LGE SIX THE MICHIGAN . DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1936 TUESDAY, MAI~CH 3,1936 Mussolini Must Choose Between Peace, Oil Ban Will Invite Italy, Ethiopia To Negotiate By Means Of League Framework (Continued from Page 1) Japanese Premier Who Resurrected Himself 'Ii. , .. . holding the door of peace open tc Mussolini - but only briefly. An oil experts' report before the Sanctions Committee points out that an oil embargo applied by all League states would be effective if United States' exports to Italy were limited to the normal level of those prior tc 1935. President Roosevelt's statement in connection with his signing an ex- tension of the Neutrality Law was in- terpreted here as moral pressure on American producersto keep their oil exports to Italy to that normal level. The Committee of 13 itself must de- cide whether to issue an appeal to both sides to cease fighting, but it was expected some form of tele- graphic appealwillbe sent to Il Duce and Emperor Haile Selassie. Domestic Situation Worse A spokesman for the Little Entente said today that Italy's domestic ec- onomic situation is growing worse be- cause of sanctions and that Mussolini probably would be disposed to ne- gotiate peace. On the other hand, League officials warned against over-estimating the chances for peace, foreseeing an ex- tremely critical situation if Il Duce rejects the opportunity - which some observers think he is more likely to do because of the oil embargo threat injected by Eden today. TheSanctions Committee decided not to meet until after the Council's Committee on Conciliation has re- ported. a 1 Z 1 J r 1 1 L t All Comes Out In The Wash! -Associated Press Photo. Prenier Reisuke Okada, whom the whole world believed assassinated during the Japanese rebellion, turned up very much alive with the revelation that his brother-in-law had been slain instead. He is shown with his son, a naval officer, accepting tea from his daughter-in-law. Catholic Doctrines Incompatible With Communism, Ryan Says Doctor Dumond k Will Publish BirneyLetters (Continued from Page 1) sor Dumond related, "Birney emanci- pated all his slaves, and went to Cen- tre College in Kentucky, where, for one year, he was the agent of the American Colonization Society in the Southwestern United States. This so- ciety was fostering the re-settlement of slaves in Africa. "The letters we have discovered have all Birney's correspondence and his account book during the period when he was' agent for this society," Professor Dumond declared. But then Birney turned against col- onization, Professor Dumond con- tinued. "He became an abolitionist, published an attack on colonization which was widely circulated, and pre- pared to publish an anti-slavery pa- per in Kentucky. This proposed pa- per became the subject of a violent controversy, and Birney was finally prevented from publishing it," he said. Correspondence in connection with this dispute is in the recently dis- covered group of letters. Prevented from establishing the Kentucky paper, Birney went to Cin- cinnati, and, in 1832, founded The Philanthropist, the first great anti- slavery paper in the West, Professor Dumond related. "Birney edited The Philanthropist until it was destroyed by a mob," he continued. "Then he went to New York City, became corresponding sec- retary of the American Slavery So-, ciety, and, in 1840, went to London as delegate to a world anti-slavery convention." In 1840 and again in 1844 Bi'ney was the presidential candidate of the Liberty Party, he said, and until 1853 he resided in Michigan, carrying on a widecorrespondence with men who were thinking of an anti-slavery party. gIt was during these years that the ground-work was laid for the Repub- licans," Professor Dumond stated.1 "The letters written during this per- iod are among the most important we have." When the Birney letters are in print, only two of the most important groups of anti-slavery correspon- dence, if they are still in existence and can be found, will remain to be published," Professor Dumond de- lared. "These are the letters of Augustus Wattles, a companion of Weld in early years, who later directed the settlement of fugitive slaves on farms and in trade schools," Professor Du- mond explained, "and the letters of Hiram Wilson, who went to Canada and supervised the settlement of slaves there." The Birney letters will be placed in the General Library when the work of editing and publishing them has been completed. Mr s. Hewitt Is ll, Fights Extr adli tion Modified Socialism May Harmonize With Church, MonsignorAdds By TUURE T. TENANDER Such extreme forms of collectiv- ism as Communism are completely incompatible with the doctrines of the Catholic Church, declared the Rt. Rev. Fr. John A. Ryan, Profes- sor of Moral Theology and Indus- trial Ethics at the Catholic Universi- ty of America, in an interview short- ly before his address in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Sunday night. "Howe er," Monsignor Ryan add- ed, "soe forms of socialism have been so much modified of late that it is difficult to say dogmatically wheth- er such a form of collectivism would be incompatible with church doc- trines." Monsignor Ryan, who arrived Sat- urday from Washington for his first appearances in Ann Arbor, was one of the first persons to openly advocate the entry of the United States into the League of Nations. He voiced re- gret that America did not enter im- mediately after the war, holding: "the League might have been en- tirely different if the United States had entered. Of course, the entry of the United States at this particular time is a debatable question, but we, should join the League when the Italo-Ethiopian crisis is over." Organization of labor is strongly favored by Monsignor Ryan. "Un- doubtedly the strength of organized labor is one of the best ways to ame- liorate the present social and ec- onomic maladjustments. I believe, also, that labor cannot be organized in all instances by the old craft union method. In our larger industries there are so great numbers of unskilled workers that organization by craft unions is almost a joke." In regard to commenting upon Father Charles E. Coughlin's policy of entering into the political realm, Monsignor Ryan was a bit reticent. However, he did say that he did not Local Delegates Are Asked To Germany An invitation to be represented at the celebration of the 550th anni- versary of the founding of the Ru- precht-Karl University to be held June 27-30 at Heidelberg, Germany. has been received by the University, Dr. F. E. Robbins announced yester- day. Professors Dewitt H. Parker, chair- man of the philosophy department, and Aloysius J. Gaiss of the German department have been commissioned to bring the felicitations of the Uni- versity to Heidelberg. wholly agree with Father Coughlin's monetary theories. "It is unfortunate that the Nye plan for neutrality did not go through," Monsignor Ryan said, "but possibly one cannot expect Congress to go ahead at too rapid a rate." He expressed a hope that when the neu- trality question comes up again in 1937 that Congress would then enact neutrality legislation of a more perm- anent nature. Talk Series On Libraries Will Begin With Bay Crerar Librarian Will Give Lecture Here On March 6, 7, 13 And 14 J. Christian Bay, librarian of the Join Crerar Library in Chicago, speaking here March 6, 7, 13 and 14, will be the first of a series of lec- turers to be presented by the library science department of the University, it was announced yesterday by Dr. William W. Bishop, librarian. These lecturers will be brought to Ann Arbor through funds provided by the Carnegie Corporation. The public is invited to attend these talks but they are given principally for the library science students and the staff of the University Library ac- cording to the announcement. Mr. Bay will devote one of his lec- tures to the John Orerar Library since, according to Dr. Bishop, it is one of the most excellent, up-to-date, successful libraries in the world. He will also speak on "Books of Western Travel and Adventure,' 'and other topics not yet announced. On Fri- day 6 and 13 he will lecture at 4 p.m. and on Saturday 7 and 14 at 10 p.m. in Room 110 of the General Library. James I. Wyer, director of the New York State Library and formerly head of the New York State Library School, will be the second speaker, presented on April 2, 3 and 4. An illustrated lecture on "The Presidents of the American Library Association in the Nineteenth Century" will comprise one of Mr. Wyer's talks. Louis Elbel's Nephew Opens Music Store Here Robert Elbel, Jr., nephew of Louis Elbel, who in 1898 wrote Michigan's famous marching song, "The Victors," announced yesterday that he is open- ing a music store in Ann Arbor. Elbel comes from South Bend,In d., the home of Louis Elbel and other members of the family, many of which have had musical careers. L ET THE CARS splash the mud, what care you! For you have the satisfaction of knowing that one of the laundries listed below will do the dirty work. All you have to do is leave your wash on your doorstep, where it will be picked up and returned to you spotlessly clean! WHEN you send your clothes to one of the four laundries listed below, you know without question that wear will be reduced to a minimum; that tensile strength of all fabrics will be carefully preserved; that the original brightness of colors will be protect- ed and guaranteed. All of these things and more you may expect and will receive at no extra cost from safe, scientific, certified Ann Arbor Laundries. Sample Bundle (Finished Service ) 6 HANDKERCHIEFS 3 SHIRTS 3 PAIRS OF SOX ( Folded - Ready to Wear ) 2 SUITS UNDERWEAR 2 BATH TOWELS 1 PAJAMA SUIT Cost 92c Price per Ib. MiiuS irts E xtra ** * l nBundle 50c 0 0 0 0 lOc 4 (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) IT'S No.1I NO EQUAL - NO SUPERIOR DE L UX E PORTABLE 1. Permanently Quiet. 2. Adjustable Tabulator 3. Non-Glare Finish 4. "TOUCH-CONTROL" $62.50 Standard Model - $49.50 (Cases included) I Sox Extra, per pair . .. 2c Handkerchiefs, Extra . Ic WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Co. KYER LAUNDRY Phone 4185