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March 06, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-06

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;raduates Can
Receive Work
By Pending Bill
Orest Industries Taking
Credit Would Be Forced
To Hire Graduates

Vallee Fights Modification Of Copyright

A new field for graduates in fores-
try will be opened if legislation now
before Congress is passed, it is be-
lieved by members of the forestry
school faculty.
The Fletcher-Caldwell bill will ex-
tend credit to forest industries
through a forest credit bank to be
affiliated with the farm administra-
tion. It will require private firms to
employ graduate foresters, as the
loans will be available only if the
timber concerned is cut on a sus-
taineci yield basis, necessitating the
employment of men with technical
.knowledge on the subject.
Graduate foresters will also be
needed in making estimates and ap-
praisal as information for firms buy-
ng or selling timber, Prof. W. F.
Ramsdell said.
During the past year consulting
forestry firms have been retained by
buyers and sellers to make joint esti-
mates as a dependent basis for es-
6blishing values, Prof. Shirley W.
Allen disclosed. Letters recently re-
ceived by Dean Samuel T. Dana indi-
cate that consulting foresters have
made appraisals during the past year
in connection with loans made by the
R F.C., and it is believed that the new
credit available would call many oth-
er foresters into this field.
The absorption of foresters into
private business is welcomed by for-
estry faculty members. In the past
the greatest opportunity for employ-
ment of college-trained foresters has
been the government, and in the
opinion of many schools of forestry,
thlis is an undesirable situation, as
such jobs are limited and the wrong
atitude is sometimes created to-
ward forestry work.
, The Fletcher-Caldwell bill is ap-
parently awaiting approval by the
Budget Bureau before public hear-
ings can be arranged with the senate
committee on banking and finance,
it is believed.
Qfficers Leave To
Extradite Hayden
TChief of Police Lewis W. Fohey,
Sergt. Sherman H. Mortenson and
Pr6osecutor Albert J. Rapp left for
Sacramento, Cal., at 5 p.m. yester-
day by train, carrying extradition
papers for William "Shorty" Hayden,
wanted here for the killing here last
March of Officer Clifford Stang in a
daylight hold-up.
After a delay in starting the trip
caused by the refusal of the county
board of auditors to approve expenses
for more than two men to make the
trip, the party started when the fi-
nance committee of the city council
voted sufficient funds to make the
tip possible.
'The need for three men to make
the trip was occasioned by Hayden's
announcement from Los Angeles,
where he is held by police on a mur-
der warrant from the local depart-
ment, that he would fight extradi-
tion. It was thought that it would be
les expensive to send Rapp than to
hire a California attorney for the
city to carry on the extradition hear-
LaVerne O. Cushing, chairman of
the county board of auditors, stated
that the board had refused to ap-
prove expenses for more than two
men on grounds that, since both the
,county and city were concerned 'in
the case, the city should bear a part
of the expense if three men made the
Library Acquires
Early Detroit Map
The William L. Clements Library
has recently acquired the Rivardi
manuscript map of Detroit, the earl-
iest map of Detroit that was ever
prepared. It shows the settlement of

Detroit as it appeared at the close of
the eighteenth century.
The Rivardi map is believed to be
the first American attempt, since the
settlement did not belong to the col-
onists previous to 1796. The map was
drawn up by Major Rivardi who was
an engineer in the company of Mad
Anthony Wayne when the general
took over the fort which had been.
occupied by the British until 1796
although they were, according to the
peace provisions, to have evacuated
The map was obtained by the
Clements Library after five years of
negotation. It was finally purchased
from a woman in South Carolina. The
map is regarded as an artistic work
besides being of historical value, since
it is in colors.


Chicago Librarian
To Lecture Today
J. Christian Bay, librarian of the
John Crerar Library of Chicago, will
deliver the first in a series of lectures
sponsored by the department of li-
brary science of the University, at
f p.m. today in Room 110 of the Gen-
sral Library. He will discuss "Books
of Western Travel and Adventure."
Mr. Bay will speak again at 10 a.m.
tomorrow on the same subject. He
will also return to the campus next
week Friday and Saturday to deliver
the third and fourth lectures in the
,er ies. In one of these he will discuss
the John Crerar Library.
The John Crerar Library is, accord-
ing to Dr. William W. Bishop, Uni-
versity librarian, one of the most
modern and successful libraries in the
world. Mr. Bay came to the John
Crerar Libraray in 105 and has re-
mained with it since, being selected
librarian in 1928. He is the author
of several books on botany and Dan-
ish and American literature. In ad-
dition he is a fellow of the American
Library Institute and a member of the
American Library Association.


URBANA, Ill. March 5. - Several
More Than 100 Employed the Union. Hence, a large portion of graduate students of dairy bacteriol-
their wages is consumed in meals, ogy at the University of Illinois are
Who Get For Services but it is possible for a student em- looking for wives today.
More Than $32,000 ploye to end the week with a profit, The reason :
even after this deduction. A letter, received yesterday by the
bacteriology department from a prom-
The Union believes in reciprocity. Pursuits in which the students in- inent dairy firm, requested the "serv-
Every day a large portion of the dulge range from concocting sodas to ices of an industrious young man,
male population of the University running the elevator. The largest trained in dairy bacteriology and will-
patronizes the various departments t number of students work in the tap- ing to start at the bottom." In addi-
of the Union. But the Union in turn room and in the cafeteria, 45 stu- tion, "he must be or about to be mar-
patronizes student labor to the ex- dents being employed in each of ried."
tent of over $32,000 yearly. these divisions. Other divisions of - -__- --
Mo e than 120 students are em- work are: barber shop, four students; bureau, one; mechanical, one; build-
ployed in the Union. Since the Union billiard room, six; bowling alley, six; ing service, 14; soda bar, eight; desk
closes down for the period following bakery, three; library, five; lodging service, one; and swimming pool, one.

Union Practices Reciprocity I
In Patronizing Student Labor;

Students Seek Wives
In Order To Land Job


the close of the Summer Session to
the week preceding the opening of the
fall semester, there are about 46
weeks of work every year for the stu-
dent group. During the Christmas
and Easter vacations the Union pay
roll for student-employes does not
show a drop.I
A great majority of the studentsI
work approximately three hours daily.
It is a general rule of the Union that
there employes buy their meals at

~6ne(co-E R E E TR I P
SUMMER VOYAGE " JULY 1st,1936 Ofeach 25 Massages bought
60 DAYS, FIRST CLASS, FROM $725 lected by lot, will be FREE
(money refunded). Book now
30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, New York City r "' "3,- this oaoer.

-Associated Press 21oto
Before a crowd dominated by feminine admirers, curly-haired Rudy
Vallee told the House Patents Committee that he was oppcsed to a pend-
ing bill to modify the copyright law, which he said was aimed at the
American Scciety of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Shown with
him is Gene Buck, composer and orchestra leader.
Gaps In History Of University
To Be Filled In By New Papers

It's Smart to Dance in the Unon





Letters Of Former Regent
Fletcher Show Affairs
Under Old Boards
The papers of a former regent,
Frank W. Fletcher, who was promi-
nent in the affairs of the University
before the turn of the century, have
recently been given to the University
Archives Committee and are expected
to provide information which will
fill in several gaps in the University's
Regent Fletcher, who is now de-
ceased, served on the Board from
1894 to 1910. The committee to which
these papers were given was formed
by an action of the Board of Re-
gents in their November meeting, and
its purpose as stated in the minutes
of the first meeting is: ". . . the col-
lection, preservation, recording and
making available under proper con-
ditions all manuscript and printed
material officially and unofficially re-
lating to the University."
The Fletcher papers, which were
given by Philip K. Fletcher, of Al-
pena, are particularly effective in
showing the affairs of the University
as they were controlled by the Re-
gents. There are many letters in this
collection that were written to Regent
Fletcher showing the inter-correspon-
dence between Regents in which they
took stands on issues which were
either before them at the time or
were pending their attention. It is
obvious, officials said, that such ma-
terials as these letters have much
in them that can be used either to
fill in gaps or to clear up points in
the University's history.
Another recent contribution to the
Archives Committee came from Miss
Lucy Chapin of Ann Arbor who for-
merly worked in a University office
and was able to contribute a large
number of manuscripts, books and
materials pertinent to the University.
Many of the Chapin papers are presi-
dents' reports, baccalaureate ad-
dresses and other official reports that
will throw light on hidden aspects
of the University's history.
The Chapin papers acquire added
significance from Miss Chapin's
grandfather, James Kingsley, who
served as a regent from 1852 to 1858.
It is rather a coincidence that Miss
Heller To Delier
Talk On Palestine
Speaking on "What I Saw in Pales-
tine," Dr. Bernard Heller, director of
the Hillel Foundation, will initiate
the organization of a Palestine club
which will meet for the first time
following the Friday evening services
at the Foundation.
Dr. Heller spent several weeks in
Palestine last summer and his ob-
servations on this trip will comprise
the bulk of his talk. This was Dr.
Heller's second trip to Palestine. He
will deliver a talk on Palestine at
each meeting of the club.
State and Liberty
Watch Repairing!

Chapin's residence in Ann Arbor
should be on Kingsley Street which
was named for her grandfather.
Research will continue into the Floo
careers of the regents as a means to
learn more about them and conse-ttL 1
quently more abbut the history of the
University. The committee, through
its assistant, Miss Elizabeth Sparks,
is attempting to communicate with
the descendants of deceased regents
in an endeavor to obtain any ma-
terial that might pertain to the Uni-
Some of the descendants of the
more than 160 regents in the Uni-
send materials to the committee and B E S T
when this source of information has
been exhausted, it is planned to turnB
to the descendants of faculty mem-B0
bers. Through this carefully-devised
program the University Archives
Committee proposes to clear up many
of the present obscurities in the pres-
ent records, and also bring to light TABLE RESERVATIONS
facts about the University's colorful
existence from 1817 to the present

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'eshments by Candle Light.


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Soph Prom Friday Night


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