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March 05, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-05

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

purified and clear of excess dust, the Public Health
Service has proved.
Despite the dissemination of this knowledge, the
Service has discovered that these preventive meth-
ods are not used very extensively, and those means
that are being used only "touch the surface."
The only plausible reason for this delay on the
part of industries whose workers are in contact
with dense clouds of dust is that owners do not
find it profitable to install the machinery neces-
sary. Therefore, any means taken to bring install-
ment of such machinery will of necessity result
in a conflict of labor and employer interests.
In such a situation, this lack of consideration of
the health of labor must, if it is to be obliterated,
be treated in the same manner as other claims of
labor, either by Congressional action as in Work-
men Compensation laws, or by the forceful meth-
ods of unions.
When the problem is viewed in this light, the
actions of the Senate Investigation Committee
take on a new importance. If its investigation
should result in a passage of a law which would
insure consideration by employers of the health
of employes, it would be a stimulus toward better-
ment of working conditions, establishment of child
labor laws, and further consideration of employes'
rights by employers.
On the other hand, if this investigation should
not prove fecund, labor may well believe that it has
come to an impassible hindrance on its path to a
better life in the form of big business men's greater
economic and political power.
The New Deal's
Third Anniversary - .
New Deal yesterday calls for a
review of the status of the Roosevelt Adminis-
tration to date.

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's DepartmellL: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagh Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tsing, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
What's Happened
To The Peace Council?...
ONCE UPON A TIME, on November
11 of last year, more familiarly
known as Armistice Day, a new and seemingly-
significant movement was begun here at the Uni-
The Daily, on the following morning, carried an
account of this event. It reported the "Inaug-
uration of a permanent University Peace Council,
which intends to convene at regular intervals
throuhout the year in the hope of furthering
the cause of peace on the campus."
The groups represented by this Council were
to make a "serious study of issues such as the
'armament inquiry,' the 'present war in Ethiopia,'
the 'strained relations between Japan and Russia,'
the 'activities of the League of Nations,' economic
causes' and 'military training.'" 'I
One Daily reporter was naive enough to think
that something of importance, something capable,
of profound influence on the thinking of University
students, had been created. He established con-
tacts with leaders of this movement, learned of
plans to import a speaker versed in the lore of
peace propaganda and to create group discussions
on the issues referred to above.
After a few weeks of pestering, even he lost
Was the "flash in the pan" character of this
Peace Council directly the fault of those students'
who were responsible for its origin, was it directly
the fault of the student body or was it not a fault
at all?
To accept the last of these possibilities - to I
assume, in other words, the absence of any need*
for organized student agitation for peace -is to
place one's self in that awkward position, com-
monly associated with the ostrich, in which the
head is buried in the sands of blissful ignorance.
And surely, the issues raised by the original plans
of the Council, such as Russo-Japanese relations
and armament inquiries, have not appreciably
diminished in world-wide importance since last
November. r
The fault, then, is attributable either to mem-
bers of the Council or to University students in
general. Since it must appear the height of fool-
ishness to blame the mass of students for not re-
sponding to a movement which was never really
begun, and since large groups of students have
given an enthusiastic demonstration of their peace
fervor on more than one occasion in the past,
the responsibility devolves almost entirely upon
the originators of the Council.
The Daily has faith in the awareness of college
students to the seriousness of peace problems, in
the active interest they would display in a program
offering them the opportunity of applying their
own personal thoughts and activities constructively
to those problems.
Leadership necessary to create such a program,
however, seems non-existent at the present time,

but there is no field of extra-curricular activity
which would prove more profitable and worth-
while to students who would like to see this void
at least partially filled.
The Silicosis

It was on March 4, 1933, when the crisis of the
depression was at its peak, that Franklin Delano
Roosevelt began that machine-gun series of inno-
vations that was dubbed (the words were taken
from his inaugural address) the New Deal. The
first was an edict closing all banks throughout the
nation. Within 48 hours after that, in a midnight
radio address, the President promised his gold
embargo, and America went off the gold stand-
ard. And that was only the beginning.
Into the midst of the nation-wide, and in many
respects world-wide, chaos, while the Secretary of
the Treasury, the late William H. Woodin, was
struggling to reopen thousands of closed finan-
cial institutions and repair a broken monetary
system, came news of the National Industrial
Recovery Act. Few persons knew what it meant,
least of all members of Congress.
Then came the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and
its provisions too, were a long way from being un-
derstood. The TVA followed, as did devaluation
of the dollar and the Civil Works Administration.
The more specific achievements of the New Deal
are hard, even now, to determine. The first and
most signal is, no doubt, that it succeeded in giving
out millions of dollars in relief to people who were
literally starving. The second is that it initiated
a well-defined program for getting the country out'
of the depression. The third is that it attempted
multitudinous reforms as well as recovery, giving
equal emphasis to both.
Against these are the criticisms: its program was
accompanied by unprecedented expenditures at a
time wien the country could least stand them;
that politics has woven itself into the structure of
relief organizations; that it created in the country
an atmosphere, mostly in business circles, of un-
Icertainty which tended to limit industrial activ-
ity'; and that its recovery programs shot prices up
but failed to carry wages with them.
But most important of all today, is the question
that all America is asking itself: Has the Roose-
velt Administration - the New Deal - succeeded
or is it succeeding in its main objective: bringing
the nation out of the depression?
And that question is one we cannot answer.
On the way America answers it Nov. 6 dependsI
the fate of the New Deal. And on whether or
not they answer it correctly may depend the ulti-
mate fate of this country.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
The Olympics
To the Editor:
Here are the inspiring words of Baron Pierre
de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympics:
"May joy and good fellowship reign, and in this'
manner, may the Olympic Torch pursue its way,
through the ages, increasing friendly understand-
ing among nations, for the good of a humanity
always more enthusiastic, more courageous and
more pure." -M. Levi, Professor-Emeritus.
NYA Checks
To the Editor:
Why do students working on the National YouthI
Administration have to wait so long for their
checks? Although the slow-pokes over at the
Building and Grounds, or whoever is responsible
for the great delay may not realize it, the length
of time we must wait, and the uncertainty of just
when the checks will arrive, works a tremendous
hardship on many of the workers. We did not re-
ceive the December pay-checks until the 14th
of January, although we were all through our
work by December 26th-nearly three weeks be-
fore. We have always had to wait at least two
weeks for the checks after we have had to have all
our work in (the 26th of each month). If there

The Conning Tower
Heavy the snow on woods and frozen fields-
The hills - the little ice-imprisoned streams ...
Close in that white embrace, the good earth
Unto that still, white peace the good earth yields:
Secure in wisdom, it is well content
To wait the certain miracle of spring.
So love may be - a mute, prophetic thing-
A song unsung but strangely eloquent--
Holding two lovers in its quiet thrall,
Marking sweet hours before that hour of birth
Which proves its destiny: even as the earth
Sleeps till the first brave robin's northward call-
Clear as the joy of vernal winds that blow-
Disturbs the long dream, the possessive snow.
Our hope is that the motion picture and hotel
interests will have to pay members of the American
Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
when they use their stuff. The term authors,
however, means writers of the words of songs. At
present the radio companies have to pay members
of that society when their words and music are
broadcast. The only boys who never get a nickel
for the use of their stuff are the writers of verse,
which usually is used without permission of the
author or the publisher.
Teaching isn't the pure teaching that it once
was. Most of it is now attacked on the ground of
propaganda. History, economics, English--the
teachers are Communists or Fascists. Mathe-
matics soon will be tainted, and the teachers will
be "subversive." Problems will ask "if a cistern
can be filled in eight minutes, why is the cap-
italistic system allowed to charge exhorbitant
rates for water?" And "If three men can do a
piece of work in six weeks what party do they be-
long to?"
SOME of us choir boys thought it was fun to tease
him because he looked so queer with only one
eye and nothing but an empty socket where a glass
one ought to be. Our parents tried to shame us
by stressing that he was too poor to buy a glass
eye, and that he must be brave, because he had
never whimpered when a factory machine he was
tending went wrong and pushed his eye right out.
He was rather shabby, and he also was the meekest
man we boys had ever known. His only reaction
to our teasing was a solemn wink of that lonely eye
and an odd wrinkling of the cheek on that side.
It might have been a smile or a scowl. As I look
back now I'm sure it was a smile
He could not sing, nor could the rest of us sing
without him. He served the church from a hidden
cubby hole in the organ depths, where the per-
spiration dropped down on the pump lever between
his gnarled hands. Always he had a palm-leaf
fan hanging on a hook beside his straight-backed
chair, but even such a burly man couldn't pump
that huge organ with one hand and fan himself
with the other. It was stuffy in his work cell, and
he couldn't keep the door open because late comers
entering the north transept would see him. That
wouldn't have been so bad; he wasn't hard to look
at if you didn't look him in the eye; but the rector
thought even a glance at the dusty bowels of that
organ was not a pleasing sight. So Frank Don-
nelly earned his dollar a Sunday in the sweat of
his brow.
His hair was gray, like the dust that coated the
bellows. Sometimes during the sermon I would
hope that he was snatching a few one-eyed winks
of rest, but often I heard him talk about the ser-
mon with the sexton after church. Maybe he
thought it was his duty to stay awake. He had
to listen sharply because even the bishop's sten-
torian tones filtered back to him only faintly
through the labyrinth of reeds and pipes. They
were dull sounding boards for any but their own
music. The threat of hell fire left them cold, but
a hallelujah chorus warmed them with buoyant
harmonies that must have made Frank's heart
glow as it thumped the faster to feed strength to
the full fortissimo of the organ whose life breath
he was.
I used to be glad when the pianissimo passages

came along. He could pump with less religious
fervor then. Kneeling by the choir stalls, I never
saw him while he stood pumping easily during the
soft strains underlying the moments, all too rare,
of silent prayer. Yet I'm sure he was praying
on his feet, for he was a devout man, with no taint
of pride in him.
Always he was the last communicant to climb
the steps between the stalls, kneel at the chancel
rail and eat of his Master's body and drink of His
blood. How he timed himself I never knew. Per-
haps he stood beside the organ in the north tran-
sept and watched until the lines thinned out of
the aisles and there were no more stragglers.
Never did he kneel near the center of the rail, but
always at the north end, where he could rise from
his knees and return to his cubby hole by way of
the vestry room behind the north choir stall. I
suppose - you could not ask him, of course - that
he came up the steps as everybody else did, be-
cause that was the way he should come, but he
preferred to return the hidden way because there
was really no reason why he should have to face
the whole congregation alone with his lonely eye.
When electricity took the bellows and the pump
out of the organ it took the heart out of him. For
a few Sundays, morning and night, he sat in a
north transept pew close to the organ. Then we
heard that he was gone. The doctor said it
was a bad heart. The rector said his last words
sounded much like "Lord, now lettest thou thy
servant depart in peace," but you could scarcely
be sure - there was so little breath left in the man.
From Miss Lillian Passman comes a note telling'
that he inir The Cannni n r, m n a fn I

A Washington
WASHINGTON, March 4. - The
successive Republican nomina-
tion "booms" afford a study. That
which happens to reach a crest just
on the eve of the Cleveland conven-
tion unquestionably would have a
distinct advantage.
The boomers all know that. All are
hoping for a last moment rush for
their men, and are laying plans.
There have been four such distinct
"boom" movements and a few boom-
lets also. Some of the latter have
folded up, others just lapsed into si-
IT STARTED with the Vandenberg
boom. The Michigan Senator was
joshed by his senate colleagues over
his supposed ambitions almost on the
heels of the Roosevelt election. Van-
denberg waved it all aside. He has
now declared himself "not a candi-
date" for anything.
Then Col. Frank Knox was much
talked about. His boom may not
have made its way into the Congres-
sional Record as did Vandenberg's;
but it was decidedly present in the
cloak room discussions.
Then the Borah boom crashed
through. Everybody began talking
Borah, with or without his consent
long before the Borah plunge into the
Ohio primaries.
Meanwhile the Landon boom was
shaping. When the Kansas governor
finally took the plunge in his Topeka
speech on national issues, the most
impressive movement of the Repub-
lican pre-convention campaigning to
date began unfolding itself. To the
eyes of the political dopesters ,the
Landon boom blossomed almost over-
night into something to be seriously
reckoned with by all other conten-
ders for the nomination honor.
APPARENTLY that also is the view
of Colonel Knox and his advisers.
Soon after the Landon boom was
duly set off in Topeka, the Knox-for-
President lot in Chicago got out the
first press "clip-sheet" publicity in
behalf of any candidate. You could
read there, and reprint if you so de-
sired, a great deal about the life and
philosophy of Colonel Knox. You
could even get picture mats on ap-
That particular publicity trimming
is especially interesting because of
the talked of flair of Colonel Knox
for organization.
While all the sparring is going on
about Republican primaries else-
where, nothing but silence comes out
of Dixie as to how southern dele-
gations will vote at Cleveland. Yet
a bit of quiet organization work down
south could prove a big factor at

VOL. XLVI No. 106
To The Members of the University
Council: The regular March meeting
of the University Council has been
Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar-
ships in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Applications
for these scholarships for the year
1936-37 may now be made on blanks
to be obtained at the office of the
Dean of the College. All blanks must
be returned to the same office on or
before March 20. These scholarships
may be held by those who are en-
rolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts only. The
Marsh Scholarships are available to
both men and women, the Mandle-
baum Scholarships may be awarded
to men only. For further information
consult the bulletin on Scholarships
and Fellowships which may be ob-
tained at the office of the Secretary
in University Hall.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
States Civil Service Examinations for
Associate Research Physiologist, sal-
ary, $3,200; and for Flat-Bed Book-
keeping Machine Operator, salary,
For further infornation concern-
ing these examinations(all at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00
and 2:00 to 4:00.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected
for credit after Saturday, March 7.
Students enrolled in this school must
report all changes of elections at the_
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Universi-
ty Hall. Ihis includes any change
of sections or instructors.
Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin util all changes have
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with the instuctos are
not official changes.
Crime and Punishment: The pros-
pect of capacity houses again forces'
us to remind our patrons to order
their tickets early. The box office
will be open from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00
p.m., on Thursday and from 10:00
a.m. - 8:30 p.m., on Friday and
Saturday. Phone 6300.
A calde tgi: Notices
Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German De-
For the second semester this ex-
amination will be given on Wednes-
day, March 18, at 2 p.m. in Room 203
Students who intend to take the
examination are requested to regis-
ter their names at least one week be-
fore the date of the examination at
the office of the German Depart-
ment, 204 U.H., where information
and reading lists are available.
History Make-Up Examinations:
The make-up examinations in all his-
tory courses will be given Thursday,
March 5, 3 to 6 p.m., in B. Haven.
Economics 52: There will be no lec-
ture today.
Geology II Final Examination: The
make-up examination will be given
Friday at 2:00 in Room 3055 N.S.
Lectur s
University Lecture: Mr. Paul Dietz,
of the Carl Schurz Memorial Founda-

tion, Philadelphia, will read in Ger-
man from Goethe and Schiller on
Thursday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
public is cordially invited,
Library Science Special Lectures:
The first two of a series of special
lectures to be given this semester will
occur on Friday, March 6, at 4:00 p.m.
and on Saturday, March 7, at 10:00
a.m. in Room 110 in the General Li-
brary. Mr. J. Christian Bay, the Li-
brarian of the John Crerar Library
of Chicago, will speak on "Western
Books." The lecture is open to all
persons interested.

Publication in the 8ulletIn i' I const ructive notice to all members of the
Vniversity. copy received at the ottie o t se Asistant to the President
l a te a.m on Stray.

which is under the auspices of the
Religious Education Committee.
Dr. Paul Tillich, formerly Profes-
sor of Philosophy of Religion at the
Unier'sity of Frankfort-am-Main, will
speak on "Christianity and the World
Situation" in the Michigan League
Friday, March 6, 4:15 p.m. This
meeting is sponsored by the Student
Christian Association and is open to
all students.
Presbyterian Lenten Lectures: The
subject for this week is Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress." Dr. Lemon will
give his lecture at 7 o'clock. Reserva-
tions are necessary for the supper
which is held at 6 o'clock. The meet-
ing is held in the Masonic Temple,
327 South Fourth, and students and
faculty are invited.
Etchings, Lithographs and Dry
Points by American Print Makers in
Alumni Memorial Hall, March 4 thru
15, to 5.
Fine Arts 192 and 204: Attention is
called to a small one-case exhibit of
at objects of the Classical age of
China. Museums Building, 4th floor.
Events Of Today
Geology Journal Club: Meeting at
7:00 p.m., Room 3065 N.S. Mr. Hen-
ry F. Donner will discuss his doctor's
degree problem, and later moving
pictures of the new geology summer
camp in Colorado will be shown. All
interested are cordially invited to
Zoology Seminar: Mr. A. Sidney
Hyde will speak on "The Life History
and Ecology of Henslow's Sparrow,"
and Mr. Burton T. Ostenson on "The
Ecological Distribution of the Mam-
mals of the Sandhills of Nebraska,"
7:30 p.m., Room 2116 N.S.
Observatory Journal Club meets in
the Observatory lecture room at 4:15
p.m. Dr. H. D. Curtis will review
some recent papers on Nebulae. Tea
will be served at 4:00 p.m.
Engineering Council: Regular busi-
ness meeting at 8 p.m., M.E. comput-
ing room of West Engineering Build-
A.I.E.E. meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 248. John R. Bangs will speak
on "Photoelectric Cells." All Elec-
trical Engineers are invited. Refresh-
Acolytes will hold a special meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 South
Wing. Dr. Paul Tillich, formerly
Professor of the Philosophy of Re-
ligion at the University of Frank-
fort-am-Main, will speak on "Phil-
osophical Tendencies in Germany
since 1900." All students and faculty
interested in Philosophy are invited
to, attend this meeting.
Radio Club meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Room 321, Union. Mr. Paul Gebhardt,
of the International Radio Corp., will
make a comparison of glass and metal
radio tubes.
Tau Epsilon Rho, National Legal
IFraternity, will hold a tea at the
Hillel Foundation, 3:30 p.m. There
will be entertainment. All are invited.
Phi Tau Alpha, societas honorifica
Latina Graecaque die quinto mensis
Marti hora usitata in Hospitium
Mulierum Michiganensium conveniet.
Disputatio de Academia Platonis
habebitur. Gaudete hoc sodalitate
Student Senate Members: The first
meeting of the Executive Committee
of Six will be held at 4:30 p.m., in the
Union. If you have any topics or
questions suitable for the subet of

the initial campus discussion, please
leave them at the Union desk, where
the chairman will pick them up.
Varsity Glee Club: Important re-
hearsal 7:30 p.m.
Tryouts for French Play: Thursday
and Friday this week from 3:00 to
5:00 o'clock in Room 408 Romance
Languages Building. Open to all stu-
dents interested.
hillel Student Council: Important
meeting at the Foundation at 5:00
p.m. Please attend.
The Christian Science Organization
at the University of Michigan an-
nounces a Free Lecture on Christian
Science by William D. Kilpatrick
C.S.B. of Detroit in Hill Auditorium,
Thursday evening, March 5, at 8:00
o'clock. The public is cordially in-
vited to attend.
Harris Hall: Student Starvation
Luncheon today from 12 noon to 1
o'clock. All students and their friends
are cordially invited. Proceeds will
go to the Discretionary Fund for stu-
Michigan Dames Art Group meets




Double Feature


A Radio picture starring Preston Fos-
ter, featuring Basil Rathbone and Dor-
othy Wilson.
"The Last Days of Pompeii" is one
of those stupendous extravaganzas
which have been emanating from
Hollywood of late. Nevertheless, it
has one good point, the acting of Basil
Rathbone as Pontius Pilate, Roman
governor of Judea. The story has
taken nothing from the excellent book
of the same name but the title, which
proves very misleading.
Marcus, a poor blacksmith, played
by Preston Foster, is the hero who
rises from his lowly state to become
the richest man in all Pompeii, and
the master of the arena. In his work
as promoter of all arena events, he
arouses the anger of his son, a hu-
manist, who breaks with his father,
and aids in the escape of slaves des-
tined for the gladiatorial "games."
From this point the story weaves on
until it is interrupted by the eruption
of Vesuvius, and all Pompeii's walls
come tumblin' down. Since not even
the scenes of this great catastrophe
are impressive, and since all of the
acting, with the exception of Basil
Rathbone's, is amateurish, the picture
takes on the tone of a little theatre
production, and again Hollywood loses
a chance to do something worth-
This picture makes clear another
of our movie magnates' great faults-
that of parading their brain children
behind false faces. The title "The Last
Days of Pompeii" has been borrowed
from a great book to lure in thej



Mathematical Lecture:

The last

sheep that they may
is supported by a story
character. That isn't
isn't art, either.

be shorn, and
of the flimsiest
cricket, and it

A Paramount picture. starring Ed-
ward Everett Horton and Peggy Conk-
lin. featuring Grant Mitchell and Laura
Hope Crews.
This is a light little comedy, with
Edward Everett Horton not quite
at his best as the adoring husband;

lecture of Professor E. Cech of the
University of Brno, Czechosloakia, on
the subject of Topology will be given
on Thursday, March 5, 3 p.m., Room
3011 A.H.
Chemistry Lecture: Professor J. H.
Mathews, of the chemistry depart-
ment of the University of Wisconsin,
will lecture on "The Use of Scientific
Methods in the Identification of the
Criminal" on Monday, March 9. 4:00
p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium.
The lecture is under the auspices of
the University and the local section j

Investigation .

. .

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