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October 14, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-14

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1976
A Vote For Thomas

1936 Member 1937
ssocided Cole6ide Press
Distributors of
Coe6idte D est
Published every morning except Monday during the
Universityy ear and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all ther matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Pos Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New Y'cork City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department:Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenande', Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Edtriah Hurd, Wiliam E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Edtoial epartment: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robrt Cum'aahmins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard
Myartnson,Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll,
MrySiage Mntaue.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
assocates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man Ca rlGerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
j,,ith M'. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
argret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell,nKatherine
coore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
-Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
anager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
I ed Advertising Manager.
f The Left . .
ONE OF THE interesting aspects of
the national campaign is the di-
:emma of the left-wing adherents. Should they
coptinue in support of their own parties, they
un the risk that Landon, whom they regard
san extreme conservative, may be elected.
§hpuld they support Roosevelt in order to avoid
the election of Landon, they vote in direct con-
tradition to their principles and for a man
wio, if he does anything will make capitalism
ynore habitable and postpone the time of any
real reform. On this page today, we print Mr.
Villard's answer to the problem. There is more-
?yer the question of the formation of a third
arty calculated to give more adequate repre-
snutation to the medium-liberals of this left
wing. Will the election of Roosevelt hasten the
forxmation of this Farmer-Labor party on a
trong national basis, and, in fact, cause an
timate re-alignment of the two major parties
into, the opposing fields of conservatism and lib-
eralism? We hope to deal with that problem in a
future editorial, but, for the present, we wish to
pomment on the position of the extreme left-
wingers, the members of the Communist party.
Before this year, the Communist campaign
platforms repeated the call "Working men of the
world, Unite!" It sang the Internationale and
Dlenounced capitalism; its aims were largely
douched in ultimate terms. Today, the Com-
munist platform is specific and immediate, and,
like the presentable Browder, more gently urges
its persuasions. , Fllowing are some of the spe-
cific planks in the platform of the American
Communist party, as cQmpiled by Editorial Re-
search Reports:
Government operation of closed mines
and factories where private ownership has
failed to keep them open. National owner-
ship pf the banking system. Nationalization
of the munitions industry.
Treasury revenues chiefly from steeply
graduated taxes on inomes over $5,000 and

gn cgrporate profits and surpluses.
Aid to agriculture by cheap credit, end of
foreclosures ,straight fixing of agricultural
prices. Scientific soil conservation.
Constitutional amendments to prevent the
Supreme Court from invalidating legislation,
to end child labor and to allow Federal
control over the economic processes of the
Protection to trade unions, of civil rights
and of Negroes. Federal anti-lynching law.
Adequate unemployment insurance along
the lines of the .Lundeen-Frazier bill.. Public
housing at low rentals. Extensive program
of public works.
Cooperation with the League of Nations
and with the Soviet Union in sanctions
against Italy, Japan and Germany.
Thr Amyrien Communists in 1936 nn-

allow them to vote for Mr. Roosevelt because he
represents a compromise between inflexible cap-
italism and their social measures, even' though
they may be costing Mr. R6osevelt many a.con-
servative vote by announcing their Democratic
This dilemma has reduced the left-wing votes,
within their own parties, considerably. Norman
Thomas polled less in 1932 than in 1928. Wil-
liam Foster, Communist candidate, polled 103,000
votes, one-fourth of one per cent of all votes
cast and almost 90 per cent less than the Social-
ist vote. Michigan contributed 9,000 of those
Probably the same division will continue to
reduce left wing party votes in this election, but
we must remember that, if this prediction be
realized, it will be because Socialists and Com-
munists voted with their eyes on 1940, and a
new alignment of parties in America.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily Anonymous contributions will bedisregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors aregasked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Interest In Public Affairs
To the Editor:
May I congratulate whoever wrote the leading
editorial in Sunday's Daily on that statement.
To my way of thinking our chief hope for the
survival of democracy is to be found in a sincere
and intelligent interest in public affairs on the
part of university and high school students.
The writer of that editorial is to be commend-
ed for the courage and sincerity of his (or her)
convictions as well as for the dignity and force
of that statment.

BENEATH * + **
' - - ---ly lBonth Williams eA
D ICK HERSHEY came in with a story yester-
day about a guy whom he discovered living
on the third floor of the Alpha Ielt house-
a sort of stowaway effect. Apparently Alexander
Woolcott started something when he dedicated
one chapter of his Reader 'To Alpha Delta Phi.'
According to Hersh this gent came in late and
left at his own convenience, but finally a reck-
oning day arrived. The fellow then calmly an-
nounced that he had made up his mind. He
told Dick to send him the steward and he'd come
to an agreement about the house bill.
"Convenient place here," he said. "I'll join.
You take care of the voting and red tape."
I was telling this story to Chuck Kennedy last
night, when he interrupted with: "Why, I'll be --
that's the same guy that was at our house, the
guy who asked if he could sleep there one night
before school opened. He stayed almost a week,
and then said he'd like to join even though he
was going to school in Detroit.
"And say, if it is the same guy, then he's the
one who went up to the Sorosis house the day
of their formal last spring and asked the house
mother if there were any of the girls who didn't
have dates. When she politely replied in the
negative, he asked her if it would be all right if
he just came and listened to the music."
Mr. Bonth Williams,
o Michigan Daily.
Dear Mr. Williams:
Will you accept orchids and my favorite
gardenias for that letter in your column Oct.
9th? Maybe a man columnist hates a woman
gossip, but me, oh my, how that malicious
gossip invites the hatred of her own sex!
Thanks a million. Please keep your col-
umn out of the "Flash! Hollywood, Calif."
Sincerely yours,
Eva Ciulina ('39)
520 Forest Ave.
* " ' * *
BENEATH IT ALL: The bangtails have started
to run at Sportsmans Park again-the place
where they have all those classy platers running
around and around a made over dog track for
purses that often run as high as $800 ... Bob
Henoch, the law school's premier handicapper,
caught a couple of them Monday for a substan-
tial killing . . . Bob was hot enough to elicit
Leo's, "Say, you get behind here and let me play
'em .. .and speaking of Leo's, have you seen the
big cage like rat trap stuck in the corner, prob-
ably to prevent the ambitious rhodents from
chewing up the cash customers overcoats . . .
Add Beneath It All: The Varsity band will
have a new drum major the next time it goes
into action, according to Mgr. Jones. The versa-
tile Bob Fox one of the best baton twirlers in
these parts, was hit over the head by the eligi-
bility jinx, and Director Revelli and his cohorts
are trying to uncover a competent successor .. .
a prominent campus sorority has moved its rush-
ing meeting to the dining room where the chairs
are stiff and uncomfortable. The girls all went
to sleep in -the parlor. .. W. Grafton Sharpe has
gone into the contracting business, and has been
awarded the title Of 'Master Dog House Builder.'
His assistant is a Mr. Fred (Dangler) George.
Louisiana State University is adding 100 new
courses to the curriculum for the 1936-37 session.

Coming To Detroit--0. G. Villard Explains His Support Of The Socialist
0TIS SKINNER, one of the most (From The Nation) erred completely in not realizing that
distinguished actors of the Amer-. he must break with the great capital-
ican theatre, has not been able to AS USUALLY happens about this ists entirely if he would achieve his
find a play this season that suits time in a Presidential campaign, program, that no compromise with
him. And just as the late E. H. I am receiving inquiries about how I, them was possible. The .very, title of
Sothern did when he was in a sim- personally, am going to vote. It is Mr. Lindley's book is the most dam-
ilar predicament, Mr. Skinner will quite usual, too, to meet people who aging indictment of the Roosevelt
"Wrpear kneielthe aomtIdoptlkew regime-it has been "halfway" at ,all
make a lecture tour. Under the say, "Well, there is a lot I don't like times. But to this my inquisitors will
title Footlights and Spotlights, he about Roosevelt and his Administra- reply: "Better halfway than none of
will discuss and read lines from tion, but the all-important thing this the way.",
some of the 330 plays he has acted year is to keep Landon out. Don't you
during the last 58 years. It was also think so?" That has a most familiar what hope is there that the Demo-
the title of his autobiography pub- sound, for in every election there are cratic Party will continue liberal and
lished in 1924. The book will repay multitudes who vote with an eye to progressive after Mr. Roosevelt re-
looking up as it gives a good picture the immediate peril and without at-
of the theatre of his day, contacts tention to the longer vision. It is tires? I will insult no ones intelli-
with its greatest names, as well as partly because of this that the two old gene by commenting on the foolish
Mr. Skinner's delightful and rich corrupt and reactionary patries have rumors spread by crazy men and
personality. He will be in Detroit held together as long as they have. women that the President will ro-
under the auspices of the Detroit Tiyerheaploelct claim martial law and call off this
Town Hall Series at 11 a.m. today at This year the appeal to reelect year's elections, or that he will de-
the Fisher Theatre. Roosevelt meets with much liberal re- mand athird term in 1940. I left the
sponse because there is no question Democratic Party years ago because
STEVEDORE will be the first pro- that the sins of the Administration it was obvious that there could be no
duction this season of the New and its lamentable administrative hope of its becoming a genuine re-
Theatre Union at the Art Institute failures are in considerable degree form party when it was composed in
Auditorium, October 15 to 17 with a offset by the liberal orientation of the part of the reactionary Southern pol-
matinee the 17th. It deals with government as a whole. No one can iticians, in part of the corrupt Noth-
Negro and white workers in a recent deny that though there has been ern municipal machines. If Roose-
longshoremen's strike in New Or- maddening abuse of the appointive velt's successor should prove a real
leans and was the first hit of the power purely for spoils purposes, an and not a halfway reformer, we
Theatre Union at the Civic Reper- exceptionally fine body of mn has should see the party disintegrate rap-
tory Theatre in New York. been drawn into the government serv- idly.
ice. No one can question the great While I admit that the decision is
}MULATTO, by the Negro poet and service rendered to the country in not an easy one I shall not cast my
dramatist, Langston Hughes, will committing it-if haltingly and in- vote for Mr. Roosevelt, much as I
open the season at the Cass The- adequately-to the principles of social ersonally like him and rateful as I
atre next Sunday, October 18. James security and the right of every citizen am for the orientation of his adminis-
Kirkwood who played in these pa to a job, and to a humane relief pol- tration. My reason is not merely my
last season in Tobacco Road, will icy; no President hereafter will ever distrust of the party behind him or
have the part of a white planter. It seek to do away with social insurance, my feeling that it is absolutely neces-
is booked for one week. Innumerable social workers and sary to encourage a third-party move-
ON OCTOBER 25 Lady Precious friends of labor are also ready to ment. I could not conscientiously
Stream, from the repertory of forgive the President for all his short- vote for an administration which has
Mei Lan-fang and with costumes de- comings out of gratitude to him for so militarized the country, and given
signed by him, will open at the writing upon our statute books the us for military and naval purposes a
Cass. It was translated and directed principle of collective bargaining budget for this fiscal year of about
by Dr. Shih I. Hsiung, ran a year through representatives of labor's own $1,200,000,000. I agree with Secretary
in London, several months in New choosing. Still other liberals will Hull that war is "a cruel mill," whose
York. In his introduction to the vote for the President because of grist is "death to youth, death to
version published by Methuen in their belief that the election of Lan- hope, death to civilization." Each one
London and by Liveright in New don would mean a step toward fas- of us has his paramount issue. Mine
York, Dr. Hsiung says: "In this play cism. is this question of war and peace and
I have not attempted in the least to These are all, save the last, sound the savig of civilization. I feel that
alter anything. The following pages arguments, with which I cannot Mr. Roosevelt, unwittingly, if you
present a typical play exactly as quarrel if the satisfy those who ad- please, despite his great peace speech
produced on a Chinese stage. It is vance them. But I feel that it is not at Chautauqua, has set us on the road
every inch a Chinese play except true that the election of Landon to war and to the "death of civiliza-
the language." According to Brooks would do more to advance fascism tion." As I thus feel, so must I vote.
Atkinson, of the New York Times, "It than would that of Roosevelt. If If I am charged with thereby helping
is told with half-hidden humors and Roosevelt is elected and continues to instal reaction in Washington, I
decorous sentiments; the narrative his reforms, the embattled masters of can only cite once more my most
accent is supple and dainty." capital will be much more ready to threadare but my dearest quota-
Ann Arbor will remember The undermine our institutions than if tion. It was Wendell Phillips who
Chalk Circle, the Chinese play which they find a fairly obedient servant in said that he stood at all costs for
was so much liked when Thomas Mr. Landon. Moreover, Mr. Roose- human liberty and left the working
Wood Stevens directed it for the velt's rapid militarization of the coun- out of the details to "Almighty God."
Michigan Repertory Players in 1932. try has created just the weapon for So I shall vote for Norman Thomas.
CALL IT A DAY is the comedy bfascists to use if they should come to Not as a member of the Socialist
D ALL miTtAhDAYiwthounercmed power. Look at Spain and cry, Absit Party, for that I have never been, but
DodieSmith who under her re- omen! The power of the army and because I think Norman Thomasthe
cently abandoned pseudonym C. L. navy lobby in Washington can hardly most civilized and the most enlight-
will oen wrote Autumn Crocusmb. It be exaggerated. Again Mr. Roose- lightened of the candidates, and the
will open at the Cass November 3 velt's challenging of big business and soundest on the issue that concerns
with the same cast that played it in then seeking to compromise with it me most. Of course if anybody should
is headed by Gladys Cooper, l I and to woo it to his standard has put a pistol to my head and bid me
made her first appearance in this weakened his position. As Ernest choose between Landon and Roose
country a couple of seasons ago in Lindley has pointed out in his "Half elt, I should vote for the President
The Shining Hour, and by Philip Way with Roosevelt," the President without a second's hesitation.
Merivale, who is perhaps best re-
membered for Death Takes a Holiday.
again this season and will stop
at the Masonic Auditorium for six Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
days beginning November 3. Guy University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
Robertson who played the younger until :30; a:m:oSAturday.
Strauss in New York but not on last1
season's tour is back in the part WEDNESDAY, PCT. 14, 1936 Field Hockey for Women Students:
again this season. VOL. XLVII No. 15 Interclass hockey practices will be



-Edgar G. Johnston.
Principal, University High School.

A Goad Trick
To the Editor :
NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-(/P)-More than a thou-
sand patrons were driven from the Times Square
Theatre (215 West 42nd St.) tonight by fumes
from a mustard tear gas bomb, believed hurled
from the balcony among the orchestra seats.
** * *
From Sunday's Daily, page 1, col. 4 bottoms A
darn good trick if there were such a thing !
-Ye Alchemist.
They almost had to use a pulmotor on Don
Watson, Pomona College sophomore, who tried to
guzzle six malteds in 20 minutes. At fifth down
and three-fourths to go, the malted halted Wat-
More than a. million students entered insti-
tutions of higher learning this fall. Thirty-three
of each 100 of the 1936 high school graduates are
now college freshmen.
The Gamma Phi Betas at Oregon State Col-
lege had to seat their "rushed ones" on planks
stretched across saw horses because the house
was being remodeled at the time.
When football men at the U. of Mississippi
go around "boo-ing" its not to razz. They voted
Bing Crosby as their favorite radio star not
long ago.

In Defiance Of The Constitution?
-A Clarifying Summary Of The-Post-Dispatch Anti-New Deal Stand-

(From, the St. Louis Po.t-Dispatch)
OME OF THE READERS of this newspaper,
in commenting upon its editorial of last Sun-
day, "For President, Not Mr. Roosevelt," are
charging the Post-Dispatch with desertion of its
old faith in favor of Toryism and reaction. One
reader puts it as follows:
You have served the cause of liberalism
and humanitarianism well in the past, and
they will suffer by your desertion at the
present crisis. In the name of Jefferson, of
freedom, of patriotism, of the Supreme
Court, the Old Foe is fighting under Hearst
and the Liberty League, and you have joined
Another reader says that the Post-Dispatch
has been replaced "by an insidious sheet, masked
by the same name, that will prepare the minds
of its readers for the jettisoning of democracy
and the establishment of Landon Fascism."
We realize how deeply men's passions are
stirred in the heat of a political campaign and
how ancient party loyalties pull at the heart.
At such a time, men are often hypnotized by
party labels, by personalities and by sentimental
attachments. It is not easy to take an objective
view of the issues to be decided in so momentous
a presidential election as the coming one.
We have striven to take such an objective view,
and the result was fully stated in the editorial
of last Sunday-a re-reading of which we suggest
to those critics who are charging us with Tory-
ism and reaction.
We believe -that the Roosevelt administration
has attempted to set up in the United States a
government with vast and centralized authority
over the economic life of the nation and that
the guiding philosophy of the administration is
in that direction.
We know that such a government can only be
set up in defiance of the American tradition of
local self-government.
We know that such a government would be in
nplin defiance of the intent of the Constitu-

vested Mr. Roosevelt with more and greater
powers than have been possessed by any other
peacetime President in our history.
We know that for Congress thus to abdicate its
function, placing huge legislative powers in the
President's hands, is to destroy the system of
checks and balances by which our forefathers
wisely sought to protect us against the evils of
We .know that the drift of Mr. Roosevelt's pol-
icies is toward a different kind of government
from the one we now have-a Federal empire
ruled through the agency of a huge bureaucracy,
under which local and state prerogatives would
wither and die and the destiny of the people
would be decided by remote control from Wash-'
We are opposed to these basic changes in the
American form of government, particularly since
they are being made so subtly and with such
indirection that many people are not aware of
what is happening.
We do not believe that such changes can min-
ister to the happiness or to the prosperity of the
We do believe they can be brought to final ac-
complishment only at the sacrifice of human
If it be Toryism to regard with apprehension a
subversion of the American system in favor of a
new and untried system, we plead guilty.
If it be reaction to oppose a centralized, one-
man government, leading ultimately to dictator-
ship, we are reactionary.
If to be "liberal" and "humanitarian" means
to follow a path destructive to America's funda-
mental political institutions-tried in the cruc-
ible of 150 years - we cannot wear those labels.
For more than 50 years this newspaper has
devoted itself to the ideal of democracy, believ-
ing that its exercise is essential to the happiness,
well-being and freedom of the people.
It clings to that ideal today, and it opposes
an aministration whose cnntinuance in offce

AT 11 A.M. Friday, October 16 atl
the Cass, Doris Kenyon, widowf
of the late Milton Sills and herself
a motion picture actress as well as
an opera singer, will give a costume
recital. She calls it Lyric Impersona-
Katherine Cornell in her produc-
tion of Maxwell Anderson's The
Wingless Victory-in December prior
to the New York opening; Jane Cowl
in her success of last season, First
Lady, by George Kaufman and Kath-
erine Dayton. It deals with farcical
aspects of Washington society in'
typically Kaufman fashion.
[ICTORIA REGINA and Idiot's De-
light were announced earlier but
it seems that Victoria is doing such
good business at the Broadhurst in
New York that Helen Hayes does not
plan to tour in it before the fall of
1937. Idiot's Delight has now ,been
approved by the Lord Chamberlain
for production in London-that is, if
Robert Sherwood will change the lo-
cale of his play from the Italian
Tyrol to some unidentified part of
Europe and make all the Italian uni-
forms just uniforms. This will ap-
parently be done and the Lunts after
some uncertainty have decided to go
to London with the play, After the
New York run they will make a swift
tour of the Theatre Guild subscrip-
tion cities. Detroit is not one of
these so will not see this particular
production-according to present
plans. Ethan Frome, the Davis' dra-
matization of Edith Wharton's novel,
is starting a road tour with Pauline
Lord in her original part, Earl Lar-
rimore in the title part-played by
Raymond Massey in New York. It
has not been specifically announced
for Detroit but as it is making a
rather long tour including part of the
Mid-West, it will probably stop off
at Detroit.

Notices t
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Kindly call at the Business
office to approve payrolls for Oct. 31.
This should be done not later than
Oct. 18.
Edna Geiger Miller, Payroll
College of Literature, Science and.
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: All students, now inr
residence, who received marks of In-.
complete or X at the close of theirt
last term of attendance, must coin-s
plete work in such courses by. the
end of the first month of the present
semester, Oct. 28. Where illness orr
other unavoidable circumstances
make this impossible, a limited exten-
sion of time may be granted by the
Administrative Board of the Literary 1
College, the Administrative Commit-1
tee of the School of Education, or the
Director of the School of Music, pro-
vided a written request, with the{
ap oval and signature of the in-
structor concerned is presented at the
Registrar's office, Room 4, University
In cases where no supplerpentaryj
grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these
marks shall lapse into E grades.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected
for credit after Saturday, Oct. 17.
Students enrolled in this school must
report all changes of elections at the,
Registrar's office, Room 4, University
Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with instructors
only are not official changes.

held on Thursday, Oct. 15 from 4:15
o 5:30 p.m. on Palmer Field.
All students wishing to play must
have had a medical recheck this
Women Students Attending the
Minnesota-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Minnesota-Michigan football
game are required to register in the
Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in this office ,.not
ater than Thursday noon, Oct. 15.
If a student wishes to go otherwise
than by train, special permission for
such mode of travel must be in-
eluded in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to
register in the office.
Study Tour for Foreign Students:
The trip to Battle Creek which had
been planned for foreign students
had to be cancelled as word has been
received that the Kellogg factory is
unexpectedly to be closed on Satur-
day. A trip has been arranged to
the Starr Commonwealth for Boys at
Albion. This is one of the most im-
portant institutions in this country
for the underprivileged boys. It has
been the model for similar institu-
tions all over the world. The group
will leave as planned at 8 o'clock and
will have luncheon at the Common-
wealth. Expenses will include $1.25
for bus fare and a small amount for
luncheon. Because of this change in
plans, reservations must be made be-
fore Thursday noon Call at Room
9, University Hall or phone 303.
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing applicants report at Hill Audi-
torium between 4:30 and 5:30, p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 15, for main floor
Rene C. Adlong, Jerry Arzouman-
ian, Donna E. Basler, Melvin Beau-

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