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October 13, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-13

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1936 Member 1937
ssociated CHe iate Press
Distributors of
Colle6iate Digest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
niot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00;* by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard
F. Martinson, Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll,
Mary Sage Montague.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manage; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

is paying heavy deficits for their building. The
whole merchant marine has been socialized, and
the amount of the deficit is kept secret.
5. Production is enforced, by government or--
der, many factories being compelled to under-
take reorganization at a loss. Armament orders
are making others prosperous.
6. In the democratic country of England
which Hitler referred to disdainfully under his
blanket indictment, the number of automobiles
has increased from 223,000 in 1931 to 348,000
in 1934. Last year Germany had less than half
as many autos as England, in spite of the fact
that autos in Germany are exempted from tax-
ation because their widespread ownership is de-
sired for military purposes, and in spite of the
fact that there has been a vast increase of party
and army orders for motor cars. There are
more automobiles in democratic France with less
than two-thirds of Germany's population.
7. The deficits of states and cities have been
taken over by the federal government and thus
"removed." Debts owed to foreign creditors have
been "frozen."
8. The Reich certainly has an increased tax
revenue. The income tax begins at a wage or
salary of 900 marks ($225) a year, on which ,%
flat 10 per cent is paid. With compulsory party
contributions and the compulsory social insur-
ances, the total taxes are 30 per cent of such an
9. The great housing program which Hitler
points to with pride has not proceeded faster
than under the great building days of the Re-
public. Democratic England has rehoused 50
per cent of her entire population since 1918;
Holland and Sweden are almost completely re-
built. All without dictatorship.

BEN EATH *r* **
#*,#*x* IT ALL
THIRTEEN DAYS (Sigma Chi, 1935, 24
men) Freshman Stakes. Out of Cosper
stall gate. For all Greek boarding houses.
Non breakfast rushers, non beerers allowed 2
men, non hot boxers 5 men. Positively no
fillies. Net value to winner approximately

$100 per head.
Acacia .......99
Chi Phi .....104
D T Delta . . .119
Chi Psi ......119
Theta Xi . . . .107
Sigma Chi . . .116
Theta Chi . . .109
A.T.O. .......109
Phi Delt ....114
T. D. Chi . .. .119
Alpha Delt . .121
Beta ........112
Phi Psi......119
Psi U .......117

Jockey H
A. Valpey
D Effler
M Campbell
J Becker -
C Gerst'ker
E Boyle
W GrahamI
W Fl'm'ing
R Weisert
T Allen i
R Coombs
S Johnson
L Shinar
H Baker 3

lalf S


11 * 18

5t'ch Finish

*Dead heat for show, 8th and


A Point.
Of Fact .. .

W E COMMENTED in Sunday's pa-
per on the ethical aspects of the
remarks of Mr. Fred M. Zeder, vice-chairman of
the Board of Chrysler Corporation, before a local
meeting of industrialists. Today we wish to
point out that certain of the facts from which
he drew his conclusions are incorrect.
A paragraph in the account of his speech runs
as follows:
"Mr. Zeder further contrasted the methods
of employing relief workers in this country with
those used in Germany and Italy. 'Hitler (Mr.
Zeder, in talking with the Nazi dictator, came
to 'admire' himĀ° greatly) is doing a great job,
he's carrying on, he's putting his house in
order. France is a pig pen compared to Ger-
many,' Mr. Zeder stated."
A good analysis',of the real conditions of Ger-
man methods is that which is found in the recent
writings of Dorothy Thompson, a competent
observer. Writes Miss Thompson:
The many claims which the Nazi government
makes for the support of its people and the ad+-
miration of the rest of the world display Ger-
many under dictatorship as a modern Eden.
Unemployment has been reduced from six mil-
lion to one million. The dispossession of Ger-
man peasants has ended, and the agricultural
income is higher than in any previous year of
peace; trade has increased; the German port
towns are lively with ship-building; many fac-
tories have doubled, tripled and quadrupled their
workers; automobile factories are increasing tre-
mendously; and motor cars will increase from
45,000 in 1932 to 250,000 this year;. the deficit
of states and cities has been removed; the Reich
has an increased tax revenue of five billions;
the German Reich has. roads unequaled any-
where in the world. These are the high points
of the Fuehrer's claims.
What is there in them?
1. The International Labor Office recently
reported that German citizens had been removed
from the unemployment rolls in the following
manner: by absorption in increased business
largely due to the immense armament program
which is busy manufacturing goods of no use
to Germans except to fight with; by spreading
work in the factories, whereby more people work
but for less average weekly wage; by increasing
the army eightfold and introducing universal
compulsory two-year military training; by re-
moving women from industry; by work camps
which demand compulsory service of all young
men for a stated period; by the forced amigra-
tion of over 60,000 Jews.
2. The peasants have been saved from fore-
closure by completely limiting their ownership
rights; no peasant may raise credit on his land,
mortgage it, or sell it. Nor may he sell his
products to any one except government agencies

Letters published n this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject.-letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
An Open Challenge to the University Young
Republican's Club:
We believe that the reelection of President
Roosevelt is the earnest desire of all thoughtful
and rational people. We are certain that the
principles for which he stands should be forever
a definite part of our government. He is, in our
opinion, one of the greatest presidents and truest
Americans of all time.
Yet deeply embodied as these conclusions are
in our minds, we are aware of a certain degree
of sentiment on this campus and elsewhere in
support of Gov. Landon. We are completely
nescient of why this sentiment exists. We desire
to know if the chauvinistic followers of Gov.
Landon are not motivated by reasons other than
intelligent ones.
Therefore we the "Rooseveltians" of the Uni-
versity of Michigan challenge to a debate the
champions of Alf M. Landon on the question:
"Resolved that President Roosevelt should be
reelected rather than Alf M. Landon elected
president of the United States."
The Michigan Union has agreed to sponsor
such a debate as 'a regular Union Forum. If you
have the temerity to accept this challenge, com-
municate immediately with Richard L. Shook,
602 E. Liberty, Tel. 6658; or Joseph J. Joseph, 513
Elm St., Tel., 2-1612.
Republicans! Do you have reasons which bend
your minds to support Alf Landon or are your
eyes beclouded and your ears stuffed so you can
neither see nor hear? If you are men accept
this challenge and declare your reasons before
the face of all people or the world shall forever
know that sunflowers are consanguineous with
Hogwallow America
To the Editor:
Thanks to The Daily for giving us Mr. Zeder's
opinions on Saturday, and thanks likewise for
Sunday's good editorial and for Mr. Miller's
Mr. Zeder admires Hitler and Mussolini for
the very qualities Mr. Landon, the Liberty
League, et. al., decry, however falsely, in the
Roosevelt administration. The contradictions
in Mr. Zeder's stand are made obvious by your
editorial and by Mr. Miller's letter.
"If "engineer-planned projects" are what Mr.
Zeder truly admires, why does he cite Russia in
his panegyric of all that is not American? Per-
haps he is offended that the "poor devils" are the
beneficiaries of Russia's type of "engineer plan-
ning." Why does he not praise the Norse coun-
tries, where "engineer planning" has been im-
posed by consumer cooperatives, largely com-
posed of "poor devils?"
We do not object to engineer planning. We do
object to Mr. Zeder's version, which is govern-
ment of the industrialists, by the industrialists'
for the industrialists. We object to putting our
house in order by sending the "poor devils" to
their namesake.
A word more. No Francophile, yet I know of
France (also of Italy, Germany and Spain) from
first hand acquaintance. France, together with
England and the United States, still regards
liberty of speech and conscience as of some im-
portance. If that makes France a pigpen, then
the United States must be a hogwallow in Mr.
Zeder's opinion.
-An Instructor.

Start good, won going away, place driving.
Acacia away fast, took command early, with-
stood brilliant bid of Chi Psi at top of stretch and
won easily. Chi Phi, away well, saved ground
while racing forward, and just lasted to edge
out Chi Psi and Delt. The latter, forced wide on
first turn, was taken back early. Worked his
way forward and closed with a rush. Chi Psi,
rated just off the pace, made bid too early and
was nipped by Chi Phi in final furlong. Sigma
Chi saved ground while racing forward and
came fast in the stretch. Theta Xi well handled
and closed fastest of all. Theta Chi just got up.
(Only first 14 places listed).
, ., * *
JOHNNY PARK was accosted by a seedy look-
ing individual while en route home Satur-
day night. The gent said he wanted a dime
and also information as to where 604 S. State
was. Johnny shelled out, but asked the guy
just what he wanted.
"That," said Parky, "is the Beta house, and
that's where I live." Thereupon the gent hauled
a note out of his pocket and held it up un-
steadily as exhibit A. Sure enough, there was1
the address, and scribbled underneath it "San.",
"I don't want to cause no trouble," the note
bearer mumbled, "but this feller gave me the
note and, said I'd find a bed at this address;
if you don't think it's all right, I'll just go down,
and, hic, pardon hic, sleep in the jail."
"You can't do that," Parky protested, "but this
guy that gave you the note put the wrong ad-
dress on it. Where San meant was right across
the street here in the Alpha Delt Hotel. You{
just go in and ask for Mr. Ladd's suite."
The stranger took the good samaritan's advice,
and when he asked for Mr. Ladd's room, the
sleepy brother who pointed it out to him, mut-
tered, "Oh, well, good old Sandy," and went off
to bed.
The stranger took off his clothes and climbed
into bed. Homer Lathrop came in soon after
and seeing the figure under the covers, assumed
it was San and went to bed also.
The wind rose, the night progressed, and in
came Bro Ladd. San turned on the light, and
thought he had the D. T.'s Lying in his bed, his
torso exposed to the waist, lay a man, tatooed
with writhing serpents and beautiful girls.
Sandy woke up Homer, who was just amazed
and outraged, and together they aroused the
intruder, who it appears, was a landlocked sailor,
and told him to try the Beta Boarding House
across the street. The mystery is still being un-
* *1 * *
BENEATH IT ALL: Jack Kasley was twenty
pounds underweight when he swam in Ber-
lin this summer. Overtrained, is the consensus of
opinion ... Chuck Kocsis, through with his col-
legiate golfing career, is back in school after a
most successful year in national competition ...
another golfer, Billy Warren of Detroit has re-
turned to bolster the Varsity linksmen. He fin-
ished second in the Trueblood Cup matches last
week-end . . . Jim Lincoln, husky Wolverine
tackle, has taken to hitch-hiking down to prac-
tice every afternoon . . . Louis Colombo, ex-grid
manager, plans to accompany the team to Min-
neapolis next Thursday.
THE BROTHERS were languishing around the
Theta Delt parlor several afternoons ago
when someone suggested a show. Ed "Tex"
Thompson marched off to the phone booth to
call the Wuerth and dialed 2-3279.
"What's showing tonight," Tex asked of the
feminine voice which answered.
"Why, uh, uh, Collegiate Sorosis House," the
bewildered girl managed to stutter.
Neutrality means that Italy and Germany may
help the rebels but no one may help the loyalists
because that amounts to intervention.
"Expedition Collects Flora in Forests of Brit-
ish Honduras."-headline. We wonder what she
was doing away over there.
and that we ought not to sanction the Hitlerites
by lending our presence to such an occasion.
These arguments were answered in noble tones
by the advocates of participation, on the ground
that the affair was a sporting one solely, into
which political considerations should not enter

on one side or the other. The fight for participa-
tion was led, and won, by Mr. Avery Brundage,
chairman of the American Olympic Committee.
Now that it is all over, we find Mr. Brundage
speaking in Madison Square Garden on German

Let's Have A Holiday!
(Reprinted by permission from the'
Detroit Free Press).
THE OLD MAN (Fielding H. Yost)
stooped of shoulder, red-eyed and
with a "crick" in his neck from the
dam flu; and with a heart that was
heavy and steps that were exceeding-
ly slow, shuffled off from the press
bo* immediately after Indiana had
finished with Michigan last week. The
heavy heart, slow steps and the
shuffle wererhis, because Indiana not
only had trounced Michigan, but it
had whipped Yost, 14 to 3.
Yep, the Old Man, he who has
prancedand danced; slapped backs
and shouted the song of the Varsity
after so many, many Wolverine tri-
umphs in these last 36 years, was
licked plenty.
Out on the field, that "Fighting
100"-the Michigan band was sol-
emny marching off the gridiron with-
out so much as one little toot from
a piccolo. They didn't play the Vic-
tors. That was because it was rain-
ing so hard. Instruments were hid-
den under capes. Drums only were
heard. And darned if it didn't sound
queer and unusual. Even an op-
timist couldn't have helped but think
of dirges to hear those drums.
Things were all out of proportion.
There had been a football game be-
tween two friendly teams. And just
as surely as there's going to be a
game, one nearly always loses. An'd
football first attracted the rugged
youth of England because it was fun
-centuries ago. They called it sport.
And sport was supposed to be a de-
parture from school toil.
It seemed last Saturday that all
the fun had gone out of football for
Michigan. The Wolverines took the
field, as eager a band as you ever
saw. But was their eagerness the
kind that hopes to avoid mistakes or
make the other fellow make 'em? In
those glory days of the yesteryears,
what sport-what fun it was- to
have dear old Minnesota knock off
500 yards from the line of scrimmage
while the Michigan men chalked up
The fun of that was that the score
always was-or most always-Min-
nesota 0, Michigan 13. Then the Old
Man, if it was Minneapolis, would
block and Jackle and "show off" like
a big kid in the Curtiss Hotel there.
His joy then though, wasn't as deep
as his sorrow seemed Saturday. Gosh,
what a beating the Old Man took.
For Indiana, even though it
trounced Michigan ever so soundly,
wasn't such a much. The Hoosiers
strictly did not play the first division
grade of Western Conference football.
But you couldn't do a thing to console
the Old Man. And what can you do
to cheer up a Michigan squad that
faces the awful power that is stored
up in the Gophers-and the Gophers
are next for Michigan and the game
is in their own backyard?
It doesn't seem that there is much
else to do than to respectfully suggest
that each and every Michigan man
decide now and forthwith that he's
going to have some fun-some sport-
on that trip. Why not have a good
time?" Why not enjoy it?
It does seem that we've all been
mighty serious about the 1936 Mich-
igan football team and its comeback
plans. Peihaps we've scared the day-
lights out of these young sophomores
what with our experting on the im-
portance of hanging on to the ball;
generalship, passing, defense, kick
handling six-two-two-one and dia-
monds and boxes and "Z's" and shifts

unbalanced this and that. To heck
with it all.
Let's have a holiday! Who cares
if somebody swiped our football last
Saturday. We have plenty more
Why not laugh off the fumbles and
the errors, the mistakes and the bum
breaks? First thing that happens
anyway to a fellow as soon as he gets
out of school is to learn that no mat-
ter how good you are there's always
somebody just around the corner
who's going to give you a beating.
Michigan has lost none of its edu-
cational prestgie because four Wol-
verine fumbles were recovered Sat-
urday by Indiana. The Law School
is just as fine as it ever was in spite
of the fact that those four fumbles
dumped exactly 160 precious yards in-
to the Hoosier lap.
And Michigan's School of Forestry;
that haven for some of our best ath-
lete, isn't hurt a wee bit because
Michigan didn't show it had a passer
Saturday. The Medical College is
little concerned because in 17 at-
tempted passes only two were com-
pleted and one was intercepted. Th
Engineering College administration
doesn't care a darn that Michigan
lacked finesse 'in generalship.
And if Michigan handled punt:
poorly Saturday it certainly is a mat-
ter of little import to the faculty o
the School of Music. Suppose it wa
only three and a half yards. Wh
Michigan today has the greates
athletic plant (athletics for all in
cluding the faculty) in the world

TUESDAY, OCT. 13, 1936
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
day, Oct. 15 from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m.
on Palmer Field.
All students wishing to play must
have had a medical recheck this
Cornelia Otis Skinner Program:
Single admission tickets will not be
on sale until Thursday, Oct. 22, when
they will be available at Wahr's State
Street Book Store. The prices will
be $1 for the Main floor and 75 cents
for the balcony.
Choral Union Tickets: Over-the-
counter sale of tickets for the Flag-
stad concert and other individual
concerts in the Choral Union series
at the School of Music. A limited
number of tickets for individual con-
certs will be available at $1.50 and
$2 each.
A limited number of season tickets
at $8.50 and $10 each are also avail-
Contemporary: Manuscripts for the
first issue should be left in the Eng-
lish office, 3221 A.H., as soon as pos-
Glee Club: The following men
have been chosen to membership in
the Varsity Glee Club:
R. L. Barrett, G. L. Bradford, W.
M. Burroughs, I. Burstein, R. L. Cald-
well, G.H. Carruthers, D. Chown, R.B.
Clark, G. W. Collins, J. J. Czajkowski,
L. J. Daniel, H. D. Dillar, H. G.
Dunks, F. N. Epstein, J. E. Gardner,
R. L. Gillis, E. Haapa, L. B. Hall, A.
J. Hill, S. Hirshberg, R. L. Huner-
jager, A. Koljonen, T. A. Jensen, E.
W. Kowalka, P. J. Kent, T. H. Kin-
kead, T. R. Krupa, E. C. LaSalle, D.
J. E. MacArthur, S. P. Martin, R.
IA. Meek, R. G. Montgomery, R. S.
Moore, W. E. Morris, R. M. Oliver, F.
M. Platt, R. A. Polland,,W. S. Pratt,
E. D. Racz, R. E. Rodgers, A. W.
Rudness, E. R. Silfies, E. L. Sinclair,
M. J. Soldofsky, H. O. Spencer, C.
L. Spooner, M. Thompson, K. H. Tus-
tinson, W. B. Tuyrrell, T. H. Twy-
man, E. J. Vandenberg, C. A. Viehe,
F. R. Walter, R. C. Wheeler, .R. C.
Williams H. Williams, W. D. Woodard,
P. E. Yergens.
Study Tour for Foreign Students:
The first tour for foreign students is
announced for next Saturday, Oct.
17. The group will spend the day in
Battle Creek, visiting the Kellogg
Corn Flake factory and the Battle
Creek Sanitarium. The bus will leave
at 8 o'clock sharp, and will return
about 5 p.m. in the afternoon. Ex-
penses will be $1.75 bus fare and 50
cents for luncheon. Reservations
must be made by Thursday noon. Af-
ter that time, if the requisite num-
ber of reservations have not been
made by foreign students, reserva-
tions will be open to American stu-
dents who are interested. Call at
Room 9, University Hall, or phone 303
on the University Exchange.
Tour for University Library for For-
eign Students: The students in the
class in English for Foreign Students
will be specially conducted through
the University Library, Tuesday, Oct.
13 at 4 o'clock. Any other foreign
students who are interested may join
this t tour. The group will meet
promptly at 4 p.m. in Room 201
University Hall.
U Organ Recital: Palmer Christian
University organist, will play the
following program on the Friez
Memorial Organ, Wednesday after-
noon at 4:15 o'clock, Oct. 14, t
which the general public, with th
exception of small children, is invite
without admission charge.
Psalm XIX ............... Marcell
Andante ................... Stamit:

Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor . .
. ... ................... ...B a r
Choral in A minor...........Franci
Rhapsody in D .........Saint-Saen.
Romance sans Paroles......Bonne
Clair de Lune .............. Viern
Finale (Symphony I)........Viern
Organ recitals will be also giver
I on the following Wednesday after
noons: Oct. 21, E. William Doty
s Oct. 28, Palmer Christian; and Nov
s 4, Palmer Christian.
Kirstem Flagstad Program. Kir
sten Flagstad, with Edwin McArth
' ur at the piano, will give the follow
ing program in the Choral Unior
r Series in Hill Auditorium, Monday
Oct. 19, at 8:15 p.m.
Seitdem dein aug' in meines schaute
e Ach, lieb, ich muss nun scheiden .
Schon sind, doch kalt die Himmel-
ssterne .................. . Straus
I Ich liebe Dich.............Straus
Mens jeg venter (While I Wait)...
f ........ ..................Grie
s Lys natt (Bright Night .......Grie
o Det gynger en baad (A Boat Rocks
To and Fro) ............... Grie
t Og se, hun kom (And See, She
Came) ...................Jordai
Es naht de Herbst (Autumn is
Nenrin) Jrriw~

Nocturne .....................Head
Spendthrift ...............Charles
Love Went Ariding.........Bridge
Einsam in Truben Tagen (Elsa's
Traum from Act I, "Lohen-
grin") ...................Wagner
Du bist der Lenz (Sieglinde's Aria
from Act I, "Walkure" ...Wagner
The remaining concerts in the
Choral Union series will take place
as follows: Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor,
Monday, Nov. 2; Moscow Cathedral
Choir, Nicolas Afonsky, conductor,
Monday, Nov. 16; Jascha Heifetz,
violinist, Monday, Nov. 30; Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
vitzky, Conductor, Thursday, Dec.
10; Josef Hofmann, pianist, Monday,
Dec. 14; Detroit Symphony Orches-
tra, Bernardino Molinari, guest con-
ductor, Friday, Jan. 15; Gregor Pi-
atigorsky, violoncellist, Monday, Jan.
25; Artur Schnabel, -pianist, Tuesday,
Feb. 23; Nelson Eddy, baritone,
Thursday, March 25.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 301: Seminar in An-
alysis (Professor Hildebrandt). Pre-
liminary meeting for discussion of
topics to be considered and arrange-
ment of hours today at 3 p.m. in
3014 Angell Hall.
Mathematics 370. Dr. Myers will
speak on "Differential Geometry in
the Large" next Wednesday, Oct. 14,
at 2 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall.
Economics 51, 52 and 54: Make-up
final examination will be given
Thursday, Oct. 15, at 3 o'clock in
Room 207 Ec. Students expecting
to take this examination should see
either Mr. Palmer or Mr. Horner at
Geology 11: The make-up exam in
the Geology 11 June final will be
given-Monday, Oct. 19, from 2 to 5
p m., in Room 2051. This will be
the only opportunity to take the
make-up exam in this course.
History Make-Up Examinations:
The make-up examinations in all
histoi'y courses will be given Satur-
day morning, 9-12, Oct. 17, in Room
C., haven. Students taking a make-
up must see their instructor before
Oct. 15.
Events Of Today
The AdcIlphi Housi, of Representa-
tives will meet today at 7:30 p.m.in
the Adelphi Room on the fourth floor
of Angell Hall. The meeting will be
in the form of a "Snoker" and all
Ireshmen and other men students
are cordially invited to attend and
become acquainted with the organiz-
ation and its members.
Student Christian Association:
There will be a meetin gof the S.C.A.
at the Michigan Union tonight at
8 p.m., the room to be listed on the
Bulletin Board. The subject will be
the Lakeside Conference of Protestant
Religious organizations held this
summer at Lakeside, Ohio. Anyone
interested is invited.
Sigma Rho Tau will hold a smoker
for engineering freshmen at 7:30
p.m. in the Michigan Union today.
Pi Lambda Theta business meeting
today at 4:30 p.m. in the Pi Lambda
Theta room. All members should be
"Tau Beta Pi: There will be a very
important dinner meeting this eve-
ning at the Union at 6:15 p.m. Every
member must be present.
e Christian Science Organization
d meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8 p.m. Students
o and faculty members are invited to
z attend.

The Graduate Club of the Hillel
k Foundation cordially invites all grad-
s uate students to a reception this eve-
t ning at 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel Foun-
e dation.
n Coming Events
International Relations Club: For-
mer members of the International
T Relations Club, whether of the Uni-
versity of Michigan or other schools,
- as well as students who are interested
- in discussion of current questionsin
- the field of international relations
n are invited to meet Wednesday after-
, noon at 4 o'clock in Room 2037 An-
gell Hall.
Howard B. Calderwood, Faculty
s Adviser.
s U. of M. Glider Club: Meeting in
Room 348, West Engineering Bldg.
s at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15. Last
s summer's activities and the plans for
the coming year will be discussed. All
g who are interested are invited. Any-
g body in the University is eligible for

Engineering Council
7:15 p.m. Wednseday,
Computing Room.

meeting at
Oct. 14 in


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