Pitg Fo___ THE MICHIGAN DAILY_______ SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 19,36 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1936 Member 1937 Associated Clle6dice Press Distributors of Coe6iate Di6est Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by ma, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR,...........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, William J. Lichtenwanger, Willard F. Martinson, Chester M. Thalman, James V. Doll, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, associates; I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Mara. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth DM. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Heunilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strckroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Adyertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- -ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER The Role Of Britain . . . HE SURPRISE in the decision of the Soviet Union to furnish as- sistance to the Spanish government unless fas- cist aid to the rebels ceases is that it did not come sooner. A broad mass of evidence, from many sources, has made it plain that Italy and Ger- many, have been aiding the rebels since the be- ginning of the war, in violation of accepted standards of internstional law, and, more im- portant, in violation of the non-interventioni agreement entered into with other European powers. Great Britain and France, as well as Russia, have faced the necessity of choosing ultimately one of two courses: (1) to sit back and risk the possibility of the establishment of a fascist gov- ernment in Spain, which would have obligations to both Hitler and Mussolini, or (2) to combat Italian and German assistance to the rebels, either by enforcing a non-intervention agree- ment or by themselves lifting the blockade against Spain's legally elected government. Rus- sia has chosen the latter course. Upon what Great Britain and France choose to do will de- pend, to a larger extent than may seem apparent, the immediate course of European history and the prospects of peace. It is becoming more and more agreed among European observers that the primary aim of Germany's present foreign policy is to win the allegiance or the beneficient neutrality of Great Britain. She has not yet succeeded in doing that, in large part because of her very stupid plunders (Hitler's Nuremberg tirade, for ex- ample). Yet it is plain that Great Britain will be the last of Europe's non-fascist 'powers to call a halt to the intervention of Hitler and Mus- solini in Spain. We doubt that Germany will secure the open assistance of England in the near future, but the possibility that England will assume a do-noth- ing attitude toward the future aggressions of not only Germany, but also Germany's fascist and military friends, seems dangerously near. Japan has taken Manchuria and is pressing southward. Italy has a free hand in Ethiopia, the Versailles and Locarno treaties have been tossed overboard. Each of these acts has brought war nearer, simply because they have strengthened the hand of those to whom war is palatable. And fascist success in Spain will have the same effect. It is time to call a halt. We do not believe that Germany, Italy and Japan dare risk a war, it Britain stands solidly with France and Russia against it. Continued vacillation of the Baldwin governmest can only indicate that peace and de- mocracy its second choices; imperialist war its first. Mr. Reed's Bogey Man. . Reed, probably inadvertently, revealed the Re- publican attitude toward labor-"leave it to the employers." Two present-day conditions make Mr. Reed's theory utterly misleading. The first is that our wage laws, in spirit and usually in practice, have been not preventive or coercive to the labor element, but to the employers. They are protective to the labor element, and to have such an about-face in the spirit of these laws as Mr. Reed suggests possible is obviously not the intent of President Roosevelt. If such an about-face were to be consummated, it would be by the hand of the Republican party, the Na- tional Manufacturers' Association's choice. The second condition is that as long as we keep our present economic system there will never be need for our potential labor capacity, let alone the need for forcing men to work. With ten million still unemployed in this country the chances of being coerced into work are dim in- deed, and if we realize that our unemployment problem is as chronic as England's, the chances of being coerced to work are even more negligible. If these reminders are not enough to invalidate Mr. Reed's theory, we offer one more which is realistic and grim, and well realized by most Republican bigwigs. With American labor or- ganizing faster and more efficiently than at any time in its history, it promises life and limb for any group sponsoring the program against which Mr. Reed warns labor. As Others See it C _ Now You See It .. . (From the New Mexico Lobo) r[HE MATTER of returning prosperity seems beyond question. It is no longer possible to argue that the condition of the country is not improved. Evidence is all too real. Doubt can be dispelled by simply picking up a copy of the newspaper and reading of advances in the market, of the increased profits of manufac- turers, and of growing comierce. Such figures are so numerous that they need not be summarized here. A few will serve to illustrate the point: The American Iron and Steel Institute reported September 11 that ag- gregate net earnings of 104 companies in the iron and steel industry for the first half of 1936 were $55,240,000 compared with $23,873,000 for the same period last year. This is an increased earnings of 32 millions, or about 2.4 times more income than for the same six months of 1935. The current issue of the magazine, "Railway Age," reports that the net operating income of American railroads during July, 1936, is 130 per cent higher. This last year General Motors showed a net profit of 224 million dollars. That is the net profit, mind you, after taxes, reserve funds, etc., had been, taken care of. Harry Hopkins, in his recent visit here, de- clared that the national income had risen from 40 billion dollars until now it is 60 billion dollars -an increase of 50 per cent. If this increase continues at the present rate, as he feels it will, then the national income will be doubled. Such figures as these should convice anyone of returning prosperity, unless, possibly, it be the fact that it is necessary to' go to the news papers to be convinced. The national income is up 50 per cent and will soon be doubled. But is your income up 50 per cent, and how many people do you know who are making half as much again? And how soon can you count on your income being doubled, in proportion to the income of the rest of the United States? And if it's not I, and it's not you that are making more money, then who is it that is able to boost the income of the country with such splendid, and satisfying figures? The revenues of iron and steel went up 2.4 times, but did the iron and steel workers get a proportionate boost in salary? Railroads got 13 per cent more income last month, but was a proportionately higher amount paid out in wages? General Motors made $224,000,000 clear pro- fits, yet an average wage of $1,200 dollars a year is paid by this company. And just to show you what you can do with figures, General Motors could have given a $1,000 a year raise to its 100,000 lowest paid employees and still have made a profit of $124,000,000. It is true that money wages for the average man are also up. Estimates vary from 5 to 20 per cent, eepending on the source of the statis- tics. It is also true that costs are up. General prices are 20 per cent higher and food stuffs are 40 per cent higher. Thus real wages-the amount of goods that can be bought-are just about the same or a little lower. Yes, it's prosperity. But as the way of the Journal says, it seems that somehow or other most of us haven't been able to keep up with the procession. A Smith In The Campaign (From the Minnesota Daily) THE OTHER EVENING, Al Smith speaking from New York decried the New Deal; de- clared that it was not Democratic and that the leaders of the present Administration were not Democrats; pointed out that he, Al, was still the same old Al of Sidewalks of New York fame, a simple salaried man; and finally declared for the election of Alf Landon. It was not the Al Smith of 1920, '24 or '28, the Happy Warrior, speaking. Al Smith Wednesday spoke the words of a disappointed, disgruntled old man. Rather than addressing himself to the issues of the campaign, he spoke of his past successes and his personal disappointments as old men will. In a speech last January he showed to some effect that the New Deal had wandered far from the democratic BENEATH **** -By Bonth Willams-'' FOUR TO FIVE either way are the odds on today's game with Indiana, but I'm betting on Johnny Smithers. Every time Michigan makes a gain this afternoon it will be because Johnny cuts down an end or a half. That's no news to anybody, but what does cut ice is that every time Smithers blocks out a man, or for that matter makes a tackle, he's going to have to 'take' it and 'take' it plenty. Smithers right arm has been so sore since the State game that he couldn't raise it above his shoulder until yesterday, and any kind of a bump is exceedingly painful. So listen you grandstand cynics, you smart boys who know just the way it should be done, you want to remember there's a guy down there who's giving everything he's got for Michigan. He's willing to crack that bad arm as hard as he can, not once, but all afternoon today so that you can say Michigan's got a fair ball club. That is guts, that is the Michigan spirit, and if there are any Campus flits who feel like making clever quips during the game today, I'd strongly advise against it. There are a lot of Michigan men who like Johnny Smithers, and a lot who will stick to the team through hell and brimstones, and ... they won't like you. A* * * NOCK, KNOCK will take the place of the Music Goes Round and Round as the novelty feature of the Varsity band's performance be- tween the halves of the game. Ernie Jones, band manager, will do the interpreting through the P.A. system, and for the benefit of the people on the wrong side of the Stadium, and for those not quick of wit. The new arrangement of "Varsity" ,s really something, according to maestro Jones, and the band has worked up a formation for the anni- versary celebration of the song that includes everything but "Sugar Blues." And say, after days of research I finally found out who it was who carries the drum. Boy, there's a man with something. Ed Macal is the strapping gentle- man who lugs the drum on his stout shoulders, and for your enlightenment, he asked for the job. And while we're on' the subject of the band, take a good look at Bob Fox strut his stuff today, He's a real drum major. DEAR MR. WILLIAMS: I am in receipt of your contribution in the Friday Daily and am contributing this hastily dashed off letter in order to promote the regeneration in "Beneath It All" of an old tradition which was ably carried out be- fore our time by "Toasted Rolls." Pane- gyrics are, I believe, in order. My contribution for today; minor matter though a major author: To show what the faculty is capable of, I present this incident in good faith, believing but not vouching that it be true. A certain professor of our own English de- partment, (one of the few who have not as yet migrated eastward), entered the office of the department one miserable An Arbor morning. After doubtless suffering untold pains, he propounded the following knock, knock: Knock, Knock, who's there-Attica and Utica-(groans and jeers). "Well, At- tica aind Utica who" responded one of his helpless colleagues-"A-ttica u & Uticka me." I give you this for what it is worth. J.L. Frankly, old man, it isn't worth much as hu- TH EATRE AnnArbor Sason By JAMES V. DOLL THE SEASON starts a litl late here this year but at the moment looks unusually promising. Play Pro- duction will begin with Button, But- tcn, a new mystery-melodrama by Prof. John L. Brumm. It will be di- rected by Frederic O. Crandall, who will be associated with Play Produc- tion this season, and be played on November 13 for the 18th annual convention of the University Press Club of Michigan. There is a possi- bility of a second performance for the general public on the 14th. A number of other dates for Play Pro- duction offerings have been arranged for at the Mendelssohn but the plays have not been decided yet. N OCTOBER 15th Bey Meets Girl -the third touring shovi to stop here in the last three years--will play a one-night stand at the Michigan. The others were The Green Pastures and Thre Men O'n a Horse. This is a contrast to the time ten or twelve years ago when some show or other played at the Whitney almost every week. Boy Meets Girl is a farce-satire in which, as in Personal Appearance and Once In A Lifetime, the comedy is directed against Hollywood and its quaint customs. CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER, the most hardy trouper of the "one- aoman shows" will do a program of her Moder'n Monologues at Hill Audi- torium on October 29th. Although she plays with few properties and no scenery, she manages to give the ef- fect of a complete theatre. She does not announce her program in ad- vance but chooses it from her repel- tory as she goes -along so that it will suit the particular audience she is playing to-the way Chaliapin used to do on the concert stage. THE MENDELLSSOHN will have a program by Carlos de Vega, Ynes and Mariluiz, Spanish dancers, on October 30 and 31. They have not appeared in the Mid-West before but have given programs in New York where they were much liked by John Martin, dance critic of The New York Times, and George Jean Nathan. SINCLAIR LEWIS'hIttCan't Happen Here was thought to be too rad- ical by a moving picture company which abandoned its production after paying something like $100,000 for it. Dramatizedby Lewis and J. C. Mof- fitt, it will be produced by the WPA, Federal Theatre Project. It opens October 27th with 15 productions in as many cities. The Detroit project plans to play it for three weeks atc the Lafayette and then tour it through Michigan. They have not secured a theatre in Ann Arbor yet but will almost certainly play it here for a matinee and night after the Detroit run. The Art Cinema League, which is k now showing Cloistered at the Men- delssohn, also plans to present thec historical series of films collected by the Museum of Modern Art in New York. This Survey of the Film in America comprises five full-length programs including reels as early as1 1893, the Queen Elizabeth with Sarahc Bernhardt, some of the first Mary Pickford comedies, and others down to talking pictures of 1927 to 1930. The Museum has felt that these early pictures should be preserved and shown to the public even though it meant the expensive process of re- photographing and slightly enlarging. each of the separate images that make up a motion picture -print. Since commercial exploitation of the series is forbidden only members of the Art Cinema League can be ad- mitttd when it is shown here. Mem- bership cards will be on sale and may be purchased by anyone who wishes to see the series. Joris Ivens who is a pioneer in tN production of a new sort of non-fic- tional picture which he calls "docu- mentary social films" will lecture and show four of his pictures-which are from one to three reels long-on Oc- tober 23 and 24. The four are New Earth which shows the filling in of the Zuyder Zee; Borinage, a Van Gogh-like study of a Belgian mining town; Industrial Symphony, episodes showing different workers in relation to their work; and Songs of Heroes, dealing with youth in Soviet Russia. Mr. Ivens will give a running com- mentary on his pictures as they are shown. The Children's Theatre, a League activity under the supervision of Play Production, will be directed this year by Sarah Pierce who has not only, acted in a great many Play Produc- tion shows but directed Ladies-in- Waiting last year. Her first play will be The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It plays the after- noons of November 6 and 7 at the Mendelssohn. Extension Division Starts Sport Class The first classes in the Ann Arbor sports program of the Extension Division of the University of Mich-. igan for the first semester will be held at 6:30 p.m., today in the Intramural Sports, Building. Classes in swimming, badminton, and tennis for men and women will hbein after formr m stdnnts and nem_- SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 12 Notices To the Members of the University Council: The first meeting of the University Council, for the year 1936- 1937, will be held Monday, Oct. 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Students, College of Engineering: Sophomore, junior, and senior stu- dents who are working for degrees in any of the -following departments are requested to report at the Sec- retary's office, 263 West Engineering Building, unless they have done so this semester: Five-year programs combined with Industry; Combinations of any two pro- grams; Mathematics, or combinations of mathematical and technical pro- grams; Physics, or combinations; Astronomy, or combinations; Engineering-Law program; Engineering-Business Administra- tion program; Engineering-Forestry program; Metallurgical Engineering pro- gram. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday, Oct. 17, is therefore the last date on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instruct- or to admit a student later would not affect the operation of this rule. Graduate Students in English who desire to become members of the English Journal Club should inform J. L. Davis, Secretary, by leaving a note at the English office before Thursda, Oct. 15. University Women Students: The Union Pool will be open to women for recreational swimming at the following hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1-3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Saturday, 9-11 a.m. A swimming instructor will be in charge and will give instruction to any students wishing assistance. The Extension Division wishes to announce its Ann Arbor Sports Pro- gram for the first semester, 1936-37. There will be classes in swimming, badminton, and tennis for men and, women. The first meeting of the classes will be held on Saturday eve- ning, Oct. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the In- tramural Sports Building. All form- er students and others who are in- terested in enrolling should be present at this time. Fees will be collected and- the work will start. The tuition is $6 for the entire semester of 16 weeks. Direct inquiries to the Extension Division, University of 'Michigan,- Room 107 Haven Hall. Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates for the Rhodes Scholarships should procure an application blank at the History Department Office, 119 Ha- ven Hall, and See Professor Cross at his office hours, 118 Haven Hall, be- fore Oct. 17. Social Chairmen of fraternities and sororities are reminded that all party requests, accompanied by letters of acceptance from two sets of chaper- ons and a letter of approval from the Financial Adviser must be sub- mitted to the Office of the Dean of Women or the office of the Dean of Students on the Monday preceding the date set for the party. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Academic Notices Phillips Scholarships in Latin and Greeki The examinations for these scholarships will be held Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 4 p.m. in 2014 Angell Hall. Candidates, who must be freshmen registered at present in at least one Latin or Greek course in the Uni- versity, will be examined on four units of Latin or two units of Greek. Students who wish to participate in the examinations should register be- fore Oct. 19 with Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall, or Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall. Psychology 31 make-up final ex- amination will be given on Thurs- day, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science Bldg. History Make-Up Examinations: The make-up examinations in all history courses will be given Satur- day morning, 9-12, Oct. 17, in Room C. Haven. Students taking a make- up must see their instructor before Oct. 15. Lecture Exhibition Annual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi- tion: Open to public Thursday, Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 28, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5 daily. Work may be submitted in Room B, 9-12, today. Events Of Today Student Christian Association, S. C. A. Membership Dance at Lane Hall this evening, 9 to 12. All Chinese Students and Friends of China: The Double Ten Banquet for the celebration of the 25th an- niversary of the establishment of the Republic of China will be held at the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League at 7 p.m. tonight. Professor Nelson and Dr. Wu Yi-Fang, presi- dent of Gingling College will speak, to be followed by a short program of Chinese music. Tickets obtainable at the Counselors office, Room 9, Uni- versity Hall. Coming Events The Mathematics Club will meet Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, at 8 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. President Menge is to present a paper on Con- tingency Reserves for Insurance. Election of officers for the coming year will precede the paper. Varsity Glee Club and Reseres: Important full rehearsal, Sunday, 4 p.m. All old and new men must be present without fail. Graduate Education Club: The Graduate Education Club will hold its initial meeting of the 1936-37 academic year in the . University Elementary School Library, Monday, Oct. 12, 4 p.m. Mr. Webster will show motion pictures of the recent edu- cational tour of Europe sponsored by the University, and Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell will informally discuss sev- eral of the tour's highlights. All graduate students taking work in Education are eligible and cordially invited to attend. Graduate Outing Club: Trip to Peach Mountain, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 11. Group leaves Lane Hall at 2:30, returning earlytin the evening. All graduate students cordially in- vited. Sigma Rho Tau will hold a smoker for engineering freshmen at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union, Tues- day, Oct. 13. The Chinese Students will hold a special meeting to meet Dr. Hu Shih who will speak informally. Tuesday, Oct. 13, 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Stalker Hall, 9:45 a.m. Student class and discussion group led by Prof. George Carrothers. 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting. Dr. C. W. Brashares will speak on "Psy- chology and Scripture." Fellowship hour and supper following the meet- ing. First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr. E. E. Diffendorfer of New York will speak on "A Modern 'Garden of Eden'." Students are cordially welcomed at this service. Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Service of worship with sermon by Mr. Heaps. Third in the series on "Building Christian Personality." 6 p.m., Students Fellowship supper and program. Mr. Heaps will give an illustrated lecture on "The Tale of Two Cities" using slides from the motion picture. Harris Hall, Sunday, Oct. 11: There will be the regular student meeting at Harris Hall at 7 p.m. The Rev. Henry Lewis will be the speaker. All students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m., Church School. 11 a.m, Kindergarten. 11 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles, minister of the church, will speak on "The Ideal Life: Its Characteristics," second in a series on the Sermon on the Mount. 12 noon: The Roger Williams class will meet at Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Mr. Chapman, minister for students, will lead a discussion on "The Christian Though of God." 12 to 12:40 p.m. 6 p.m. The guild meets for evening program and fellowship hour. Mr. Chapman will give a talk on "The Social Organism for the Christian Religion." Refreshments follow. Unitarian Church, Sunday: 11 a.m., Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on "Catholicism, Fascism and the People." At 7:30, the Liberal Students' Union will hear an ad- dress by Prof. Clark Trow on "Psy- chological Theory in Education." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. mo', per se, but it does show that men can say things like that. even faculty THE SCREEN AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN "CLOISTERED" THEATRE "THE PLOW THAT BROKE THE PLAINS" Cloistered is the most amazingly informative picture that I have ever witnessed. It is in no sense a motion picture production-it is merely a recording of life in all of its mechanical details in a cloistered convent. Whatever one's religious ideas might be, he could not help respecting this picture and its sincerity. But the picture can- not be enjoyed from the standpoint of enter- tainment. Best Films Company, Pathe Cinema of France was permitted to take its cameras and crew into a convent into which man had never before been allowed to enter. These technicians were per- mitted to photograph and record the sound, in some instances, of the nost sacred rituals of the religious community. For sheer authenticity, this is possibly the most worthwhile picture that has ever been filmed. It is hardly believable that the Roman Catholic Church would authorize such a publication of its cloistered rites. But the picture is proof, and its message is justifica- tion of the presentation. The piling of details in the picture seem drawn out and become tedious-the picture soon be- comes timesome. The informative element of the picture is its primary recommendation. The Plow That Broke the Plains is artistically photographed. After that has been said, it would be kinder to stop. But the reaction of the audi- ence should be noted. The laughter at moments of the deepest seriousness in the production is a sure indication of the feature's worth. -C.M.T. up his mind on the presidential campaign, Mr. Smith's words can have little effect. They do not go into imnortant nestions: they miss the