The Weather Generally fair, rising temper- atures in north today; tomor- row, unsettled. C, 4r A- A4W A6F ~Iaitj Editorials Playing With Figures ... Italy Devaluates ... VOL. XLVn No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Landon Urges Election To Be Choice Between Voters' Check TwoEvils, Say Aigler, Durfee I On Roosevelt, Kansan Says President Is 'So Careless With Facts And Figures' Candidate Begins Midwestern Tour Detroit Address Tuesday Switched From Olympia To Navin Field LANSING, Oct. 7.-(P)-Promise of an overflow attendance led the Re- publican State Central Committee to- night to transfer arrangements for Gov. Alf M. Landon's appearance in Detroit from Olympia to Navin Field. TOPEKA, Kas, Oct. 7,-(I)-Gov. Alf M. Landon said today President Roosevelt is "so careless with facts and figures" that every voter should "get out a pencil and check recently issued New Deal figures." In a statement issued on the eve of his fourth major campaign tour, the Republican presidential 'nominee questioned an assertion by his Dem- ocratic opponent in his recent Pitts- burgh speech and then, without men- tioning Secretary Wallace by name, referred to the "recklessness" of re- marks made in Iowa "by the Presi- dent's agricultural spokesman." Remarks Fallacious "An ordinary knowledge of arith- metic, without even the use of a pen- cil," Landon said, "would show the fallacy of the President's recent statement at Pittsburgh that 'over a billion and a half went for the pay- ment of the World War veterans' bonus thisyear instead of in 1945' and 'that payment is now out of the way and is no longer a future obliga- tion of the government.' "Leaving out of consideration the question of the bonus itself, I would like to ask: if the billion and a half paid in bonus is not a future obliga- tion, what is it? It was largely paid in bonds and some day the govern- ment will have to pay those bonds." To Discuss Budget (Mr. Roosevelt's Pittsburgh speech dealt with the federal budget, a sub- ject Landon will discuss in Chicago Friday night.) Landon did not specify the state- ments of Wallace to which he re- ferred. Landon issued his statement from the executive mansion where last- hour preparations were underway for his eight-day political tour starting tomorrow through Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. Major ad- dresses are scheduled for Chicago, Oc- tober 9, Cleveland, Oct. 12 and De- troit, Oct. 13. Black Friday Will Be Held November 13 Fall Games To Determine Whether Freshmen Can Discard Pots Black Friday will fall on the om- inous date of November 12 this yeai by decree of the Men's Council which met last night and decided to hold the Fall Games from 3 to 5 p.m. on that date and Cap Night that eve- ning. The outcome of the Fall games de- termines whether or not the fresh- men will be able to discard their pots that evening, for if they do not win they will have to wear them till the Spring Games. But provided they do win, and the odds are in their favor, that night, according to the Men's Council plans a torchlight pa- rade will be led by the Varsity Banc down State Street to South Ferry Field where with appropriate cere- monies the frosh will forever aban- don his pot. Plans for a "Varsity Day" celebra- tion tomorrow night in Hill Audito- rium were also approved. Because of the adolescent conduct at last week's pep meeting, the Council decided to exclude all high school students fron the auditorium. Class elections were discussed by the council and the election of San- ford M. Ladd, '37, James Walker, '37, INi4hv+ Wr1WofA ' T.pnidp.8 to .n Law Professors Debate On Coming November Presidential Contest By SAUL R. KLEIMAN Conviction that the problem for ,he electorate in November is the lesser of two evils-planned economy "r a policy of government non-inter- ference with business-resulted from the debate between Profs. Ralph Ai- gler and Edgar Durfee before the Lawyers' Liberal Club at the Union last night. Professor Aigler took the stand that "if our government continues along present lines it will lead to a totalitarian state." The dangers in a system of laissez-faire are worth daring, he said, as an alternative to what would surely lead to the under- mining of our democratic institutions. From Prof. Durfee's point of view, 'the major problem of government to- day is the control of economic power." To solve this problem, he said, we must have strong executive leader- ship for our parliamentary govern- ment. He pointed out that the question of the undermining of our democratic government all depended on what' Nye Maintains Elliott Roosevelt' Case Is Closed Goal Of Public Hearing Is S did To Be 'Smear The President' S 7 t z 1 i f t t t r{ }}Y t 1 1 i j i 1 A i 1 1 3 ' ., . was meant by democracy. Professor Durfee started with Lincoln's con- ception of democracy as "govern- ment of the people, by the people, for the people." Government by the people, he said, "has its chief value insofar as it attains government for the people." Decentralization Worse He said that our forefathers in their desire to get government by the people decentralized our system, put- ting as little power as possible into the federal and state governments, spreading the authority to counties, and townships as far as was possible. This decentralization results in "no government at all" for our huge in- terstate commercial interests, he said. We need a President who will be the leader of his party in Congress, he said. "I don't see where the Pres- ident's having exceptional powers are so dangerous as long as Congress is still there; what is important is how far do we have government for the people?" Planned Economy Undesirable Prof. Aigler, however, maintained that "government should continue to be government by the people in order to be government for the people." However, he said, even were we to disregard the matter of democracy, a planned economy is still undesir- able. Public officials are incompetent to handle business direction. And a planned economy would necessitate the elimination of certain personal liberties, Landon will not bring perfection, Professor Aigler said. In fact "there are some things I don't like about Landon. I think lie is out-promising Roosevelt." But, he said, voting for Landon is the "best way to get rid of Mr, Roosevelt. Men's Rushing Season To End Tonight At 8:30 More Pledges Expected; Formal Selection Begins Tomorrow Loyalists Rally To Halt Rebels BeforeCapital Trench Digging Started In Madrid In Preparation For Fascist Approach New Troops Called Out By Government Hardships Of Defenders Because Of Approaching Winter Is Emphasized RABAT, French Morocco, Oct. 7. -(P)-The Spanish insurgent radio at Seville broadcast tonight that Ma- drid government leaders had fled to Alicante and were ready to embark on a Russian ship. The broadcast termed the capital's situation "desperate" and said citi- zens were forced to join the militia under threats of being shot if they refused. Madrid airports again were bombarded, the radio station said. MADRID, Oct. 7.--(/P) - Socialist and Communist defenders dug in to- night for "last ditch" street fighting if their comrades outside the capital fail to stem the advancing Fascists. To speed the work of scoring the streets with trenches and throwing up barricades, the government set up a fund of $650,000. At the same time, cabinet ministers voted to call into military service all men in the 1932 to 1935 classes from Almeria and Huesca provinces. Meanwhile, poorly-clad govern- ment fighters were battling in the cold to hold defense lines West of Madrid against a frontal attack by Fascist forces in the Avila sector. Fascists Threatening A Fascist flanking movement south of Navalperal, the war ministry said, threatened to trap the government force between two bodies of insurgent troops. Brisk fighting was reported near Santa Cruz del Retamar, on the Ma- queda-Madrid highway. The ap- proach of winter added to the hard- ships of the defenders, many of whom were clad in tattered civilian clothes. The war ministry said the militia was holding its ground in the West and a two-day battle had resulted in the recapture by government troops of the strategic town of Siguenza, 43 miles Northeast of Guadalajara. Militia holding Ground Officials admitted Fascist artillery f fire had cut communications on the Western front between government outposts and the supply base at Cer- breros. The base is just south of the Alberche River dams which the gov- ernment opened a fortnight ago to flood out advancing insurgents. I The ministry reported a govern- ment patrol south of Talavera de la Reina had captured Villa Terboso and seized a train of supplies after a battle in which 22 Fascists were killed. A.S.C.E. DISCUSSES PLANS Plans for the annual initiation banquet, to be held Oct. 21 at the . Union, were made last night by the local chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers last night in the West Engineering Building. Com- mittee chairmen appointed were e William Olsen, '37E, membership; z Sidney Steinborn, '37E, publicity - Richard Snell, '37E; program; and D Chester O'Dell, social. Carlton Nel- - son, '37E was appointed Engineering Council representative. i Russians Will Intervene in Spain Unless Support To Rebels Is Withdrawn Mussolini Demands Starhemberg' Be Given Control Of Heirnwher WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. - () - Chairman Nye (Rep., N.D.) of the Senate Munitions Committee, who yesterday ordered publication of de- position saying President Roosevelt's son Elliott had contracted in 1934 to sell military planes to Russia for a $500,000 commission, today declared the incident closed.I "Since no sales were made, it is ob- vious that the President's son did nothing illegal, and so far as the M'i- nitions Committee is concerned the incident is closed," he told a press conference. Nye asserted that the deposition, made by Anthony H. G. Fokker, for- mer Dutch airplane manufacturer, would not have been released with- out a public hearing had it not been for an intimation by an aviation magazine (Aero Digest) that the committee had concealed evidence and facts. Previously, he said, members of the Munitions Committee, including my- self and the other Republicans, Sen- ator Vandenberg of Michigan and Barbour of New Jersey, were con- vinced by a thorough study that a public hearing would serve no other purpose than to "smear the Pres- ident." Denying he ever had agreed to sell military planes or that he had re- ceived anything under an unfulfilled contract with Fokker, 25-year-old El- liott Roosevelt said at Fort Worth, Texas, that he thought Nye had done "exactly the right thing" in making public the deposition. He said he believed his rights as a private citizen had been infringed, 3 however, and that he intended to go to New York early next week to con- fer with counsel. A.S.M.E. Addressed By Prof. Anderson More than 100 members and pros- pective members of the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers attended the group's first meeting of the year last night in the Union. Prof. H. C. Anderson, head of the department of mechanical engineer- ing delivered the main address of the' evening on the work of the faculty, I Duce Enters Austrian I Feud; Grooms Ciano As t Eventual Successor d VIENNA, Oct. 7.-(P)--Major Emil b Fey, fiery "ousted" leader of the i Vienna Heimwehr, tonight challenged P Prince Ernest von Starhemberg to a g dual. Stung by Starhemberg's public r charge that his conduct, at the time I of the assassination of Chancellor t Engelbert Dollfuss, was "never satis- o factorily explained," Fey sent his second to his arch rival demanding an opportunity to vindicate his honor. n "I want a settlement in keeping a with the tradition of the Austrian army," Fey said. 1' s ROME, Oct. 7.-(P)-Premier Mus- solini today stuck his finger in the pepper pot of Europe with a demand,c informed sources said, that AustriaI give complete control of the Heim- t wehr to his friend, Prince Ernest vont Starhemberg. Austria's state secretary for spe- cial affairs, Guigo Zernatto, was re-I called hurriedly to Vienna followingi a telephone conversation with Chan-1 cellor Kurt Schuschnigg during whicht Zernatto was understood to have re-r layed Mussolini's wishes on the fu- ture Austrian policy as it involved Germany and Italy.I II Duce Displeased Informed persons said Il Duce ex- pressed positively his displeasure over the Austro-German reconciliation treaty signed in July, believing it was indicative of increased Nazi sympa- thies. In Vienna, however, it was said in official circles that the treaty had1 done nothing save stem the influx of Nazi propaganda and that Austrian- Swedish Flier Rescued Near West Ireland VALENTIA, Ireland, Oct. 7 -(A')- Forced down in the Atlantic on an attempted direct flight from New York to Stockholm, Kurt Bjorkvall was rescued tonight by the trawler Imbrin off the Western-most point of Ireland. The first word from the long over- due Swedish airman, who had not been reported since he took off from, Floyd Bennett field at 7:35 ' a.m.' E.S.T., Tuesday, came in a wireless message from the trawler. "Bjorkvall Sauve (saved)," it said. The 31-year-old flier, the trawler's skipper said was "minding his appa- ratus." "Will attempt to take in tow to Va- lentia tomorrow," added the message received here. Valentia is an island on the Western coast of Southern Ireland. (Bjorkvall's flight" ended, it was - estimated, about 2,375 miles from g New York and approximately 1,000 miles short of Stockholm, his goal. Rushing for men ends tonight and the formal selection of pledges through the office of the Dean of Students begins at 9 a.m. tomorrow before which time fraternity prefer- ence lists are to be presented atI Room 2, University Hall. More men are expected to pledge this year than last, according to John Mann, '37, secretary of the In- terfraternity Council, because the 730 men registered with the Council has set a new high. The necessity of registering before handing in a pref- erence list was pointed out by Mann, who said that from 3 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow those who have not registered may do so in the office of the Council in the Union. Fraternities were urged by Mann to make sure that their prospective pledges had registered and that they were familiar with the pledging pro- cess. Rushees were also reminded by Mann of the period of silence from 8:30 p.m. today until 12 noon Mon- day during which time there shall be no contact whatsoever between a member of a fraternity and a rushee Article IV of the Interfraternity Council Constitution pertaining to rushing is printed below: On or before 9 a.m. of the Friday of the second week of rushing th fraternity shall present to the Dean of Students a list, in order of prefer- ence, of the rushees it is willing to pledge, with their, addresses, stipu (Continued on Page 2) Loopholes Ii Pointed O talian relations were never better. Mussolini's reported demands for he installation of Starhemberg as Heimwehr chief would inject ItalyK lirectly into the longstanding feud between Starhemberg and Major Em- l Fey, last week ousted from the private army at Starhemberg's insti- gation. With Starhemberg as the supreme head of the private army, informed Lh talian circles said, Italy would feel ts hat Austria had her best guarantee s of security. P Ciano Rated Favoritea With the Austrian situation upper- m most in official circles tonight, it wasE also reliably asserted Mussolini was t grooming his son-in-law,Count Ga- eazzo Ciano, as his eventual succes- st sor. Ciano, at present foreign minister, g would be placed at the head of the w abinet, informed sources said, while p Il Duce wouldretainhis dictator's m itle "Cajo del Governo" (Head of o the government). Count Ciano has occupied high governmental positions since he was R married to Il Duce's daughter. He R formerly was propaganda minister, a] He was decorated for aerial action in u the Ethiopian campaign, and his ad- a: mirers hold he possesses many qual- w ities similar to those of Mussolini. si d 'Varsity Night' To Fete Son S a 25thBirthday al 0 of Co-Authors Will Conduct' Anniversary Celebration In Hill Auditorium n "Varsity" will be 25 years old to- f morrow and its birthday celebration o will be conducted tomorrow night in a Hill Auditorium with the assistance of its co-authors: J. Fred Lawton ofa Detroit who wrote the lyric and Prof. c Earl V. Moore, director of the music p school who wrote the music. F Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- letics, to whom the song "Varsity" 1 was dedicated, will also speak on the program along with Judge James O. Murfin, regent of the University, who v was among the first to hear the songr and help in raising it to popularity. a Lawton and Professor Moore haver planned a re-enactment of the writ-s ing of "Varsity" on Oct. 7, 1911, which they will present in threep scenes at the "Varsity Night" cele-t bration in Hill Auditorium. It wasr a fortuitous meeting between Profes- sor Moore and Lawton on a Detroit street in 1911 that brought aboutt their dashing off the song that day which destined to become one of the most inspiring college songs ever written. "Varsity Night" will serve a dual purpose, because it will also be the occasion for the pep meeting before the Indiana game Saturday, accord- ing to plans made by the sponsors of the program, the Men's Council. Be- sides the speakers mentioned, the program will include musical enter- tainment by the Varsity Men's Glee Club under the direction of Prof. David Mattern and by the Varsity Band directed by Prof. William D. Revelli, Sherwood said. oviet Delivers Ultimatum To Nations Suspected Of AidingFascists uropean Capitals Fear Grave Crisis agan Specifically Points To Germany, Italy And Portugal As Offenders GENEVA, Oct. 7. - (') - Some eague of Nations sources expressed e opinion tonight an event of rious importance to European eace might occur within 24 hours s the result of Russia's warning she ight end her collaboration in uropean non-intervention in Spain. Particular concern was voiced in iese circles regarding the effect the nnouncement might have on the ability of the French people's front overnment of Premier Leon Blum, hich gained power through a tem- orary alliance of Sociailsts, Com- unists, Radical Republicans and ther groups. ROME, Oct. 7.-(P)-Well-in- )rmed sources said tonight that ussia's ultimatum that she would bandon the Spanish neutrality pact nless violations ceased did not in ny way change Italy's attitude to- 'ard the non-intervention accord. It was saidin official circles that ince the arms embargo had been eclared there have been no viola- ons by Italy. LONDON, Oct. 7.-(/P)-Russia's ccusation that Germany, Italy and ortugal have violated the agreement or non-intervention in Spain prob- bly will split the neutrality plan wide pen and produce another European ar scare, informed observers said onight. The French and the British ;face he prospect of standing by in ningled chagrin and anger as they ee possible failure in their care- ully nurtured plan to prevent Eur- pe from splitting up into communist nd fascist blocs, these sources said. The whole non - intervention cheme has been recognized generally s ineffective from the beginning be- ause of Portugal's absence. Many ersons have expressed wonder why Russia, naturally sympathetic to the people's front regime at Madrid, de- ayed as long as it did: MOSCOW, Oct. 7.-GP)-The So- viet Union in an ultimatum issued to- night declared it would seek again a free hand in Spain unless Portugal, Italy and Germany immediately halt military assistance to the Spanish in- surgents. The ultimatum was delivered by Moiseyevich Kagan, Soviet represen- tative on the Non-Intervention com- mittee, to representatives of the sig- natory countries in London. "If violations are not stopped im- mediately, the Soviet government will free itself from any obligations to the agreement," the ultimatum said. Kagan specifically charged Ger- many, Italy and Portugal with send- ing arms and war planes to the in- surgents in direct violation of the in- ternational neutrality pact which they signed. Rebels Use Foreign Planes "The Soviet government," his state- ment declared, "cannot consent to conversion of the non-interference pact into a screen for concealing mil- itary assistance rendered the rebels against the government by some par- ticipants of the pact. "The rebels now possess many bombing planes of German and Ital- ian origin which did not belong prev- iously to the Spanish army," he de- lared, "and the testimony of wit- iesses prove that supplies of arms from Portugal continue." His statement, which he said was delivered on instructions of the Rus- sian government, charged that 14 planes have been sent from Hamburg to Seville through Portugal; 12 large German planes have been sent to Seville; and that Italian poison gas had been sent from Lisbon to the Spanish frontier. Loyalists Protest Kagan's statement declared that the Spanish government on Septem- hcr. 'orn+ nrntarc4~, +rn +sto, +1 .. i Present Pure Food Act ut By Prof. Nelson In Talk t t 1 i c r 4 and the society in connection with By WILLIAM SHACKLETON Dr. Nelson yesterday in supplement- the student mechanical engineer. He Loopholes in the present Pure Food ing his remarks of the previous night, stressed the fact that the coopera- and Drug Act which cost the Amen- merely "closes the channels of inter- ation of the students with one an- state commerce to adulterated or other would play a great part in can consumer millions of dollars misbranded foods and drugs." Adul- helping the student to make contacts every year were pointed out by Prof. teration of foods was defined as the wi th the men who count in engineer- Erwin E. Nelson of the pharmacology addition of deleterious substances ing. department in a talk Tuesday night which may prove injurious to health Other features of the meeting in- before the Junior Research Club. or render the food injurious. Artifi- eluded short talks by former Hon- Dr. NeIhon, who returned to the cial coloring, preservatives and spray orary Chairman Boston, Dean H. C. University Oct. 1, has been on leave residues were cited by Dr. Nelson as Sadler, and Honorary Chairman H. of absence since January, 1935, for examples of such adulteration. E. Keeler. the purpose of organizing a pharma- Debased food not so labelled is an- John F. Ingold, '37E, presided over cological division in the Food and other item which comes under the the meeting. Drug Administration at Washington. provisions of the act, he continued. Patent medicines which "cure-all" Here, he noted, the injury done byI Capt. Patanelli May Not on the carton, yet are carefully non-- illegal sale of such articles as butter ID__ T.. __ r, -_ I committal on the bottle label; cos- lacking the requisite percentage ofI I T-rugs, 4to -pass &I-n- Aa r ' Drugs, to pass the Administration's inspectors, must have no false and fraudulent claims on the label of the bottle, Dr. Nelson continued. That "and" in the "false and fraudulent" is the joker in the bill, he emphasized. Patent medicine or drug manufactur- ers hailed into court on charges of misrepresenting their product need only to claim ignorance for an al- most air-tight defense, he pointed out. A plea that some third party( had convinced the offending manu-I facturer of the potency of the pro-S duct in question has been conspicu- ously successful in such cases, Dr. Nelson said. The standards to which most drugs The program will begin at 8 p.m., according to Sherwood, and last 45 minutes. Browder Files Suit In Indiana Arrest TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 7.-(]) -The arrest here last week of Earl Browder, Communist candidate for president, had another repercussion today when attorneys for the candi- date filed suits against Mayor Sam Beecher and Chief of Police James C. r .-a , Cc'ivn' rfNl rl larva s ,, harnncp