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October 08, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-10-08

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THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 1936


r' --
1936 Member 1937
issocited CAe6ide Press
Distributors of
Cole6itde Di6est
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4:00; by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montague, Elsie Roxborough.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey;
associates; I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department : Jewel. Wuerfel, Chairman : Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

With Figures-...

weakened finance, of which devaluation is evi-
dence, and the poverty of the people, which de-
valuation aggravates, may well lead Mussolini
again to war as an outlet for discontent.
At any rate, newspaper accounts of the de-
valuation decree in Italy made us glad once
again that we live in the United States, for all
its rainy weather. In order to achieve the worthy
purpose of keeping capital in securities, for in-
stance, Mussolini resorted to the dictatorial prac-
tices of compelling all owners of real estate to
subscribe five per cent of the capital value of the
property to a government loan, at the same time
increasing the real estate tax three and one half
lira per thousand.
Very kindly, Mussolini allowed limited liability
companies to distribute dividends in excess of
six per cent, a thing once forbidden, but only
against sharply graduated levy taxes.
If we rightly recall, the Roosevelt administra-
tion, three years ahead of Italy in devaluation,
allowed its "subjects" to make up their own mind
what they would do with their money.
Letters published in this column should not be
construedsas expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The naves of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Explanation Wanted
To the Editor:
It would be interesting to several hundred
University students to know who or what is
responsible for the deplorable condition existing
in the music school in regard to the recently
called Choral Union tryouts. Tryouts were called
for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week for two hours each ofternoon. Each day
at' least 100 students have stood in line for two
hours and at least half of them have been turned
away at the end of that time.
These students are interested in Choral Union
because of the opportunity it gives them to ex-
press themselves in music and to hear good
music. However, these people have classes and
other activities to take up their time. Many
students have waited at least two hours for two
days in succession only to be turned away. Tak-
ing anywhere from six to ten minutes for
each tryout, no more than 12 people at the
most can be accommodated in an hour, yet the
music school allows 75 or 100 students to stand
in line hoping for a chance.
One would judge that there must be more
than one person on the music school faculty
capable of trying out student voices, thus mak-
ing things move in a manner efficient to suggest
the operations of a large university instead of a
line-up for a small-town bank night.
The tryouts were supposed to last through
Wednesday and it was announced before tryouts
started on that day that the soprano section
was already closed, which is certainly unfair
to many capable singers.
In years previous the tryouts have been con-
ducted by a number of people on the music
school faculty and the reason for the incon-
venient and time-wasting change in the method
demands explanation. If proper thought had
been given to the situation some other arrange-
ment, alphabetical or numerical might have been
devised so that those people who had been wait-
ing for days could resume their former places
on the following day.
This is no personal "gripe," but the combined
opinion of a large number of students questioned
while standing in line. We would all appreciate
an explanation of this situation from the music
school-S-S.C.H., '37A
Local Politics
To the Editor:
All through my years in the University of
Michigan the professors impressed upon us
students the necessity for intelligent thinking;
our responsibility as citizens, they said, was to
study the facts and think things through be-

fore making our decisions on economic, social
and political issues. In view of this very sound
advice, it is surprising to me to know that those
wards in Ann Arbor in which the faculty men
reside are among the heaviest Republican wards
in the State.
Those Republicans wards have re-elected to
office for twelve years a Probate Judge in Wash-
tenaw County who is not even a lawyer. The
Probate Judge has the highly technical task of
probating all wills; a task requiring thorough
legal training. Yet this man never set foot
in a law school in his life, unless to look at they
architecture. The Prosecuting Attorney is a
Republican now seeking a fourth term when
in his first campaign for the position he had
advertised in the papers that he promised the
people never to seek a third term to office. Sim-
ilar disturbing facts could be mentioned as to the
other Republican incumbents who are in office
because the lethargic faculty fails to practice
what it preaches to us students. The Democrats
offer on their local ticket a candidate for
Probate Judge, Harold D. Golds, who is a lawyer
and a Michigan grad. They offer as Prosecut-
ing Attorney Hubert Thompson, graduate of the
Michigan Law School. .They offer as Circuit
Court Commissioners Arthur Lehman and Jo-
seph Zwerdling, both graduates of Michigan Law
School. Zwerdling is a Phi Beta Kappa and
honor student in Law School. Lehman was also
an honor student. These are the calibre of men
the Democratic party offers here in Washtenaw
Will the faculty practice what it preaches, and
vote intelligently for competent men, whatever
their ticket? Or will they cling to an illogical
and slavish adherence'ptontraditinnll nif+,. ,r'

****** ITALL
,,,% By Bonth Wiiam s,-
number of pledges. For Tongs, Frats and
Hatchet Clubs. Thirteen days over the inter-
fraternity course with a delayed decision. En-
tries who have served no breakfast and drunk
no beer since September 27 allowed 2 men; non
piano playing houses 2 men, non hot-boxers 5
men. All other entries at scratch. No appren-
tices allowed.
"-the horses are bunched very closely as they
come out of the turn, it's impossible to see who's
in front; the boys are taking to the whip as they
hit the top of the stretch.
A couple of early sprinters are out of the pic-
ture, but most of the good horses are still in it.
I can make out the colors of a Washtenaw
entry out by a neck now, a State street horse is
coming up very fast on the outside. There's dirty
riding here, folks, and steward George Cosper
will undoubtedly set a lot of these boys down.
"-in the stretch now it's Collitch Boy by one,
Lower Housebills by a head, and then Happy
Dormitory, No Mortgage, Hoisted Trou, Ra Ra,
and the field.
"The gap's closing, Collitch Boy is slipping,
back; Lower Housebills is all through, Ra Ra's
out of it, so is Happy Dorm., the routers are com-
ing fast now, Balanced Budget, no Lower House-
bills came again, and here comes Strong Na-
tionally on the outside. He can't get up, but
he did, folks, a beautiful bid. It looked like a
blanket finish to me. The camera apparatus
hasn't been perfected as yet so results will not
be official until Monday evening.
"-it's a great scene down here on the track
now, the jockeys are weighing in before Judge
Bursley. The horses are blanketed over and be-
ing taken down, according to my operator on
the track, they're being taken down to the
Pretzel Bell. The jockeys, obviously under great
tension throughout this gruelling grind are slap-
ping each other on the back and arguing about
who won. Johnny Becker, Ted Allen, Herb
Baker, Carl Gerstacker, Don Effler, Dick Coombs,
Nor Steinberg, Murray Campbell, Dick Kendrick
and Bob Hendricks are gathering their clans
about them down there. The boys are kidding
them, and telling them what a great job they've
done, and now the trainers and stable boys are
each grabbing their respective rider and they're
off to celebrate."
The tension is broken, but the verdict won't
be announced until Tuesday when the Freshman
Trophy winner is announced. Watch Tuesday's
Daily for an account of how they ran with the
form -chart of the race.
* * * *
BENEATH IT ALL: Foster Campbell is now a
General Electrician in Schenectady. Prof.
Heneman of the Poly Sci department is an ar-
dent professional football fan, and also smokes
Cork Town tobacco in a brown pipe, in addition
to which he has a weakness for feeding round
nickels to those handicapping baffle boards.
Prof. Art Van Duren is an inhabitant of Swift's
drug store between classes, and also during all
World Series encounters.
Prof. Bruce Donaldson bought a new Packard
with his bonus and is a trout fisherman of no
small repute, as is Herr Haines in the Journalism
Jack Healey and Jake Flaherty, ex-tycoons of
The Daily are now working on a sheet in Battle
Creek. Tom Groehn turned down a job on the
same paper.
Harvey Patton has turned reporer and is now
covering the Ann Arbor sports beat for The
News. He takes the place of John Thomas, ex-
sports editor of The Daily, who did the job and
also managed to get through law school at the
same time. Bill Reed for the Free Press, and
Patton are rooming together and trying to do
the same thing.
Vic Heyliger is another Michigan athlete who
figures going to school is too easy.
Tokyo Government in dealing with the Chinese

irregulars responsible, a serious Sino-Japanese
outbreak seems unlikely. Japanese editorials
evidence some impatience with the failure of the
Nanking Government to deal effectively with
anti-Japanese demonstrations, but advise no
more stringent action than that which a parent
might employ in attending to an incorrigible
child. The incident does bring to the fore, how-
ever, the question of future outbreaks, not only in
the Chinese domain, but on the other asiatic
fronts as well.
Much more serious than a war involving China
and Japan, and certainly more threatening than
an American-Japanese conflict, is the awesome
specter of a Russo-Japanese war. Ever since
the Manchurian outbreak changed the geog-
raphy of the Far East, rumors of such an im-
pending occurrence have been freely circulating.
Japanese writers, keen observers of the asiatic
scene seem to agree that the chances of hos-
tilities with the Soviet in the immediate future
are steadily diminishing. The two countries
are all too conscious of one another's strength,
they feel. The Russians, at the time of the
Manchurian affair, fearful of Japanese en-
croachments, have since developed a border
bristling with arms, and have made it known
that they intend not to cede "an inch of Rus-
sian soil." The Japanese have not mistaken Rus-
sian sincerity . in this matter and apparently
would not risk a conflict with the Soviet Union
unless - deliberately provoked. The mutual re-
spect for one another's capacities, however, have
removed the element of provocation to such an
extent that at least a temporary guarantee
against war remains. Not so assuring are the

Wherefore Art Thou,
Box Office?
(From the Daily Northwestern)
THEY have made a movie in Holly-
wood called "Romeo and Juliet,"
and you have probably seen it. The
producers gratefully acknowledge
their debt to William Shakespeare,
which is very white of the producers.
It is statistically interesting to note
that the two million dollars spent by
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in manufac-
turing this film would not only have
enabled William Shakespeare to build
a dozen super-playhouses - gilded
Globes-buthalso could have pur-
chased for him most of the London
of his day. "Romeo and Juliet" is
the second of Shakespeare's plays to
be adapted to the screen, but unfor-
tunately it is probably not the last.
Exit Excitement
The producers were motivated, no
doubt, by a belief in the universality
)f Shakespeare's plays. Their poten-
tial appeal to people of all classes and
all ages has been admitted by scholars
down through the centuries. Of
course, very few people read Shake-
speare for excitement, nowadays. This
is because very few people are
equipped to enjoy him. Earnest stu-
dents find him a lot of fun. The
Globe Theatre organization, at Chi-
cago's World's Fair, proved that he
could be made a lot of fun to an
increasing number of people, and this
suggested that, if Shakespeare could
be presented in the right way, he
might be made a lot of fun to every-
body, just as he was in the days of
His Universality
The Globe Theatre organization
was on the right track. Hollywood
is not. Hollywood seeks to popularize
Shakespeare through million dollar
sets, lavish scenery, and great cinema
names. Shakespeare scholars are im-
ported to aid production-may Ham-
let's ghost haunt them! Historians
are shipped in to authenticate the
settings. And these are made ac-
curate and stupendous, even beyond
the bard of Avon's imagination. For
surely he had not the picture of fif-
teenth century Verona which these
historians give us. He knew not these
minute details of costume.
Certainly it is not Shakespeare's
encyclopedic knowledge of history
and places which makes his appeal
universal. Nor is it his skill i plot
weaving. He has never been handed
laurels for either of these.His claim
to universality lies in the beauty of
his language-the powerful way he
could express emotion, through his
characters. It is by showing that his
emotional expression is just as valid
for moderns as it was for Elizabeth-
ans, that Shakespeare canzbe pop-
ularized. The Globe Theatre organi-
zation, with true Elizabethan infor-
mality, succeeded in doing this. One
could realize, when they performed,
that human nature had not changed
since Shakespeare's time. The full
meaning of the Bard's language was
brought out.
If Hollywood has succeeded, its
"Romeo and Juliet" should hold au-I
diences glued to their seats in the
same fashion that "Death Takes a
Holiday," and "The Front Page" did.
It will be naive to say that since I,
was not so held, neither was the rest
of the audience-but that is all I can
go by. Shakespeare's language was
lost for me in the magnificent set-
tings: I doubt whether anyone who
was- not a Shakespeare student left
the theatre reciting to himself frag-
ments of beautiful passages heard.
And is not that the test of Shake-
speare? I think the strongest im-
pression the movie left was that of
beautifully dressed actors who moved,
dripping with emotion, through fairy-
land scenery. Certainly there is some-!
thing moving about a combination of
these three. But is it Shakespeare?c
Terrific I

As people pushed outward through
the foyer, you could hear Babbitt
terms like "marvelous," "grand," and
tremendous" in free circulation. Yes,
SHollywoodsis marvelous, grand, and
tremendous. It is also colossal.
It is quite simple to say that some-
thing is "grand." And it is just as,
easy to believe it. There is a sort
of self-hypnosis, where art is con-
cerned, under the spell of which
people will think that an emaciatedr
ascetic, reading Sanskrit before a
pale pink backdrop, is ineffably
touching. Especially if they knew
they were supposed to think it so.
But It's Art
So Hollywood is not popularizing
Shakespeare-or even making him
richer to his educated following. It
is capitalizing upon human weakness,
upon the piteous human notion that
what is art must be enjoyed. There
is no sadder spectacle in life than
that of an individual forcing himself
to have a good time. And art appre-
ciation can call forth such gritting
of teeth, such tenacity!
Yes, and if Hollywood were to pro-
duce an Alger opus-with a who's
who cast of stellar names, and per-
haps Leslie Howard as Jack, the
Young Bootblack-it could, with the'
help of two million dollars, make it'
just as profound as "Romeo and Ju-
liet." And if people thought that
Jack, the Young Bootblack was great
literature-as indeed some do-the
theatres would be filled to capacity.
But let us not be fooled.


B YHIS SPEECH last Thursday
evening the President would have
us believe that through the influence of his New
Deal national income has increased from 38 bil-
lion dollars in 1932 to around 60 billion dollars
in 1936. While these figures are themselves
attacked by Republican leaders, we will accept
them at their numerical value.
The thing that the President, and for that
matter most of us, did not take into considera-
tion is the fact that while income went up the
purchasing power of the dollar decreased, due
in part to the 59 cent dollar, the drought, the
AAA and general returning prosperity. Bureau
of Labor statistics (with the 1926 dollar as a
base) show the purchasing power of the dollar
to have been around 152 in 1932 and to be about
126 at the present time-a 20 per cent decrease in
purchasing power. We must reduce all state-
ments on national income to a common base
before we pass judgment on them.'
As we have said, the general rise in prices
throughout the nation (according to the whole-
sale index) is something like 20 per cent. Simple
mathematics show the 38 billion 1932 income
to equal about 46 billion 1936 dollars or the 60
billion 1936 income to equal something like
48 billion 1932 dollars.
Thus we see that the President is wrong
in claiming a 22 billion dollar increase in na-
tional income-the real increase in national
income being the important thing. Similarly,
his opponents are wrong when they show a
great dollar difference between 1932 and 1929,
the 1929 income being about 53 billion 1932
Figures in ' terms of dollars mean nothing,
relative values of dollars do-this is the fact
that must be borne in mind during the present
presidential campaign.
THE DEVALUATION of the Italian
lira, unlike that of the franc,
came as something of a surprise.
Whereas the French currency had been waver-
ing for a considerable period, the Italian mone-
tary system was able to be held in place by dic-
tatorial government decrees. And although
there is no doubt that business will profit by the
action of its dictator, largely through an in-
creased foreign trade, nevertheless Mussolini's
cooperation with the great powers was not ex-
actly anticipated.
Especially is the Italian action enlightening
in view of Adolf Hitler's refusal (in effect) to de-
value the mark or enter into international agree-
ments for stabilization. The two fascist coun-
tries have been tending in the past to work more

THURSDAY. OCT. 8, 1936
Notice to Freshmen: Those stu-
dents who missed one or more of the
psychological tests required of all
entering freshmen will be expected to
take the make-up examinations given
Thursday and Friday afternoons, Oct.
8 and 9, in Room 1025 Angell Hall.
Those who missed the English ex-
amination should report at 3 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 8. Those who missed
the psychological examination should
report at 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9.
These examinations take preced-
ence over all other appointments in-
cluding class work. Be on time.
C. S. Yoakum, Vice-President
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: All students, now in
residence, who received marks of In-
complete or X at the close of their
last term of attendance, must com-
plete work in such courses by the
end of the first month of the present
semester, Oct. 28. Where illness or
other unavoidable circumstances
make this impossible, a limited exten-
sion of time may be granted by the
Administrative Board of the Literary
College, the Administrative Commit-
tee of the School of Education, grthe
Director of the School of Music, pro-
vided a written request, with the
approval and signature of the in-
structor concerned is presented at the
Registrars office, Room 4, University
In cases where no supplementary
grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these
marks shall lapse into E grades.
To the Members of the University
Council: The first meeting of the
University Council, for the year 1936-
1937, will be held Monday, Oct. 12,
at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 Angell
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary,
Students, College of Engineering:
Sophomore, junior, and senior stu
dents who are working for degrees
in any of the following departments
are requested to report at the Sec-
retary's office, 263 West Engineering
Building, unless they have done so
this semester:
Five-year programs combined with
Combinations of any two pro-
Mathematics, or combinations of
mathematical and technical pro-
Physics, or combinations;
Astronomy, or combinations;
Engineering-Law program;
Engineering-Business Administra-
tion program;
Engineering-Forestry program ;
Metallurgical Engineering pro-
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
Identification Pictures will be given
out to all-students in Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall on Wednesday and
Thursday, Oct. 7 and 8. Please call
for them at once, as they will be re-
quired for admission to football
games. It is essential that these
cards be properly signed with the
owner's name and address. They will
be invalid until this is done.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Assembly for Students of the In-
ternational Groups: The Assembly
tonight, Oct. 8, is intended to call
together in Lydia Mendelssohn not
only our foreign students, but all stu-
dents in the University born in coun-
tries other than the United States.
This includes our Canadian students,
our American students born in Porto
Rico, Hawaii, the Philippines, or
other foreign countries; and foreign
born students who have established.
permanent residence or have begun

the procedure of obtaining American
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dents: Individual sport tests in golf,
tennis and archery will be given from
1:30 to 4:00 p.m. on Palmer Field on
Friday, Oct. 9. Students interested
in taking these tests should sign up
at the desk in the Women's Athletic
The swimming test will be given at
the Union Pool on Saturday morn-
ing, Oct. 10 from 9 to 11. Students
interested in taking this test should
report to the pool on Saturday morn-
Fraternity Rushees: Between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9, each
rusheemust present to the officefof
the Dean of Students his receipt for
payment of the fraternity registration
fee, and shall receive in return a
blank preference list. This prefer-
ence list shall be taken out of the
office of the Dean of Students to be
filled out. Between the same hours of
the same above-mentioned day each
rushee desiring to be pledged shall
personally return to the office of the
Dean of Students the completed list,
marked in order of preference, of thej

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

membership in the University Choral
Union will be continued from 4 to 6
on Thursday and Friday afternoons,
at the School of Music, Maynard St.
A limited number of places are still
open, particularly for second altos,
first tenors and second bases.
Choral Union Concert Tickets: The
"Over-the-counter" sale of season
Choral Union tickets will begin Sat-
urday morning, Oct. 10, at 8:30
o'clock, at which time all unsold
tickets will be placed on public sale
as follows: $10, $8.50, $7, $5.
Orders with remittance to cover
received up to noon Friday, Oct. 9,
will be filled in sequence in advance.
Charles A. Sink, President.
Academic Notices
Phillips Scholarships in Latin and
Greek: The examinations for these
scholarships will be held Tuesday,
Oct. 20, at 4 p.m., in 2014 Angell Hall.
Candidates, who must be freshmen
registered at present in at least one
Latin or Greek course in the Uni-
versity, will be examined on four
units of Greek. Students who wish to
participate in the examinations
should register before Oct. 19 with
Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall, or
Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall.
Psychology 55 (Psychology and
Religion). The seating list is on the
bulletin board opposite Room 2127
Mathematics 370: Professor Rain-
ich's Seminar (on Differentil Geo-
metry and allied topics). Those in-
terested are invited to a brief or-
ganization mgeting Friday, Oct. 9,
at 4 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
History- make-up examinations:
The make-up examinations in all
history courses will be given Satur-
day morning, 9-12, Oct. 17, in Room
C, Haven. Students taking a make-
up must see their instructor before
Oct. 15.
Chcmistry Lecture: Dr. "'E. C.
Franklin of Stanford University will
lecture on the subject "Liquid Am-
monia as a Solvent" in the Chemistry
Anphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. today,
The lecture, which is under the aus-
pices-of the University and the Amer-
ican Chenical Society, is open to the
Event;s Of Today
Wcckly R ading Hour: The pro-
gram for the Weekly Reading Hour
this afternoon at 4 p.m., in Room 205
Mason Hall, will consist of readings
by Piofessor Hollister from the verse
of Vachel Lindsay. The public is
cordially invited.
A.I.E.E. Organization meeting at
the Union tonight at 8 p.m. Every
Electrical Engineering student in-
terested in his own professional so-
ciety is strongly urged to attend this
important initial meetnig. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal
of old and new members, followed by
try-outs: 7:15 this evening.


Michigan Dames: The Faculty Ad-
visory Board will welcome the wives
of all students and internes at a tea
to be given at the home of Mrs. G.
Carl Huber, 1330 Hill Street from 3
to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Those wishing to attend are asked
to call_ either Mrs. Lewis Haines at
9592, Mrs. Ford Graham at 22147, or
Mrs. Paul Cramton at 22806.
Coming Events
All Chinese Students and Friends
of China: The Double Ten Banquet
for thecelebration of the 25th an-
niversary of the establishment of the
Republic of China will be held at the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
League at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10.
Professor Nelson and Dr. Wu Yi-
fang, president of Gingling College
will speak, to be followed by a short
program of Chinese music. Tickets
obtainable at the Counselors office,
Room 9, Universiyt Hall.
Greek Students: All Greek students
of Hellenic descent who are interest-
ed in joining a Greek Fraternity, will
please attend a meeting to be held
this Friday at the Michigan Union at
8 p.m.
It is very necessary that all mem-
bers be present at this special meet-
Crop and Saddle Tryouts: Any
woman student. wishing to try out
for this riding club should get in
touch first with Eleanor French
(phone 7117) and meet at Barbour
Gymnasium either at 2 or 3 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 9.
A medical recheck is necessary for
all students not having had a medi-
cal examination at the beginning of
the semester.

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