THURSDAY, iv ARCIT , 1riC TAE MICHfIGAN DAILY PACE T THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1~)36 PAGE 1 Guest List Of To Sing At Dance Assembly Ball [s Announced Johnny Hiamp Will Play For Annual Dance In League Ballroom Mary Ellen Heitsch, '37, and Evans Morton,' '34E, are to lead the grand march for the second annual As- sembly Ball to be held at 12 midnight March 13 in the Ballroom of the League, it was announced yesterday. Janet Karlson, '38, assistant chair- man of the ball, will attend with Jack Monting, of Detroit. Other cen- tral committee members and their guests include: Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, ticket chairman, with Warren Cannon, of Detroit. Virginia Nork, '36Ed., programs chairman, and Fred- rick Wiselogle, Grad. Guests Announced Jane MacDonald, '37, floor chair- man, and Richard McDonald, of Dearborn; Florence McKonkey, '38, chairman of decorations, and Fred- rick James, '37A; Josephine Montee, '38, music chairman, and Kenneth Frankford, '38; Helen Jesperson, '38, patrons chairman, and Robert An- drews, Grad., andrBarbara Schacht, '37, publicity chairman, and Robert Crowford More than 200 tickets have already been sold Miss Avery announced. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the central committee or at the main desk of the League. They will also be on sale in Angell Hall lobby this week for the benefit of in- dependent women living in league houses who cannot get in touch with, members of the central committee. The sale of tickets will be open to sorority women next week if there are still any available, Miss Ayers said. Tickets are priced at $3. Breakfast Planned A special breakfast which will be held in the League for members of the central committee and their1 guests has been planned for after the ball; Members of the executive board of Assembly and members of Senior Society will be the guests of honor at this breakfast. A number of other breakfast parties1 are being scheduled for after the ball by individual groups. These will1 be held in the League and two local eating houses. Johnny Hamp and his nationally-1 known band have been contracted to play for the ball. Hamp has been' heard regularly over the major radio networks throughout the United States and abroad including the Kit- Kat Club in London.I Coming with Hamp for the ball, will be Ann Graham, 22 year old Ala- bama crooner. Miss Graham has been the featured singer with Hamp's band for the last few years. Folk Stories Still Popular Choice Of Modern Children Despite ultra-modern Buck Rog- ers comic strips and Jimmy Allen radio skits, the classic folk tales and fairy stories still have a fascination for boys and girls of grammer school age, according to the story tellers for "Robin Hood and the Queen's Page." Members of the Theatre Arts com- mittee visited the different grammar schools to tell the story of the play to be presented tomorrow and Sat- urday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. They are Esther Green- wood, '36, Dorothy Ohrt, '36, Mary Elizabeth Moore, '37, Charlotte Rueger, '37, and Doris Wisner, '37. Each of the story tellers reported interested audiences. One found that the children were well acqauinted with the plot, for she was frequently interrupted when she left out min- ute details. Another was stopped by a young girl who wished to present to her a member of the cast. Miss Ohrt, who plays the queen in the play, remarked that her audi- ence sometimes became vociferous in their excitement during her re- cital of the story. Miss Wisner ob- served that her hearers listened in "goggle-eyed" amazement. They weren't all so attentitive though for Miss Moore once found herself talk- ing to a group whose last row was enjoying a violent leap-frog game.l - - -- - - - - Ann Graham, well-known singer over the national radio net-work, will appear in Ann Arbor with Johnny Hamp and his orchestra which is to play for the annual As- sembly Ball to be held Friday, March 13 in the League Ballroom. echolarships Are Available For Students Two Women Are Offered Opportunity To Attend Katharine Gibbs Announcement has been made of three scholarships now available to University women, two for study at the Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School, of New York, and one for all expenses at Camp O-Non-E-Gwud in northern Michigan. The camp scholarship has been do- nated by Chase S.- Osborn, former governor of Michigan, to any upper- class or graduate woman student in biology. The scholarship has been valued at $295, which includes all ex- penses for a month at the Camp, this summer, where the winner will act as a counselor in nature study. The camp, which is located at Neebish Island, is for girls from 8-18. The award will be made on the basis of scholarship. Applications must be made to Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, as- sistant dean of women, in her office in Barbour Gym, before spring vaca- tion. The two scholarships offered by the Katharine Gibbs School consist of full tuition for one year and a cash award of $300. They are awarded on a competitive basis to two women students regularly enrolled in a seniorcollege or university. They were founded as a memorial to Mrs. Katharine M. Gibbs, founder of the schools, located in Boston, New York and Providence. The scholarships will be granted to the two students whose academic record, personal qualifications and fitness to profit from secretarial training shall recom- mend them most highly to the Schol- arship Committee. Applications for these scholarships must be made at the Dean of Women's office before Spring Vacation in order that the Michigan applicants may be entered in the national contest. .A.A. Plans Sports Spread lO(Iayn Gyrn 21 New Mem >ers Will Feed.; Dr. Margaret Bell To P resent Awardis Feting 21 women who have been outstanding in athletic events dur- ing the past women's sports seasons, W.A.A. is sponsoring a Sports Spread at 6 p.m. today in Barbour Gymna- sium. All women on campus are in- vited regardless of whether or not they have participated in W.A.A. This will be the first time such an event has been sponsored by W.A.A. The following new members will be formally admitted to W.A.A.: Mabel Allison, '38, Dorothy Arnold, '38, El- inor Bale, '39, Phyllis Deray, '38, Phyllis Diamond, '38, Barbara Ep- pstein, '39, Ruth Friedman, '38, Charlotte Glatt, '38, Eva Goldman, '38, Mildred Haas, '38, Helen Harp, '39Ed., Ruth Hershfield, '39, Jaros Jedel, '39, Margaret Kasley, Grad., Jane Meyer, '38Spec., Margaret New- man, '36, Jane Quirk, '38, Carolyn Salisbury, '36, Martha Tillman, '39, Mary Wheat, '39, and Dorothy Wil- liams, '39A. Fifty W.A.A. points are necessary to receive this honor. Ruth White,' '36, will receive an M, which will be presented for the first time under the new ruling. This ruling allows it to be given for 300 points instead of the 500 points form- erly required. Dr. Margaret Bell will present awards to Alpha Epsilon Phi, winner of the Intramural Volleyball tourna- ment, Zone V, winner of the Intra- mural Basketball tournament, Lil- lian Scott, '36A, winner of the Arch- ery tournament, Merida Hobart, '38, winner of the Fall Tennis tourna- ment and Katharine Johnston, '38. winner of the Fall Golf tournament. Miss Bale, Miss Eppstein, Miss Harp, Miss Newman, Miss Salisbury, Miss, and Miss Wheat will receive their class numerals for hockey. Lois Spreen, '37, is the general chairman of the affair and is assist- ed by Louise Lockeman, '37. Tickets may be purchased from the following members of the ticket committee: Louise Paine, '36, Betty Greve, '36; Hope Hartwig, '38, Janet Allington, '38, Sally Kenny, '38, Miss Locke- man and Miss Spreen. They are priced Rt 35 cents. Lists have been posted in Barbour Gymnasium and the W.A.A. Building for anyone to sign who is interested in attending and who is unable to contact any of the committee. Foreign Excursion isciss on Plan ed Of interest to all those who are planning a Euiopean excursion this summer is the Open House being held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday at W. A. A. President Daring Spring Toques Demand Variety In Hair Arrangements With spring in the offing, all man- a roll. The same trick is carried out ner of new styles are appearing. over the ears and in back. The Flights of fancy are particularly ap- Grecian style still lingers as is shown parent in hats and one frequently by a coiffure featuring a row of small finds it a little difficult to keep up curls across the top of the head. with the gay modes and bright colors. For evening, the hair must achieve Nothing is more conducive to the non- a dramatic effect. It should not be chalant wearing of a daring new hard to obtain with nets, fillets and spring toque than a different coif- all the new hair accessories, running fure. the gamut from the quaint to the Variety is necessary in coiffures ultra-sophisticated. Rhinestone edged as well as in the hats themselves, combs, and rhinestone clips in un- and certain styles almost demand usual designs are most popular. Do a different arrangement. Wear your not forget that flowers and a spring hair in any style you wish, but be atmosphere go hand in hand. Clev- sure it has a well-cared-for look. It erly arranged blossoms, real or arti- sur it asa wllcaed-orl.k. do muc,-h to add to t, he ty'~~ Brenda Parkinson, '36, is presi- dent of W.A.A. which ist holding a sports spread today at Barbour3 Gymnasium. Women's Team Defeats School In Badminton Winning four out of five matches, the University women's badminton team decisively defeated University High Monday afternoon in Barbour Gym. The University first team of Louise Paine, '36Ed, and Louise Lockeman, '37Ed, triumphed over Betty Robin- son and Priscilla Ehlers by a 15-4, 15-10 score. Caroline Woodford, '36Ed, and Betty Lyon, '39A, defeated Jean Langford and Elizabeth Wat- kins, 15-10 and 15-11, while Helene Kipf, '37Ed, and Floydene Beardslee, '36Ed, were beating Jean Willis and Jackie Rothman, 15-7 and 15-11. The only High win occurred when Mary Hayden and Betty Ferris were victors over Marguerite McQuillan, '39A, and Phyllis Carey, '39A, 22-20 and 15-11. Since the high school brought no fifth team, Jean Wills and Jackie Rothman played for the second time against Marguerite Higgins, '39, and Frances Alpert, Ed, and were barely defeated, 15-12 and 15-13. The first round of the beginners' tournament must be played off by she end of the week, manager Helene .:pf announced yesterday. Hours when games may be played or play-, ers may practice are posted on the Barbour Gym bulletin board. Theatre: Majestic, "The Last Days of Pompeii" with Preston Foster and I "Her Master's Voice" with Edward Everett Horton; Michigan, "Escape Me Never" with Elizabeth Bergner; Whitney, "Dark Hour" and "Mur- der at Glen Athol"; Wuerth: "The Man Who Broke,. the Bank at Monte Carlo" with Ronald Colman and "Splendor" with Miriam Hopkins. Lectures: Prof. E. Cech of the Uni- versity of Brno will lecture on Top- ology at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Room 3011 A.H. Dr. Paul Tillich-will speak on "The Religious Situation in Ger- many" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science Auditorium. is interesting to notice what a re-' freshing effect a change of arrange- ment has on one. Even if you have- a special way of wearing your hair_ that you prefer above all others, change it for a short time and you will appreciate the original style more. However, there are very definiteI changes of style in arrangement. According to the dictates of New York stylists, the hair should be off the forehead and off the ears. It should be "infallibly neat and smooth" with no set waves or stiffness. Curls are banned except for the purpose of ac- centing a line of arrangement. Distinctive off-the-face effects are gained by unusual cutting. The top hair is clipped very short and curled back over the forehead in the form of1 Marriaoes Of Two Alumnae Announced By MARGERY MACKINTOSH Two weddings of special interest to members of the student body which1 took place recently are: that of the former Virginia Schurz, '34, and Charles F. Raber; and the former Nedra Alexander, '36, and Robert W. Minnick. The marriage of Miss Schurz, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Schurz of Clarkston, to Mr. Ra- ber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler M. Raber of Grand Rapids, took place Friday in the chapel of St. An- drews Episcopal Church. The Rev. Henry Lewis read the service. Mrs. Raber's only attendant was Mrs. George E. Gregory of Corning, N. Y. sister of the bride. The ushers were Daniel Schurz, '36, brother of the bride, and Roger Warshuis, of Ann Arbor. Richard Augment of Grand Rapids was the best man. A reception at the League followed the ceremony. Mrs. Raber is affiliat- ed with Alpha Phi sorority and Mr. Raber is a member of Sigma Phi fraternity. Mrs. Minnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Alexander, of St. Louis, and Mr. Minnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Minnick of Great Neck, L. I., were married recently. The cere- mony was performed in the Metro- politan M. E. Church in Detroit. The couple plan to reside in Flushing, N. Y. Mrs. Minnick attended the Uni- versity in '34 and '35 and was af- filiated with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr. Minnick is a graduate of St. John's Annapolis College, N.Y. VOGUE says: -Bun'remains ca classic" v~. _ Doctors From China Inspect Campus Life Dr. and Mrs. William W. Cadbury visited the University yesterday as guests of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson. counselor to foreign students and of the Lingnan alumni. Dr. Cadbury is on sabbatical leave and is touring the United States. Dr. Cadbury who has been head of the Health Service of Lingnan Uni- versity of Canton, China, for the past several years, and Dr. Morris of St. Luke's Hospital of Shanghai made an inspection tour of the infirmary and the University Hospital yesterday af- ternoon as guests of Dr. Warren 1Forsythe. Professor Nelson entertained both doctors and the Lingnan alumni at a luncheon yesterday at the Union. At 4 p.m. Professor Nelson, Dr. Morris, Dr. Cadbury, and Dr. Peter O. Okkel- berg held a conference on the health examinations of students entering from the Orient. Mrs. Nelson held a tea yesterday afternoon at the League in honor of Mrs. Cadbury. Lingnan alumni who attended the luncheon are Chi-Kan Lam, '39A, Yin Hong Pang, 37E,rCheuk Wa Leung, '36E, and Robert Fon Yee, '3 6E. of an evening ensemble. eague Applicants T o eIerviewed Interviews of applicants for major League positions will continue from 3 to 6 p.m. today, Winifred Bell, chairman of the Judiciary Council, announced. Women applying for chairmen of the orientation Committee are to be interviewed from 5 to 6 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office. Chairmen for the house-reception committee may come either today or from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow. All students who have not been interviewed are to report tomorrow afternoon between 4 and 6 p.m. at the Undergraduate Office. Women petitioning for positions on the Ju- diciar-y Council are to be interviewed tomorrow afternoon or next Tuesday, Miss Bell said. IHOLLISTER TO GIVE READING Prof. R. T. D. Hollister will read "Androcles and the Lion" at the Weekly Reading hour to be held at 4' p.m. today in 205 Mason Hall. This meeting will be open to the public. II CORSAGES TABLE DECORATIONS " 6 _ ______.__. . ._._..,__ __r.. ..._....____.__._®.._ ___.._........ . k =-- i WI JEWELRY and gTCH REPAIRING HAIL ER'S Jewelry State at Liberty n--m SPRING FLOWERS A Floral Shop of Qual- ity, Excellent Service, and Reasonable Prices. BALLARD FLORIST 335 S. 4th Ave. Phone 9527 Telegraph Delivery Service k III',, the home of Prof. L. C. Karpinski at 1315 Cambridge Road. During the afternoon, discussion will center on several tours of Europe which will be conducted under the auspices of the SITA, student travel association. The tours include sev- eral on bicycle and one by bus, each with different itineraries. Accomo- dations in Europe are found at vari- ous Youth Hotels in the different countries, establishments similar to our YMCA's and YWCA's. Several persons who have taken these tours previously will be at the tea. ; t . l i i , r I MILK-ICE CREAM SPECIAL TWO-LAYER BRICK VANILLA and FRUIT SALAD Superior Dairy Compa Phone 23181 N AVY', I Qucen o o Coors and Jashions Perennial Spring favorite of the well- dressed woman.. . By the time the first crocus blooms, ?All the world will e Navy-minded Novelty Fabrics Prints Taffetas DRESSES} SHEER SUITS. TWEED SUITS BLOUSES ->)<-()-MAR ILYN SHOPPE;>0=>0=;; p 0 S Spring "O Li 6 Li 6 Lii Lii * ?y - w -0 Li -- ci- - - BCLOAUTS E(1 LSWEATERS SThey're all here! Cos- Li ~., tumnes for every occa- snevery one featur- n newest tors Li and fabic an deils;a Li ~Paris and Hollywood6 Li and New York approve! You'll want t~o see thes~e .....:: --fu ' i E ',.. JUST PUBLISHED- EWhyKeep ANEW PA UL D Author of "Microbe Hu and "Men A Alive' TITeBTLE BY )E KR UIF nters," "Hunger Fighters" against Death." WAL*OVER PRESENTS: Pyramid 0 Our newest and bluest. Every- thing about it is last minute styl- ing. Square toe. Square-backed 17/8 continental heel. Belted ef- fect that's so important in suits, hats, etc.Triangular cut-outs.And a brand-new sole construction- flexible as a dance slipper. An A rdwvu .style II - - - - - A- - - -i