THEMICHIGANDAL I) A I LY DA.ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) isfied with the time selected last se- mester should be present. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Prof es- sor Max Handman, of the Economics Department, will speak informally on "War and Population Pressure."' Pi Lambda Theta special businessJ meeting Wednesday, Feb. 19, 4:30 p.m., Room 2530 U.E.S. All member' are asked to attend. Contemporary: Luncheon meeting Wednesday noon at the Haunted Tavern. Mixed Ba dninton: The student club will have a match practice on Wednesday evening. Feb. 19 for all students. Beginning as well as ex- per icnced players will be needed for a lame Feb. 29, so everyone is urged to attend the practice. Badminton for Women Students: The doubles tournament for begin- ning students will start Friday, Feb. he board in Barbour Gymnasium -'7til the draw is posted. Hillel Players: Important meeting for all members Thursday. Feb. 20. at 7:30 at the Hillel Foundation. Everyone must be present. Faculty Women's Class: The De- partment of Physical Education for, 'Women invites the faculty, assistants and secretaries in the Uiniversity to join a class in Body Mechanics which till begin on Wednesday, Feb. 19. IThe class will meet at 7:30. Faci lty-Alumni Dance: The fourth dance in the s.eries will^ be held I Figure It Out ForYourself?! 21, and the women's singles on Wed- Thursday. Feb. 20. at 9:30 p.m. in rc :day, Feb. 24. Students sign on the Michigan Union Ballroom. i o SOMEONE iii your faimily is paying sev- Pnt..',v 76e .Int! JA . weekv 'ie. xnrpp... Ulll,~ ,'7x-llk k a NI-p ik , l al p " VT 4-11-rXa .. X.LA 1 J.,4' % r JL V,,.J kO k.? charges alone to have yo ur laundry shipped back and forth from An Arbor to your homes This, of course, (10mes not include the washing of it Why spend this extra amount for delivery charges alone when you can have your laundry completely washed and~ deliveredl in Ann Arbor for r hi a few ceiits more. l i Price per lb. ....I c Minimum Bundle 50c Skirts Extra lOc (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) Each puff less acid-Luckies are OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO Sample Bundle (Finished Ser vice ) 6 HANDKERCHIEFS 3 SHIRTS 3 PAIRS OF SOX 1'OJ~d - Ready to Wear 2 SUITS UN DERWEAR 2 BATH TOWELS 1 PAJAMA SUI yI Han dkerchiefs, Extra Sox. Extra, per pair 0 ..2c WHIEN you elid v11 our"clcoes to4) 01W of the four t-Iatuni-(ice sised Iwlowy, you k-tow with out . question l thaiwear"will _1w 1'4N(IIIcCl to a tuinimmlll; that tensile streliigih of all fabrics will be carefully preserved; that the original brightness of colors will be protected and 0 Ic I I I i For twenty-five year~s the research staff of The American Tobacco Company has worked steadily to produce a measurably finer 'cigarette -namely, a cigarette having a mninimium orf volatile coin- Ponen /s, with an ir~a /P/oved richness. of taste Luckies are We believe that Lucky Strike Cigarettes embody a number. of genuinely basic improvements, and that all these im- provements combine to produce a superior cigarette -a modern cigarette, a cigarette nadc of rich, ripe-bodied to. baccos-A Light Smoke. gularanltee(I. All (4 these things and more you m ayexp ect a l(I will receive at no extra cost fromii safe, se I iii ttice rtfid Ann Arbor Laund1(1ries. less acid l1 Recen~t chemical tests. show* thatotherpop- ulor brands have an excess of acidity over Lucky Strike of from 53% to 1 OW . Excess of Acidity of Other Popular Brands Over Lucky Strike Cigarettes BALANCE LUCKY STRIKE [ BRAND O S ~ Y>>,. _.. . t Tl OP RA N D I I - - - - m- % 1!--- .5~q I II _..._. ._._. _..._a.__...____.__ _ _ _._._. . ___ . _ _. __ _ WHPT SWAN LAUNDRY ~nd ry CleaningCo Phone 41 17 KY TER LAUNDRY Phone 4185 NOWW& A k A U 1 U Ok ot l *RESULTS VERIFIED BY INDEPENDENT CHEMICAL LABORATORI ES AND RESEARCH GROUPS I i I F