that it is only a question of time before the existing prints and nega- tives are dust and fragments. Unlesss something is done to restore and pre- serve outstanding films of the past, the motion picture from 1894 on- wards will be as irrecoverably lost as the Commedia dell' Arte or the danc- ing of Nijinsky. The Museum of Modern Art Film Library has been established for the purpose of collecting and preservings outstanding motion pictures of all types and of making them availabler to colleges and museums, thus to7 render possible for the first time a considered study of the film as art.- It was fully realized that the good- will and assistance of the film indus- try as a whole would be essential to the carrying out of the Museum's plans, since most of the films de- sirable for its collection are owned by the several members of the in- dustry, and are only to be secured as gifts, permanent loans, or rights-to- exhibit. On the technical side, the Museum was much in need of expert advice upon the complex problem of tracing old film, of restoring films that have perished chemically, of1 preserving them for the future, and1 of estimating the cost of amassing and circulating its proposed collec- tion. From the outset, then, the industry's assistance was sought and was generously forthcoming. In substance, a museum report based its argument for the need forc a film library on the following points: The art of the motion picture is{ the only great art peculiar to the twentieth century. Its influence in' forming the taste and affecting the attitude to life of the public is well- known, but little has been done to provoke a critical or selective attitude towards the film in that part of the: community readily responsive to the arts, and nothing has been done to make possible a consistent study" of its content, style, history or de- velopment. There exists a widespread demand for the means and material for study- ing the motion picture as art, yet; the bulk of films, both domestic and; foreign, which are of importance his- torically or aesthetically are invisible under existing circumstances, and are in serious danger of being per- manently lost or destroyed by the ac- SATURDAY, OCT 17, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 18 Notices SATURDAY, OCT. 17, 1936 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, College of Architecture, School of Education, School of For- estry, School of Music: Each student was given a copy of his official elec-, tions, as handed in to the Registrar during classification week. No changes may be made in that original list as to adding or dropping a course, nor changing hours of credit where va- riable, unless a change of elections blank is secured at the Registrar's Office, signedrby the proper official, and returned to the Registrar. Under no circumstances may elec- tions be changed through vebal ar- rangements with instructors, advis- ers, counselors or departments. No credit will be given at the close of the semester for courses unoffi- cially elected, and courses dropped without permission will be marked "E," unless an adjustment is made through the proper administrative of- ficial and the one dollar penalty paid, where assessed. School of Education, Changes of Elections: No course may be elected for credit after today. Students en- rolled in this school must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's office, Room 4, University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Ar- rangements made with instructors only are not official changes. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Today is the last day for the election of courses for credit in this College. Extra Curricular Activities: Man- agers and chairmen of extra cur- ricular activities are reminded that they should submit to the chair- man of the committee on Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, a complete list of all students who wish to participate in their respec- tive enterprises, in order that their eligibility for such activities may be checked. The names should be pre- sented on blank forms to be ob- tained in Room 2. Oratorical Association Course: Tickets are on sale Book store. Lecture at Wahr's Notice Concerning Dramatic Per- formances: All organizations plan-I ning to use the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre or other University build- ings, and all dramatic performances sponsored by students must, by the rules of the University, obtain thel official approval of the Chairman of, the Committee on Theatre Policy and7 Practice. Joseph A. Bursley, Chairman.- Social Chairman of Fraternities and Sororities are reminded that applications for social events must be filed in the office of the Dean of Women or the office of the Dean of Students on the Monday before the event for which approval is re-, quested. Freshman Handbook: All transfer students entering the University this fall and those freshmen who have not received this years Freshman Handbook may receive their copy of the same by calling at Lane Hall betweensthe hours of 8:30 and 12 or 1:30 and 5 p.m. Because of the limited supply of Handbooks those who come first must be served first. Concerts Flagstad Concert: Kirsten Flag- stad, soprano, with Edwin McArthur at the piano, will open the Choral; Union concert series, Monday eve- ning at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. To avoid confusion, and to facilitate the seating of the large audience, the attention of concert-goers is di-; rected to the following items: The concerts will begin on time, as any other one of the arts is studied and enjoyed. On June 25th, 1935 the existence of the Film Library was made known publicly. On July 10th its first ac- quisitions were announced, including the first feature film, "The Great Train Robbery" of 1903. The Li- brary's collection of books, stills, and material relating to the film was begun. At the present time, films are being received constantly for the Film Library. The gift of eleven films from Mr. Harold Lloyd was fol- lowed by the gift of eleven from Warner Brothers, by two films from Mr. Samuel Goldwyn and by seven from 20th Century-Fox. Other ac- quisitions will be announced shortly. Two preliminary programs of films are ready for circulation to colleges and museums. One of these is a series of five showings of approxi- mately two-hour duration under the title "A Short Survey of the Film in America, 1894-1932." All of the series of films assembled by the Film and doors will be closed during'num- bers. Please come sufficiently early as to have time to park cars, etc. Holders of season tickets are re- quested to detach coupon No. 1 be- fore leaving home, and present it only for admission. Parking restrictions will be regu- lated by the Ann Arbor Police de- partment. Holders of stage tickets will please come sufficiently early as to be seat- ed by 8:05. (Enter main entrance through doors No 1 or No. 5, and pass down either side aisle. Those leaving the building at in- termission are required to present their ticket stubs in order to be re- admitted. The gracious co-operation of con- cert-goers with doormen, ticket tak- ers, and ushers, will be greatly ap- preciated. Academic Notices Phillips Scholarships in Latin and Greek: The examinations for these scholarships will be held Tuesday, October 20, at 4 p.m., in Room 2014 Angell Hall. Candidates, who must be freshmen registered at present in at least one Latin or Greek course in the University, will be examined on four units of Latin or two units of Greek. Students who wish to par- ticipate in the examinations should register before Oct. 19 with Dr. Cop- ley, 2026 Angell Hall, or Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall. Make-up Examinations for German 1, 2, 31 and 32: All students who missed the examinations in German 1, 2, 31 or 32 last semester or in the Summer Session must take the regu- lar departmental make-up examin- ation to be given in Room 303 U.H. on Friday, Oct. 23, from 2-5 p.m. History Make-Up Examinations: The make-up examinations in all history courses will be given this morning, 9-12 in Room C, Haven, Geology H1: The make-up exam in the Geology 11 June final will be given Monday, Oct. 19 from 2 to 5 p.m., in Room 2051. This will be the only opportunity to take the make-up exam in this course. Exhibition Annual Ann Arbor Artists Exhibi- tion: Open to public Thursday, Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 28. Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5 daily. Events Of Today A.A.U.W. The Ann Arbor and Ypsi- lanti branch of A.A.U.W. will meet at 3 pm. today in the Grand Rapids room of the Michigan League. Prof. Hward B. Lewis will speak on, "A Chemist and the World's Food Sup- ply." All women eligible to member- ship are invited to attend this meet- U. of M. Outdoor Club is sponsor- ing a bicycle hike, this after- noon. Leave Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. Reduced rates on bikes available. All students cordially invited, Outing of Liberal Students' Union, 2 o'clock. Cars leave church and go to Saline Valley Farms. Beta Kappa Rho party this eve- ing. ning at 8:15, Alumnae Room, Mich- igan League Bldg. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, at Lane Hall to go to Scio for hiking and games. Supper and transporta- tion'will be furnished. All graduate students are cordially invited. Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary fraternity, will hold its first meeting Sunday at 6 p.m. in tole Union. A speaker has been arranged for. Of- ficers will be elected. All old and new members should attend. Tour of Clements Library for For- eign Students: The class in English for Foreign Students will visit the Clements Library Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. This library contains one of the largest collections of or- iginals of original documents on American history in the world. Any foreign students interested may join this tour. The group will meet promptly at 4 o'clock in Room 201, University Hall. Trip to Ford Plant for Foreign Students: The second ofrthe Uni- versity Tours for Foreign Students is announced for next Friday after- noon, Oct. 23, at 10 o'clock. The group will visit the Ford Plant at Dearborn, one of the largest indus- trial plants in the world. It is im- portant that all who wish to join this tour make reservations in Room 9, University Hall before Thursday, Oct. 22, at 4:30 o'clock.