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March 05, 1936 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-05

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T ll-71 DAY. TUARCH 5, 1939

---- - _ __

TTTUR ,..DAY ... MA* R . h . Th. vav.

New Program Of
Taxes Receives
Ford Approval
Innovations Termed 'Very
Constructive And Logical'
By Taxation Expert

Bridge Threatened In New Illinois Flood

(Continued from Page 1)
fessor Ford said, along with the nor-
mal tax on dividends, has been esti-
mated to make up for the estimatec
$994,600,000 repealed taxes as well a
to supply $517,000,000 toward cover-
ing the processing taxes and th
$120,000,000 needed to cover paymen
of the bonus. The undistribute
profits tax itself, according to presi-
dential estimates, would yield $1,-
614,000,000 annually.
The "windfall tax," he continued,
means a levy on the amount returned
to processors by the government afte
the AAA decision. That is, the pro-
cessors paid the processing tax under
protest, and it was held in a sep-
arate fund by the treasury, now be-
ing returned to them. But the pro-
cessors therefore really make a gain
because they charged higher prices
in the first place to meet the pro-
tested tax.
Praising the undistributed profits
tax as one which "would do much
to improve the system of corpora-
tion taxation," Professor Ford de-
clared that "the issue involved is
whether corporate income should be
taxed in the hands of the corporation
or in the hands of the individual
stockholder. Our present system of
corporate taxation," he continued,
"represents a compromise between
these two points of view, because cor-
porations are now subject to the cor-
porate net income tax of 13 and
three-quarters per cent, in addition
dividends in the hands of stockhold-
ers are subject to a surtax, although
exempt from the normal tax of four
per cent.
"Although historically the method
of taxing corporations on their net
incomenand allowing individual ex-
emption was a logical one because the
rate of corporate net income was
approximately the same as the com-
bined rates of the normal tax," Pro-
fessor Ford advised, "since 1918 the
rate of normal tax has gradually
been reduced until it amounts to only
four per cent. Thus at present the
amount of the tax paid by the cor-
poration is greater than the exemp-
tion granted to the individual."
68:O-WJR Musical Moments.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Alice Sheldon.
CKLW Omar.
6:15-WJR News of Youth.
WXYZ Contrasts in Music.
WWJ Dinner Music.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Strange as It Seems.
WWJ Musical Moments.
WXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Old Bill.
7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.
7:15-WJR Jimmie Allen.
WWJ Popeye the Sailor.
WXYZ Nine to Five.
7:30-WJR Kate Smith.
WWJ-Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Musical Moments.
CKLW Variety Revue.
7:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Tune Twisters.
WXYZ Red Horse Ranch.
8:00-WJR Harve and Esther:
Victor Arden's Music.
WWJ Rudy Vallee's Music.
WXYZ Pittsburgh Symphony.
CKLJW Gabriel Heatter.
8:130-WJR Gertrude Nelsen and Harry
WXYZ Merry-Go-Round.
CKLW Little Symphony.
8:45-WJR Musical Program.
WMBC Polish Hour.
9:00-WJR Walter O'Keefe:
Glen Gray's Music.
WWJ Captain Henry's Showboat.
WXYZ Death Valley Days.
CKLW Marching Men.
9:15-CKLW Andrew F. Kelly.
9:30-WJR Ed Wynn-Gulliver the
WXYZ Mellow Music.
CKLW Rick Roberts.
9:45-WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music.
1O:O-WJR Horace Heidt's Brigadiers.
-WWJ fing Crosby:
Jimn Dorsey's Music.
WXYZ Jubilee Singers.
CKJLW Recital Hall.
10:15- XYZ Reis and Dunn.
10:30-WJR March of Time.
WXYZ Lowry Clark.
CKLW Jack Hylton's Music.
10:45-WJR Dance Tunes.

1 WXYro Gray Gordon's Music.
112:00-WJR Bulletins.
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.1
WXYZ Baker Twins. ,
CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
11:15WJR Moods in Music. .
CKLW Anson Weeks' Music.
WXYZ Emil Coleman's Music.
11:30-WWJ George Kavanagh's Music.
WXYZ Dornberger's Music.
CKLW Jack Denny's Music.
11:45-WJR "Solay" violinist.
12:00-WJR Bert Stock's Music.
WWJ Minneapolis Symphony.
WXYZ Ruby Newman's Music.
CKLW Orville Knott's Music.
12:30--WXYZ Russ Morgan's Music.
WJR Henry Halstead's Music.
1:00-CKLW DeMarco's Music.
1:30-CKLW Will Osborne's Music.
"CRIME and
with 500 English Titles.
"The French version of 'Crime
et Chatinent' recaptures the

Prof. Sanders
Lauds Fascist
Describing the results of the Fascist
regime which he has seen and ap-
proved, Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the
Latin department, spoke yesterday
on "Italy" over the University Broad-
casting Service.
"Twenty years or more ago," Profes-
sor Sanders said, "trains were crowd-
ed, smoky, and generally late, hotels
over-charged, ticket sellers and mer-
chants short-changed or passed bogus
coins, and you were followed every-
where you went on foot by a ragged
crowd of beggars, mostly children."
Pickpockets and petty thieves were
everywhere, roads were rough and
disagreeable, sanitation bad, and
drinking water of doubtful safety ex-
cept in large cities, he added.
Under the Fascist regime, the
speaker pointed out, good automobile
roads have been built, cities are now
clean and sanitary, and in the larger
cities streets are being broadened.
"Honesty is now the order of the
Fascist rule. Everywhere, prices are
posted and adhered to."
Petty crimes and begging are stern-
ly and efficiently repressed by a nu-
merous and active police, aided by
an army of Fascist officers who seem
to be omnipresent, Professor Sanders
continued. "Tipping for special fa-
vors has been stopped. Insanitary
spitting and the use of seats for a
footrest are forbidden."


Place advertisements with Classified
4dvertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
)'clockprevious to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at on
extra charge.
Eash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions. 10c
per reading line for three or more
insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in-
relephone rate -15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
0% discount if paid withirn ten days
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily,
one month. ..............8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.......8c
2 lines daily, college year ......?c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.......Sc
100 lines used as desired .. ..9(
300 lines used as desired........8
1.000 lines used as desired.......(
2.000 lines used as desired-------.6
The above rates are per reading line.
based on eight reading lines per inch,
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
Sc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
l~c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point
Heads Of TVA
To Participate
in Ceremonies

SOPH PROM ticket wanted. Call
STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices Klein, 3936. 357
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x FOR RENT - ROOMS
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. FOR RENT: Double or half of double


Careful work at low price.


ONE THIRD off on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street.
Phone 9625. 14x
STATIONERY: Prilted with your
name and address. 100 sheets. 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effl-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
ATTENTION MEN: Due to increas-
ing demand, holders of Michigan
Wolverine Cafeteria memberships,
who desire to sell, will profit by
calling 2-1124 at any meal hour.
D. R. Murdock, Treas. 352
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlmann. 354
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
LOST: A large zipper notebook, con-
taining a math and harmony text-
book Reward. Call 2-1617. 361

roOm near campus -- well heated.
showers. Call 9888. 360
LARGE warm suite for one or two
students. One block from Engi-
neering Building. Reasonable. 1118
S. University. Phone 3743. 311
FOR RENT: Suite with private bath
and shower for three instructors,
students, or business men. Also
single room. Shower bath. Steam
heat. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash-
ington. 353
LONG, black velvet evening wrap,
drop-shoulder fur collar. $19. Call
mornings at 723 Church. 358



-Associated Press Photo.
For all practical purposes this b.ridge across the Illinois river north
of Beardstown, Ill., ceased to perform its normal functions when a flood
inundated it under more than a foot of water and overran surrounding

Continuous 1:30 - 11 p.m.
15c to 6 - 25c after 6
----- and

Taiks By Medical ,Professors Feature
Ann Arbor Visit Of 1,000 Physicians

(Continued from Page 4)
advantages of the survey, Dr. Hodges
pointed out that the average cost
per patient of the X-ray pictures
was 67 cents, and that the "bugaboo
of high X-ray costs no longer exists."
Upon the basis of the success of
the University Hospital experiment,
Dr. Hodges concluded that there is
a distinct advantage in "knowing
what every patient's chest looks like."
The talk by Dr. Frederick A. Coller,
professor of surgery, on "Clinical
Aspects of Water Balance and De-
hydration" was also based on ob-
servations made at the University
The healthy individual retains
water balance by responding to hun-
ger and thirst, Dr. Coller pointed out,
but the sick person is sometimes un-
able to do so. The problem of how
much water to give to a patient
is sometimes puzzling to a physician,
he said, declaring that "a surpris-
ing amount of water is lost from the
surface of the body, in addition to
normal excretions, even under condi-
tions of moderate temperature and
physical activity."
Dr. Coller Speaks
Dr. Coller told of the study of the
University surgical staff on the water
last during four-hour operation and
post-operation periods when the pa-
tient was in an "ether bed," reporting
that the average operation extracts
one litre of water, three-fourths of
it from the surface of the body and
the lungs..
This study of the various aspects
of loss of water during the operation
and post-operation period enabled the
surgeons, Dr. Coller said, to cal-
culate the amount of water needed
to maintain the patient's water bal-
Some of the more significant points
in "The Relations Between Emotion
and Disturbance of Physiologic
Function" were discussed by Dr.
Carl D. Camp, professor of neurology,
who began by pointing out that, al-
though such emotional disturbances
as sweating and trembling are easily
recognized, visceral and secretoryt
changes are not so apparent and are1
often overlooked.
Emotions Affect Organism{
"Emotional phenomena affect the
whole organism," he declared, "but1
the complaint of the patient will varyf
little with the extent of the disturb-I
ance." The patient's reaction to emo-
tional phenomena sometimes gives
the diagnostician valuable clues, he
"What frightens one person may
anger another and leave a third en-
tirely unmoved," Dr. Camp proceed-
ed, "and emotional conflict persists
only as long as the cause of the con-
Social Dancing
Class Tonight
Begins tonight at 8 pm
garden Studio, Wuerth
- heatre Bldg. Ph. 9695.

flict persists. It is wrong to believet
that a disorder is the result of 'emo-
tional shock' if the cause of emotion-
al conflict has ceased to exist."
Mention of the interesting and not
inconceivable possibility that emo-
tional effects may alter the bodily
structure was made by Dr. Camp in
his conclusion.
Remarkable progress in controlling
a disease that was once considered
fatal was reported by Dr. Cyrus C.
Sturgis, director of Simpson Memor-
ial Institute, in his discussion of "The
Present Status of Pernicious Anemia:
Experience with 600 Cases over Eight
Years." Much has been learned, al-
so, of the nature of blood during this
period, he said.
Dr. Sturgis Talks
Advantages of the intra-muscular
administration of liver extract to suf-
ferers from anemia, as opposed to
the oral and intra-venous methods of
treatment were cited by Dr. Sturgis,
who declared that most failures in
the treatment of the disease result
from failure to recognize that treat-
ment only controls and does not elim-
inate the cause of the disease, and
that the patient must remain under
observation for an indefinite period
of time.
"Usually objective improvement in
the patient's condition occurs only in
very slight degree," he stated, "al-
though there is sometimes striking
improvement. Subjective improve-
ment is often considerable."
During the period of the last eight
years, Dr. Sturgis said, 10 per cent of
the patients he has studied have died.
One-half of these succombed to cases
of lesions of the spinal cord. Lack
of cooperation by the patient and
the frequently advanced state of his
disease were prominent factors bring-
ing death, Dr. Sturgis declared.
Sees Improvement
The majority of the other five per
cent died of normal disorders such as
cardiac disease and pneumonia, he
Dr. Sturgis sees greater improve-
ment and refinement of the methods
of treatment of anemia sufferers in
the future.
A comparatively new medical en-
deavor, "The Surgical Treatment of
Hypertension," was discussed by Dr.
Max M. Peet, professor of surgery, in
the concluding talk of the Ann Arbor
Day program.
"The surgical treatment of hyper-

tension is of such recent origin that
observations have been taken over
only a short period and no one can
tell what the ultimate result will be,"
Dr. Peet said, "but there have been
startling successes."
Brain Surgeon Speaksc
There is a theoretical possibility,
he believes, that hypertension is pro-
duced by a cardiac or kidney lesion
which upsets the autonomic nervous
system, and this system may be over-
stimulated 6r respond in an abnormal
manner to a normal stimulus in cases
of hypertension.
The favorable mortality rate among
the 126 patients upon whom opera-
tions have been performed, the fact
that apoplexy has never been the
cause of death, that almost 50 per
cent of the patients have enjoyed
some improvement and one-third of
them marked improvement, have
been encouraging to the experiment-
ers, Dr. Peet stated.
"It just happened that there was a
brilliant result with my first patient
which encouraged me' to go ahead,"
Dr. Peet related.
However, it is still difficult to pre-
dict the effect of surgical work, which
is still of an "exploratory" nature, on
any patient, he said.

NORRIS, Tenn., March 4. - (P) -
The Tennessee Valley authority's ac-
tivities in this section were brought
to a jubilant climax today as Presi-
dent Roosevelt, state notables and
East Tennesseans joined in a celebra-
tion marking completion of the $36,-
000,000 Norris dam.
The President was to press a tele-
graph key at the White House thus
setting off a siren atop the 253-foot-
high structure.
This wasthe signal for workmen
to lower the sluiceway gates, block-
ing the eight openings in the dam
through which waters of the Clinch
river have been running.
As the waters began backing up to
form the 34,200-acre reservoir, the
program was to open with speeches
by A. E. Morgan, David Lilienthal
and H. A. Morgan, TVA directors.
The dam was built in a little more
than two years and is now complete
with the exception of a roadway
across its top and the power house.
PORT HURON, March 4. - (41) -
Mrs. Sophia Maud Buckley, 76 years
old, credited by seafaring associates
with having been the only woman to
captain a three-mastered schooner on
the Great Lakes, is dead.
Here's opportunity. Business out
of town necessitates giving up local
advertising contract netting $1000
or more yearly. Requires part-time
work. Knowledge ofeadvertising
not necessary. Will sell for $350.
Inquire Michigan Daily, Box 360.

Ca rtoon



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