The Weather Generally fair with rising tem- perature today; tomorrow fair in South, cloudy in north por- tion. L 4igun Ar :43att!j Editorials Dilemma Of The Left ... I VOL. XLVII No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Students To Vote Today In National Presidential Poll O- Intercollegiate Survey Nominees Sponsored Daily Princetonian On! By Balloting Booths To Open At 9 A.M. Identification Cards Are Needed To Cast Ballots At 6 VotingPlaces The first day of voting in The Daily's student poll on the presiden- tial election, conducted with the co- operation of the Union and the League, begins this morning at six polling places on the campus. The poll is being run in conjunction with a nationwide collegiate poll sponsored by The Daily Princetonian. It will seek to determine campus sen- timent on each presidential candi- date. A faculty poll will be taken later. The voting places will be open from 9 a.m. through 12:30 p.m. ,and from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., today, to- morrow and Friday. They will be attended by members of the Union, League and Daily staffs. The polls will be located in the An- gell Hall lobby, on the Diagonal in front of the Main Library, under the Engineering Arch, in front of the Union, in the League, and on the mall between the School of Educa- tion and the College of Architecture. The polling place in the League will be open from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. daily. Results of the poll will be published each morning in The Daily with the final vote coming out Saturday. The complete results of the national col- legiate poll will be available soon after Oct. 20, according to The Daily Princetonian. The poll is being conducted under the direction of a committee com- posed of Herbert Wolfe, '37, president of the Union, Charlotte Rueger, '37, president of the League, and Elsie A. Pierce, '37, managing editor of The Daily. Members of the committee stated yesterday that "every precaution" will be taken to prevent stuffing of ballot boxes. Identification cards must be produced before a ballot will be accepted at the voting places. A small check will be placed on each card after a student has voted to in- sure against voting more than once. The poll is being stretched over three days in order to catch all students when they have their identification cards. ,. Faculty members and leaders of student organizations endorsed the poll and emphasized that every stu- dent should cast a vote. Casualty List Grows As Wind Leaves Luzon MANILA, Oct. 13.-('P)-Casualties in Luzon Island's three-day typhoon stood officially tonight at 193 dead and 654 missing while the number of homeless mounted to 20,000. Relief authorities feared disease epidemics would develop. Unofficial reports indicated the death list probably would reach 400. Every relief agency in the stricken region, centering about 100 miles north of Manila, went into action, relieveing the refugees and searching debris for more victims. Major General Paulino Santos, Philippine army chief of staff, sur- veyed the flooded Pampanga River valley by airplane and said it re- sembled a broad sea. Ten persons drowned and 50 houses were destroyed when a dyke on the river gave way today. All the towns and villages in the valley were inundated. In some places the flood water was 20 feet deep. Crops and livestock were de- stroyed. Flood waters, rising as a result of a terrific rain that accompanied the typhoon, offered the main disease threat. They ran through a narrow but heavily populated valley south of Cabanatuan, provincial capital. Relief workers called the typhoon the worst in moder nPhilippine his- Coughlin Reports Fight To The Globe BOSTON, Oct. 13.-()-The Rev. Charles E. Coughlin told a press con- ference tonight that he had taken up with officials of the Boston Globe last night's incident at Providence which brought him into physical conflict with a reporter for that paper. The conference followed a day in which Coughlin remained in his suite at the Copley Plaza after asserting he was staying over to "get' 'the reporter, John Barry, veteran political writer. He denounced as a "gangster story" an account of his assertion of this intention, adding that "cultured people don't stoop to getting people." "The only thing I have done," he said, "is to remonstrate with this gentleman's superiors." "Has the matter been adjusted sat- isfactorily?" he was asked. "I am not going to discuss that," was his reply. Taft Objects To Spendings Of New Deal Asserts Landon Is Man To Clear Up The 'Financial Mess' In Washington Americans need a man who has the' courage to say "no" in order to clean up "the financial mess" in Washing- ton, and such a man is Gqv. Alf M. Landon of Kansas, Charles P. Taft, son of former President William How- ard Taft, said in his address last night in the Union. Mr. Taft criticized many of the New Deal spending policies and add- ed during his discussion of farm problems that the Republican soil conservation program would be much cheaper to operate than that ad- vanced by the Democratic Adminis- tration. The reason for this, Mr. Taft stated, is that the G.O.P. soil conservation program is just that and no more, and does not include pay- ments to the farmers. "The difference in the attitudes of the two parties toward business is that the Republicans say to industry that you can't do this, whereas the New Dealers say that you must do this," Mr. Tait said. "Monopolies have continued to grow under the New Deal and continue to be opposed to the interests of the consumer and the small business man,' he added. The removal of two Cuban presi- dents by President Roosevelt and the conducting of the war games in the Pacific were sharply criticized by Mr. Taft in his discussion of peace. "These acts did not foster the spirit of neighborliness that should be ad- vanced by the President of the United States," he stated. Landon will undoubtedly put into effect a civil service system if he is elected, the speaker continued. He declared that Landon is persistent to the point of being stubborn in the in- sistence that his policies are carried out. To illustrate this, Mr. Taft cited instances in the career of Landon while governor of Kansas. "Local units of government should retain as many functions of govern- ment as possible," Mr. Taft said in speaking of states' rights. He de- clared that the fundamental prin- ciple of self-government requires a participation in the government of the people directl-y effected and that a too-great centralization of govern- mental authority is opposed to this very principle. The closing of a large number of schools in the state of Kansas while (Continued on Page 2) Coal Mine Workers Join 3,000 Strikers In Utah SALT LAKE CITY, Cat. 13.-(P)- Unions belonging to rival factions in labor's current craft-industrial dispute were linked in enterprise to- day when coal miners were reported to have pledged support to Utah's 3,000 striking metal miners and smel- ter laborers. Rebels Reject Plan Offered SLoyalists Surrender Of Madri Must Be Complete Or Not At All, LeadersReply Demonstrations In Madrid By Women Fascists Appeal To City's Populace With Petitions Dropped By Planes MADRID, Oct. 13.-(P)-The Government, draining its last re- sources of manpower, tonight mustered into the defense re- serves all men who could should- er a rifle. Cripples and semi-invalids, physically unfit to be drafted in- to forces sent to the front, were to be organized in a separate re- serve unit. Recruiting committees also scattered through the city trying to shame anner strata youths into Woman Fractures Skull In Bad"Crash Helen Brittain, 24 years old, of 812 Catherine Street, in St. Joseph's Mercy hospital with a possible skull fracture as a result of a collision last night at midnight when the car she was riding in collided with a tele- phone pole about two miles west of Ypsilanti on the Washtenaw Rd. Tom Reed, 25 years old, of 709 North University Ave., her companion, said that a truck coming from the opposite direction had forced them off the road. Reed is suffering from contusions, abrasions and severe head lacerations. Doctors at the hospital said that the condition of the two injured was serious but not immediately critical. The car they were riding in was completely wrecked. Mr. Roosevelt Backs Fund For Education Overflowing Crowd Cheersl President At Kansas City Municiple Auditorium Republican Nominee Expands, Fiscal Proposals In Interview Says New Deal's Threat To Government Is Major Campaign Issue CallsEmergency Of 1933 'Mere Sham' Landon Demands F.D.R. Explain Poli cy ToNation; is Uncertain On Budget . 3 1 }E 1 I enlistment, particularly the so- KANSAS CITY, Oct. 13.-()- called "senorito" class which so President Roosevelt stood today on far has taken no active part. the stage of Kansas City's new mu-t Steady downpours of rain driv- nicipal auditorium and asserted that en on wintry winds enforced a the highest duty of any government lull in the fighting of both sides is "to order public affairs so that op- in the Madrid area, giving the portunities for youth shall be made government breathing space in ever broader and firmer." which to strengthen its defenses The school, the President said, "is closest to the city. the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to econ-4 BURGOS, Spain, Oct. 13.-()_- omize.' Fascist officials declared today they Back in 1933, he said, the youth of the nation apparently "had come to had rejected a bid from "several Ma- the end of the road." drid leaders" to surrender the capital "That was the condition that con- in exchange for concessions. fronted your Federal government on Headquarters here issued a com- March 4, 1933," he said. "Your Fed- munique declaring :eral government acted. "The situation of our army is such "Before it laid its hands to any that it is useless to discuss the sur- other problem-and there were many render of Madrid, which mustsbe of them-it set up the C.C.C. camps total." to put an immediate end to that hope- The first disclosure of the reported less condition." offer to surrender came from head- The President's listeners overflowed quarters at Salamanca where officers the huge hall in a throng which City said overtures were made to submit Manager H. F. McElroy said ap-' speedily in return for favors. proached 30,000 persons. A communique issued there said A moment later he added that the the Fascist command was not nego- Administration "had done much" in tiating for surrender of the capital beginning to improve the things in "in a minimum of three days" with America "which have made for waste Miguel Maura, former minister of in human beings. the Madrid government. The government for years has spent "It is true, however," the commu- money to conserve forests, crops and nique added, "that several Madrid livestock, Mr. Roosevelt stated. leaders tried to obtain from us cer- "Now we have begun to spend tain concessions in return for rapid money on much more important surrender of the Spanish capital." conservation-to save the energy, the Appeals to the Madrid population ability and the spirit of youth," he to capitulate and "avoid useless spill- said. ing of blood" were dropped on the President Roosevelt had streaked capital again by airplane, the Fas- across Gov. Alf M. Landon's own state cists announced. today with a greeting for station T h e y said the proclamations crowds, a staduim speech to thou- warned, "If this surrender is refused, sands and a handclasp with William the strength of the punishment will Allen White on the way to dedicate depend on the resistance opposed a huge auditorium in the midwestern to us." metropolis. In a colorful morning appearance E losion Da es at Wichita, Mr. Roosevelt asserted that Republican leaders were en- Cleveland Stadium couraging "class antagonism" but that voters on Nov. 3 would refuse "to be frightened by fairy tales." CLEVELAND, Oct. 13.-(-P)-An To shouting thousands packed into explosion rocked the Cleveland Sta- the Wichita Stadium the President dium tonight, injured four persons said "Republican leaders" have treid and shaking up at least 200 others to "spread the gospel of fear" in fac- who were in the $3,000,000 structure tories and homes and at American on the lakefront. firesides. James A. Cosgriff, 43, wardrobe But the people of the country, he man for the Great Lakes Exposition added, remember "too well the real which ended last night, was most fear, the justified fear, felt all over seriously hurt. The blast emanated the nation in 1932 to be frightened by from a storeroom on the ground level. this silly false fear which is now be- Cosgriff was in the room. ing preached." By FRED WARNER NEAL) DETROIT, Oct. 13.-(Special to The Daily)-High up above the streets of Detroit where he had been given a noisy, enthusiastic welcome, Gov. Alfred M. Landon said in a private interview today that he does not know exactly how he is .going to balance the budget, as he has promised to do within four years if elected. Relaxed and refreshed from a sleep in his suite on the 25th floor of the Book-Cadillac Hotel, Governor Lan- don smiled and discussed his cam- paign amiably. He recalled his Chi- cago speech of Oct. 9, when he prom- ised that if elected he would balance the Federal budget in four years by "ending wholesale waste and extrav- agance." First And Foremost "What," he was asked, "are spe- cific items of waste and extrava- gance?" "First and foremost," he replied quickly, "the administration of re- lief." That affords the best example I can think of." "Can you be a little more specific please? For instance, what phases of relief administration?" "Well," he replied slowly, puffing his pipe, "the political graft. The boon doggling, that is, of course, wasteful unnecessary projects. The hiring of incompetent politicians and relatives. A sane administration of materials. You must know in your own locality a dozen instances of bungledrelief administration." "And, Governor," his interviewer queried, "will the elimination of such waste be sufficient to overcome the present deficit?" Governor Landon smoked his pipe in silence. "No," he said after a pause, "it probably won't. But it will go a long way toward it." No Figures "But," his questioner persisted, "do you have figures? Where will the rest of the cutting and paring down come from." At this point, an aide injected: "Of course, figures are not available. But it will run into hundreds of millions of dollars." "There is, you know," Governor Landon continued, "the rising na- tional income. That will come re- gardless. American spirit and ten- acity cannot be stopped." He de- clared that he thought the best thing that could be done to increase the national income would be to "oust the New Deal with its shackles on business." He emphasized that his remarks not be construed as inti- mating a rise in taxes. The Appeal TosYouth "It is impossible also to predict the amount to be gained in national income. But from that, from stop- ping the vast waste in relief and from other sources which I cannot exactly point out, the budget can and must be balanced." When he was asked what in his opinion was the cardinal point in his program that would be most like- ly to appeal to the youth of Amer- ica, Governor Landon's face took on a look of dead earnestness, as he said, emphasizing each word witli a tap of his finger: "My determination to adhere tc . American principles which guarantec to the youth of our nation freedor of initiative, which the New Dea seeks today to destroy.'' The key New Deal policies whict Governor Landon holds to be most inimical to youth's welfare are two- fold. First, he said, "is the ruinou Peace Council Plans To Meet Tomorrow The Peace Council will meet fo the first time' this year at 8 p.m. to morrow in the Union to decide ont program for strengthening the or fganization. Julian Orr, '37, president of th Council, announced yesterday that tentative program had been prepare by the executive committee whic] debt. It is burdening your parents. It will burden you. It will burden your children. It must be stopped. "Second," 'he continued, "the New Deal is adhering to policies that make opportunity non-existent. It is put- ting our people on the dole, not cre- ating honest jobs. Four more years of it and opportunity will be a for- gotten word. And then where will American youth be. To what will all its education and its training and its preparation avail?"' The Daily's interview with Gover- nor Landon was sandwiched in be- tween a shave and hair trim and a conference with Governor Fitzgerald, Senator Vandenberg, Wilbur M. Brucker, United States senatorial no- minee, and Howard C. Lawrence, chairman of the State Central Re- publican Committee. The day for Landon and his party had been a hectic one, the perfectly timed sched- (Continued on Page 2) War Threats Seen In East Dr.flu Shih Japanese Warned Against 'Embarking On The Road To Self-Destruction' Dr. Hu Shih, eminent Chinese philosopher, speaking, yesterday be- fore faculty members and students at a Union luncheon in his honor, said there was little hope for peace in the far-eastern situation unless some out- standing statesmanship was demon- strated. "I- saw Wilson elected as a peace president and one month after his inauguration I saw him ask Congress to declare war," continued the prom- inent Chinese literary figure, in refer- ence to the elusiveness of the quality of peace. "Our government has gone five years without war," he declared. "As I saidin an open letter to the Japan-4 ese government, 'You are embarking on the road to self destruction. You must choose between being the Brit-I ish Empire or the Spanish Empire in the Pacific'." The topic of his discussion was "The Literary Revolution of China." Through his efforts modern China uses in its business transactions a Will Recommend Of Autocratic To Congress Repeal Powers DETROIT, Oct. 13.-(Special to The Daily)-Gov. Alfred M. Landon of Kansas, Republican nominee for President, demanded in a speech in Navin Field here tonight that Pres- ident Roosevelt inform the nation specifically of the New Deal measures he hopes to initiate and keep. Reading his speech carefully from a rostrum in deep center field to ap- proximately 15,000 persons, who no- where near filled the baseball park seats, Governor Landon charged the President with concealing his real in- tentions from the populace and as- serted that if he, Landon, is elected and finds added Federal powers needed, he will ask for a Constitu- tional amendment. The Major Issue "Make no mistake about it," he warned. "This threat to our form of government of the present Admin- istration is the major issue of this campaign. In ringing tones and to the cheers of his audience, Governor Landon shouted emphatically: "If I am elect- ed, I shall recommend to Congress the repeal of all the acts giving auto- cratic powers to the Chief Executive." In his opinion, the emergency of 1933 under which these powers were authorized "was a mere sham." The concentration of power in the hands of the President was not a question of temporary emergency," he main- tained. "It was a question of na- tional permanent policy." In the "false name of emergency," according' to Governor Landon, Roosevelt asked for and was granted these powers: "The right to change the amount of gold in the dollar. "The authority to issue three bil- lion dollars of greenbacks. "The power to set up a so-called stabilization fund of two billion dol- lars . . . "secretly to buy or sell gold, silver and foreign exchange at any price he sees fit . . . and to control the price of United States Government bonds. Congress Surrenders "The authority to determ:ne how much agriculture and industry could produce and sell; at what wages and for how many hours labor could work. "Appropriations to Congress to be spent at his discretion. These so- called blank checks have totalled 13 and one-half billion dollars." "Congress in effect," the Presiden- tial nominee held, "gave up its con- stitutional powers and surrendered its control over the spending powers of the government . . .one of the most important victories in the history of popular government ... "The people of the United States," in Governor Landon's opinion, "have never authorized the President to set up powers that supersede their Con- stitution. They do not want any government to have powers that could be used to shackle their lib- erties and enslave them." Time and again, in the course of his address, Landon stated his fear that the New Deal is leading to a dictatorship of regimentation. A Concept Of Government He set forth his concept of govern- ment when he said: "It is the first duty of government to protect us from abuses-from the abuses of concentrated power, whether that power be public or private. The pro- tection against the abuse of private power is vigilant insistence that free competition be preserved. The pro- tection against the abuse of public power is vigilant insistance on the rights of our citizens under the Con- stitution." The Kansas governor emphasized his demand that President Roosevelt "come out in the open" and make his aims and purposes clear to the electorate. "If the President thinks agricultural and industrial anarchy can be prevented only by the re- enactment of the principals of the .i Charles P. Taft II Supports Landon In Presidential Race Charles P. Taft, II, known through- out the country as a champion of{ civil service, a bitter opponent of the spoils system, paused long enough after his pro-Landon speech in the Union last night to state the Kan- san's attitude on the merit system in national government. Amiable, frank, well-versed, this son of President William Howard, Taft is now a member of the Re- publican "brain trust" following his noted clean-up of the municipal gov- ernmentin Cincinnati. several years ago. He was Gov. Landon's repre- sentative in drawing up the social security and civil service planks of the Republican platform. "Personally, I favor the employ- ment of civil service for all positions under the assistant secretaries and heas ef nf nartments in the ocvern- I ical affiliations." Mr. Taft cited sev- eral instances in the Kansas admin- istration where heads of state de- partments and institutions were brought from other states. He be- lieved "that Governor Landon, if elected, will appoint some Democrats to cabinet posts. At least he has said that his appointments would be without regard to party. "Between May 12, 1933 and June 22, 1936, the President signed 15 bills which authorized new jobs 'without regard to the provisions of the Civil Service Laws.' There is no record o: any effort by the President to elim- inate these exemptions, no record o any protest, or certainly no record o: any veto. "By June 30, 1936, the number of jobs available for spoils had in- creased under Roosevelt from abou f s t language devised on the banks of the Hudson River in 1916. The result of a four-cornered cor- respondence between students at Co- lumbia, Cornell, Vassar, and Har- vard, is the use of Mandarin, the lan- guage utilized in present day China. This fight for the unifiication of the Chinese language has been culminat- ed after 20 years of effort, he told the group. Dr. Hu Shih described this struggle for unification of speech, a literary revolution. Dr. Hu was introduced by Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geography de- partment, who pointed out that more Chinese students attend the Uni- versity of Michigan than any other American university. Twenty years ago, he said, classical SChinese, a dead language, no longer understood when spoken, was still in use as the official language of the country-used in all school texts and public documents. Many movements, tried to intro- duce another language, failed, he said, because they were led by men of letters who meant to continue us- ing classical Chinese for public doc- uments and literary works. It was Dr. Hu and his colleagues who suc- ceeded in instituting Mandarin as the T language of education, literature, and public documents. - Escaped Hoodlums a Unlocated As Yet e INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 13.- () - & The search for three hoodlums who h escaped from the jail at Greenfield Sunday apparently had run into a