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October 15, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-15

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The Weather
Unsettled today and tomor-
row, occasional showers and
thunderstorms; cooler today.


A& A&
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For The Ba'nd ...
The Local
Peace Momevent .



Monopoly Hit
By Roosevelt;
President To Make Initial
Visit To State Since 1932
Campaign Tour
Grand Rapids Stop
Is First Scheduled
Detroit Talk, Is To Be
In Front Of City Hall
At 8:30 P.M.
The prime purpose of the New Deal
has been to break "the deadly grip"
of monopoly on American business,
President Roosevelt told the nation
from Chicago last night, as he pre-
pared, on the heels of Gov. Alfred
M. Landon, to make his first visit to
Michigan since the 1932 campaign.
The President will arrive in Grand
Rapids at 9:30 a.m. today and de-
liver a speech from Campau square
there before his special train leaves
for Lansing. Arriving in the State
Capital at 12:30 p.m., he will be ac-
corded a formal welcome from Gov-
ernor Fitzgerald and speak from the
rear platform of his train. He will
also make brief addresses in Flint,
Pontiac, Hamtramck and Highland
Park before arriving in Detroit for
the main speech of his Michigan tour.
To Speak At 8:30 P.M.
By automobile, President Roose-
velt will come up Playfair Street to
Joseph Campau Avenue, south to
East Grand Boulevard, west to Wood-
ward Avenue and south to the City
Hall. He will speak at 8:30 p.m.,
from his car in front of the City Hall,
after he is introduced by Frank
Murphy, Democratic candidate for
Governor, chairman of the meeting.
A loud speaker system will make it
possible for the President to be heard
for a distance of two blocks in every
direction jrom the City Hall, ac-
cording to Don Kennedy, business
manager of the State Highway de-
partment and chairman of arrange-
ments. Flood lights will also be
played on the Presidential car.
After his speech, President Roose-
velt will go to the Book-Cadillac
Hotel for conferences with Demo-
cratic party leaders until his train
leaves at 11:59 p.m., from the Union
Station, for Cincinnati.
Speaking of what he called "fairy
tales and bogey-men" which he said
Republican leaders were using to
spread fear, the President last night
"You have heard about how an-
tagonistic to business this Adminis-
tration is said to be. You have heard
all about the dangers which the
business of America is supposed to be
facing if this Administration con-
Mentions Record
"The answer to that is the record
of what we have done. It was this
Administration which saved the sys-
tem of private profit and free en-
terprise after it had been dragged to
the brink of ruin by these same
leaders who now try to scare you."
A few moments later he remrked
that the"struggle" againstmonopoly
is a struggle for and not against
American business-a struggle to pre-
serve individual enterprise and ec-
onomic freedom.
The President spoke from the flag-

festooned stage of the Chicago Sta-
dium to thousands of people cram-
med into every available seat. Four
years ago in the same hall he ac-
cepted the Democratic nomination
for the Presidency.
Band Sells Tickets
For Amateur Hour
Members of the University of
Michigan Band will be on the campus
all day today to sell tickets for the
band-sponsored amateur contest, Er-I
nest A. Jones, business manager, said
yesterday. The contest will be held
at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, October 20,
at Hill Auditorium.{ The price of ad-
mission has been set at 25c.
All would-be contestants must
apply by 5 p.m. today. Applications
have been pouring in so fast that the
setting of this deadline has been ab-
solutely necessary. Each applicant
will be heard by a committee before
the night of the contest in order to
insure a successful program.
Applicants come from far and wide.

Gargoyle's First
Issue To lie Sold
On Campus Today
The Gargoyle, campus humor mag-
azine, which was recently judged the
finest of its type in the entire coun-
try, makes its 1936-37 debut on the
campus today.
Offering features galore, colored
pages, stories and pictureson foot-
ball, styles and politics, officials ex-
pressed the opinion that this issue
will be one of the finest published
since the Gargoyle has been in exist-
Besides some of the features of
last year, such as "Preposterous
People," that are being carried over
this year, there will be as many new
and different parts to the magazine,
Gilbert Tilles, editor in chief, an-
Many multi-colored plates depict-
ing campus events, world and na-
tional politics and big moments in
the life of a football coach are in-
cluded in this issue.
It was announced by C. Grant
Barnes, business manager, that the
plan in which a person could receive
both the Gargoyle and Life magazine
at a greatly reduced cost will not
be 'used this year because of unfor-
seen and uncontrollable circum-
stances. All persons that have paid
for a combined subscription to Life
and the Gargoyle are asked to come
to the Gargoyle office in the Student
Publications building and receive a
Typhoon Toll
On Luzon Island
Reaches 40'8
600 People Are Missing;
Officials Combat Hunger,
Thirst And Disease
MANILA, Oct. 14.-(P)-Author-
ities and relief officials moved swift-
ly through typhoon-stricken northern
Luzon island tonight, combating
hunger, thirst and threats of pesti-
lence while the death toll rose to 408
Belated reports said 150 miners and
three other persons drowned when
trapped by a wall of water as they
were crossing a river in the San Nar-
ciso district of Zambales province,
northwest of Manila.
Ten others drowned at Magalang,
Pampanga Province, when a boat
The stricken regions called for
cholera, typhoid and dysentery vac-
Dr. Jose Fabela, national relief
director, rushed health service work-
ers into the area to dispose of all
human bodies and animal carcasses
as quickly as possible.
Flood water polluted drinking
water supplies in many places and
a typhoid epidemic was feared by
The national assembly will con-
vene in special session next week.
and probably will be asked to pass
a $500,000 relief and rehabilitation
bill to aid the four stricken prov-
The threat of famine was reported
acute in districts which relief agen-
cies had been unable to enter because
of flood waters.
Famine conditions were reported in
La Union Province. Authorities there
said they feared the critical food
situation would cause unrest among
the masses. Crop destruction was
reported at 40 to 70 per cent in the
Democrat Club

Challenge Not

Russia Asks
For Blockade
Of Portugal
Suggest Patrol Of Ports
By British Or French
Naval Forces
Ultimatum Of Last
Week Turned Down
Russians Trying To Show
They Are Not Bluffing
In Demand
MOSCOW, Oct. 14.-(P)-Russia
tonight demanded blockade of Portu-
guese ports to prevent shipment of
arms to the Spanish Insurgents.
An official communique called up-
on the neutrality committee to urge
the British or French navy, or both,
to patrol Portuguese ports.
"We demand from the .committee
the establishment of such control,"
the communique said.
The Russian demands, the com-
munique said, were, handed directly
in the form of a note to Lord Ply-
mouth, chairman of the Spanish
non-intervention committee in Lon-
The note also demanded, it was
said, that the body be reconvened
immediately to consider concrete pro-
posals which Russia advanced to pre-
vent neutrality violations.
Allcge Pact Violated
The text of the Russian demands
was given Lord Plymouth by the
Soviet representative Moiseyevich
Kagan, "in connection with his dec-
laration of Oct. 7."
This ,."declaration" charged Italy,
Germany and Portugal with breaking
their Spanish neutrality pledges, and
held that the alleged violations made
the neutrality pact but "a screen"
for aid to the Insurgents at the ex-
pense of the Spanish government
LONDON, Oct. 14.-(P)-Lord Ply-
mouth, chairman of the Spanish non-
intervention committee, t o n i g h t
turned down Russia's "virtual ulti-
matum" demanding that the com-
mittee be reconvened immediately to
discuss alleged neutrality violations.
Lord Plymouth's reply to Soviet
representatives said:
"I do not think it would be proper
for me to summon a further meeting
immediately . e
"All specific complaints brought
against Portugal were submitted to,
and discussed by, the committee Oct.
9, and the Portuguese government
was requested to supply as early as
possible such explanations as were
necessary to establish the facts.
" . . . your note contains no ad-
ditional evidence to show in fact
that the (neutrality) agreement has
been violated."
The Soviet note demanded the
committee be reconvened this week to
act on Moscow's charges that Portu-
gal, Italy and Germany violated the
non-intervention accord .
Charity Drive
In Ann Arbor
Begins Today
The sixteenth annual drive of the
Ann Arbor Community Fund will
open today with a dinner at the
Union at 6:30 p.m.
A brief program will follow the

dinner, including a 15 minute address
by Seward C. Simons of the Flint

Landon Calls
For Liberal
Nominee Says New Deal
Has Confused Change
With Progress
Kansan Spends Day
SpeakingIn State
States Furniture Industry
Exemplifies Progresses
Under 'Old Truths'
GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 15.-(P)-
Contending the New Deal has con-
fused change with progress, Gover-
nor Alf M. Landon called tonight for'
a "forward-looking liberal govern-
ment" based upon principles tested
by time and experience.
"We know from history and from
the hard school of experience that
we desert the old truths only at our,
peril," the Republican presidential
nominee said.
Landon spoke to a crowd from a
hotel balcony after a day's campaign-
ing through Michigan's industrial.
centers, bringing with him a personal
endorsement from the automobile
state's biggest industrialist, Henry
Describes "Best" Government
Referring to the Grand Rapids
furniture industry, the Kansan ex-
emplified his picture of the "best"
government as a "progressive appli-
cation of old truths" by saying:
"The craftsmen whose skill is re-
sponsible for the success of your fa-
mous isdustry here did not start by
discarding good designs which are
still famous, even though some of
them go back way beyond the horse
and buggy days. On the contrary
they cherished and respected them."
The nominee said the New Deal
"too often has been liberal only in
the spending of other people's
money" and again pledged a bal-
anced budget without depriving the
needy of help or the farmer of aid.
"Once the government at Wash-
ington has been restored to an effi-
cient and constitutional basis," he
said, "there is going to be general
revival of confidence throughout the
country and confidence is the fore-
runner of real recovery ...
Made Poorest Record
"Under this administration we
have made the poorest record in our
history in recovering from hard
"The country has been ripe for
recovery for the last two years.
Once all this consumer demand is
released, the problem will not be
where to find jobs for the unem-
ployed. The task then will be where
to find workers for the work."
The veteran Ford said in a state-
ment in Detroit after conferring with
the Kansan, that "I admire and be-
lieve in him; I hope he is elected."
Ate From Bucket
"He ate out of a dinner bucket for
years and he still thinks along with
the men who carry dinner buckets,"
Ford said. "It is not a pose with him
-it is his nature. Gov. Landon's
mind has not been warped."
The tall, thin capitalist added':
"I am not criticizing the New Deal
- only say that we have had enough
of it, we have had about all of it
the country can stand. Its intention
may have been good, but its perform-
ance was very poor."
Ford said the New Deal, in its so-
cial security program, was "making
to the workmen the same impossible
promises that it made to the bus-
iness men."

Peace Council
To Hold First
Meeting Today
The first general meeting of the
Peace Council will be called to order
at 8 p.m. today in the Union to de-
termine "a strong program for the
A tentative program, prepared by
the executive committee, will be dis-
cussed, according to Julian Orr, '37,
president of the organization.' He
stressed that the Council was not a
closed organization, as he made the
invitation to all students and faculty
interested in the cause of peace, to
attend tonight's meeting and aid in
deciding a course of action for the
coming semesters.
Plans include bringing speakers to
talk on peace, and anti-war moving
pictures, Orr said. A continuous pro-
gram throughout the year is an ob-
jective of the Council.

Roosevelt Has Slim Lead
Over Landon As Heavy
Voting Marks Daily Poll

Students Justiy Their Choices
In Daily Presidential Ballotting

"For whom did you vote in the
campus poll and why?"
A Daily reporter, standing on the
steps of the Library, walking along
the diagonal and on State Street,
received the following replies to that
question from students picked at
Landon: "because if Roosevelt gets
in there will be a dictatorship. I
don't like his alphabetical agencies
and I don't want to pay for all this
in the future. Roosevelt isn't a true
Democrat, he's a Socialist."
Roosevelt: "because the country is
better off now than it was 4 years
ago. Four years ago I wasn't able
Talk On Europe
To Be Given By
Mowrer Today
Noted Alumnus To Speak
At Lydia Mendelssohn
For Open Lecture
Edgar Ansel Mowrer, University of
Michigan alumnus and noted foreign
correspondent for the Chicago Daily
News will speak at 8 p.m. today at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
"A Journalist Looks at Europe."
There will be no admission charge
for the lecture.
Mr. Mowrer has gained interna-
tional fame for his accurate accounts
while in Berlin where he was ejected
after writing his book, "Germany
Turns the Clock Back" which was
awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1933.
His articles from European capitals
have been syndicated throughout the
country and he has on several occa-
sions been featured on international
broadcasts. Mr. Mowrer was most

to come to the University, I can now.
We can't let people starve and even
if there are misappropriations of
money its due to local politics, it's
not the administration's fault. I
like Roosevelt personally."
Browder: "because Landon is re-
actionary, though perhaps not overtly
His backing will lead him to work in
the interests of a minority. Democ-
racy seeks happiness for the ma-1
jority. Roosevelt is for the majority,
but there is a better solution, the
Communist program. It is scientifi-
cally devised, it is internationally
minded, it eliminates war by elim-
inating economic imperialism and its
objective is the true brotherhood of
Thomas: "because cooperation
would stand a better chance of de-
velopment in this country. By co-
operation I mean social and economic
enterprise not for profit but for use."
No vote: "because Roosevelt is too
impractical, Landon is a small frog,
Lemke is ballyhoo, Thomas is anoth-
er Roosevelt and I never heard of
Roosevelt: "because he is doing the
most for my people, the Negroes. He
has given jobs in the South to Ne-
groes and Whites. He is providing
NYA work for students."
Landon: "because Roosevelt is out
of his head. He's taken more power
than he can hold on to."
Browder: "because he is the only
one working in the interests of the
American people. He has a definite,
constructive program as outlined in
the editorial in The Daily. He is an
American with an American plan.
He opposes war and' fascism."
Student Gone
Without Trace
Since Monday

President's Margin Only
35 Votes At End Of First
Day's Ballotting
Thomas, Browder,
SupportNot Heavy
Vote Casting To Continue
Today And Tomorrow At
Designated Booths
President Roosevelt held a slender
lead of 35 votes over Governor Lan-
don this morning after the first
day of balloting in The Daily's stu-
dent presidential poll in which 2,010
votes were cast.
The President received 933 of the
votes to 898 for Governor Landon.
It was the heaviest first'day of vot-
ing ever recorded in student polls
conducted by The Daily.
The close vote indicated a wide-
spread change in student political
sentiment compared to The Daily's
1932 straw vote when former Pres-
ident Hoover received more than a
two to one majority over President
Roosevelt. The Republican candi-

recently connected with Paris and Freshman Engineer Last
while there covered the meetings of
the League of Nations in Geneva.a Seen On Campus While
While in Ann Arbor Mr. Mowrer is Attending 1 P.M. Class
being entertained by Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de- Robert Harrison, '40E, aged 19, ofj
partment and Prof. DeWitt H. Par- Monclair, N. J., has been missing
ker, chairman of the department of from his rooming house on Thompson
philosophy. Professor Pollock will St. since Oct. 12, it was announced
also introduce the speaker tonight. last night by the office of Joseph A.
The lecture is being sponsored by Bursley Dean of Students.
the committee on University LecBa
tures. Harrison was last seen at 1 p.m.
Monday when he attended a mathe-
matics class. No reason for his dis-
M ar1nne Unions appearance could be given by his
landlady, Mrs. Mayme Stueber, or
On W est Coast his friends. He attended the Fresh-
man Rendezvous Camp, and was ap-
parently doing well in his studies.
Plan Stri e s Police do not think that he has
done away with himself, because
only a tooth-brush and a razor are
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14.-(IP)- missing from his room.
A resolution calling for a strike ref- Harrison's parents could give no
erendum of marine unions, giving reason for his disappearance when
the joint negotiations committee they were contacted.
power to call a coastwide walkout He was refused admittance to the
after Oct. 28, was passed unanimously United States Military academy at
at an executive meeting of the Mari- West Point because of a minor heart
time Federation of the Pacific here ailment. Harrison's brother is a stu-
today. dent at Bucknell University.
The resolution, was introduced by1 Dean Bursley had no comment to
the International Longshoremen's make upon the case.

Results of the first day of bal-
loting in The Daily's student
presidential poll:
Roosevelt .............. ..933
Landon ...................898
Thomas ...................99
Browdjer .................. 69
Total votes cast: 2,010.
date polled 1,615 votes in 1932 to 748
for Roosevelt.
The first day of voting also indi-
cated that student interest in the
presidential election is much greater
than in 17932 when the total vote was
2,821, only 811 more than was record-
ed in yesterday's balloting. Voting
is expected to fall off during the
final days of voting today and to-
Norman Thomas, Socialist candi-
date, ran third with 99 votes. He
was closely followed by Earl Brow-
der, Communist candidate, who
polled 69 votes. Rep. William Lemke,
candidate of . the Union party, was
well down the list with eight votes.
Ruthven Receives Vote
Three others, President Ruthven,
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech
department, and John W. Aiken, So-
cialist-Labor candidate, each re-
ceived one vote although their names
were not on the ballot.
The vote for Thomas was lower
than expected, while the Communist
vote exceeded expectations. It is
generally believed that the total So-
cialist vote will be considerably
smaller than the 420 votes cast for
Thomas in 1932. The vote for Brow-
der is already more than double the
total recorded by William Foster the
Communist candidate in the, 1932
straw vote.
Considered significant by many in
the vote for Thomas and Browder
were six votes cast for Browder by
members of fraternities and sorori-
ties, and 22 for Thomas.
President Roosevelt jumped into a
large lead in the returns from four
of the' six voting places on the cam-
pus, but heavy Republican voting at
the Union and League polling places
cut his lead down.
Women's Vote Light
Voting by women students was
much lighter than expected. Lead-
ers of women's organizations on the
campus were busy today in attempts
to get out the women's vote.
The polls were closely watched yes-
terday by members of campus Re-
publican, Democratic and Socialist
organizations. No clashes among the
students were reported, however.
Voting will continue today and to-
morrow at the six polling places lo-
cated in the Angell Hall lobby, on
the diagonal in front of the main
library, under the Engineering Arch,
in front of the Union, in the League,
and on the mall between the School
of Education and College of Archi-
tecture. The polls will be open from
9 a.m. through 12:30 p.m., and from
1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
All students who wish to vote must
show their identification cards. Each
card is checked to insure against
multiple voting.
Art Gallery Tour Is
nn Thsm Ar, Tra

Yet Answered Community Fund, and motion pic-
s1tures. Simons, a nationally known

The Young Democrats announcedI
yesterday that their challenge to a,
debate to the Republicans upon the
campus has as yet remained unan-
swered. Richard L. Shogk, one of
those who issued the challenge, ex-
plained the club is also negotiating
with the national Democratic head-
quarters for a speaker for Ann Arbor,
but details are not yet available.

figure in social work, will be intro-
duced by Emory J. Hyde, president of
the Alumni Association and chair-
man of the Fund for 1936.
Two divisions of the Community
Fund have already opened their cam-
paigns with marked success. The spe-
cial gifts and corporations divisions,
who began their drives in advance of
the formal campaign opening, both
report substantial increases over
figures of a year ago.

Association's district executive board.
It called for a referendum among
the seven unions represented for a
vote to give the negotiations com-
mittee authority to call the strike if
it is deemed necessary.4
The seven unions, claiming a mem-
bership of nearly 37,000 workers,
are the T.L.A., the American Radio
Telegraphists Association, the Ma-
rine Engineers Beneficial Associa-
tion, the Masters, Mates and Pilots
of America, the Sailors Union of the
Pacific, Marine Cooks and Stewards,
and the Marine Firemen, Oilers, Wa-
tertenders and Wipers' Association.
Student Group Files
Expulsion Protest
A reunited Student Alliance, meet-
ing in the Union last night, voted to
send a telegram to Dean .Hawkes of

Chris Everhardus
Gives Up Football
Chris Everhardus, veteran Mich-
igan back, announced yesterday that
he has definitely decided to give up
After performing capably for the
past two years, he was informed that
the slight concussion injury sus-
tained in the Michigan State game
made it inadvisable for him to con-
tinue on the squad.
During the '34 and '35 seasons
Everhardus was one of the few bright
spots in the football line-up. He
alone made sizeable gains through
the opposing lines, when other backs
had failed.
While not playing regularly this
season, he scored on a twenty-five
yard place kick in the Indiana game

Sunday at the Michigan Union the Dr. Harley A. Haynes of the Uni-
group will hold a meeting at which versity Hospital, head of the special
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech gifts unit, has announced a gain of,
department will deliver an address. 15 e been setat$300divisio Twhe
C. Grant Barnes, '37, an organizer total goal of the Fund is $56,500.
of the Young Republicans, yesterday George Kyer, chairman of the cor-
explained that a business meeting of porations unit, which solicits from
the group will be held next Tuesday national corporations h a v i n g
at which time the challenge of the branches in Ann Arbor, reports a 50
Democratic organization will be dis- per cent increase over last year.
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