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March 07, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-07

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Grapplers Face Undefeated Hoosier

Team At Indiana Today



1 17

Play Last-

YES, the word is basketball today.
No game in the past six years has
occasioned so much excitement here
as the Purdue game tonight in Yost
Field House.
Fraternities and sororities are
shoving dinner hour ahead so that
members and kitchen help may at-
tend "There may be some reserved
seats left at the gate." "They're sell-
ing them 'way back there in the
And down in Bloomington the in-
terest is also running high. This de-
partment has had two requests to
forward "the first returns" to Indiana
But down in Lafayette the in-
terest being demonstrated here is
apparently wasted. A corres-
pondent reports that "no one
here figures Michigan has suf-
ficient interest in an undisputed
third place to really take the
game seriously. You can get five
points for Michigan from any-
body. And I understand the Pur-
due team had its 'Official Cham-
pionship Picture' taken last
Does Michigan have a chance? Pre-
dictions are easy, but here's a little
story which may have more signifi-
cance than the, prediction of any
It is rumored that Coach Piggy
Lambert of Purdue was overheard
while talking to his Boilermakers in
the locker room at the first Purdue-
Michigan game two months ago as
he said, "Aw, you guys ought to be
20 points ahead of those big clowns."
And it is rumored that John
Townsend was the man who
overheard the ambitious Mr.
But it is no rumor that John
Townsend was telling a Michi-
gan coach yesterday that Lam-
bert would eat those words.
Was Brooklyn still in the Na-
tional League?
BEING first of all an undergradu-
ate and for that reason not im-
mune to the ordinary undergraduate
enthusiasms, it was with a distinct
shock that one of Michigan's
staunchestsports followers was tell-
ing us the other day of a number of
friends who "will not go to another
basketball game so long as the stu-
dent body displays the sort of atti-
tude shown at these games."
A little reflection does reveal some'
basis for the statement, in the too
frequent outbursts of booing at bas-
ketball games, but even further re-
flection emphasizes the futility of the
incidents which give rise to such com-
plaints and the absolute absence of
real cause for them.
In the first place such inci-
dents are only destructive in na-
ture-no good can possibly come
from them as the attitude of the
official in the course of human
nature will not change in agree-
ment with their would-be re-
formers. The only result is what
President Angell has pointed to,
the labelling of the grand stand
Lack .of real basis for the catcalls
of the grandstand referees, however,
is possibly even more apparent.
Charges of dishonesty and favoritism,
easily made, have never reached ser-
ious attention with regard to Michi-
gan athletics. Charges of incompet-
ence, more easily made, have been
even as barren of real truth.
Without considering the great dif-
ficulties under ' which an official

works, as in basketball with annual
rule changes speeding up the game
and making his job even harder, it
remains as a fact that every official
is on the floor to call them as he sees
them, and he does it.
Far be it from this column to at-
temptia sermonton the subject. The'
situation is much to obvious to re-
quire any preachment.
Incidentally, the referee at to-
night's game will be Stanley
Feezle of Indianapolis, voted by ;
the Associated Press last year as
the best official to appear in the
east after a trip there with the
Boilermaker cagers.
'Building For Next
Year' Is Lowrey's
Reason For Drill4

Wrestlers In 1
Final Dual Meet
Of '36 Season
Wolverines Hope To Hand
Opponents Only Loss Of
Winter Campaign
In their last dual meet before the
Conference finals next week, the
Michigan Varsity wrestlers face the
Indiana squad today at Blooming-
ton. The Hoosiers have been unde-
feated in dual meet competition since
1930 and this year have numbered
such excellent teams as Lehigh, the
Illinois A. C., Chicago, Ohio State
and Wisconsin among their victims.
Although the Wolverines cannot
match Indiana's Big Ten record, hav-
ing won and lost from Northwestern
and Ohio State respectively, they can
boast of their brilliant victories over
the New York Athletic Club and
Franklin & Marshall, two of the most
powerful wrestling aggregations in
the East. Considering the bad breaks
resulting from injuries and ineligi-
bilities which Coach Keen's proteges
had to overcome, the 1936 grappling
season may easily be classed as a suc-
cessful one.
Michigan's probable starting line-
up is as follows: 118-pounds, John
Speicher; 126-pounds, Paul Cameron;
125-pounds, Earl Thomas; 145-
pounds, Capt. Wally Heavenrich; 155-
pounds, Huck Taylor; 165-pounds,
Bill Lowell; 175-pounds, Stan Schu-
man and heavyweight, Harry Wright.
The Red Raiders are coached by
Billy Thom, professional middle-
weight champion of the world, and
much of their success can be credit-
ed to his guidance. He has developed
several national and Big Ten cham-
pions since he took over the coaching
job at Indiana, and this year the
squad can boast of national titlehold-
ers in the 118-pound and heavyweight
Harry Tillotson, ticket manager,
was unable to say yesterday at
exactly what time the doors of
YostField House would open for
tonight's Purdue-Michigan bas-.
ketball game but estimated that
fans would be admitted at approx-
imately 6:45 p.m. or possibly ear-
lier. He was unable to give any
assurance of tickets in the reserved
section being available at game
time and advised early purchasing.

Cage Game-



Freshman Boxers
To Pick Champions
The sixteen aspirants to the fresh-
man boxing crowns will be given an
opportunity to realize their ambitions
next Wednesday afternoon, March
11, at 4 p.m. when the bouts to de-
termine the freshman champions will
be staged in the boxing room of Wa-
terman Gymnasium.
The bantamweight, featherweight,,
lightweight, middleweight and light-
heavyweight titles are at stake, and
it will require approximately ten
bouts to ascertain the new title-
holders. First and second place
Sawards-will be given in each class. The
bouts will be refereed by Coach John
Johnstone, tennis coach, and will be
fought according to intercollegiate
Track Summaries
One mile run: Won by Fink (M);
second, Brelsford (M); third, Blickle
(0). Time: 4:22.8.
60-yard dash: Won by Stoller (M);
second, Patton (M); third, Spitz (0).
Time: 06.3.-
440-yard dash: Won by Beetham
(0); second, Birleson (M); third,
Squire (0). Time: :50.3 (New Yost
Field House record. Former record
was :50.4, set by Hicks of Indiana,
Feb. 29).
High jump: Won by Albritton (0);
second, Devine (0) and Robinson (M)
tied. No third. Height: 6 feet 4 7/8
inches. (New Field House record.
Former record, set by Roscoe Wash-
ington of Western State Teachers'
College /freshmen, was 6 feet 3 5/8
65-yard high hurdles: Won by Os-
good (M), second Hunt (M) ; third,
Seitz (0). Time: :08.1.
Shot put: Won by Schwartz (0) ;
second. Fisher (M); third, White
(M). Distance: 43 teet 101 inches.
Two mile run: Won by Stone (M) ;
second, Staehle (M) ; third, Benner
(0). Time: 9:31.1.
65-yard low hurdles: Won by Os-
good (M) ;second, Hunt (M); third,
SAlbritton (0). Time: :07.3.
880-yard run: Won by Starr (M);
second, Davidson (M); third, Sexton
(0). Time: 1:57.1.
Pole Vault: Won by Henderson (0);
second, Williams (0); Morgan (M);
Droulard (M) all tied. No third.
Height: 12 feet 6 inches.
Mile relay: Won by Michigan (Aik-
ens, Patton, Osgood and Birleson).
Time: 3:21.6. (New Field House
record. Old record, set by DeBaker,
Eknovich, Turner and Russell, was

For Michigan

Brevit Rated
Top Favorite In
FloridaD erby
MIAMI, March 6.,-(1P)-A big bay
three-year-old on which Joseph E.
Widener pins his hope of winning
this year's Kentucky Derby gets his
greatest test tomorrow in the eighth
- and last - running of the $20,000
Florida Derby.
Widener's colt, Brevity, will go to
the post in the big race, the fifth on
the Hialeah Park card, as top-heavy
favorite to outdo 10 other crack
three-year-olds named from 94 ,om-
inations for the mile and furlong
Next to Brevity, wagerers were in-
clined to favor Pete Bostwick' Moit
Blanc, with Jockey Eddie Arcaro up
C. V. Whitney's Bright Plumage,
Jockey Sonny Workman up and car
rying 120 pounds, the Maemere
Farm's Maerial, with "Litzy" Litzen-
berger in the saddle and carrying 120
pounds, and Mrs. Emil Denemark's
Higher Cloud, assigned 118 pounds
and mounted by J. Longden, leading
Hialeah jockey, are all considered

Earl Townsend, a senior, will be
playing his last game.


Why Students Prefer

Capt. Chelso Tamagno will be
playing his last basketball game
in a Michigan uniform tonight
when the Wolverines face Purdue
at Yost Field House. Tamagno,
who has been the steadying in-
fluence in the team all year, will
probably, be guarding Bob Kes-
sler, Conference high scorer.
Fisher Plans
Heavy Drills
For Ball Club
Hard Schedule Calls For
28 Games; Williams Is
Confined To Hospital
Baseball practice for Michigan's
Wolverines will begin in earnest next
week when the removal of the basket-
ball floor will enable the team to use
the entire Field House for drills., The
squad will be enlarged Monday by
those who have been competing in
'winter sports.
The annual spring training trip is
a month away, and after working in-
side Coach Fisher will drill his men
on Ferry Field in preparation for the
jaunt. He usually takes the squad
outside during the last week in March
but favorable weather conditions in
the past week point to their leaving
the Field House earlier this spring.
The infield problem is outstanding
for Fisher, having to replace it entire-
ly due to the graduation of those who
held down the inner posts last season.
He may also be faced with the prob-
lem of finding a catcher, Kim Wil-
liams being confined to the University
Hospital. It is expected that doctors
will know within a few days whether
Williams will be able to play at all
this year. If not John Jablonski will
probably be tried at the position.
One of the stiffest schedules of re-
-cnt years will be played by the Wol-
verines, 28 games being called for.
The schedule:
April 10--Ohio Wesleyan at Dela-
ware, Ohio.
April '11-Marshall at Huntington,
W. Va.
April 13-Roanoke at Salem, Va.
April 14-Roanoke at Salem, Va.
April 15-Richmond at Richmond,
April 16-Virginia at Charlottes-
ville, Va.
April 17-William & Mary at Wil-
liamsburg, Va.
April 18-Maryland at College Park,
April 20-Ohio at Columbus, O.
April 21-Ohio at Columbus, .
April 25-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor.
April 28-Michigan Normal at Yp-
May 1-Michigan Normal at Ann
May 2-Illinois at Ann Arbor.
May 5-Hillsdale at Hillsdale.
May 8-Ohio at Ann Arbor.
May 9-Ohio at Ann Arbor.
May 12-Western State at Kalama-

George Rudness, highest scoring
guard in the Big Ten, and a mem-
ber of the Daily's All-Conference
second team, will, along with four
other Wolverines, end his college
cage career tonight against the
Purdue Boilermakers.
I. C. 4-A Track Carnival
Lists 32 College Stars
NEW YORK, March 6.-(P)- De-
spite the presence of the two main
sensations of the board track season,
Gene Vanzke and Eddie O'Brien, the
emphasis again will be on the team
as track and field stars of 32 colleges
battle it out in the fifteenth annual
indoor championships of the Intercol-
legiate Association of Amateur Ath-
letes' of America in Madison Square
Garden tomorrow.
Annually the most colorful meet of
the season, the I.C. 4-A has added a
600-meter run to its program this
year, giving O'Brien, Syracuse flash, a
chance to turn in his third record-
breaking performance of the cam-

Malted Milks
727 N. University Phone 9797
They Are Tastier
And Fresher
Because they are made from our
Own Rich Home-Made Ice Cream.
Served with
Whipped Cream IU
and Wafers..

1 1


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Is Available at the

The 1935-36 hockey season is of-
ficially closed, but the sound of clash-
ing sticks and bodies thudding against
the boards still echoes from the Col-
iseum walls every evening.


May 15-Purdue at Lafayette, Ind.
May 16-Illinois at Champaign, Ill.
May 22-Northwestern at Evans-
ton, Ill.
May 23-Wisconsin at Madison,
May 26-Western State at Ann Ar-
May 27-University of Toledo at
M~jn~v 9Q--'.fiMhignn Rtta nct'Ann

~ $5,000


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