FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1c ~ ; w- .A Yit. i j , 1936 Member 1937 Rssocided CoUe6dice Press Distributors of G e6ile Dt6est Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatior of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post 0fice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ae., Chicago, Il. Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague, Elsie Roxborough. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, associates; I. S. Silverman. Sports Department:. George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Bettys Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER. WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wlsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A.Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WEEKS Regretfa t Reminder No. 2 ... TONIGHT at the pep meeting in Hill Auditorium there will be no high school students admitted, and for this rea- son we believe that the Men's Council is jus- tified in asking the student body to behave in a respectful manner during the 45 minute pro- gram. The Farm Problem ... SINCE MOST SECTIONS in the country have broadly indicated their slant in the coming election there remains the farmer to corral. Notwithstanding the pres- ent necessity of some kind of permanent agri- cultural policy it might be expected that a play be made for the farmer's vote. Consequently the farmer stands fair to be most well remembered by both parties after the coming election. He is wooed by both candidates but with inconsistency by one. Out of three years of experience with bumper surplus crops and drought shortages has evolved the long time program which is the basis of President Roosevelt's claim for farm votes. There are two major features, one which under the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act provides for five hundred million dollars to be paid annually to farmers who will shift from soil depleting to soil conserving crops, and the other which retires marginal land, land at the margin of least production, to good and grass land. Crop insurance and commodity loans will be granted to farmers as an aid in absorbing the shocks of excess and drought and in main- taining an "ever normal granary." Such loans will permit farmers to store crops in years of surplus for use or sale in lean years. In addi- tion help is promised to farm cooperatives, in refinancing farm indebtedness, and in alleviat- ing the serious ills of the farm tenancy situa- tion. Indirectly at least the Democratic platform insists upon government production control wherever and whenever that might be necessary, With the Roosevelt farm program evolving so swiftly Governor Landon has hardly had time for more than a hurried assent to these emerg- ing policies. The agricultural policies of both presidential candidates are in neap agreement. However there are several important divergen- cies. Landon promises payment of New Deal committments, relief checks to drought victims, cash payments for cooperation in water and soil conservation insurance, warehouse law amendments to facilitate loans on stored crops, limitation of subsidies to the "production level of the farmer's type farm," and in general economy in federal finances. So far the two programs are essentially in harmony but in other matters, in the instance of the tariff for example, Governor ents in general have not ultimately benefitted the farmer more by their stimulation of general business conditions and exports than they have hurt him by allowing the immediate competition of certain imports. In the matter of subsidies, not to be outdone, Governor Landon advocates tariff-equivalent, cash benefit payments to give farmers protection analogous to that afforded to manufacturers by the tariff. But, since in the spirit of the entire Republican platform, which declares against cen- tralized government control, there are no pro- duction checks provided for, it is difficult to see how this expenditure may not mushroom enor- mously. Indeed government experts at Wash- ington calculate that the Landon-Hope plans will cost over two billion dollars annually, a cost which exceeds the total AAA annual outlay for all crops. Avowedly the Republican platform declares that the budget must be balanced, not by taxing but by cutting down government expenditure. It can hardly be expected that relief expenditures will not be sharply cut. Whether intended or not there will be. effected a sharp discrimination against the urban population in favor of the agricultural population in the allocation of relief funds. In view of the potential effort on the part of the Republicans in reducing the budget it would seem in the matter of this proposed expenditure that they were gratuitously placing an obstacle in their own path, and emphasizing at the same time an obvious platform contra- diction. It may be seen that the Democratic and Re- publican agricultural programs are almost in agreement, but there do exist disagreements and these disagreements demand the serious atten- tion and analysis of every voter, implying as they do contradiction and vote capturing activ- ity rather than straightforward attention to a national problem. THE FORUM Vi Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Orchids And Scallions To the Editor: Orchids to the gentleman who wrote, the letter in Tuesday's Daily, concerning the Spanish situation. I found Professor Aiton's remarks in Sunday's Daily most unpleasant reading. As one who still believes in democracy and self-government, (a few people still do) I have gradually toughened myself against the attitude assumed by about ninety-eight per cent of the public press in the present Spanish fiasco. After all, most newspapers have been lined up with the forces of reaction for quite a number of decades. I have further come to expect the average un- educated protestant to become a member of such organizations as the Ku Klux Klan. I am used to seeing Liberty Leaguers and Legionnaires use the word "Americanism" in a sense that would have made most of the founding fathers writhe. All these afflictions I can bear with a certain amount of composure. But when I see profes- sors, gentlemen supposed to represent the cream of American (I said American) intellect and culture, line themselves up with the blackest forces of ignorance and reaction menacing the world today,, that still hurts. And their reasons! Law and Order! Normalcy! When this sudden overwhelming desire for law and order which has become so evident recently among our more well-to-do citizens? And how in heaven's name can anyone call that group which has refused to abide by the will of the majority of the people, which has resorted to war to gain its own ends and as a result has brought down upon the head of unhappy Spain one of theamost terrible catastrophies that can overcome a nation-how can anyone call that party the party of law and order? Anyhow, as a good American, I am suspicious of such phrases. After all, our most law-abiding citizens are corpses. The Anglo-Saxon peoples, among whom I am proud to claim ancestry, obtained whatever rights and freedom they pos- sess by incessant, struggle, and thereby estab- lished their reputation as one of the most troublesome and turbulent races known to man. Did the king wish to collect taxes? He had to haggle with the parliament. Did the nobles become too haughty? Sooner or later they had the people to reckon with. And the people? One couldn't tell them what prayer-book to use, what customs to obey, what wars to fight in. It was simply awful! Not a drop of obedience in a bucketful. And that's the way we've been, English and American, for a long,long time, like it or not. Though I do feel constrained to add for the benefit of those who don't like it, (and I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that there are many who don't) that they know where they can go-and I don't mean Russia, either. All of which outburst only serves to point a moral: A man may be a Democrat, a Repub- lican, or even a Socialist or a Communist, and still legitimately call himself an American, but a Fascist-let us speak no ill of the dead. --B.B. Choral Union Again To the Editor: Apparently, we, and several hundred other people, have been misled by Mr. Moore in his schedule of tryouts for Choral Union. Maybe we're wrong, but our imuression w that Chnma - - - --- --- BENEATH**** y+ IT ALL e.s-----By Bonth Williams- Y MOST profound apologies to Prof. Hene- man who smokes neither pipe, cigarette, nor cigar and who has never squandered a single nickel in a baffle board. My ace stooge has made his first blunder, and he has gone to drape his head with sackcloth and ashes. Just before he shuffled off he did tell me whom he had con- fused with Prof. Heneman but I think we have already gotten into the matter deeply enough. * * * * I AM IN RECEIPT of a letter from a young lady in Mosher Jordan which I shall not print. All contributions, whether good, bad or indifferent, will be graciously received and most of them printed, but plain, unadulterated dirt gces into the waste basket. O.K. stooge, you can come out of your corner now and take a letter. Dear Miss- : For the first and last time I wish to make it quite clear to you that I don't give a damn who took Minny Schultz out last night. What anyblody does around here is their own business, as far as I am concerned. The last thing this column will ever do is print damaging stories. To my way of thinking there is nothing cheaper than a gossipy girl with a dirty mind, especially one who goes out of her way to record the details of dormitory dither. Obviously anyone who could become so concerned over the affairs of others, can have very few social interests of her own. If you must find an outlet for that insatiable, prying nose of yours, I should advise you to industriously undertake a scientific career. Why not commence with Micro-Technique? Sincerely yours, BONTH WILLIAMS. SPORTSWRITER D'ARCY at Michigan State couldn't resist the urge to reply to George Andros' swell column of a week ago when he took Mr. D'Arcy down about seventeen pegs for his characterization of Michigan as "just another football team." Andy ended his column with "a worm may turn, but it's still a worm." D'Arcy, not to be outdone, finished his letter. with "no matter how high a man may climb, the worms will get him in the end." * * * * BIGGER and better busses are the order of the day for the Norti Geddes residents who patronize the Ann Arbor Transportation Co. No longer must Delts, Dekes and Alpha Phi's ride packed into one of those little blue and yellow wheelbarrows. Now they ride in dignified com- fort on their way to and from the campus, and the ante has been lowered to four rides for a quarter. When Mussolini some time ago said not devalue, he must have been a lira, SCREEN Art (itna League And Movie History EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the worth- while but little known artistic organi- zations on the campus has been the Art Cinema League. One of the direc- tors of the organization prepared the following statement of its purposes and its coming historical series. T HE LAYMAN seems to have an aversion toward calling anything inexpensive by the name "art." It is pretty safe to venture that if we should try to peddle Rembrandts at l dime each we could hardly get a hearing but the mere mention of thousands of American dollars usual- ly draws an audience. And perhaps it is this reason which has prevented Americans and others from viewing motion pictures as an art form. For 40 cents you can see the best of them. There is, however, a growing num- ber of people who insist that human passions in celluloid may be as ef- fectively portrayed as they can be on canvas. Locally the Art Cinema League acts for that group. Nation- ally, the Museum of Modern Art Film Library is holding the fort. There are other similar groups in the coun- try but we concern ourselves now with the latter because it is lending the Art Cinema League a. highly val- uable series of pictures dating back to the time your father was probably looking for a job--1893. Now the idea behind the Museum is neither to employ librarians at so much per, nor is it to let you laugh at pie-pitching or Theda Bara's drooping eye makeup. It is rather to instill into 'public cinema conscious- ness the idea that movies have a tra- dition and above all a development similar to that of painting or writ- ing. It is felt too, that we might sop up a little appreciation of the history of movies not from an antiquarian point of view but from that of a normal man interested in reaping the most from the 40 odd seeds he sows in box offices so many times a year. For after all, the moving picture is the sole great art form peculiar to the 20th century. The Art Cinema League since its inception has felt that we should know something about its potentialities as art. The League, therefore, has brought to town what are probably the high water marks of recent movie time. "The Infor- mer'," "La Martinelle," "Crime and Punishment," (in French) being among those presented. The coming historical series is un- doubtedly the best opportunity you'll have to acquire an education in the art of movie appreciation and crit- icism. Like any other library thej film library has categories. They follow: 'Development of Narrative,1 Rise of the American Film, D. W. Frifflith, German Influence, the Talk-I ies, the "Western" Film, Comedies, Film and Contemporary Life, Mystery] and Violence, Screen Personalities. Under, each category, of course, films will be shown which best char- acterize it. The whole list of picturesI ist much too long for this space but we might as well turn the light qn for a minute. There is for instance, "The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots," 1893-4, cast unkown, "The Great Train Robbery," 1903; "Queen Eliza-1 beth," 1911, with Saral Bernhardt; D. W. Griffith's "Intolerance," 1916; "The Freshman," with Harold Lloyd; "The Sex Life of the Polyp," 1928, with Bob Benchley and last but not least, the first Mickey Mouser, "Steam Boat Willie," 1928. Now it might be objected that thel sex life of the polyp can have little1 to do with movies as art or historyI or anything else for that matter.1 However, our august personages, such+ as Mary Pickford, J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., and John Hay Whitney who back the Film Library of the Museum of Modern Art, might reply said sex life et. al., was evoked by a demand from the massesor it wouldn't have been made, and as such deserves a mention in a study of movie development. In; your more vertical moments after the series you'll not likely regret the dollar spent for the series member- ship card and probably will appre- ciate current and future films with their genesis and growth as art in mind. Many people have wondered as to what is the reason for our organiza- tion's unorthodox method in selling this series. We do not advertise. No time, place, or date is disclosed to the public. Why cloak the program, with mystery you may justly ask? Our answer is that we signed an agreement with the film library which stated that we would withhold this information except to members. The Film Library feels it must ad- here to such a policy to prevent the pictures from getting into unscrupu- lous hands which will exploit the series commercially. Thus, purchase a membership card at the Union, League, or Wahr's, and you will be given membership which not only in- cludes admission to the entire series but also information of any private pictures we might show. Season Inaugurated By Civic Orchestra The Ann Arhor Civic o'hetral he would FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1936 VOL. XLVII No. 11 Notices To the Members of the University Council: The first meeting of the University Council, for the year 1936- 1937, will be held Monday, Oct. 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Notice to all Members of the Uni- versity: The following is an extract of a by-law of the Regents (Chap- ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since September, 1926:- "It will hereafter be regarded as contrary to University policy for any one to have in his or her possession any key to University buildings or parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided (i.e. by the Buildings and Grounds Department). If such unauthorized keys are found the case shall be referred to the Dean or other proper head of the Uni- versity division involved for his ac- tion in accordance with this prin- ciple. Any watchman or other prop- er representative of the Buildings and Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head or other proper University official shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open University buildings, at any reasonable time or place. "...For any individual to order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of' his or her University key, through unauthorized channels, must be regarded as a special and willful disregard of the safety of University property." These regulations are called to the attention of all concerned, for their information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Uni- versity buildings, doors, or other locks, contrary to the provisions recited above, should promptly surrender the same to the Key Clerk at the office of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith., Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates for the Rhodes Scholarships shouldj procure an application blank at the History Department Office, 119 Ha- ven Hall, and see Professor Cross at his office hours, 118 Haven Hall, be- fore Oct. 17. Students, College of Engineering:+ Sophomore, junior, and senior stu- dents who are working for degrees in any of the following departments are requested to report at the Sec- retary's office, 263 West Engineering Building, unless they have done so this semester: Five-year programs combined with Industry; Combinations of any two pro- grams; Mathematics, or combinations of mathematical and technical pro-F grams; Physics, or combinations;F Astronomy, or combinations; l Engineering-Law program; Engineering-Business Administra- tion program; Engineering-Forestry program . Metallurgical Engineering pro-1 gram. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Intramural Managers: Call for Second Semester Freshmen, Sopho- mores and Junior men students to try out as I-M Managers. Please re- port at the Student Office of the In- tramural Bldg. Thursday and Fri- day, Oct. 8 and 9 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Physical Education, Women Stu- dents: Individual sport tests in golf, tennis and archery will be given from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. on Palmer Field1 today. S t u d en t s interested in taking these tests should sign up at the desk in the Women's Athletic Bldg. The swimming test will be given at the Union Pool Qn Saturday morn- ing, Oct. 10 from 9 to 11. Students interested in taking this test should report to the pool on Saturdiy morn- ing. Study Tours for Foreign Students: Arrangements have been made for. the following tours for foreign stu- dents who are interested in seeing and understanding American life through its industrial andsocial in- stitutions. No. 1. Saturday, Oct. 17, 8 a.m. The Food Factories and the Sanitar- ium at Battle Creek. No. 2. Friday, Oct. 23, 1 p.m. The Ford Plant at Dearborn. No. 3. Friday, Oct 30, 1 p.m. Greenfield Village at Dearborn. No. 4. Saturday, Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Cranbrook Schools. No. 5. Friday, Nov 13, 1 pm. Sa- line Valley Farms. The trips are to be made by chart- ered motor busses. The expenses are to be kept at a minimum. Details may be learned by calling at my of- fice, Room 9, University Hall. Res- ervations will be made each week in advance. Further notice will be made each week. J. Raleigh Nelson. Counselor to All members of Triangles are re- quested to be present at 8 p.m. to- night at the Union for a short busi- ness meeting. Dean Goff, Secy. Reservations for the Luncheon for Dr. Hu Shieh: Attention is called to the fact that all reservations for the luncheon to be given for Dr. Hu Shieh, the distinguished Chinese scholar, next Tuesday, Oct. 13, must be made before Saturday night. They may be made by phoning directly to the Michigan Union or. to my office, 303 on the University Exchange. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. Fraternity Rushees: Between 8 a.m'. and 5 p.m., today, each rushee must present to the office of the Dean of Students his receipt for payment of the fraternity registration fee, and shall receive in return a blank preference list. This prefer- ence list shall be taken out of the office of the Dean of Students to be filled out. Between the same hours of the same above-mentioned day each rushee desiring to be pledged shall personally return to the office of the Dean of Students the completed list, marked in order of preference, of the fraternities from which he would ac- cept a bid. Choral Union Concert Tickets: The "Over-the-counter" sale of season Choral Union tickets will begin Sat- urday morning, Oct. 10, at 8:30 o'clock, at which time all unsold tickets will be placed on public sale as follows: $10, $8.50, $7, $5. Orders with remittance to cover received up to noon today will be filled in sequence in advance. Charles A. Sink, President. Choral Union Tryouts: Tryouts for membershipbin the University Choral Union will be continued from 4 to 6 on Thursday and Friday afternoons, at the School of Music, Maynard St. A limited number of places are still open, particularly for second altos, first tenors and second basses. Social Chairmen of fraternities and "ororities are reminded that all party requests, accompanied by letters of acceptance from two sets of chaper- ons and a letter of approval from the Financial Adviser must be sub- mitted to the Office of the Dean of Women or the office of the Dean of Students on the Monday preceding the date set for the party. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Academic Notices Phillips Scholarships in Latin and Gre:k: The examinations for these scholarships will be held Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 4 p.m. in 2014 Angell Hall. Candidates, who must be freshmen registered at present in at least' one Latin or Greek course in the Uni- versity, will be examined on four units of Latin or two units of Greek. Students who wish to participate in the examinations should register be- fore Oct. 19 with Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall, or Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall. Mathematics 370: Professor Rain- ich's Seminar (on Differential Geo- metry and allied topics). Those in- terested are invited to a brief or- ganization meeting today at 4 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall. Sociology 147: Lee. MF at 9 and Sec. 1, W at 9 will meet the rest of the semester in Room G, Haven. Sec. 2, ,W at 11, will meet as usual in Room D Haven. L. G. Carr. History 137: MWF at 9 will meet the rest of the semester in Room C Haven instead of G Haven. D. L. Dummond. History 11, Sec. 24 (Mr. Scott's) will meet (MF at 9) in 305 S.W. the rest of the semester, instead of 301 U.H. History 11, Sec. 25 (Mr. Scott's), MF at 10, will meet the rest of the semester in 305 S.W. instead of 2029 A.H. Aero. 20, Advanced Fluid Mechan- ics: Prof. M. J. Thompson will not be able to meet this class on Satur- day, Oct. 10. Lecture Special Lecture: Edgar Ansel Mowrer, noted foreign newspaper correspondent and graduate of the University of Michigan, will speak in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Thursday evening, Oct. 15 on the subject "A Journalist Looks at Eur- ope." The lecture is sponsored by the committee on University Letures and there will be no admission charge. Exhibition FRIDA'Y, OCT. 9, 1936 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. As Others See It For Glory Or-? (From the University Daily Kansan) RECENT CARTOON appearing in the Chi- cago "Daily News" shows, among other things, a man representing the college counting thousands of dollars while a football star looks on, musing "If I took a couple of bucks they'd can me." Yes, the cartoon is concerned with the debate over sponsored college football games. Since the Atlantic Refinery Company announced that it intended to sponsor a number of games in the East this fall, several other advertisers have made like arrangements. The Ohio Oil Company will broadcast the entire Notre Dame schedule, Dodge Motor Car dealers will sponsor the ma- jority of the games the University of Minnesota will play, and so on. But still nothing is said concerning that absorbing question-what is the football player going to get out of it? It's a curious situation. It is one thing to be fighting for the dear old Alma Mater, but an-r other to be giving one's all for the Ohio Oil Company. Perhaps the player is supposed to look at it philosophically and say, "This is no concern of mine. What if the college does use me to make money? I still have the glory . ." But it's hard to eat glory, and most football players could use a little money to good advan- tage. And even if they didn't need it, they should still be paid for they have as much right to the sponsor's money as the college. Perhaps more, for it is the players who risk their necks. The college may train the men and supply the stadium, but the fact 'remains that it is the team that takes the chances. There should be some compensation. turned away because their schedules and activ- ities prevented them from "beating the mob" to the door. The tryouts were scheduled up until Wednes- day at six o'clock but long before that, the so- pranos were sent away and then all women were sent away because the chorus was filled. Is Mr. Hamilton so sure that the best voices came first in the line or it simpler to take names as they came than to hear everyone and then select the best? This isn't only our idea; but everyone who stood waiting for two to three hours these last few days will voice their hearty agreement with us. There is nothing so disillusioning nor cr. nnin-. l . - +., . 1- 1 - 4. .