PAGE FOUR TH E MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1936, 1936 Member 1937 5ssociated CoUe6dice Press Distributors of Cde~kte Digest Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fortrepublication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter:ihgna Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR...............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOIATE EDITOR ...........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATEEDITORe....... MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George "Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publiction Department: Elsie A. Pierc', Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph' Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaler. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard F. Martinson, Chester M. ThaIman, James V. Doll, Mary Sage I'Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, associates; . S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymon Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WEEKS Democracy And Militarism. . . EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER, in his interesting and informative dis- cussion last night of the present trend of Euro- pean politics, raised some questions that cannot long wait for solution. One that interested us particularly, one that the democratic countries must soon take a definitive stand upon, is the defense against the fascist menace. Since recent world history has seen one suc- cessful fascist coup follow another with but little outcry and no effective defense from dem- ocratic countries, the outlook for the future of democracy is decidedly unpromising. Mr. Mow- rer believes that the preservation of the political systems based upon freedom involves the crea- tion of military machine large and aggressive enough to beat the fascists at their own game. This would mean a fundamental change in the present democratic attitude toward militarism. The creation of a military machine disapproved or widely distrusted by a democratic people would differ but little from fascist policy. Social services would have to be reduced and taxes raised in the interests of effective armament, and this can be accomplished in a true democ- racy only with popular sanction. If they do dis- approve the demands of efficiency require their complete understanding of the dangers faced and the technique of combatting them. Democ- racy, Mr. Mowrer would say, must be militarized. Here is the basic issue. Can a democracy be militarized and remain a democracy? Can a peo- ple, jealous of its liberty, be pressed into uniform and subjected to military discipline in the in- terests of that liberty without losing it? Can a democracy combat fascism without committing suicide? We think it can. More than 2,000 years ago, in his Funeral Oration, Pericles immortalized democracy's method of mobilizing its strength in a war against the militarists of his day. The prin- ciple retnains the same today. Free coopera- tion of a free people, thoroughly imbued with the ideals of peace, thoroughly convinced of th horror and degradation of war and thoroughly aware of the dangers of militarism, can be the sturdiest support on which a statesman can base his policies. A free people, knowing liberty and loving it, can be more ferocious and more dis- ciplined in defending its birthright than me- chanically perfect military automatons knowing only the despot's heel. When the ragged san-cullotte armies of the republic faced the highly efficient Prussian mer- cenaries in '92, the Duke of Brunswick, represen- tative of the military despots of his day, laughed them to scorn; yet democratic idealism, though clothed in rags and represented by a citizens' army, turned the battle into a rout. When the Russian people rose in their vast enormity against oppression and corruption, the collapse of their system was promised every day and, in- deed, was reported for several years at weekly intervals from Riga. Yet the strength of peo- So it would seem that the ideals of democracy and military strength are not necessarily anti- thetical. If we can destroy the threat of fascism only by meeting force with force, if only thus we can preserve the fundamentals of democracy, our faith in the democratic ideal leads us to believe that powerful armies, enjoying the confidence of peace-loving peoples, represent the strongest force for peace in the world today. War is horror and destruction. Militarization is often merely the prelude to war. But, if war can be avoided only by a show of military strength in the face of fascist aggression as Mr. Mowrer believes, then let the strong battalions be on the side of the democratic ideal. D DRAMA By JAMES DOLL George Abbott presents BOY MEETS GIRL, a new play by Bella and Samuel Spewack. Staged by Mr. Abbott. Settings by Arne Lundberg. ON A BOARD outside the Michigan Theatre where Boy Meets Girl played last night was the phrase: "Exactly as played at the Cort The- atre, N.Y." Even if this were true-and in a strictly literal way perhaps it is-it would not be a-guarantee of any particular merit because, in my opinion, the company now playing at the Cort is not very good. The cast which played here last night followed metriciously the stage business of the original production and attempt- ed to copy tones of voice and inflections as well. Miss Betty Field is the only one successful in this attempt. She is to be commended for repro- ducing so accurately Miss Joyce Arling's per- formance of Susie. The question is why the director should have required her to do so. The other actors shouted their lines in the .old stock- company fashion until we in the audience felt sorry that they had to work so hard. It is difficult to understand why road com- panies should try so desperately to echo, to re- produce another set of performances, no matter how good. And they couldn't do it anyway, except by Miss Field's automatic method. My appeal is to that person in the Butterfield company who signed the contract for this com- pany. Like any other buyer why did he not examine the merchandise carefully; demand that the production he is paying for be at least as good as the original. Not by literally copying it, but by assembling another group of actors who would do the play as their particular personal- ities were adapted to do it. Selling inferior prod- ucts of this kind to the public is the most impor- tant reason for the death of the road several years ago-the cycle is sure to repeat itself. Good companies playing the best plays will suc- ceed better anyway. As for the play itself, it is the sort of which there are usually one or two on Broadway and they are amusing enough to see from time to time. This one follows the usual routine-gets the laughs which seem to be inherent in certain words and in such lines as "When I came to California it was raining; it rained for three weeks. It was very unusual." The satire on Hollywood is what we have learned to expect whenever there is satire on Hollywood. Example: "Bernard Shaw whote Don Juan and he's never even been to Bulgaria." It was more compre- BENEATH**** *#### *# IT ALL 9ByBonth Williams - ABOARD MICHIGAN FOOTBALL SPECIAL, CHICAGO-Hitched on in the last car of the second section of the Twilight Limited Kip and the Varsity football team move on towards Min- neapolis and the clash with the rampant Minne- sota Gophers. Sitting in the coach with Manager Bill Bates and Doug Farmer, I am trying to keep this type- writer from bouncing across the aisle where Cappy Cappon, Ced Sweet, Dr. Hammond and Wally Hook are in the throes of a contract game I could probably do a lot better if Johnny Smith- ers and Stark Ritchie would stop leaning over my shoulder. The boys have just finished stowing away an A-1 steak dinner and are sitting around the car in various states of repose. Farmer is trying to learn the plays for his new backfield post. Hey, Johnny Smithers just nailed Lou Levine with a beautiful paperwad shot. Kip is reading the Gargoyle's inside story of the Michigan football setup and smiling. Ernie Pederson, Lou Levine, Butch Jordan and Bill Barclay are hard at a rough and rugged game of hearts in the seat ahead. Smithers says we're not coming back if we lose. That is Wally Hook are in the throes of a contract game. The boys are relaxed and look like they might give Tod Rockwell something to write about. Sportswriter Mill Marsh almost missed the train in Battle Creek. He got off to make a purchase and when the train started up the best he could do was to grab hold of the diner door. The Negro cook saw him hanging on for his life as the train picked up speed, but only shook his head with gusto as Mill pleaded with him to open the door. Finally the conductor happened along and let him in just in time to prevent the Daily News scribe from being heaved into the ditch. Mill's arms are still sore. Kip looks to be his usual good natured self, but the pressure he's under was apparent when he nibbled at his dinner and held lengthy discus- sions with Cappy Cappon and Charley Hoyt in- stead of eating. Kip just came up and is now kibitzing the hearts game just ahead. So is Joe Rinaldi. Forrest Jordan just quit the game after trying to shoot the moon and has decided to read soci- ology instead. Bill Bates is still fidgeting about having to carry 500. bucks around in his pocket, and has finally decided to pin his wallet in his coat pocket. Oh, oh, here comes the conductor. It would ap- pear that we are in Chicago. We've got an, hour and 45 minutes between trains and Bates and I have it figured out how we can get just one look in at the Blackhawk if we hustle. Hey, mes- senger! hensively done in Once In A Lifetime and we should be spared full evening doses of it until it can be done as well again. Boy Meets Girl does have definite audience appeal, however, and it was encouraging to see that students will patronize plays and to be hoped that other and better shows will come to the Michigan. TH EATRE Playgoer As Artist By LEON OVSIEW "0 BAD playgoers the theatre is only the shortest distance be- tween two hours. They express their contempt for it by expecting nothing1 of it except diversion which they know is safely divorced from reality and which is guaranteed to give their minds a rest. They are an- xious to check their judgment and their perceptions with their hats." Thus does John Mason Brown, well-known metropolitan drama crit- ic, identify the bad playgoer as the escapist in an extraordinarily in- teresting article in the October Theatre Arts Monthly under the title "Good Playgoers-and Bad." It becomes obvious, of course, that this type of person works toward the decadence of our modern drama. Since Ibsen and Shaw the theatre has, on the whole, been a vibrantly alive art medium; it has concerned itself realistically and intelligently with fundamental problems. Yet any' art will deteriorate and die if it is not carefully nurtured by a large and critically appreciative audience. To those who would wish to count themselvesas members of this con- structive group Mr. Brown consels, "True enjoyment of the theatre comes to playgoers who, even while they are surrendering to the illusion of therstage, do not forget that the theatre is make-believe raised to the point of art, and who turn artists themselves to the extent of making that art possible by adding their be- lief to the list of the theatre's il- lusions . . . He does not surrender to the theatre without discrimina- tion . . . Flexible he must be. Yet he must not lose his powers of re- sistance. Knowing that the theatre can challenge his best perceptions, he wishes to challenge it to do its best." The good playgoer should, then, be an active force in the building of a strong tradition for the best drama. That which is most vital in our con- temporary theatre must be recognized and encouraged, and thus by the in- teraction of artist and audience, re- fined. The modern drama has developed increasingly into a medium for the synthesis of the varied problems of social life. The social problem drama has evolved from the plays of Ibsen, Shaw, Brieux, Galsworthy, and many lesser dramatists into many and varied forms. The last Broadway season, for instance, saw such plays as Maxwell Anderson's Winterset, a poetic drama concerned with Justice, or rather, the effect of injustice. Distinctly inspired by the Sac co- Venzetti case, it will live as a fine. expression of a universal social prob- lem, Dead End, Kingsley's immense- ly successful story of the waterfront slum, and Idiot's Delight, the more lightly satirical Sherwood play, which has much to say anent war and peace. These are only three of a long list, but they serve to illustrate the variety and quality of the con- temporary problem play in the tra- ditional Broadway theatre. To this list, too, should be added the activity of the New Theatre Union, whose so- cial drama are more Marxist in con- tent and inspiration. But the "propaganda" play, so- called, is in this same tradition. It is a direct inheritor of Ibsen, and Shaw, and Galsworthy, but in the hands of artists who have aligned themselves with the Marxist doc- trine, they have become not only ex- positions of social problems, but the answer to them as well. We saw such a play here last year in Play Production's staging of Odets' Wait- ing for Lefty. Much has been written and said about the artistic merits of the "propaganda" play; into that ques- tion it would be futile to enter at this point. But this much must be recognized: the most realistic, the most vivid, and the most vital drama written and produced in the con- temporary theatre is the social prob- lem play, in any and all of its varied forms. It is this drama whyich must be encouraged by theatregoers. There is decadence in the theatre in many places; our contemporary social dra- ma is a genuine renewal of life for the theatre. The good playgoer should go out of his way to enrich bothhimself and the theatre by his attendance. A case in point is Stevedore, the Peters and Sklar play which is in Detroit this week-end. Stevedore is concerned with what the sociologists euphemistically call the "Negro question in the South." It is vivid, grim drama about the Negro long- shoreman in New Orleans as they suffer every possible indignity and injustice at the hands of their white "masters." It is a propaganda play, since the Negro, Lonnie Thompson, who stands out as the immediate dra- matic symbol of the injustice and of the retaliatory action, does make several declamatory speeches, and does link himself with Lem Morris, the white organizer of the longshore- men's union. Be that as it may; it is one of the critical functions of the good playgoer that he estimate for himself whether this be compatible wtih good art as he knows it. The (Sermon preached at the Uni- tarian Church, Oct. 11, by the Rev. H. P. Marley.) SPAIN, the land of fiestas, ecclesias- tic art treasures and bull fights, is today a battleground of the two major political philosophies of the hour. One of the few spots of Europe not drenched in blood in the war, it is today reaping the inevitable re- sults of that war. The king is gone, but a dictator would take his place, forcing the duly constituted Republic aside, with the aid of those who fear a people's front. Man has always had to war with the institutions which he creates to serve him. What is happening in Spain today is not new, but it is more bitter because of advanced tech- niques of letting blood and the coun- ter.-intrigues of international forces. And, because of the stake of the church, it has become a kind of holy war with the Archbishop of Granada and the Cardinal of Seville blessing banners. Robert Neville, an editorial writer on the New York Herald Trib- une, even said he saw with his own eyes machine gun fire from towers of the Cathedrals in which ammuni- tion was stored and troops wee bil - leted. "Of all the shocking sights I saw," he said, "none could compare with the spectacle of the priest of this little church (Alhambra) joking, talking and smoking with soldiers who at that moment were engaged in firing cannon from the Alhambra Hill down into the working-class dis- trict." It is easy to comprehend why the church sides with the rebellion, see- ing in the trend of the day, not only the loss of her temporal power of wealth, property and influence, but also the loss of her spiritual power with the waning belief in God. It is even plausible, as Lawrence Ferns- worth, a Catholic points out in The Foreig'n Affairs Quarterly, that the church, through Gil Robles and others, actually precipitated the hos- tilities. One Catholic paper pub- lished in this country, referring to the February election, states that the vast majority of Spanish people ab- stained from voting, "but suddenly woke up to their mistake, and deter- mined individually that Spain must not become Bolshevistic. It was not long until leaders offered themselves to wrest the Government from the brutal enemies of both State and Church." This writer is correct in1 assuming that the old State is identical with the church, which for centuries, kept it subsidized even after the worshipers remained at home. Authorities agree that Spain was noted for its lack of church-go- ing, some observers reporting that there were rarely more than thirty worshippers in the Seville Cathedral, and that you never saw anyone but priests in the Cordoba and Toledo cathedrals. This might not be conclusive proof that religion was on the wane. The people might be wrong. But, judging from recent events it is certainly ap- parent that the church, even if sin- cere, has shown that her real interest is not with the people, but with the influential, propertied group which kept the status quo in running order. When a Juan. March, in a desperate effort to save his illegally accrued millions, decides to finance a rebel- lion, he can succeed better with the church than without-his abortive monarchist revolt in August of 1932, failed. Inall probability, the church as we have known it in the past, is doomed. So far as temporal power is concerned, it might struggle back to affluence as it did in Spain after the riots of 1835, but when the premise upon which it stands is dis- solved, there can be no future. This applies to the Protestant church too. In this country there is a concerted drive against Communism because of its non-theism. Not only was a sermon in this vein preached at the Wealthy Street Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, but someone financed the printing and mailing of this dia- tribe. Language which no Catholic would utter from a pulpit,-"serpen- tine creature, merciless, damning poison, venomous reptile," was freely used in Billy Sunday style in the,ap- peal, "America, in God's name, wake up." If the Black Legion is an Amer- ican brand of pre-fascism, certainly a number of protestant ministers are implicated in this. The famous Bap- tist radio minister at Pontiac said that if we didn't have the Legion, we needed some such organization. Everywhere, the church, misled by the non-religious implications of Communism is engaging on a gigan- tic quest to save its own life, however costly to the human values which are involved. 'When Bishop Noll of, Ft. Wayne announced an anti-commu- nist drive culminating on October 25th in the Feast of Christ the King, he had no difficulty in getting Pro- testant allies. Not all churchmen are confused. Some see in the issue of today a chance of fruition for the very things for which religion has always stood. Even the god idea, most valuable in the past, is no longer tenable unless it can demonstrate its effectiveness in the arena of human endeavor. Time Magazine gives an account of the Congregational minister in Chi- cago who opened his church to a Communist candidate for some office, and who closed his stormy meeting with an apology to the speaker for the behavior of the audience. An- other minister of the same denom- ination in Brooklyn is editorially re- buked by the Detroit News for hav- ing something good to say about the Russian system. With Moors fighting the cause of the Christian Church in Spain, and William Randolph Hearst upholding the hand of religion in this country, we can see just how incongruous and irrational, men become when they believe somethnig sacred is jeop- ardized. Representatives of the re- ligious tradition were jailed and per- secuted long before Communists were. Religion will probably survive again and again, but let it beware to taking up the sword. A Nazarene, a carpenter, once said that he who 'does this will perish, and he also lamented over the great Jerusalem in the last tragic days of his short ministry, "how often would I have called ye to me . . . but ye would not." Such Catholic thinkers as Professor Fanfani have shown the antagonism of the capitalistic spirit to true re- ligion. Father Ryan has repeated this today, but the voice of Father Coughlin is too loud to let them be heard. The issue today is between Hearsteria on the one hand, and human values, carefully weighed for consequences, on the other hand. In some instances the church will go with the people and in other in- stances, with the fascists. A Sermon On Spain -'Church, Fascism, The People,' By The Rev. Marley T'heBirthday Of Gabriel Richard -Anniversary Recalls Story Of One Of The University's Founders- By DR. FRANK E. ROBBINS YESTERDAY, October 15, was the birthday of Gabriel Richard, one of the founders of the University of Michigan, born at Saintes, France, in 1764. If one has time, in the midst of strenu- ous events at home and abroad, to give a thought for those who in past years contributed to the structure which we see today, Father Richard is certainly deserving of such commemoration. On August 26, 1817, the Governor and Judges of the Territory of Michigan approved the act which established the University of Michigan and began its unbroken career from that time to this. At the same time the Rev. John Mon- eith, a young Presbyterian clergyman, was named its president and the occupant of six of its pro- fessorships; to Gabriel Richard, Rector of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Anne, fell the vice- presidency and six other chairs. It is hard to tell from the meager records who first planned the University of Michigan. The idea must have been in the air for some time, if for no other reason, because in 1804 Congress had already provided by land grants for the support of higher education in the old Northwest Territory. It is certain that William Woodbridge, Secretary of the Territory, and Judge Augustus B. Woodward, of the Territorial Supreme Court, were -active in the events of 1817; probably the prime movers, in fact. Mr. Monteith's diary records that on June 20 of that year Judge Woodward invited him to an inter- view on the subject of a university, and this is the first time that he mentions the matter. A letter from Mr. Woodbridge to Judge Woodward shows that, probably on the night before the Act of August 26 was passed, he interviewed both Monteith and Richard and secured their promise to take positions upon the faculty of the new in- stitution. The elaborate outline for the organi- zation of the "Catholepistemiad, or University of Michigania," is unquestionably Judge Wood- ward's own. Father Richard, however, could have furnished excellent advice, for he had known university life himself at Angers, and in Detroit he had organized and successfully di- rected a whole school system. In 1808 he re- norted totheT rrrialte islaturest hat h but substantially the corporation, of the Uni- versity. The "Acts" of the "University of Mich- igania," signed by Monteith, provide for the erection of a building, matters of finance, the establishment and appointment of trustees for a primary school and a' classical academy, and courses of study in each. When the University was rechartered in 1821 both were made mem- bers of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Monteith soon afterward left the Territory, but Father Richard continued as a Trustee until his death in 1832. From 1823 to 1825 he was delegate to Congress from Michigan, which interfered with his attendance at Trustees' meetings but per- Initted him to secure an appropriation for the first Detroit-Chicago highway. I suspect, how- ever, that he was not so much interested in the Trustees' debates over the location and sale of University lands, which was their primary con- cern, as in the practical work of education. Gabriel Richard was quite as worthy of ad- miration for his personal qualities as for his notable service to his community, the University and the State. When Hull surrendered Detroit and the British required an oath of allegiance from its citizens, he said, "I have taken one oath to support the Constitution of the United States and I cannot take another. Do with me as you please." For that he went as a prisoner to Windsor, until he was released on Tecumseh's intercession. His courage and his unremitting energy in carrying out his parochial duties are illustrated again in the manner of his death, which came in the cholera epidemic of 1832 as the result of his constant visiting the sick. Mr. Monteith's references to him in his dairy, too, are illuminating. Soon after he came, Monteith called at Father Richard's residence, and a week later the latter returned the visit. "He says there is much work for me to do and wishes me suc- cess. He stays to tea." One week later: "I visit Le Pere Richard. The conversation agree- able. He presents me with a copy of Thomas a Kempis." Three days later: "Attend La Fete de Ste. Anne." Three months later: "Visit Priest Richard who is out of health. I think he loves to have me visit him." In November, 1818: "Visit Bishop Flaget at the residence of the Rec- +__ inl~~~~nv~ea Y~,, l- f , + _ _ ;_ f Ar i - . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to ail members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; ii1:00 a.m. on Saturday. FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 17 Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts, College of Architecture, School of Education, School of For- estry, School of Music: Each student was given a copy of. his official elec- tions, as handed in to the Registrar during classification week. No changes may be made in that original list as to adding or dropping a course, nor' changing hours of credit where va- riable, unless a change of elections blank is secured at the Registrar's Office, signed by the proper official, and returned to the Registrar. Under no circumstances may elec- tions be changed through verbal ar- rangements with instructors, advis- ers, counselors or departments. No credit will be given at the closea of the semester for courses unoffi- cially elected, and courses dropped without permission will be marked "E," unless an adjustment is made through the proper administrative of- ficial and the one dollar penalty paid, where assessed.. School of Education, Changes of Elections:tNo course may be elected for credit after Saturday, Oct. 17. Students enrolled in this school must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's office, Room 4, University new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instruct- or to admit a student later would not affect the operation of this rule. Classes in Swimming, Tennis and Badminton have been organized by the Extension Division. These classes meet on Saturdays at the Intramural Building, 6:30 p.m. The groups= met for the first time on Oct. 10. Those who are interested in enrolling should do so at the next meeting. Professor Valerio's Extension Class in Painting .will meet for the second time Saturday, Oct. 17 in the paint- ing studios on the fourth floor of the Architecture Building at 2 p.m. This is a sixteen-week, noncredit course. Those interested in enrolling may do so this Saturday. The class does not meet on the Saturdays the University of-Michigan football team plays in Ann Arbor. Study Tour for-Foreign Students: Reservations for the trip on Saturday to the Starr Commonwealth for Boys at Albion are still available. Students wishing to take this trip must call at Room 9, University Hall, or phone 303 before 10 o'clock Friday morning. Expenses will include bus fare, and a small amount for luncheon at the Commonwealth. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to