THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY w==- - 1936 Member 1937 IssoCided CoGe&4e Press Distributors of Co~e Edie D'iiesI Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by, the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press' The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Adver ising Service,,Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 100 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ..................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce. Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard. F. Martinson, Chester M. Thaliman, James V. Doll, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, associates; I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth'M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ;.................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MAN4GER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wisher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. - - - v NIGHT EDITOR: ARNOLD S. DANIELS' Industrial Conference .. THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Wrong Angle? To the Editor: I was recently mailed several copies of The Daily, and being a former student took a good deal of interest in not only the news and so forth but also the editorials. Your articles in a number of instances seemed to present fresh ideas and slants on current events not usually found in large city papers. I noticed particularly one article titled "The Use of Arms for Strikebreaking" and the thought occurred to me as it has many times before that this problem is again being attacked from the wrong angle. What causes large cor- porations, many of them public service com- panies, to adopt such drastic measures as the arming of paid guards with gas bombs, water hoses, clubs, etc? The fact that they must combat organized labor unions which use vio- lence in every form is the answer to that. How is this to be corrected, you ask? Every state should demand by law that labor unions in- corporate and thus become liable for any and all damage incurred by their members. I hap- pen to live in the city where one of the worst strikes in years took place involving the Mil- waukee Electric Railway & Light Company. I know from reliable first hand information that no electrically charged wires were ever used or even considered. The man who was electro- cuted was mentally unbalanced and met his death by pushing an iron bar through a window coming in contact with an inside wire. The damages and hospital bills incurred by this vio- lence was tremendous and as has been the case in every other large strike disturbance the damaged had no recourse by law against the Union. The city taxpayers took it in the neck as usual. It seems unfortunate that people not residing in the state of Wisconsin can't see the La Fol- lettes for what they really are. Living in this state, paying every kind of a tax they've been able to think of, and seeing various industries expanding in their out of state branches in- stead of here, sort of alienates most thinking people from any such autocratic rule as La1Fol- lette has seen fit to impose. -E. R. Arnold. Mr. Zeder's Talk "HITLER is doing a great job, he's carrying on, he's putting his house in order ..." Mr. Zeder stated. What we need is a re-dedication to the basic virtues of "life, liberty and the pur- suit of happiness," Mr. Zeder also stated. Fine! Mr. Zeder, vice-chairman of the Board, Chrysler Corporation. We all thank you, our mothers thank you, our fathers thank you. Sa- luta! Mr. Zeder for saving the liberals of this locality the trouble of convincing the people that American Big Business is Fascist and more trea- sonable to the American form of government than three times the number of Communists in America today. Congratulations! Mr. Zeder and the Chrysler Corporation for explaining so concisely that it is Big Business which is behind the "people's" de- mand for a bigger navy which General Smedley Butler told me had not ONE SINGLE PLAN FOR DEFENSIVE WARFARE BUT ONLY FOR OF- FENSE IN FOREIGN WATERS. Some of us had thought that when you and the Republicans you are backing said you were for a "different way" of handling relief-for "progress of industry founded on sound prin- ciples," well we thought that perhaps you meant what the words mean in English. We see now -I say we understand, Mr. Zeder, that what you really mean are the same words translated into Italian and German. In other words you mean labor in concentration camps working for what- ever you choose to pay them. You mean that labor strikes and efforts of labor to make a liv- ing wage under decent conditions are "crimes against the state." But most of all, Gentlemen Manufacturers, thank you for telling us in one breath your aim to Fascistize American industry and in the next that you would enjoy having we college men help you do it! We don't know how we can repay this debt to you-this debt we owe you for telling the Great American College Man YOURSELVES that he is preferred because it is more probable that with his training in "cultural subjects" he will help his bosses trim his uneducated fel- low workers out of their just desserts. But we forgot our President Mr. Ruthven. In our joy we forgot our President or maybe it was because his talk is on page 6. But he has also forgotten-our President Mr. Ruthven has. HE has forgotten that heavy industry moguls like our Mr. Zeder have been and are the richest, most powerful sect in the country. He has for- gotten that Mr. Zeder is a Fascist. HE has forgotten that being powerful they will not an- nihilate themselves-that being the most pow- erful sect in our American Democracy they will not annihilate themselves. HE must have for- gotten for he says the choice is not "between Fascism and Communism." Does HE believe Mr. Zeder's Democracy will outlaw Mr. Zeder? He can't believe that, for Mr. Zeder told our Pres- ident Mr. Ruthven in the Union that he prefers Fascism. Mr. Zeder then, doesn't agree with our President. For not only is Mr. Zeder a Fas- cist but he is a fighter like Hitler against Com- munism. Not only does Mr. Zeder find that the choice IS Fascism or Communism, but he must therefore completely disagree with our President who says- that "We are not confronted with a choice between fascism anrd cmmunism mhitm Van Gogh Exhibition By JAMES DOLL W HEN THE EXHIBITION of sixty-five paint- ings and drawings by Vincent van Gogh was shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York last year it broke all records for attend- ance. In fact police had to be called to keep the crowds in order as they were waiting to get into the museum. And in each of the eight other cities where the van Gogh pictures have been shown since they left New York their por#" ularity has been proportionately as great. Last Tuesday the exhibition opened at the Detroit In- stitute of Arts where it will remain until Oc- tober 28 and it can already be seen that the crowds will- be as great in Detroit as they have been in the other cities. Critics maintain that the reason for this rather sudden interest in van Gogh (who died in 189.0) is that he strikes an especially respon- sive chord in modern life with its almost neu- T HAS FREQUENTLY been ob- served of hour contemporary so- ciety that its ethics are confined to the churcbes and school-rooms, and he who would succeed in busine'ss must leave his scruples behind him, for business-men, like thieves, have an interpreta- tion of honor peculiar to themselves. This observation is strengthened by a very startling story which appeared on the front page of yesterday's Daily, entitled: "Hitler Praised at Meeting of Industrialists." The story quoted from the speeches of two prominent business men, and both betrayed an utter disregard for all ethical considerations. For example, the remarks of Mr. Fred M. Za- der, vice-chairman of the Board, Chrysler Cor- poration, (a man who 'admires' Hitler) include many opinions shocking to any moderately in- telligent and sensitive reader. "Politicians and people generally are too much concerned with the status quo, and we must have a greater con- cern in dynamic progress." Very true, indeed, but just above, Mr. Zader was quoted as protest- ing against the "parasitical growth of chiseling politicians." Mr. Zader denounced politicians in general and declaimed the need for a re- dedication to the basic virtues of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," a trumpet call which many businessmen have sounded during the present political discussion. "Keep the gov- ernment out of business," they say. "Business can manage best without interference." Yet, we ask, what kind of policies may we expect of a man who agrees that labor strikes are "crimes against the state?" Mr. Zader deplores the absence of "engineer-planned projects for the poor devils" (he means those on relief) and cites Italy's war with Ethiopia as a prime ex- ample of one of Mussolini's engineer-planned projects, with a business-man's appreciation for the planning aspect of the aggression and a complete disregard of its ethical damnability. Mr. Alex Dow, president of the Detroit Edison Company, a man prominent in business and widely respected, uttered some sentiments be- fore the same group which seem to us to be similarly short-sighted. China was dismembered because she lacked strong army and navy forces, pointed out Mr. Dow. Hence, in order to avoid being similarly dissected, let us arm. "A large and powerful navy, modernized and numerous air force and thorough organization for supply- ing munitions . . . (is) the soundest way to keep this country out of war." We think the best answer to the selfishness and short-sightedness of such an attitude is that given by President Ruthven who said, at the same meeting before which Mr. Dow spoke, that " ... we cannot survive, we cannot achieve peace, without the recognition of our responsibility for the welfare of others . . . We need to supple- ment technical training with spiritual growth." We do. The arguments of large businessmen in the course of the present campaign have indicated that their interpretation of liberty is ART SELF PORTRAIT IN A STRAW HAT By VAN GOGH rotic intensity, its uncertainty, and its ever- increasing tempo. These qualities are reflected in the swirling lines and the glowing blues, yel- lows, and greens of his portraits and landscapes. The sixty-five pictures of the traveling exhibi- tion make up a complete cross-section of the artist's work and include examples from his first efforts in the coal-mining regions of Holland down to the brilliant canvases of his last days at Arles in southern France. The exhibit will be augmented by the important Self Portrait reproduced above which is in the permanent collection of the Detroit Institute and by a rather unusual Canal Scene which was recently loaned anonymously to the Institute. The usual admission fee of 25 cents to the special exhibition galleries is charged but ad- mission to the building is now free at all times. Visiting hours for the van Gogh exhibition are the same as for the general collections: Sunday, 2 to 6; Monday, closed all day; Tuesday, 1 to 5 and 7 to 10; Wednesday, 1 to 5; Thursday and Friday, 1 to 5 and 7 to 10; Saturday, 9 to 5. The Institute is located on Woodward Avenue, about fifteen minutes from downtown Detroit on the streetcar. Visitors to the van Gogh exhibition who have not been to the Institute will want to see the famous Rivera murals of industrial Detroit which are in the central court of the Institute. THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN "LADIES IN LOVE" Here are three separate stories written rela- tively for Janet Gaynor, Constance Bennett, and Loretta Young-they are tied together and flashed on the screen as "Ladies In Love." One is conscious throughout the picture that he must follow three different plots. And it is irritating when the continuity on one of the stories is broken so that a snatch of the other may be shown., The idea is something new and different when taken as a whole, but it is a disappointment when turned into a motion picture scenario. The three girls take an apartment in Buda- pest. They are all working girls with different ideas of happiness. Loretta Young wants to own a hat shop; Constance Bennett wants to marry a rich man; Janet Gaynor wants love, home, and children. They all get what they want, eventually. But the Misses Young and Bennett experience broken hearts en route to their goals-Miss Gaynor alone is triumphant. The Gaynor story is sickeningly sweet, but ex- ceedingly funny in spots. The Young story is nicely sentimental. Constance Bennett's story has an element of sophistication, and it intro- duces Simone Simone. Miss Simone has a minor role, but you will remember her. The picture is good entertainment-primarily so because of good lines and capable direction. AT THE MAJESTIC "THE GENERAL DIED AT DAWN" Clifford Odets has gone to Hollywood. "The General Died at Dawn" is the results. It is a good piece of melodrama with a Chinese back- ground, and the stellar personalities of Gary Cooper and Madeline Carroll. The picture holds the interest of the audience throughout. It is gripping and excellently timed. T4n n r e +kn f .ifir n f n l.vnl+ -. .,,. I RADIOj By TUURE TENANDER KIRSTEN FLAGSTAD, Norwegian soprano who will open this year's I Choral Union concerts on Oct. 19,! will be the guest of Columbia's Sun- day Evening Hour tonight at 9 p.m. * * * Irvin Cobb starts a new series of programs to be broadcast from Holly- wood. The setting for these programs will be laid in Cobb's plantation at his own Paducah. The premiere will be held this Saturday at 10:30 p.m. over NBC. * * * WE RECEIVED an interesting let- ter last week, suggesting that perhaps we were "swing-minded" and would not therefore appreciate "sweet" music, such as played by Shep Fields and Meredith Willson. We feel that we are not biased, as the writer charges, but that we have arrived at our position through logi- cal thinking and careful listening. We believe that true jazz, which the present-day swing bands are trying to produce, is superior to the weak perversions of it known' as sweet mu- sic. Melody is not discarded by the men who are improvising. True, the melody of the tune being played is not overly important, but the hot man constructs his own bits of mel- ody, his own "licks," his own phras- ing as he goes along, inspired great- ly by the strong rhythmic back- ground, so essential to, but yet not the only feature of, swing music. We think that a cleverly constructed, im- provised chorus is greatly superior to a rendition of an arranged chorus by a trio of limpid saxes who are try- ing to tell us that there is no place in the world like the beach at Bali- Bali. True, swing bands have ar- rangements also, but these arrange- ments are merely the result of at- tempts to put down on paper the melodic phrases and the style that different improvisers use. It does not take a great deal of musicianship to be able to phrase the notes of a sweet song, but it does require a great amount of musical ability, a knowledge of the harmonic structure upon which the tune is built, and inspiration to turn out a beautiful chorus on the spur of the moment. That is one reason why we enjoy hearing the music of men like Bud Freeman, Teddy Wilson and Choo Berry rather than that ofAGuy Los- bardo, Shep Fields and Art Kassel. But although we recognize that sweet music is not the real thing but mere- ly a commercialized product made necessary by the lack of understand- ing of the swing man's efforts, we too, at times like to listen to sweet music as it is produced by bands like Isham Jones, Casa Loma and Tommy Dorsey. As for a "mania for swing,' we liked to listen to hot music long before the appellation of "swing' was tacked on. * * * INCIDENTALLY, our grpe regard- ing the absence of Bunny Berigan must have been heard by the gods for her and his orchestra and return- ing to the air in a new series of swing sessionsto be heard over CBS at 6 :4 p.m. every Saturday. The team of Jerry Belcher and Parks Johnson, which made the "Vox Pop" programs so popular with their nonsensical questions, has split. up but both gentlemen are coming back to the airwaves this week with pro- grams of their own. At 3 p.m. today Jerry Belcher starts a new series "Our Neighbors," to be heardoere NBC every Sunday at this time. The old Vox Pop program becomes "Side walk Interviews," and will be broad- cast at 9 p.m. Tuesdays over NBC Wallace Butterworth will be John- son's new side-kick. * * * - - BRUNA CASTAGNA, Metropolitan Opera contralto, will appear as guest soloist on a broadcast at 10 p.m .tonight from Carnegie Hall over WEAF-NBC. The program will also feature a 70-piece symphony orches- tra under the direction of Erno Rape and the Metropolitan Opera Chorus making its first radio appearance of the season. The entire ensemble wil be heard in an unsual performance,- the rendition of "Rataplan, rataplan della gloria," from Verdi's "La Forza del Duestino." * * * The program of "Everybody's Mu- sic," head over Columbia every Sun. day afternoon at 3, continues its pol- icy of having Henry M. Neely com- ment on the compositions played by Howard Barlow and the orchestra The program for today will includ the Overture from "Beautiful Gal- atea," Von Suppe; Ballet Music from "Rosamunde," Schubert; and th "Rustic Wedding" symphony by Goldmark. * * * Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra continue to broadcast from the Fla- nifngo Room of Levaggis's in Boston every Tuesday at midnight. Inci- dentally, while we enjoy the musi of the augmented Clambake Seven very much, we feel that the orches- tra really did not get going on thei August program series for Ford Only once in a while did the boys take off in their best manner. Wonder if this was another case of sponsor Street Book Store. The prices will be $1 for the Main floor and 75 centsp for the balcony.C Choral Union Tickets: The over-b the-counter sale of tickets for the Flagstad concert and other individual concerts in the Choral Union series will begin at the School of Musics Monday morning, Oct. 12, 8:30 a.m.t A limited number of tickets for in- dividual concerts will be available atd $1.50 and $2 each.c A limited number of season tickets at $8.50 and $10 each are also avail- able. Graduate Students in English who1 desire to become members of the English Journal Club should inform1 J. L. Davis, Secretary, by leaving a note at the English office before Thursday, Oct. 15. University Women Students: The Union Pool will be open to women for recreational swimming at the following hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1-3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday, 9-11 a.m.E A swimming instructor will be in charge and will give instruction to any students wishing assistance. Social Chairmen of fraternities and1 sororities are reminded that all party requests, accompanied by letters of. acceptance from two sets of chaper- ons and a letter of approval from, the Financial Adviser must be sub- mitted to the Office of the Dean of Women or the office of the Dean of Students on the Monday preceding the date set for the party. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Academic Notices English for Foreign Students: The special class in English for Foreign Students will meet Monday at 4p.m. in Room 201, University Hall. All students expecting to avail them- selves of this class must enroll at that time. Psychology 31 make-up final ex- amination will be given on Thurs- day, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science Bldg. Psychology 55 (Psychology and Religion). The seating list is, on the bulletin board opposite Room 2127 tN.S. ( Sociology 147: Lec. MF at 9 and ISec. 1, W at 9 will meet the rest of the semester in Room G ,Haven, Sec. 2, W at 11, will meet as usual in Room D, Haven. L. G. Carr. History 137: MWF at 9 will meet the restofethe semester in Room C Haven instead of G Haven. D. L. Dummond. History 11, Sec. 24 (Mr. Scott's), will meet (MF at 9) in 305 S.W. the rest of the semester, instead of 301 U.H. History 11, Sec. 25 (Mr. Scott's), MF at 10, will meet the rest of the semester in 305-S.W. instead of 2029 SA.H. ' Mathematics 370. Dr. Myers will speak on "Differential Geometry in the Large" next Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 2 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Events Of Today Genesee Club meeting today at 4:30 p.m. in the Union. 1 s Stalker Hall, 9:45 a.m. Student class 0 and discussion group led by Prof. r George Carrothers. D 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. Dr. - C. W. Brashares will speak on "Psy- e chology and Scripture." Fellowship , hour and supper following the meet- f ing. First Methodist Church: Morning , worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. E. E. a Diffendorfer of New York will speak on "A Modern 'Garden of Eden'." Students are cordially welcomed at - this service. - Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. - Service of worship with sermon by y Mr. Heaps. Third in the series on . "Building Christian Personality." 6 e p.m., Students Fellowship supper and - program. Mr. Heaps will give an a illustrated lecture on "The Tale of e Two Cities" using slides from the y motion picture. Harris Hall: a l There will be the regular student - meeting at Harris Hall at 7 p.m. The a Rev. Henry Lewis will be the speaker. - All students and their friends are c cordially invited. - Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: r 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m., Church School. s 11 a.m, Kindergarten. r 11 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon r by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. (Continued from Page 3) "The Christian Though of God." 12 to 12:40 p.m. 6 p.m. The guild meets for evening program and fellowship hour. Mr. Chapman will give a talk on "The Social Organism for the Christian Religion." Refreshments follow. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m., Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on "Catholicism, Fascism and the People." At 7:30, the Liberal Students' Union will hear an ad- dress by Prof. Clark Trow on "Psy- chological Theory in Education." 9 p.m., Music by dance orchestra. Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil- liam at S. Fifth Ave., Henry O. Yoder, pastor. Trinity Lutheran service will be held at 10:30 a.m. with sermon by the pastor "The Silent Power." Zion Lutheran Church E. Wash- ington at S. Fifth Ave. Zion Lutheran Church invites stu- dents to its service at 10:30 a.m. Walter Sodt, student in seminary at Columbus, will deliver the sermon "Saviour and Sinner." Church of Christ (Disciples) Hill and Tappan Sts. 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. Cowin, minister. 12 noon,Students' Bible class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5 p.m., all students will meet at the church. Transportation will be provided to the bluff east of the city. The outing program will include games, a 15 cent picnic supper, and a brief vesper service. If the weather is not suitable for the outing the reg- ular 5:30 social hour, supper and pro- gram will be held at the church. If in doubt as to where the meeting is to be held phone 5838. The Lutheran Student Club meets this evening in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Fellow- ship hour until 6 when supper will be served by ladies of the church. Program for this Sunday night will be on the Lutheran Student Associa- tion in America led by Ahti Machela, Gerhard Naeseth and Pastor for Lutheran Students. Reformed and Christian Reformed Churches: Church services are being held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the Womens League Chapel. The speaker for Oct. 11 will be Dr. H. H. Meeter of Calvin College, Grand Rap- ids. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The Hillel Independents will hold their opening meeting today prompt- ly at 8:30 p.m. There will be a busi- ness meeting after which Dr. Ra- phael Isaacs will address the group. Everyone is cordially invited. Coming Events Economics Club: The first meeting of the year will be held Monday eve- ning, Oct. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304 of the Union. Dr. Ralph L. Dewey will speak on "The Merchant Marine and the Act of 1936." Mem- bers of the staffs in Economics and Business Administration, and gradu- ate students in these departments, are cordially invited to attend. The Mathematics Club will meet Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, at 8 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. President Menge is to present a paper on Con- tingency Reserves for Insurance. Election of officers for the coming year will precede the paper. Graduate Education Club: The Graduate Education Club will hold its initial meeting of the 1936-37 academic year in the University Elementary School Library, Monday, Oct. 12, 4 p.m. Mr. Webster will show motion pictures of the recent edu- cational tour of Europe sponsored by the University, and Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell will informally discuss sev- eral of the tour's highlights. All graduate students taking work in Education are eligible and cordially invited to attend. The Adelphi House of Representa- tives, men's forensic society, will hold a "Smoker" for freshmen, Tuesday evening, Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi Room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Sigma Rho Tau will hold a smoker for engineering freshmen at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union, Tues- day, Oct. 13. Reservations for Dr. Hu's Lunch- eon: Reservations for the luncheon to be tendered Dr. Hu Shieh next Tues- day noon at the Michigan Union may be made up to 12 o'clock Monday. This luncheon is open to faculty, stu- dents and people of the community, both men and women, interested in meeting Dr. Hu and hearing him speak informally. Reservations may be made by phoning directly to the Michigan Union or to my office, 303 on the University Exchange. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I