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October 11, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-11

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The Weather
Generally fair and rather
cool today and tomorrow.


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Conference ...



F.D.R. Frames
Fourfold Plan
For American
farm Problem
Endorses George Norris
For Senatorial Position
In Address In Omaha
Says G.O.P. Would
Wreck Agriculture
His Policy Includes Soil
Conservation, Attacking
'Evils Of Farm Tenancy
OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 10.-(P)-Ad-
vancing a four-point program of his
own for future assistance to agri-
culture, President Roosevelt told the
nation tonight that the "Republican
leadership" had props sed a farm
plan to cost possibly $2,000,000,000
annually, "not to save agriculture but
to wreck it."
Speaking to an audience packed
into the Ak-Sar-Ben coliseum, the
President led off with an open en-
dorsement of Veteran George W.
Norris, Republican, who is an inde-
pendent candidates for the Senate
this. year.
"Help this great American to con-
tinue an historic career of service,"
Mr. Roosevelt asked.
Lists Four Policies
The long-time policy of the Admin-
istration, he said, includes:
1. Conservation against land.
wastage and soil impoverishment.
2. Seeking to increase purchasing
power so that people can pay for
more and better food, thereby pro-
viding a "larger and larger domestic
market for the farmer."
3. Attacking the "evil of farm
4. Giving' the farmer "a sound
plan of crop insurance in kind against
etreme fluctuations of supply and ,
In advocatng the Senator's re-)
election, the President told the col- I
iseum audience he was making, and
so long as Norris lived, would con-1
tinue to make, "one magnificently
justified exception" to his rule of non-
participation in elections of states
other than his own New York. I
Farm Aids
"George Norris' candidacy," he1
said, "transcends state . and party
lines. In our national history we
have had few elder statesmen who
like him have preserved the aspira-
tions of youth as they accumulate the'
wisdom of years."
Turning to the farm problems, the
President said that for the first time'
in "many cruel years we are getting
the problem of the business of farm-
ing well in hand."
He said his own seven-sentence
record of aid to farmers could be ex-
panded by every man and woman on
a farm "in terms of the recovery
that has come to each of them in the
last three and a half years."7
Looking At Record
This was the record outlined:
1. Raised farmers' net annual in-
come by $3,500,000,000.
2. Saved thousands of homes and'
farms from foreclosure and reduced
farmers' debts.
3. Started recovering the farmers''
foreign markets.
4. Restored national income anda
prepared for a steady, longtime ex-'
pansion of the farmers' home market.
5. Ended a policy of immediate
glut and eventual waste and laid the

basis for permanent plenty.
6. Begun to get the farmer a fair
share in comforts, advantages, wider
interests and deeper satisfaction
"which go to make the good life for
himself and for his children."
7. Rushed immediate and directj
relief to farmers and stockmen struck'
by drought.
Airliner Reported
Crashed In Mexico
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 10.-0P)--A
Pan-American Airways (Douglas)
airliner with a crew of four, includ-
ing three Americans, was reported to
have crashed today near Guatemala
Word of the mishap reached the
Company's offices here this evening.
Piloting the ship was Capt. A. Pas-
chal, of Brownsville, Texas. Other
Americans aboard were Co-Pilot A. L.
Palmer and Radio Operator W. P.
Company officials said the Guate-
mala National Telegraphs reported
the ship, which took off from San

'Fighting Hundred'
Displays Brilliant
March Formations
Michigan is still undefeated!
Probably not when it comes to foot-
ball but the Michigan Band, with a
brilliant display of marching proved
the fast-growing conviction that it is
the best marching band in the coun-
Having the field all to themselves
during the halves, the band could
show off its wares. Thus the band
performed the difficult feat of a
"Knock-knock" in perfect forma-
tion. With the aid of the amplifier
and an announcer, the dialogue cor-
responded to "Knock, knock. Who's
there? Anna. Anna who? In-
diana." The band spelled out Anna
and Indiana while playing the "Vic-
Then, too, in accordance with the
25th anniversary of "Varsity" the
band, played a novel arrangement of
the tune written by Director William
D. Revelli. Starting out with form-
ing a huge "1911," the date of the
composition of the piece,, the band
began "Varsity" intermingled with
the tune of "Long, Long Ago." Next
the band spelled out "1921," still
playing the new arrangement of the
Varsity with the tune "Memories."
For 1931 the composition switched to
"Silver Threads Among the Gold"
with the background of "Varsity."
And to climax the performance "Auld
Lang Syne" represented the present
as the band formed "1936," with the
"Varsity" being played in maestoso
Forming a huge "M" block the
band completed one of the greatest
exhibitions of marching ever seen on
a football field.
Only One Cult
Case Remains;
Four Sentenced
DETROIT. Oct. 10.-(P-Twelve
men were under sentence today, six
months after the Black Legion 'exe-
cution" of Charles A. Poole, to serve
prison terms on charges of murder.
Remaining to be tried in the Poole
case is John S. Mitchell, whose trial
has been delayed by illness.
The last four of 11 men convicted
of murdering Poole, whose death
uncovered the secret band of night
riders in Michigan, were sentenced
today by Circuit Judge Joseph A.
Moynihan to minimum priso nterms
ranging from 31/2 to 10 years.
Judge Moynihan, who denounced
the Black Legion's opposition to cer-
tain religious and racial groups, and
called Poole "a martyr to the cause of
civil and religious liberties," ordered
life prison terms for all but the four
convicted of second degree murder.
The prison terms given these four
were: Thomas R..Craig, on parole on
an election fraud charge; 10 to 20
years; Virgil Morrow, 5 to 15 years;
Albert Stevens, 72 to 15 years and
John S. Vincent, 66; oldest defendant,
3'/ to ten years.
State witnesses testified Poole was
killed after false gossip that he beat
his wife, but every defendant at the
trial asserted he thought the "night
ride"on which Poole was taken last
May 12 was to be "just a demonstra-

French Riots
Follow Tours
By Radicals
Dozens Injured, Arrested
As Rightists Strike Back
At Foes On Alsace
Post Armed Guards

Wolverine Who Is Hard To Stop Gains Again

(Michigan Swamped
By Indiana In Rain,
'14-3, Before 21,000

At Strategic


Rank Of Anti-Communists
Demonstrators At Metz
Swelled By Peasants
METZ, France, Oct. 10-.,)-
Fierce rioting in Metz and isolated
clashes in several points tonight
]marked the beginning of the Com-
munist "propaganda tour" of Alsace-
Numerous arrests were made and
dozens of persons injured as the al-
lied front of Rightists and Catholic
peasants, demonstrating a n g r i I y
against the Communists, clashed with
police and steel-helmeted mobile
Strong forces of mobile guards,
with bayonets fixed, arrived at Stras-
bourg this evening and were posted
at strategic points in the city as
reports circulated that Rightists, re-
portedly including members of Col.
Francois De La Rocque's outlawed
"Croix De Feu," would attempt to
occupy the meeting hall before the
Communists move in tomorrow.
The most serious clash occurred at
Metz, where Communists succeeded
in holding a meeting, but Rightists
afterward stormed the hall, ripping
red banners from the walls and burn-1
ed them in a huge bonfire in the
public square.
The ranks of anti-communist dem-
onstrators at Metz swelled this eve-1
ning as peasants, armed with pitch-
forks and scythes, moved into the city
from surrounding districts.
Authorities feared today's sporadic
fighting was only a prelude to dis-
orders tomorrow during the sched-
uled Communist meetings, the prin-
cipal one of which is to take place
at Strasbour'g.
Cries of "Down with Communism! "
rang througl, the streets tonight in
the wake of today's melee in which
10 persons were injured.
Young Democrats
Appoint Officers
BENTON HARBOR, Mich., Oct. 10.
-(P)-Michigan's Young Democrats
concluded a two-day session in the
twin cities today with the election
of a national committeeman, a com-
mitteewoman and a state treasurer.
Hershel Carney, attorney and son
of Claude S. Carney, who was head
of the State Labor Department under
Gov. William A. Comstock, was chos-
en National Committeeman. He heads
the Democratic orangization in Kala-I
mazoo County.
Miss Esther Perrini, of Monroe,
was elected National Committee-
woman. She and Carney will serve
two-year terms.
Elected treasurer was Robert E.
O'Connor, of Pontiac, who will as-

-By Daily Staff Photographer.
This picture, taken near the end of the third quarter, shows Mich-
igan's Bob Cooper, sparkling light of the Wolverine offense, in one of
his dashes through the Indiana line. Dick Kenderdine is shown falling
to the ground as he vainly trys to stop the Michigan triple-threat man.
Jesse Garber, Michigan guard (25), is shown as he is about to take
out George Miller, Indiana center (39). Miller, however, eluded Garber
and with Harry Cherry, made the tackle at midfield. Art Valpey, Wol-
verine end (11), is shown just behind Cooper.

Franco Visits
Fronts Before
Madrid Attack
Zero Hour Will Be Before
Middle Of Week; May Be
At Dawn Today
BURGOS, Spain, Oct. 10.- (/P) --
Gen. Francisco Franco, supreme mil-
itary leader of the Insurgents, toured
his front lines tonight to decide
when he would set the zero hour for
the final Madrid attack.
Some informed sources said the
Generalissimo might give the attack
order at dawn Sunday, but others
believed Franco would wait for fur-
ther consolidation of his troops,
wound around three sides of Madrid.
All were agreed, however, that the
Madrid attack would be launched be-
fore the middle of next week.
High officers said the spearhead
of the attack would be along the
highway from San Martin Valdeigles-
ias, West of Madrid, which joins the
main Talaver-Madrid highway near
Alcorcon, about 10 miles from the
The only natural defense along this
route is the forest near the Alberche
River, eight miles from San Martin.
Franco, the military leaders said,
personally will direct the attack,
which would be supported by other
columns under Gen. Emilio Mola, in
command of the northern Fascist
Earlier the Fascists announced
their warplanes had blasted apart
the only remaining railroad line from
Madrid to the Southeast.
The planes accomplished their mis-
sion during a bombardment of Aran-
juez, strategic city 29 miles southeast
of Madrid.
Dow Promises
Lower Light,
Power Rates
Alex Dow, president of the Detroit
Edison Corpany who last week ar-
gued before the State Public Utilities.
Commission against- lowering elec-
tricity prices gave promise here yes-
terday of a general overhauling and
.reduction of rates. He addressed the
University of Michigan Industrial
Conference on Education and Re-
search Friday night in the Union.
Declaring that all he wanted was
to be left alone and not forced into
a reduction, Mr. Dow revealed that
his company has for some time been
working on a plan for lower rates.
"And we hope to put them into
effect very soon, too," he emphasized.
Before the commission in Lansing,
he cited as reasons why the Detroit
Edison Company should not be com-
pelled to reduce its schedule: High
taxes with no promise of cessation;
high cost of fuel, with~ the promise
of going higher; the necessity of pay-
ing more out in wages because of in-
creased costs of living. A Landon
supporter, he lashed at the New
Deal's "extravagance" in his remarks
before the commission.
He refused, however, in Ann. Ar-

Churches Plan
Full Programs,
Rev. Ralph Diffendorfer
Of New York City Will Be
Methodist Speaker
Subjects which are as cultural as
they are religious will be offered to-
day in Ann Arbor churches when an
internationally known minister and
several distinguished professors of our
own University will address various
gatherings as the highlights of a full
The Rev. Dr. Ralph E. Diffendorf-
er, of New York City, than whom
there are few men in America bet-
ter acquainted with religious and so-
cial conditions throughout the world,
will be the guest-speaker at the First
Methodist Church at 10:45 a.m. to-
day. The title of Dr. Diffendorfer's,
sermon will be "A Modern 'Garden of
As secretary of the Board of For-
eign Missions for 10 years, Dr. Diff-

President Declared
Communist Again
BALTIMORE, Oct. 10.--(P)-The
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin tonight re-
iterated his assertion that President
Roosevelt has "Communistic tenden-
cies" and offered "as proof" the char-
ter of a corporation which, he said,
was formed in Delaware under New
Deal auspices.
Replying to an address by the Right
Rev. John A. Ryan of the Catholic
University, taking exception to
Coughlin's criticisms of the New Deal.
The Priest said that this corpora-
tion's charter contained authority, to,
"manage and maintain projects and
structures of every kind, nature and
In addition, he said, the charter
empowered the corporation to "ac-
quire, by purchose, exchange or other-
wise, all or any part of, or any in-
terest in the properties, assets, bus-
iness, and good will of any one or
more firms organized under the laws
of Delaware."
". . . Though the New Deal ad-
ministration has withdrawn this hid-
den charter from the files of Dela-
ware," he said, "the deed was done.
Acquisition of private property by
any means whatsoever wasrmani-
fested as part of its program."
In the course of his speech, de-
livered by radio preliminary to an
address before a Maryland rally of
the National Uion for Social Jus-
tice, )Father Coughlin referred to
Monsignor Ryan as "the ecclesias-
tical spokesman for the Democratic
National Committee" and as "the
Right Reverend New Dealer."
Industry Fights
Repeal Of Ta x
0n Food Sales
A determined stand against adop-
tion of proposed amendments to the
state constitution which would

endorfer has visited many parts of abolish the sales tax on foods and
the world and has studied the con- eliminate local taxation of real prop-
ditions of peoples and races in South erty was taken yesterday by repre-
America, Mexico, China, India, Ja- sentatives from Michigan associations
pan, Korea, in the Philippines and in at the Conference on Industrial Re-
the Netherland Indies. search and Education here.
Of interest to every college man Convening in joint session, the
and woman is the talk to be given by Cgroups approved a resolution which
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the stated that "the necessity for- de-
School of Education tonight at 6:30 feating amendments three and four
p.m. under the sponsorship of the in
Westminster Guild of the First Pres- is of such importance that we should
WeytinstCh Guld inthe Firsonidevote our efforts entirely to the task
byterian Church in the Masonic of securing this result."
Temple. "If I were a Student" is fseungnthresuote"h
the title of Professor McClusky's Ifood sales be freed from the sales tax,
talk. This is the fourth of a series and amendment four provides for the
of programs conducted by the Guild abolition of local property taxes and
and extending from September to permits the passage of a uniform in-
January. come tax -whose proceeds the legis-
The regular service of church will lature might distribute to local gov-
be at 10:45 a.m. ernments.
Prof. Clark Trow, of the School of ernments'}
Education, will talk at 7:30 p.m, to-j
night to the Liberal Student's Union Dr. Yi-Fang Wu Speaks
in the Unitarian Church on the "Psy- Before Chinese Students
chological Theory in Education," a
subject which should interest stu- An intimate discussion of the po-
dents and teachers alike. litical situation of China was the
"Catholicism, Fascism and the topic of the address delivered by Dr.
People" will be the title of the lec- Yi-Fang Wu at the Big Ten dinner
(Continued on Page 4) given yesterday by the Chinese stu-
dents in the League.


Sasso Scores

Everhardus Scores Only
Wolverine Points With
25-Yard Place-Kick

On Stanton Fumble
Ihiffmans End Zone Pass
To Kenderdine Results
In Second, Touchdown
(Daily Sports Editor)
A jubilant Indiana team,'its last
year's defeat at the hands of Michi-
gan completely avenged, trotted in-
to its locker room last yesterday af-
ternoon on the long end of a 14 to
3 score, as a slim crowd of 15,000
Wolverine supporters filed out of a
rain-soaked Stadium asking itself
one question: "Where do we go from
Prospects for a successful season
sank to a low that has not been
reached at this stage of the schedule
in the last decade when Coach Harry
Kipke's young Michigan team met its
second disappointing defeat in tvdo
The Hoosiers, led by their triple-
threat quarterback, Vernon Huffman,
goat of last year's game between the
two teams, completely outplayed the
Wolverines except for a few minutes
early in the first quarter when Mich-
igan took advantage of a short punt
and gave Chris Everhardus the op-
portunity to place-kick a field goal
from the 25-yard line.
Cooper Shines
Only in yardage or punts did the
Wolverines lead Indiana in the sta-
tistics columns, prominent in which
were 15 incomplete Michigan passes
out of 17 attempted and four oppon-
ent's fumbles recovered by Indiana.
Coach Kipke's men seemed to have
the game well in hand when they
scored after six minutes of the first
quarter had elapsed. Bob Cooper,
who again was the sparkling light in
the Michigan backfield, started things
with a 58 yard punt that bounded
crazily and was swept out of bounds
on the Indiana two-yard marker by
a strong cross-field wind.
Quarterback Huffman's punt from
deep in the end zone sliced out of
bounds on his own 17. After three
plays had totalled a gain of one yard,
Everhardus was sent in to try for
a goal from field. He responded with
a perfect kick from placement from
the 25, with Johnny Smithers hold-
ing the ball.
Stanton Fumbles
The first Indiana score, the most
surprising play of the game, came
during the initial play of the second
quarter, after Cooper had ended the
first period with a 15-yard runback of
a punt to his own 36.
Tex Stanton, sophomore fullback
replacement, started into the line
with the ball, and the next instant
big Chris Dal Sasso, captain of the
Hoosiers, was running 35 yards for a
touchdown through an open field.
Sideline observers last night were un-
able to agree on whether Dal Sasso
had recovered the ball at the instant
of fumble or whether 'he had
wrenched it off of Stanton's arm as
the Wolverine back struck a wall in
the form of the Indiana line. George
Miller, Hoosier center, cnverted
from placement to make the score 7
to 3.
Nine. minutes of the second quar-
ter had elapsed when Indiana scored
again, this time.on a march from the
Michigan 30 topped off by a perfect
forward pass into the end 'zone.
Miller Again Scores
Huffman's punt from Michigan's 40
was downed by Dick Kenderdine on
the Wolverines' three yard line.
Cooper punted to his own 40, but
Huffman brought the ball back 10
yards and the Hoosiers were away.
Huffman completed a toss to Ken-
derdine, who was standing alone in
the corner of the end zone. Miller
again converted and the score stood
at 14 to 3.

Fowler, Indiana fullback, prevented
a second Michigan touchdown in the
final period when he nailed Ritchie
with a diving tackle along the side-
lines after the Michigan halfback had
raced to the Hoosier 33 with only
Fowler between him and the goal line.
Ritchie, sophomore hope of last
year, came through with some fine
running in yesterday's game to defi-
nitely become a capable replacement


tion.- sume office at the expiration of the
Also awaiting transfer to prison are term of A. J. Taverozzi, of Detroit,
Dayton Dean, confessed two-gun "ex- who is filling a vacancy.
ecutioner" who pleaded guilty to a Resolutions adopted endorsed Pres-
murder charge and testified against ident Roosevelt, Frank Murphy, gu-
his companions, and the seven men bernatorial nominee, and the re-
convicted of first degree murder. mainder of the state ticket,.
Student Absentee Voters Secure
Presidential Ballots At Union

PONTIAC, Mich., Oct. 10.--P)--
Sarabelle Brooks, 18, of Clarkston,
died today from injuries suffered.
Tuesday in an automobile accident I

The topic of the famous Chinese
educator's speech was particularly
significant in that the dinner was
held to commemorate the twenty-
fifth anniversary of the foundation
of the Chinese Republic.I

A bureau through which the 5,0001
eligible student voters on this cam-
pus may secure their absent voter's
ballots for the presidential election
will be opened tomorrow in the Union.
The office. established with the aid
of Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department, will write
to the student's state for a ballot,
have it notarized free of charge
after it is voted, and return it to
the correct election official.
The service is offered without
charge to all eligible students. About
1,500 Michigan students vote in each
presidential election and it is expect-
ed that most of them will take ad-
vantake of the Union service.
To secure an absent voters ballot
through the Union, the student
should apply before Oct. 24 at the
student offices in the Union. The
Union will write to the city or county
election officer of the state and se-
cure a ballot. When the ballot is

Absent voters ballots may be ob-
tained from 33 states, the remainder
having no' absent voters laws. These
states are Alabama, Arizona, Arkan-
sas, California, Colorado, Delaware,l
Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Mexico, New York, North Caro-
lina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,
Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washing-{
ton, West Virginia, Wisconsin and
The requirements necessary to se-
cure a ballot were outlined yesterday
by Professor Pollock.
"First of all," he said, "a student
must possess the qualifications to
vote as laid down by the law of the
state in which he resides. In the
next place, in every state he mustr

Hymn-Singing To Inaugurate,
Year's University Broadcasts

With a wave of the baton and the
singing of hymns, the first Univer-
sity broadcast of the year will be offi-
cially ushered onto the air at 9 a.m.
today. Prof. Joseph E. Maddy has
the honor of starting the year with
a Hymns-You'll-Love-To-Sing pro-
gram, and, according to advance no-
tices, the actually will be hymns
you'll love to sing.
This, however, is merely the be-
ginning of a long, heavy, and aug-
mented schedule for the year. Under
the supervision of Waldo Abbot, di-
rector of the University Broadcast-
ing Service, a wealth of talented and
prominent men and women have
been 'signed up' for every day in the
week straight through to March.

taken over by the University Medical
School promise to be more than en-
tertaining. The first presentation
next Saturday is the subject of Brain
Tumors, the talk being given by Dr.
Edgar A. Kahn, associate professor
in surgery. And the one on the
following week, Oct. 24, will describe
the "National Drive Against Syphilis"
the speaker being Dr. Udo J. Wile.
Then there will be many others deal-
ing with kidneys, varicose veins, tu-
berculosis, eyes, internal medicine,
anemia, cancer, automobile accidents
and obesity (which should arouse no
small amount of co-ed interest).
On Fridays is scheduled a Profes-
sor-Tours-The-World program. There
is a strong indication that these ge-
ographical talks will reveal more

be properly reg
tion officials in
"This matter
important and

istered with the elec- bor to amplify his criticism of the
the area in which he Roosevelt administration. "A damn
fool question.," he snapped when
of registration is very asked if he thought Governor Lan-
must be attended to don's election might make conditions

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