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October 16, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-16

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The Weather

L.I e

AftF A6F


And Militarism ...

Unscttled and cooler tomor-
row; probatly showers.



War Seen 'Time'Marches On
In the Oct. 19 issue of Time
magazine, appearing on the
i e onewstands today, there is includ-
eda a story on Minnesota's foot-
edl tamstry onysMinesoa'stfoo-
coutin Saturday's victory over
lJ T'uj Michigan the Gophers will have
P 3won 20 straight games, equalling
the intercollegiate record set and
equalled by Notre Dame."
Democracies Are Pictured Believing that Time has the
Wolverines licked a little too long
As Docile And Sluggish before game time, The Daily is
By NotedCorrespondent ending a copy of the quotation
ByNd r p d t to the team asking them to con-
firm The Daily's contention Sat-
Germany And Italy urday afternoon, and would like
to append as many student and
Aid Spanish Rebels faculty signatures to the message
as possible.
FranAe Has Withdrawn A special messenger is driving up
Franc Has Withrawn to Minneapolis, leaving at 11:30
Support From Loyalists a.m. today to carry up the message
While]Engand ulksand signatures. Copies will be
Sulks available for your signature at all
Condemning the procrastination of of the campus polling places from
the democratic powers, Edgar Ansel 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., with enough
paper to sign up the entire Uni- r
Mowrer last night described Europe versity. May we ask that YOU
as aligned into two camps, Fascist support the team with your sig- a
and anti-Fascist, with the Fascists nature?a
holding the battle-axe over a docile
democratic adversary. Dinner O ensc
Speaking.before a tense audience in JII
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Mr.
Mowrer, head of the staff of foreign Fund Cam paig 1
correspondents for the Chicago Daily "
News and an alumnus of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, ironically pic-In Annor
tured a complete European revolution ]
in prestige which has reduced Eng-
land to a sulking lion asking Europe Seward Simons, Director
to "wait until she gets her strength Of Flint Charity Group,
back," while Germany has, emerged .
as the "pike in the carp pond." IS Chef Speakert
Attacks Hitler
The democratic nations who naive- . The 1936 drive of the Ann Arbort
ly believe what Hitler and Mussolini Community F u n d was formallyi
tell them were shown to be at a dis- opened yesterday with a dinner and
advantage now because as the situa- program, including motion pictures,,
tion stands in Europe the Fascists at the Union.
are in control of a dynamic philos- The program following the dinner
ophy as opposed to the floundering featured a talk by Seward C. Si-
and indecisive demnads of the form- mons, head of the Flint Communityt
erly "great" powers. Graphically Mr. Association, and a nationally-known
Mowrer explained this as one man social work director. He was intro-
leaving the wife and family locked duced by Emory J. Hyde, president
up in a room and stepping out to a of the Alumni Association and chair-
card game with all the family loot man of the Community Fund here.
in his pocket. The other, not hav- In his talk Simons discussed and
ing the authority to leave the wife answered the question of why private
at home, takes her along to the charity is necessary in view of the
game. The Fascist bets a million, un- greatly increased responsibility as--
hampered. Immediately the wife of sumed by the federal government in
the democrat says, "But George, we welfare work in the past three years.
haven't a million." So the husband Simons quoted a statement by Pres-
throws the cards down on the table, ident Roosevelt in this connection,
apparently bluffed and defeated. urging an increased "spirit of char-
War Used As Example ity" in order to supplement govern-1
But Mr. Mowrer offered the World ment relief agencies, especially in
'War as testimony that when a war those fields where private charity1
does come,-and it will if England organizations are best fitted to serve.
and France continue their policies of
indecision-the dictatorships will not A STATEMENT BY THE
be able to stand up as well as the PRESIDENT
countries who have the firm moral As residents of Ann Arbor, the
convictions of their citizens behind faculty and staff of the Univer-
them whereas the people in a dic- sity have naturally an interest in
tatorship would probably unseat the the welfare of the city. The Com-
government after a primary defeat. munity Fund now has had a
Spain, Mr. Mowrer emphasized, is lengthy history and has thor-
the focal point of tense, expectant oughly demonstrated its value
Europe, and may well be the curtain- from both the standpoint of utility
raiser for the next war. The set-up and that of humanity. Individual
in Europe can not exist much long- support of this worthy object is,
er on the present lines with all coun- of course, a matter which each of
tries becoming restless, rearming us will have to decide for himself.
feverishly and showing genuine Nevertheless, I hope the response
alarm over the changed circum- from our group may be as gen-
stances. The bloody struggle of ex- erous as our means permit and as
termination in Spain, "amazingly the need for this cooperative ef-
savage," is being won by the foreign- Alexander G. Ruthven.
ers, said Mr. Mowrer. The Fascist ___
countries have come to the aid of the ted
rebel forces but France, formerly Cntinuing his takSmonsqu
assisting the loyalists, has ceased this eapdfmst personh l ofexper-
activity, being apparently the only ence demonstrate the type per
nation obsessed with a "bourgeois manent and constructive work done
nation ofekeeping a contract." by private charity. "The Community
Spain Pointed To t Fundrepresents as sounda method
But Mr: Mowrer blasted the gr of welfare relief as exists,"he said,
__ ,,_ YT- , ..and urged solicitors to "make a point

ing conviction in the United Staeso
thattistrugglinSpaUninewattes othe fact that contributors are do-
that the struggle in Spain was be- ing something essential for the fu-'
tween the Fascists and the Com- ture of Ann Arbor and America."
munists. Purposely arrested to gain Ah
access to Spain Mr. Mowrer was only Among the guests at the speakers'I
able to find that the rebels were a table were President Ruthven and E.
conservative grouphdominatedreby C. Goddard, founder of the Commu-
Fascists led by Franco, who would nity Fund movement in Ann Arbor.
take the corporative state from Italy, Following Simons' speech,thatHde
made the announcementthatethe
the theocratic tendencies of the Aus- Special Gifts division of the Fund.
trian state and the Jew bating pro- which opened its drive in advance of
gram of Hitler, were he to gain con- the regular campaign, has already
trol, which appears likely, collected a total of more than $20,-
Among the government forces, 000 toward its goal of $30,000. The
Mr. Mowrer discoveredgthat one of total amount sought is $56,500. Hyde
the least dominating groups is the made the prediction that the goal
Communist-he later said that would be reached in two weeks.
Hearst is one of those responsible for
calling the loyalists communistic. It a
really comprises many of thoserwho s
would be willing to accept the Amer-*S
ican Constitution as its own - all a
those, in fact, who are anti-fascist.
. Russia, Mr. Mowrer explained, is In anticipation of the class election
emerging as one of the most effective on Oct. 28, the State Street party
bulwarks of peace. of the sophomore class will hold a
caucus at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the

Belgian King'
May Call Off
Locarno Pact
Return To Pre-War Stand
Is Favored By Leopold;
Defense Strengthened
Anxious England
Ponders Situation
Russia Meanwhile Protests
Violations Of Spanish.
BRUSSELS, Oct. 15.-(AP)-Official
circles tonight interpreted the "neu-
trality" speech of King Leopold as
meaning that Belgium would stand
alone in the defense of her frontiers
and would abrogate all pacts pledg-

Roosevelt Lead Cut In Daily Poll
As F.D.R. Concludes State Tour;
Points To iprovement Since '32

Says Major Depressions
Are Not Necessities Of
Modern Life
Asks People If They
Are Not Better Off
Defends Haste In Early
New Deal Legislation
Caused By Emergency

A Confident President Sends
University Personal Regards

TRAIN, Oct. 15.-(Special to The
Daily)-A President confident of re-
election, energetic despite the rigors
of the campaign and in excellent hu-
mor, sent his personal regards to the
University of Michigan today.

aii Wuiua~rv UCaa kJW,/0 J1U5 DETROIT, Oct. 15.-(Special to vylV-- -- -' v
ing her to go to the military aid of Arriving in Grand Rapids from
ingher ntion goThe Daily)-President Roosevelt in- Chicago at 9:30 a.m., after a parade
Bthelgiantinfrecvaded Michigan today and, speaking downtown, President Roosevelt and
Belgian informed circles expressed tonight from in front of the City Hall his special train of 21 cars, bearing
belief that the King's speech before here to more than 200,000, persons family, office force, White House
his cabinet meant he would urge epudiated government of laissez- correspondents and some Michigan
parliament to withdraw from the re." g newspapermen moved across the state
faire. ctoward Lansing. Arriving at each
French mutual assistance pact of In direct contrast to Gov. Alfred station where the Presidential train
1920 and from the Locarno pact. M. Landon's statement Tuesday that stopped and in each parade was a
The diplomatic consensus was that government's prime function is pro- motor cavalcade of 43 automobiles,
such actions would return Belgium tection from abuses, President Roose- furnished and driven by the State
to her pre-war neutrality stand, with velt asserted his belief that "it is the Highway Department, Democrat
added military defense for the coun- duty of government to bend every Murray D. Van Wagonner, commis-
try's German frontiers. effort" to prevent another depres~ sioner. It was these cars that carried
Belgium must not work for a "vic- sion. newspaper correspondents who did
torious war," the King told the cab- I do not accept the conclusion not ride on the train, special police
inet, but rather only to prevent her of many Republican leaders that and State Democratic officials.
fields from again being inundated mor ehe declareivF.D.R.Inaccessible
with foreign armies. ing to the thousands who appeare President Roosevelt was almost im-
Belgium Must Arm though firm' and clear, hardly carry- possible to get to. Surrounded by
The precarious geographical loca- 'o be morE anxious to see him than Secret Service Men, his secretary,
tion of the country, King Leopold to hear him. "It is not enough that Marvin McIntyre, policemen and spe-
said, between France and Germany, we have ended the days in 1932 when cial conferees, hardly a newspaper-
"compels us to maintain our military workers in the city received for their man on the train saw him during
machine so as to dissuade any of labor as low as $5 to $6 for two the trip. It was only on occassions
our neighbors from using our ter- weeks' work." when he entered or left the rear
ritory to attack another state." Heard in Grand Rapids, Lansing, platform or when he was going up or
The main desire of King Leopold, Flint, Pontiac and Hamtramck be- coming down the ramp to his car that
informed sources said, was that Bel- fore his Detroit address, the Presi- he was at all available. And it was on
gium not be called upon to send her dent time and again stressed what such an occassion that a Michigan
troops to aid any foreign nation in- may well be termed the Great Dem- Daily representative reached him, as
vaded by another. ocratic theme song for 1936: "You're he was struggling down the sloping
"We must aim absolutely at placing better off now than you were in 1933, board with paralytic legs.
ourselves outside the conflicts of our aren't you?" "As one university man to anoth-
neighbors," the King said, urging In Grand Rapids and Lansing, er," he beamed, "give Michigan my
revision of the Belgian military sys- where he had been in the 1932 cam- regards. We'll come through all
paign, President Roosevelt told his right."
andtm topreserve itsBelgiumsent rdefects audience that "There has been a Presidential Confidence
throdg inmeysfrteef great change here since I was here The Presidential eyes shone, the
throug i xnrased frontier eess before." In Flint and Pontiac, he Presidential face wreathed itself in
forthcoming laughingly said: As this is the first smiles and a look of confidence. At
sires was expected to be time I have been here, I cannot say Grand Rapids and Lansing, but more
at the extraordinary session of par- you are looking and feeling better especially at Flint and Pontiac, Pres-
liament called for Oct. 27. than you were in 1933, but I think ident Roosevelt indicated that he
LONDONOct15() are. He spoke to the Grand does not seem to be much alarmed
LON N Ot - .e B- Rapids audience from his car in front over the outcome of the election. "I
gian ambassador told foreign secre- of the Hotel Pantlind, and in Flint hope I am President when I come to
tary Anthony Eden his country would the Presidential Party went to a see you again," he announced in
fulfill its League of Nations obliga- Stadium. In Lansing and Pontiac
tions, reliable sources said tonight. the President only spoke from the Flint, and, he added after a pause
The Ambassador, Baron Cartier rear of the platform of his specialI and a smile, I think I will be."
de Marchienne, was reported person- 21-car train.
ally to have assured Eden that King Mobs jammed around the railroad Luzon Reports
Leopold's "neutrality" speech was tracks to see him at every stop. Near-__.___Iiinnnn n Reports

"From you," he told his Pontiac
audience, "I expect a telegram onthe
night of Nov. 3, telling me 'all is
well.' "
Of course, McIntyre, his affable
secretary, and Postniaster James A.
Farley, both of whom could be
reached aboard the train, took a more
serious view of the campaign. Al-
though neither gave indication they.
feared defeat by Governor Landon,
both refrained from such statements
as the President made and talked
about the election in terms of prac-
tical politics. The President, they
said for example, seems to think he
(Continued on Page 2)
Mrs. Simpson
To Have Early
Casse Hearing
Uncontested Divorce Is
Likely For Friend Of
King; Press Silent

concerned soley with Belgium par- tIly 1UU,0UU in Grand R apids saw im,
ticipation in future conferences of more than 25,000 in Lansing, as many
signatories to the Locarno Pact for in Pontiac, and including Highland
collective European security. Park, Hamtramck and downtown De-
Anxious Great Britain meanwhile troit, probably more than 500,000 per-
AniersdGew Rusitnan whrotestssons saw the President all in all in
pondered new Russian protests the Motor City.
against alleged Spanish neutrality The President everywhere was in-
violations and the possibliity of Bel- troduced by Frank Murphy, Demo-
gium's withdrawal from the Locarno cratic candidate for Governor, who
Pact for collective European security, usually introduced Democratic polit-I
Russia Calmer ical candidates. In turn for his in-
With the Russian tension some- troduction, Murphy received fine
what eased, hopes of British officials praise from Presidential speeches.
for the peace structure of Europe Playing hardest on his "better off
were bolstered by a non-commital than in 1933" theme, President Roose-

Mounting Toll
Of Casualties
Death Total In Hurricane
Reaches 546; New Gale
Said To Be On Way
MANILA, Oct. 15.-(AP)-Comrnuni-
cation lines were restored in typhoon-
1 harrassed northern Luzon Island to-

LONDON, Oct. 15.-(T)-Attorneys
oday prepared Mrs. Ernest (Wallie)
Simpson's divorce suit for an early
hearing, possibly before the end of
he month.
The beautiful American friend of
King Edward VIII is suing her ship
broker husband on charges of adul-
tery, the only grounds for divorce
in England. He announced he will
not contest the action.
Her suit will be heard at Ipswich,
one of the provincial assize centers,
on a date to be set Saturday.
Although Simpson himself an-
nounced the suit after he and his
slender wife moved to separate resi-'
dences last night, the British public
in general, presumably still was un-,
aware that their monarch's closest
woman friend was seeking to rid her-
self of her husband.
Not one London newspaper pub-
lished the story. Even the news re-
views, most of which have printed
pages of articles copiously illustrated
with photographs showing the Balti-
more debutante and King Edward to-
gether, put their weekly editions on
the street without even a hint of the
rift in the Simpson household.
Intimates expected Simpson would
remain away from Ipswich when Jus-
tice Hawke calls the case. The usual
procedure is for the defendant's solic-
itors to guard his interests for him
in such uncontested suits.
Close friends of Mrs. Simpson said
they expected she would continue to
be King Edward's guest at times.
They said also they understood she
would be a member of the small party
of friends who will accompany him
to the royal country home at Sand-
ringham early next week.
French Hate War
Despite Patriotism
Mower Declares
The French people are not militar-
ists; they hate uniforms and despite
their intense patriotism, they cer-
tainly do not want war.
That is the opinion voiced yester-
day morning by Edgar Ansel Mowrer
University of Michigan alumnus and
noted foreign correspondent, before
Prof. James K. Pollock's class on
political parties and electoral prob
lems. Mr. Mowrer, who lectured las
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, spoke to the class for al
most an hour at the invitation o
Professor Pollock.
The French dislike of uniform
even permeates the uniformed men
themselves, Mr. Mowrer told the
class. "When a French officer goe
home he takes off his uniform, lik
the worker takes off his overalls, be
fore calling on his best girl or ven
turing forth on the streets."
One of the fundamental reason
for the Frenchman's dislike of mil
itarism, Mr., Mowrer said, is becaus
he is essentially a solitary, privacy
seekina individualr. H e oesnotlik(

Ballotting Reaches 3,156
As Landon Gains; Voting
Ends Today
Norman Thomas
Holds Third Place
Sororities And Fraternities
Favor Kansan; Lemke
Has Only_11 Votes
Governor Landon cut President
Roosevelt's lead to 15 in the 3,156
votes cast in The Daily's three day
presidential poll by receiving 543
votes to Roosevelt's 523 in the second
day's ballotting yesterday.
The President's running total is
now 1,456 votes, while that of Gov-
ernor Landon is 1,441 votes. Yester-
day's ballotting of 1,146 was much
lighter than that of Wednesday when
2,010 votes were cast.
Still runiiing in third place, Norm-
an Thomas,, Socialist candidate, re-
ceived 57 votes yesterday to make his
running total 156. In the fourth po-
sition is Earl Browder with 88 votes:.
19 votes were cast for him yesterday.
ITrailing far, behind the field is the
Union party candidate, Rep. William
Lemke who received only 3 votes yes-
terday to make his total 11.
Results at the end of the second
days' ballotting in The Daily's
student presidential poll:
Roosevelt ................1,456
Landon ...................1,441
Thomas .................... 156
Lemke .....................11
Total votes cast: 3,156
Only one name, that of Emma
Goldman, noted anarchist, was writ-
ten in the ballots yesterday.
In the voting of fraternity and
sorority members, Governor Landon
held a lead of 616 to 536 over Presi-
dent Roosevelt in the two days' bal-
lotting. H o w e v e r, independents
showed their preference for the Pres-
ident by giving him 920 votes to 825
for Landon in the first two days of
voting. Members of Greek letter
groups gave Norman Thomas 22 votes
in the first two days, and indepen-
dents gave the socialist 134. The
Communist candidate, Earl Browder,
was the recipiant of 8 votes from the
fraternities and sororities after two
days have passed, while independents
have cast 80 ballots for him. At the
close of the second day, Rep. Wil-
liam Lemke, candidate for the Union
party, had received only 2 votes from
the fraternity and sorority mem-
bers and 9 from independents.
The voting by women students was
still very light yesterday. Hope was
expressed that more co-eds will turn
out to cast their ballots tomorrow, the
last day of the poll.
Great interest is expected to be
shown in the poll today, because of
the closeness of the race, President
Roosevelt having only a very slight
All persons desiring to vote today
are reminded to bring their cards with
them, for they must be shown before
a ballot can be secured.
Voting will continue today in the
S Angell Hall lobby, on the Diagonal
in front of the General Library,
under the Engineering Arch, in front
Sof the Union, in the League and on
the mall between the School of Ed-
ucation and the College of Archi-
tecture. The polls will be open from
9 a.m. till 12:30 p.m., and from 1
till 3:30 p.m.
n Freshman Forum
t To Discuss Dating
- The annual Union Freshman Fo-
rum series will be opened at 4:15

p.m. Tuesday in the south lounge of
s the Union when Prof. Bennett Wea-
e ver of the English department directs
s the first discussion on "How Should
e I Act on a Date?"
- Beginning its fourth year, the fo-
- rum atttendance of last year aver-
aged more than 100 persons, and 'H.
.s Murray Campbell, '38, chairman of
- the Union orientation committee, ex-
e I pects more than 150 persons to attend
- each forum this year.

German reply to a questionnaire on velt defen
future Locarno conferences. Deal meal
Students Tell Why The
Fits Into'Americanc

"How does your presidential choice
exemplify the best there is in 'Ameri-
can ideals?' In other words, in what
way does your candidate represent
your conception of the 'American;
way' and the 'American system,' that
political requirement that all parties
claim they meet?"
Students in the Union, the League,
local restaurants and around the
University buildings, gave these an-
swers to that question.
Roosevelt "had the welfare of every
American at heart. He felt that
without the national government's

which is t
cans. He
which Am
lution and
policy of
there is n
as far as
erage citiz
ileged on
cational i

ded haste in the early New day and over the wires came tales,
sures of destruction that shot casualty lists
______________ __- up to 546 deaths and 1,045 missing.
The reports came from provinces
0 e that had been isolated since the storm
~ir Choice whirled over the area north of here
last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
System ' Best Pan American Airways reports in-
dicated another storm was brewing.
Company officials announced an ad-
threatened by the Republi- ditional 24-hour postponement of the
defends political rights for China Clipper's flight from Guam
ericans fought in the Revo- to Manila because of "severe weath-
the Civil War. He supports i er conditions."
The China Clipper, carrying news
"will eliminate Roosevelt's writers from San Francisco to Manila,
spending too freely. But left Guam early today but turned
a difference between the two back when her captain decided he
Americanism is concerned." could not circumnavigate the ty-
lt "is interested in the av- phoons.
zen, more than in the priv- Relief workers reported the threat1
es. He is fostering edu- of pestilence had subsided in strick-
deals, through the NYA, for en Cabanatuan, provincial capital
Revolutionary moves are 100 miles north of Manila. The full
force of the storm struck that city
r "bases his platform on the of 15,000.
epile that government is Word from the Cabanatuan region
in character and problems said hungry mobs plodded through
olved by economic measures. muck and debris-littered streets
governments are alike, his chanting prayers for relief.
apply to all countries, not Asserted threats to loot rice ware-
America." 1 houses caused army officials to send
"is more democratic. I constabulary detachments to some

Search For StudentI
Continued By Police

Union to nominate candidates for
class offices.
A platform and other campaign
novelties will be discussed at the
caucus, it was announced at a pre-

help the American people would fall ! itJwUVI
below the American standard. He true prig
did not discriminate between classes economic
when he gave his helping hand." must be so
Since all
Landon "follows the American way. solutions
He believes in freedom of enterprise Isouin
and effort. Roosevelt believesnr eexcluding
strictions, for the good of what I R osvlt


is trvina to become a d ric-


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